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为了增加对竹林生态系统认识,应用地统计学中的半方差、半方差理论模型模拟、分形维数及其与竹林结构部分因子相关分析,研究毛竹种群空间格局特征。研究结果:(1)毛竹种群半方差总体均值为0.818,林地之间变异较大,属中等强度变异。半方差的标准差较小,占半方差均值的1.293%~7.241%。不同类型毛竹林半方差均值比较两两之间差异不显著。半方差的理论模型模拟多为线性模型,而球状模型和指数模型较少,毛竹林空间自相关性较弱。(2)毛竹林分形维数均趋近于2,表明毛竹林具有较好的均质性。(3)基台值与立竹度、均匀度呈显著相关关系,而分形维数与立竹度和均匀度相关不显著,表明了基台值与分形维数是刻画种群空间格局两方面指标。结论:毛竹林是趋于同质性植被,空间自相关性较弱,毛竹种群半方差在不同类型竹林之间差异不显著;竹林经营时采用竹阔混交林为宜,同时使毛竹在空间分布上趋于均匀,减小半方差,减弱毛竹之间的空间资源竞争强度。  相似文献   

不同生态环境条件下小麦籽粒灌浆速率及千粒重QTL分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以142个和尚麦/豫8679的F7:8重组自交系及其亲本为试验材料, 分析了籽粒平均灌浆速率、最高灌浆速率及千粒重在北京(2006, 2007)、安徽合肥(2007)和四川成都(2007)4个生态环境下的性状表现, 并利用已构建的含有170个SSR标记和2个EST标记的遗传图谱, 对这3个性状进行了QTL定位分析。共检测到54个QTLs, 涉及小麦1A、1B、2A、2D、3A、3B、3D、4A、4D、5A、5B、6D 和7D染色体。其中, 17个与平均灌浆速率相关, 可解释表型变异的7.17%~20.83%; 16个与最高灌浆速率相关, 可解释表型变异的6.31%~15.95%; 21个与千粒重相关, 可解释表型变异的4.36%~16.80%。另外, 在1A、1B、2A、3B、4D、6D和7D染色体上发现10个涉及“一因多效”或紧密连锁位点的基因组区段, 有助于了解籽粒灌浆和籽粒产量相关性状的遗传基础。  相似文献   

空间统计分析在作物育种品系选择中的效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究空间统计分析法在作物育种田间试验品系选择中的效果,采用剩余误差空间相关线性混合模型对一个具有56个品系的小麦育种随机区组设计田间试验产量资料进行了空间统计分析。运用地理统计学中的半变异函数法确定剩余误差空间协方差的函数。结果表明,试验的剩余误差存在着典型的空间相关性,利用剩余误差空间协方差结构的信息可降低品系效应估计的误差和提高品系效应差异F检验与t检验的效率。此外,空间分析法对品系效应估计受试验条件不均匀的影响小,可导致较经典方差分析法不同的品系排序和优系选择结果。  相似文献   

基于GIS与地统计的土壤养分空间变异研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
[目的]为分析滑县土壤养分的空间变异特征,[方法]利用GIS与地统计方法相结合的方法,对2012年的924个土壤样点数据进行了描述性统计分析、半方差函数分析和克里格插值分析。[结果]结果表明:滑县土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷和速效钾等4种养分的平均含量分别为14.81 g/kg、0.87 g/kg、16.02 mg/kg、96.72 mg/kg,变异系数处于21.8%~57%之间,属于中等变异。块金值与基台值之比分别为:50%、54.6%、89.2%、90.1%;土壤有机质和全氮具有中等空间相关性,有效磷和速效钾具有较弱的空间相关性。4种土壤养分的最优插值模型均为指数模型,土壤有机质和有效磷最优插值搜索方向为8扇形,全氮和速效钾为4扇形。[结论]滑县土壤有机质和全氮含量处于中等以下水平,有效磷和速效钾含量处于中等水平。各土壤养分含量均存在较低水平的区域,在土壤管理与施肥过程中,应注意合理调控。  相似文献   

青稞遗传多样性及其农艺性状与SSR标记的关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用92个SSR标记对108份青稞亲本材料进行多态性扫描,分析其遗传多样性,旨在寻找与农艺性状相关联的分子标记,为青稞杂交组合的配制及分子标记辅助育种提供依据。挑选48个多态性标记进行群体遗传结构分析,在此基础上采用Tassel 2.1 GLM (general linear model)和MLM (mixed linear model)方法进行标记与农艺性状的关联分析。共检测出156个等位变异,每个位点2~6个等位变异。供试群体的Shannon指数为0.6727~1.1368,材料间遗传相似系数为0.2250~1.0000,平均0.7585。通过群体遗传结构分析将供试材料划分成4个亚群。以GLM分析,发现12个与株高、穗长、穗粒数和分蘖数相关联的标记,对表型变异的解释率分别为11.5%~17.6%、19.4%~45.4%、15.4%~22.1%和29.2%;以MLM分析,发现8个与株高、分蘖数和小穗数相关的标记,各标记对表型变异的解释率分别为31.7%~49.8%、28.1%~37.2%、22.7%~32.7%。关联标记分布在基因组全部6个连锁群上。  相似文献   

为了解大麦亲本材料遗传特性和主要农艺性状特征,采用156份不同来源的大麦材料,在86个多态性SSR位点上检测遗传多样性,同时对7个农艺性状在两试验点作表型鉴定,利用GLM和MLM模型进行分子标记与表型性状的关联分析。结果共检测出392个等位变异,平均每个标记4.6个,PIC值变异范围为0.0612~0.8560。群体遗传结构分析将156份材料分为2个亚群。利用GLM模型分析结果表明,与株高、穗长、芒长、穗粒数和千粒重5个性状相关联的标记有18个,单个标记对表型变异的解释率为4.81%~20.75%;利用MLM模型分析,与株高、穗长、芒长、分蘖数、穗粒数和千粒重6个性状相关联的标记有14个,单个标记对表型变异的解释率范围为6.64%~31.55%。这些关联标记对后续研究有参考价值。  相似文献   

玉米籽粒蛋白质含量的遗传效应及其与产量的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用来自5个不同基础群体的14个自选系作母本,不同优势群的5个测验系作父本,采用NC II交配设计配成70个杂交组合,进行了2年3点的田间试验。利用近红外光谱,对亲本及其杂交种的籽粒蛋白质含量进行了分析,同时分析了籽粒产量与蛋白质含量的相关性。结果表明,父、母本及其70个杂交组合间的基因型方差均达到极显著水平;8822和M是蛋白质含量较高的两个基础群体,以之作母本对提高杂交种籽粒的蛋白质含量起主导作用。控制籽粒蛋白质含量的基因以加性效应为主,加性方差占基因型方差的94.29%,但广义遗传力和狭义遗传力相对较低,分别为35.83%和33.94%,说明环境因素对籽粒蛋白含量影响明显。籽粒产量与蛋白质含量相关不显著(r = 0.053),因此,扩大变异选择范围,实现优良基因聚合,产量和蛋白质含量性状可以同步得到改良。  相似文献   

小麦穗部性状与单株产量密切相关。本研究以小麦骨干亲本燕大1817与优良品系北农6号衍生的269个重组自交系为材料,通过在北京和河北石家庄的2年田间试验数据,利用本实验室已构建的高密度SNP和SSR遗传连锁图谱进行穗长、穗粒数和穗粒重QTL定位。采用完备复合区间作图法共检测到29个穗部性状加性效应QTL,其中10个穗长QTL分布于1B、2D、3A、3B、4A、5A、5B、6A和7D染色体上,解释的表型变异率为2.96%~9.63%,QSl.cau-4A.2在所有5个环境中均能被检测到,解释的表型变异为5.89%~9.62%,另有7个QTL能在2个或2个以上环境中被检测到;8个穗粒数相关QTL分布于1A、3A、3D、4A和5B染色体上,解释的表型变异为4.06%~11.17%,为单个环境QTL。11个与穗粒重相关QTL分布于1A、1B、2A、2D、3A、4D、5A、5B和6B染色体上,解释的表型变异为2.79%~16.12%,其中QGws.cau-1B、QGws.cau-3A和QGws.cau-6B.2在2个或者2个以上环境中能被检测到。另外,鉴定出6个分布于1A、2D、3A、4A和5B染色体上的QTL富集区段。  相似文献   

利用相同来源F2:3和BC2S1群体定位玉米生育期QTL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以普通玉米自交系丹232和爆裂玉米自交系N04为亲本构建259个F2:3和220个BC2S1家系群体,利用SSR标记构建分子标记遗传图谱,利用复合区间作图方法对4个生育期性状进行QTL定位和效应分析。利用F2:3群体共检测到4个抽雄期QTL、6个吐丝期QTL和3个散粉期QTL。单个QTL可解释的表型变异为6.7%~18.4%,可解释的表型总变异为28.9%~50.3%,11个QTL的增效基因来自生育期较长的亲本丹232,其余2个QTL的增效基因来自生育期较短的亲本N04;BC2S1群体检测到8个与4个生育期性状相关的QTL,单个QTL可解释的表型变异为4.5%~11.6%,可解释的表型总变异为13.2%~18.5%,增效基因来自两个亲本的QTL为3个和5个。两类群体检测出QTL的数目、位置、效应和贡献率均存在较大差异,主要原因在于BC2S1群体抽样选择所引起的群体结构差异,F2:3群体显示出较高的QTL检测能力,但回交育种过程中应慎重依据F2:3群体QTL定位结果进行标记辅助选择(MAS)。  相似文献   

非独立试验数据的一般线性混合模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统方差分析模型的假设条件之一是试验数据相互独立,实际的试验数据未必能满足其条件,这使方差分析的应用范围和分析的效果受到限制。近年来,一般线性混合模型得到发展,为分析非独立试验数据提供了新途径。本文讨论了一般线性混合模型分析非独立试验数据的方法及其在SAS软件的实现,对小麦品比和玉米灌溉2个不同试验的非独立数据进行了一般线性混合模型与方差分析模型的对比分析。结果表明,与传统方差分析法相比,一般线性混合模型数据拟合效果好,在小麦品比试验使小麦品系效应比较的平均标准误降低18.4%,平均分析相对效率为1.5,而在玉米灌溉试验使灌溉效应比较和品种×灌溉交互效应比较的平均标准误降低9.1% ̄10.8%,平均分析相对效率均约为1.2。因此,对非独立试验数据,一般线性混合模型分析的准确性和效率要比传统方差分析模型高。  相似文献   

Breeding sorghum for low‐input conditions is hindered by soil heterogeneity. Spatial adjustment using mixed models can help account for this variation and increase precision of low‐input field trials. Large small‐scale spatial variation (CV 39.4 %) for plant available phosphorus was mapped in an intensely sampled low‐input field. Spatial adjustments were shown to account for residual yield differences because of this and other growth factors. To investigate the potential of such models to increase the efficiency of low‐ and high‐input field trials, 17 experiments with 70 sorghum genotypes conducted in Mali, West Africa, were analysed for grain yield using different mixed models including models with autoregressive spatial correlation terms. Spatial models (AR1, AR2) improved broad sense heritability estimates for grain yield, averaging gains of 10 and 6 % points relative to randomized complete block (RCB) and lattice models, respectively. The heritability estimate gains were even higher under low phosphorus conditions and in two‐replicate analyses. No specific model was best for all environments. A single spatial model, AR1 × AR1, captured most of the gains for heritability and relative efficiency provided by the best model identified for each environment using Akaike's Information Criterion. Spatial modelling resulted in important changes in genotype ranking for grain yield. Thus, the use of spatial models was shown to have potentially important consequences for aiding effective sorghum selection in West Africa, particularly under low‐input conditions and for trials with fewer replications. Thus, using spatial models can improve the resource allocation of a breeding program. Furthermore, our results show that good experimental design with optimal placement and orientation of blocks is essential for efficient statistical analysis with or without spatial adjustment.  相似文献   

基于随机场的岩石边坡三维稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于随机场理论,考虑了岩石材料属性的空间变异性对岩石边坡稳定性的影响,将边坡主滑面上的摩擦系数和粘聚力视为高斯随机变量,确定了主滑面上的摩擦系数和粘聚力的均值、方差和协方差,获得了两个随机量之间的相关系数和互相关长度。在此基础上,对岩石边坡进行了三维稳定性分析,确定了岩石边坡的稳定系数和失效概率。数值计算结果表明,摩擦系数和粘聚力的空间变异性对边坡稳定性有重要影响。  相似文献   

Varietal selection for yield from a series of multi-environment trials can be regarded as a multi-trait selection problem in which the yields in different environments are synonymous with traits. As such an analysis of the data combined across environments should be conducted in order to form an index for selection. Analytical methods that include appropriate models for both the genetic variance structure (that is, the variances and covariances of genotype effects from different environments) and the residual variance structure (which typically comprises spatial covariance models for each trial) have been published previously. In the case of perennial crops, yields are often obtained from multiple harvests which implies that the data comprise short sequences of repeated measurements. Varietal performance in individual harvests is important for selection so that a combined analysis across both trials and harvests is required. The repeated measures nature of the data provides additional modelling challenges. In this paper we propose an approach for the analysis of multi-environment, multi-harvest data that accommodates the major sources of variation and correlation (including temporal). The approach is illustrated using two examples from sugarcane breeding programmes. The proposed models were found to provide a superior fit to the data and thence more accurate selection decisions than the common practice of conducting separate analyses of individual trials and harvests.  相似文献   

Genetic evaluation aims to identify genotypes with high empirical breeding values (EBVs) for selection as parents. In this study, 2157 potato genotypes were evaluated for tuber yield using 8 years of early‐stage trial data collected from a potato breeding programme. Using linear mixed models, spatial parameters to target greater control of localised spatial heterogeneity within trials were estimated and variance models to account for across‐trial genetic heterogeneity were tested. When spatial components improved model fit, correlations of errors were mostly small and negative for marketable tuber yield (MTY) and total tuber yield (TTY), suggesting the presence of interplot competition in some years. For the analysis of multi‐environment trials, a variance model with a simple correlation structure (with heterogeneous variances) was the most favourable variance structure fitted for TTY and PTY (per cent marketable yield). There was very little difference in model fit when comparing a factor analytic structure of order 2 (FA2) with either FA1 or simple correlation structures for MTY, indicating that simple variance models may be preferable for early‐stage genetic evaluation of potato yield.  相似文献   

云南乌蒙山区土壤养分空间变异及海拔梯度分布规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]为探知云南乌蒙山区土壤养分空间分布格局和规律,[方法]本文应用经典统计学和地统计学方法对云南乌蒙山区土壤的酸碱性(pH)、有机质(SOM)、全氮(TN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)含量,进行空间变异分析和海拔梯度分布规律研究。[结果]结果表明云南乌蒙山区土壤整体呈酸性,绝大部分地区的SOM、TN、AP、AK处于中等或较高水平,各土壤养分呈现中等以上变异性。空间变异分析显示5种养分的最佳拟合模型均为指数模型,pH、TN空间自相关强烈,空间变异主要受结构性因素影响,SOM、AP、AK具有中度空间自相关,受结构性因素和随机性因素共同影响,土壤pH值和各养分含量空间分布均呈斑块状,条带性分布趋势不明显;云南乌蒙山区pH与海拔整体呈极显著负相关,各养分含量与海拔极显著正相关,但北部、中部、南部相互存在差异,海拔是影响乌蒙山区土壤pH值和养分含量空间异质性的重要结构性因素,但土壤SOM、AP、AK还受随机因素干扰。[结论]本研究有助于进一步从区域尺度上探索山地土壤养分空间异质性的形成机理。  相似文献   

Long‐term experiments are a classical case of repeated measurements. Traits are measured on the same experimental unit over many years so that correlations arise between the observations made on the same plot in consecutive years. This paper describes the analysis of a three‐crop‐rotation long‐term experiment. We analysed the yields of the crops and the organic carbon content in the topsoil over 30 consecutive years. Several variance–covariance approaches are discussed and the trait‐specific best fit is interpreted. Mixed models are used to describe the structure of the experiment. Both yields and soil organic carbon show a more or less pronounced variance heterogeneity. Especially for yields, the heterogeneity of cycles and years is dominant. The consideration of correlations results in a better model fit in all cases.  相似文献   

为了反映艾比湖地区不同程度盐渍化的空间分布,以野外调查和实地数据为基础,对艾比湖盐渍土的土壤盐分和盐基离子进行描述性统计分析、相关性分析和地统计分析,结果表明,土壤含盐量和盐基离子均近似服从正态分布,盐分表聚强烈,空间变异性显著。表层土壤盐分、Cl-、Mg2+、Na+均属于强空间变异,HCO3-、Ca2+、SO42-和K+均属于中等强度的空间变异。HCO3-、Ca2+、Mg2+、SO42-和K+属于强空间相关性。含盐量、Cl-和Na+属于中等程度空间相关性。通过分析盐分和盐基离子的空间变异性,有益于土壤盐渍化的快速诊断,可为提高土地利用效率和农田精细管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

R. Shorter  D. Butler 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):185-192
Summary Effects of moving mean covariance adjustments on error control, genetic variance component estimates and selection were examined in nine trails in peanut breeding nurseries. Neighbourhood sizes of two to fourteen adjacent plots were used in two types of moving mean covariates: one based on adjacent plot yields and a second based on adjacent plot residuals after removal of replicate and treatment effects. Both covariate types reduced error variance, in one trial by up to 57%, although the covariate type giving the most error reduction varied among trials. Generally most error variance reduction occurred when six to eight adjacent plots were used.In some trials genetic variance component estimates following covariance adjustment were higher than those from unadjusted analyses and in other trials they were lower. As the neighbourhood size included in the moving mean increased from two to fourteen plots the genetic variance component estimate changed considerably in some trials. However, large rank changes did not appear to be associated with these genetic variance component changes as neighbourhood size had little influence on the selection of progenies. Also, genetic effects included in the yield covariate had little influence on selection of elite lines as essentially the same lines were chosen or rejected when residual covariates lacking these genetic effects wre used.  相似文献   

This work addresses to the genetic analysis and selection in populations where the whole genotypic value is transmitted through generations, using grapevine yield data as a case study. Several models were applied to different types of data sets. The individual and mean year yield and the balanced and unbalanced data resulting from various experimental designs (completely randomized, randomized complete block and row–column) were used. The aims of present work were to study: (1) the applicability of a generalised measure of broad-sense heritability to evaluate the success of the genotypic selection and compare it with the classical approach; and (2) the effect of different models on the accuracy and precision of the genotypic variance component and on the generalised broad-sense heritability estimates. The results showed that the computation of a measure of generalised broad-sense heritability is very feasible and useful for evaluating the efficiency of genotypic selection. In this study, 88 % of the fitted models did not comply with the standards for applying the classical concept of heritability. The differences between both the classical and generalised broad-sense heritability estimates increased with the complexity of the model. Higher broad-sense heritability estimates were consistently obtained with the mean years. The most accurate and precise estimates of the genetic parameters were obtained with the spatial models. Finally, the genotypic variance component of yield and the generalised broad-sense heritability were consistently significant for all grapevine varieties.  相似文献   

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