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The Australian College of Veterinary Scientists (ACVSc) has been promoting the advancement of the veterinary profession for 40 years through the provision of continuing education of Australian and New Zealand veterinarians. Formed in 1971 through the Australian Veterinary Association, after many years of debate over its role and necessity, the ACVSc became an independent entity in 1985. It currently provides examination-based qualifications of Membership and Fellowship of the College in 37 disciplines and has over 100 applicants every year. Highly valued as a mark of superior achievement in a veterinary field in Australia and New Zealand, the ACVSc is now working to have its Fellowship and Membership qualifications recognised in Europe and North America, thereby increasing the standing of Australian veterinarians around the world.  相似文献   


This paper is a discussion of the ecological niche of the veterinarian in Australasia and particularly New Zealand. Ecology is the study of the inter-relationship between living organisms and the physical environment, and an ecological niche is the position and function of an organism in the ecosystem. In other words, it is intended to examine the role of veterinary science in the changing environment of New Zealand and Australia, and to discuss whether veterinarians are sufficiently capable of adaptation to prevent them from becoming an endangered species.  相似文献   

Equine cutaneous fungal granulomas have been previously referred to in New Zealand (Fairley 1998), and are described in the veterinary literature from around the world, including North America and Australia (Pascoe and Summers 1981; Genovese et al. 2001; Valentine et al. 2006), but no peer-reviewed reports appear published in the literature in New Zealand. Described here is a case of multiple cutaneous fungal granulomas caused by Alternaria spp. in a horse in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Canine leproid granuloma syndrome (CLGS) has not been officially reported in New Zealand. The seminal report describing this syndrome is in the Australian Veterinary Journal, 1998, where the results of a questionnaire circulated amongst veterinary pathologists and practitioners in Australia were reported. It included one response of a case seen in New Zealand, but no details of that case were given, despite CLGS being described in the literature as “common in New Zealand”. By injudicious use of references, the international literature has propagated the idea that the condition, including molecular identification, was confirmed in New Zealand, yet none of the articles cited actually confirmed that. An outbreak of skin granulomas in a group of approximately 35 working dogs was investigated, in which skin samples were sent to the Mycobacterium reference laboratory, Victoria, Australia, for PCR testing and molecular characterisation. Results of the clinical presentation, histological features and molecular studies conformed to the published details of CLGS. In particular, the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer region, amplified from the mycobacterial DNA present in the clinical specimen provided, was identical to GenBank® Accession Number EF611177. That sequence is representative of the causative agent of CLGS in cases from Australia, the United States of America and Brazil. Although acid-fast organisms are occasionally seen in skin granulomas in dogs in New Zealand, this is the first confirmed identification of CLGS in this country. This is also the first report of an outbreak situation amongst a group of dogs.  相似文献   

AIMS: To genotype Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus isolates cultured from sheep abortions submitted to diagnostic laboratories in New Zealand during the year 2000 breeding season. To compare the types found nationally with those found in the Hawke's Bay region in 1999, and strains held in the New Zealand Reference Culture Collection, Medical Section (NZRM) from a study published in 1987. METHODS: Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus isolates cultured by veterinary diagnostic laboratories in the year 2000 breeding season, from sheep abortions from throughout New Zealand, were typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In addition, seven freeze-dried C. fetus subsp. fetus isolates (strain numbers 2939-2945) from the NZRM, representing restriction types a-g found amongst sheep abortion isolates in a study published in 1987, were typed using PFGE. RESULTS: In total, 293 C. fetus subsp. fetus isolates from 200 farms were obtained from veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Twenty-two distinct PFGE profiles were identified amongst the isolates. PFGE type B1 was predominant in each region of New Zealand and was identified from 66% of farms overall. Of the C. fetus subsp. fetus restriction types a-g lodged with the NZRM, 3/7 had PFGE profiles indistinguishable from profiles found in the current study. The other four restriction types had PFGE profiles that were unique but similar to those found in the current study. CONCLUSIONS: PFGE type B1 was predominant amongst the C. fetus subsp. fetus isolates cultured from sheep abortions in each region of New Zealand in the year 2000, as was found in Hawke's Bay in 1999. The similarity between PFGE profiles of C. fetus subsp. fetus sheep abortion isolates from 1987 and 2000, and the relative prevalence of the PFGE groups, suggests that there has been no major genotypic shift in the population of C. fetus subsp. fetus implicated in sheep abortion in New Zealand during this time.  相似文献   


With the subject of veterinary education for New Zealanders so much to the fore at the present time, we publish in this issue three texts pertinent to it—the findings of the Committee on New Zealand Universities as they concern the establishment of a veterinary school, the Report on the Site for a Veterinary School by the Subcommittee of the University Grants Committee, and Professor McFarlane's presidential address to the New Zealand Veterinary Association this year, the theme of which was veterinary education.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the status of rural veterinary services in Western Australia. PROCEDURE: Two questionnaires were mailed to eligible, registered veterinary surgeons in Western Australia in 2006. The first was mailed to government veterinarians and the second to private practitioners in rural practice. Part A presents the replies from government veterinary officers and Part B the replies from rural practitioners. Replies were transferred to Microsoft Excel for analysis. RESULTS: Sixty-seven per cent of government veterinary officers responded to the questionnaire. Eighty per cent of these had been in the service for 20 years or more and their average age was 54. Work with sheep and beef cattle occupied 75% of their time, with dairy cattle receiving 10% and pigs and poultry less than 10%. The majority of respondents reported changes in the attitude of farmers to the service as a result of rural recessions and the decision to make a direct charge for government veterinary services. Although most respondents thought that the government veterinary service would continue in the future there were differences of opinion as to what form that would take. CONCLUSION: Government veterinary services in Western Australia are undergoing major changes, with the service decreasing in size and scope. Recently the Department of Agriculture has been renamed the Department of Agriculture and Food and it is likely that the role of its veterinary officers will change accordingly.  相似文献   


It is an intriguing observation on the history of state veterinary medicine that major disease problems of the past usually generated less public debate than many of the minor problems of today; Mycobacterium bovis infection of cattle and farmed deer in New Zealand illustrates this paradox. It took many years of campaigning by a few dedicated individuals before a bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme was established, yet within a few months of the discovery of the same infection in farmed deer there have been numerous demands for government action.  相似文献   


Sir,—I desire to submit my opinions on the adoption of the courtesy title of “Doctor” by the veterinary profession in New Zealand. In doing so, I am taking a long-term view concerned with the ultimate benefit for veterinary science in New Zealand. Veterinary surgeons form today, more than ever they did in the past, an internationally interchangeable body of scientists; therefore, the veterinary profession in New Zealand should follow the great majority of world countries in the usage of the courtesy title of Doctor.  相似文献   

The demographic characteristics of the veterinary profession in New Zealand are examined using information supplied by registered veterinarians to the Veterinary Surgeons Board in their applications for annual practising certificates in 1985. Comparisons are made with the veterinary professions in other similar countries, and with the medical and paramedical professions in New Zealand. In 1985 1308 registered veterinarians were working in New Zealand and 304 were overseas, whereas in 1976 the equivalent figures were 748 and 182. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of registered veterinarians in the last 10 years. Eighteen percent of veterinarians were female. The mean age of veterinarians was 38 years, but females in the profession were on average much younger (32 years) than males (42 years). Clinical practice provides employment for 70% of veterinarians: of these 59% work principally with farm animals and 41% with non-farm animals. The remaining veterinarians are employed by Government (22%), University (5%) and Industry (3%). The current demographic structure of the profession has been markedly influenced by the opening of New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in 1963. Differences from other medical professional populations in New Zealand and overseas principally reflect the marked change in the number and sex ratio of graduates entering the veterinary profession since that time. It will take about another twenty years before the population reaches a stable age and sex structure, assuming that current graduation patterns persist throughout that period. Because the structure of the population is changing, considerable caution is needed in predicting future employment trends from data for a single year.  相似文献   

The demographic characteristics of the veterinary profession in New Zealand are examined using information supplied by registered veterinarians to the Veterinary Surgeons Board in their applications for annual practising certificates in 1985. Comparisons are made with the veterinary professions in other similar countries, and with the medical and paramedical professions in New Zealand. In 1985 1308 registered veterinarians were working in New Zealand and 304 were overseas, whereas in 1976 the equivalent figures were 748 and 182. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of registered veterinarians in the last 10 years. Eighteen percent of veterinarians were female. The mean age of veterinarians was 38 years, but females in the profession were on average much younger (32 years) than males (42 years). Clinical practice provides employment for 70% of veterinarians: of these 59% work principally with farm animals and 41% with non-farm animals. The remaining veterinarians are employed by Government (22%), University (5%) and Industry (3%). The current demographic structure of the profession has been markedly influenced by the opening of New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in 1963. Differences from other medical professional populations in New Zealand and overseas principally reflect the marked change in the number and sex ratio of graduates entering the veterinary profession since that time. It will take about another twenty years before the population reaches a stable age and sex structure, assuming that current graduation patterns persist throughout that period. Because the structure of the population is changing, considerable caution is needed in predicting future employment trends from data for a single year.  相似文献   


It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Kyle, of Christchruch, who was a widely known and respected member of pur profession. He was born in Melbourne in 1873 and spent the early part of his life in the Riverina district of new South Wales. He graduated as a veterinary surgeon in Melbourne in 1895 and practised in Ballarat until 1901, when he came to New Zealand. He was in government service until 11918 and, after one year in the army, commenced private practice in Christchurch in 1919. He gave up practice on his election to Parliament but resumed on his retirement from office, Mr. Kyle first entered the field of public affairs in local body service and became Mayor of the Borough of Riccarton in 1925, a post which, except for the years 1927 to 1929, he claimed as a record for New Zealand, being 28 years.  相似文献   


The honour of being President gives one the opportunity of repaying the Association and the profession for the right to practise veterinary science in an environment which they have helped to create. It also gives the President the opportunity of a close association with other groups of people who are directly associated with our profession for it has been said that no man is an island and this is exceptionally so as far as the veterinary profession is concerned. While we are individuals, some more so than others, it is only as a cohesive organization that we can survive and progress. It is sometimes forgotten that the President and Council of the Association are elected by veterinarians, to make decisions on behalf of the veterinary profession. It is sometimes forgotten that the President and Council of the New Zealand Veterinary Association are veterinarians who are affected by decisions made, just as much as any colleague. To make a decision is to invite criticism; time will prove many decisions to be wrong, but there is a great satisfaction when a decision made proves to be the right one. I believe that a correct decision made is progress and this is the subject that I choose to discuss with you. I could talk about the past but that was yesterday and it is argued that there is no guidance in the past, for the problems of the future. I could talk about the future, but the future is tomorrow, so I will confine myself to the present and the problems associated with making progress in our present environment. I have said that the Veterinary Association is not an island, that its future, present and past are intricately tied to the farming endeavour of New Zealand as are many other organizations. I have had the, pleasure over the last 18 months of sitting on a ministerial committee called “The Committee of Veterinary Development”. As many will know, this committee was established at the request of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. Of major concern to us was the representations on this committee, for it consisted of administrative officers of the Department of Agriculture, Federated Farmers, the New Zealand Veterinary Association, and an independent chairman.  相似文献   

AIMS: To genotype Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus isolates cultured from sheep abortions submitted to diagnostic laboratories in New Zealand during the year 2000 breeding season. To compare the types found nationally with those found in the Hawke' Bay region in 1999, and strains held in the New Zealand Reference Culture Collection, Medical Section (NZRM) from a study published in 1987.

METHODS: Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus isolates cultured by veterinary diagnostic laboratories in the year 2000 breeding season, from sheep abortions from throughout New Zealand, were typed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In addition, seven freeze-dried C. fetus subsp. fetus isolates (strain numbers 2939–2945) from the NZRM, representing restriction types a–g found amongst sheep abortion isolates in a study published in 1987, were typed using PFGE.

RESULTS: In total, 293 C. fetus subsp. fetus isolates from 200 farms were obtained from veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Twenty-two distinct PFGE profiles were identified amongst the isolates. PFGE type B1 was predominant in each region of New Zealand and was identified from 66% of farms overall. Of the C. fetus subsp. fetus restriction types a–g lodged with the NZRM, 3/7 had PFGE profiles indistinguishable from profiles found in the current study. The other four restriction types had PFGE profiles that were unique but similar to those found in the current study.

CONCLUSIONS: PFGE type B1 was predominant amongst the C. fetus subsp. fetus isolates cultured from sheep abortions in each region of New Zealand in the year 2000, as was found in Hawke' Bay in 1999. The similarity between PFGE profiles of C. fetus subsp. fetus sheep abortion isolates from 1987 and 2000, and the relative prevalence of the PFGE groups, suggests that there has been no major genotypic shift in the population of C. fetus subsp. fetus implicated in sheep abortion in New Zealand during this time.  相似文献   


It is my privilege, as President of the New Zealand Veterinary Association, to pass comment on the field of veterinary endeavour today at this, the 48th Annual Conference. I do not feel competent to draw conclusions from past trends, or to make wise comments on decisions that have been made which directly affect or impinge on our profession. What I would like to attempt to do is to evaluate the future of rural veterinary practice in this country as we see it today.  相似文献   

针对澳大利亚和新西兰(简称“澳新”)食品标准法典中涉及标签法规及新西兰出口婴幼儿配方乳粉(简称“婴配乳粉”)产品标签法规进行深入解读。明确了澳新地区婴配乳粉产品标签基本的法规要求。对澳新地区婴配乳粉产品标签强制标注内容、标注形式、标注依据、禁止标识内容等方面进行了分析。对于澳新地区婴配乳粉生产及出口产品标签制定的实际应用及注意事项提供了切实可行的指导建议。  相似文献   

Sir,—Most private practitioners and probably all veterinary clubs in New Zealand derive a considerable portion of their incomes from the sales of drugs, and it is certainly true that most veterinary dubs are dependent on drug sales profits to allow them to continue at their present economic levels.  相似文献   


This, the 40th Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Veterinary Association being held at Massey University of Manawatu has a very special significance for the veterinary profession in New Zealand. It was at Palmerston North in November, 1924, that the first Annual General Meeting of our Association was held, with 14 members in attendance. This year, when the newly established Faculty of Veterinary Science at this University initiates undergraduate training, it is a great privilege and source of satisfaction to our Association to hold our conference at Massey with a greatly augmented membership.  相似文献   


One of the obvious points of life today is the rapid pace of technological change. The veterinary profession worldwide, and in New Zealand, is not immune from such change. Most of the changes that professionals are now learning to live with are changes that they themselves helped to bring about. Over the last twenty years, and especially over the last ten years in New Zealand, the demand for veterinary skills and advice has increased dramatically. Prior to 1937, veterinary science in New Zealand was an infant profession. Since then the first stage was “selling” farmers an awareness of what veterinary science could do for them. The second stage saw the formation of the Veterinary Services Council, in which efforts were made to ensure equitable distribution of veterinarians, especially in rural areas. The third stage was trying to cope with demand. Today, numbers are reaching the stage at which we can afford the luxury of more detailed planning. The aim is to ensure that all facets of the potential of veterinary science for increasing live-stock production, furthering animal welfare, and in quality control of human food-stuffs, are adequately and efficiently exploited. This is the stage at which multi- disciplinary co-operation will have to be seriously considered.  相似文献   

It appears that it is expected of the incumbent President of the New Zealand Veterinary Association to impart in the address to this Conference words of wisdom that have been garnered over the years; words that should encourage, challenge and maybe chastise; and I hope to do this within an optimum concentration period for this type of talk. I have selected my subject very carefully though it contains but a single word, since I believe that it can encompass the whole range of veterinary endeavour in my time.  相似文献   

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