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山旱地早熟豌豆套种马铃薯技术赵明,陈彩琴(宁夏西吉县农业局756200)早熟豌豆间套种马铃薯,技术简便易行,是适合半干旱区山旱地发展、增产增收的有效途径。1990~1992年我们通过研究开发豌豆套种马铃薯技术,总结出适合西吉山旱地豌豆套种马铃薯栽培技...  相似文献   

1 前 言山西中南部限制马铃薯复播面积的主要原因是无优质种薯。北部种薯区因早熟马铃薯上市早、价格高,优质种薯被当作商品薯食用,加上早熟马铃薯种薯贮藏时间长,损耗大,种薯价格相应提高,农民无法接受。解决早熟马铃薯留种困难的方法是夏播育苗移栽留种。据杨孝楫、何廷飞等研究,夏播、育苗留种技术有增加产量,减缓退化,减少病害的作用〔1,2〕。山西北部在7月15日左右春麦收获后,移栽优质薯苗,每667m2可产种薯750~1000kg,这就为扩大早熟马铃薯及其复播面积,提供了种源,同时开辟了一条经济有效的繁种…  相似文献   

马铃薯是一种高产的经济作物,在彰武县有多年的种植历史,但是马铃薯生长温度低、生育期短,必须作为两茬作物进行种植方能取得较好效益.因此,我们研究了以早熟花生为下茬的马铃薯-花生复种技术.  相似文献   

连山区无公害早熟马铃薯栽培技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张锦 《杂粮作物》2010,30(5):355-356
发展无公害早熟马铃薯种植是连山区农业结构调整的重点之一,针对连山区的气候条件、栽培历史,经过几年的试验研究和生产实践,通过应用早熟品种和促早措施,形成了较有系统的,适用于连山区无公害早熟马铃薯生产的栽培技术体系。  相似文献   

石家庄地区春季早熟马铃薯高产高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石家庄地区是典型的二季作区,这里的耕地面积多为平原,相对自然条件较好,春季化冻较早,3月1日~6月20日气候凉爽昼夜温差大,非常适合早熟马铃薯的生产。而6月20日~9月1日温度高且昼夜温差小,不再适宜马铃薯的生长,因此这里种植马铃薯必须掌握关键种植技术才能高产高效。但是当地农民因为对早熟马铃薯关键技术缺乏了解,经常在种植技术上出现很多失误,造成高投入低产出现象时有发生,严重制约了马铃薯生产的发展。为此根据石家庄地区气候特点,通过多年实践从操作时间及关键技术上把播前准备、种薯处理、科学播种、田间管理、病虫害防治、收获储存六方面进行了总结,从而提出了适宜石家庄地区采用的高产高效栽培技术,使当地的马铃薯种植面积逐年增加,经济效益得到显著提高。  相似文献   

1 前 言沈阳地处松辽平原 ,土地肥沃 ,气候温和 ,无霜期 150d左右 ,年平均降雨量 70 0多mm ,适宜栽种马铃薯。近年来 ,随着早春马铃薯消费市场的繁荣与扩大 ,春马铃薯栽培面积不断扩大。我们知道 ,早熟和高产有一定的矛盾 ,而早熟与产品的效益是一致的 ,因此马铃薯促早熟高产高效栽培是解决早熟与产量矛盾的最佳途径。所以 1998年和1999年两年我们在沈阳地区进行了春马铃薯促早熟高产高效栽培技术试验示范与调查研究。2 高产高效栽培模式2 1 温室大棚多茬复种在大棚里搞马铃薯地膜覆盖加扣小拱棚栽培 ,可有效防御早春低温和早霜的危…  相似文献   

马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)是庆阳市第三大粮食作物,早熟菜用型马铃薯发展迅速,但品种单一、产量低等因素影响该区早熟马铃薯产业发展。为筛选出适宜庆阳市早熟优质马铃薯新品种,提高产量和品质,以早熟品种‘费乌瑞它’为对照,对10个早熟马铃薯品种进行生物学特性、丰产性和商品性比较试验。结果表明,‘LK99’和‘尤金’2个品种田间长势强,农艺性状好,商品性状好,商品薯率85.3%以上;产量高,分别为27 247和26 563 kg/hm~2,较对照‘费乌瑞它’分别增产11.9%、9.1%,差异达到极显著水平,可作为该地区中早熟马铃薯品种示范推广。‘早大白’、‘中薯4号’和‘克新4号’3个品种产量中等,但生育期短,可作为该地区早熟品种示范推广。  相似文献   

俄罗斯早熟马铃薯品种的引进鉴定及利用价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对引进俄罗斯早熟马铃薯品种的鉴定 ,掌握了一批具有早熟、优质、高产、抗病等优良性状的马铃薯品种 ,进一步明确了这些品种在我国的可利用价值  相似文献   

<正>山西省原晋东南地区属一、二季混作区,近年来早熟马铃薯发展很快,可以一年两收。但是由于种植者对马铃薯特性了解不够,没有掌握马铃薯二季作高产栽培管理技术,马铃薯的生产潜力没有得  相似文献   

大兴安岭地区农科所是中国最高纬度地区从事冷凉型农业研究的科研单位,主要从事马铃薯、超早熟大豆育种研究与开发、蔬菜采种技术研究与开发等项工作,现为国家马铃薯原种中试基地,国内重要的马铃薯脱毒种薯生产和供应基地。拥有一个集马铃薯科研、生产和经营为一体的国有企业马铃薯科试中心。  相似文献   

河北省一季作区马铃薯主要病虫害有晚疫病、早疫病、黑痣病和二十八星瓢虫,此外,病毒引起的品种退化比较普遍,造成不同程度的损失。本文根据河北省一季作区马铃薯病虫害发生特点总结出一套综合防控技术体系,包括将马铃薯与玉米、大白菜等非茄科作物轮作3年减轻黑痣病危害;采用脱毒薯克服病毒引起的品种退化问题;种薯和(或)土壤消毒控制黑痣病和晚疫病;待马铃薯生长至封垄后,遇到适宜晚疫病发生的天气,喷施1~3次保护性杀菌剂预防晚疫病和早疫病;一旦监测到晚疫病中心病株后即拔除并装入塑料袋带出田外,并交替喷施有治疗效果、能兼治早疫病且作用机制不同的内吸性杀菌剂及混剂;田间出现马铃薯二十八星瓢虫成虫,在杀菌剂中混入高效氯氰菊酯或高效氯氟氰菊酯等高效杀虫剂防虫;马铃薯成熟前1~2周将地上部分割掉并运出田外后收获块茎。  相似文献   

针对咸宁气候特点和市场需求,进行双膜小拱棚栽培和单膜覆盖栽培比较试验,比较其生育性状、冻害、发病率、块茎数量性状、产量、生产成本及效益。试验结果表明,双膜小拱棚栽培不仅能提早季节,抢占市场,增加效益,而且能有效地防止低温危害,减轻春季雨水多造成烂薯缺苗以及病害流行。  相似文献   

辽宁省马铃薯双膜覆盖高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过多年试验示范,针对辽宁省气候特点,总结出了马铃薯双膜覆盖栽培技术。采用该项技术种植马铃薯,平均产量42 t/hm2,最高产量达75.87 t/hm2,产值可达7.98万元/hm2,效益明显高于地膜覆盖栽培。同时,实现早春提前供应马铃薯鲜薯,改善市场供求关系,防止低温和晚霜危害,为下茬作物的选择提供了更充裕的时间。该种植模式在购种、催芽、育大芽、整地播种、田间管理等方面采取了相应的技术措施。  相似文献   

比利时马铃薯晚疫病监测预警模型在贵州省威宁县的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高马铃薯晚疫病监测预警水平和防控效果,2010年引进了比利时马铃薯晚疫病监测预警系统并在威宁县草海镇白岩村马铃薯种植基地应用。经过3年的实践,结果证明,该系统能较为准确的定位马铃薯生产基地晚疫病防治时间和防治次数,对马铃薯晚疫病的防治具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

The use of azoxystrobin (Quadris) for early blight control often results in potato vines remaining greener later in the growing season. This observation has lead to the suggestion that nitrogen (N) fertilizer could be applied at lower rates when azoxystrobin is used in a fungicide program since high N rates are sometimes used to help manage early blight. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of azoxystrobin for control of early blight under various N fertility management regimes and to determine if azoxystrobin affected plant N fertilizer requirements. Plots were established in 1999 and 2000 at Becker, MN, on a Hubbard loamy sand as a complete factorial, split-plot arrangement using a randomized complete block design with four replications. Fungicide treatments were used as the whole plot factor and included an untreated control, chlorothalonil, and azoxystrobin rotated with chlorothalonil. Fertility treatments were used as the sub-plot factor and included N applied at three levels (170, 250, and 340 kg ha?1) and two timings (all prehilling or pre- and post-hilling). Early blight was problematic in 1999 and both early and late blight were severe in 2000. Significant interactions were observed between fungicide and fertility treatments for disease control. Control of diseases with fungicides was generally more effective at higher N rates regardless of N application timing. When azoxystrobin was used in the fungicide program, N rate was not as critical in managing foliar disease. In 1999, an interaction was not observed between N rate and fungicide treatment for yield. Yields increased with increasing N rate regardless of fungicide program. However, a significant interaction did occur between N rate and fungicide treatment in 2000 where yields decreased linearly in the control with increasing N rate, increased linearly with N rate using chlorothalonil, and did not respond significantly to N rate using azoxystrobin/chlorothalonil. Results of this study indicate that interactions between the incidence of early/late blight disease and N requirement for potato may depend on the rate of vine death and conditions affecting tuber maturity. At equivalent N rates, post-hilling N tended to depress yield regardless of fungicide program, suggesting that under the conditions of this study late season N is not an effective practice for managing foliar diseases such as early or late blight.  相似文献   

Early blight, caused byAlternaria solani Sorauer, is a serious disease of potatoes that occurs in most potatogrowing regions in the world. There is little resistance to early blight among commercial potato cultivars. However, resistance to early blight in diploid (Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum) potatoes has been identified, and was found to be highly heritable and readily transferred to the tetraploid level via- crosses. The purposes of this study were to identify good levels of early blight resistance in open-pollinated4×-2× (Solanum tuberosum×S. phureja-S. stenotomum) hybrids selected for horticultural characteristics, to estimate broad-sense heritability for early blight resistance in these hybrids, and to investigate the general and specific combining ability for resistance to early blight from some of these early blight resistant tetraploid selections. Four early blight resistant clones were crossed as female parents with four different male parents in a design II mating scheme to generate 16 families. Approximately 20 randomly chosen offspring per family were visually evaluated for early blight resistance in 1995 and 1996 in a randomized complete block design in Pennsylvania. Broad-sense heritability for early blight resistance among the open-pollinated- hybrids which were originally selected for horticultural characteristics was 0.91 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.80, 0.94. There were significant differences among female and male parents for area under the disease progress curve, indicating the importance of general combining ability for early blight resistance in this germplasm. The female x male source of variation was not significant, indicating that specific combining ability was not important. The greatest number of resistant progeny were observed in families where both parents were derived from the early blight resistant population; however, at least one highly resistant progeny was produced in all families. These results suggest that the early blight resistance in these clones can be readily incorporated into the commercial tetraploid breeding population.  相似文献   

Regression analyses were performed on field data from 1981 and 1982 to determine models for estimating yield loss caused by early blight in potato cvs. Norland and Russet Burbank. Percent yield loss (total tubers and US# 1 tubers) caused by early blight could not be satisfactorily explained by any regression model using only a single disease assessment as the input variable. Several multiple point models, which explained more than 70% of the variation in yield loss due to early blight, were determined for each cultivar. The models for cv. Norland used either early blight severity assessments on days 56, 66, 76 and 86 after sprout emergence, or blight severity increments for 10-day periods among days 46–86, as the input variables. The models for cv. Russet Burbank used the same input variables as for cv. Norland and additionally, blight severity on day 96. Yield loss in US#1 tubers was a more stable variable than loss in total tubers for estimating early blight effect.  相似文献   

以抗旱耐瘠健康良种应用为基础,深耕板土栽培、提早植期、地膜覆盖、合理密植、科学用肥、病虫草害科学防治为核心技术进行组装集成,对各项先进、实用技术进行优化配组,实现旱地甘蔗双高栽培目标。  相似文献   

The Kennebec variety of potato was exposed toAlternana solani inoculum during the 1970 and 1971 seasons to determine the effects of differential rates of nitrogen and phosphorus on the incidence of early blight. Both high nitrogen and low phosphorus treatments significantly reduced the incidence of early blight and the combination of high nitrogen and low phosphorus consistently gave the lowest incidence of the disease during both years. The data suggest that this combination of nutrients may be related to early blight resistance in the plant by extending the period of meristematic activity permitting the plant to wall off infection. Yield data indicated that there was too great a yield difference between fertilization for optimum early blight control and fertilization for optimum yield. Therefore, in Maine, potatoes should be fertilized for optimum yield with a reasonable specific gravity, and early blight should be controlled by the application of fungicides and sanitation measures.  相似文献   

通过试验探索及结合群众实践,总结出由常规方法改进而来的南方冬种马铃薯黑膜夹层覆盖栽培技术。该技术既保留常规地膜覆盖栽培的主要优点,又免除了破膜引苗工序,还能有效避免高温烂种和烧苗缺苗的缺点,防除畦面杂草、防青头薯效果更好,5 620 hm2最高产量51.36 t/hm2,平均产量35.46 t/hm2,比露地种植增产17.90%,节省人工42工日/hm2。  相似文献   

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