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苜蓿种子生产及加工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苜蓿干物质粗蛋白含量在18%以上,苜蓿的营养价值与奶牛的混合精料接近,苜蓿的蛋白含量是禾本科牧草的2.3倍,可消化粗蛋白含量是禾本科牧草的3.2倍。在塔城地区种植玉米每667m2产量在1 000kg左右,每667m2产粗蛋白81kg。同等肥力的耕地种苜蓿每667m2可产苜蓿干草1 000kg,产粗蛋白180kg。因此,苜蓿单位面积粗蛋白产量是粮食作物的2倍还多,生产同等数量饲料粗蛋白,种苜蓿比种粮食作物节省一倍耕地。此外,种苜蓿还能培肥地力、改善生态环境。奶牛的饲料粗蛋白转化率高于其他家畜和家禽,达30%。生产1t乳蛋白需要饲料粗蛋白3.3t,比生产1t其他动物蛋白需要饲料粗蛋1~15t,节省1.7t,节省34%,相当于节省谷物饲料20t,节省耕地1.67hm2。  相似文献   

不同复种方式下作物的粗蛋白和可消化干物质总产量比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南京对6种不同复种方式下作物的营养物质产量进行了比较研究,结果表明:多花黑麦草Lolium multiflorum粗蛋白总产量和可消化干物质总产量分别是小麦Triticum eastivum的1.45倍和1.26倍;杂交狼尾草Pennisetum americanum×P.purpureum粗蛋白总产量和可消化干物质总产量平均值分别是水稻Oryza sativa的2.06倍和1.61倍;6种复种方式中,粗蛋白总产量和可消化干物质总产量以多花黑麦草-杂交狼尾草为最高,黑麦Secale cereal-杂交狼尾草其次.集约农区发展草食性畜禽养殖业以二季均种植牧草效率较高.  相似文献   

籽粒苋是苋科的一年生作物。茎直立,高2.0~2.5m,叶宽大而繁茂;营养价值高,现蕾开花期叶片含粗蛋白21.O%~28.0%,籽实含粗蛋白15.09/6~18.O%,茎秆含粗蛋白12.0%~15.0%。赖氨酸含量为0.84%~1.02%,相当于小麦的2倍、玉米的3倍。籽粒苋具有生长迅速、营养价值高、抗旱、耐盐碱、适应性广等优点,可作为一种新型粮食、饲料兼用作物加以种植。云南昆明小哨于2006年将其引进作为饲料资源进行种植。  相似文献   

选择 6头安装有瘤胃、十二指肠前端和回肠末端瘘管的阉牛 ,分 3期依次饲喂以玉米、棉籽饼和氨化稻草为原料配合的 3种不同饲养水平的日粮 ,以Cr2 O3为指示剂测定小肠表观可消化N供给量 ,采用全收粪尿法测定氮平衡值。结果显示 ,以代谢体重为基础的氮平衡值 (NB)与进食氮和小肠表观可消化氮供给量之间分别存在如下回归关系 :NB =- 0 .5 0 12 +0 .5 76 8×进食氮        R =0 .76 6 0NB =- 0 .2 80 4 +0 .6 398×小肠表观可消化氮R =0 .9894据此估计 ,阉牛维持的粗蛋白、小肠表观可消化粗蛋白和净蛋白需要量分别为 5 .4 3、2 .74、1.76g kgW0 .75。对体表氮损失加以考虑后 ,阉牛维持的粗蛋白、小肠表观可消化粗蛋白和净蛋白需要量分别为 5 .6 5、2 .93、1.88g kgW0 .75。小肠表观可消化粗蛋白用于维持和增重的效率为 0 .6 4  相似文献   

近年来,将粮食转化为畜产品的问题越来越引起人们广泛的重视,粮食转化为畜产品的重点何在?这一问题亟待明确。通常所指的粮食转化主要包括两个部分,一是必不可少的饲料粮;二是余粮和有意识地为转化而种的粮食。据甘肃省农科院土壤肥料研究所试验观察,春麦地套种草木樨每亩收鲜草5269斤,共含粗蛋白256.14斤,相当于2476.43斤玉米的含量。从这个意义上讲,种一亩草木樨等于种4亩玉米。另据省草原生态研究所试验,苜蓿亩产干草315.1公斤,小麦亩产粮食99.2公斤、秸秆164.67公斤。如按地上部分所产营养价值计算,苜蓿每公斤含可消化粗蛋白77克,每亩合计24.26公斤;小麦籽实每公斤含粗蛋白103克,秸秆每公斤含粗蛋白5克,两项合计每亩小麦  相似文献   

3菜子饼中毒菜籽饼含粗蛋白35%以上,含可消化蛋白27.8%,比玉米高2.8倍,是优质的蛋白质饲料原料,但其所含有害成分硫葡萄糖苷可水解成有毒的异硫氰酸酯、唑烷硫酮、腈等,若不经过适当处理直接喂鸡易引起中毒。普通菜子饼在产蛋鸡饲料中的比例占8%、肉仔鸡后期饲料占10%即可引起中毒。  相似文献   

玉米、皇草青贮料饲养肉牛效果比较研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
用6头西门塔尔牛与本地黄牛的二元杂交后代公牛,对玉米、皇草青贮料在补充不同饲料的基础上进行了消化率、日增重及经济效益的比较研究。结果表明:青贮皇草与青贮玉米比较,可消化粗蛋白及可消化干物质和可消化有机物采食量均较低,因此其饲养效果亦较差;当用青贮玉米、皇草饲养肉牛时,适当添加一定量的混合精料和干草,有利于提高牛的粗蛋白和可消化干物质及有机物的采食量,从而提高其饲养效果。  相似文献   

、二.、二.、之沪.、己沪油、5尹‘ 〔后备期〕 玉米37%高粱30%数皮15% 豆饼15%鱼粉3% 每公斤饲料含消化能12896千焦耳,可消化粗蛋白121.8克,钙0.64%,磷0.4肠,赖氨酸0.72%,蛋氨酸十耽氨酸。.46%,色氨酸。.21%。 〔妊娠期〕 玉米30%高粱32%熬皮15% 小麦10%豆饼10%鱼粉3% 每公斤饲料含消化能12795千焦耳,可消化粗蛋白103‘8克,钙0.6%,磷0.4%,赖氨酸0.56%,蛋氨酸+胧氨酸0.42肠,色氨酸0 .19%。 〔喃乳期〕 玉米45%小麦30%数皮7写 高粱5%豆饼10%鱼粉3% 每公斤饲料含消化能14068千焦耳,可消化粗蛋白185克,钙0.72%,磷0.5%,赖氨酸0.81%,蛋氨酸+胧氨…  相似文献   

奶牛醋酮血症与奶牛日粮营养成分的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奶牛醋酮血症引起患牛产奶量下降,体质瘦弱,严重还可引起死亡,给奶牛业带来严重损失。通过对49头奶牛实际饲养测定和对个体户的32头奶牛日粮营养组成的调查,笔者分析了酷酮血症与日粮营养组成的关系。互分析方法1.l用骆氏法对每头奶牛尿液进行酮体检查。1.2根据荷斯坦奶牛饲养标准计算个体奶牛净能和可消化粗蛋白的标准需要量。1.3计算个体奶牛口粮的净能、可消化粗蛋白、于物质量。并与净能的标准需要量进行比较。1.4计算口粮净能与可消化粗蛋白的比,以及l】粮中豆饼蛋白占干物质的百分比。1.5统计不同产次、泌乳时间及泌乳量与…  相似文献   

(1)草粉23% 紫云英20% 统糠15%玉米10% 麸皮10% 4号粉10%大麦5% 豆饼5% 鱼粉2%每100公斤上述混合料中另加磺胺药250克。每公斤饲料含可消化能6621千焦耳,粗蛋白12.91%,粗纤维13.37%,粗脂肪3.31%。饲喂方法:每日喂混合料2次,青绿饲料1——2  相似文献   

本试验旨在利用体外产气法评定西藏地区不同作物秸秆的营养价值。选取西藏地区5种常见作物秸秆(豌豆秸秆、玉米秸秆、青稞秸秆、小麦秸秆、油菜秸秆),通过单因素试验设计,利用体外产气法评定5种作物秸秆体外发酵48 h的产气量、理论最大产气量(Vf)、甲烷(CH4)产量、逻辑斯谛-指数(LE)模型产气参数、发酵液p H和氨态氮(NH3-N)浓度、主要挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)产量、体外干物质降解率(IVDMD)和体外中性洗涤纤维降解率(IVNDFD)等指标。结果显示:5种作物秸秆体外发酵48 h的产气量按玉米秸秆、青稞秸秆、豌豆秸秆、小麦秸秆、油菜秸秆的顺序依次降低。体外发酵48 h后,玉米秸秆的Vf、IVDMD、IVNDFD、CH4产量(豌豆秸秆除外)、丙酸和总VFA产量均显著高于其他4种作物秸秆(P0.05),其体外发酵液p H则显著低于其他秸秆(P0.05)。结果表明,玉米秸秆体外发酵效果最佳,与其他试验作物秸秆相比更容易被瘤胃微生物降解利用。  相似文献   

Effect on nylon-bag digestibility of rolling and steam-flaking as such or followed by grinding through a 1-mm screen was studied in wheat, barley and maize grains. Digestibilities of ground grains were not different, irrespective of rolling or steam-flaking, except flaked and ground barley, which was less digestible than ground barley. Rolled and flaked grains were less digestible than ground grains, except for rolled wheat which was not different from ground wheat. These results suggest that particle size due to grinding is more important than other methods of processing. Dry matter and protein degradabilities of steam-flaked grains were investigated by in sacco technique and compared with unprocessed grains. Dry matter degradability during incubation periods up to 24 h was reduced for steam-flaked wheat and barley, but increased for flaked maize. Protein degradability was lower for flaked grains.  相似文献   

To elucidate the characteristics of ear corn residue as a bulking agent, the composting process using this residue was compared with processes using three other conventional materials such as sawdust, wheat straw and rice husk, employing a bench‐scale composting reactor. As evaluated via biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ear corn residue contains 3.3 and 2.0 times more easily digestible materials than sawdust and rice husk, respectively. In addition, mixing ear corn residue with manure resulted in reduced bulk density, which was the same as that of wheat straw and was 0.58 and 0.67 times lower than that of sawdust and a rice husk mixture, respectively. To evaluate temperature generation during the composting process, the maximum temperature and area under the temperature curve (AUCTEMP) were compared among the mixed composts of four bulking agents. Maximum temperature (54.3°C) as well as AUCTEMP (7310°C●h) of ear corn residue were significantly higher than those of sawdust and rice husk (P < 0.05), and they are similar to that of wheat straw mixed compost. Along with the value of AUCTEMP, the highest organic matter losses of 31.1% were observed in ear corn residue mixed compost, followed by wheat straw, saw dust and rice husk.  相似文献   

为分析替代法估测肉牛对稻草和麦秸的有效能值及适宜的替代比例,本研究选取12头体重相近(266±13.41)kg的11~12月龄皖东牛公牛,随机分为3组,每组4头牛,分3期进行饲喂试验。第1期:所有供试牛饲喂由带穗玉米青贮组成的基础饲粮,测定基础饲粮的有效能值;第2期和第3期:各组供试牛分别饲喂由稻草或麦秸按不同比例(10%、30%和60%)替代基础饲粮组成的试验饲粮。每期试验14 d,其中前10 d为预饲期,后4 d为正试期。正试期消化代谢和呼吸代谢试验同时进行,测定肉牛对各试验饲粮的能量代谢情况。结果表明,1)与基础饲粮相比,稻草或麦秸替代降低了肉牛对试验饲粮干物质(DM)、粗蛋白(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的表观消化率,且以上指标随替代比例的增加呈逐渐下降趋势。2)基础饲粮组和各替代组之间总能(GE)采食量无明显差异(P0.05),而消化能(DE)、代谢能(ME)和净能(NE)采食量随稻草或麦秸替代比例的增加而显著降低(P0.05),总能消化率、总能代谢率和消化能代谢率与稻草或麦秸替代比例呈负相关关系。3)根据不同试验饲粮的有效能值与稻草或麦秸替代比例之间的回归方程,估算得出稻草的DE、ME和NE分别为8.51、5.79和3.64 MJ·kg-1,麦秸的对应值分别为7.89、5.08和3.13 MJ·kg-1;10%、30%和60%3个替代比例中,30%替代比例所计算得稻草或麦秸有效能值的变异度最小(P0.05)。综上可知,替代比例会影响稻草和麦秸有效能值的测定结果,本研究中稻草或麦秸替代比例为30%时优于10%和60%。在估测单一粗饲料原料有效能值时,回归法和替代法结合能提高测定结果的准确度,也有助于筛选替代法最佳的替代比例。  相似文献   

1. The influence of conditioning temperature on the performance, nutrient utilisation and digestive tract development of broilers fed on maize- and wheat-based diets was examined up to 21 d of age. The experimental design was a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments evaluating two grain types (maize and wheat) and three conditioning temperatures (60°C, 75°C and 90°C). Broiler starter diets, each based on one grain (maize or wheat), were formulated and pelleted at the three temperatures. 2. Increasing conditioning temperature decreased the body-weight gain and feed intake in wheat-based diets, but birds fed on maize-based diets conditioned at 60°C and 90°C had higher body-weight gain and feed intake than those fed on the diet conditioned at 75°C. Increasing conditioning temperature increased feed per body-weight gain in both grain-type diets but improved pellet durability index (PDI) only in wheat-based diets; PDI was unaffected in maize-based diets. 3. In wheat-based diets, increasing conditioning temperature decreased the ileal digestibility of nitrogen and starch. Ileal nitrogen digestibility of maize-based diets conditioned at 60°C and 90°C was higher than at 75°C. Starch digestibility was unaffected by conditioning temperature in maize-based diets. No effect of conditioning temperature was found for apparent metabolisable energy (AME). Increasing conditioning temperature decreased digestible protein and AME intakes in wheat-based diets but, in maize-based diets, birds fed on the diet conditioned at 75°C had lower digestible protein and AME intakes compared to those fed on diets conditioned at 60°C and 90°C. 4. Small intestine was longer in birds fed on diets conditioned at 75°C and 90°C compared with those fed on diets conditioned at 60°C. 5. Overall, the data suggest that while the effects of conditioning temperature on body-weight gain and feed intake of broilers to 21 d of age differed depending on the grain type, feed per body-weight gain was adversely affected by higher conditioning temperatures.  相似文献   

In investigations with 30 young cows (twin cattle) the applicability of straw materials as sole roughage was tested during the first half of their second year of life (183 feeding days). In the course of the experiment sole feed pellets (I) and partly pelleted rations of dried feed (straw pellets plus loose wheat and loose wheat straw resp.; II) were used. Approximately 72% of the dry matter intake was provided from straw materials in both groups and on an average of the test period. Weight gain and feed expenditure were ascertained and at the end of the test period also the parameters of rumen fermentation and of the concentration of some metabolism parameters in the blood serum. With feed supply being restrictive (2.2 kg dry matter/100 kg live weight), a high dry matter intake from straw (1.6 kg/100 kg live weight or 4.8 kg/animal and day resp.) and average weight gains of between 574 (I) and 582 g (II) were achieved. The standard expenditure of energy (kEFUcattle) and protein stated in the GDR feed evaluation system for this period of development was undercut by 27 (II) and 29 (I)% and 12 (II) and 18 (I)% resp. On average the expenditure of kEFUcattle/kg weight gain was 4.75 (I) and 4.98 (II) and that of digestible crude protein/kg weight gain 679 (I) and 733 g (II). Compared to standard values the expenditure of energy and feed expenditure from concentrates was 80%. Rumen fermentation conditions corresponded to those of a high cellulolytic activity (C2: C3 ratio of greater than 4: 1). The only significant differences between the groups at the time of sampling were to be observed in the total concentration of volatile fatty acids and in the pH-value in the rumen. The absolute (1/animal) and relative (1/kg dry matter intake) volume of rumen fluid varied between 65 and 70 and between 10.5 and 12.5 1. The ascertained concentration of selected metabolism parameters were within the physiologic standard range.  相似文献   

试验旨在综合评价从山东省17个市采集的羊常用粗饲料原料的营养价值。试验测定了109个样本10种常用原料的常规营养成分及总能(GE),应用两级离体消化法测定干物质消化率(IVDMD),以计算消化能(DE)和代谢能(ME),并根据预测干物质随意采食量(DMI),进而计算出分级指数(GI)。结果表明,不同粗饲料间的常规养分的差异不能准确地评价饲料营养价值;以NDF、ADF所得GI综合评价粗饲料中营养价值得到苜蓿>冬牧70>地瓜秧>羊草>花生秧>青贮玉米秸>玉米秸>水稻秸>豆秸>麦秸;IVDMD与NDF、ADF均呈显著负相关,而与CP呈显著正相关;DE与NDF、ADF相关性较强,且均呈负相关。  相似文献   

本实验用瘤胃尼龙袋法测定了酱油渣(长营)、酱油渣(豆各庄)、白酒糟(大厂)、白酒糟(围场)、玉米淀粉渣、麦芽根、啤酒糟、麸皮、羊草、稻草、氢化稻草、高梁青贮(豆各庄)、大麦青贮(长营)、高粱青贮(长营)、苜蓿、王米秸、麦秸、氨化麦秸的瘤胃有机物动态降解率(%)分别为46.50、46.02、25.41、18.54、38.58、59.03、32·84、69·14、41.14、32.09、37.77、39.86、36.36、36.78、45.13、32.87、29.50、37.15。前8种饲料营养成份的粗脂肪(EE)、粗蛋白(CP)、粗纤维(CP)、无氮浸出物(NPE)与瘤胃有机物动态降解率(FOM)的回归方程为:FOM=191.45+0.80EE-2.20CP-4.39CF-0.91NFE(R=0.91.n=8)相应后10种饲料的回归方程为:FOM=-10.53-0.41EE+1.83CP+0.44CF+0.56NFE(R=0.90,n=10)  相似文献   

舍饲条件下泌乳牦牛能量转化、氮、钙、磷代谢的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在舍饲状态下用三头健康状况良好的泌乳牦牛 (体重 1 70 2 0 0kg ,年龄 6 8岁 )进行消化代谢试验。用全收粪收尿法测定燕麦秸秆、5 0 %燕麦秸秆 + 5 0 %玉米粉、5 0 %燕麦秸秆 + 43.5 %玉米粉 + 6 %菜籽饼 + 0 .5 %食盐三种日粮下泌乳牦牛对日粮氮、钙、磷的消化代谢率和日粮能量的转化率。结果表明 :干物质采食量 (DMI)与泌乳牦牛代谢体重 (W0 .75 )显著相关 (r=0 .992 ) ,干物质采食量可用公式DMI=0 .0 1 6W0 .75 + 2 .6 4Y来计算 (其中Y代表含脂率为4%的标准奶 ) ;可消化粗蛋白 (DCN)用于泌乳的效率为 0 .2 0 ;能量代谢率 (q)为 0 .48,代谢能(ME)用于泌乳的效率为 0 .46 ;三种日粮下 ,畜体日增 (减 )重间差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to investigate the replacement value of common bean residues in the diet of finishing lambs as an inexpensive fodder instead of wheat straw or maize silage. Forty Arabi male lambs with average body weight of 18.90 ± 0.6 kg were randomly divided into five treatments with eight replications. The five experimental treatments consisted of control diet, and 50% and 100% replacement of bean residues with wheat straw or 25% and 50% replacement with maize silage in the control diet respectively. Lambs were slaughtered at the end of the experiment to evaluate carcass traits and meat characteristics. Dry matter intake, blood glucose, urea nitrogen, cholesterol and triglyceride concentration were not affected by the experimental treatments. Apparent digestibility of nutrients; total concentration of volatile fatty acids, acetate and butyrate; and total rumen protozoa population were linearly increased by increasing the levels of bean residues, as replacement with wheat straw (p < .05). Replacement of bean residues in control diets instead of wheat straw or maize silage caused a positive linear incremental trend for average daily gain and total weight gain. There was no significant difference in daily gain, final weight and feed conversion ratio among the treatments. Instead of wheat straw or maize silage, replacement bean residues linearly increased chewing, ruminating and eating activities per neutral detergent fibre intake (p < .05). Carcass traits and physicochemical characteristics of meat were not affected by the treatments. It is advisable to use bean residues in the diet of lambs as an alternative to the wheat straw or maize silage, because no adverse effects were observed on rumen fermentation, blood metabolites and performance; moreover, improvement in average daily gain, total weight gain and digestibility of nutrients, and the fact that bean residue is less expensive than wheat straw and maize silage.  相似文献   

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