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唐琳  郭松 《林业调查规划》2023,48(4):137-145
通过对柳州市市辖区古树名木资源特征进行分析,结果显示,古树名木共有2 236株,隶属29科、42属、52种;古树树龄呈金字塔结构;国家级重点保护树种6种,共285株;古树名木生长状况良好,树高整体呈近似正态分布,胸径与冠幅呈正偏态分布;古树名木权属以国有为主,各市辖区古树名木数量分布存在明显差异;古树名木主要集中在远郊野外,以群团状分布为主。针对市辖区古树名木存在的问题提出了加强技术指导、制定古树保护管理手册、提高意识等建议。  相似文献   

本文对长春地区古树名木资源进行了调查。结果表明:长春地区共有古树名木10科13属14种1299株,其中树龄在300a以上的国家二级古树3株。长春地区古树名木分布不均,长春市有古树名木13种77株;榆树市仅有古树名木1种4株,德惠市古树名木数量多达1189株。  相似文献   

指出了古树名木是森林资源的一个重要构成部分,不仅可以提供优美的自然景观,还可以打造深厚具有历史沉淀的人文景观,因此,研究古树名木资源现状对古树名木保护与利用具有重要意义。对贵定县古树名木资源现状及空间分布情况等进行了全面分析,结果表明:贵定县古树名木共有1868株,主要以三级保护和二级保护为主,占古树名木总株数的94.70%,三级保护株数为1631株,二级保护株数为138株。贵定县古树名木多分布在低中山区域,占全县古树名木株数的69.91%;其次是中中山区域,占全县古树名木株数的17.77%;分布最少的是高中山,仅占全县古树名木株数的0.32%。古树名木坡度空间分布株数依次为平坡陡坡斜坡急坡缓坡险坡。为此,提出了对古树名木保护的对策与建议。  相似文献   

<正>孝义市共有古树名木单株56株,分属7科8属9种。一级古树21株,二级古树17株,三级古树18株。当前古树名木管理与保护中存在着一些问题,针对这些,我们提出合理保护开发古树名木资源的几点建议。一、古树名木的概念与保护的意义(一)古树、名木和古树后续资源的概念古树名木包括两个方面的内容:一是古树,指树龄在100年以上的树木。二是名木,指下列树木:⑴树种珍贵、稀有;⑵具有重要历史价值或  相似文献   

全国古树名木保护现状与对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从2001年9月开始,全国绿化委员会、国家林业局在全国范围内展开了一次大规模的古树名木普查建档工作。根据这次普查汇总,目前全国共有古树名木2853107株。其中,古树2847349株,占全国古树名木总量的99.8%;名木5758株,占全国古树名木总量的0.2%。按照全国古树分级标准,国家一级古树51107株,占全国古树总量的1.8%;国家二级古树1042945株,占全国古树总量的36.6%;国家三级古树1753297株,占全国古树总量的61.6%。  相似文献   

<正>古树名木是大自然和历史留给我们的宝贵财富。在三湘大地上,23万棵古树名木就是23万颗绿色明珠,让湖湘绿色殿堂熠熠生辉。保护好这些古树名木,是湖南生态文明建设的题中之义,是美丽中国建设的重要内容。要充分认识古树名木保护的重要性和紧迫性。古树名木具有重要的生态价值、极高的历史文化价值和较高的经济价值。保护古树名木意义重大,是  相似文献   

为了解柳州市古树名木资源现状,结合文献查阅与实地调查,调查柳州市主城区古树名木资源并分析其结构特征。结果表明,调查范围内共有古树名木674株,隶属于24科29属35种,其中名木8株;优势科为桑科(Moraceae)、蝶形花科(Papilionaceae)和大戟科(Euphorbiaceae),优势种为樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、龙眼(Dimocarpus longan)和榕树(Ficus microcarpa)。古树名木主要为常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶和常绿针叶树种,科和属的分布区类型以热带地理成分为主;3级古树占绝对优势;古树名木整体长势良好。不同城区古树名木分布受人为活动影响差异较大。建议对古树名木进行差异性保护与复壮;开展古树名木保护专业人才培训,提高管护水平;加强科普宣传教育,增强群众保护意识。  相似文献   

2017年11月至2018年1月,按照《浙江省古树名木普查建档技术操作细则》要求,采用手持古树名木野外数据采集仪,对青田县全境的古树名木进行实地调查,结果表明,青田县共有古树名木有9 150株隶属34科68属107种,主要分布在农村,有8 977株,占全县总株数的98.11%;全县古树名木生长正常株数8 321株,衰弱株324株,濒危株89株,死亡株416株,部分古树名木健康状况堪忧,急需采取救治措施;目前青田县古树名木砌树池保护243株,挂牌保护218株,设置护栏保护30株,支撑保护15株,包树箍保护6株,封堵树洞保护6株,对于处于濒危、有严重病虫害的古树名木救治不够到位。对2002年古树名木调查数据与2017年的进行比较,结果表明全县古树名木物种、个体数量变化明显,主要原因是受自然和人为两大因素及其交互作用影响。提出建立以GIS为基础的古树名木地理信息系统数据库,构建青田古树名木地理信息分布图,实现古树名木动态监测,及时发现问题,解决问题。  相似文献   

<正>古树跨越千年,见证历史,得益于从古至今持续不断地守护。为弘扬生态文化,讲好古树名木故事,引导全社会参与古树名木保护,9月25日—30日,全国绿化委员会办公室组织开展2023年全国古树名木科普宣传周活动,大力宣传古树名木的重要价值和保护古树名木的重要意义,普及古树名木相关知识。全国各地纷纷启动了古树名木保护科普宣传周活动,集文化性、科普性、观赏性于一体,让社会公众更好地亲近古树、感受古树、了解古树。  相似文献   

<正>根据全国绿化委员会关于开展新一轮古树名木普查建档工作的要求,广东省绿化委员会办公室会同省林业调查规划院及软件设计公司,按有关规定和程序组织古树名木信息管理系统软件开发,经过半年多的努力,成功研发了《广东省古树名木信息管理系统》(简称),实施数字化管理。《广东省古树名木信息管理》系统严格按照国家古树名木信息管理要求进行设计,为加强广东省古树名木的保护管理提供多元化信息采集、信  相似文献   

Seedlings of two sympatric oak species, Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., were grown in common garden conditions to test for potential interspecific differences in intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE). Intrinsic water-use efficiency was estimated based on carbon isotope composition of shoots (delta13C) and on gas exchange measurements (ratio of net CO2 assimilation rate to stomatal conductance (A/g(sw))). In addition, genotype x environment interactions were tested by subjecting the seedlings to four irradiance treatments (8, 18, 48 and 100% of incident solar irradiance) imposed by neutral shading nets, and, in the 100% irradiance treatment, two watering regimes. In all treatments, initial growth of Q. robur was faster than that of Q. petraea. In both species, there was a tight correlation between delta13C and A/g(sw). Intrinsic water-use efficiency increased with increasing irradiance (almost doubling from 8 to 100% irradiance), and this effect paralleled the increase in A with increasing irradiance. In full sun, WUE of Q. petraea seedlings was 10-15% higher than in Q. robur seedlings, with the difference attributable to a difference between the species in g(sw). The interspecific difference in WUE was maintained during drought, despite the appreciable increase in WUE and decrease in growth imposed by drought. No interspecific differences in WUE were observed at low irradiances, suggesting a strong genotype x environment interaction for WUE. These findings confirm the existence of interspecific genetic differences in WUE, but also show that there is large intraspecific variability and plasticity in WUE. The initially greater height and biomass increments in Q. robur seedlings illustrate the ability of this species to out-compete Q. petraea in the early stages of forest regeneration. For adult trees growing in closed canopies, the high WUE of Q. petraea may contribute significantly to its survival during dry years, whereas the low WUE of Q. robur may account for the frequently observed declines in adult trees of this species following drought.  相似文献   

Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. are sympatric oak species with different ecological requirements. Quercus robur is more tolerant to waterlogging than Q. petraea. This ecological divergence may play a role in the maintenance of the two species despite the absence of an insurmountable reproductive barrier between them. We predicted that the genetic architecture of traits related to waterlogging tolerance differs between the species. To gain insight into this architecture in the absence of genetic markers for waterlogging tolerance, we compared populations of seedlings of each species for diversity in the expression of quantitative phenotypic traits induced by severe hypoxia. To determine the capacity for hypertrophied lenticel formation, we applied gas-impermeable mastic to stems of seedlings. Two months after application, the mastic treatment had induced the formation of 3 (+/- 2) cm(-2) hypertrophied lenticels in the absence of root hypoxia. Leaf epinasty during root hypoxia was an early predictor of seedling mortality. Four weeks of waterlogging resulted in greater epinasty in Q. petraea than in Q. robur, but fewer hypertrophied lenticels (16 +/- 6 versus 21 +/- 9 cm(-2)) and adventitious roots (2.7 +/- 4.7 versus 5.2 +/- 5.9). Differences between species in these traits were associated with differences in the frequencies of extreme phenotypes rather than with a generally higher tolerance to waterlogging in Q. robur seedlings.  相似文献   

Rust S  Roloff A 《Tree physiology》2002,22(8):597-601
We tested the hypothesis that changes in crown architecture of old pedunculate oak trees (Quercus robur L. ssp. robur Kl. et Kr. et Rol.) reduce leaf specific hydraulic conductance of shoots, thereby limiting stomatal conductance and assimilation of affected shoots. At the end of summer 1999, hydraulic conductance and leaf specific hydraulic conductance, measured with a high-pressure flow meter in 0.5- to 1.5-m long shoots, were 27 and 39% lower, respectively, in shoots of low vigor compared with vigorously growing shoots in a 165-year- old stand in southeastern Germany. Two types of bottlenecks to water transport can be identified in shoots of old oak trees, namely nodes and abscission zones. The reduction in hydraulic conductance was especially severe in shoots with diameters of less than 2 mm. Maximum stomatal conductance and maximum net assimilation rate increased significantly with hydraulic conductance and leaf specific hydraulic conductance. Our data support the hypothesis that changes in shoot and consequently crown architecture observed in aging trees can limit photosynthesis by reducing shoot hydraulic conductance. Thus, in addition to increasing pathway length and lower conductivity of xylem in old trees, structural changes in shoot and crown architecture need to be considered when analyzing water relations and photosynthesis in mature and declining trees.  相似文献   

采集湖南省森林植物园、安徽省滁州市南谯区红琊山林场25年生优良母树上的枝条作接穗,以1年生麻栎实生苗作砧木,选择插皮接、切接、腹接、T字形芽接和劈接等5种常规方法,进行麻栎嫁接试验,研究不同嫁接方法对麻栎嫁接成活率、苗高及地径的影响。结果表明:嫁接方法对麻栎嫁接成活率、苗高及地径均具有显著影响。切接法嫁接成活率最高,达到90%;其次是劈接法,达到85%;其它3种方法的较低,其中腹接的为70%,插皮接的为65%,T字形芽接的为60%。不同嫁接方法各处理苗木高和地径大小依次为切接劈接=腹接T字形芽接=插皮接。  相似文献   

辽宁省是我国银杏分布的最北界。银杏不但是丹东的市树,也是该地区经济林发展的主要树种。丹东的银杏采种母树90%局限于市区内行道树,每年采种量仅为2000kg左右,满足不了当地育苗需要。由于种源匮乏,不得不从山东、江苏等地引进苗木。但由于引进苗木长势明显不如当地苗木,且冻害严重,造成引种失败。从1997年由纬度相近,地理环境、气候条件相似的朝鲜新义州引进银杏种子,进行育苗试验获得成功。文章对银杏的引种育苗及苗木生长情况进行了报道。经试验看出,朝鲜种源培育出的苗民当地苗木长势无明显差异,为引种朝鲜银杏种源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

7种国外栎树引种苗期试验初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2000年和2001年从北美引进南方红栎、北方大果栎、水栎、柱栎、黑栎、北美白栎和英国栎等7个树种,15个种源在江苏进行育苗试验结果表明,不同树种、种源间发芽时间、场圃发芽率、苗高、地径生长性状有明显变异。种子发芽时间柱栎、黑栎依阿华和密苏里种源最早;其次为北方大果栎伊利诺斯种源、南方红栎阿肯色种源、黑栎安大略种源,水栎各种源发芽均迟。总出苗率以黑栎密苏里种源最高(达83.3%),水栎得克萨斯种源和北方栎蒙大纳种源较低(仅为15.7%和20.0%)。1年生苗高生长量以英国栎最大,其次是南方红栎、北方大果栎和水栎,黑栎和北美白栎生长量最小。同时,还研究分析比较了不同树种苗高季节生长节律。  相似文献   

本文报道在沈阳地区采用地膜覆盖方法进行杜仲育苗的试验情况。结果表明,地膜覆盖育苗较对照育苗的出苗时间提早14-15d,出苗率提高24.0%-26.6%。1年生苗平均增高15.2cm,地径增粗0.12cm,幼树越冬受害率降低10.6%。  相似文献   

In two regions of Germany the larvae of a new species of gallmidge,Resseliella n. sp., were found to be responsible for wide-spread cambium-necrosis and bark-/timber-damage to the stems of young oak and to the upper branches of older trees (Quercus robur, Q. petraea). These larvae live in the bark injuries caused by the woodpeckerDryocopus major and by the dormouseGlis glis; they feed off cambium-sap.  相似文献   

园林苗木容器栽培是一种十分有效的栽培方式,必将成为苗木栽培的主要方式.本文从园林苗木容器栽培的城市环境功能方面阐述了容器栽培相比于露地栽培的独到优势,以期进一步推动我国园林苗木容器栽培产业的发展.  相似文献   

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