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为研究微滤机过滤对循环水养殖系统水体细菌群落结构的影响,分别在试验第1天、第30天和第60天对无微滤机的池A及微滤机过滤的池B两个养殖红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)的循环水养殖系统采集水样,平板计数法测定养殖水体弧菌、异养细菌总数后,以荧光原位杂交法(FISH)检测养殖水体弧菌属(Vibrio)、红细菌科(Rhodobacteraceae)的空间分布。同时,采用16S rDNA扩增子测序对养殖水体细菌群落组成进行分析。计数结果显示,池A养殖水体弧菌总数均高于池B。除试验第1天外,池A养殖水体异养细菌总数亦均高于池B;FISH检测结果显示,随养殖时间的推移,弧菌数量增长迅速,池A养殖水体中弧菌属聚集成点状,而红细菌科依然较均匀地分布于养殖水体中,池B养殖水体中弧菌属、红细菌科均较均匀地分布于养殖水体中;16S rDNA扩增子测序结果显示,池A和池B养殖水体的细菌组成存在差异,池A养殖水体的弧菌属所占细菌总量的比例均显著高于池B;除试验第30天存在波动外,池A养殖水体的红细菌科所占细菌总量的比例显著低于池B;除试验第1天外,池A与池B养殖水体细菌丰度和多样性均无显著变化。同时初步研究表明系统运行至60 d左右,建议对微滤机滤膜进行更换或清洗。本研究初步揭示了微滤机使用与否对循环水养殖系统微生物种群结构的影响,可对循环水养殖系统的病害防控提供理论参考。  相似文献   

几种消毒剂对凡纳滨对虾致病性弧菌的杀灭作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究对分离的副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)、哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)、溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)及Vibrio sp.Ex25共4株急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)致病菌(编号分别为PV130903A、PV140731A、PV150526A和PV140821A)进行了杀灭作用实验,研究了聚六亚甲基胍(PHMG)、双氧水(H_2O_2)、聚维酮碘(PVPI)及二氧化氯(ClO_2)4种消毒剂对4株致病菌的杀灭浓度、杀灭时间及杀灭率的比较分析;同时追踪了PHMG在凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)养殖过程中对池塘水体弧菌的杀灭效果。结果显示,2μl/L的ClO_2作用1 h、1μl/L的PHMG或1μl/L的H_2O_2作用2 h、8μl/L的PVPI作用6 h可完全杀灭4种弧菌,PHMG和PVPI的杀菌率随时间的推移逐渐升高,H_2O_2和ClO_2的杀菌率在达到峰值之后均有不同程度的下降。在池塘养殖水体的弧菌杀灭实验中,浓度为0.5、1、2μl/L的PHMG可使养殖水体中的弧菌总量分别在第4天、第3天和第3天下降到最低值,分别为初始弧菌总数的79.14%、82.48%和87.30%;各浓度实验组弧菌总量达到最低值后逐步升高,直到第11天时上述各浓度实验组的弧菌总量仍然低于消毒前初始值的3.58%、5.53%和6.10%。综合比较分析,这4种消毒剂对致病性弧菌的杀菌能力强弱为:PHMGH_2O_2ClO_2PVPI。结合消毒剂的杀菌浓度、杀菌效果、持续时间以及使用成本等几个方面考虑,认为PHMG具有高效、持久等优点,在水产养殖中将会有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

在广东省珠海市斗门一个大小为0.3hm2的空白虾池内,设立10个大小为5×5×1.6m(l×b×d)的陆基池塘围隔,对凡纳滨对虾低盐度调控养殖环境微生物进行实验研究,结果低盐度围隔调控养殖系统,水体异养细菌平均为1.33~9.27×104cfu.ml-1,致病性弧菌平均为2.83~7.91×102cfu.ml-1,养殖水体致病性弧菌的数量比异养细菌平均低2个数量级。各围隔水体异养菌在养殖早期都有一个高峰期,中后期低而稳定;围隔异养细菌的数量并未因定期施菌而增高,反而呈下降的趋势。对虾养殖健康的围隔,中后期水体致病性弧菌保持较低的数量,而对虾发病的围隔,致病性弧菌数量高。围隔调控养殖系统,异养细菌的数量相对比较稳定,而致病性弧菌数量呈较大波动。  相似文献   

利用16S rRNA高通量基因测序技术研究了双斑东方鲀(Fugu bimaculatus)循环水养殖系统养殖水体细菌种群结构特征,并比较养殖患病(溃疡症)的双斑东方鲀的水体细菌群落结构与健康的之间的差异,探讨细菌群落结构与双斑东方鲀细菌性病害发生的相关性。研究结果表明,双斑东方鲀循环水养殖水体细菌群落的优势细菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),优势细菌纲为γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)、黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteriia)、α-变形菌纲(Alphaproteobacteria),优势细菌目为黄杆菌目(Flavobacteriales)、硫发菌目(Thiotrichales)、红细菌目(Rhodobacterales)、交替单胞菌目(Alteromonadales)、弧菌目(Vibrionales),优势细菌科为黄杆菌科(Flavobacteriaceae)、硫发菌科(Thiotrichaceae)、红细菌科(Rhodobacteraceae)、弧菌科(Vibrionaceae)、交替假单胞菌科(Pseudoalteromonadaceae)。患病的和健康的循环水养殖水体细菌群落种类组成相似度高,细菌群落多样性指数无较大差异,在同一分类水平上各细菌群落丰度占比差异显著;二者核心微生物(属)的差异明显,健康的循环水养殖水体核心细菌群落以Polaribacter属为主;患病的循环水养殖水体核心细菌群落以弧菌科的发光杆菌属(Photobacterium)和弧菌属(Vibrio)为主,而发光杆菌属和弧菌属的多数种类属于病原菌或条件致病菌。双斑东方鲀患病(溃疡症)与养殖水体细菌群落的弧菌属丰度占比高有关。该研究结果对双斑东方鲀循环水养殖细菌性病害的监测、预警、诊断及管理控制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎的循环水养殖模式及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月至10月进行了半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossuss semilaevis Guanther)生产性养殖试验,期间对一套循环水养殖系统的水处理效果及半滑舌鳎养殖模式进行了深入的研究。养殖水体经系统处理后,养殖池内水温18~21℃,pH 7.0~8.0,DO≥6.6 mg/L,养殖池进水氨氮0.017~0.178 mg/L,亚硝酸氮0.012~0.064mg/L。文中详细阐述了放苗前养殖车间消毒、苗种选择与运输、生物滤池的培养、苗种投放、养殖过程中系统的日常维护、饵料投喂、光照控制、水质因子控制等内容,并对养殖半滑舌鳎8个月的经济效益进行了分析。以期为国内工厂化循环水养殖半滑舌鳎提供技术支持和经济效益分析方面的参考。  相似文献   

本研究检测了分离自发病大菱鲆、半滑舌鳎及鲤鱼的22株病原鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)毒力相关基因的携带情况,并建立了病原鳗弧菌的分子生物学检测方法。以PCR方法检测8个毒力相关基因的分布,结果显示,22株病原鳗弧菌均可扩增出6个基因(empA、vah1、vah4、flaA、rtxA和tonB)目的条带,未扩增出virA和angM基因;针对vah4和rtxA设计引物进行双重PCR扩增,同一PCR反应体系可扩增出两条目的条带,灵敏度为2.4×103 CFU/ml,对照菌无任何扩增条带;以vah4设计引物进行LAMP扩增,病原鳗弧菌可扩增出阶梯状条带,呈现阳性反应,6株对照菌无阶梯状扩增条带且呈现阴性反应,LAMP扩增灵敏度为2.4×101 CFU/ml。LAMP检测灵敏度是双重PCR的100倍,LAMP技术与PCR比较,操作简便、快速、灵敏度高且不需昂贵仪器,LAMP检测鳗弧菌的方法更适合于养殖生产实际应用。  相似文献   

类别序号兽药通用名批准文号适应症l戊二醛溶液20%兽药字(2朋6)110179073防治水产养殖动物由弧菌、嗜水气单胞菌、爱德华氏菌等引起的细菌性疾病。2聚维酮碘溶液碘含量2%兽药字(2(X]6)110179043用于养殖水体、养殖器具的消毒;可防治水产养殖动物由弧菌、嗜水气单胞菌、爱德华氏  相似文献   

<正>2010―2011年,笔者曾在河北省昌黎县大滩一养殖场利用工厂化循环水养殖系统进行了半滑舌鳎养殖。所进鱼苗全长4~6厘米,平均体重3克/尾。经270天的循环水养殖,第一批鱼体重达到了900克,取得了比较理想的养殖效果。现就自己在工厂化循环水养殖半滑舌鳎过程中的一些体会简要介绍如下。一、循环水养殖系统组成及水处理与利用过程  相似文献   

<正>南美白对虾是目前水产养殖中最重要的虾类品种之一,南美白对虾养殖的半集约化和集约化池塘养殖越来越普及,在封闭的再循环养殖系统(RAS),尽管养殖条件的可控具有优势,但病毒和细菌的传染亦是一个严重的问题;因而,臭氧作为一种强氧化剂被广泛用于循环水的水质改良和消毒杀菌,可以杀灭大部分的细菌、病毒、真菌、原生动物等鱼类病原体。  相似文献   

为系统解析凡纳滨对虾白便综合征 (white feces syndrome,WFS)的发生与环境因子、微生物因子、宿主免疫力和水体微生物群落组成的关系。实验利用水体理化因子、可培养细菌、对虾机体免疫酶活性以及高通量测序等检测技术对健康与患WFS的池塘养殖凡纳滨对虾进行比较分析。结果显示,与健康组相比,患病池塘的水温、溶解氧 (DO)、pH、盐度等水质理化因子波动趋势相似,波动范围分别为26.1~29.0 °C、4.26~6.08 mg/L、8.39~8.73和40~49,患病组DO和盐度比健康组高;健康组对虾肝胰腺内可培养细菌和弧菌含量为1.19×105~7.70×105和8.8×103~1.96×104 CFU/g,弧菌占比为2%~16%,患病组对虾肝胰腺内可培养细菌和弧菌含量在3.80×105~2.51×106和2.02×105~1.49×106 CFU/g范围内,比健康组高15~113倍,弧菌占比在55%~70%。碱性磷酸酶 (AKP)、酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)、溶菌酶 (LZM)、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)和酚氧化酶 (PO)活性在健康组内为1.21~5.64、9.17~15.25、3.56~7.43、4.83~6.70及3.10~4.55 U/mg,在患病组内为2.12~5.39、19.22~26.96、19.73~26.85、3.00~4.14及7.76~9.21 U/mg。比较分析表明,WFS的发生与可培养细菌含量、弧菌占比、ACP、LZM、PO的相关性较强。高通量测序分析表明,患病组水体菌群结构的Ace和Chao指数呈一定程度下降趋势,PCoA指数偏离度较高,放线菌门、变形菌门相对丰度降低,拟杆菌门、蓝藻门相对丰度显著升高;RDA关联分析表明,盐度、溶解氧、虾体细菌、虾体弧菌、水体细菌是影响患病对虾水体菌群结构组成的重要因子。相关研究结果为解析养殖生产中对虾WFS发生机制提供数据支撑,并为WFS的临床防控奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

The bacteriological water quality associated with marine fish farming systems can be a determining factor in the development of disease, and understanding this quality is fundamental for the prevention and control of possible disease outbreaks. In the present study, the bacteriological water quality of a yellowtail amberjack Seriola lalandi broodstock maintenance system, composed of two units of a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS 1 and RAS 2), was determined. From February 2016 to January 2017, monthly samples of surface water were taken at six points in the two RAS systems: (a) from the water reception tank and (b) from filter 1 and (c) tank 1 (in RAS 1) and (d) filter 2 and (e) tank 2 (in RAS 2) and from a joint (f) discharge point. The bacteriological quality was determined by counting total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) and by molecular identification (16S rRNA gene). The number of THB showed a tendency to decrease in filters 1 and 2, to increase in tanks 1 and 2, and again increase in the discharge. The fluctuation of THB, in general, was from 1.0 × 103 to 2.9 × 105 CFU/mL. In total, 102 colonies were isolated, corresponding to nine orders and 52 species, and Vibrionales and Alteromonadales were the most abundant orders. The bacterium Vibrio harveyi, a pathogen of S. lalandi, was identified, as were other bacterial species that are known pathogens; however, no signs of disease or mortality events were recorded during the study. These results suggest that the bacterial community contributed to the maintenance of a balance in the RAS, which prevented the development of infectious diseases. Furthermore, the physicochemical parameters (temperature, oxygen, nitrogen compounds, and alkalinity) were maintained within the optimum range required by S. lalandi. Some zoonotic bacteria were found, as well as bacteria with probiotic and industrial uses. These results represent the first report on bacteriological quality in RAS for S. lalandi.  相似文献   

The rearing environment is important for a stable production of good quality lobster juveniles. By providing an environment excluding pathogens and dominated by mutualistic bacteria, the probability of developing healthy host-microbe relationships and produce healthy juveniles is increased. Disinfection of water and sudden increase in the supply of organic matter in culture tanks are processes that open for uncontrolled microbial regrowth in the rearing water. This increase the variability in the development of the microbiota between replicate rearing tanks and promotes selection for potentially harmful opportunistic bacteria. In two start feeding experiments with European lobster (Homarus gammarus) we compared the bacterial environment in three types of rearing systems: a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) with UV treatment directly in front of the rearing raceways, a RAS without disinfection, and a conventional flow through system (FTS). The RAS with no disinfection was hypothesised to stabilise the microbiota of the rearing water, select against opportunistic bacteria, and reduce variability in production outcome between replicate tanks compared to the other systems. As predicted, the three different systems developed significantly different compositions of the microbiota in the rearing water and the larvae. On average, the survival of larvae in RAS without disinfection increased with 43 and 275 %, in the first experiment, and 64 and 18 % in the second experiment, compared to RAS with UV and FTS, respectively. Also, the RAS without disinfection showed less variability in the survival of larvae between replicate tanks and batches compared to the other treatments. The results are promising for controlling the microbiota of the rearing water to improve, increase and stabilise the production of marine larvae by competent use of water treatment and selection regimes. Based on the presented and previous work, RAS is recommended over FTS, and in RAS it is recommended to avoid point-disinfection of the recirculating water, to provide a stable and beneficial microbial environment in the cultivation of marine larvae.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is commonly used to control pathogen loads in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS), although these micro-organisms can be shielded by particles in the water, and some species tolerate very high UV doses. The objective of this study was to evaluate membrane filtration (MF) as an alternative, or complimentary, treatment to UV irradiation for pathogen control in RAS, as well as examine the operation and cost of each treatment. In a pilot-scale RAS, both MF and UV were used to treat wastewater for 30 days and water samples were collected biweekly and analysed for culturable bacteria, suspended solids, UV transmittance and other parameters. Bacterial control efficiencies were similar between both MF and UV treatments, which removed 99% of total bacteria and 98% of heterotrophic bacteria, respectively. Surface fouling was negligible for the UV while MF required biweekly cleaning to maintain operation. However, MF had the additional benefit of removing 96% of suspended solids, which resulted in increased UV transmittance. Capital and operating costs of MF were similar to UV, but only when MF treated a fraction of the wastewater compared with UV. We conclude that MF represents a potential complimentary technology to enhance UV irradiation, especially to minimise pathogens in RAS that are shielded by particles or tolerate UV.  相似文献   

为探索绿色环保的循环水养殖模式,设计循环水鱼菜共生系统(鱼菜组)、紫外灯鱼菜共生系统(鱼菜紫外灯组)及循环水养殖系统(循环水组),比较三种不同处理方式对镜鲤(Cyprinuscarpio var.specularis)、叶用莴苣(Lactuca sativa var.ramosa)生长和养殖水质的影响。结果显示,鱼菜组、鱼菜紫外灯组处理对镜鲤的生长无显著影响,但会显著影响镜鲤形态学指标,鱼菜组镜鲤肠体比显著低于循环水组。体成分方面,鱼菜组全鱼粗蛋白、粗脂肪显著高于循环水组,鱼菜组肝脏粗蛋白显著低于循环水组。鱼菜紫外灯组的细菌总数显著低于鱼菜组。水质方面,鱼菜组、鱼菜紫外灯组可显著降低系统中氨氮、硝酸盐氮及总磷总氮含量,鱼菜紫外灯组硝酸盐氮、总磷及总氮含量显著高于鱼菜组。综上所述,循环水系统耦合水培蔬菜单元可改善系统水质,改善鱼体成分,并且结合紫外灯处理可降低水体细菌总数。  相似文献   

A continuous water disinfection process can be used to prevent the introduction and accumulation of obligate and opportunistic fish pathogens in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), especially during a disease outbreak when the causative agent would otherwise proliferate within the system. To proactively prevent the accumulation of fish pathogens, ozonation and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation processes have been used separately or in combination to treat water in RAS before it returns to the fish culture tanks. The objective of the present study was to determine the process requirements necessary to disinfect the full RAS flow, using ozonation followed by UV irradiation, just before the flow was returned to the fish culture tank(s). We found that a proportional-integral (PI) feed-back control loop was able to automatically adjust the concentration of ozone (O3) generated in the oxygen feed gas (and thus added in the low head oxygenator) in order to maintain the dissolved O3 residual or ORP at a pre-selected set-point. We determined that it was easier and effective to continuously monitor and automatically control O3 dose using an oxidative reduction potential (ORP) probe (in comparison to a dissolved ozone probe) that was located at the outlet of the O3 contact chamber and immediately before water entered the UV irradiation unit. PI control at an ORP set-point of 450 and 525 mv and a dissolved O3 set-point of 20 ppb provided almost complete full-flow inactivation of heterotrophic bacteria plate counts (i.e., producing <1 cfu/mL) and improved water quality (especially color and %UVT) in a full-scale recirculating system. Achieving this level of treatment required adding a mean dose of approximately 29 ± 3 g O3 per kg feed. However, because water is treated and reused repeatedly in a water reuse system, the mean daily O3 demand required to maintain an ORP of 375–525 mV (or at 20 ppb dissolved O3) was 0.34–0.39 mg/L, which is nearly 10 times lower than what is typically required to disinfect surface water in a single pass treatment. These findings can be used to improve biosecurity and product quality planning by providing a means for continuous water disinfection in controlled intensive RAS.  相似文献   

This research was carried out to study the effect of turbidity on the effectiveness of ultraviolet light (UVC) for removing heterotrophic bacteria (HB) from two commercial recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). We developed a simple and straightforward UV disinfection model based on water turbidity to predict the cost‐effectiveness of disinfection. The UVC from RAS1 (12.8 m3, 80 L min?1, indoor system) was tested at 9.2, 9.9, 16.3, 17.2, 23.1 and 28.2 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) after 24 h of exposure. The RAS2 (140 m3, 1140 L min?1, outdoor system) was tested at 8.0, 9.2, 11.0, 12.1, 16.0, 24.2, 27.0, 31.3 and 31.7 NTU after 72 h. An increase in turbidity in the water was achieved by rearing Oreochromis niloticus fish. The RAS1 achieved a maximum UV efficiency (89.8%≈1 Log) at 9.2 NTU after 24 h and RAS2 at 8.0 NTU (86.4%≈0.9 Log) after 72 h of exposure. For RAS1, the UVC removed 90% of HB in 24 h when the turbidity was <9.9 NTU. For RAS2, without restrictions on particle size and relatively high phytoplankton abundance, the UV was unlikely to be a cost‐effective way of removing HB at turbidity above 11.0 NTU.  相似文献   

海水对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统模式分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对虾养殖由于受到水资源和虾病的困扰,工厂化循环水养殖已经成为今后对虾养殖的一个重要方向。对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的结构包括了养虾池、水处理技术、消毒杀菌、增氧技术、水温调节装置等。目前,典型的养殖模式有美国德州跑道式对虾养殖系统、台南室内自动化循环水养虾系统、美国佛罗里达三阶段养殖系统和美国夏威夷基于微藻的循环水对虾养殖系统。文中对这4种典型的对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的养殖试验情况进行分析比较。  相似文献   

Species of the genus Vibrio have been recognized as one of the most significant pathogens in aquaculture farming, causing mass mortality of farmed stocks. Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (PACT) with singlet oxygen (1O2) has been identified as a powerful and sustainable water treatment method for pathogen eradication. In this study, the efficiencies of photolytic and photodynamic disinfection protocols were studied with two Vibrio species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio owensii. The selected microorganisms were successfully cultivated in marine broth and irradiations were performed with ~108 bacteria mL?1. Treated samples were monitored for bacterial regrowth for up to 7 days. Photolysis experiments were initially conducted with UV‐A, UV‐B for up to 2 h and visible (VIS) light for up to 24 h. Of these, only irradiation with UV‐B light for at least 45 min was efficient in controlling Vibrio. Irradiations with VIS light were subsequently repeated under PACT conditions in dose?response experiments with two water‐soluble porphyrins, [T4(MePy)P] and [TPPS4]. Disinfections of samples were successful for both porphyrin types at minimum concentrations of 10 μM and 24 h of irradiation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The present authors have examined the survival of the fish pathogenic bacterium Vibrio salmonidda and the occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in sediments from abandoned aquaculture sites. Survival of V. salmonidda was determined by fluorescent monoclonal antibody labelling combined with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. Using this method, the authors were able to detect V. salmonidda in sediment samples from six out of 12 abandoned fish farm locations. One out of the six positive stations was abandoned in 1982. Vibrio salmonidda was not detected at the three stations not affected by aquaculture (control locations) or in sediment samples taken 200–250m away from aqua-culture sites. When applying high-performance liquid chromatography, oxytctracyclinc or furazolidonc residues were not detected in sediment samples from control or abandoned aquaculture sites. Nevertheless, the percentage of bacteria resistant to oxytctracycline was higher in aquaculture sediments, as compared to control sediments. The simultaneous occurrence of fish pathogens and high levels of resistant bacteria in sediments increases the risk of transfer of resistance to the pathogens.  相似文献   

石斑鱼循环水养殖系统及水源热泵应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过构建石斑鱼的循环水养殖系统及水源热泵加温系统,达到在北方大规模养殖石斑鱼的目的。养殖系统由养殖池、弧型筛、循环泵、蛋白分离器、浸没式生物滤池、脱气池、溶氧池、紫外线灭菌器、液氧站组成。采用养殖废水收集及过滤装置处理后的养殖废水作为水源热泵的水源,通过2个冬季的运行,其冬季制热的平均制热能效比(COP)为2.66。在系统中养殖的第1批青斑鱼11个月内由24.41 g生长到480.66 g,存活率超过97%。养殖的第2批青斑12个月内由23.36 g生长到400.46 g,存活率达到84.5%。养殖的珍珠龙胆石斑7个月内由48.46 g生长到511.36 g,存活率达到71.24%。养殖的东星斑12个月内由41.13 g生长到223.56 g,存活率达到65.52%。本系统可实现青斑、珍珠龙胆石斑、东星斑等品种的常年均衡生长,并可降低石斑鱼的养殖成本。  相似文献   

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