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一、调查地区的地理位置及工作方法调查地区选在小兴安岭的新青林业局,完达山的穆棱林业局和长白山的松江河林业局。调查林分均属灌木阔叶红松林。调查树种有红松、云杉、臭松、椴树、枫桦和色木。调查内容有心腐率和心腐材积。心腐率是指心腐株数占调查株数的百分比,而心腐材积是指病腐木心腐部分材积。心腐率通过新采伐迹地的伐根调查取得。心腐材积则通过伐区伐倒木调查及贮木场造材获取。在调查中量测了心腐木的心腐长度、心腐直径及胸径。所谓木材心腐是指木材颜色有了明显改变,其材质发生变化的部分。  相似文献   

在进行红松根腐病防治时,利用打穴撒石灰方法,林分被害株率下降4.7%,病情指数下降8%;利用打穴喷药方法,林分被害株率下降48.0%,病情指数下降63%;利用直接喷药方法,林分虽然病情指数下降了24%,但被害株率却上升了2.3%。  相似文献   

文章分析了5项林分因子对红松分杈的影响及其成因。其中,林分类型、红松径级、红松成数对红松分析影响达极显著或显著水平,林分密度、林分年龄对红松分杈也有一定影响。但分析认为林分类型、林分密度和红松成数是影响红松分杈的直接因素;林分年龄、红松径级对红松分杈无直接因果关系,这是通过他形成的林分形态、结构和生理特性而影响红松分杈的。降低红松分杈率必须严格实行栽针保阔,保留适宜的林分高密度和红阔比例,降低红松分杈率,同时,可以提高林分质量,构建健康稳定的阔叶红松林。  相似文献   

<正> 我们曾对东北林业大学凉水林场的以红松为主的原始天然林的病腐率进行了普查,现将普查结果整理出来。此次病腐情况的普查,是以标准地法进行的,一般是从山下向山上按林型设置带状标准地,以能代表林分的全貌。调查因子有林木组成、林分年龄、平均高度、平均直径、疏密度、地位级、蓄积量、林型,並记载地形、地势、土壤,幼树、下木、地被物等,以及林分一般卫生状况、病虫害种类及病腐率。本次调查着重病腐调查,现将病腐调查结果总结如  相似文献   

分析了山杨心腐与坡位、坡向、林分密度、林龄的关系后认为山杨干材心腐随着林分密度和林龄的增加而增加。  相似文献   

本文就大兴安岭地区的若干树种进行心腐的外部特片及延伸程度的总结和分析,认为:兴安落叶松心腐的外部特征是外表有破损或破损痕迹,树皮干枯,树干凸凹不平,有鼓包,心腐一般延伸距鼓包1.5-2m。白桦:①萌生林的心腐由老树墩引起,有条件时腐朽会蔓延;②活立木的心腐多数在根部,其延伸程度有规律;③实生林的心腐只有在杜立木、冻裂的活立木上发生;杨树:①甜杨心腐发生在少数过熟林根部,延伸1-3m;②山杨心腐的外  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨不同演替阶段红松阔叶混交林林分空间结构特征,为明确各林分结构与功能、合理保护和经营红松阔叶混交林提供科学依据。采用TOPCON全站仪在吉林省蛟河市林业实验区管理局不同演替阶段红松阔叶混交林内分别设置4块100 m×100 m监测样地,并进行群落调查,在Visual Studio平台上编写应用程序对不同林分的混交度和大小比数进行计算。结果表明:不同演替阶段林分的平均混交度在0.66和0.78之间,树种之间隔离程度较大;4种林分中树种数量最多的前5个树种平均混交度取值范围为0.69~0.82,其中过熟林最大,近熟林最小,按平均混交度数值大小排序为过熟林中龄林成熟林近熟林。中龄林、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林林分平均胸径大小比数分别为0.48、0.53、0.49、0.49,平均树高大小比数分别为0.48、0.50、0.49、0.49,平均冠幅大小比数分别为0.34、0.42、0.38、0.41。可以看出,胸径和树高平均大小比数取值范围相近,反映林木大小分化程度上具有一致性,而与平均冠幅大小比数取值范围具有一定的差异,说明用树高及胸径计算大小比数得出的结果较冠幅更为可靠。不同演替阶段红松阔叶混交林整体上呈现出一个由不同树种组成、处于强度混交向极强度混交过渡的复杂森林群落,且树种之间大小分化程度明显。  相似文献   

本文就大兴安岭地区的若干树种进行心腐的外部特征及延伸程度的总结和分析,认为:兴安落叶松心腐的外部特征是外表有破损或破损痕迹,树皮干枯,树干凸凹不平,有鼓包,心腐一般延伸距鼓包1.5—2m。白桦:①萌生林的心腐由老树墩引起,有条件时腐朽会蔓延;②活立木的心腐多数在根部,其延伸程度有规律;③实生林的心腐只有在枯立木、冻裂的活立木上发生。杨树:①甜杨心腐发生在少数过熟林的根部,延伸1—3m;②山杨心腐的外部特征是有乳头状的鼓包,材身表面有菌,根部心腐一般延伸2—3m,树干心腐面积小,延伸长。  相似文献   

【目的】阔叶红松林是我国长白山林区顶级植物群落,林内动物、植物种类丰富,分析阔叶红松林及阔叶混交林中腐木甲虫物种组成、多样性,以及林分因子对腐木甲虫的影响,有助于揭示腐木甲虫与森林生境变化的相互关系作用机制,为评价天然林在保持腐木甲虫多样性的作用,以及不同生境对腐木甲虫多样性的影响提供依据。【方法】2012—2013年,每年5月中旬—8月下旬的腐木甲虫活跃期,在吉林蛟河阔叶红松林、杨桦林、水胡林中利用飞翔拦截诱捕器持续采集林内腐木甲虫,通过甲虫的生物学、相关文献资料和数据库确定腐木甲虫种类。【结果】共采集到甲虫39个科239种,其中,腐木甲虫203种,7 465个个体;叩甲科、露尾甲科、隐翅虫科和天牛科的数量和种类较多;四星蜡斑甲和条脊甲在本地首次被采集到。阔叶红松林2个林分中腐木甲虫具有较高的多样性,杨桦林和水胡林中多样性相对较低。不同林分对甲虫的物种数、个体数、丰富度指数和多样性指数均有显著影响。阔叶红松林2个林分中甲虫的物种数、个体数、丰富度指数都显著高于杨桦林和水胡林。郁闭度、平均胸径、每公顷蓄积、每公顷株数、灌木盖度对各类群影响不同,林分的郁闭度、平均胸径、公顷蓄积对大多数腐木甲虫有正向影响。【结论】阔叶红松林内腐木甲虫种类和数量比较丰富,林龄、胸径、蓄积高的阔叶红松林林分腐木甲虫具有较高的多样性,其在维持腐木甲虫多样性方面发挥着重要作用。天牛科的物种数、个体数在阔叶红松林林分中数量都高于杨桦林和水胡林。叩甲科是阔叶红松林中最大的类群,与其他类群不同,其在灌木盖度高和乔木株数多的杨桦林数量较多。  相似文献   

桦树立木心部腐朽,是东北天然林中比较普遍的情况。从成过熟林采伐的心腐桦木,一般径级较大,多数都检划为烧材。干心桦木是因立木心腐,心部失去正常木材应有的机械强度,只留有一定厚度的喇叭形外膘层是没有腐朽的外壳。除干心桦木外,一部分椴树和少数红松,也立腐成空筒子,周边保留有相当厚度的优质膘层无腐良材。  相似文献   

杉木冷冻干燥材和气干材液体浸注性的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comparative study was conducted on liquid penetration of the freeze-drying and air-drying sapwood and heartwood lumber of plantation Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata). The maximum amount of dyeing solution uptake by the capillary rise method was used to evaluate the liquid penetration properties of the treated wood. The pit aspiration ratio was determined by semithin section method. Changes in wood microstructure were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that compared with air drying, the freeze drying had a significant effect on liquid penetration of sapwood and heartwood of Chinese fir. The liquid penetration of sapwood is significantly higher than that of the heartwood for both drying treatments. Low pit aspiration ratio and cracks of pits membrane of some bordered pits are the main reasons for increasing liquid penetration after freeze drying treatment.  相似文献   

采用高频真空干燥、常规窑干和高温干燥3种方法对杉木人工林木材的心、边板材进行干燥处理,用毛细管上升法评价干燥后试样的浸注性能,用半薄切片法测定干燥试样具缘纹孔的闭塞率,最后用扫描电子显微镜观察干燥试样微观构造的变化,比较分析3种干燥方法对杉木人工林木材浸注性的影响机理.结果表明:对于杉木边材,经高频真空干燥后试样的浸注性显著高于常规干燥和高温干燥后试样的浸注性,后2种干燥方法对试样浸注性影响的差异并不显著;对于杉木心材,高频真空干燥与高温干燥后试样的浸注性存在显著差异,而高频真空干燥与常规干燥之间、高温干燥与常规干燥之间对试样浸注性的影响差异均不显著;3种干燥方法处理后,杉木边材的浸注性均显著高于心材的浸注性;具缘纹孔的闭塞率较低以及部分具缘纹孔周缘破裂是高频真空干燥后木材浸注性提高的主要原因.  相似文献   

The pulping wood quality of Acacia melanoxylon was evaluated in relation to the presence of heartwood. The sapwood and heartwood from 20 trees from four sites in Portugal were evaluated separately at 5% stem height level in terms of chemical composition and kraft pulping aptitude. Heartwood had more extractives than sapwood ranging from 7.4% to 9.5% and from 4.0% to 4.2%, respectively, and with a heartwood-to-sapwood ratio for extractives ranging from 1.9 to 2.3. The major component of heartwood extractives was made up of ethanol-soluble compounds (70% of total extractives). Lignin content was similar in sapwood and heartwood (21.5% and 20.7%, respectively) as well as the sugar composition. Site did not influence the chemical composition. Pulping heartwood differed from sapwood in chemical and optical terms: lower values of pulp yield (53% vs 56% respectively), higher kappa number (11 vs. 7), and lower brightness (28% vs 49%). Acacia melanoxylon wood showed an overall good pulping aptitude, but the presence of heartwood should be taken into account because it decreases the raw-material quality for pulping. Heartwood content should therefore be considered as a quality variable when using A. melanoxylon wood in pulp industries  相似文献   

Eucalyptus globulus sapwood and heartwood were delignified at 130°, 150°, or 170°C by kraft pulping. Pulp yields of heartwood were lower than those of sapwood (46.5% vs. 50.4% at 170°C). Delignification was modeled using consecutive and simultaneous kinetic models. The modeling was similar for heartwood and sapwood, and either approach could be used, with both yielding good correlations between experimental and model data. The consecutive model identified two delignification phases with similar reaction rates and activation energies for heartwood and sapwood at 150° and 170°C. At 130°C only one phase was identified. Three reactive types of lignin fractions were identified using the simultaneous model, without differences between heartwood and sapwood. Their reaction rates were 0.152, 0.138, and 0.003 min−1 at 170°C, and the activation energies were 132, 119, and 102 kJ.mol−1. The presence of heartwood did not influence the kinetic development of delignification. The negative impact of heartwood in pulping is related to the higher content of extractives (9.8% vs. 3.9% in heartwood and sapwood) and to their influence on the process, namely in the heating-totemperature phase when a substantial mass loss occurs (30% vs. 20% for heartwood and sapwood).  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):247-253
Genetic materials interact with the environment in specific ways, therefore their responses in wood need to be better understood. The present study sought to evaluate the influence of different climatic conditions in Minas Gerais, Brazil on Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla wood. Two six-year-old clones were cultivated in Belo Oriente, Ferros, Santa Bárbara, Itabira and Peçanha. Five trees from each clone were sampled from the base to top direction. Wood density, heartwood/sapwood ratio, vessels, fibres, and extractive and lignin contents were determined, as well as their correlation with environmental variables. Vessel diameters, heartwood/sapwood ratio, and extractive and lignin contents all increased due to higher water availability in Santa Bárbara and Itabira. In both genetic materials, the variables linked to growth and wood quality were related to environmental factors.  相似文献   

13种杨树木材物理力学性质的研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
采集1-69杨等10种黑杨的9年生试材,易县毛白杨等3种白杨的13年生试材,测试木材物理力学性能,分析心边材,不同树高位置,株间的变化规律,比较品种间木材性质的差异,试验结果表明,13种杨树全树木材心材率在14.6-34.1%,之间,生材含水率在86.2-148.5%之间,由生材干燥至含水率为12%所产生的干缩率在8.66%-11.96%这间,气干密度属低类或很低类,强度属弱类,硬度属软类或甚软类,冲击韧性中等;黑杨心材颜色深,心边材性质差异大,白杨心材颜色淡,心边材性质差异小,品种间木材物理力学性质差异较大,按其主要特点可将13个品种的木材分为4类。  相似文献   

Chinese fir plantation sapwood and heartwood boards were treated by three drying methods: radio frequency-vacuum drying (RFVD), conventional kiln drying (KD) and high temperature drying (HTD). The maximum amount of dyeing solution uptake by the capillary rising method was used to evaluate the liquid penetration of the treated wood. The pit aspiration ratio was determined by a semithin section method. Changes in wood microstructure were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The results show that liquid penetration of Chinese fir sapwood after RFVD is significantly higher than that after KD and HTD. Liquid penetration of Chinese fir heartwood after RFVD is higher than that after HTD. Liquid penetration of Chinese fir sapwood is significantly higher than that of heartwood after three drying treatments. Low pit aspiration ratio and cracks of some bordered pits are the main reasons for the increase in liquid penetration after RFVD treatment. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(10): 85–90 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   


This paper describes the chemical composition of sapwood (SW) and heartwood (HW) of Pinus halepensis Mill stem. Extractives were first isolated by accelerated solvent extraction and then analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The cellulosic polysaccharide content present in the pre-extracted wood samples was determined with acid hydrolysis and GC. The hemicelluloses content was determined with acid methanolysis and GC. Free monomers were additionally analysed by GC. The amount of lignin was determined gravimetrically by the Klason lignin method and the acid-soluble lignin was determined by a UV method. Formic and acetic acids in wood were determined after alkaline hydrolysis and analysed by HP-SEC. It was found that lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives were more abundant in heartwood (1.6% and 2.5%) than in sapwood (1.1% and 1.8%). Celluloses content was higher in sapwood (42.5%) than in heartwood (39.7%), whereas lignin, hemicelluloses and sugar monomer contents were more abundant in heartwood (28.9%, 26.8% and 0.3%) than in sapwood (28.0%, 24.5% and 0.2%). The variation in acetic and formic acids and ash contents between sapwood (0.7%, 0.2% and 0.5%) and heartwood (0.6%, 0.1% and 0.4%) was small. The acetylation degrees were found to be slightly similar in sapwood (0.4) and heartwood (0.3).  相似文献   

To utilize forest resources in areas affected by fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, it is important to understand the mechanisms of 137Cs movement through the stem wood of contaminated trees. Understanding the mechanism of absorption and migration of 137Cs to stem wood is necessary for clues to the future prediction of the transition of 137Cs to xylem. In the present study, radial variations in 137Cs concentration were investigated in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) trees collected 1 year and 10 months after the accident. Additionally, the relationship between 137Cs concentration and potassium (K) content was established. Trees with a higher moisture content and lower lightness value in heartwood tended to have a higher 137Cs concentration in the heartwood. In these trees, 137Cs concentration peaked at the heartwood–sapwood boundary and gradually decreased toward the pith. By contrast, K content within the heartwood remained nearly constant along the radial direction. The heartwood-to-sapwood ratio of 137Cs concentration was significantly positively correlated with that of K content. Based on these results, we suggest that 137Cs movement from sapwood to heartwood might be related to the K content ratio of heartwood and sapwood.  相似文献   

对从杨树心、边材提取的磨木木质素进行了元素分析和红外光谱(FTIR)质子和碳-13核磁共振波谱(^1H,^13C NMR)等化学特征研究。研究结果表明:杨树心、边材木质素的经验式分别为C9H7.16O2.38(OCH3)1.99和C9H8.61O2.73(OCH3)1.33。心材木质素甲氧基含量28.16%,比边材高8.73%。两种木质素均具有典型阔叶材的特征,化学结构类型基本一致,碳骨架结构基本相同,但化学官能团和键型的组成上存在差异。  相似文献   

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