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危荣成 《植物保护》1964,2(4):190-190
为害水稻的症状:白翅叶蝉成虫、若虫多聚集在水稻叶片背面吸食,叶绿素受到破坏,开始出现零星的白色小斑点和白色长条型斑点;不久斑点渐渐变为棕褐色。为害严重者,成为白叶或  相似文献   

白翅叶蝉是我县晚稻初后期的重要害虫之一。此虫刺吸稻叶汁液,破坏叶绿素,被害稻叶出现小白斑点或白色斑纹,严重时丛或成片稻田灰枯,造成水稻不同程度地减产。一般虫量盛发期在秋分前后,即9月的  相似文献   

稻象甲(EchinocnemussquameusBillberg)又叫稻根象虫,俗称钩鼻子虫。该虫在江西修水县仅零星发生,为害不重,属次要害虫。除为害水稻外,还取食稗草、游草、看麦娘、李氏禾等禾本科杂草,是一种杂食性害虫。  1999年8月中、下旬,稻象虫在修水县山区猖獗为害单季晚稻。据调查,位于幕阜山主峰黄龙山半山腰的白岭镇蕉洞村稻田,每丛稻株有成虫最多37头,最少6头,一般12~21头。成虫钻食稻苗基部,心叶抽出后呈一横排4~7个小孔。严重时,稻叶齐排孔处折断,挂在叶片上,或七零八落浮于水面。成虫有假死性,喜栖息在水面断叶上,幼虫为害幼嫩须根,被害禾…  相似文献   

新疆生产建设兵团农一师垦区地处塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘,是南疆水稻的主要种植区,常年水稻播种面积在2万hm2左右,占粮食总播种面积的80%以上,所产的大米久负盛名.稻叶蝉是南疆地区常见的水稻害虫,以成虫和若虫刺吸稻株汁液为害.在8月上中旬是稻叶蝉主害代低龄若虫发生高峰期,若虫发生期较长,对水稻为害严重.为有效防治稻叶蝉,2012年笔者选择了3种市售杀虫剂,进行了田间药效试验.  相似文献   

鄂南茶树新害虫——碧蛾蜡蝉与柿广翅蜡蝉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年6月上旬,笔者一行几人到咸宁温泉几个茶场调查茶树病虫害,调查中发现:碧蛾蜡蝉与柿广翅蜡蝉严重为害茶树。碧蛾蜡蝉主要为害茶树,还可为害柑桔、梨等多种果树,但在鄂南茶树上属第1次发现;柿广翅蜡蝉主要为害果树,特别是柑桔,该害虫以前未见过为害荼树的报道。碧蛾蜡蝉与柿广翅蜡蝉均以成虫及若虫以吸汁方式为害茶树上部的枝条及嫩梢,初孵若虫lOh后出现白色蜡丝,2龄前群集叶背危害,3龄后稍分散到嫩枝及叶片上危害,还可跳跃到周围其他寄主上,同时也危害茶果。  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟以幼虫为害稻叶,仅有少数一龄有时取食嫩叶鞘外,叶片是其取食的唯一部位。幼虫为害叶片有两个明显的特点,一是缀叶吐丝作苞,一叶一苞,一苞一虫,二是只啃食叶上表皮和叶肉,留下下表皮,受害处呈明显透明的白条斑。稻纵卷叶螟幼虫共分五龄。笔者在多年的田间测报调查和虫龄分类中发现,不同龄期幼虫所造成的叶片被害状有较明显的差别。因此可从叶片上的不同被害状,识别出为哪一龄幼虫所害。经多年在测报和防治凋查中应用,结果很好,误差甚微。现将用被害状确定龄期的方法要领简述如下:1.稻纵卷叶螟蛾高峰期过后2~3天,当时水稻处于分蘖时,检查稻株心叶靠茎部喇叭  相似文献   

危荣成 《植物保护》1964,2(6):257-257
白翅叶蝉是邵阳地区水稻的主要害虫。为了系统摸清白翅叶蝉在冬播作物上的活动情况,自1962年起,我们对白翅叶蝉的越冬场所、密度、寄主及环境因子等进行了调查研究。 一、白翅叶蝉在冬播作物上的分布情况:根据观察,白翅叶蝉到10月上、中旬晚稻乳熟以后,成虫开始陆续向小麦和田边杂草迁移。 邵阳地区早熟小麦于9月中、下旬播种,中熟小麦10月上、中旬播种,迟熟小麦系10月下旬以后播种。晚稻还没有收获,早、中小麦已经出苗,为白翅叶蝉提供了冬季饲料。如1963年9月18日播种的小麦,24日出苗,10月14日检查:50平方尺有  相似文献   

历年稻象甲〔Echinocnemus sauameus Bill〕在恭城县零星发生,为害很轻。而1986年早稻秧田发生普遍、秧苗受害空前严重。该虫以越冬后的成虫咬食秧苗心叶、叶片、茎秆,被害秧苗叶片在横排小孔或被咬断漂浮于水面。虫口少时只田埂边的秧苗被害,重则整块秧苗被咬光。一般以近山边、沟边、生长嫩绿的秧田受害较重。秧苗受害率最高为  相似文献   

田间调查表明,2019年1月草地贪夜蛾入侵云南省后,在德宏州4县市冬季甜玉米上均有发生为害,世代重叠严重。5月份以前主要为害冬季甜玉米,平均被害株率和百株虫量分别为4.55%和5.72头。成虫喜产卵于玉米心叶上部正面,1~6龄幼虫可取食为害玉米的生长点、叶片、雄穗和果穗。其中1~3龄幼虫具有聚集为害习性和趋嫩性,常取食幼嫩的心叶叶肉,4~6龄幼虫常啃食叶片和雄穗,咬断生长点,在心叶期和抽雄期形成典型被害状。心叶期和抽雄期玉米被害株率较高,且抽雄期被害株率显著高于苗期和灌浆期。  相似文献   

小绿叶蝉 [Empoascaflavescens (Fabricius) ],是茶树上的主要害虫。以成虫和若虫刺吸茶树嫩梢汁液 ,消耗其养分和水分 ,被害芽梢生长受阻 ,新芽不发 ,为害严重时幼嫩芽叶呈枯焦状 ,无茶可采 ,以后各茶季抽出的芽头瘦小 ,新梢细短 ,叶小而肥厚 ,从而影响茶叶产量和品质。1 发生特点小绿叶蝉在闽北 1a发生 1 0~ 1 1代 ,以成虫在茶树上或冬作物 (豆类 )、杂草上越冬。翌年早春当气温超过 1 0℃时成虫开始取食 ,补充营养 ,并开始孕卵 ,3月中、下旬茶树发芽后开始产卵繁殖。秋末冬初茶树芽梢停止生长 ,成虫也停止…  相似文献   

中国水稻纵卷叶螟防控技术进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
水稻纵卷叶螟是我国水稻上的重要害虫,近年来给我国水稻生产造成了严重损失。目前,我国水稻纵卷叶螟主要有2种,即稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis mendinalis(Guenée)和稻显纹纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis exigua(Butler)。本文分别从生态学特性、测报技术和防控技术等方面对水稻纵卷叶螟的防控技术进展进行了综述。水稻纵卷叶螟的防控要坚持"绿色植保"理念,推行无害化治理;且应在测报数据分析的基础上,充分利用农业与物理防治和生物防治相结合的方法,并配以生态工程技术进行综合治理,以达到减药控害的目的。  相似文献   

Southern rice black‐streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) was first reported in southern China in 2001 and causes a striking disease on rice and maize that leads to serious yield losses in several East Asian countries, such as China, Vietnam and Japan. A large research effort has been directed to understanding the virus and controlling the disease. Its geographic distribution, disease cycle via its insect vector, genome organization, relationship with host plants, and epidemiology are summarized in this review and the important role played by the vector, the white‐backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera), is emphasized. Countermeasures to control the disease that have been developed and applied include molecular detection for precise forecasting, chemical, physical, and ecological pest management. There is widespread insecticide resistance in the vector population but it is hoped that current efforts to develop rice cultivars resistant to the virus will eventually provide effective and cost‐effective control.  相似文献   

在广东地区,被称为水稻剃枝虫的夜蛾科害虫共有六种:即粘虫、劳氏粘虫、白脉粘虫、水稻叶夜蛾、拟稻叶夜蛾及斜纹夜蛾。本文介绍了这些害虫的分布及其发生情况,着重描述了各虫态的特征,并附有检索表。  相似文献   

福建为害水稻的粘虫属种类,有粘虫Leucania separata Walker、白脉粘虫Leucania roseilinea Walker和劳氏粘虫Leucania loreyi(Duponchel)等三种。其中粘虫和白脉粘虫发生普遍,为害严重。白脉粘虫在福建一年发生六代,少数五代,冬季无明显的停育。成虫羽化后需要补充营养。有明显的趋化性和较强的趋光性。产卵于枯叶鞘内侧或枯叶端部。每雌一生最多产卵802粒,一般产卵150~300粒左右。初孵幼虫食心叶,三龄后食叶成缺刻,并能咬断小穗,影响产量。幼虫虫口密度纵然很大,亦无成群迁移习性。白脉粘虫在稻田终年发生,其周年群体数量变动规律,无“骤减”和“骤增”现象。第二代于6~7月(早稻后期)和第五代于10~11月(晚稻后期)发生数量较多,为害较重,而第五代是发生量最大和为害最严重的世代;也是一年中防治的主要时期。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾越冬场所调查初报   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了明确二点委夜蛾的越冬场所,为预测预报和防治提供科学依据,对玉米田、豆田、花生田、棉田、甘薯田等作物植株、地表和0~5 cm表土进行调查,记录二点委夜蛾幼虫的分布部位和数量。结果表明,在玉米植株苞叶、玉米田的麦秸和杂草下、豆田、棉田、花生田、甘薯田、冬瓜田植株下或落叶下、桃园、田边地头和废弃农田杂草下均发现有二点委夜蛾幼虫,以植株密度大、落叶多、地表覆盖程度高的棉田、豆田和花生田虫口密度高。说明二点委夜蛾食性杂,越冬场所复杂, 棉田、豆田、花生田和玉米田等多种作物田以及田间杂草均可为其越冬场所。  相似文献   

The sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton, is a major pest of wheat in West and Central Asia. Studies were conducted to investigate the effect of Beauveria bassiana (teleomorph; Cordyceps bassiana) isolates on the sunn pest. Bioassays were done with adult insects collected from overwintering sites at three different times. The effect of sublethal doses of fungi on the insects’ feeding and fecundity was determined. When the sunn pest adults were treated with 2 × 107 conidia mL?1, all isolates caused significant sunn pest mortality varying between 24 and 100% 12 days after inoculation. There were significant differences between mortality, depending on the date of fungal application. Adult sunn pests treated with B. bassiana at sublethal concentrations caused significantly less damage to wheat leaves than sunn pests in the control. The number of eggs laid by the sunn pest was significantly fewer when wheat plots in plastic greenhouse and field cages were infested with adult sunn pests treated at sublethal concentrations, compared with sunn pests in control plots. Results show that sublethal dosages of B. bassiana reduced sunn pest feeding and fecundity. Applying B. bassiana in sunn pest overwintering sites minimizes the pest populations, which would move to wheat fields in spring.  相似文献   

小麦田草地贪夜蛾的发生为害、空间分布与抽样技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)是中国重要的外来入侵害虫,我们调查了该虫在云南省寻甸县麦田的发生与为害。结果表明:田间小麦受害株率为30%~100%,幼虫平均密度4.8~105.6头/m 2,二者呈显著正相关关系。苗期至分蘖期为害小麦的草地贪夜蛾多为低龄幼虫(1~3龄幼虫比例为98.3%),拔节期低龄及高龄幼虫均有,抽穗至灌浆期为害小麦则以高龄幼虫为主(3龄以上幼虫比例达75.4%)。空间分布型分析表明,麦田草地贪夜蛾低龄幼虫呈聚集分布,高龄幼虫为均匀分布。进一步研究提出了基于幼虫密度及龄期的麦田草地贪夜蛾理论抽样模型和基于防治指标的序贯抽样技术。本研究明确了小麦田草地贪夜蛾发生为害的特点、空间分布特征和抽样方法,为田间种群密度调查和幼虫防治工作提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

A new invasive species, the Japanese grape leafhopper, Arboridia kakogawana (Matsumura). is reported for the first time in Romania. Arboridia kakogawana is a serious pest of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) in East Asia (South Korea and China) and in Southern Russia (Krasnodar and Rostov regions) and Ukraine. In 2018, very high numbers of Akakogawana were caught on yellow sticky traps in a vine plot in Romania in Northern Bucharest. Adults were trapped from early June to the middle of November. The dynamics of the adult population were measured using yellow sticky traps, and in 2018 four peaks were observed in the middle of July, in the first 10 days of August, at the beginning of September and in the first 10 days of October. The first overwintering adults appeared from the beginning of June. Foliar symptoms associated with the trophic activity of the leafhopper were observed on grapevine and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.)). Yellow sticky traps used in prior studies in the Bucharest area were re‐examined and the Japanese leafhopper was discovered on these, which leads to the conclusion that the species has been present at least since 2016 in this area. This is the first report of A. kakogawana in Romania and in the European Union.  相似文献   

为明确不同药剂对黑尾叶蝉的防治效果,2013年进行了田间药效比较试验。结果表明:烯啶·噻嗪酮70%可溶性粒剂、呋虫胺25%可湿性粉剂、烯啶虫胺60%可湿性粉剂、噻虫嗪25%可溶性粒剂和吡虫啉25%可湿性粉剂等药剂对黑尾叶蝉均具有理想的防治效果,可作为稻田不同时期黑尾叶蝉的防治药剂。其中烯啶·噻嗪酮70%可溶性粒剂对黑尾叶蝉成虫和若虫均具有较好的速效性和持效性,可迅速有效地控制田间虫量,药后1~10d的防效为68.53%~100%。  相似文献   


The influence of weather and cropping practices on the population dynamics of the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus, a vector of wheat dwarf virus, is examined. The occurrence of the two annual generations was monitored by water traps in winter wheat fields in Central Sweden from autumn 1997 to autumn 2000. Surveys were also carried out in unploughed fallows, leys and permanent pastures. The results indicate that cold weather in early summer affected nymphal development negatively, and that the negative effect on population size may persist into the following year. On the other hand, warm weather in the autumn may result in a large overwintering population. Very few P. alienus were caught during weeks with average maximum temperatures <10°C, and in warmer weather catches increased with temperature. Consequently, late sowing of winter wheat decreases oviposition opportunities and the risk of virus spread because leafhopper activity ceases as temperatures decrease in the autumn. Adults of the spring generation were most abundant in fallows. However, phenological data indicated that the progeny were unlikely to reach the adult stage because fallows were usually terminated before nymphal development was complete.  相似文献   

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