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为了分析河北省冬季不同地区肉牛肥育舍的温湿环境,试验采用常规检测方法,对拴系肉牛舍内垂直空间(0.1,0.6,1.2,1.8 m高度)的气温和气湿进行了检测。结果表明:不同地区牛舍内垂直温差和湿差明显不同,平原丘陵地区牛舍的温差和湿差变化不大,而燕山山区牛舍的温差和湿差变化明显,呈下低上高趋势,尤其是早上和晚上,0.1 m和1.8 m处的温差最高可达4.6℃;另外,牛舍早上气温普遍较低,多数牛舍气温低于0℃;而气湿较高,最高可达89%。说明冬季河北省肉牛舍处于寒冷状态,应重视肉牛舍的保温设计和环境调控。  相似文献   

河北省不同地区肉牛场的环境检测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选择了河北省4个地区6种有代表性建筑类型的肉牛舍,对夏季和冬季舍内外的环境因素(空气温度、相对湿度、风速、光照和噪音)进行了检测。结果表明,夏季平原丘陵地区牛舍的温度均达到29℃以上,各地区牛舍内和牛舍外均未表现出显著性差异(P0.05),冬季各牛舍的舍内平均温度显著高于舍外(P0.05)。冬季燕北山区牛舍的湿度较高,接近或超过80%,而平原丘陵地区的牛舍湿度只有59%,除敞棚式牛舍(沧州)均表现出差异显著(P0.05)。舍内光照和噪音基本符合我国的相关标准,但夏季舍内风速偏低。综合分析牛舍的各项环境参数,建议河北省肉牛舍夏季配置防暑降温设施,且冬季要尽量减少舍内的湿度。  相似文献   

通过检测河北省不同地区6种有代表性建筑类型的肉牛舍内外空气中的细菌含量,对夏季和冬季肉牛舍的空气环境质量进行分析。夏季各地区牛舍中不同检测高度的细菌数量没有表现出显著差异(P>0.05),而冬季3种密闭式牛舍内,1.2m高的细菌数量均显著高于0.6m(P<0.05),分别达到98.2CFU/m3和68.3CFU/m3;夏冬两季不同建筑类型的牛舍内细菌数量均显著高于舍外(P<0.05),且冬季密闭式牛舍内细菌数量达到75.5×103~88.1×103 CFU/m3,是舍外的2.6~9.6倍,远远超过夏季(83.2×103 CFU/m3)。该研究为肉牛舍的设计和牛舍环境的改善提供理论基础。  相似文献   

江波涛  李莉  曲永利 《兽医导刊》2016,(22):221-222
本文对东北地区肉牛舍作为测定对象,对肉牛舍的温度、湿度、风速、CO2浓度以及NH3浓度进行分析.对牛舍内采暖温度进行测定,平均温度能够保持到12~15℃之间,湿度也在40~80%之间.通过对东北地区冬季肉牛采暖舍环境的检测,所得到的结果证明东北地区能够在冬季为肉牛提供较为舒适的环境,并且在养殖肉牛技术上得到明显提高.  相似文献   

为研究寒区奶牛舍温热环境的年动态变化,试验选择河北省承德市某规模化奶牛场一栋散栏有窗奶牛舍,连续12个月监测舍内外的气温、相对湿度和风速并分析其规律。结果表明,全年奶牛舍内、外气温均表现为中午高、早晚低的规律性变化,相对湿度则表现出相反的规律。夏季(6~8月)每天有7.5~10 h舍内气温高于25℃,且在6月出现了舍内气温高于舍外气温的现象。12月舍内风速几乎全天为0 m/s。从综合指数分析,夏季每天09∶30~19∶30(10 h)舍内温湿指数(THI)均超过72,奶牛处于轻度热应激状态;冬季的风寒温度(WCT)均未低于-10℃,奶牛不遭受冷应激。综合以上结果,对于寒区散栏有窗奶牛舍,夏季应加强防暑降温措施,冬季加强通风换气。  相似文献   

西北地区冬季肉牛舍环境指标测定与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验通过测定西北地区冬季肉牛舍环境指标,评价肉牛舍环境状况并提出改进建议.选择木屋架草泥屋面肉牛舍2栋(其中1栋地面加2 cm垫料)、单层彩钢板屋面肉牛舍1栋(屋顶换气缝覆盖塑料薄膜)测定各项指标.测定结果表明:草泥屋面牛舍内平均温度为-9.56 ℃、湿度为78.71%、风速0.17 m/s,牛舍温度过低,不能满足肉牛生产要求;单层彩钢板牛舍同期的温度比草泥屋面牛舍高3 ℃,但湿度要高15%(达到93.75%),风速为0.03 m/s,其环境综合评价不如草泥屋面牛舍.牛舍地面加垫料即可提高舍内温度,又可保证地面温度在0 ℃以上,同时可以降低相对湿度4%,是改善牛舍环境条件的有效措施.建议:肉牛舍屋面采用草泥屋面或双层彩钢板,屋顶换气缝改为0.36 m,地面垫料厚度可增加到5 cm.  相似文献   

中国西北地区肉牛舍冬季建筑热环境系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为设计中国西北地区满足肉牛冬季温度通风要求的肉牛舍,采用建筑环境模拟软件DEST模拟了不同围护结构和通风率肉牛舍的冬季自然舍温。结果表明,在屋顶传热系数为1.0W/(m2·K)时,非保温窗牛舍在通风率分别为5次/h、10次/h和15次/h时,1~2月日平均温度最低值分别为-7.4℃、-12.3℃和-14.4℃,高于肉牛低临界温度,但需对饮水加热;在通风率为10次/h时,保温窗和非保温窗牛舍1~2月日平均温度分别为-11.6~-8.7℃、-12.3~-8.2℃;在通风率为5次/h、10次/h和15次/h时,非保温窗牛舍1~2月舍内外温差分别为8.8~12.2℃、5.2~7.6℃和3.7~5.4℃。建议西北地区肉牛舍采用非保温窗,屋顶材料采用单层彩钢板或者传热系数为1.0W/(m2·K)的材料,冬季通风率取10~15次/h;天窗和窗户分别选用阳光板和塑料膜卷帘窗。  相似文献   

1 肉牛舍类型1.1半开放牛舍 半开放牛舍三面有墙,向阳一面敞开,有部分顶棚,在敞开一侧设有围栏,水槽、料槽设在栏内,肉牛散放其中。每舍(群)15~20头,每头牛占有面积4m^2~5m^2。这类牛舍造价低,节省劳动力,但冬季防寒效果不佳。  相似文献   

为探究适合东北地区的肉牛舍设计和管理方案,试验在黑龙江省选择2种具有代表性的牛舍(钟楼式彩钢结构的妊娠牛舍A和双坡式砖混结构的育肥牛舍B),对其冬季温热环境及空气质量进行测定。结果表明:牛舍A内牛只活动时平均温度为-14. 1℃,温度较低;平均相对湿度为87. 1%,较标准值略高;风速、CO_2和NH_3浓度均适宜肉牛生长。牛舍B内平均温度为-1. 6℃;平均相对湿度为100%,严重超标;舍内风速为0 m/s,CO_2和NH_3浓度较高,不利于肉牛生长。牛舍A保温层薄、门窗密封不严;牛舍B通风换气系统设计不完善是造成这些问题的主要原因。根据肉牛生长环境要求,牛舍A更适宜肉牛生长。  相似文献   

为了解亚热带无隔热层钟楼式单层彩钢瓦屋面棚舍栓系饲养模式下的环境特征,在凤阳测定了肉牛舍的温度、湿度、气流、PM10、NH3等指标。结果:夏季,棚舍内外温湿度几乎相同,换气量超过了最大换气量,PM10优于卫生标准,温湿指数范围为78~87,肉牛处于热应激状态。考虑了气流影响的体感温度范围为25.1~32.2℃,气流显著地减少了高温的影响。晴天棚顶内外表面温度最大相差1.2℃,棚顶隔热能力差,棚顶内表面最高可达48.3℃,此时的舍内气温仅为33.1℃,棚舍自然换气调节是环境控制的主体,适当架高棚顶,开设钟楼换气口有利于畜舍通风换气。冬季,舍内温度范围为-1~7.5℃,舍外温度范围-3.3~5.5℃,温差仅2℃,舍内风速为0.2~0.4 m/s,舍外风速为1.01~2.53 m/s。舍内湿度高于舍外,超过了肉牛生长的适宜湿度范围,NH3浓度优于卫生标准,冬季棚舍四周围挡塑料薄膜,减少了换气量,保温作用弱,空气质量下降。  相似文献   

河北省不同建筑类型羊舍环境参数的检测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选择3种建筑类型羊舍(有窗封闭舍、半开放舍和棚舍),对羊舍温度、二氧化碳(CO2)、氨气(NH3)、风速和光照进行定点定时检测,分析冬夏季节河北省不同建筑类型的羊舍环境,为标准化羊舍的建设提供依据。结果表明,冬季不同类型羊舍的温度表现为显著性差异(P<0.05),有窗舍最高,棚舍最低(早-4.13℃),有窗舍均温分别比棚舍和半开放舍高4.26和2.95℃,夏季不同舍温度未表现出显著性差异(P>0.05),早、午和晚分别达25.12、32.48和29.71℃,热应激明显;从有害气体结果可以看出,羊舍CO2含量分别为411.0~995.2 mg/m^3(夏)和402.9~2336.8 mg/m^3(冬),两季CO2日均含量有窗舍均最高,棚舍最低,不同舍CO2日均含量差异显著(P<0.01),有窗舍冬季早上含量高达2336.8 mg/m^3,已超国标。另外,所有羊舍未检测出NH 3。从风速结果可以看出,两季风速分别为0.06~0.36 m/s(夏)和0.03~0.26 m/s(冬),两季有窗舍的风速均显著低于其他两类舍(P<0.01)。从光照强度来看,棚舍光照强度显著高于其他两类舍(P<0.01),均符合国标。可见,冬季有窗羊舍虽然温度较高,但空气质量差,CO2含量超标,应加强通风换气,兼顾保温;夏季不管哪种类型舍,均应隔热降温以缓解热应激。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the annual dynamic of thermal environment of dairy cowshed in free stall-feeding with window. Through continuous detection of the dairy cowshed for 12 months of air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, the annual variations in these 3 parameters were analyzed. The results indicated that the indoor air temperature was high at noon and low in both the morning and evening, while the opposite tendency in the relative humidity was observed. The indoor air temperature was above 25℃ for 7.5 to 10 h daily in summer, especially in June, the indoor air temperature was higher than outdoor air temperature. In December, the indoor wind speed was almost 0 m/s. From the comprehensive index analysis, during the period of 09:30~19:30 in summer, the temperature humidity index (THI) was above 72, which made dairy cows suffer from mild heat stress. The wind chill temperature (WCT) was not below -10℃ in winter, and the dairy cows did not suffer from cold stress. In conclusion, not only heatstroke prevention in summer but also ventilation enhanced in winter for this dairy cowshed should be paid more attention.  相似文献   

旨在研究河北省规模化羊场冬季羊舍外围护内表面温度的分布规律。选择规模化羊场的6栋羊舍,采用定点定时的检测方法,分别于早、午、晚对各舍外围护内表面(屋顶2个坡、墙4个侧面和地面料道两侧)温度及舍内温湿度进行检测。结果表明,外围护结构内表面温度与舍内环境温度呈显著的线性正相关关系(P<0.01,r=0.94),回归方程为y=0.931x+0.5697。不同时间段和不同外围护部位的内表面温度均表现出显著性差异(P<0.01),且时段与部位存在交互效应(P<0.01)。3个时段中,早上外围护结构均温最低(P<0.01),仅-4.93~-1.03℃,尤其是屋顶,早午温差值显著高于墙体和地面(P<0.05),需加强早上羊舍的保温。研究也表明,羊舍类型、建筑材料和朝向均影响外围护内表面温度,有窗舍外围护内表面均温显著高于敞棚舍(P<0.01),复合彩钢板屋顶舍的外围护内表面均温显著高于单层彩钢舍(P<0.01),尤其是舍北侧结构(北侧地面、北坡顶和北墙)内表面温度均显著高于单彩钢舍(P<0.05)。另外,南北朝向舍的两坡屋顶温度差异显著(P<0.05),而东西朝向两坡屋顶温度未表现出显著性差异(P>0.05),建议冀中南地区羊舍宜东西朝向,但应注意外围护整体结构的保温隔热性。该结果可为羊舍的环境改善及标准化设计提供依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate harmful gases concentrations of dairy cow houses in winter in the chill region of Hebei province.Three styles of dairy cow houses and four styles of calf houses in Bashang plateau in Hebei province were used in this study to determine NH3 and CO2 concentrations.The results showed that the CO2 concentrations were extremely significantly higher in well-closed dairy cow houses than that with exercise yards (P < 0.01).And the CO2 concentration in the evening was higher than that in the morning and at noon,reaching up to 4 481.7 mg/m3(dairy cow house 1).The CO2 concentrations in all calf houses were high in the morning and evening and low at noon.Besides,the CO2concentrations in all dairy cow houses and calf houses were extremely significantly or significantly higher than that in the net roads or exercise yards (P < 0.01;P < 0.05).The NH3 concentration of three dairy cow houses showed a sharp rise trend after 19:00 and the dairy cow house 3 only detected the low concentration of NH3 which ranged from 0 to 0.36 mg/m3.The NH3 concentration of the calve houses were changing from 0.71 to 5.28 mg/m3.In conclusion,the harmful gas concentration related to the building types and structure that CO2 and NH3 concentration were higher when the cowsheds were sealed,even exceeded standard badly.To reduce the harmful gas content in the house,the ventilation should be taken into account to improve the air quality.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究高寒地区奶牛舍和犊牛舍冬季有害气体的含量变化,选取河北省坝上高原具有代表性的3种奶牛舍和4种犊牛舍,检测冬季不同时间段牛舍内外空气中氨气(NH3)和二氧化碳(CO2)的含量。结果显示,不设舍外运动场的奶牛舍中CO2含量极显著高于带舍外运动场的奶牛舍(P < 0.01),且晚上CO2含量高于早上和中午,最高达4 481.7 mg/m3(奶牛舍1)。所有犊牛舍CO2含量均表现为早晚高、中午低的规律性,所有奶牛舍和犊牛舍内CO2含量均极显著或显著高于净道或运动场(P < 0.01;P < 0.05)。3种奶牛舍19:00后NH3含量出现急剧升高的趋势。奶牛舍3只检测到低浓度的NH3,波动范围为0~0.36 mg/m3,犊牛舍的NH3含量介于0.71~5.28 mg/m3。综上所述,奶牛舍和犊牛舍有害气体含量与牛舍建筑类型和结构相关,密闭性好的牛舍CO2和NH3含量均较高,甚至出现CO2含量严重超标的现象。为降低舍内的有害气体含量,寒冷地区应在考虑牛舍保温设计的同时,兼顾通风换气的设计,以改善牛舍的空气质量。  相似文献   

The present objective of the study was to investigate the concentrations of indoor and outdoor and airborne fungi of three styles of dairy cowsheds in winter.The sampled sites included the shed,exercise yard,net road,sunshade,5 or 50 m distance upwind or downwind outside each dairy farm.The results showed that the indoor microorganism concentration varied from the shed styles.The concentrations of airborne bacteria ranged from 1 540 to 10 487 CFU/m3 in all three sheds,and among all sheds,the bacteria concentration in the shed with only roof was the highest.The concentrations of airborne fungi ranged from 169 to 731 CFU/m3 in all sheds,and the fungi concentration in the shed with curtain was the highest.Moreover,both bacteria and fungi concentrations in the evening were higher than that at noon and in the morning.From the spatial distribution of indoor and outdoor microorganisms,the bacteria concentrations in the sheds or at the exercise yard were higher than that at the net road in each farm,and the bacteria concentration in downwind was higher than in upwind,while the spatial distribution of fungi showed no significant difference among all sampled sites.The research results would provide some references for improving environment of cowshed and preventing from diseases.  相似文献   

本研究旨在比较冬季不同建筑类型奶牛舍内外气载细菌和真菌的含量变化.选择3种建筑类型的奶牛舍,对舍内、运动场、净道、凉棚及场外上风向和下风向5和50 m处的气载微生物进行同期采样分析.结果显示,不同建筑类型奶牛舍内微生物含量不同,气载细菌的含量变化为1 540~10 487 CFU/m3,只设顶棚的棚舍细菌含量最高;气载真菌的含量变化为169~731 CFU/m3,卷帘舍的真菌含量最高,且所有舍晚上的细菌和真菌含量均高于早上和中午.从舍内外微生物的空间分布得出,舍内或运动场的细菌含量高于净道,场外下风向处的细菌含量高于上风向处,但真菌的空间分布变化不明显.本研究结果可为奶牛舍环境的改善和奶牛疾病预防提供参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate thermal environment of cowshed in four seasons in central plain of Hebei,and analyze the correlation between the temperature parameters and physiological indexes of dairy cows.Three dairy cow houses with different building structures were selected,the thermal parameters (ambient temperature (Ta) and relative humidity (RH)) and physiological parameters (respiratory rate,rectal temperature and body surface temperature) were detected.The results showed that the Ta,RH and index of temperature and humidity (THI) changed significantly in four seasons (P<0.05),the average daily temperature in summer was the highest (28.59 ℃),and the average daily temperature in winter was the lowest (1.55 ℃).In summer,dairy cows were suffering from mild heat stress for 15.5 h every day,and from moderate heat stress for 6.0 h.In winter,dairy cows were under mild cold stress for an average of 12.0 h per day.The Ta and THI of three cowsheds in each season had no significant differece (P>0.05),except for that in winter.Compared with the cowshed with low wall or roller blind,the average Ta in the cowshed with only roof was 0.80-1.27 ℃ higher in summer and 1.36-1.84 ℃ lower in winter.In addition,the physiological parameters of dairy cows were extremely significantly higher in summer than those in other seasons (P<0.01).The respiration frequency or rectal temperature of cows among cowsheds in summer were significantly different (P<0.05),and the seasonal difference in body surface temperature was significant (P<0.05).Correlation analysis of thermal parameters and cow physiological parameters showed that the respiratory frequency,rectal temperature and body surface temperature were positively correlated with THI and Ta (P<0.05).However,there was no significant correlation between physiological parameters and RH (P>0.05).The results provided scientific basis for environment evaluation of cows,and physiological status of dairy cows were inferred according to environmental thermal parameters,which provided data for occurrence and early warning of stress.  相似文献   

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