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楚雄市西山公园松小蠹综合法治理技术示范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>松小蠹是一种毁灭性蛀干害虫,有纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus pi- niperda Linnaeus)和横坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus minor Hartih)两种, 均属鞘翅目小蠹虫科切梢小蠹属。该虫在适生条件下,特别是在树势衰弱的云南松纯林条件下扩散蔓延最快,易造成大面积枯立木,导致大面积云南松林被毁灭,是威胁云南松林生长的最大  相似文献   

在云南省普洱市,短毛切梢小蠹[Tomicus brevipilosus(Eggers)]是思茅松[Pinus kesiyavar.langbianensis(A.Chev.)Gaussen]主要的蛀干害虫之一。本文报道了短毛切梢小蠹在普洱市的生物学特性。短毛切梢小蠹在普洱市1年发生1代,前后两代在冬春季有部分重叠。该虫1月上旬陆续开始羽化,3月下旬羽化结束。成虫羽化后即蛀食枝梢,直到11月开始转干繁殖。短毛切梢小蠹在普洱没有越冬习性。蛀干期从11月至次年3月。  相似文献   

云南切梢小蠹Tomicus yunnanensis,横坑切梢小蠹T.minor和短毛切梢小蠹T.brevipilosus是云南松的重要害虫。利用体视显微镜和扫描电镜,作者对上述3种切梢小蠹雌雄虫腹部末端可见背板(即雌虫第7节背板和雄虫第8节背板)的长和宽分别观察、测量和比较,研究快速准确区分两性成虫的新方法。结果表明:在两性之间,长度和宽度均存在明显差异。这3种小蠹雌虫腹部末端背板呈半圆形、宽大,长×宽分别为(590±17)μm×(827±31)μm,(619±25)μm×(780±16)μm和(594±29)μm×(815±21)μm;而雄虫腹部末端可见背板近似长方形、窄小,长×宽分别为(365±30)μm×(608±24)μm,(237±41)μm×(580±33)μm和(296±36)μm×(593±25)μm。该方法能在数秒内将雌雄虫分开,且不会伤害活虫,能最大限度地保留标本的完整性。  相似文献   

【目的】明确聚集信息素对横坑切梢小蠹诱捕量与不同危害程度的云南松林有虫梢率之间的关系,为横坑切梢小蠹种群监测与防治提供技术支持。【方法】采用随机抽样法,调查云南省祥云县普淜镇和下庄镇2个样地云南松林内切梢小蠹的危害情况,并在由梢部危害转至干部危害期利用聚集信息素诱捕横坑切梢小蠹成虫,分析横坑切梢小蠹在梢转干时期的种群变化规律及有虫梢率与诱捕量之间的关系。【结果】普淜和下庄2个样地横坑切梢小蠹和云南切梢小蠹是优势种。普淜样地中横坑切梢小蠹占49. 75%,雌雄比为1. 06∶1;云南切梢小蠹占50. 25%,雌雄比为1. 32∶1。下庄样地中横坑切梢小蠹占54%,雌雄比为1. 45∶1;云南切梢小蠹占46%,雌雄比为1. 88∶1。2样地中横坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期树冠有虫梢率从上到下依次降低,普淜样地有虫梢率约为下庄样地的10倍。2样地横坑切梢小蠹的诱捕量在整个梢转干期呈现相同的规律,成虫扬飞均始于11月中旬,终见于翌年5月下旬,扬飞高峰期是3月初至4月下旬。诱捕器中天敌种群数量与横坑切梢小蠹数量有明显的跟随现象。诱捕器中横坑切梢小蠹雌雄性比在1∶1. 09~1. 71之间,雄性个体数量明显多于雌性。横坑切梢小蠹林间有虫梢率(y)与诱捕量(x)之间呈线性正相关,其中在高虫口密度普淜样地拟合函数关系式为y=0. 002 4x+0. 060 1(R^2=0. 67),低虫口密度下庄样地拟合函数关系式为y=0. 003 2x-0. 004 3(R^2=0. 71)。【结论】了解高、低虫口密度下横坑切梢小蠹在云南松树冠中的分布规律,利用聚集信息素诱捕可作为监测横坑切梢小蠹种群变化的有效方法,且诱捕量与林间有虫梢率呈线性正相关,诱捕量可反应横坑切梢小蠹在蛀梢期的有虫梢率。  相似文献   

[目的]为了弄清中国云南4种切梢小蠹伴生菌的携带率差异,了解伴生菌在蠹害过程中的互作关系。[方法]采用人工接种法和野外调查法,检测松树韧质部是否蓝变,判断切梢小蠹带菌情况,统计分析小蠹试验材料的带菌率。[结果]云南切梢小蠹成虫带菌率(80%)明显高于横坑切梢小蠹(63%)、松芽小蠹(53%)、华山松切梢小蠹(56%)。切梢小蠹幼虫的带菌率最高(90%),其次是蛹的带菌率(78%),新成虫的带菌率最低(58%)。切梢小蠹头(33%)、足(30%)、翅(32%)3个重要器官带菌率差异不明显。林间调查表明,切梢小蠹伴生菌提高了小蠹蛀干繁殖的成功率。[结论]首次报道了中国云南4种切梢小蠹伴生菌的带菌特性及其差异,研究结果为揭示云南省切梢小蠹成灾机制及探索切梢小蠹有效防控新途径提供了科学数据支持。  相似文献   

松材线虫等5种有害生物在贵州省的风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
参照国内外专家对有害生物风险评价的分析方法,结合贵州省森林资源状况和病虫害发生发展情况,对松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner et Buhrer)Nickle、拟松材线虫B.mucrona-tus Mamiya et Enda、云南木蠹象Pissodes yunnanensis Langor et Zhng、萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xi-aoi Zhng、纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda Linnaeus 5种松树病虫在贵州的潜在风险性进行了分析和评价,结果表明松材线虫、拟松材线虫为高度危险,萧氏松茎象、云南木蠹象、纵坑切梢小蠹属中度危险。  相似文献   

切梢小蠹伴生真菌发生及病害特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
小长喙霉 ( Ophiostoma minus Hedgc.)于 190 6年作为新种定名为 Ceratostomella minorHedgc,1981年更名为 Ophiostoma minus Hedgc.,此后一直沿用至今 [1]。小长喙霉以小蠹虫( Tomicus spp.)为媒介 ,通过小蠹虫对树木的蛀害 ,被携带进入到寄主植物组织内 ,进行自身生命过程并危害寄主植物[2 ] ,故也被称为小蠹虫伴生真菌 [3,4] 。该菌的寄主植物主要是松树( Pinus spp.) [4] ,它在协助小蠹虫蛀害松树树木中扮演着重要的角色 [3,4]。80年代以来 ,纵坑切梢小蠹 ( Tomicus piniperda Linnaeus)在云南 8个地州大面积暴发成灾 ,10余万 hm2 …  相似文献   

本文从生态学角度出发,根据近40年来滇池流域生态环境的变化情况和松纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda L.)在该流域的危害情况,探讨了生态环境与松纵坑切梢小蠹发生的关系。事实证明:生态环境恶化是造成松纵坑切梢小蠹发生的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

在室内条件下,对繁殖期云南切梢小蠹和横坑切梢小蠹的竞争展开了研究。在养虫笼中放入来源同株云南松的2根木段,同时放入2种小蠹,分别放入1种小蠹,观察小蠹对其繁殖材料云南松木段的选择。试验表明,横坑切梢小蠹喜在树皮厚的木段上繁殖,即云南松树干的下部,而云南切梢小蠹喜在树皮薄的木段上繁殖,即云南松树干的上部。从产卵到新成虫羽化,云南切梢小蠹的历期明显短于横坑切梢小蠹,分别为86~89 d和120~125 d。结论:在中国云南,云南切梢小蠹对云南松的攻击能力强于横坑切梢小蠹,后者更具次期性害虫特点。  相似文献   

目的]通过分析云南切梢小蠹危害下的云南松枝梢高光谱特征,建立其危害程度监测模型和判定规则。[方法]使用便携式地面成像光谱仪采集云南切梢小蠹蛀梢期的云南松中、幼龄林枝梢光谱反射率数据,分析光谱特征并提取特征参数,以此构建云南松受云南切梢小蠹危害程度的监测模型和判定规则。[结果]随危害程度加重,在绿波段(510560 nm)和近红外波段(7201 036 nm),光谱反射率逐渐降低;一阶微分曲线在红边(680760nm)的峰值向短波方向移动;云南切梢小蠹危害程度与光谱反射率及其一阶微分在509539、549564、595677、687692、702807、838875、8911 031 nm显著相关;以高光谱特征参数S_(Dr)、D_y、(D-H)/(D+H)、S_(Dnir)、(S_(Dnir)-S_(Dr))/(S_(Dnir)+S_(Dr))构建的4个监测模型的实测值与预测值的线性拟合关系较好(R~20.9),可准确估算云南切梢小蠹危害程度;根据4个监测模型建立的判定规则准确率高(≥80%),其中,多元线性回归模型y=-7.720x_1+1.275x_2+1.251x_3-4.835x_4+1.135x_5+6.632的判定规则准确率最高(健康(1.589)、轻度受害[1.589,2.465)、中度受害[2.465,3.381)、重度受害(≥3.381)),达93.333%。[结论]根据云南松高光谱特征参数,建立的监测模型和判定规则可有效监测云南切梢小蠹危害程度,研究结果可用于云南切梢小蠹危害发生发展的监测。  相似文献   

Four treatments (control, burn-only, thin-only, and thin-and-burn) were evaluated for their effects on bark beetle-caused mortality in both the short-term (one to four years) and the long-term (seven years) in mixed-conifer forests in western Montana, USA. In addition to assessing bark beetle responses to these treatments, we also measured natural enemy landing rates and resin flow of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) the season fire treatments were implemented. All bark beetles were present at low population levels (non-outbreak) for the duration of the study. Post-treatment mortality of trees due to bark beetles was lowest in the thin-only and control units and highest in the units receiving burns. Three tree-killing bark beetle species responded positively to fire treatments: Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae), pine engraver (Ips pini), and western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis). Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens) responded positively to fire treatments, but never caused mortality. Three fire damage variables tested (height of crown scorch, percent circumference of the tree bole scorched, or degree of ground char) were significant factors in predicting beetle attack on trees. Douglas-fir beetle and pine engraver responded rapidly to increased availability of resources (fire-damaged trees); however, successful attacks dropped rapidly once these resources were depleted. Movement to green trees by pine engraver was not observed in plots receiving fire treatments, or in thinned plots where slash supported substantial reproduction by this beetle. The fourth tree-killing beetle present at the site, the mountain pine beetle, did not exhibit responses to any treatment. Natural enemies generally arrived at trees the same time as host bark beetles. However, the landing rates of only one, Medetera spp., was affected by treatment. This predator responded positively to thinning treatments. This insect was present in very high numbers indicating a regulatory effect on beetles, at least in the short-term, in thinned stands. Resin flow decreased from June to August. However, resin flow was significantly higher in trees in August than in June in fire treatments. Increased flow in burned trees later in the season did not affect beetle attack success. Overall, responses by beetles to treatments were short-term and limited to fire-damaged trees. Expansions into green trees did not occur. This lack of spread was likely due to a combination of high tree vigor in residual stands and low background populations of bark beetles.  相似文献   

Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.)-dominated ecosystems in north-central Colorado are undergoing rapid and drastic changes associated with overstory tree mortality from a current mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreak. To characterize stand characteristics and downed woody debris loads during the first 7 years of the outbreak, 221 plots (0.02 ha) were randomly established in infested and uninfested stands distributed across the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado. Mountain pine beetle initially attacked stands with higher lodgepole pine basal area, and lower density and basal area of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii [Parry]), and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. var. lasiocarpa) compared to uninfested plots. Mountain pine beetle-affected stands had reduced total and lodgepole pine stocking and quadratic mean diameter. The density and basal area of live overstory lodgepole declined by 62% and 71% in infested plots, respectively. The mean diameter of live lodgepole pine was 53% lower than pre-outbreak in infested plots. Downed woody debris loads did not differ between uninfested plots and plots currently infested at the time of sampling to 3 or 4–7 years after initial infestation, but the projected downed coarse wood accumulations when 80% of the mountain pine beetle-killed trees fall indicated a fourfold increase. Depth of the litter layer and maximum height of grass and herbaceous vegetation were greater 4–7 years after initial infestation compared to uninfested plots, though understory plant percent cover was not different. Seedling and sapling density of all species combined was higher in uninfested plots but there was no difference between infested and uninfested plots for lodgepole pine alone. For trees ≥2.5 cm in diameter at breast height, the density of live lodgepole pine trees in mountain pine beetle-affected stands was higher than Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, and aspen, (Populus tremuloides Michx.), in diameter classes comprised of trees from 2.5 cm to 30 cm in diameter, suggesting that lodgepole pine will remain as a dominant overstory tree after the bark beetle outbreak.  相似文献   

Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) is the tree species most affected by wildfire in the Iberian Peninsula. Prediction of the probability of fire-injured tree mortality is critical for management of burned areas, evaluation of the ecological and economic impact of wildfire and prescribed fire planning and application. Pine bark beetles (Scolytidae) frequently attack burned maritime pine stands and cause extensive post-fire mortality throughout the Iberian Peninsula. In the present study, maritime pine trees were monitored for three years following 14 wildfires in four ecotypes in Spain (11 fires in Galicia (Galician ecotype - NW Spain), one fire in Portillo (Meseta-Castellana ecotype - Central Spain), one fire in Rodenal (Rodenal ecotype - Central Spain), and one fire in Genalguacil (Sierra Bermeja ecotype - SW Spain)). Data on tree attributes, crown and bole injury, ground fire severity, Ips sp. presence and tree survival were obtained by examining 3085 trees. Logistic regression models for predicting the probability of delayed maritime pine mortality were developed by use of generalized estimated equations (GEE). An ample range of response to fire damage in mortality was evident among the four ecotypes and different models were fitted for each. The most important variables for predicting tree mortality were total crown volume damaged, presence of Ips sp. attack and cambium kill rating. The results highlight the extensive presence of Ips sp. in burned maritime pine forests and its importance in tree mortality process, the ample range of response of P. pinaster, in terms of post-fire mortality, as well as the need to develop site specific mortality models for the different ecotypes of this species following fire.  相似文献   

Mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins can cause extensive tree mortality in ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws., forests in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. Most studies that have examined stand susceptibility to mountain pine beetle have been conducted in even-aged stands. Land managers increasingly practice uneven-aged management. We established 84 clusters of four plots, one where bark beetle-caused mortality was present and three uninfested plots. For all plot trees we recorded species, tree diameter, and crown position and for ponderosa pine whether they were killed or infested by mountain pine beetle. Elevation, slope, and aspect were also recorded. We used classification trees to model the likelihood of bark beetle attack based on plot and site variables. The probability of individual tree attack within the infested plots was estimated using logistic regression. Basal area of ponderosa pine in trees ≥25.4 cm in diameter at breast height (dbh) and ponderosa pine stand density index were correlated with mountain pine beetle attack. Regression trees and linear regression indicated that the amount of observed tree mortality was associated with initial ponderosa pine basal area and ponderosa pine stand density index. Infested stands had higher total and ponderosa pine basal area, total and ponderosa pine stand density index, and ponderosa pine basal area in trees ≥25.4 cm dbh. The probability of individual tree attack within infested plots was positively correlated with tree diameter with ponderosa pine stand density index modifying the relationship. A tree of a given size was more likely to be attacked in a denser stand. We conclude that stands with higher ponderosa pine basal area in trees >25.4 cm and ponderosa pine stand density index are correlated with an increased likelihood of mountain pine beetle bark beetle attack. Information form this study will help forest managers in the identification of uneven-aged stands with a higher likelihood of bark beetle attack and expected levels of tree mortality.  相似文献   

角倍蚜干母发生期和数量变化及秋迁蚜生殖能力   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对角倍蚜干母的发生期、数量变化、趋光行为及秋迁蚜生殖能力进行了研究,结果表明:保存于峨眉、昆明实验室和地下室的虫袋,干母发生期分别为4月19-22日、3月31日至4月4日和4月7-10日,与原产地峨眉相比较,保存于昆明实验室和地下室的虫袋,干母发生期分别提前了19、12 d,但发生节律没有明显差异;干母发生期持续4 5 d,发生期中间的1 2 d发生量占总量的70%以上;干母发生时间集中在10:00-16:00,发生量占日发生总量的80%以上;干母对直射自然光或灯光有明显趋性。秋迁蚜密度、单头产若蚜量和怀卵量随着倍子体积的增加而增加,平均体积为(28.2±0.8)cm3的中倍子的秋迁蚜密度、单头产若蚜量和怀卵量分别为(387.7±52.3)头·cm-3、(26.4±3.8)头、(27.6±4.2)头,与体积为(5.4±0.3)cm3的小倍子相比分别增加了46.7%、24.5%和23.8%(p0.05)。在冬寄主藓类存在的条件下,秋迁蚜产若蚜的时间更为集中,持续时间缩短。14:00和18:00迁飞的秋迁蚜,迁飞后即开始产若蚜,并在4 h达到高峰,持续时间分别为30、28 h,而8:00迁飞的秋迁蚜,迁飞2 h后开始产若蚜,16 h后才达到高峰,持续时间为36 h。  相似文献   

马尾松花粉仓贮害虫印度谷螟的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了马尾松花粉重要仓贮害虫印度谷螟的生物学特性。结果表明,印度谷螟在浙江省富阳市1年发生5代,以成熟幼虫散居包装箱、家具、室内墙角等缝隙和纸张等堆积物间越冬。成虫、幼虫行动极其敏捷,能迅速从存贮被害物的器物空隙中溜飞、爬离,扩散蔓延能力较强。越冬代成虫羽化呈现次高峰期、主高峰期两个高峰期,分别为5月12—13日和22—23日。第1、2、3和4代成虫的羽化高峰期分别为7月3—4日、7月28—29日、8月27—29日和10月5—6日。雌、雄成虫平均交配时间为75.8 min·次-1。交配当天,雌成虫即可产卵,每头雌成虫平均产卵量为128粒。成虫平均寿命8.0天,雌雄性比为1.0︰1.2。卵平均历期为4.9天。成熟幼虫平均爬行速度为25.2 cm·min-1,直线型爬行占总虫数的62.5%。每头幼虫平均取食花粉片的质量为0.055 g。幼虫食物缺乏或成熟时,迁移寻觅新食源或隐蔽场所化蛹。蛹平均历期为9.9天。  相似文献   

Many forests that historically experienced frequent low-intensity wildfires have undergone extensive alterations during the past century. Prescribed fire is now commonly used to restore these fire-adapted forest ecosystems. In this study, we examined the influence of prescribed burn season on levels of tree mortality attributed to prescribed fire effects (direct mortality) and bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (indirect mortality) in ponderosa pine, Pinusponderosa Dougl. ex Laws., and Jeffrey pine, Pinusjeffreyi Grev. and Balf., forests in California, USA. A total of 816 trees (9.9% of all trees) died during this 3-yr study. Significantly higher levels of tree mortality (all sources) occurred following early and late season burns compared to the untreated control, but no significant difference was observed between burn treatments. The majority (461 trees) of tree deaths were attributed to direct mortality from prescribed burns and was strongly concentrated (391 trees) in the smallest diameter class (<20.2 cm diameter at breast height, dbh). For the largest trees (>50.7 cm dbh), significantly higher levels of tree mortality occurred on early season burns than the untreated control, most of which resulted from indirect mortality attributed to bark beetle attacks, specifically western pine beetle, Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte, and mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins. Red turpentine beetle, D. valens LeConte, was the most common bark beetle species found colonizing trees, but tree mortality was not attributed to this species. A total of 355 trees (4.3% of all trees) were killed by bark beetles. Dendroctonus brevicomis (67 trees, 18.9%) and D. ponderosae (56 trees, 15.8%), were found colonizing P. ponderosa; and Jeffrey pine beetle, D. jeffreyi Hopkins, was found colonizing P. jeffreyi (seven trees, 2.0%). We also found pine engraver, Ips pini (Say) (137 trees, 38.6%), and, to a much lesser extent, Orthotomicus (=Ips) latidens (LeConte) (85 trees, 23.9%) and emarginate ips, I. emarginatus (LeConte) (3 trees, 0.8%) colonizing P. ponderosa and P. jeffreyi. Few meaningful differences in levels of indirect tree mortality attributed to bark beetle attack were observed between early and late season burns. The incidence of root and root collar pathogens (Leptographium and Sporothrix spp.), including species known to be vectored by bark beetles, was low (18% of trees sampled). The implications of these and other results to management of P. ponderosa and P. jeffreyi forests are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Understanding forest dynamics and stand structures is crucial for predicting forest succession. However, many forests have been altered due to century-long land-use practices, which complicates the reconstruction of past and current successional trajectories. For a better understanding of successional processes, we suggest studying the intra- and interspecific competition among single trees across time. We introduce a tree-ring based competition index to reconstruct the competitive dynamics of individual trees over time. This new retrospective dynamic competition index combines a temporal and a spatial component by calculating the yearly ratio between the basal area increments (bai) of the neighbouring trees and the subject tree. The new index is applied to mixed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) stands in the inner-Alpine dry-valley Valais, for which a change in species composition is hypothesised. The aim is to analyse current stand structures in terms of recent changes in the competitive interactions at the single tree level and to relate these competitive dynamics to land-use change and increasing drought due to climate change. On five plots, the positions of 456 trees were recorded and increment cores were taken to derive bai data. The individual dynamic competition index curves were aggregated in clusters, which define typical patterns of competitive dynamics in both tree species. A large percentage of the trees (87% in oak, 70% in pine) were clustered into a group of trees with constant competition at a relatively low level. However, a smaller group of pines (20%) had recently faced increasing competition. In addition, stand structure analyses indicated a change towards a higher proportion of oak. This change in the competitive ability between oak and pine was found to be related to drought, in that oak had a competitive advantage in dry years. Furthermore, the high proportion of dead branches in pines with decreasing competitive abilities indicated increasing competition for light as a consequence of natural development towards a later successional stage that favours the more shade-tolerant oak. The new retrospective dynamic competition index proved to be promising in studying forest succession. The tree-ring based method allows us to identify changes in the competitive ability of single trees with a high temporal resolution and without repeated assessments.  相似文献   

云南蓝果树对种子萌发及幼苗生长的自毒效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
云南蓝果树为中国特有极度濒危一级保护植物,为探讨云南蓝果树濒危机理并进行有效保护,通过野外原位实验和室内受控实验相结合的方法,研究云南蓝果树对种子萌发及幼苗生长是否有自毒效应。结果表明:野外条件下,云南蓝果树的种子萌发受野外枯枝落叶和自身种皮的显著抑制;室内受控实验发现,云南蓝果树的根、茎、叶和种皮浸提液对种子萌发都有不同程度的显著抑制作用,其中,根的抑制作用最强(80.90%),种皮的抑制作用最弱(13.59%),而且云南蓝果树的根、茎、叶浸提液和根际土壤对幼苗生长(株高、叶片数和生物量)也表现出显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis) are important high-elevation pines of the southern Rockies that are forecast to decline due to the recent spread of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) into this region. Proactive management strategies to promote the evolution of rust resistance and maintain ecosystem function require an improved understanding of the role of disturbance on the population dynamics of both species and environmental conditions that favor seedling establishment. We examined patterns of bristlecone and limber pine regeneration across the perimeters of three, 29-year-old, high-severity burns in northern, central, and southern Colorado: Ouzel, Badger Mountain, and Maes Creek, respectively. Both species exhibited a very protracted regeneration response to these fires. Bristlecone pine regeneration was concentrated near burn edges and beneath surviving seed sources. This spatial pattern is consistent with limitations incurred by wind-dispersal, also borne out by the low occurrence of seedling clusters. Relative to unburned stands, the absolute abundance of bristlecone pine generally increased only on plots retaining some surviving trees. Limber pine regeneration pattern varied between sites: high in the burn interior at Ouzel, concentrated at burn edges at Badger, and mostly in unburned stands at Maes. Clark’s Nutcracker dispersal of limber pine in each study area was indicated by high seedling distance from possible seed sources and high frequencies of clustered stems. Except at Ouzel, the absolute abundance of limber pine decreased in burns. Across sites, establishment by both species was boosted by nearby nurse objects (rocks, fallen logs, and standing tree trunks), a relationship that extended out at least as far as the closest three such objects, usually found within 50 cm. Fire decreased the frequency of Pedicularis but increased Castilleja and Ribes species (alternate hosts of white pine blister rust), though only one species, R. cereum, was positively associated with either pine species. We conclude that regeneration of bristlecone and limber pine may benefit from natural disturbance or proactive management creating appropriately sized openings and microtopographic structure (e.g., abundant fallen logs); however, beneficial responses may require many decades to be achieved.  相似文献   

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