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The engineering profession of the world can be expected to give more attention to the animal-plant food cycles in the years ahead and to determine new methods of preserving for complete utilization the critical and exhaustible supplies of plant foods for the generations yet to live. Coincidentally with this obligation which the engineer must assume, there is the romantic but very real task ahead of applying the same intensive interest in the ultimate preservation of foods as the agriculturists have displayed in producing them. The food preservation arts and sciences have now progressed forward far enough that the engineering profession can well assure the world that diets can henceforth be determined on the basis of what is good for man. With the coordination of our implements of electrical power, internal-combustion engine, propelled transportation, excellent network of road. ways and mechanical inventions, and with the competent support of the food technologists, the bacteriologists and the chemists, the engineering profession should be able to assure the multitudes that the world's ability to preserve is now prepared to equal the world's capacity to produce food. When complete coordination is effected, and production, preservation and distribution become daily realities, then the profession will have reached new heights in engineering, achievement, statesmanship and service.  相似文献   

英美浪漫主义作家从自然的审美与精神意义、朴素的生态环保意识和生命共同体三个方面书写了各自的生态意识。他们揭示了自然中美的真谛,阐释与自然相融的和谐之美,提倡回归自然,复归人类的美好天性,为人们追寻精神家园开辟出一条通往真、善、美的自然之路。此外,他们也表达了对自然资源和自然环境的深切关注,呼吁人们敬畏生命,保护与合理利用自然资源。强调人类不是自然界的主宰,只是自然界不可分割的组成部分,与其他生命共同组成一个平等的生命共同体的宇宙血缘家庭。英美浪漫主义文学的价值在于揭示人类与自然的深层关系和相互影响,促使人们参悟保护生态环境以及与自然和谐相处的重要意义。  相似文献   

欧·亨利短篇小说的故事情节及主题思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧.亨利是一位具有强烈的社会责任感和同情心的美国优秀短篇小说家,他生活的社会背景及其个人生平成就了他作品的独特风格:讽刺“大人物”的丑陋面目,描绘“小人物”悲喜交织的热闹生活,揭露欲哭无泪的悲惨世界。  相似文献   

生态城市的概念是随着人类文明的不断发展,对人与自然关系认识的不断升华而提出来的。它不仅反映了人类谋求自身发展的意愿,更体现了人类对人与自然关系更加丰富规律的认识。对生态城市理论的背景、内涵特征进行了介绍,对生态城市的规划创建过程进行了简单的探讨。  相似文献   

本着"以人为本"的设计指导思想,在人居环境的构建中,通过健全生态结构,使规划的环境适宜于人们的生存与可持续发展,做到能给人一种富有生机、精神焕发的"生态美"。营造居住环境时,采用不同的美学手段和审美取向,结合社区文化,形成各具特色、风格迥异的人居环境,力求处理好建筑与环境、人与环境融洽和谐的关系。  相似文献   

Contributions of conventional plant breeding to food production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within a relatively short geological time frame, Neolithic man, or more probably woman, domesticated all the major cereal grains, legumes, and root crops that the world's people depend on for most of their calories and protein. Until very recently, crop improvement was in the hands of farmers. The cornerstones of modern plant breeding were laid by Darwin and Mendel in the late 19th century. As the knowledge of genetics, plant pathology, and entomology have grown during the 20th century, plant breeders have made enormous contributions to increased food production throughout the world. There have been major plant breeding break-throughs for maize and wheat, and promising research activities to raise yields in marginal production environments are ongoing. Since it is doubtful that significant production benefits will soon be forthcoming from the use of genetic engineering techniques with higher plants, especially polyploid species, most research funds for crop improvement should continue to be allocated for conventional plant breeding research.  相似文献   

人与自然之间的关系是人类社会交互性关系中的基础性关系,人与自然和谐共生的发展理念是新时代推进生态文明建设的科学指向。面对当前知识进步、技术迭代、制度变迁等社会发展趋势,以及人类对人与自然关系认识的不断深化,重建基于"文化—技术—权力—制度"多维联结的人与自然和谐共生关系,是新时代形成人与自然和谐共生现代化建设新格局的必然要求。因此,新时代重新审视人与自然的关系,从不同维度阐发人与自然之间关系的时代意蕴,创建人与自然和谐共生的多维集成路径,对于推进人与自然和谐共生以及实现经济的高质量发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

问世于11世纪的《福乐智慧》是维吾尔文学史上的经典,也是我国古典文学中的瑰宝,许多哲学思想富涵其中。尤其是作品中的"天人合一"思想,对维吾尔族的思想文化影响深远。本文旨在探讨《福乐智慧》宇宙观、生命观、道德伦理观中的"天人合一"思想的具体体现,以及笔者从中获得的启示。  相似文献   

The imponderable now is time. Certainly, it is in short supply if we hope to improve the world's prospects for food production. The requisite scientific skills that can contribute to greater world agricultural production exist in a uniquely concentrated form in the U.S. universities. Incentives for increased university involvement in technical assistance created by the International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1975 will not become effective until a mechanism which guarantees adequate and long-term funding is established. A continuing dialogue to define the nature and scope of needed reforms is necessary if maximum involvement of U.S. scientists in agricultural technical assistance is to be realized. Such involvement is vital in meeting the food needs of the developing world.  相似文献   

生态文化是随着绿色运动的兴起而建立起来的一门新的文化,生态文化在不同历史时期的发展代表着人与自然之间关系的不断转型,从生态文化的变迁中看到人对自我地位的认识更加理智。从生态文化的中国智慧、马克思主义的生态观、西方生态理论学派等方面分析了求同存异容纳多元生态文化的理论,生态文化的发展与构建需要吸收古今中外文化的合理因素,具有包容力与认同力的生态文化更能指引我们营造出美丽和谐的生态环境。在此基础上,探讨了加强生态文明建设的文化认同理念:“天人合一”的传统生态文化理念促进人与自然和谐共生,以马克思主义生态观为指导建设美丽中国,以广博包容的生态文化为指引探索生态文明建设道路。  相似文献   

Changing man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human condition is changing both culturally and biologically. Although the cultural evolution overshadows the biological, the two are connected by feedback relationships; culture has a biological foundation. Natural selection continues to operate in modern mankind, but its action ought to be supplemented by artificial selection. The problems of the management of human evolution are, however, as much sociological as they are biological. The success of any eugenical program depends on the creation of favorable conditions for human development and self-actualization. In particular, the urgency of the problem of uncontrolled overpopulation exceeds at present that of genetic improvement. Contrary to the alarmist views of some biologists, the evolutionary perspectives for the human species may be regarded as favorable, although, of course, subject to improvement. Man should be the maker of his history, including his evolutionary history. The trend toward increasing social mobility and equality of opportunity may have desirable genetic effects because of the positive assortative mating which it encourages. It makes possible the realization of many hitherto concealed genetically conditioned talents and aptitudes. Rapid progress of both molecular and organismic, Cartesian and Darwinian, biology gives hope of development of new and powerful methods of genetic engineering, control of gene action, betterment of the environment, and improved understanding of the evolutionary processes in the living world, including man.  相似文献   

张慎 《北京农业》2012,(33):22-23
改革开放以后,中国的丝绸工业得到了进一步的发展,并且其产量跃居世界第一位,在世界经济结构调整的背景下,国际丝绸贸易格局发生了极大的变化,中国也正逐步成为世界丝绸生产的中心。而蚕桑的生产是丝绸工业正常运行发展的基础,所以我们对其的清洁以及质量忽视不得,因为家蚕一旦受到病害,是很难通过治愈而好转的,所以我们应在家蚕完好无病的情况下加强预防工作,如果发现有病害现象,要及时寻找病原,及时采取有效的防治措施,避免病害的蔓延。  相似文献   

陈宇  翁玲 《北京农业》2012,(9):166-167
建设社会主义新农村,必须始终坚持以人为本,把人民群众的生命、财产安全放在第一位,实现人与自然和谐共处等发展要求。这些要求凸显出农村防雷减灾工作的重要性,做好新农村建设中防雷减灾工作具有其特殊的战略意义。  相似文献   

除了众多深入人心的人物形象之外,艾特玛托夫还为读者描绘了一个鲜活的动物世界,其中的主角形态各异,有着丰富的情感世界.这些充满灵性的动物不再是作品中可有可无的道具,它们与人物形象一样丰满重要.它们不再仅仅只协助铺展故事情节,提供情节转折的契机,而是积极参与人物的生活,成为作品中的另一主角,反映人类社会,观照人生,映衬人间善恶,具有多重作用.本文欲从生态伦理的角度来分析艾氏多部作品中出现的动物形象在协助阐释作者生态思想方面所起的作用,并进一步指出人与动物、与自然自古就存在姻缘纽带,动物也与人类一样有着丰富的情感世界,是人类的兄弟,理应得到人类的关照和尊重;人类善待万物生灵,与自然和谐相处是构建整个生态和谐的基础,也是确保整个生态系统健康和谐发展的重要条件.  相似文献   

柯其燕  涂慧萍 《安徽农业科学》2014,(33):12005-12008
森林经营不单纯是关于树木的问题,也是一个关于人的问题,森林经营建设与发展不仅关系到人与自然、人与社会的发展,而且关系到人与人之间冲突与协调.在森林文化中人是森林经营活动中的主体,发展过程中应强化人的认识发展.该文从人的思想文化、伦理观念以及行为出发,研究如何在森林经营过程中充分发挥人的主体性,实现人本管理.旨在实现人与森林、社会的和谐共生,实现人与人由冲突到协调的转变,以期在如何更好地走森林可持续经营道路上获得启示.  相似文献   

本文以十六世纪前后英国历史转变的情况入手,从经济、政治和文艺的关系,说明了文艺复兴的时代背景及人文主义的产生。莎士比亚在这一时代背景和人文主义的影响下,写出了他的不朽名著《哈姆雷特》一剧。哈姆雷特这一人文主义的典型人物,在莎氏的笔下,把复仇和实现理想结合起来,从受到一系列严重打击而“垮”了的情况下,最后报了杀父之仇。本文分析指出了《哈姆雷特》之所以是个悲剧的主要点是在于主人翁没有完成他最高的理想:重整脱了节的时代,建立起他理想的社会。其原因是时代和哈姆雷特思想和地位的局限。他没有也不可能与人民群众一起,铲除邪恶,实现他人文主义的理想。  相似文献   

Brush SG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1974,183(4130):1164-1172
I suggest that the teacher who wants to indoctrinate his students in the traditional role of the scientist as a neutral fact finder should not use historical materials of the kind now being prepared by historians of science: they will not serve his purposes. He may wish to follow the advice of philosopher J. C. C. Smart, who recently suggested that it is legitimate to use fictionalized history of science to illustrate one's pronouncements on scientific method (56). On the other hand, those teachers who want to counteract the dogmatism of the textbooks and convey some understanding of science as an activity that cannot be divorced from metaphysical or esthetic considerations may find some stimulation in the new history of science. As historian D. S. L. Cardwell has argued (57, p. 120): . . . [I]f the history of science is to be used as an educational discipline, to inculcate an enlightened and critical mind, then the Whig view . . . cannot do this. For it must emphasize the continuities, the smooth and successive developments from one great achievement to the next and so on; and in doing so it must automatically endow the present state of science with all the immense authority of history. He suggests that the critical mind might be inhibited by seeing the present as the inevitable, triumphant product of the past. The history of science could aid the teaching of science by showing that "such puzzling concepts as force, energy, etc., are man-made and were evolved in an understandable sequence in response to acutely felt and very real problems. They were not handed down by some celestial textbook writer to whom they were immediately self-evident" (57, p. 120). The past may give some hints on how to survive the most recent recurrence of public hostility to science. Rather than blaming historians such as Kuhn for encouraging antiscientific attitudes, as one physicist did in a public address in 1972 (58), one might consider this criticism of the older style of science history, published in 1940 by W. James Lyons (59, p. 381): The historians of science are responsible, it would appear, for the unpopularity of science among those most acutely affected by the depression. In their clamor to enhance the scientific tradition, and hoard for science all credit for the remarkable and unprecedented material advances which studded the century and a quarter preceding 1930, these historians have been more enthusiastic than accurate . . . science emerged [in the popular mind] as the most prominent force responsible for making this modern world so startlingly different from all preceding ages. Thus when, for many people, the modern world, in spite of all its resources, began to slip from its role of "best of all imaginable worlds," science came in for a proportionate share of blame. Had a more accurate picture of the part science has played been presented, science would not now be the object of so much suspicion and resentment. In more recent times, hostility to science has been intensified by the image of the "objective," robot-like scientist lacking emotions and moral values. If the new approach to the history of science really does give a more realistic picture of the behavior of scientists, perhaps it has a "redeeming social significance." Then, rather than limiting the conception of science to the strict pattern allowed by traditional local standards, one might try to change those standards in such a way as to reflect the freedom that the boldest natural philosophers have always exercised.  相似文献   

李姗珊 《安徽农业科学》2014,(34):12396-12398
孟子是战国时期杰出的儒家学派代表,其思想蕴含着大量的生态伦理观念.这些观念为现代社会生态环境良性化建设提供了有益的精神资源和理论支持.孟子提出“仁民爱物”的生态伦理思想,阐述了人与自然之间的关系;顺时、节约、保护自然与我国的可持续发展思想契合;而热爱自然的生态审美思想更是与我国建设“美丽中国”不谋而合.这些生态伦理思想不仅有利于正确认识人与自然的关系、保护生态环境,而且对于培养生态忧患意识和构建现代生态文明社会具有借鉴和指导意义.  相似文献   

The key parameters to technological growth have been identified as societal resources and societal expectations. Both of these are evident functions of technology, and their combined effects can be expected to continue technology's historical exponential growth. This growth pattern would be substantially altered only if we assume that knowledge is bounded or if society makes a conscious decision to stop the flow of resources into the production of new technological options. Although such conscious selection among individual technical fields is to be expected, it is very unlikely to apply to the totality of technology since, as society grows more complex it continuously creates new needs (priority factor), which in turn provide new opportunities for the application of technological options (payoff factor). The analysis also clearly emphasizes the important role which awareness of new technologies plays in forming societal expectations. These considerations indicate that the technological component of the world simulation model proposed by Meadows et al. (1) and Forrester (2) is best represented by an exponential growth function. The importance of this has been shown by Boyd (3) (Fig. 1), whose "technological optimist" curve has slightly less than exponential growth. Private comnmunication with Boyd indicates that an exponential assumption would reduce the time for equilibrium by several decades. Boyd also indicated that in his modification of the world dynamics model, an exponential technological growth would eventually dominate all other parameters in determining the long-term approach to a steady state. It is evident that the behavior of any world system model is very sensitive to the growth and interaction assumptions for its principal parameters. Thus, model studies should not be easily presumed to represent reality. The one conclusion that appears to be valid regardless of approach is the evident merit of reducing population growth. The parameter for quality of life shown in Fig. 1, parts 2 and 5, is the product of material levels, overcrowding, food, and pollution. The one factor that a "technological optimist" cannot expect to substantially alter in this model is the effect of overcrowding (Fig. 1, parts 3 and 6). Certainly, the many clear values of reducing population growth and improving the environment do not appear to require the justification of a world system analysis. In like manner, it seems appropriate to encourage the "technological optimist" to provide future options for societal choice, even though there may be present philosophical uncertainties as to their eventual merits. Unlike resources found in nature, technology is a manmade resource whose abundance can be continuously increased, and whose importance in determining the world's future is also increasing.  相似文献   

近年来的中国,“以人为本”作为一种政治理念被提出,促使人们对人本主义思想的追根溯源。儒 家思想与西方人本主义思想同是以人为本的倡导者,但由于社会、文化背景的不同,这两种思想在大的理 念相近的基础上,也表现出了诸多微妙的差别。在其影响下的东、西方体育教育更是表现出了明显的差别 。中国体育教育强调尊重自然、身心和谐、人格完满;西方体育教育则更加注重自我实现、个性发展、竞 技精神与娱乐精神。  相似文献   

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