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以4年生盆栽沾化冬枣树为试材,研究其对萌芽前土施^15N-尿素的吸收、分配和利用特性。结果表明:沾化冬枣萌芽前施^15N-尿素,根系吸收^15N-肥后优先分配到贮藏器官(包括主干、多年生枝和粗根)中,然后外运用于植株新生器官(包括枣吊及其叶片、新生营养枝、细根和果实)建造,与贮藏氮利用特性相似;果实采收后,树体内的^15N-开始向贮藏器官回流。萌芽前施的^15N-尿素根系吸收后,^15N-在树体内的运转分配主要随生长中心的转移而转移。幼叶期解析时,^15N-在贮藏器官粗根和主干木质部中的分配势(Ndff%)最强;盛花期解析时,^15N-在枣吊叶片(包括花)中的分配势最强;果实速长期解析时,^15N-在果实中的分配势最强;果实采收后解析时,^15N-在根系中的分配势最强。随着冬枣生长发育,植株对^15N-尿素的吸收利用率逐渐上升,在果实速长期时达到最高,采果后略有下降。  相似文献   

该文研究了枣果采收前后,不同的管理水平导致叶片不同程度提早脱落,对翌年枣树生长发育及枣果产量的影响。结果表明:轻微的落叶(30%以下)对枣树翌年生长发育及枣果产量影响不大;随着落叶率的增加,枣树翌年新生二次枝长度、枣吊长度、枣叶面积等生长指标及每吊花数、果数、座果率、单果重明显降低,枣果的成熟度加快,枣果产量和质量急剧下降。  相似文献   

食芽象甲是我国北方枣林重要害虫。在研究了食芽象甲的生物学特性和为害嫩芽的特点的基础上,于1991 ̄1993年在永和县枣区采用化学药剂防治和人工震落收集虫体的综合措施,有效地控制虫害,促进了枣树生长和结果。与对照区相比,防治区的虫口减退率达90.8% ̄96.3%;枣树正常发芽率提高93.0%;生长前期枣吊数增加16.6% ̄28.2%,枣吊长度平均增加34.3% ̄44.1%,前期座果率提高99.0%;  相似文献   

以10年生壶瓶枣树为试材,研究了不同基肥配比对枣树结果特性和果实品质的影响.结果表明:施肥处理对于增加枣吊数量作用不显著,但能显著提高非木质化和木质化枣吊的吊果比,较对照提高了50%左右;同时增加了果实的数量、单果重和单株产量,较对照平均增加了80%,50%和150%;施肥处理能够影响果实中的Vc含量和糖酸比.  相似文献   

不同浓度的矮壮素对‘骏枣’枝梢生长及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了控制枣树的旺长,科学调节其营养生长和生殖生长的关系,为红枣生产中合理利用矮壮素提供参考依据。【方法】以6年生‘骏枣’为试材,就喷施低浓度(100 mg/L)、中浓度(133 mg/L)、高浓度(200 mg/L)的矮壮素对‘骏枣’枝梢生长及果实品质的影响情况进行试验,调查不同浓度矮壮素处理的枣吊长度、节间长度、叶片数与结果性状指标(枣吊结果数、单果质量、制干率)和枣果品质指标(可溶性固形物、总酸、总糖、维生素C的含量)。【结果】喷施不同浓度的矮壮素都可以不同程度地抑制其枝梢的旺长,提高果实品质。喷施矮壮素60 d后,3个浓度的矮壮素处理与对照间枣吊增长量和叶片数都呈极显著性差异,其枣吊增长量的大小顺序为CK(喷清水)低浓度(100 mg/L)中浓度(133 mg/L)高浓度(200 mg/L);矮壮素处理的叶片数,中浓度处理与低浓度、高浓度处理间均呈显著性差异;高浓度和低浓度处理的单果质量与对照的相比分别高13.03%和8.19%,且与对照间均呈极显著性差异;高浓度处理的制干率最高,与对照间呈极显著性差异;枣果的酸度和Vc含量受矮壮素的影响最大,其变异系数分别为8.79%与19.81%。就品质指标而言,喷施高浓度矮壮素的效果最佳,明显地提高了枣果中的Vc含量,降低了枣果的酸度,提高了枣果的品质。【结论】喷施200 mg/L的矮壮素的效果最佳,能够促进叶片和果实的生长,显著抑制骏枣枣吊的生长,缩短枣吊的节间长度,增多枣吊结果数,增加单果质量,提高枣果中的Vc含量,降低枣果的酸度,提高枣果的品质。  相似文献   

枣树数量性状的分布类型及其概率分级指标体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以收集于我国主要产枣区的124个枣品种19个重要数量性状的多年调查结果为基础资料,利用概率和数理统计理论,借助计算机对各数量性状取值的分布类型进行了X^2检验。结果表明:鲜枣可滴定酸、生长期、干枣可溶性糖、二次枝长、枣头平均节间长、枣吊长、枣吊花数、果核重等10个数量性状符合正态分布;而单果重、鲜枣Vc、鲜枣可溶性糖含量、可食率、干枣可滴定酸、果吊率、二次枝节数等9个性状符合X^2分布。正态分布性状可统一用(^-X—1.28l8S)、(^-X—0.5246S)、(^-X—0.5246S)和(^-X 1.2818S)分为5级,使1~5级的出现概率分别为10%、20%、40%、20%和10%,或用中间2个分点分为3级。经比较研究,X^2分布性状可近似的按正态分布性状处理。文中给出了枣树主要数量性状的概率分级指标体系。  相似文献   

喷施赤霉素对灰枣生理及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同浓度的赤霉素对净光合速率和气孔导度均有增强作用,40 mg/kg的处理作用效果最为明显。吊果比、单株产量喷施激素的样株显著高于对照,其中10 mg/kg处理的单株产量最高。处理组的病果率、裂果率显著高于对照,这是由于喷施赤霉素使细胞生长过快,果实细胞内有机物尚未充实便进入失水期并且赤霉素能使细胞壁里Ca+2的水平下降,使细胞壁不易伸展,增加了裂果和缩果病的比率。处理叶片中钾元素含量比对照低22.9%,叶片氨基酸处理高于对照22.7%,处理枣果维C含量比对照低30.6%,枣果总酸含量处理比对照高46%,这是由于施赤霉素降低了枣树对钾元素的吸收,缺钾继而使枣果弹性变差,枣果果肉不紧实,口感下降,喷施赤霉素使维C含量降低、总酸含量增加,导致枣果口味变酸,影响的枣果的鲜食口感。  相似文献   

枣树优质高产综合配套技术示范研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在放任管理、防治枣步曲、病虫防治常规管理、精管一号、精管二号、精管三号不同示范区,采取不同管理技术措施,对枣树的产量和品质有不同的影响。其中以精管三号区综合配套技术效果最好,与常规管理区比较,单株产量57.68kg,增加1.42倍;枣吊/果比值1.00,增加0.50;平均单果重10.3g,增加1.8g;虫果率0.3%,病果率3%,浆果率3%,裂果率0.5%,分别降低94%、25%、40%、88.1  相似文献   

梨枣枣吊生长与结果习性观察初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
枣吊是枣树结果的基本单位。我们对嫁接后的第3年幼龄枣树,结合夏季管理,对主枝上新发出的枣头和二次冬季修剪后新发的枣头,按不同的用途和要求进行了摘心,发现摘心后的枣头上及二次枝上长出的枣吊生长较快,长度和粗度均大于已形成枣股上发出的脱落性枣吊,且叶片肥...  相似文献   

环剥与环割处理对冬枣生长结果及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8年生冬枣为试材,研究不同时期环剥与环割对冬枣生长结果及果实品质的影响,旨在为改进枣树的栽培技术和提高枣树的产量与枣果质量提供理论依据。结果表明:主干环剥及主枝环割适宜在盛花期即开花30%~50%时进行,可明显提高冬枣果实及花序坐果率,提高产量;环剥与环割后果实的维生素C、总酸、总糖和可溶性固形物含量提高;环剥处理后的枣果总糖含量较环割处理高,硬度较环割处理低,果实品质更好;盛花后期即开花60%~80%进行环剥与环割,可提高枣果纵横径及单果质量,促使果实膨大,所以在栽培中可结合盛花期进行环剥、环割后,在盛花后期根据树势情况进行2次环剥、环割处理;木质化枣吊的坐果率、可溶性固形物含量、平均纵横径和单果质量均高于脱落性枣吊,说明在生产中应注意培养木质化枣吊,这是提升枣果产量及品质的有效方法。  相似文献   

张微  张锐 《林业科学》1992,28(1):76-79,T001
沙棘果实成熟与衰老时均不脱落,甚至干缩在果枝上,为了研究沙棘不落果原因,寻求促进落果的有效方法,我们进行了下列实验。一、材料与方法 (一)外施乙烯与ABA于果实完熟前期(9月中下旬)剪取中国沙棘(Hippophaerhamnoides L.Subsp.Sinesis)、西藏沙棘(H.thibetana Schlechtend)带叶果枝,将下端分别浸于装有500、1000ppm乙烯利,50、100ppm ABA与50、100ppm6-康基氨基腺  相似文献   

Size, dry weight and mineral nutrient content of fruit, leaves, shoots, canes, leader, stem and roots of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson var. deliciosa) vines, aged from one to five years, were measured. The distribution of fruit yield among single canes was examined in three of the vines. Total dry weight increased from a mean of 1.29 kg vine(-1) for one-year-old vines to 29.2 kg vine(-1) for five-year-old vines. The proportion of total dry weight in roots declined from the first to the third year (55 to 40%) and then remained approximately constant, whereas the proportion of dry weight in fruits increased from the first to the third year before attaining a more or less constant value. The proportion of total canopy dry weight contained in the current season's growth (fruit, leaves and shoots) averaged 75% for all ages. Roots of five-year-old vines had only penetrated a small proportion of the total soil volume available. Total fruit yield increased linearly with number of floral shoots for whole vines and single canes within vines, but with cane size (length or dry weight) for whole vines only. The productivity of single canes declined from 2.5 kg m(-1) for canes shorter than 0.25 m to about 1.1 kg m(-1) for canes longer than 1.0 m, in accordance with a declining bud density with increasing cane length. For vines of all ages, mineral nutrient concentrations in various tissues were similar, except that Ca in leaves and S in leaves and shoots increased with vine age. Major sites of accumulation of N, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn and B were the leaves, whereas P and K accumulated predominantly in the fruits, Zn in the leader, and Na and Cu in the roots. Estimated annual mineral nutrient uptake increased with vine size and fruit yield, and for five-year-old vines the values per hectare were 141 kg N, 19 kg P, 169 kg K, 161 kg Ca, 28 kg Mg, 32 kg S, and less than 2 kg for Na and all micronutrients. The nutrient content of the harvested fruit provided an inaccurate estimate of annual nutrient uptake of the developing vines.  相似文献   

Many biomechanical and theoretical studies have been based on the pipe-model theory, according to which a tree is regarded as an assemblage of pipes, each having the same amount of leaf area or leaf mass. However, the physiological mechanisms underlying the theory have not been extensively examined, particularly at the branch level. We analyzed how branches and trunks thickened in nine young Acer mono Maxim. var. marmoratum (Nichols) Hara f. dissectum (Wesmael) Rehder. and A. rufinerve (Siebold & Zucc.) trees. In particular, we examined the roles of light, allocation of photosynthates and shoot heterogeneity. The cross-sectional area (A) of a branch was proportional to cumulative leaf mass or leaf area of the branch, and cumulative cross-sectional area of the daughter branches (SigmaA) above a branching point was equal to the A of the mother branch. These results indicate the validity of the pipe-model theory. However, the theory was invalid for current-year growth of branch cross-sectional area (DeltaA). The DeltaA/SigmaDeltaA for a branching point was greatest (nearly equal to 1) at the crown surface, decreased with crown depth, and tended to increase again at the trunk base, and DeltaA strongly depended on light interception and the yearly increment of leaves on the branch. We examined factors that influenced DeltaA with multiple regression analysis. The ratio of DeltaA of a branch to branch leaf area depended on both relative irradiance and mean current-year shoot length of the branch, suggesting that diameter growth of a branch is determined by the balance between supply of photosynthates, which depends on light interception by the branch, and demand for photosynthates, which is created by the high cambial activity associated with vigorous shoot elongation.  相似文献   

Five-year-old 'Spring' navel (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) orange trees were completely defruited, 50% defruited or left fully laden to study effects of fruit load on concentrations of nitrogen (N) and carbohydrate, net assimilation of CO2 (Ac) and stomatal conductance (gs) of mature leaves on clear winter days just before fruit harvest. Leaves on defruited trees were larger, had higher starch concentrations and greater leaf dry mass per area (LDMa) than leaves on fruited trees. Both Ac and gs were more than 40% lower in sunlit leaves on defruited trees than in sunlit leaves on trees with fruit. Leaves immediately adjacent to fruit were smaller, had lower leaf nitrogen and carbohydrate concentrations, lower LDMa and lower Ac than leaves on non-fruiting branches of the same trees. Removing half the crop increased individual fruit mass, but reduced fruit color development. Half the trees were shaded with 50% shade cloth for 4 months before harvest to determine the effects of lower leaf temperature (Tl) and leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference on leaf responses. On relatively warm days when sunlit Tl > 25 degrees C, shade increased Ac and gs, but had no effect on the ratio of internal to ambient CO2 (Ci/Ca) concentration in leaves, implying that high mesophyll temperatures in sunlit leaves were more important than gs in limiting Ac. Sunlit leaves were more photoinhibited than shaded leaves on cooler days when Tl < 25 degrees C. Shade decreased total soluble sugar concentrations in leaves, but had no effect on leaf starch concentrations. Shading had no effects on canopy volume, yield or fruit size, but shaded fruit developed better external color than sun-exposed fruit. Overall, the presence of a normal fruit crop resulted in lower foliar carbohydrate concentrations and higher Ac compared with defruited trees, except on warm days when Ac was reduced by high leaf temperatures.  相似文献   

Increasing fruit load (from no berries present to 25, 50 and 100% of the initial fruit load) significantly decreased branch growth on 5-year-old coffee (Coffea arabica L.) trees of the dwarf cultivar 'Costa Rica 95', during their third production cycle. Ring-barking the branches further reduced their growth. Berry dry mass at harvest was significantly reduced by increasing fruit load. Dry matter allocation to berries was four times that allocated to branch growth during the cycle. Branch dieback and berry drop were significantly higher at greater fruit loads. This illustrates the importance of berry sink strength and indicates that there is competition for carbohydrates between berries and shoots and also among berries. Leaf net photosynthesis (P(n)) increased with increasing fruit load. Furthermore, leaves of non-isolated branches bearing full fruit load achieved three times higher P(n) than leaves of isolated (ring-barked) branches without berries, indicating strong relief of leaf P(n) inhibition by carbohydrate demand from berries and other parts of the coffee tree when excess photoassimilates could be exported. Leaf P(n) was significantly higher in the morning than later during the day. This reduction in leaf P(n) is generally attributed to stomatal closure in response to high irradiance, temperature and vapor pressure deficit in the middle of the day; however, it could also be a feedback effect of reserves accumulating during the morning when climatic conditions for leaf P(n) were optimal, because increased leaf mass ratio was observed in leaves of ring-barked branches with low or no fruit loads. Rates of CO(2) emission by berries decreased and calculated photosynthetic rates of berries increased with increasing photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) especially at low PPFs (0 to 100 micromol m(-2) s(-1)). The photosynthetic contribution of berries at the bean-filling stage was estimated to be about 30% of their daily respiration costs and 12% of their total carbon requirements at PPF values commonly experienced in the field (200 to 500 micromol m(-2) s(-1)).  相似文献   

用气相色谱 -质谱联用仪分析了板栗健康叶片、被针叶小爪螨危害过 (除去叶螨 )的叶片和被该叶螨危害并带有该叶螨的叶片挥发性物质的成分和相对含量。在受害和未受害叶片中 ,石竹烯和α 法尼烯均占较大的比例。石竹烯在受害叶中的峰值增高 ;而α 法尼烯在无叶螨的受害叶中的峰值增高 ;1 辛烯在未受害叶片中未检测到 ,但在受害的叶片中则含量均较高 ,尤其有叶螨的受害叶片较无叶螨的受害叶片 1 辛烯的峰值显著增高 ;苯甲酸乙酯在有叶螨的受害叶片中较其余 2种也显著增高 ;3,7,11 三甲基 1 6 10 十二碳三烯 3 醇以有螨的受害叶中含量最高 ,无叶螨的受害叶次之 ,未受害叶含量极微 ,几乎检测不到 ;但 4 溴 2 戊烯却呈现相反的趋势 ,在未受害叶中的含量显著高于受害叶。根据生物测试结果做出如下推断 :叶片受害后 ,挥发性物质的种类和含量发生了变化 ,改变了原来寄主植物气味的化学指纹图 ,使针叶小爪螨在识别寄主植物时遇到困难 ,甚至产生了忌避作用而从受害叶转移到未受害叶上。同时这些物质对引诱芬兰钝绥螨起着重要的引诱作用  相似文献   

The main objective of our clonal propagation program is the production of high quality timber and faster tree growth. Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) is an important plantation species in the tropics but the demand of teak timber is increasing globally. Teak planting stock is still produced from seeds of unselected elite genotypes which may lead to poor stand establishment. The number of seeds per fruit and their germination ability are also variable and limited by several factors. Therefore an alternative method i.e., clonal propagation is required for mass multiplication of elite trees. It is an established fact that the clonal propagation or adventitious root formation in cuttings is markedly affected by several external and internal factors. Considering these, an experiment was conducted on leafy soft wood shoot cuttings of 3-year-old hedged teak stock plants grown in a hedge garden to study the effects of branch position and auxin treatment on adventitious root formation. A factorial completely randomized design was used for experimentation. Coppice shoots were collected from basal, middle and upper positions of the hedge garden; and mono-nodal leafy cuttings were prepared. These cuttings were treated with different concentrations of IBA and NAA; and were cultured in a mist chamber for rooting where the relative humidity was maintained at 85 ± 2% with maximum and minimum day-night temperature at 32 ± 1°C and 26 ± 1°C respectively. After 45 days the cuttings were removed from the rooting medium and observations were made. It was observed that the rooting parameters viz., percent rooting and percent sprouting, mean number of leaves, mean number of shoots and length, and mean number of roots and length per cutting were significantly influenced by the branch position and auxin treatment. Treatment with 4000 ppm IBA increased percent rooting and percent sprouting whereas NAA suppressed it. Treatment with 4000 ppm IBA also increased the mean number of leaves and shoots, and the length, and the mean number of roots per cutting. The highest mean number of roots and length were observed in cuttings taken from the branch emerging at the upper position followed by branches of middle and lower position. Cuttings of branches at a middle position showed the highest values of percent rooting, percent sprouting, mean number of leaves and shoots and mean shoot length per cutting. Furthermore, the interactive effect of branch position and auxin treatment on rooting and sprouting response was also found to be significant. Overall, the findings of this investigation suggest that middle branch position in hedge plants and 4000 ppm IBA can be made to induce maximum rooting and to produce high quality planting stock material for clonal forestry program of teak.  相似文献   

As part of a wider study characterizing tree-to-tree variation in fruit traits as a pre-requisite for cultivar development, fruits were collected from each of 63 marula (Sclerocarya birrea) trees in Bushbuckridge, South Africa and from 55 trees from the North Central Region of Namibia. The nuts were removed from the fruit flesh, and the kernels extracted, counted and weighed individually to determine the patterns of dry matter partitioning among the nut components (shell and kernel) of different trees. Mean nut, shell and kernel mass were not significantly different between the two countries. Between sites in South Africa there were highly significant differences in mean nut mass, shell mass, kernel mass and kernel number. In Namibia, there were highly significant differences between geographic areas in mean shell mass, kernel mass and kernel number, but not in nut mass. These differences had considerable impacts on shell:kernel ratios (8.0 - 15.4). In South Africa, mean kernel mass was significantly greater in fruits from farmers fields (0.42 g) than from communal land (0.30 g) or natural woodland (0.32 g). Within all sites, in both South Africa and Namibia, there was highly significant and continuous variation between individual trees in nut mass (South Africa = 2.3 - 7.1 g; Namibia = 2.7 - 6.4 g) and kernel mass (South Africa = 0.09 - 0.55 g; Namibia = 0.01 - 0.92 g). The small and valuable kernels constitute a small part of the nut (Namibia = 6.1- 11.1%; South Africa = 7.6 - 10.7%). There can be 4 kernels per nut, but even within the fruits of the same tree, kernel number can vary between 0-4, suggesting variation in pollination success, in addition to genetic variation. The nuts and kernels of the Namibian trees were compared with the fruits from one superior tree (Namibian Wonder: nuts = 10.9 g; kernels = 1.1 g). Oil content (%) and oil yield (g/fruit) also differed significantly between trees (44.7 - 72.3% and 8.0 - 53.0 g/fruit). The percentage frequency distribution of kernel mass was skewed from trees in farmers fields in South Africa and in some sites in Namibia, suggesting a level of anthropogenic selection. It is concluded that there is great potential for the development of cultivars for kernel traits, but there is also a need to determine how to increase the proportion of nuts with four kernels, perhaps through improved pollination success.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of branch autonomy on the growth of reproductive and vegetative organs by establishing different patterns of fruit distribution within and between large branch units (scaffolds) in mature peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. 'Elegant Lady'). Different patterns of fruit distribution were established by defruiting either whole scaffolds (uneven fruit distribution between scaffolds; US) or several selected hangers (small fruiting branches) per tree (uneven fruit distribution between hangers; UH). The effects of these patterns were compared with the effects of an even fruit distribution treatment (EVEN) in which fruits were thinned to achieve maximum uniformity of fruit distribution within the canopy. The desired fruit loads were obtained by differentially thinning the remaining bearing parts. On a tree basis, the response of mean fruit mass to fruit load was strongly affected by fruit distribution. The steepest mean fruit mass to fruit load relationship was found in US trees, whereas the relationship in UH trees was intermediate between the US and EVEN trees. On a scaffold basis, differences in fruit size between EVEN and US trees with similar fruit loads, though statistically significant, were relatively small, indicating that scaffolds were almost totally autonomous with respect to dry matter partitioning to fruit during the final stage of peach fruit growth. Hangers also appeared to exhibit significant autonomy with respect to the distribution of dry matter during the final phase of fruit growth. Branch autonomy was evident in scaffold growth: defruited scaffolds in the US treatment grew more than fruited scaffolds, and fruit distribution treatments had little impact on scaffold cross-sectional area on a tree basis. On the other hand, as observed for fruit growth, branch autonomy did not appear to be complete because the fruited scaffolds grew more in US trees than in EVEN trees under heavy cropping conditions. However, the effect of fruit distribution occurred only over short distances, and was negligible on organs located farther away from the source of heterogeneity (fruits), such as the trunk and roots.  相似文献   

为了解马家柚粗皮果形成的原因,以马家柚光皮果为对照,比较了果实发育期间果皮的显微结构。通过对外果皮的解剖结构观察发现,光皮果的油胞下凹,而粗皮果的油胞略有凸起,并且粗皮果的油胞体积明显大于光皮果,二者在油胞上所表现的这些差异可能是导致粗皮果果皮粗糙的主要原因。通过对中果皮的解剖结构观察发现,在果皮成熟时粗皮果中果皮细胞较光皮果形态上更细长,果皮射线方向细胞直径更大,细胞间隙也更大,这些可能是导致粗皮果果皮增厚、海绵层疏松现象的原因之一。  相似文献   

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