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小粒豆高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了北部高纬高寒地区特用小粒豆的高产栽培技术,阐述小粒豆栽培技术与普通大豆栽培技术的区别,引导种植户进行科学生产。  相似文献   

加入WTO后对大豆育种工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就加入WTO后,我国大豆育种工作所面临的挑战,提出三个方面的应对策略。一、在普通大豆育种工作中,首先要丰富种质资源,其次要开展扁茎大豆的育种及加强生物技术的研究与利用等工作,最后强调高蛋白大豆与高油大豆的选育。二、在开展特种大豆育种工作中,注意黑大豆、菜用大豆,小粒大豆等新品种选育,以提高大豆育种的竞争力。三、针对我国育种体制的不足,提出改革方案。走种业机构与育种单位联合开发的道路,并注意保护知识产权与出让成果。  相似文献   

小粒大豆新品种吉育106的选育及栽培要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大豆新品种"吉育106"是以小粒大豆吉林小粒4号与绥农14,经品种间有性杂交,多年选育而成。2009—2010年平均公顷产量2736公斤,比对照吉林小粒3号增产16.6%。2010年生产试验平均公顷产量2592公斤,比对照品种吉林小粒3号增产15.3%。该品种表现出了丰产、稳产、外观品质优良、抗逆性强等特性,有广阔的推广前景。  相似文献   

大豆是我省的重要作用,发展大豆生产,加速大豆产业化建设,挖掘大豆的经济潜力是我省的优势所在,“十五”期间我们的目标是:优质、高产、高效、高附加值大豆产业经济,在品种上重点抓高油、高蛋白并根据市场抓大粒豆,小粒豆、黑大豆、绿大豆;栽培上抓优质品种的配套技术,有机大豆配套技术;在加工上抓低能耗,高产出,质量优的加工产品。为形成龙江的“大豆经济”提出5点看法。  相似文献   

菜用大豆品质研究概况   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
菜用大豆是指在豆英鼓粒饱满,英色、籽粒色翠绿时采青食用的大豆专用型品种。目前国际市场上的菜用大豆的品质性状可分为四种类型:外观、食用品质、营养品质和卫生品质。其中菜用大豆的外观性状包括绿质地和香味,有研究认为以菜用大豆食味品质影响最大是籽粒中蔗糖、谷氨酸、丙氨酸和葡萄糖的含量;菜用大豆是一种高营养价值的作物,不仅籽粒粗蛋白含量高,氨基酸的组成较均衡,而且油分中不饱和脂肪酸的含量高达84.33%,是一种高品质油。  相似文献   

传统大豆制品在我国具有悠久的历史和广大的市场。大豆原料的品质对传统大豆制品的生产和销售等有较大的影响。因采用加工工艺和产品的不同,传统大豆制品对大豆品质要求也不尽相同,例如豆腐用大豆要求籽粒饱满、蛋白质含量高、亚基11S/7S含量低;豆浆用大豆要求外观品质好、蛋白质和水苏糖含量高、亚麻酸、油酸和亚油酸含量要低;菜用大豆应选择蔗糖、天门冬氨酸与谷氨酸含量高的品种;豆芽用大豆需选择小粒、发芽率高、脂肪含量低、蛋白质和碳水化合物含量高的大豆品种;豆豉和纳豆用大豆要求籽粒吸水和保水能力强、蒸煮特性好的品种;酱油用大豆应选择不饱和脂肪酸、糖分、球蛋白及脂肪含量较高的品种等。本文对国内外大豆加工制品对大豆原料品质要求的相关研究结果进行了综述,旨在为大豆品质育种以及大豆加工制品适宜材料的选择提供理论基础。  相似文献   

合农58号(原代号合交05—1483).是黑龙省农业科学院佳木斯分院利用国内外优良品种资源育成的小粒大豆品种,母本为国内优良小粒大豆品种龙小粒豆1号.父本为从日本引进的小粒豆品种日本小粒豆。合农58号主要特点为熟期适中,每节荚数与单株结荚多,高产稳产;亚有限结荚习性,节间短,秆强抗倒伏,耐密植,多分枝,成熟后不炸荚.适于机械收割;可溶性糖含量高、化学品质好.符合日本做纳豆、韩国做豆芽对原料的品质要求。  相似文献   

大豆优异种间杂交新种质选育新进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
拓宽大豆育种的遗传基础,广泛利用和创造出新种质资源,是目前提高大豆育种水平的重要途径。 黑龙江省农科院豆类资源室,从1981年以来,通过栽培大豆(G·max)与野生大豆(G·soja),半野生大豆(G·gracilis)进行种间杂交、回交、复合杂交等,现已创造和选育出秆强多荚丰产类型和多分枝多荚特用极小粒类型等不同熟期种间杂交新种质,经八五国家科技攻关有关单位鉴定,确认为中国优异野  相似文献   

为了探究不同播种期对吉林小粒大豆生育进程、产量及品质的影响,以3种不同生育期的小粒大豆品种为试验材料,设置5个播种期处理,研究不同播种期对小粒大豆生育进程、产量及品质的变化规律。结果表明:随着播种期的推迟,小粒大豆生育进程延后,生育期表现缩短趋势,且各处理间差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01);小粒大豆单株荚数、单株粒数、百粒重及产量均呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,不同播期的单株荚数和单株粒数差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05),A1~A3播期间百粒重差异不显著,各品种产量均在A2(5月4日)播种期最高,东农690为2 448.6 kg·hm^-2,吉林小粒豆6号为2 606.9 kg·hm^-2,九芽豆1号为3 101.2 kg·hm^-2,播期间产量差异极显著(P<0.01);回归分析结果表明,播期与产量间具有很大的相关性。早播或迟播病粒率增加,完全粒率降低,蛋白质含量和蛋脂总含量降低,推迟播期籽粒粗脂肪含量持续下降;小粒大豆播期与蛋白质含量呈显著或极显著负相关关系,与脂肪含量、总蛋脂含量呈极显著负相关关系。吉林地区小粒大豆适宜播期是5月4日左右,此期间播种有利于获得高产优质的小粒大豆。  相似文献   

“垦丰5号”是黑龙江省农垦科学院作物所大豆育种室育成,是高异黄酮大豆新品种,经过多年生产试验表明,具有高产、抗倒伏,耐低温及商品性好等特点是,是推广应用前景好的特用优良大豆新品种。  相似文献   

通过对2个密度的大豆群体在开花初期进行光富集处理,研究了大豆不同粒位籽粒的粒重及其空间分布特征。结果表明:大豆籽粒的单粒重呈现明显的粒位效应。在多粒荚内,基粒的粒重最小。2、3和4粒荚的第2粒位籽粒的粒重比基粒分别高10.6%、14.8%和17.3%。光富集和高密度增加基粒粒重的幅度高于其它粒位的籽粒,增幅为17.7%~27.9%,但并未改变其原有的粒位粒重特征。大豆的不同粒位粒重在主茎上呈明显的"纺锤形"分布,下部节位上的籽粒单粒重略小,而中部节位上的籽粒单粒重较大。多粒荚内不同粒位的粒重空间分布曲线的变异程度小,1粒荚内的籽粒大小受光照和密度影响最大。高密度条件下,上部节位的不同粒位籽粒对光照更加敏感。不同粒位的籽粒大小与灌浆顺序并无直接关系,受荚内同化产物均衡分配机制的调节,粒位数的增加减小了单个籽粒的增重程度。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2005,91(2-3):217-229
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is a major source of protein for animal feed and oil for human consumption. Selection within elite soybean cultivars for the improvement of agronomic and seed traits is assumed to be ineffective due to the belief that cultivars are highly homogeneous. Previously reported data suggest that latent variation among the single plant selections within a cultivar exists and that mechanisms that generate de novo variation may also be present. The main objective of this study was to perform divergent single-plant selection at ultra-low plant density and investigate the presence of genetic variation for seed protein and oil within three elite soybean cultivars. A secondary objective was to investigate the variation for fatty acid composition. In 1995, single plants from the three cultivars were grown in a honeycomb design using a plant-to-plant spacing of 0.9 m. A total of 333 plants from ‘Benning’, 392 plants from ‘Haskell’, and 371 plants from ‘Cook’ were evaluated. Divergent single-plant selection for protein and oil content was performed to select a total of 20 plants for high or low protein and 20 plants for high or low oil from each cultivar. The selected plants were further evaluated in replicated row-plot experiments for 3 years. Our results indicate that single-plant selection at low plant density was successful in discovering significant variation for seed protein and oil within each of the three soybean cultivars. For protein content, the magnitude of intra-cultivar variation between the highest- and lowest-protein lines averaged 19 g kg−1 across the three cultivars and ranged from 13 to 24 g kg−1. For oil composition, the magnitude of variation between the most divergent lines averaged 12 g kg−1 across the three cultivars and ranged from 9 to 14 g kg−1. Significant variation among the selected progeny lines was also discovered for specific fatty acid composition. The magnitude of intra-cultivar variation averaged from 6 to 29 g kg−1 across the five fatty acids of soybean. The genetic variation discovered within the soybean cultivars is most likely due to latent variation and/or newly created variation. Our data provide evidence that single-plant selection at ultra-low plant density within elite cultivars can be effective in improving the seed composition of a soybean cultivar.  相似文献   

以3个籽粒产量相近但蛋白质含量差别较大的大豆品种为材料,分析了分枝期后不同器官的氮素积累、分配和运转规律及其对籽粒蛋白质含量的影响.结果表明:结荚前品种之间氮素含量和积累量差别不大,结荚后高蛋白大豆营养器官(叶片、茎秆和叶柄)的氮素含量除个别时期外(叶柄第7周)都高于普通大豆,说明营养器官较高的氮素含量及长时间保持较高...  相似文献   


Rapid development after emergence is important for seedling establishment and early vegetative growth, especially at a low planting density or inferior environmental conditions. This study was conducted to understand the varietal difference in the growth parameters during the seedling stage in soybean. Twenty-seven soybean varieties originating from six countries were examined in 2009 and 2010. The pots were arranged in a completely random block design with 5 replications (10 pots per variety), and the seedlings were sampled at 14 and 28 days after sowing (DAS). The shoot dry weight at 14 and 28 DAS was highly correlated with seed size, cotyledon digestion, and leaf area. However, no positive correlation was found between shoot dry weight and photosynthetic rate at 28 DAS. Chamame, a Japanese cultivar, with the largest seed size grew rapidly, and showed the heaviest shoot dry weight, greatest cotyledon digestion, fast leaf expansion and high photosynthetic rate. However, Moyashimame, a medium-seed-size cultivar, also grew rapidly with a high photosynthetic rate. Some varieties such as Tachinagaha (Japan), Hefeng (China), Parana and Pérola (Brazil), had a large or medium seed size, and high photosynthetic rate but showed a relatively small leaf area and light shoot dry weight. These results suggested that big seeds with rapid cotyledon digestion developed a wider leaf area and therefore large dry matter production, indicating that the conversion of stored energy was more important than the leaf photosynthetic activity for early growth.  相似文献   

吉育606具有高产稳产、抗逆性强、适应性广等特点。2013年通过吉林省农作物品种审定委员会审定。一般4月下旬5月初播种,保苗16-18万株/hm2,其高产制种技术是选择适宜的制种基地,合理安排播期和行比,及时放蜂,安排有效隔离距离,严格去杂确保种子纯度等。  相似文献   

吉育74号大豆新品种是吉林省农业科学院大豆研究中心育成,该品种蛋白质含量41.00%,脂肪含量18.56%,抗大豆花叶病毒病、大豆灰斑病,高抗大豆食心虫,抗倒伏,为高产、抗病虫型品种。  相似文献   

NP配比对专用高蛋白大豆产量和品质的调节效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间试验研究了不同NP配比对南农88-31大豆产量和品质的调节效应.结果表明,最有利于南农88-31大豆籽粒产量和蛋白质产量提高的NP配比是N150kg/hm2与P2O575kg/hm2;NP配比可以调节大豆叶面积和干物质积累,但这种调节效应主要归功于氮肥的作用,随施N量增加,大豆叶面积和干物质积累增加;NP配比对大豆籽粒蛋白质含量的调节效应不明显.  相似文献   

Increasing yield is a high priority in most breeding programs. Approximately 600 soybean cultivars had been released by the end of the last century in Northeast China. Understanding the agronomic and physiological changes is essential for planning further plant breeding strategies in soybean. In this study, 45 representative soybean cultivars, from maturity groups 00 and 0, released from 1950 to 2006 in Northeast China were compared in field conditions for 3 consecutive years. A positive correlation between seed yield and year of cultivar release was indicated with a 0.58% average annual increase. Seed number per plant was the most important contributor to yield gain, with a 0.41% increase per year. Pod number per plant and seed size varied slightly with the year of cultivar release. Although variation in protein was from 37.0% to 45.5%, and oil concentration was from 16.7% to 22.0%, their concentrations were not consistently related to year of cultivar release. A 33% increase in the photosynthetic rate, 10.6% increase in plant dry weight and 19.0% increase in harvest index (HI) were found, while leaf area index (LAI) decreased by 17.3%. Modern cultivars have higher photosynthetic rates than their predecessors. The reduced plant height gave increased resistance to lodging, with the lodging score dropping from 3.2 in 1951 to 1.0 in 2006. Seed resistances to disease and pest infestation were also improved. Yield stability was enhanced over years, which could be attributed to the stable pod production across different environments. A flow diagram to explain the contributors to genetic improvement of soybeans in Northeast China was developed.  相似文献   

蒙9449是安徽省农科院作物所选育的大豆新品种,蛋白质含量39.78%,脂肪含量22.66%,生育期106 d.2004-2005年参加安徽省大豆品种区域试验,两年平均产量2 686.8 kg/hm2,比CK中豆20增产8.64%.2005年同时参加安徽省大豆品种生产试验,平均产量2 541.3 kg/hm2,比CK中豆20增产11.92%.  相似文献   

采用马铃薯脱毒小薯不同粒级、不同密度、不同品种熟性三因子三水平正交试验,研究了原原种对一级原种的产量、单株平均结薯数及<25g小薯所占比率的影响。结果表明:当早熟、结薯少、薯块均匀的品种原原种播种密度在1.2万株/亩以上,晚熟和中晚熟、结薯较多薯块不均匀的品种在1.0~1.2万株/亩之间,且播种粒级大于0.5g/粒时,一级原种繁殖方可收到既高产又具较高的繁殖系数和较低用种量的效果。  相似文献   

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