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When treating diabetic cats, the primary aim is to control clinical signs without causing clinical hypoglycaemia. Secondary goals are to maximise the chances of attaining diabetic remission and to minimise the risk of complications due to chronic hyperglycaemia. A treatment plan that is convenient for the owner is important for compliance. Underweight or overweight diabetic cats should be fed with the aim of normalising bodyweight. Current evidence suggests that non-obese diabetic cats can be fed ad libitum. The oral hypoglycaemic drug glipizide is well established as a treatment for about a third of diabetic cats, which have residual beta cell function. Preliminary studies on other oral agents such as vanadium salts, metformin, and troglitazone indicate a potential use in some diabetic cats. Insulin treatment remains the treatment of choice for the majority of diabetic cats. Choice of insulin, dose rates and monitoring of treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

This prospective, multicentre, non-blinded, open study followed 46 cats with diabetes mellitus during treatment with porcine lente insulin (also known as porcine insulin zinc suspension, Caninsulin, Intervet) for 16+/-1 weeks (stabilization phase), with additional monitoring of some cats (n=23) for a variable period. At least three of the following were present at initial presentation: appropriate history of clinical signs consistent with diabetes mellitus, glucosuria, blood glucose greater than 15 mmol/l and fructosamine greater than 380 micromol/l. Insulin treatment was started at a dose rate of 0.25-0.5 IU/kg body weight twice daily, with a maximum starting dose of 2 IU/injection. Twenty-eight of the cats were classed as reaching clinical stability during the study, in 23 of these cats this was during the stabilization phase. Seven cats went into remission during the stabilization phase and one of the cats in week 56. Clinical signs of hypoglycaemia, significantly associated with a dose of 3 units or 0.5 IU/kg or more per cat (twice daily), were observed in nine of the 46 cats during the stabilization phase and concomitant biochemical hypoglycaemia was recorded in most cases. Biochemical hypoglycaemia, recorded in 6% of the blood glucose curves performed during the stabilization phase, was significantly associated with a dose rate of 0.75 IU/kg or more twice daily. This further highlights the need for cautious stepwise changes in insulin dose. The protocol used in the present study is suitable for and easy to use in practice. This study confirmed the efficacy and safety of porcine lente insulin (Caninsulin) in diabetic cats under field conditions.  相似文献   

Background: Cats with diabetes mellitus frequently achieve clinical remission, suggesting residual β‐cell function. Responsiveness of β‐cells to arginine persists the longest during diabetes progression, making the intravenous arginine stimulation test (IVAST) a useful tool to assess residual insulin and glucagon secretion. Hypothesis: Diabetic cats with and without remission will have different arginine‐induced insulin or glucagon response. Animals: Seventeen cats with diabetes, 7 healthy cats. Methods: Blood samples collected on admission and during subsequent IVAST. Glucose, insulin, and glucagon were measured. Response to IVAST was assessed by calculating the insulin and glucagon area under the curve (AUC) and the AUC glucagon‐to‐insulin ratio. Diabetic cats were treated with insulin and were followed for 18 weeks. Remission was defined as normoglycemia and disappearance of clinical signs of diabetes for ≥4 weeks, without requiring insulin. Results: Seven diabetic cats (41%) achieved remission. On admission, blood glucose concentration was significantly lower in cats with remission (median, 389 mg/dL; range, 342–536 mg/dL) than in those without remission (median, 506 mg/dL; range, 266–738 mg/dL). After IVAST, diabetic cats with remission had higher AUC glucagon‐to‐insulin ratios (median, 61; range, 34–852) than did cats without remission (median, 26; range, 20–498); glucose, insulin, and glucagon AUCs were not different. Diabetic cats had lower insulin AUC than did healthy cats but comparable glucagon AUC. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Diabetic cats with and without remission have similar arginine‐stimulated insulin secretion on admission. Although cats with remission had lower blood glucose concentrations and higher AUC glucagon‐to‐insulin ratios, large overlap between groups prevents use of these parameters in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The required dose rate of porcine insulin zinc suspension to control the signs of diabetes mellitus in 25 cats was assessed, and their response to insulin treatment was investigated over 12 months. The cats required a median dose of 0.5 iu/kg bodyweight twice a day, and only two of the cats required doses higher than 1.0 iu/kg twice a day. Their lowest blood glucose concentration was on average significantly higher during the night than during the day. Seven of the cats went into diabetic remission during the study, and the control of the clinical signs in the others was either excellent or good by the end of the study.  相似文献   

Feline diabetes is a multifactorial disease with genetic and environmental factors, including diet, excess body weight, and physical inactivity, involved in its pathogenesis. Although type 2 diabetes is most common in cats, most cats are insulin-dependent at the time of diagnosis. If good glycemic control can be achieved early after diagnosis, a substantial proportion of diabetic cats go into clinical remission. Diabetic remission may be facilitated by using a low-carbohydrate-high-protein diet combined with a long-acting insulin, such as glargine, administered twice daily. Rather than just controlling clinical signs, these new treatment modalities make curing feline diabetes a realistic goal for practitioners.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of subcutaneously injected 40 IU/ml porcine lente insulin preparation (Caninsulin, Intervet BV, The Netherlands) in diabetic cats. The pharmacological properties of the insulin in poorly controlled or untreated cats were compared with those after several weeks of treatment, to determine if improved diabetic stability altered the pharmacology of this insulin. In addition, the pharmacological properties of intravenously injected 100 IU/ml regular porcine insulin (Actrapid MC, NovoNordisk, Denmark) were measured. Serial plasma samples were collected after subcutaneous injection of porcine lente insulin from 25 diabetic cats in the first week of admission to a 12-month diabetic treatment trial. Samples were also collected after 4 or 8 weeks of treatment, in those cats which had not achieved diabetic remission by this time. At this time, serial plasma samples were also collected from these cats after intravenous injection of porcine regular insulin. Plasma samples were assayed for glucose, anti-insulin antibodies were extracted using a PEG technique, and samples were assayed for insulin using an RIA kit with low sensitivity for endogenous feline insulin, but high sensitivity for exogenous porcine insulin in feline plasma. Caninsulin injected subcutaneously in diabetic cats led to a peak insulin concentration in plasma after 1.7+/-0.1 h, and a nadir of blood glucose after 4.1+/-0.3 h. Insulin and glucose concentrations returned to baseline within 12 h. There was no significant change in the onset or duration of Caninsulin action between the first week of treatment and 5 or 9 weeks of treatment. Actrapid MC injected intravenously had a peak insulin at 0.36+/-0.03 h, and a nadir of blood glucose at 1.9+/-0.3 h. Insulin and glucose returned to baseline within 6 h. It was concluded that Caninsulin injected subcutaneously has suitable pharmacological properties for the twice-daily treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats. In addition, Actrapid MC insulin injected intravenously has suitable pharmacological properties for injection every 4-6 h in diabetic cats.  相似文献   

Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis Syndrome (FCGS) is a common disease in clinical practice. Among the therapeutic options available, long-acting corticosteroids are frequently used due to their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. Although they may improve the clinical symptoms, they can lead to a progressive form of the disease that becomes refractory to treatment. Furthermore, their direct relationship with type II diabetes mellitus (DM) is well known. Consequently, these drugs are controversial and not recommended for routine management of FCGS. Recombinant feline interferon-omega (rFeIFN-ω) is an immunomodulatory compound. Recently, its daily oral administration has been shown to be successful in treating refractory cases of FCGS. This case study describes two clinical cases of type II DM complicated by FCGS. Both animals were calicivirus positive and they had been previously treated with long-acting corticosteroids, which may have been the major cause of DM. The two cats were treated with glargine insulin (Lantus, starting dose 1 IU/cat twice daily (BID)), achieving remission 10 and 18 weeks later respectively. Considering the difficulty with control of FCGS in these animals, an oral daily dose of rFeIFN-ω was started as an alternative to long-acting corticosteroids. In both cats oral clinical signs gradually improved and 60 days after the start of therapy the owners reported a significant relief of pain during mastication. According to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case report that describes the successful use of rFeIFN-ω in the management of FCGS in type II diabetic cats, in which long-acting corticosteroids are contraindicated.  相似文献   

Thirteen cats with diabetes mellitus were evaluated. Clinical signs included polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, lethargy, and weight loss. Results of physical examination included obesity, hepatomegaly, mild seborrhea sicca, muscle wasting, and dehydration. One cat walked plantigrade and was suspected of having a diabetic neuropathy. Persistent hyperglycemia, glucosuria, high liver enzyme activities, hypercholesterolemia, hyperproteinemia, and low electrolyte concentrations were the common laboratory findings. In 3 cats diabetes mellitus developed after megestrol acetate therapy; 2 of these cats required only temporary insulin treatment. In a 3rd cat, which had no history of receiving diabetogenic drug therapy, remission of diabetes mellitus also was observed. Serum insulin and plasma glucose concentrations were determined in 6 cats after administration of an intermediate-acting insulin (isophane insulin) and in 3 cats after administration of a long-acting insulin (protamine zinc insulin). The insulin concentration peaked 2 to 6 hours after the injection of intermediate-acting insulin and 6 to 12 hours after the injection of long-acting insulin. The lowest glucose concentration was recorded 4 to 8 hours after injection of intermediate-acting insulin, and 6 to 12 hours after injection of long-acting insulin. It was concluded that, although insulin therapy must be adjusted to the individual, the diabetic cat usually requires twice-daily administration of isophane insulin; however, the protamine zinc insulin can be given once daily for satisfactory control.  相似文献   

Background: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) has long been considered a key clinical feature of type‐1 diabetes mellitus (DM) in humans although. An increasing number of cases of ketoacidosis have been reported in people with type‐2 DM. Hypothesis/Objectives: Cats initially diagnosed with DKA can achieve remission from diabetes. Cats with DKA and diabetic remission are more likely to have been administered glucocorticoids before diagnosis. Animals: Twelve cats with DKA and 7 cats with uncomplicated DM. Methods: Retrospective case review. Medical records of cats presenting with DKA or DM were evaluated. Diabetic remission was defined as being clinically unremarkable for at least 1 month after insulin withdrawal. The cats were assigned to 1 of 3 groups: (1) cats with DKA and diabetic remission; (2) cats with DKA without diabetic remission; and (3) cats with DM and diabetic remission. Results: Seven cats with DKA had remission from diabetes. These cats had significantly higher concentrations of leukocytes and segmented neutrophils, and significantly lower concentrations of eosinophils in blood and had pancreatic disease more often than did cats with uncomplicated DM and diabetic remission. With regard to pretreatment, 3/7 cats in group 1, 1/5 cats in group 2, and 1/7 cats in group 3 had been treated with glucocorticoids. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Remission of DM in cats presenting with DKA is possible. Cats with DKA and remission have more components of a stress leucogram, pancreatic disease, and seemed to be treated more often with glucocorticoids than cats with uncomplicated DM and diabetic remission.  相似文献   



Remission occurs in 10–50% of cats with diabetes mellitus (DM). It is assumed that intensive treatment improves β‐cell function and increases remission rates.


Initial intravenous infusion of insulin that achieves tight glycemic control decreases subsequent insulin requirements and increases remission rate in diabetic cats.


Thirty cats with newly diagnosed DM.


Prospective study. Cats were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups. Cats in group 1 (n = 15) received intravenous infusion of insulin with the goal of maintaining blood glucose concentrations at 90–180 mg/dL, for 6 days. Cats in group 2 (n = 15) received subcutaneous injections of insulin glargine (cats ≤4 kg: 0.5–1.0 IU, q12h; >4 kg 1.5–2.0 IU, q12h), for 6 days. Thereafter, all cats were treated with subcutaneous injections of insulin glargine and followed up for 6 months. Cats were considered in remission when euglycemia occurred for ≥4 weeks without the administration of insulin. Nonparametric tests were used for statistical analysis.


In groups 1 and 2, remission was achieved in 10/15 and in 7/14 cats (P = .46), and good metabolic control was achieved in 3/5 and in 1/7 cats (P = .22), respectively. Overall, good metabolic control or remission occurred in 13/15 cats of group 1 and in 8/14 cats of group 2. In group 1, the median insulin dosage given during the 6‐month follow‐up was significantly lower than in group 2 (group 1: 0.32 IU/kg/day, group 2: 0.51 IU/kg/day; P = .013).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Initial intravenous infusion of insulin for tight glycemic control in cats with DM decreases insulin requirements during the subsequent 6 months.  相似文献   



Cats with diabetes mellitus can have subclinical pancreatitis but prospective studies to confirm this are lacking. Metabolic control of diabetic cats with pancreatitis is difficult.


Subclinical pancreatitis occurs in diabetic cats at the time diabetes is diagnosed or might develop during the follow‐up period, hampering diabetic remission.


Thirty cats with newly diagnosed diabetes without clinical signs of pancreatitis on admission.


Prospective study. On admission and 2 and 6 months later, serum Spec fPL and DGGR‐lipase were measured and the pancreas underwent ultrasonographic examination. Pancreatitis was suspected if serum markers were increased or ≥2 ultrasonographic abnormalities were detected. Cats were treated with insulin glargine and diabetic remission was defined as euglycemia ≥4 weeks after discontinuation of insulin. Nonparametric statistical tests were used for analysis.


Subclinical pancreatitis at the time of diagnosis was suspected in 33, 50, and 31% of cats based on Spec fPL, DGGR‐lipase and ultrasonography, respectively; and in 60% when diagnostic criteria were combined. During the follow‐up period, suspected pancreatitis developed in additional 17–30% cats. Only 1 cat had transient clinical signs compatible with pancreatitis. Seventeen of the 30 cats (57%) achieved remission. Frequency of abnormal Spec fPL and DGGR‐lipase and abnormal ultrasonographic findings did not differ in cats achieving remission and those who did not. Cats achieving remission had significantly lower Spec fPL at 2 months (P < .001).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Based on laboratory and ultrasonographic measurements, many cats with diabetes might have pancreatitis, although without clinical signs. Cats with high Spec fPL might have a reduced chance of diabetic remission; however, this topic needs further studies in large cohorts of diabetic cats.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary modification in addition to twice daily insulin glargine. Cats were treated with insulin glargine twice daily and randomized to receive either a low carbohydrate, high protein (LCHP) diet (n=6) or a control diet (n=6) for 10 weeks. Re-evaluations of clinical signs, blood glucose curves, and serum fructosamine concentrations were performed at weeks 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10. Two of 12 cats achieved complete remission by the end of the study but remission rate was not different between diet groups. Using twice daily insulin glargine and frequent monitoring, all cats in both diet groups achieved successful glycemic control. Frequent monitoring is key to achieving glycemic control in diabetic cats; potential benefits of dietary modification require further evaluation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bexagliflozin on glycemic control in poorly regulated diabetic cats and to evaluate for adverse events associated with this medication.Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors are a newer class of drugs used in the management of humans with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the orally administered drug, bexagliflozin in a group of poorly regulated diabetic cats over a 4-week study period. Five client-owned cats with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus receiving insulin therapy were enrolled. Bexagliflozin was administered once daily. Serum fructosamine, serum biochemistry profile, and 10-hour blood glucose curves were assessed at baseline (Day 0), Day 14, and Day 28. All cats had a significant reduction in insulin dose requirement (P = 0.015) and insulin was discontinued in 2 cats. There was a significant decrease in blood glucose concentration obtained from blood glucose concentration curves during the study period (P = 0.022). Serum fructosamine decreased in 4 of the 5 cats with a median decrease of 152 μmol/L (range: 103 to 241 μmol/L), which was not statistically significant (P = 0.117). No cats had any documented episodes of hypoglycemia. Adverse effects were mild. The addition of bexagliflozin significantly improved diabetic management in this group of cats.  相似文献   

Fructosamines are glycated serum proteins that reflect long-term serum glucose concentrations in humans and several animal species. In the present study, blood samples were drawn from three populations of diabetic cats: untreated diabetic cats with clinical symptoms prevailing only a few days (n = 1), untreated diabetic cats with symptoms lasting more than two weeks (n = 6) and clinically well stabilised diabetic cats receiving insulin twice daily which showed no signs of disease (n = 4). All untreated diabetic cats showed elevated fructosamine measurements. Based on fructosamine measurements, clinically well stabilised diabetic cats could be subdivided further according to the degree of glycaemic control. Diabetic cats with satisfactory glycaemic control revealed fructosamine concentrations within or close to the reference range (146 to 271 umol/litre), whereas fructosamine concentrations above 400 umol/litre indicated insufficient glycaemic control. This study suggests that the fructosamine assay reflects persistently elevated serum glucose concentrations in cats and is a useful parameter for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes mellitus in cats.  相似文献   

Background: Clinical remission is frequent in cats with well‐controlled diabetes mellitus, but few studies explored predictors of this phenomenon. Hypothesis: Data retrieved from medical records at admission might be valuable to identify likelihood of remission and its duration in diabetic cats. Animals: Ninety cats with newly diagnosed diabetes, followed‐up until death or remission. Methods: Retrospective cohort study. Data were collected from records at admission, including history, signalment, physical examination, haematology, and biochemical profile, and the occurrence and duration of remission, defined as normoglycemia without insulin for ≥4 weeks. Predictors of remission were studied with univariate and multivariate logistic regression. Factors associated with remission duration were analyzed with Kaplan‐Meier and Cox proportional hazard models. Results: Forty‐five (50%) cats achieved remission, after a median time of 48 days (range: 8–216). By study end, median remission duration was 114 days (range: 30–3,370) in cats that died and 151 days (range: 28–1,180) in alive cats. Remission was more likely with higher age (OR: 1.23, 95% CI: 1.04–1.46; P= .01) and less likely with increased serum cholesterol (OR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.11–0.87; P= .04). Remission was longer with higher body weight (HR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.42–0.99; P= .04) and shorter with higher blood glucose (HR: 1.01, 95% CI: 1.00–1.02; P= .02). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Age, body weight, cholesterol, and glucose levels are suggested for prediction of remission or its duration in diabetic cats. Older cats developing diabetes may have a better outcome, possibly suggesting a slower disease progression.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report outcomes using detemir and a protocol aimed at intensive blood glucose control with home monitoring in diabetic cats, and to compare the results with a previous study using the same protocol with glargine. Eighteen cats diagnosed with diabetes and previously treated with other insulins were included in the study. Data was provided by owners who joined the online German Diabetes-Katzen Forum. The overall remission rate was 67%. For cats that began the protocol before or after 6 months of diagnosis, remission rates were 81% and 42%, respectively (P = 0.14). No significant differences were identified between the outcomes for the glargine and detemir studies, with the exception of three possibly interrelated factors: a slightly older median age of the detemir cohort at diabetes diagnosis, a higher rate of chronic renal disease in the detemir cohort and lower maximal dose for insulin detemir.  相似文献   

It was investigated if IGF-1 levels in cats which experience diabetic remission (i.e. transient diabetes mellitus) differ from those in cats with permanent disease. Thirteen of 32 diabetic cats showed remission within 16 weeks after initiating insulin therapy, 19 cats continued to need insulin therapy. IGF-1 concentrations were measured before (t(0)), 1-3 (t(1)) and 4-8 (t(2)) weeks after initiating insulin therapy. No difference in IGF-1 levels was found between cats with transient and permanent diabetes at any point in time. In both groups of cats IGF-1 concentrations were significantly lower compared to those of controls before insulin administration. After starting insulin therapy IGF-1 increased significantly in both groups. In cats with transient diabetes IGF-1 levels were not different from controls already at t(1), whereas in cats with permanent diabetes it took until t(2). Although IGF-1 levels seem to normalize faster in cats with transient diabetes mellitus, measurement is not helpful to predict the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Posthypoglycemic hyperglycemia (rebound hyperglycemia) after overdosing of insulin was diagnosed in 6 cats with diabetes mellitus. Administration of excessive insulin induced hypoglycemia within 4 to 8 hours, followed by rebound hyperglycemia. Diagnosis was made by serial blood glucose determinations during a 20- to 24-hour period after insulin administration. Four cats had a history of difficulty in regulating the diabetic state. In 2 cats, rebound hyperglycemia was diagnosed on routine serial blood glucose determinations. All of the cats were hyperglycemic for most of the day. Rebound hyperglycemia was observed with both intermediate (neutral protamine hagedorn) and long-acting (protamine zinc iletin) insulins, and the range of insulin doses at which the disorder developed overlapped previously determined therapeutic doses for these insulins in the cat. Urine glucose and single afternoon blood glucose determinations were inadequate and potentially misleading in monitoring diabetic cats receiving excessive amounts of insulin.  相似文献   

The high dose intravenous glucose tolerance test and concurrent immunoreactive serum insulin and glucagon levels were measured and the results related to the presence or absence of pancreatic insular amyloid in 16 cats, seven of which were known to be diabetic. Control values for all parameters were established using seven additional clinicopathologically normal cats. Nine of the 16 cats had normal fasting blood glucose levels (less than 120 mg/dl) and impaired glucose tolerance. These cats had attenuated (3/9) or normal (6/9) 0 to 5 minute glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, rising 45 to 60 minute insulin secretion (7/9), low mean insulin/glucose ratio, and normal mean serum glucagon. Three of the nine cats with impaired glucose tolerance had insular amyloidosis. These three cats had significantly higher mean blood glucose levels during the glucose tolerance test than did cats with impaired glucose tolerance and no insular amyloid deposits. Also, these three cats accounted for three of the four longest glucose disappearance one-half times (T1/2S), three of the four lowest glucose disappearance coefficients, and three of the four lowest 0 to 5 minute insulin responses. The seven diabetic cats (fasting blood glucose levels greater than 120 mg/dl) had either low to low normal (6/7) or above normal (1/7) fasting insulin levels, no insulin response to intravenous glucose stimulation (6/7), and elevated mean serum glucagon levels. Insular amyloid was present in six of the seven diabetic cats. Three diabetic cats with marked insular amyloid deposits had glucose disappearance T1/2 and K (coefficient) values, serum insulin levels, serum glucagon levels, and insulin/glucose ratios which were not significantly different from the other three diabetic cats with slight to moderate insular amyloidosis. These results confirm a strong association between the occurrence, but not the extent of insular amyloidosis and diabetes mellitus in adult diabetic cats, although amyloid replacement of pancreatic islets does not appear to be the primary diabetogenic event. Rather, these results appear to be consistent with our hypothesis that insular amyloid deposition is a morphologic marker of primary B-cell dysfunction that is basic to the pathogenesis of the diabetic condition, and is reflected clinically by impaired glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

Treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the cat relies primarily on the adequate insulin therapy and controlled dietary intake. The goals of managing DM in the cat have changed from attaining glycemic control to achieving diabetic remission (transient diabetes) in a large proportion of cases. Remission rates of up to 68% have been published. The used of low-carbohydrate foods for cats improves the odds of achieving diabetic remission by fourfold. Nonetheless, some cats show an improved response to high-fiber food. Clinical judgement, trial, and personal preference to currently dictate which diet to offer an individual animal.  相似文献   

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