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采用问卷调研、入户调研和文献调研相结合的方法,分析浙江省生态循环农业发展的现状及存在的问题,认为浙江省生态循环农业可划分为立体复合模式、闭式循环模式、农业废弃物资源化利用模式和乡村旅游观光模式4种模式。发展中存在的典型问题包括农户对生态循环农业的认知程度低、农户文化程度低和农户抗风险能力差。结合模式特征、技术范式和盈利方式,提出了生态循环农业发展模式的区域选择建议。   相似文献   

农业可持续发展是全球面临的一项挑战,其核心在于如何在保证食物安全和提高生产效率的同时,保护和改善农业生态环境。土壤作为农业生产的基础,其质量直接关系农业的可持续性。本文综合探讨了农业可持续发展中土壤肥料问题的现状、影响及对策。文章强调了土壤质量对提高土地产出效率、减少农业面源污染和促进循环农业发展的重要意义。分析了当前农业生产中面临的主要土壤肥力问题,包括土壤次生盐渍化、土壤养分失衡和有机质含量下降。针对这些问题,文章提出了包括科学施用肥料、推广阶段性深松以及秸秆还田和绿色覆盖等对策,旨在通过这些方法促进农业可持续发展。本文的分析和建议对于实现土壤资源的可持续管理和农业的长期发展具有重要的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

农业机械化对现代可持续农业的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业机械化是现代可持续农业的基本特征,是保证现代农业生产、农业和农村经济可持续发展的重要前提和技术支撑。农业机械化技术体系将会在解决我国农业可持续发展所面临的人地矛盾、人粮矛盾、水资源私有制矛盾和环境恶化矛盾等过程中发挥重要的作用。实现综合农业机械化是现代可持续农业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

以结构调整为主线,千方百计增加农民收入,是当前我市农业和农村经济工作的主要目标。如何充分调动农民积极性,帮助和引导农户因地制宜搞好农业结构调整,实现增收目标,是各级政府及其相关职能部门的首要任务。清镇市王庄乡与红枫湖镇转变观念、  相似文献   

可持续农业是一种在农业生产过程中注重环境、经济和社会可持续性的方法。旨在探讨可持续农业与区域经济发展之间的互动效应,基于可持续农业的核心原则和实施方式,分析了可持续农业对区域经济的积极影响,可持续农业的实施可以提高农产品质量,增加农产品附加值,提高农民收入,并创造就业机会等。因此,政府和相关利益方应当加强合作,制定政策和措施,促进可持续农业和区域经济发展的良性互动。  相似文献   

中国农业的可持续发展技术及装备   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
80年代中期,当可持续农业的概念首先在美国提出以后,即引起了人们的广泛兴趣和关注。可持续农业,即农业的可持续发展战略,其内涵可概括为:通过重视可更新资源的利用,优化投入结构和农业生物结构,达到生产和经济的发展与环境和资源的保护相统一,在不危及后代人需...  相似文献   

水资源承载力研究是保证水资源可持续利用、寻求区域可持续发展的重要依据。在分析土壤水资源特点基础上,阐明了基于土壤水资源利用的农业水资源承载力内涵,综合考虑了农业经济产值、粮食总产量、农业生态用水量和农业用水比例等4项目标,建立农业水资源承载力多目标决策模型。以保定市为例,提出不同规划年、不同水文年及土壤水资源利用技术发展的农业水资源承载力方案,充分利用土壤水资源,保证农业水资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

新疆干旱地区农业用水利用研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
节水农业一直是新疆干旱地区农业发展追求的一个主要目标,国内外各种节水灌溉技术在这一地区得到了广泛应用。根据新疆的水资源状况,指出要解决新疆水资源可持续利用问题,关键是解决农业用水的高效合理利用。提出了干旱地区实现水资源可持续利用及高效节水生态农业的措施。  相似文献   

农业水价改革是调节农户灌溉行为,促进农业节水实现的重要政策工具。探讨农业用水户的实际水费承受能力及其对农业水价改革的反映对于制定合理的农业水价政策具有重要的意义。文章通过对新疆和云南144户农户入户调查问卷的分析,从家庭特征,水费支出情况、水费承受能力以及对水价浮动的反映等几个方面分析和探讨了农业用水户面对不同水价政策变动的态度和应对措施,认为农业用水户作为基本生产单位,其应对农业水价改革的决策行为是“理性的”和“利己的”,国家制定的相关政策只有在能够充分考虑到农户的实际反应是才能发挥最大的政策效应。  相似文献   

吴思佳 《南方农机》2023,(24):116-118
【目的】提高农业生产效率和经营水平,促进农业精细化、智能化、集约化与科学化生产,实现生产、生态和生活三者共同利益之间的协同。【方法】课题组采用实地调研法和统计分析法对智慧农业市场规模和行业特征进行分析,剖析了以智慧农业与电商运营相结合的“智能农业云”项目。“智能农业云”项目以智慧农业为核心,实现生物、信息和装备技术的耦合发展,现代化、智慧化和生态化的相互融合,效率效果并重。通过人工智能、大数据、云计算,对农业生产方式进行调整,大幅提升农业生产效率,实现产前生产资料衔接、产中生产要素配置、产后产品供需对接,一体化调配各个环节;通过土壤、水、氧气等生产环境与农产品生长的物质系统的循环,构建智慧农业发展的新途径,实现资源高效利用与生态功能持续提升的农业良性发展。【结果】该项目实现了农产品的数字化物流,提高了农业现代化水平,有利于促进传统农业向现代农业转型升级。既满足了农户足不出户就可以管理耕地的要求,又保障了消费者对蔬果的新鲜度需求,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

Agricultural systems in the Western Australian wheatbelt are increasingly moving towards specialist crop production due to elevated cereal prices, depressed markets for livestock products, and ongoing labour scarcity. However, the profitability of crop-only farms is threatened by increasing levels of herbicide resistance and declining soil fertility. This study determines the value of ungrazed pasture fallows grown tactically between crop phases to address these agronomic constraints. A novel metaheuristic optimisation technique, compressed annealing, is used to determine profitable flexible land-use sequences in a complex simulation model. Tactical use of single-year, ungrazed pasture phases is found to be more valuable than the use of break crops in crop-only systems. In contrast to previous analysis, it is identified that rotation of short periods of crop and pasture is more profitable than extended phases of both. Effective weed control without dependence on selective herbicides is the key agronomic characteristic determining the value of intermittent pasture phases. Accordingly, the number of single-year pasture phases employed in a sequence should increase with the severity of herbicide resistance. Compressed annealing is shown to be a practical method of identifying profitable land-use sequences that respond to information that unfolds dynamically.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2005,86(1):52-75
Due to rapid loss of soil fertility in traditional cropping systems and subsequent yield decline, plantain fields in Southeastern Nigeria are usually reverted to fallow after three years. This study investigates the potential of mulch-based systems for long term plantain production: alley cropping with Dactyladenia barteri and natural bush, and a cut-and-carry technique with Pennisetum purpureum. Model results simulate yields decline observed under traditional cropping systems due to a decrease in soil fertility. The adoption of mulch-based technologies is conditioned by capital availability. However, when adequate capital is available, mulch-based systems are quite profitable. Under baseline conditions, the alley cropping system with natural bush outperforms the other two improved technologies with a 154% and 72% increase in net returns over continuous and shifting traditional systems, respectively. The traditional system had the worst performance without fertilizer use. A sensitivity analysis shows that the increase in net return due to fertilizer in the alley cropping and traditional systems is at least 25%. This analysis indicates that credit programs that reach small farmers and land reform that gives them secure title are essential to widespread adoption of mulch-based plantain systems.  相似文献   

Summary An array of irrigation systems are available which can be broadly classified as being gravity flow or pressurized. Pressurized irrigation systems provide better control on the amount of applied water and, in most cases, better irrigation uniformity than gravity flow systems. They also have a higher initial capital cost than gravity flow systems and an analysis is required to determine whether the improved performance of pressurized systems justifies the additional costs. An economic analysis was done on several irrigation systems which included consideration of farm management costs associated with a given irrigation system, shifts in crop yield and drainage volumes associated with the optimal management of each irrigation system, and costs associated with disposal of drainage waters. Cotton was selected as the crop for analysis. Irrigation uniformity is a significant determinant to the results. Although irrigation uniformities can be highly variable based on design, maintenance and management, a typical uniformity for each irrigation system was selected. For the conditions of the analysis, gravity flow systems were calculated to be more profitable than pressurized systems if there was no constraint on the amount of drainage water generated or cost for its disposal. Imposition of costs for drainage water disposal induced a shift whereby pressurized systems became more profitable than gravity flow systems.  相似文献   

Farmers in the central Great Plains want to diversify crop rotations from the traditional monoculture system of winter wheat-fallow. Corn (Zea mays L.) could work well as a rotation crop, but inputs are expensive and farmers would like to know the chances of producing a certain yield before investing in seed, fertilizer, herbicides, etc. Information on the yield response of corn to available soil water at planting could help guide the crop choice decision regarding corn. This study was conducted to determine if a predictive relationship exists between dryland corn yield and available soil water at planting time and, if such a relationship exists, to use it to assess the risk in obtaining profitable yields. Yield and soil water data from 10 years of a dryland crop rotation study at Akron, CO were analyzed by linear regression to determine predictive relationships. The yield-soil water content production function was highly variable, with values ranging from 0.0 to 67.3 kg ha−1 per mm of available soil water in the 0 to 1.8 m soil profile at planting. The differences in yield response to soil water were related to the amount and timing of precipitation that fell during the corn growing season. Because dryland corn yield is highly dependent on precipitation during reproductive and grain-filling stages, soil water content at corn planting cannot be used alone to reliably determine whether corn should be planted in a flexible rotational system. The predictive relationships developed in this study indicate that under typical amounts of available soil water at corn planting, profitable corn production under dryland conditions is a risky and speculative activity in the central Great Plains of the United States.  相似文献   

Controlled traffic farming (CTF) uses a range of technologies to confine traffic-induced compaction to permanently defined tramlines within a farm’s cropping area. CTF concentrates and improves trafficability whilst simultaneously supporting soil structure improvement between tramlines, thereby raising crop yields and offering other advantages such as reduced overlap that saves on crop inputs. This study uses whole-farm modelling to assess the profitability and role of CTF in different farming systems in Australian dryland agriculture. Farming system scenarios with and without the CTF are compared. Stepwise analysis, combined with sensitivity analysis, reveals the characteristics of CTF that most affect its value. Results indicate that the most valuable aspect of the technology is its beneficial impact on the yield and quality of crops grown on soils most subject to compaction. Hence, on farms dominated by these soils and where their faming system emphasizes cropping, CTF forms an especially valuable role. For a typical farm in the study region, employing conservative measures, farm profit increases by around 50% through use of CTF. Hence, CTF represents a remarkably profitable innovation for farming systems, offering input savings and output increases.  相似文献   

In situ use of ground water by plants is one optionbeing considered to reduce discharge of subsurfacedrainage water from irrigated agriculture. Laboratory, lysimeter, and field studies havedemonstrated that crops can use significant quantitiesof water from shallow ground water. However, moststudies lack the data needed to include the crop wateruse into an integrated irrigation and drainage watermanagement system. This paper describes previousstudies which demonstrated the potential use of groundwater to support plant growth and the associatedlimitations. Included are results from three fieldstudies which demonstrated some of the managementtechniques needed to develop an integrated system. The field studies demonstrated that approximately 40to 45% of the water requirement for cotton can bederived from shallow saline ground water. Thatregulation of the outflow will result in increasinguse. Implementation of integrated management ofirrigation and subsurface drainage systems is a viableand sustainable alternative in the management ofsubsurface drainage water from arid and semi-aridareas only if soil salinity can be managed and if thesystem is profitable.  相似文献   

Overreliance on fossil fuel based inputs, and transport of inputs and products is seen by many as a threat to long-term agricultural and food system sustainability. Many organic, biodynamic, and low-input farmers limit off-farm inputs, attempting instead to farm within the carrying capacity of their land or local environment. These farmers often accept lower farm productivity because they see reduced reliance on non-renewable inputs as more sustainable. Documentation of low-input agricultural systems through both replicated research trials and case studies is needed in order to better understand perceived and real advantages and tradeoffs. The goal of our study was twofold: (1) to compare liming and biodynamic (BD) preparations in improving pasture on a moderately acidic pasture soil through stimulation of soil microbial activity; (2) to place these findings within the context of a whole farm analysis of economic, plant, and animal health. Treatments included lime, the Pfeiffer Field Spray plus BD compost preparations, and untreated controls. Soil pH, total C and N, microbial activity, forage biomass, and forage quality were evaluated over two growing seasons. Both lime and the Pfeiffer Field Spray and BD preparations were only moderately effective in raising soil pH, with no effect on soil microbial activity or forage yield. Lime significantly reduced forage crude protein but the practical implications of this are questionable given the overall low quality of the forage. While the farm is profitable and economically stable and the animals healthy, the need for future targeted nutrient inputs cannot be ruled out for sustainable long-term production.  相似文献   

The design problem of furrow irrigation systems considering runoff and drainage water quality was formulated as an optimization problem, with maximization of net benefits as the objective. A power advance function with an empirically derived relationship between the furrow irrigation design variables and relative crop yield were used in the formulation. The generalized geometric programming technique was used to solve for the optimal values for the design variables that maximized the net benefits from a furrow irrigation system. The optimal efficiency for which the system must be designed under a given set of soil, crop, and economic conditions is not known in advance. In the design, the application efficiency was not specified a priori. It was an output from the optimal design. The analysis suggested that it might not be economical to design surface irrigation systems to achieve a high application efficiency that is specified a priori. In the absence of environmental degradation problems from irrigation, it may sometimes be profitable to design surface irrigation systems to operate at less than the standard application efficiency (55%–90%) that is routinely used in the design. Formulation of the design problem as an optimization problem would yield the optimal application efficiency that would maximize the net benefits to the farmer under any given set of conditions.  相似文献   

Evaluating the potential scale of adoption of a technological innovation or management practice at the farm business scale can help gauge the potential size of an industry for the purposes of prioritising resources for research and development. In this paper we address the question of quantifying the potential area of adoption of a perennial pasture, lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), in dryland mixed farming systems in Australia. Lucerne pastures play a significant role in dryland farming systems in the wheat-sheep zone of southern and western Australia. While there are benefits of integrating lucerne into cropping systems there will inevitably be additional costs, and the scale of adoption of lucerne will depend largely on the increase in farm profit resulting from the introduction of lucerne. Whole-farm economic models of representative farms in the Australian wheat-sheep belt were used to determine the key drivers for the scale of adoption of lucerne.For a particular farming system the optimal area of lucerne which maximises whole-farm profit is found to depend on production, price and cost conditions. Generally, no more than 30% of a farm was allocated to lucerne according to those conditions and location of the farm. For most scenarios examined the response of profit was flat around the optimal area. This implies that lucerne could be grown on areas greater than the optimum, in order to reduce groundwater recharge (and thereby reduce the risk of dryland salinity), without greatly reducing whole-farm profit. The optimal area of lucerne in all regions was limited by the area of suitable soil types and proportion of lucerne in the most profitable lucerne-crop sequences.At all price levels assumed in this study lucerne remained as part of the optimal enterprise mix for all farm types examined. Lucerne productivity was also a major determinant of the optimal area of lucerne. The sensitivity of profit to changes in winter and/or summer production varied between regions and for different livestock enterprises. The differences were driven by the timing of energy demands and supply of feed in individual farming systems.In all regions the optimal area and profitability of lucerne varied with livestock enterprise. The analyses showed that changing from wool production to meat production enabled greater economic benefit to be realised from lucerne. This was consistent across farm types and demonstrated the value of lucerne as a source of high quality feed for finishing prime lambs in summer.The results of this study demonstrate that lucerne is profitable in a range of environments on a significant proportion of the farm area, but that this area is small relative to that required to significantly influence in its own right the environmental issue of salinity.  相似文献   

Pasture-cropping is a novel approach to increasing the area of perennial forages in mixed livestock and cropping systems. It involves planting annual cereals directly into a living perennial pasture. There is interest in using subtropical grasses for pasture-cropping as they are winter dormant and their growth profile is complementary with winter crops. The ability of subtropical grasses to maintain feed quality in summer is likely to be an important attribute. However, a wide range of factors can affect the uptake of such systems. This paper evaluates the farm-system economics of subtropical grasses and pasture-cropping. The research question is: what factors affect the profitability of a new technology such as (1) subtropical grass and (2) subtropical grass that is pasture-cropped. The analysis uses the MIDAS model of a central wheatbelt farm in Western Australia. The results suggest the profitability and adoption of subtropical grasses is likely to be strongly influenced by the mix of soil types present on the farm; the feed quality of the subtropical grass; whether the production emphasis of the farm is for grazing or cropping, and the level of production in summer and early autumn. The same factors are relevant to pasture-cropping, with the addition of yield penalties due to competition between the arable crop and the host perennial. The results were less sensitive to changes in the winter production of subtropical grass. Pasture-cropping was more profitable and likely to involve a larger area of the farm when a meat rather than a wool-dominant sheep system was present. However, there was little difference between the meat and wool flocks in their sensitivity to other factors in this analysis.  相似文献   

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