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正布鲁氏菌病俗称布病,是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种人畜共患病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病,为每年重点防控的动物疫病之一。随着政府部门对布病防控知识的宣传,人们对布病的了解日益深刻,然而在实际生产中,人感染布病的病例和牛羊布病阳性病例每年均有发生,如何做好布鲁氏菌病防控工作已经成为推动畜牧业健康发展乃至公共卫生安全的重要内容。1做好动物布鲁氏菌病的防控工作1.1做好检测净化工作  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的一类严重危害人和动物健康安全的人畜共患病,为我国法定乙类传染病。近些年,该病在世界范围内呈回升趋势,我国尤其严重,国际上除少数国家主要通过捕杀等处理方式外,大多数国家主要通过对患病高发区的牲畜进行动物疫苗免疫来遏制该病的蔓延。选择和使用有效的布病疫苗,对于该病的防控和促进当地畜牧业经济发展有着重要的意义,本文将对近些年来布鲁氏菌病的流行特征及动物疫苗研究进展进行归纳阐述。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种人畜共患病,在家养和野生哺乳动物中会引起流产和不育.目前,世界各国动物布病的普查、监测及贸易检疫的检测方法难以区别布鲁氏菌自然感染动物和疫苗免疫接种动物,而且也不能鉴别布鲁氏菌与其他革兰氏阴性菌存在免疫学交叉反应.许多学者报道,通过检测动物血清中的布鲁氏菌菌体蛋白抗体可以大幅度提高布鲁氏菌病诊断的特异性.由于布鲁氏菌外膜蛋白暴露于细菌表面,在布鲁氏菌不同种之间具有保守性,动物感染后可以产生针对不同蛋白的特异性抗体[1-4].因此,本研究试图通过克隆、表达布鲁氏菌的不同种类外膜蛋白抗原,探讨该蛋白抗原对布病自然感染动物血清的反应性,以期获得适合布鲁氏菌不同感染时期的诊断、检测试剂,同时为动物布鲁氏菌病基因工程疫苗研制奠定基础.  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是国家二类动物疫病,2004年将布病纳入国家重大动物疫病监测计划,每年5月和11月对乳用牛羊及重点地区牛羊进行两次集中监测,布病检测工作主要在兽医实验室完成。本文对适合兽医实验室操作的布鲁氏菌检测方法进行了总结。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(brucellosis,简称布病)呈世界性流行,全球有超过170个国家有布病报告。20世纪90年代中后期布病呈回升趋势,进入21世纪后疫情更加严峻;感染途径由主要的职业接触感染扩展到非职业的食源性感染,发病区域由北方牧区逐步向周边的半农半牧区和农区扩散,并向南方传播扩散。大多数患者通过直接或间接接触受感染的动物或动物产品感染,大多数动物感染是从患病动物、受污染的饲料和饮水点摄入病原体所致。目前,布病检测方法较多且各有其特点,其中细菌分离培养是"金标准",补体结合试验(CFT)是OIE公认的确诊试验。疫苗免疫是布病最为有效的控制措施,但目前尚未有国际认可的用于人的布病疫苗,动物疫苗也存在安全性差、免疫期短等多种缺陷。未来需要加强布病监测并制定有效的防治措施,开展多学科、多部门、多领域的携手合作,共同推动布病的预警、监督和防控。  相似文献   

正布鲁氏菌病简称布病,是由布鲁氏菌(Brucella)引起的危害严重的人畜共患病,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)将其列为多种动物共患病之一,我国将其列为二类动物疫病,世界范围内每年出现约50万例人布鲁氏菌病病例,我国尤甚。进入2000年以后,人布鲁氏菌病在我国成为报告发病数上升速度最快的传染病之一。该病主要危害人畜生殖系统,人与人之间几乎不传播,患病动物是主要的传染源,其中病羊感染人的比例较高[1]。目前疫苗免疫是布鲁氏菌病防控的重要手段之一,尤其布鲁氏菌病高发地区,我国在  相似文献   

为了解北京市昌平区种猪布鲁氏菌病感染情况,每年春秋两季对昌平区种猪场进行布鲁氏菌抗体监测,笔者总结了2016—2018年三年的监测结果,昌平区辖区内的6个种猪场,抽检的种猪布鲁氏菌抗体阳性率为0,结合流行病学调查,昌平区猪群未感染布鲁氏菌病。布鲁氏菌病(以下简称布病)是一种由布鲁氏菌感染引起的人畜共患传染病,也是我国规定的法定职业病之一。人群对布鲁氏菌普遍易感,特别是从事密切接触布鲁氏菌的相关职业,如兽医、畜牧、屠宰、肉食品加工、皮毛加工、疫苗、诊断制品生产及从事布病防治的工作人员、动物科研人员是感染该病的高危人群。布鲁氏菌分6型:羊型、牛型、猪型、犬型、森林鼠型和绵羊附睾型,前4种可引起人类感染。布病的传染方式是动物传染给人,但人和人之间、人向动物一般不传染。该病传染源主要是病畜,尤其是羊、牛和猪。  相似文献   

正布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种传染病,是目前世界上流传最广,危害最大的人兽共患传染病之一。绵羊、山羊、猪、牛、犬等家养动物和人均可感染发病~[1]。布病不但严重威胁人类健康和畜牧业生产,同时也造成了巨大的经济损失。仅在拉丁美洲,布病每年造成近6亿美元的经济损失~[2]。中国每年牛、羊、猪感染  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的重要人畜共患传染病,严重危害公共卫生安全。疫苗免疫是预防布病的重要措施之一。目前我国已经获批上市的布鲁氏菌病疫苗共有七种,分别是S2株、M5/M5-90株、M5-90Δ26株、Rev.1株、A19株、A19ΔVirB12株和BA0711株。对上述疫苗的背景、免疫程序、基因组及保护力等方面进行系统阐述,旨在为动物布鲁氏菌活疫苗选用提供指导,并针对现有疫苗的优缺点,展望未来研发安全、高效、可鉴别诊断、不感染人的新型疫苗方向。  相似文献   

<正>布鲁氏菌病(Brucellosis)是由布鲁氏菌(Brucella)引起的一种以流产和发热为特征的人畜共患的细菌性传染病~[1]。布鲁氏菌具有高度感染性,布鲁氏菌已被CDC列为B类病原体,因此被认为是潜在的生物武器。该病属自然疫源性传染病,在世界各地分布广泛,全世界每年报道的布鲁氏菌病病例超过500万,严重威胁着人和多种动物的生命健康~[2]。本文主要就布鲁氏菌病的流行、临床症状、治疗及预防等作一综述。1疫情分布与危害1.1疫情分布布鲁氏菌病在全球有170多个国家和地区发现人、畜布鲁氏菌病的存在和流行,该病被世界动物  相似文献   

Brucellosis, especially caused by Brucella melitensis, remains one of the most common zoonotic diseases worldwide with more than 500,000 human cases reported annually. The bacterial pathogen is classified by the CDC as a category (B) pathogen that has potential for development as a bio-weapon. Brucella spp. are considered as the most common laboratory-acquired pathogens. The geographical distribution of brucellosis is constantly changing with new foci emerging or re-emerging. The disease occurs worldwide in both animals and humans, except in those countries where bovine brucellosis has been eradicated. The worldwide economic losses due to brucellosis are extensive not only in animal production but also in human health. Although a number of successful vaccines are being used for immunization of animals, no satisfactory vaccine against human brucellosis is available. When the incidence of brucellosis is controlled in the animal reservoirs, there is a corresponding and significant decline in the incidence in humans.  相似文献   

布鲁菌是布鲁菌病的病原体,在世界范围内给养殖业带来巨大损失。自噬是细胞的一种代谢方式,细胞在自噬相关基因的调控下清除细胞内病原微生物和吞噬降解受损、衰老细胞器及大分子物质,以维持机体内环境平衡。布鲁菌入侵细胞后,能够诱发细胞自噬,而这一复杂的过程需要很多细胞因子的参与,探究布鲁菌引发的细胞自噬已成为揭示布鲁菌致病机制的新热点,现就这一新热点的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

The successful co-existence of each Brucella spp. with its preferred host is the outcome of ancient co-evolutionary relationships and selection pressures that often result in a stalemate where the pathogen has evolved to survive within the biological systems of the host, and the host has evolved innate and acquired immune systems which allow controlled survival of infection by the pathogen, ultimately supporting the survival of the host-pathogen system. In general, Brucella spp. have evolved a similar fundamental pathogenesis of facultative intracellular parasitism though the predominant route of natural exposure varies from oropharynx to genital tract, as does the preferred tissue and cellular tropism, e.g. non-professional placental trophoblasts, fetal lung, professional macrophages of reticulendothelial system, and the male and female reproductive tracts. The morphogenesis of the pyogranulomatous lesions stimulated by Brucella reflects the nature of the persistent parasitism, i.e. genome versus genome. The question is, how can this perplexing array of survival mechanisms be unraveled? Fortunately, the integration of real-time image analysis, cell biology, genome-wide analysis, proteomics and bioinformatics holds the most promise ever for the global analysis of the Brucella infectious process and the host:pathogen interface leading to a clearer understanding of the interactions of these biological systems. These discoveries will be expected to provide a frameshift in rationales for interrupting and/or controlling brucellosis at host and/or pathogen levels.  相似文献   

The first species of Brucella was isolated and characterized almost 120 years ago and recently the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of a number of well-characterized Brucella strains have been determined. However, compared to other bacterial pathogens relatively little is known about the factors contributing to its persistence in the host and multiplication within phagocytic cells. Also, many aspects of interaction between Brucella and their host remain unclear. Molecular characterization of intracellular survival process of Brucella is important as it will provide guidance for prevention and control. One of the features that distinguish Brucella is that they do not express classical virulence factors. Thus identification of virulence factors has been elusive and some of the identifications are putative. Disruption of putative virulence genes and studying their effect on attenuation in cell lines or mouse models is a widely used method. However, in most cases it is not apparent whether the mutated genes encode virulence factors or merely affect metabolic pathways of the pathogen. In addition, some mutations in Brucella can be compensated by redundancy or backup mechanisms. This review will examine known virulence genes (real and putative) identified to date and the mechanisms that contribute to the intracellular survival of Brucella and its ability to establish chronic infection.  相似文献   

Brucella, a causative agent of brucellosis and facultative intracellular pathogen, has been isolated recently from a variety of wild mammals. In this study, serum samples from 115 Japanese wild boar (Sus Scrofa leucomystax) killed by hunters in the 4 Prefectures of Shikoku, Japan were tested for antibodies to Brucella spp. by means of the tube agglutination test (TAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using antigens extracted with n-lauroylsarcosine. In 9 of the 115 samples (7.8%) antibodies to Brucella spp. were detected by TAT and ELISA. These results suggest that wild boar in Shikoku may be exposed to Brucella spp. or other cross-reactive pathogen infection.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is not a sustainable disease in humans. The source of human infection always resides in domestic or wild animal reservoirs. The routes of infection are multiple: food-borne, occupational or recreational, linked to travel and even to bioterrorism. New Brucella strains or species may emerge and existing Brucella species adapt to changing social, cultural, travel and agricultural environment. Brucella melitensis is the most important zoonotic agent, followed by Brucella abortus and Brucella suis. This correlates with the fact that worldwide, the control of bovine brucellosis (due to B. abortus) has been achieved to a greater extent than the control of sheep and goat brucellosis (due to B. melitensis), these latter species being the most important domestic animals in many developing countries. The long duration and high cost of treatment of human brucellosis reduces the efficacy of the therapy. There is no human vaccine for brucellosis and the occurrence of brucellosis is directly linked to the status of animal brucellosis in a region. In this context, the Word Health Organization has defined the development of a human vaccine, besides the implementation of control and eradication programs in animals, as a high priority. The pathogenicity for humans of B. suis biovars 1, 3 and 4 is well established, whereas B. suis biovar 2 seems to be less pathogenic. Indeed, although hunters and pig farmers have repeatably experienced infectious contact with B. suis biovar 2 (found in wild boar and outdoor-rearing pigs in Europe), isolation of B. suis biovar 2 from human samples have only been seldom reported. Marine mammal brucellosis, due to two new proposed Brucella species i.e. B. cetaceae and B. pinnipediae, represents a new zoonotic threat but the pathogenicity for humans of the different Brucella species found in cetaceans and pinnipeds still has to be clearly established.  相似文献   

奶牛布鲁氏菌病研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奶牛布鲁氏菌病(Brucellosis)是由布鲁氏菌(Brucella)引起的以奶牛流产为主要特征的一种慢性细菌传染病,该病流行较广,在世界许多国家和地区都曾造成严重的经济损失,同时该病也是目前世界上危害较大的人畜共患病之一。近些年来,由于各种原因造成布病疫情在世界部分地区有所回升,对社会经济发展和人类健康安全构成一种潜在的威胁。本文对奶牛布鲁氏菌病的流行病学、检测及综合防治等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study shows the absence of the world’s most common bacterial zoonoses caused by Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in cattle, goats and dogs...  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种重要的人畜共患传染病,不仅给畜牧业造成严重的经济损失,并威胁人类健康。弱毒疫苗免疫是防控布病的重要手段,但弱毒疫苗的使用往往对布病的诊断和监测造成干扰。各国学者利用细菌学、免疫学、分子生物学等技术手段,建立了病原分离鉴定、补体结合试验、利凡诺尔试验、酶联免疫吸附试验、荧光偏振实验、限制性片段长度多态性、PCR、real-time PCR等多种布鲁氏菌弱毒疫苗鉴别检测方法。研究表明,ELISA和FPT以其高通量以及操作方便的优势,在布鲁氏菌弱毒疫苗与野生菌株感染的血清学鉴别诊断方面前景良好;分子生物学特别是PCR、real-time PCR方法目前仍广泛用于布鲁氏菌纯培养物的鉴定。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病是一类由各型布鲁菌感染而引起的重要的人畜共患病之一。被感染的动物最常见的临床表现为流产、胎盘炎、附睾炎、睾丸炎等。人感染布鲁茵病后,多呈慢性经过,可损害人体多种器官。虽然病原学鉴定是一种常规有效的诊断布鲁茵病的方法之一,但由于其对操作人员安全以及实验室级别的要求非常严格,加之从患病动物体内分离病原体的过程既耗时又具有危险性,在布鲁茵病临床诊断实践中推广应用困难。布鲁菌病血清学诊断方法显示出较高的特异性和敏感性.但难以鉴别布鲁菌各型野毒株以及疫苗株感染。鉴于上述问题.深入开发和研制更高特异性、敏感性和稳定性的新型布鲁茵病诊断方法在兽医临床实践中势在必行。主要从细菌学、血清学和分子生物学等方面对布鲁茵病诊断方法研究情况进行了综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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