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An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed for quantifying feline serum allergen-specific IgG directed against selected house dust, pollen and flea allergens. The assay was used to compare allergen-specific IgG concentrations in sera from healthy cats, cats with non-dermatologic illness, confirmed allergic cats and undiagnosed pruritic cats. Our results demonstrate that cats with confirmed allergic skin disease have significantly more IgG directed against house dust, flea and ryegrass allergens than other cat groups examined. These results support the theory that cats with allergic skin disease have an underlying TH2 lymphocyte response that directs production of both allergen-specific IgG and IgE.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis is an inherited pruritic skin disease in dogs and cats. This pruritic skin condition is due to the animal having an allergic reaction to environmental allergens. The environmental allergens that an individual dog or cat is allergic to are specific for that individual animal. Management options for affected dogs and cats include identification of the offending environmental allergens and subsequent avoidance of that allergen, or allergen-specific immunotherapy. Several diagnostic tests are available to veterinarians to try to identify these allergens. The pros and cons of each of these diagnostic tests will be addressed.  相似文献   

Hypersensitivity dermatitides (HD) are commonly seen in cats, and they are usually caused by environmental, food and/or flea allergens. Affected cats normally present with one of the following clinical reaction patterns: head and neck excoriations, usually symmetrical self-induced alopecia, eosinophilic skin lesions or miliary dermatitis. Importantly, none of these clinical presentations is considered to be pathognomonic for HD skin diseases, and the diagnosis of HD is usually based on the exclusion of other pruritic diseases and on a positive response to therapy. The objectives of this study were to propose sets of criteria for the diagnosis of nonflea-induced HD (NFHD). We recruited 501 cats with pruritus and skin lesions and compared clinical parameters between cats with NFHD (encompassing those with nonflea, nonfood HD and those with food HD), flea HD and other pruritic conditions. Using simulated annealing techniques, we established two sets of proposed criteria for the following two different clinical situations: (i) the diagnosis of NFHD in a population of pruritic cats; and (ii) the diagnosis of NFHD after exclusion of cats with flea HD. These criteria sets were associated with good sensitivity and specificity and may be useful for homogeneity of enrolment in clinical trials and to evaluate the probability of diagnosis of NFHD in clinical practice. Finally, these criteria were not useful to differentiate cats with NFHD from those with food HD.  相似文献   



The importance of different allergens in association with IgE production and canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) has been poorly studied and few studies exist on factors influencing allergen-specific IgE antibodies in serum. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the prevalence of elevated IgE levels to different environmental allergens in Norwegian dogs with a suspicion of CAD. The secondary aim was to identify risk factors associated with elevated serum levels of allergen-specific IgE.


The study sample consisted of serum from 1313 dogs of 161 different breeds. All samples were submitted for serologic IgE-testing (Fc epsilon R1 alpha-based ELISA) based on suspicion of CAD. Overall, 84.3% of the dogs had elevated IgE levels to one or more of the allergen(s). The predominant allergens amongst the positive results were the indoor allergens (Acarus siro 84.0%, Dermatophagoides farinae 80.2%, Tyrophagus putrescentiae 79.9%). Sheep sorrel was the most commonly encountered outdoor allergen (40.0%). Only 2.6% of the dogs with elevated IgE levels were positive to flea saliva.The test results varied significantly depending on when the serum samples were taken. Samples taken during summer and autumn more often came out positive than samples taken during winter and spring. Geographical variations were also demonstrated. A greater proportion of females than males had positive test results, and more females than males tested positive to outdoor allergens. The mean age was significantly higher in the dogs testing positive than amongst the dogs testing negative. The allergen-specific IgE levels varied with breed. The boxer was the only breed with a significantly higher proportion of positive test results compared to the other breeds. Boxers also had a higher prevalence of elevated IgE levels to outdoor allergens, whereas the Rottweiler had a higher prevalence of elevated IgE levels to indoor allergens compared to the other breeds.


IgE hypersensitivity was most often associated with indoor allergens. Outdoor allergens were of minor importance and IgE reactivity to flea saliva was rare. Breed differences in allergen-specific IgE levels were identified. Season of sampling, and the dogs’ geographical localisation, sex and age also affected the results of the IgE analysis.  相似文献   

This case report describes the history, clinical signs and diagnosis of a pruritic skin disease in three sibling cats living the same household. Clinical signs consistent with pruritus (i.e. hair pulling, hair loss, excessive grooming and face rubbing) were first noted when the cats were 6 months of age. The cats were treated for a possible ear mite and/or flea infestation; there was no response to treatment and clinical signs progressed. Although the presence of pruritus in a multiple cat household suggested an infectious or contagious aetiology, none could be identified. There was no improvement in clinical signs after a 60‐day flea control trial, three treatments of ivermectin, an 8‐week restricted diet or removal from the home for 10 days. A diagnosis of feline atopy was made on the basis of elimination of other causes of pruritus, consistent history and clinical signs, a positive intradermal skin test and response to therapy.  相似文献   

Feline and canine atopic dermatitis are thought to have a similar immunopathogenesis. As with dogs, detection of allergen‐specific IgE in cat serum merely supports a diagnosis of feline atopy based on compatible history, clinical signs and elimination of other pruritic dermatoses. In this study, a rapid screening immunoassay (Allercept® E‐Screen 2nd Generation; Heska AG, Fribourg, Switzerland; ES2G) was compared with a complete‐panel serum allergen‐specific IgE assay (Allercept®; Heska AG; CP) in healthy cats with no history of skin disease and in atopic cats. The latter had no diagnosis of external parasitism, infection, food hypersensitivity or other skin disease explaining their pruritus, and expressed cutaneous reaction patterns typically associated with feline allergic skin disease (head, neck or pinnal pruritus, miliary dermatitis, self‐induced alopecia, eosinophilic granuloma complex). The proportion of cats positive on either the ES2G or the CP assays was not significantly different between the atopic and healthy cat groups. There was, however, strong agreement between the results of the ES2G and CP assay; overall, the two tests were in agreement for 43 of 49 (88%) serum samples. There was also strong agreement when individual allergen groups were evaluated (agreement noted: indoor, 41 of 49 samples; grasses/weeds, 37 of 49 samples; and trees, 41 of 49 samples). These results indicate that although neither test is diagnostic for feline atopic dermatitis, the screening assay is beneficial for predicting the results of a complete‐panel serum allergen‐specific IgE assay in cats.  相似文献   

Allergy Testing for Skin Disease in the Cat In Vivo vs In Vitro Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— The results of in vitro and in vivo tests for 36 cats with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease were compared. The cats were presented to the dermatology section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bristol, with a variety of skin conditions. Intradermal skin testing with flea extract alone (six cats) or combined with a panel of 40 inhalant altergens (30 cats) was employed. Serum samples were tested with a commercial IgE ELISA against flea extract and 36 inhalant allergens. A diagnosis of flea bite hypersensitivity was made in 18 cats, atopic disease in nine cats and food hypersensitivity in one cat. Intradermal skin testing gave a positive predictive value in over 85 per cent of flea allergic cases and 100 per cent of atopic cases; the IgE ELISA test demonstrated relatively low predictive values for flea allergy and atopic disease and was not considered to be a useful diagnostic test. Résumé— Les résultats de tests in vitro et in vivo faits chez 36 chats ayant des symptômes évocateurs d'une dermite allergique ont été comparés. Des tests cutanés à la seule puce (six chats) ou combinés avec un panel de pneumallergènes (30 chats) ont été utilisés. Les sérums ont été testés avec un kit commercial de dosages d'IgE spécifiques de la puce et de 36 pneumallergènes par technique EIA. Un diagnostic de dermite par hyperseensibilité aux piqùres de puce a été fait chez 18 chats, une atopie chez neuf et une hypersensibilité d'origine alimentaire chez un. Les tests cutanés avaient une valeur prédictive de 85% pour les allergies à la puce et 100% pour les cas d'atopie; les tests IgE EIA avaient une valeur prédictive assez faible et n'ont pas été considérés comme étant un test utilisable en diagnostic. Resumen En este artículo se comparan los resultados de pruebas in vivo e in vitro efectuadas en 36 gatos con cuadro clínico indicativo de alergias cutáneas. Éstos animales fueron presentados en la sección de Dermatología del departamento de medicina de la Universidad de Bristol con una variedad de condiciones cutäneas. En las pruebas de invecciones intradérmicas se utilizaron alergenos de extracto de pulga solos o combinados con un panel de 40 alergenos inhalatorios (30 gatos). También se llevaron a cabo pruebas de suero con el test comercial de IgE ELISA para el extracho de pulga y 36 de los alergenos inhalatorios. En 18 de los gatos se diagnostico hipersensitividad a las pulgas, en nueve atopía y solo uno hipersensitividad a los alimentos. Las pruebas intradérmicas produjeron una predictividad positiva en 85% de los casos de alergia a las pulgas y 100% de los casos de atopía. Sin embargo el test ELISA de IgE produjo una baja predictividad relativa en los casos de hipersensitividad a las pulgas y casos de atopía y no se consideró como un test de gran utilidad diagnóstica.  相似文献   

Skin hypersensitivities (allergies) in horses are often diagnosed using clinical signs only. Intradermal testing or serological assays are diagnostic options to confirm the allergic nature of the disease and to identify the allergen(s). Our objective was to develop an allergen-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a monoclonal antibody specific for horse IgE and to examine its potential for allergen detection in serum in comparison to intradermal testing. Intradermal testing with 61 allergen extracts was performed on 10 horses affected with skin hypersensitivity. Their sera were analyzed by ELISA for IgE antibodies to the same allergens. The kappa test of concordance was used for comparison of the results of both tests. Out of 61 allergen extracts, only two (Timothy and Quack) had kappa values greater than 0.60, suggesting a substantial agreement between skin testing and IgE ELISA. The statistical comparison of the remaining 59 allergens showed little or no concordance between the tests beyond chance. To identify parameters that may influence the sensitivity of the ELISA, the assay was modified to detect allergen-specific IgGb and IgG(T) in serum, and the protein content in all allergen extracts was determined by SDS-PAGE. The commercial allergen extracts revealed a high variation in detectable protein. High concentrations of allergen-specific IgG in horse serum were found to compete with IgE for binding to the plates. In conclusion, an ELISA using whole serum and crude allergen preparations provides limited diagnostic information in horses. The reliable diagnosis of allergens in equine skin hypersensitivity is essential to improve allergen-specific treatments, such as hyposensitization, or the development of allergy vaccines.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a new perspective in the diagnosis of dermatitis in dogs with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. The results obtained with CMG IMMUNODOT tests using the technique of allergen-specific strip tests, as employed for human allergy diagnosis, were compared with those obtained by the intradermal skin test (IDST). Forty-eight cases completed the diagnostic evaluation, which included IDST, flea-control program, exclusion of sarcoptes and, for some cases, a 1- to 2-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source diet and testing the serum in the presence of allergen-specific IgE and total IgE. The most common disorders included house and storage dust mites, allergic dermatitis and flea-allergic dermatitis together with atopy. This was confirmed serologically. In the case of positive IDST to pollens, Aspergillus spp. and cat epithelium, CMG IMMUNODOT strip tests were negative. A total of 25% of cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, but only 4% were confirmed serologically. This study emphasizes the value of CMG IMMUNODOT tests as a support in the diagnosis of dog allergy.  相似文献   

Insect hypersensitivity reactions can have a large number of clinical presentations. The majority of reactions are pruritic and involve the short- or sparsely haired areas of the body. Most are associated with eosinophilic infiltration into the skin, often in a perivascular pattern. The diagnosis may be based on compatible clinical signs and improvement with aggressive insect control and, in some cases, confirmation via provocative exposure. Intradermal, prick, or serum testing for allergen-specific IgE can be used to document the presence of reaginic antibodies against insect allergens. Treatments include avoidance, aggressive insect control, and symptomatic support; in some cases, immunotherapy may be useful in decreasing the severity of clinical reactions to insects.  相似文献   

Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is an allergic skin disease associated with IgE and IgG antibodies (Ab) to environmental allergens. The aim of this study was to determine which other factors influence serum Ab levels in CAD-affected and non-affected dogs as this has only been poorly investigated in dogs so far. Total and allergen-specific IgE levels and Dermatophagoides farinae (DF)-specific IgG1 and IgG4 were measured by ELISA in sera of 145 CAD-affected and 271 non-affected Labrador- and Golden retrievers. A multivariable logistic regression analysis including the factors age, breed, gender, castration, clinical CAD status and allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) was performed. Golden retrievers had more frequently total (OR=1.87, 95% CI=1.26-2.87, p<0.01) and specific IgE levels above the threshold value than Labrador retrievers, suggesting that genetic factors influence IgE levels in dogs. Castration was generally associated with low Ab levels (OR=0.43-0.65, p<0.05). Surprisingly, dogs with CAD did not have increased odds for high IgE against any of the allergens tested. ASIT with DF was associated with high DF-specific IgG1 (OR=4.32, 95% CI 1.46-12.8, p<0.01) but was not associated with DF-specific IgG4 or decreased IgE levels. Further studies are needed to understand the role of allergen-specific IgE in CAD and of IgG1 in ASIT.  相似文献   

Skin hypersensitivity is an allergic disease induced in horses by allergens of Culicoides midges. The condition is typically diagnosed by clinical signs and in some horses in combination with allergy testing such as intradermal skin testing or serological allergen-specific IgE determination. Here, we describe an alternative method for allergy testing: a histamine release assay (HRA) that combines the functional aspects of skin testing with the convenience of submitting a blood sample. The assay is based on the principle that crosslinking of allergen-specific IgE bound via high-affinity IgE receptors to the surfaces of mast cells and basophils induces the release of inflammatory mediators. One of these mediators is histamine. The histamine was then detected by a colorimetric enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The histamine assay was used to test 33 horses with skin hypersensitivity and 20 clinically healthy control animals for histamine release from their peripheral blood basophils after stimulation with Culicoides allergen extract or monoclonal anti-IgE antibody. An increased histamine release was observed in the horses with skin hypersensitivity compared to the control group after allergen-specific stimulation with Culicoides extract (p=0.023). In contrast, stimulation with anti-IgE induced similar amounts of released histamine in both groups (p=0.46). For further evaluation of the HRA, we prepared a receiver operating-characteristic (ROC) curve and performed a likelihood-ratio analysis for assay interpretation. Our results suggested that the assay is a valuable diagnostic tool to identify sensitization to Culicoides allergens in horses. Because some of the clinically healthy horses also showed sensitization to Culicoides extract, the assay cannot be used to distinguish allergic from non-allergic animals. The observation that sensitization is sometimes detectable in non-affected animals suggested that clinically healthy horses use immune mechanisms to control the reaction to Culicoides allergens that are different or absent in allergic horses.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids (GCs) are palliative for allergic asthma, but allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which relies on identification of allergens, represents a potentially curative treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine if oral or inhaled GCs would interfere with identification of sensitizing allergens. The hypothesis was that oral but not inhaled GCs would interfere with accurate allergen-specific IgE identification determined by skin and serum testing in experimentally asthmatic cats. Asthma was induced in 18 cats using Bermuda grass allergen (BGA). Cats (n=6/group) were randomized to receive oral GCs (10mg prednisolone q 24 h), inhaled GCs (600 μg budesonide q 24 h) or placebo (q 24 h PO) for one month. Intradermal skin testing (IDST) and serum BGA-specific IgE were measured prior to, during and after treatment. A paired t test was used to compare groups pre- and post-treatment (P<0.05 significant). IDST reactivity was eliminated in 4/6, 3/6, and 1/6 cats receiving oral GCs, inhaled GCs, and placebo respectively. Two weeks after stopping treatment, IDST was again positive in all cats. Serum IgE reactivity to BGA was not significantly diminished by any treatment. In conclusion, a two-week withdrawal from GCs is adequate for IDST, but may not be necessary for serum IgE testing.  相似文献   

Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) and atopy can both be causes of pruritus in horses and are associated with allergen-specific IgE to biting insects and environmental allergens respectively. Information with respect to differences in IgE levels in diseased and healthy animals is crucial in enabling an understanding of the clinical relevance of results of allergen-specific IgE tests. The aim of this study was (i) to evaluate and compare levels of allergen-specific IgE, using an ELISA method, in Icelandic horses, with and without IBH, from Iceland and Sweden respectively; (ii) to investigate patterns of allergen-specific IgE to insects, pollens, moulds and mites in those groups of horses; and (iii) to investigate the clinical significance of employing two different cut-off levels for the ELISA. The study compromised a total number of 99 horses from Iceland and Sweden, with and without IBH, divided in 5 groups. Sera from the horses were analysed blindly with the use of Allercept , a non-competitive, solid-phase ELISA-test, designed to detect the presence of allergen-specific IgE in sera using the recombinant alpha chain of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonR1alpha). The distribution of the ELISA values was shown for each insect, mould, mite and pollen allergen, in the different groups using 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles. The use of two cut-off levels, 150 EA and 300 EA, did not eliminate the false positives. Horses with IBH had a higher number of positive reactions, counting all the 29 allergens, than healthy controls and this was borderline significant (P=0.053). In this study it was shown that serological testing with an ELISA that uses the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonR1alpha) is presently not suitable as a tool for establishing a diagnosis of IBH or equine atopy. The importance of establishing a correct cut-off level for the ELISA for the different allergens is emphasised.  相似文献   

A new monoclonal enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA; CMG IMMUNODOT, Fribourg, Switzerland) measuring food antigen-specific serum IgE was used in an attempt to investigate food allergen-specific IgE in dogs. The serum of eight dogs with clinically proven adverse reactions to specific proteins was tested for beef, cow's milk, pork, lamb, hen's egg, soybean, fish mix (cod/sole), peanut, maize and wheat flour. The control group consisted of three healthy dogs, three dogs with nonallergic skin disease, two dogs with atopy, a cat and a horse. Only three mild positive reactions to beef, lamb and peanut, respectively, were found in this study; the sera were from two control dogs with the clinical diagnosis of dermatophytosis and atopy. None of the animals with confirmed food adverse reactions showed positive reactions. This study indicates that the diagnosis of food adverse reactions in the dog by measuring allergen-specific IgE with the used mononuclear ELISA is unreliable.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify dietary and environmental risk factors for hyperthyroidism in cats. DESIGN: Case-control study. ANIMALS: 100 cats with hyperthyroidism and 163 control cats. PROCEDURE: Medical records were examined, and owners completed a mailed questionnaire. Data collected included information regarding demographic variables, environmental exposures, and diet, including preferred flavors of canned cat food. RESULTS: Case cats were significantly less likely to have been born recently than control cats. Housing; exposure to fertilizers, herbicides, or plant pesticides; regular use of flea products; and presence of a smoker in the home were not significantly associated with an increased risk of disease, but cats that preferred fish or liver and giblets flavors of canned cat food had an increased risk. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cats that prefer to eat certain flavors of canned cat food may have a significantly increased risk of hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Food hypersensitivity was diagnosed in 14 cats. Clinical signs varied; pruritus (100%), alopecia (64%), and papules (21%) were the ones most commonly observed. Pruritus was localized principally to the head or to the neck or ear region in 42% of the cats. Diagnosis was made on the basis of resolution of clinical signs when cats were fed a restricted ("hypoallergenic") diet, and recurrence of signs when cats were fed their original diet or other food. The most common allergens (on the basis of dietary challenge exposure) were fish and dairy products. Age or sex predilection was not observed, and 9 (64%) of the cats were domestic shorthairs. Owners could not relate the onset of clinical signs with a recent change in diet. Three cats had concurrent flea bite, inhalant, or flea collar hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a genetically predisposed inflammatory and pruritic allergic skin disease with characteristic clinical features. New results on the pathogenesis and therapeutic aspects are discussed in this review. IgE-mediated hypersensitivity may be involved in the largest subset of atopic patients, yet there is another subset for which such involvement cannot be documented. Alterations in epidermal barrier function, priming of cutaneous antigen-presenting cells with IgE, intrinsic keratinocyte defects, and development of autoimmunity are also factors that contribute to the primary disease. Polymorphisms in regions of the genome that are of key importance to the inflammatory response contribute to the patient's clinical picture. Secondary infections, especially with Staphylococcus and yeast organisms, strongly modify or augment the inflammatory response, which changes over time. After the treatment of secondary infections and skin inflammation the avoidance of causal allergens would prevent relapse. Another causative therapy is the variously effective allergen-specific immunotherapy. The newest treatments for canine AD (cyclosporin A and tacrolimus) are highly effective at suppressing the allergic response and comparable to treatment with glucocorticoids. Canine AD presents a substantial diagnostic and therapeutic challenge over a patient's lifetime, and no single treatment is universally effective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether cats with allergic skin disease have significant concentrations of serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) specific for antigens derived from the house dust mites (HDM) Dermatophagoides farinae (DF) and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (DP). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were developed for this purpose. Binding of serum allergen-specific IgE was detected via the use of biotinylated Fc-epsilon receptor alpha chain protein (FcvarepsilonRIalpha). Following optimisation of the assay, serum samples from 59 cats with allergic skin disease and 54 clinically normal cats were screened. Results were expressed as ELISA units per ml (EU/ml) compared to a standard curve. Serological findings were correlated with the clinical presentation of affected cats. Cats with symptoms of feline allergic skin disease were grouped as follows: self-induced alopecia without lesions (group 1), papulocrusting dermatitis (group 2), eosinophilic granuloma complex (group 3), papular/ulcerative dermatitis of head and neck/facial dermatitis (group 4), and a combination of symptoms (group 5). Control normal cats comprised the final group (group 6). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analysis. There was no significant difference between groups for DF- and DP-specific IgE concentrations with a p-value of 0.875 and 0.705, respectively. Although the FcvarepsilonRIalpha-based ELISA was able to detect house dust mite-specific feline IgE, the presence of this allergen-specific IgE correlates poorly with the presence of clinical manifestations of allergic skin disease. The results of this study question the clinical relevance of house dust mite-specific IgE in feline allergic skin disease.  相似文献   

Efficacy of chlorpheniramine maleate for management of pruritus in cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chlorpheniramine maleate was administered orally (2 mg, q12 h) to 26 cats with pruritic skin disease. Pruritus was completely eliminated in 19 cats, and was reduced by 50% in 1 cat. Six cats had no response to treatment. Serious or long-lasting clinical side effects were not observed in any cat.  相似文献   

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