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在引种试验的基础上 ,对笋用竹的 4个竹种引种栽培中的关键技术进行了概述 ,对我省成功引种及营建散生小径笋用竹进行有益探讨。笋用竹引种试验对我省竹种种质资源及竹产业壮大具有重要意义  相似文献   

小径竹重组结构材性能影响因子的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以南方资源丰富的小径竹为原料研究了小径竹重组结构材制造工艺,重点探讨了重组竹结构材的密度,浸胶后竹束的干燥温度,去青与不去青以及竹种(刚竹、淡竹、慈竹、雷竹)对重组竹结构材物理力学性能的影响,并分析了用自行设计的竹材压轧疏解机对小径竹疏解的原理。为高效利用小径竹提供制造工艺依据。  相似文献   

对浙江省临安太湖源竹种园引种的石竹、甜笋竹、雷竹、红竹、黄甜竹、高节竹、角竹、白哺鸡竹、乌哺鸡竹、水桂竹、黄皮刚竹、桂竹、四季竹等13个中小径笋用竹种的出笋成竹规律及其竹笋的营养成分进行观察、测定。结果表明,不同竹种出笋时间和昼夜生长节律不一致,雷竹和石竹笋期较早,黄甜竹、乌哺鸡竹、白哺鸡竹等笋期居中,黄皮刚竹和桂竹的笋期最晚;多表现出白天累计生长量大于夜间累计生长量的规律,而甜笋竹、红竹、水桂竹及乌哺鸡竹的昼夜节律却与之相反。不同竹种的竹笋营养成分含量不同,但均有较高的含水量和蛋白质含量,而脂肪含量较低,氨基酸种类齐全。本研究可为优良中小径散生笋用竹的引种扩繁提供参考。  相似文献   

2010年,宜宾市竹产业总产值40亿元,农民人均从竹产业中获得纯收入495元。该市现有原声竹种13属58种,引种竹种427种,聚集了全国竹种资源。现有竹林基地面积18.3万hm2,小径竹蓄积870多万t,大径竹蓄积9150万株,为全省第一位。全市现已形成竹浆造纸、竹浆粕、竹家具、竹建材、竹工艺、竹食品六大加工系  相似文献   

大湖竹种园丛生竹种的收集及其耐寒性评价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
连续4 a调查分析了永安大湖竹种园所收集的丛生竹种的冻害情况,并对其与耐寒性有关的细胞膜透性,SOD、POD、PPO活性、可溶性糖含量和膜脂不饱和脂肪酸等生理指标进行了测定。分析结果表明:竹属的孝顺竹及其变种、青皮竹及其变种、慈竹属的慈竹、金丝慈竹等21个丛生竹种的耐寒能力较强,在永安地区能够安全越冬和生长;丛生竹的叶片细胞膜透性、不饱和脂肪酸含量、PPO酶活性均与竹种的耐寒性显著相关,可以作为丛生竹种耐寒性鉴定的一个重要指标。耐寒性较高的竹种,如孝顺竹、椽竹等也具有较强的抗氧化酶活性,较高的可溶性糖含量和不饱和脂肪酸相对含量,但要作为一个耐寒性鉴定指标还有待于深入研究。  相似文献   

昭通的竹类资源与分区特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界上竹类植物最丰富的国家。竹林资源调查、竹林类型的划分 ,对进一步了解竹种与竹种、竹种与环境之间的关系 ,对合理开发利用、发展竹产业、发展山区经济有着重要的意义。对昭通 11个县 (区 )野外调查所采集到的近 2 0 0份标本进行分析 ,为昭通竹类资源进一步发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为摸清武义县的竹种资源及其分布,以探求竹类资源的进一步开发利用,作者调查全县14个乡镇36个村的竹种资源,采集到竹种标本92份,经鉴定明确有7属3工种,基本查清竹类资源及其分布,在开发利用上已逐步形成“山上有基地,山下有工厂,山外有市场”的发展新格局,为进一步提高竹林的经济效益,提出了调整竹林布局、改造低产竹林、开展综合利用等建议。  相似文献   

通过调查散混生竹种主要生长性状,采用坐标综合评定法,筛选出适宜闽北开发种植的优良笋用散混生竹种有高节竹、黄甜竹、红哺鸡竹、四季竹、篌竹、实肚竹、实心竹等。  相似文献   

重组竹板材的研究──去青与不去青的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以小径杂竹为原料、水溶性酚醛树脂(PF)胶为胶粘剂,试制了去青与不去青的两种重组竹板材,并比较了它们的性能,结果表明:①在研究的范围内,竹种、重组竹的结构、去青与否,对重组竹板材的纵向静曲弹性模量(MOE‖)无明显影响;竹种、去青与否,对交错结构的重组竹的横向静曲弹性模量(MOE⊥)亦无明显影响,且两者各自处于同一水平。②两种结构之重组竹板材,在常态下和室温水浸泡48h后的静曲强度(MOR),去青的均远高于不去青的;经沸水煮4h后,未去青的交错结构板已解体,而去青的仍保持有相当高的强度。③未去青的重组竹,其吸水率、吸水厚度膨胀率(TS)均大于去青的重组竹板材。④在多年生小径竹的去青黄工艺与方法取得真正的突破以前,用小径杂竹制备在工艺上与重组木相同的重组竹制品是不可能的,必须另辟小径杂竹利用的途径。  相似文献   

对尤溪县境内的主要竹类资源现状进行了调查,调查显示:尤溪县境内人工栽培的主要竹种有5种:毛竹、绿竹、石竹、台湾桂竹、黄甜竹;野生自然分布面积最大的竹种为肿节少穗竹、苦竹。文章认为,应加大对乡土竹种资源的保护力度,开发利用市场前景好的竹种,尽早发挥其经济效益。  相似文献   

丽水莲都区食用菌产业发展现状及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章阐述了丽水市莲都区食用菌产业的特色和优势,分析当前食用菌产业发展中存在的问题,提出了莲都区食用菌产业可持续发展的主要对策:引导和建立本地香菇生产的集聚地;摸索5万袋规模化的食用菌生产摸式;鲜菇保鲜技术和小包装技术的攻关;建立食用菌其它品种和香菇新品种的储备库和配套技术储备;实施品牌战略,提升食用菌产品的商品化。  相似文献   

莲都区古树名木现状与保护措施   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用全球卫星定位仪(GPS)实地定位,逐株、逐片每木检尺调查的方法,对丽水市莲都区的古树名木资源进行了首次全面系统的调查。在调查的基础上,就古树名木树种与数量、生长状况、分布情况和树龄与保护级别等进行了分析研究,建立了资源数据库,并提出了保护管理措施与建议。结果表明,莲都区现存古树名木1974株,隶属31科56属68种,其中一级古树名木64株,二级古树名木255株,三级古树名木1655株;树龄最大达1600a,胸径最大达458cm。  相似文献   

为了探讨翅荚木苗木田间抗寒力的地理种源变异,并为浙西南地区初选一批优良抗寒种源,采集了翅荚木天然分布区湖南、广西、广东、云南、贵州等10个种源的种子,在浙江省丽水市莲都区开展了连续3年的田间苗期试验.研究结果表明,2005年遭遇的极端低温为-6.1℃,全部种源苗木寒害平均受害率为71.95%,受冻苗木整株枯死,第2年不能萌发新梢;2006年遭遇的极端低温为-4.3℃,所有种源苗木没有发生寒害;2007年苗木遭遇的极端低温为-5.4℃,寒害率平均为24.91%,所有种源苗木根部没有枯死,第2年可以萌发新梢,抗寒力指标为1.04~2.88,抗寒力等级为Ⅰ~Ⅲ.不同种源翅荚木苗木田间抗寒力从大到小的排序为:贵州兴义>湖南通道>广东英德>广西靖西>湖南江华>广西桂林>广东翁源>广西忻城>云南河口>广西平果,与实验室测定的半致死温度和过冷点温度基本一致.湖南通道种源连续3年的田间育苗均没有出现明显的寒害,2007年抗寒力指标为1.04,抗寒力等级为Ⅰ,综合实验室测定结果认为其具有较强的抗寒力,在浙西南地区可以选择合适的立地试验发展.  相似文献   

浙江珍稀濒危植物调查研究新发现   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
报道了采自浙江省的5个珍稀濒危植物新记录分类群,其中杜仲科为科级分布新记录,圆柏属和杜仲属2属为属级分布新记录,圆柏,杜仲2种为种级分布新记录,报道了22种珍稀濒危植物的县级分布新记录,其中国家一级重点保护植物5种,国家二级重点保护植物13种(变种);同时报道了夏蜡梅等10种珍稀濒危植物的县内新分布点。此外,还报道了毛莨泽泻,长柄双花木分别在莲都区,开化县重新被发现。  相似文献   

利用莲都区2004年界定的3.5万hm2重点公益林于2001年和2011年的规划调查和监测复查数据进行对比分析,结果表明,针叶林面积以每年2.5%速度向其它森林类型转变,面积比重由77%调整到58%;单位面积蓄积量年均净增率针叶林6.1%阔叶林3.5%针阔混交林2.4%;郁闭度≥0.5的林分面积由67.3%提高到92.6%,成过熟林的面积由9.1%提高到30.9%,提高幅度针叶林针阔混交林阔叶林。基于分析出的动态变化特征,为公益林下步按森林类型分类建设与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的,建立及优化方竹和合江方竹的ISSR-PCR反应体系,分析其12个种质资源的遗传多样性。方法,采用L16(4^5)正交试验建立、优化ISSR-PCR反应体系,利用该体系分析12个不同种源的方竹和合江方竹的遗传多样性。结果最佳ISSR-PCR的最佳体系为:1×Reaction Buffer、dNTPs 100μmol/L、MgCl22.5 mmol/L、引物0.1μmol/L、Taq 0.8 U以及DNA 20 ng。12个供试竹种被分为两大类群,其中除方竹遂昌种源2外的其他方竹竹种亲缘关系相当接近,归为一个亚群;合江方竹杭州种源和合江方竹莲都种源归到一个小亚群中。  相似文献   

The Kenyan coastal forests make up one of the World 25 Biodiversity Hotspots. They consist of over 140 fragments (the majority with areas less than 0.5 km2) of the once extensive Zanzibar-Inhambane lowland moist forest. The over 60 known Mijikenda sacred Kaya forests and groves scattered along the coastal hinterland form the greater part of this ecosystem. The forests are of biological and cultural significance, and this has been recognized nationally and internationally, with some now listed as World Heritage Sites. The forests are protected by councils of Kaya elders who regulate use of their resources. Increasing human population and subsequent rise in demand for forest products and land for settlement has put a strain on these relic forests. Farm encroachment and extraction of forest products in different Kaya forests have affected the vegetation ecology at varying levels. This study investigated the spatial species distribution, association and regeneration potential of commonly utilized plants in one of these traditionally managed ecosystems. A modified nested plot method was used to collect data in the field.Using TWINSPAN multivariate, and indicator species analysis, two plant communities (Asteranthe and Bridelia) and an undifferentiated vegetation type were identified. Species association in Asteranthe consisted largely of forest dependant species, with a significant presence of woody climbers. It was comprised of two sub-communities namely Manilkara and Scorodophloeos. In contrast the second plant community, Bridelia, was dominated by light demanding species. It comprised one sub-community (Catunaregam) and a seral stage (Keetia). The species diversity and richness was higher in the Asteranthe community compared to Bridelia. Some of the forest species commonly utilized by the local people were observed to regenerate both in open and closed forest habitats while others had seedling recruitment confined to closed forest.Despite some coastal forests showing physiognomic similarity, detailed study shows intra-variation linked to topography, exposition, type and intensity of human perturbation both currently and in the distant past. Clearly, vegetation patterns of coastal forests of eastern Africa change at fairly short intervals.Recruitment of forest specialists is likely to decline if closed forests are opened up by farm encroachment, however their less specialized counterparts can pioneer in re-colonization of disturbed sites if conservation is strengthened. There is need to invigorate traditional management systems of forests with cultural significance by recognizing and giving increased legal mandates to the local custodians.  相似文献   

An epidemic rust, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum, originating from East Asia has spread to Europe over the last two decades. We report the first observation of this rust in the British Isles on leaves of Alnus incana and A. glutinosa. In addition to M. hiratsukanum, a native M. betulinum–like rust co‐occurred on the same leaves as a mixed infection. We also confirm that a rust on A. rubra in Western Canada is identical to M. hiratsukanum present in East Asia and Europe.  相似文献   

Six mansonoes, previously isolated from Ulmus americana L. infected by Ceratocystis ulmi (Buis.) C. Moreau, were assayed for their inhibitory activity against several strains of the fungus. Mansonone A was most effective in inhibiting the linear growth of six strains of C. ulmi tested. A mixture of the pure mansonones, recombined at their original concentrations, was less inhibitory to the three aggressive strains of C. ulmi than the non-aggressive ones. The total mansonone fraction accounted for all the inhibition of the three non-aggressive strains.  相似文献   

This study presents data on the biomass and net aerial primaryproductivity (NAPP) of two contrasting East Anglian salt marshes.One site was at Tollesbury, Essex where the marshes are of theestuarine type and are subject to marsh degradation and erosionwhile the other site was 130 km to the north at Stiffkey, Norfolkwhere the barrier-type marshes are still actively developing withno signs of erosion. The NAPP was determined by the method ofSmalley with quadrats being harvested monthly with replacement.At the lowest levels at Tollesbury there was Pioneer Marshwhich was dominated by a mixture of Salicornia spp. and Astertripolium. At higher levels at Tollesbury there was LowerMarsh which was dominated by a mixture of Atriplex portulacoides andPuccinellia maritima. Over the four years of the studyPuccinellia became the dominant species following a markeddecrease in the extent and vigour of Atriplex. At Stiffkey theMiddle Marsh was at a much higher level and the vegetation waspredominantly a short dense sward with Atriplex portulacoides,Puccinellia maritima and Limonium vulgare together with smallerquantities of Armeria maritima and Plantago maritima. The meanNAPPs over three years of the Pioneer and Lower Marsh atTollesbury (467 & 519 g m-2 yr-1respectively) were similar butin 1993 the NAPPs recorded at Tollesbury were higher than thoserecorded at Stiffkey (625 & 583 compared with 458 g m-2yr-1).Smalleys method is difficult to apply to communities wherespecies dominance is variable, especially when dominance isshared between species with markedly different growth patterns.The results for NAPP obtained from the salt marshes at Tollesburyand Stiffkey are discussed in relation to results obtained byother workers from comparable areas in England and theNetherlands. Attention is also drawn to the possibly largerbelow-ground component of production that is frequentlyoverlooked. The importance of salt marshes in relation to othercoastal communities lies in the export of a proportion of theorganic matter produced and this mainly depends on theabove-ground production.  相似文献   

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