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<正>1发病情况2008年5月15日,遵化市城关镇一养殖户自养的10头育肥猪发病,病猪体温高达41℃以上,精神沉郁,食欲随病情发展而减少,最后废绝,当地兽医站用抗生素和退热药治疗无明显效果,用药后,  相似文献   

江苏省金湖县陈桥镇养猪大户杨某,于2004年5月18日,从外地苗猪市场一次购进平均体重8kg仔猪317头(绝大多数为30—40日龄刚断奶猪),到家第3天,发现死猪1头,病猪10多头,经用恩诺沙星等药物注射治疗后,有数头好转,多数死亡,同时,全群陆续有猪发病,近半数猪拉黄色稀便,至第15天,死亡84头。全群发病后县兽医站诊断为猪副伤寒并发猪瘟。虽经采取全群紧急预防接种猪瘟苗,部分猪注射猪瘟高免血清,全群服用抗菌素等措施,仍然死亡298头,死亡率高达94%,未死亡猪形成僵猪,经济损失惨重。  相似文献   

齐齐哈尔市梅里斯区雅尔赛镇雅尔赛村一养猪专业户共养猪46头,1986年5月初突然发病,陆继死亡。至5月11日发病18头,占养猪总数的39.0%;死亡12头,占病猪总数的66.7%。现将发病、诊断和防治情况报告如下。一、发病情况该专业户于3月初至4月中旬先后从本村及邻近村屯分别购入1头成母猪和45头不同日龄的仔猪(体重在10~15千克),分三群饲养,半个月后进行1次猪瘟、猪丹毒疫苗注射和补硒。5月2日中午发病2头,4日死亡1头;5月5日病猪已达10头,死亡2头;5月7日发病和死亡均  相似文献   

猪肌肉风湿症的诊疗李良德,李全梅(民和县兽医站,810800)1995年11~12月,笔者在从事科技服务承包时,在养猪专业户塑料暖棚舍饲养的猪中发现肌肉风湿症14头,现报告如下:1临床表现:病猪突然发病,早晨饲喂时发现异常。病猪多喜卧,活动时走小步,...  相似文献   

暴·发·性·猪·丹·毒·的·诊·疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省某食堂饲养了体重100kg左右的肥猪15头,未注射任何疫苗。2004年12月6日早上饲养员给猪添料时,发现有2头猪死亡在圈内,有5头猪精神沉郁。不久,又有2头猪倒地。管理员请了当地兽医站医生进行抢救,这2头猪抢救无效死亡。接着其余肥猪相继发病、绝食。当晚和第2天又陆续死亡7头,剩下的4头病猪病情还在恶化。通过流行病学调查、病猪临床症状、尸体病理变化,采样进行微生物学检查,诊断为猪丹猪。  相似文献   

猪破伤风的诊疗报告龚恒丰上杭县兰溪镇兽医站1995年4月11日,上杭县兰溪镇湖里村农户温某家1头病猪,经诊断为破伤风,现将诊疗情况报告如下。1.发病情况菜猪,体重约40公斤,体温38.6℃,卧地不起,强行驱赶站立后,行走不便,四肢僵硬,应激性增高,叫...  相似文献   

1999年冬季,正定县驻军某部后勤养猪场暴发猪喘气病。发病初期全场猪存栏183头,其中青年母猪5头,两窝未满月仔猪共15头,其余均为商品猪。11月初,先发现3头商品猪和一头母猪出现喘气症状。先经当地兽医诊治,定为流行性感冒,据猪场饲养员介绍,病猪注射消炎、退烧和平喘针后,症状就减轻,但一停药,病情又复发,且日渐加重,一周后,又有2头母猪和13头商品猪相继出现类似症状。11月15日有两头重病猪死亡。便请笔者和中国兽医总站、省兽医站实验室等有关同志会诊。临床症状观察,病猪呼吸困难,呈腹式呼吸,吃食减…  相似文献   

(一)发病情况2月26日,博白县杨某的养猪场突然有大量仔猪发病,主要症状是腹泻,粪便呈水样或糊状,已持续数天,至当时已有发病仔猪200多头,几乎波及全场所有1月龄以下仔猪。遂到镇兽医站反映。 (二)临床症状该猪场共有1月龄以下仔猪28窝,每窝都有腹泻病猪,并已经有10头死亡。发病仔猪被毛粗乱、脱水、消瘦、腹泻,粪便呈黄色或灰色,有些病情严重病猪的粪便呈液状,带有血。病猪身体粘满液状粪便,发出腐败乳汁样的酸臭味。发病仔猪体温在39℃~40.5℃。  相似文献   

1998年5月16日,乡、村兽医人员反映新乐市承安镇范家庄村的个别农户所饲养的猪,于5月15日突然发病,已死亡6头,后又有3头猪陆续发病,为此市兽医站马上组织兽医技术人员亲临现场,进行疫情调查,根据临床症状和剖检变化,疑诊断为猪的乙型脑炎,现报告如下: 1、发病情况及  相似文献   

1发病情况 河北省唐山市丰南区稻地镇刘某养猪场饲养母猪35头,2009年5月陆续有9头母猪生产,其中2头发生流产,并产下木乃伊胎,其余母猪共产仔95头。其中弱仔7头.死胎11头,其余仔猪出生后5~10日龄突然发病,体温升至40℃以上,病猪精神沉郁,不主动吃奶.并伴有腹泻;  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) belongs to the viral family Circoviridae and to the genus Circovirus . Circoviruses are small, single-stranded nonenveloped DNA viruses that have an unsegmented circular genome. PCV2 is the primary causative agent of several syndromes collectively known as porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD). Many of the syndromes associated with PCVAD are a result of coinfection with PCV2 virus and other agents such as Mycoplasma and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. PCV2 infection is present in every major swine-producing country in the world, and the number of identified cases of PCVAD is rapidly increasing. In the United States, the disease has cost producers an average of 3–4 dollars per pig with peak losses ranging up to 20 dollars per pig. The importance of this disease has stimulated investigations aimed at identifying risk factors associated with infection and minimizing these risks through modified management practices and development of vaccination strategies. This paper provides an overview of current knowledge relating to PCV2 and PCVAD with an emphasis on information relevant to the swine veterinarian.  相似文献   

Porcine parvovirus vaccination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

现已确认猪圆环病毒病(PCVD)发生于全世界,对养猪业带来了严重的经济损失。尽管最近全世界许多实验室对此病进行的研究使我们获得了大量的有关知识,但我们对其病程的了解仍有重要缺陷,因而仍然无法对其进行有效防制。  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus diseases   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a member of the family Circoviridae, a recently established virus family composed of small, non-enveloped viruses, with a circular, single-stranded DNA genome. PCV2, which is found all over the world in the domestic pig and probably the wild boar, has been recently associated with a number of disease syndromes, which have been collectively named porcine circovirus diseases (PCVD). Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS) and reproductive disorders are the most relevant ones. Among them, only PMWS is considered to have a severe impact on domestic swine production. PMWS mainly affects nursery and/or fattening pigs; wasting is considered the most representative clinical sign in this disease. Diagnosis of this disease is confirmed by histopathological examination of lymphoid tissues and detection of a moderate to high amount of PCV2 in damaged tissues. Since PMWS is considered a multifactorial disease in which other factors in addition to PCV2 are needed in most cases to trigger the clinical disease, effective control measures have focused on the understanding of the co-factors involved in individual farms and the control or elimination of these triggers. PDNS, an immuno-complex disease characterized by fibrino-necrotizing glomerulonephritis and systemic necrotizing vasculitis, has been linked to PCV2, but a definitive proof of this association is still lacking. PCV2-associated reproductive disease seems to occur very sporadically under field conditions, but it has been characterized by late-term abortions and stillbirths, extensive fibrosing and/or necrotizing myocarditis in fetuses and the presence of moderate to high amounts of PCV2 in these lesions. Taking into account that scientific information on PCV2 and its associated diseases has been markedly expanded in the last 8 years, the objective of this review is to summarize the current state of knowledge of the most relevant aspects of PCV2 biology and PCVD.  相似文献   

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