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1999年,党中央、国务院为改善生态环境,加快国土绿化进程,增加林草植被面积,减轻水土流失和风沙的危害,做出了退耕还林的重大决策,受到了广大农民的拥护和支持。9年来,造林绿化面积过亿,退耕受益农民过亿。这项伟大的工程,生态效益明显,取得了辉煌的成就。但是,由于解决退耕还林农户长远生计问题的长效机制尚未建立,随着退耕还林政策补助的陆续到期,部分退耕农户生计将出现困难。为此,国务院发出《关于完善退耕还林政策的通知》,继续对退耕农户给予适当补助,以巩固退耕还林成果,解决退耕还林农户生活困难和长远生计问题。  相似文献   

国务院决定延长退耕还林政策补助期国务院总理温家宝6月20日主持召开国务院常务会议。会议决定,为解决退耕农户的生活困难和长远生计,进一步巩固退耕还林成果,将延长退耕还林政策补助期,即  相似文献   

国家延长退耕还林补助政策周期,提高补助标准,对进一步巩固好这一工程的建设成果意义重大。但从长远看,要解决好退耕农户生活困难和长远生计问题,从根本上巩固退耕还林成果,还应充分挖掘退耕还林工程本身所蕴藏的巨大经济潜力,大力发展和壮大后续产业。  相似文献   

用科学发展观促进退耕还林工程建设的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施退耕还林,加强生态环境保护和建设是党中央、国务院作出的重大战略决策和实施西部大开发的根本和出发点,对于带动农业产业结构调整、增加农民收入、加快农民脱贫致富奔小康具有十分重要的作用。《国务院关于完善退耕还林政策的通知》进一步完善退耕还林政策,继续对退耕农户给予适当补助,以巩固退耕还林成果、解决退耕农户生活困难和长远生计问题。  相似文献   

近日,国务院决定完善退耕还林政策,继续对退耕农户给予适当补助。经国务院批准,退耕还林补助政策座谈会日前在北京召开,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理曾培炎出席并讲话。他指出,退耕还林是我国生态环境保护与建设的重大工程,也是惠民济民的有效措施。要巩固成果,完善政策,解决好退耕农户当前生活和长远生计,努力建立起生态环境改善、农民持续增收和经济社会稳定发展的长效机制。  相似文献   

8月25日,全国退耕还林工作会议公布,退耕还林工程实施以来,全国累计完成退耕还林任务3.64亿亩,全部成林后,相当于再造了一个东北、内蒙古国有林区.国务院最近发出关于完善退耕还林政策的通知,延长退耕还林补助期限,以巩固退耕还林成果、解决退耕农户长远生计问题.……  相似文献   

巩固退耕还林成果的保障措施探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
退耕还林加快了国土绿化步伐,改善了生态环境,但是退耕农户长远生计问题没有得到解决,巩固退耕还林成果任务十分艰巨。笔者提出了组织、政策、机制、技术、资金5个方面的保障措施,以达到切实巩固退耕还林成果的目的。  相似文献   

永顺县是国务院确定的退耕还林试点示范项目县,自2000~2006年,累计完成退耕还林工程造林6.89万hm2(103.4万亩)。随着退耕还林工程的深入,退耕还林政策补助陆续到期,由于解决退耕农户长远生计问题的长效机制尚未建立,所面临的问题逐渐显现。党和国家适时提出完善退耕还林政策,建立巩固退耕还林专项资金,文章结合永顺县的实际情况,对建立巩固退耕还林专项资金的现实意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

国务院 《新疆林业》2007,(5):15-15,23
各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府。国务院各部委、各直属机构:实施退耕还林是党中央、国务院为改善生态环境做出的重大决策,受到了广大农民的拥护和支持。自1999年开始试点以来,工程进展总体顺利,成效显著,加快了国土绿化进程,增加了林草植被,水土流失和风沙危害强度减轻;退耕还林(含草,下同)对农户的直补政策深得人心,粮食和生活费补助已成为退耕农户收入的重要组成部分,退耕农户生活得到改善。但是,由于解决退耕农户长远生计问题的长效机制尚未建立,随着退耕还林政策补助陆续到期,部分退耕农户生计将出现困难。  相似文献   

最近,省人民政府下发了《关于完善退耕还林政策的实施意见》(湘政发[2008]15号),对巩固退耕还林成果、有效解决退耕农户长远生计的问题将起到重要的作用。为此,我们要突出工作重点,认真抓好各项政策的落实。  相似文献   

以补贴到期后不再补贴为前提假设,运用Probit和Logit模型实证分析影响农户做出复耕决策的影响因素。结果表明:如果到期后停止补助受访农户中有复耕意愿的农户占53.46%,巩固退耕成果的难度依然较大;56.93%的农户对当前的退耕补贴政策持不满意或者非常不满意的态度,后续产业参与度不高。是否村干部、耕地总面积、退耕地面积、退耕地面积占耕地总面积的比例、对补贴的满意度、是否参与后续产业对农户复耕决策具有显著影响。访谈结果也表明,农户的复耕决策是在综合考虑收入预期和获得收益能力的基础上所做出的经营性决策;如果到期后停止退耕补贴而退耕土地又不能够直接为农民带来稳定的收益,或者退耕农户没有稳定的其他替代性收入,退耕农户将倾向于在补贴期后复耕。  相似文献   

The paper chose two counties (Qis) in Inner Mongolia as the research areas to study the policies of conversion of farmland to forest and grazing prohibition and indoor raising implemented in there, which are closely related to the interests of farmers and herdsmen. Based on the investigation and interview among farmer households, the paper analyzed the consistency between land degradation prevention and control policy and the needs of farmers and herdsmen, and finally presented the countermeasures and sugge...  相似文献   

论退耕还林与耕地保护的辨证关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从辨证唯物主义的角度深入分析了当前我国实行的耕地保护和退耕还林的辨证关系,指出退耕还林与耕地保护均是构筑国土安全的重要组成部分,退耕还林是改善生态环境、维护国土生态安全的重要举措;耕地保护则是保障国家耕地和粮食安全,维系大局稳定的战略性问题。耕地保护是退耕还林的基础和前提,退耕还林是耕地保护的辅助和保障。要实现耕地保护和退耕还林的协同发展,必须正确认识和处理好二者的辨证关系,统筹规划,是耕地保护与退耕还林协同发展的基础;切实保护农民权益,是耕地保护与退耕还林协同发展的关键;因时、因地、因势制宜,是耕地保护与退耕还林协同发展的保障。  相似文献   

A study was made of measures to revitalize mountain ginseng cultivation in the eastern mountainous area of Muju, Jinan and Jangsu municipalities of North Jeolla province, South Korea. The targeted area is typical forested land and is utilized for the cultivation of ginseng. Access to seeds and seedlings for mountain ginseng cultivation is relatively easy in North Jeolla province, and the species is cultivated widely (on 63 % of the area of the province and by 74 % of farmers). This study investigated the current state of mountain ginseng cultivation and business management, including production costs and subsidy, sales and distribution system, and other business management concerns. A survey was conducted on 86 mountain ginseng-cultivating farming households living in the targeted area in 2013. It is concluded that to achieve greater production an aggressive government policy promoting the renting out of suitable sites for mountain ginseng cultivation in national and public production forestland to individual farms and farming cooperatives is necessary. Further research on increasing the survival rate of cultivated mountain ginseng (CMG) until harvesting and preventing damage by wild animals is also deemed necessary. More effective use of related municipal budget subsidy needs to be supported selectively to the enterprising farmers who aggressively pursue mountain ginseng cultivation and business management. Opening CMG retail stores to realize sustainable income growth and developing various processed products will increase farm income. The government needs to introduce policies to sustain consumer trust in CMG through initiatives such as establishing a CMG quality management system for growers, distributing government-approved seeds, and implementing a government-based CMG purchase system.  相似文献   

Great importance has been attached to the “Agriculture-Rural-Farmer” issue by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council of China. In recent years, a series of agricultural supporting subsidy policies, such as direct subsidies to grain, seed, material, and machinery purchases have been enforced, and these policies have greatly promoted the agricultural production and the incremental income of farmers. However, from the perspective of increasing the farmers’ income, although the subsidy coverage is expanding from fields to hilly areas where the farmers have made major contributions to the supply of wood and ecological security, the farmers have a low income without enough aid from the forestry fiscal subsidy policy. Foresters cannot enjoy the same policy support as farmers, because the level of forestry fiscal subsidies is obviously lower than the level of agricultural subsidies. Therefore, based on investigation, this article suggests giving more support to forest workers in terms of the promotion and optimization of forestation, forest tending, seeds and insurance subsidies, and further expanding the forestry subsidies’ category and scope and improving its standards.  相似文献   

基于广东、浙江、广西、安徽4省(区)的农户调查数据,运用DEA-Tobit模型两步法分析农户林地流转对不同树种生产效率的影响。结果发现,从平均水平看,农户林业生产的综合技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率分别为0.296 1、0.506 1和0.508 3,且流转户在这3个方面的水平均高于非流转户,但不明显;从分树种来看,单个树种在这3个方面的提高程度也并不明显,且林地流转与否对这3个方面的影响并不都是正向显著的。因此,农户林地流转未必能显著提高林业生产效率,政策鼓励需要针对不同树种生产特征差异进行匹配。  相似文献   

鹤峰县退耕还林现状及后续政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年初春,鹤峰县认真贯彻国家“退耕还林、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”十六字方针,严格按照“严管林、慎用钱、质为先”的要求,苦干实干,全面启动退耕还林工程,圆满完成了自治州下达的各项建设任务。笔者通过对鹤峰县退耕还林工程的调查,分析目前存在的问题,提出一些建议供决策部门参考。  相似文献   

A new forest policy of allocating forestland to individual households for management and development, has been applied in Vietnam since the early 1990s. This study was designed to examine how local forest-related people have used forestland and forest resources under the new policy, and to determine their level of dependency on forests. An upland forest-related community in northern central Vietnam, where the policy was introduced in 2002, was chosen as a case study. It was found that local residents in the community have not complied with the forest allocation policy well, in that they violated the policy to freely lend forestland to and borrow from villagers for cropping purposes, regardless of whether they were rich or poor, had enough land or not, or were legally forest recipients. Regarding forest dependency, all households studied lived on forest resources (forestland and forest products). More than 65% of the total annual income of poorer households was derived from the forest, compared to less than 40% for the richer households. Forest-derived income accounted for more than 75% in their total income in some of the poorest households.
Nguyen Vinh QuangEmail:

For any country, the forest policy is an important guideline to maintain forest resources and their interaction with other land uses. India devised its first National Forest Policy (NFP) back in 1894. There has been a paradigm shift from timber production to forest conservation followed by community-based agroforestry and social forestry bringing a change in perspective towards forest resources. This change has been socio-economic, cultural and ecological. Since the 1952 NFP, there has been an advocacy for 33% forest cover with a 60% forest cover in mountainous and hilly regions. This objective was reiterated in the NFP 1988 and also confirmed in the National Forestry Commission report in 2006. This paper reviews the probable reasons for these targets. This paper also analyzes forest cover trends at state level and assesses the likelihood of meeting the prescribed policy targets under present perspective of land use practices. Only three Indian states meet the prescribed policy, while three more have the potential to do so, if their state wasteland area is afforested. Among the rest, a few states may achieve the 33% goal provided land conversion to tree cover is not hindered, and adequate resources are available at state level. The Planning Commission (XI Five-year Plan, 2007–12) has emphasized inclusion of other natural ecosystems (including treeless areas and trees outside forests) to forest cover. The paper also examines the above prescribed targets in light of the Planning Commission recommendations. It is argued that that the NFP should be re-visited and revised to meet the targets, along with setting a more realistic and attainable target for Indian forest and tree cover.  相似文献   

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