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为探寻高产高效的养虾模式,应对环境恶化及疾病蔓延对凡纳滨对虾养殖的制约,以凡纳滨对虾新品种"科海1号"SPF优质虾苗为对象,采用循环水养殖系统及其高效水处理技术,进行了为期90d的循环水养虾试验,以探析循环水养虾的可行性及适宜的养虾条件与管控措施。结果显示:在循环水系统,凡纳滨对虾活动正常,生长快速;在放虾苗750~1200尾/m2的高密度情况下,养成产量平均高达8.6016kg/m2(5.734 4kg/m3),平均存活率64.88%,饵料系数1.22。由此表明,循环水系统适合凡纳滨对虾集约化养殖,并能高产高效。  相似文献   

为探究凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)工厂化循环水养殖系统的养殖水体水质情况以及微生物菌群的组成结构,本研究利用高通量测序技术和生物信息学分析手段,测定凡纳滨对虾工厂化循环水养殖过程一级移动床生物净化、二级固定床生物净化、养殖水体的水质指标、水体和生物净化载体以及对虾肠道微生物菌群的组成。结果显示,水体的氨氮(NH4+-N)和亚硝态氮(NO2–-N)质量浓度显著降低,分别为0.85和0.21 mg/L。养殖系统水体、生物净化载体和虾肠道样品中共有的优势菌为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),此外,一级、二级生物净化系统水体中的放线菌门(Actinobacteria)为优势菌,生物净化载体中浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)和硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospirae)为优势菌;对虾肠道中的厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为优势菌。另外,对虾养殖循环水系统中生物净化载体上的细菌物种含量比水样中的细菌物种少,但微生物多样性高于养殖水体,生物净化载体中微生物具有低丰度和高多样性的特点。综上所述,生物净化系统可有效地增加水体中促进氮、磷代谢的微生物菌群,调控养殖水体的水质指标,研究结果为凡纳滨对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统构建及水质调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

南美白对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei Boone),俗称白虾、白肢虾等,隶属十足目,对虾科,滨对虾属,该虾肉质鲜美,具有生长快、适盐性和适温性广,对饲料蛋白质要求较低,抗逆性强,病害少,能密养高产、经济效益好等优点,深受养殖者青睐。随着南美白对虾人工养殖技术的不断提高,工厂化养殖已成为一种普遍的养殖模式,但养殖从业者盲目地增加放养密度,造成饲料系数高,水质难于控制,生长慢,病害多,引起对虾生长率和存活率降低以及养殖水体环境恶化[1]。因此,选择适合生长的放养密度对南美白对虾的工厂化养殖至关重要。笔者在莆田南日岛采用单因素试验方法研究了工厂化养殖模式下不同放养密度对南美白对虾生长性能及存活率的影响,探讨南美白对虾生长的适宜养殖密度,以期为南美白对虾工厂化养殖健康发展提供技术支持。  相似文献   

八、其它养殖方式养殖罗氏沼虾除了采用一般池塘养殖方式外,还有工厂化养殖、网箱养殖、稻田养殖及河道养殖等方式。现分别予以简介:1.工厂化养虾工厂化养虾就是水温、水质、溶氧量等都在人为控制下不受自然干扰,应用全价颗粒饲料,投饲、管理达到高度机械化,单位水体内虾产量较高的一种养虾方式。(1)工厂化养虾的设施  养虾池、贮水池、加温池和水质净化设施。(2)工厂化养虾的方法①放养  一般采用3~4级放养方法,每级养殖1个月左右,第一级(淡化苗养至2~3cm),放养密度2000~3000尾/m2,二级(3c…  相似文献   

严天鹏 《内陆水产》2005,30(12):14-15
冬季温棚养殖南美白对虾.避开了对虾集中起捕上市销售价格低迷时段.在春节前后或清明前对虾货源较少、价格较高的紧俏时期分批上市,可获取较好的养殖收益。但冬季温棚养虾,气温较低,对虾生长缓慢,养殖周期延长.技术要求较高;养殖过程稍有疏忽极易引发对虾不适应.严重时造成对虾死亡。笔者结合基层指导养殖生产的体会.就冬季温棚养虾的主要技术措施介绍如下。  相似文献   

骆文宗 《科学养鱼》2001,(11):34-35
1993年我国沿海较普遍地发生了对虾暴发性流行病主要为病毒病,使我国养虾业遭受沉重打击。国家、各级政府每年因此投入大量的资金,组织科技人员进行对虾暴发性流行病的防治研究,虽已取得了阶段性成果,但仍然未能从根本上解决虾病的危害。各地纷纷探索健康养殖模式,如卤水对淡养虾、高位池养虾、工厂化养虾等,取得了较好的经济效益,使萎靡的养虾业逐渐复苏。但有的模式因投资大不宜大规模推广,近两年来广西合浦沿海群众兴起的土池封闭式养虾模式,因其投资少、效益好、养殖成功率高而在当地得到迅速推广。现将该模式技术要点…  相似文献   

正凡纳滨对虾作为对虾主养品种,近几年由于养殖环境变化、虾种质退化而病害频发,面临的养殖困难较大,开拓新品种养殖市场对品种轮养、结构调整很有必要。斑节对虾作为新一代的养殖品种,适应多种养殖模式,养殖产量正在稳步提升。随着工厂化高密度集约化对虾精养模式的快速发展,北方地区很多养鱼及海参育苗的工厂化车间转养对虾,尤其是冬季养殖对虾,收益巨大。5月中旬,工厂化车间养殖的凡纳滨对虾受外塘养殖的影响,市场价格走低,且工厂化养殖风险较高,使得很多工厂化养殖车间闲置,  相似文献   

对虾封闭循环式综合养殖系统的规划设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
按建立“863”对虾重点项目综合养殖基地的技术要求,以对虾清洁养殖和对虾分级多茬养殖两种模式为养殖工程工艺设计标准,进行对虾高健康养殖基地的规划设计。该基地占地19.2hm^2,包括两套封闭循环式养殖系统,共有养殖试验水面13.33hm^2,并配备了较先进的水处理系统,可进行封闭、半封闭和开放式养虾,也可进行多品种综合生态养殖。2000年对虾养殖生产试验表明,该养虾系统设计合理、运行平稳,基本保证了该“863”项目各项试验的进行,取得良好的养殖结果。  相似文献   

正利用生物絮团结合生物膜调水技术,在一个个移动式支架养殖池里,建起养殖跑道,养出高产南美白对虾……近日,中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所渔业工程研究室张家松博士向《海洋与渔业》记者介绍了一种投资小、产出高的对虾(主要针对南美白对虾)工厂化循环水养殖模式。目前已经在浙江、福建、广东等地推广运用,市场反馈效果较好,改变了大家对工厂化养虾高成本的看法。  相似文献   

张良尧 《内陆水产》2002,27(3):34-35
在养虾业的发展过程中,虾病在一定程度上阻碍了养虾业的健康稳定发展,已成为制约养虾业进一步发展的重要因素。特别是病毒性虾病,目前还没有有效的的治疗方法。虾病的发生,不仅是病原体侵袭的结果,还与对虾本身的抗病能力及养殖环境条件和养殖者的饲养管理技术等密切相关。因此,对虾养殖必须坚持以防为主,防治结合的方针,实施对虾的生态健康养殖,提高科学管理水平,最大限度地减少发病。对虾的健康养殖和疾病预防技术主要包括如下3个方面:1控制和消灭病原体,切断传播途径1.1科学建池选择良好的地理位置和科学建造虾池是健康…  相似文献   

河蟹青虾混养池塘循环水净化效能的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在河蟹青虾混养池塘构建封闭式循环水养殖系统,并对其净化效果和养殖效益进行了初步研究。结果表明:该系统对水体TN、TP、NH4+-N和CODMn的平均净化效率分别为27.33%、56.14%、43.91%和39.59%。经湿地净化后的水质能够达到GB3838-2002地表水Ⅲ类排放标准,平均纯收益达53769元/hm2。  相似文献   

To achieve water reuse in recirculating aquaculture systems, intermittent nitrification and denitrification processes using internal fibrous media was proposed. A pre-acclimated Biocord biofilter, with an initial nitrification rate of 17.1 ± 12.4 mg total ammonia nitrogen-N/m2/d was applied in a marine whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture tank. Throughout the experiment, the aerobic nitrification activity of the biofilter was sufficient to control the ammonia and nitrite levels below 0.2 mg-N/L with an accumulation of nitrate up to 50 mg-N/L. The remaining nitrate was successfully removed after shrimp harvest with the same biofilter through anoxic denitrification in conjunction with a methanol supplement at a chemical oxygen demand: nitrate-N ratio of 5:1. With complete nitrogen removal, the water was re-aerated and the next crop of shrimp culture was initiated. In this study, a two-crop shrimp cultivation was performed in sequence in the same tank without water exchange. The microbial diversity was monitored using high-throughput sequencing on Illumina MiSeq, which demonstrated that Proteobacteria (45.3 %), Chloroflexi (18.4 %), and Bacteroidetes (17.1 %) were the most abundant phyla. With an emphasis on nitrogen removal, the family Nitrosomonadaceae and Nitrospiraceae were the dominant nitrifying bacteria during the aerobic nitrification, while a high relative abundance of the Methylophaga and Methylotenera genera was observed under the anoxic condition.  相似文献   

Closed recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) offer advantages over traditional culture methods including enhanced biosecurity, the possibility of indoor, inland culture of marine species year‐round and potential marketing opportunities for fresh, never‐frozen seafood. Questions still remain regarding what type of aquaculture system may be best suited for the closed‐system culture of marine shrimp. In this study, shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) were grown in clear‐water RAS and in biofloc‐based systems. Comparisons were made between the system types with respect to water quality, shrimp production and stable isotope dynamics used to determine the biofloc contribution to shrimp nutrition. Ammonia and nitrite concentrations were higher, and shrimp survival was lower in the biofloc systems. Although stable isotope levels indicated that biofloc material may have contributed 28% of the carbon and 59% of the nitrogen in shrimp tissues, this did not correspond with improved shrimp production. Overall, the water column microbial communities in biofloc systems may be more difficult to manage than clear‐water RAS which have external filters to control water quality. Biofloc does seem to offer some nutritional contributions, but exactly how to take advantage of that and ensure improved production remains unclear.  相似文献   


Reducing water exchange in shrimp aquaculture to minimize discharge of pollutants is a search for sustainability. In desert regions, like most of northwest Mexico, low water exchange must be complemented with artificial aeration to compensate for low levels of oxygen in warm and highly saline water. The economic yield of a low‐water‐exchange production system is compared against yield from a typical water‐exchange‐without‐aeration system for Penaeus vannamei culture. The difference between two systems is centered on pumping and aeration rates for a 100 ha semi‐intensive farm in northwest Mexico.

A bioeconomic model was built to compare the systems. Risk analysis is adopted to account for uncertainty of seed price, shrimp growth rate, survival rate, and shrimp prices.

The typical system was slightly more profitable than the low‐water‐exchange, aerated system. The latter used less electricity than the former in all of the three mortality‐rate scenarios. However, the difference in profitability is so small that for practical purposes both production systems provide similar economic yield. For a typical system, the probability of reaching a positive net present value (NPV) is high, therefore under the assumed risks, a 100 ha semi‐intensive shrimp farm in northwest Mexico is a good investment choice.  相似文献   

我国鲟鱼养殖始于20世纪90年代,其人工养殖的历史较短,并且设施化养殖基础薄弱,养殖模式研究尚处于起步阶段。鲟鱼的养殖方式仍以粗放型养殖模式为主,易受地域、天气等因素的影响,限制了该产业的可持续发展。文中简述了我国鲟鱼设施化养殖的种类,对比了鲟鱼流水养殖、网箱养殖和工厂化循环水养殖的优缺点,详细分析了鲟鱼设施化养殖的工艺流程及养殖过程中使用的设施设备,阐述了设施化养殖的技术要点,指出了目前鲟鱼设施化养殖过程中存在问题,总结了鲟鱼设施化养殖的对策,明确了今后鲟鱼产业的发展方向。  相似文献   

为探讨聚丙烯塑料发泡材料(EPP)、悬浮球填料和海绵填料对集装箱循环水养殖废水中细菌吸附性能的差异,以及3种填料挂膜启动和挂膜成熟后对氨氮(NH_4~+-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO_2~--N)和硝酸盐氮(NO_3~--N)的净水效果,以集装箱循环水养殖废水为研究对象,采用自然挂膜的方式进行了为期3个月的试验,并对相关指标进行测定。结果显示:EPP填料对养殖废水中细菌的吸附能力最好,另外两种填料对细菌的吸附能力次之并且差异不显著(P0.05);3种填料自然挂膜成熟的时间分别为21 d、26 d和30 d;各填料挂膜成熟后处理高浓度NH_4~+-N养殖废水时,NH_4~+-N浓度与NO_2~--N浓度之间的关系可以用多项式y=ax~2+bx+c进行拟合,NH_4~+-N浓度与NO_3~--N浓度之间的关系可以用对数式y=aln(x)+b进行拟合。研究表明:EPP填料、悬浮球填料和海绵填料均可作为生物填料用于集装箱循环水养殖系统。  相似文献   

This study established a pilot‐scale recirculating treatment system that coupled an ecological process with a biological process to achieve adequate water quality and to minimize the water consumption for intensive marine culture. The recirculating treatment system consisted of a settling cell, a biofilter tank, a bivalve tank and gravel beds. The toxic pollutants, threatening the growth of bivalves, were reduced by the settling cell and the biofilter tank, so that the polyculture of shrimp and bivalves could be achieved. The living bivalve tank could function well as a remover of remaining small suspended solids (SS), and other pollutants. As the SS was reduced to a very low level by bivalve tank before the water flowing into the gravel beds, the risk of clogging was prevented. The studies suggested that the system maintained high removal efficiencies of SS, ammonium nitrogen () and nitrite nitrogen () and could contribute to the increase in shrimp yield.  相似文献   

Intensive recirculating aquaculture relies on biofilters to sustain satisfactory water quality in the system. Fluidized bed and immobilized cell technologies were used to remove ammonia from the water and maintain fish health. A high‐rate nitrifying fluidized bed biofilter combined with valveless filter was designed for use in a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). The suspended solids produced during fish culture could automatically be removed using a valveless filter. Natural porosity with fitting proportion, steady fluidization and expanding rate was chosen as the fluidized carrier. The technology of bacterial separation and cultivation was used. The immobilized Rhodopseudomonas palustris (R. palustris) produced through a biotechnologically embedding medium is suitable for fish and could help prevent diseases. Nitrification was promoted through the selective rearing of nitrobacteria in a fluidized bed biofilter. Water quality was improved using fluidized bed biofilter and immobilized R. palustris in the RAS. In addition, the proposed system was able to reduce costs. Maximum fish load was 45 ± 3 kg m?3 in the closed recirculating water fish culture system, and water use was reduced by 80–90%. The total ammonia nitrogen removal rate of the technology was 80–95%, and nitrite N removal rate was above 80%.  相似文献   

我国水产养殖设施模式发展研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
徐皓  倪琦  刘晃 《渔业现代化》2007,34(6):1-6,10
作为世界水产养殖大国,我国的养殖设施模式要走上可持续发展的轨道,应该在为健康养殖提供进一步保障的前提下,更加注重系统在"节水、节地、节能、减排"方面的功效。养殖池塘、流水型养殖设施、循环水养殖设施和网箱养殖设施是我国集约化养殖的主要设施模式。这些设施在发挥巨大生产力的同时,在养殖水环境控制、水资源利用、生产系统效益、系统对环境的影响等方面,不同程度地存在着问题或矛盾,没能发挥出现代设施系统在健康养殖和产业可持续发展上应有的作用。本文在对以上4种主要养殖设施模式进行分析的基础上,结合养殖设施科技领域的研究成果,提出未来我国水产养殖设施模式的发展方向以及需要解决的重大科技问题,包括池塘工程化生态养殖设施、节水型养殖设施、经济型循环水养殖设施、系统化深水网箱养殖设施等4种发展模式。  相似文献   

臭氧消毒是工厂化水产养殖中水处理的关键技术之一。本文详细介绍了臭氧的物理、化学性质,论述了臭氧制造、水中溶解及水中溶解浓度的检测方法。结合国内外有关水产养殖水处理技术的研究成果与发展趋势,分析了臭氧在工厂化水产养殖水处理中的一些作用和应用特性。介绍了臭氧在工厂化水产养殖中消毒杀菌、氧化有机物、凝聚悬浮物、除臭与除色方面的作用,阐明了臭氧在工厂化水产养殖中的应用前景。  相似文献   

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