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Data on the occurrence and spread of pests has been supplied by the Hungarian Plant Protection Organization for over 40 years. Since the 1970s, this service has been operated by the central station and the 20 county stations of the Plant Protection Organization. Data recorded on pest occurrence and developmental stage of pests and plants has been used to run a forecasting system at local and national levels. However, because of significant staff reductions in the Plant Protection Organization and the disappearance of independent forecasting groups, the reliability of the system, which was based on very specific data, has decreased. It has become necessary to develop a more reliable and flexible computer‐aided system (Plant Protection Information System, PPIS), better adjusted to the political and economic changes that have occurred. A major element of the new system, introduced in 1997, is that excessively detailed recording was replaced by a more practical general approach with fewer subjective errors. Specialists from the county stations of the Plant Protection Organization monitor infestation levels of 73 pests in 20 crops using five qualification categories. The results obtained are input into the PPIS program, which processes them into user‐friendly charts and maps showing the plant health situation in each county and in the country as a whole, as a basis for taking decisions on plant protection measures.  相似文献   

Never before has the need for accurate distribution data for plant pests been so important. CAB International (CABI) and EPPO are international organizations with a long history and strong involvement in collating and disseminating information on the global distribution of plant pests. Distribution Maps of Plant Pests and Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases, first published in 1951 and 1942, respectively, are respected, referenced sources of such data, expertly compiled and validated and used by plant health organizations around the world. They have been joint CABI/EPPO publications since 1997, and provide an essential complement to expanding knowledge on plant pest distribution. The Distribution Maps continue to be the most authoritative sources of information on the presence and extent of specific plant pests, sourced from the 4.5 million records in CAB Abstracts as a basis and numerous other sources. They also feed directly into CABI's Crop Protection Compendium (CPC) and EPPO's Plant Quarantine Data Retrieval System (PQR) databases. Their history, compilation and value are discussed.  相似文献   

After a brief overview covering the history and development of the Plant Protection Service in Bavaria since 1900 the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture which was founded on January 1st, 2003 is described. The Institute for Plant Protection as part of the Research Center is the central institution in Bavaria focusing on plant protection and taking responsibility for plant protection issues. The Institute for Plant Protection is supported by seven main offices of agriculture and forestry. Practical advice for growers concerning plant protection is given by 27 plant protection teams located at the offices of agriculture and forestry at the administrative district level. The following main issues are presented:
  • development of disease forecasting models,
  • law enforcement,
  • diagnosis of diseases and pests,
  • net of agrarmeteorological stations in Bavaria
  •   相似文献   

    This paper describes the Exotic Pest Information Collection and Analysis (EPICA) project, a cooperative effort of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST) and the National Science Foundation's Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM). The EPICA team identifies, archives, evaluates, and communicates relevant information about exotic plant pests from around the world that potentially threaten US agriculture and the environment. The goal of the EPICA project is to provide key groups within USDA's Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) with regular updates of vital pest information to enable a proactive safeguarding approach.  相似文献   

    专家系统在植保上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    丁建  白小玲 《江西植保》2004,27(1):40-41,39
    专家系统在植保上主要应用于病虫害诊断、预测预报、决策管理等领域。植保专家的特点是应用范围广、实用性增强、新技术和新方法不断应用、有向综合性系统发展的趋势。文中还对植保专家系统存在的问题和发展对策进行了讨论。  相似文献   

    The effectiveness of safeguarding and quarantine actions aimed at preventing the introduction and minimizing the impact of exotic plant pests relies on current information about those pests. National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) face the following challenges: staying up to date on continuously emerging new pest information, filtering and evaluating this information, disseminating it effectively and efficiently, applying it toward decision making, and coordinating and tracking the resulting decisions and safeguarding actions. PestLens, the web‐based early‐warning system of the NPPO of the United States, is designed to address all of these challenges. This paper describes the PestLens system and discusses lessons learned during system development and operation.  相似文献   

    N. van  Tiel 《EPPO Bulletin》1973,3(1):5-14
    A survey is given of the history, the tasks and the organization of the Plant Protection Service in the Netherlands. Its activities encompass two major fields, concerning phytosanitary and phytopharmaceutical aspects. In the phytosanitary field, a distinction can be made between long-term and short-term phytosanitary policy, depending on whether one has to deal with existing and established pests or diseases, or with a suddenly arising plant health problem. Two examples are given as illustrations, viz. the approach followed in designing new regulations for controlling potato root eelworm, and the campaign against the recent outbreak of fireblight. A further outline is given on the activities of the Plant Protection Service in the pesticides field, on the responsibilities of the different Ministries concerned, and on the basic elements of pesticides legislation. The restrictions imposed on the use of persistent organochlorine insecticides and organomercury fungicides are summarized. Finally, it is emphasized that the problems of plant protection are becoming increasingly complex as a result of a developing antagonism between phytosanitary and phytopharmaceutical requirements, and of a potential antagonism between these two on the one hand and environmental demands on the other. This situation calls for an integrated approach in plant protection matters, and for an intensified international collaboration.  相似文献   

    The FAO Interregional Cooperative Research Network on Olives is working on plant protection with the main objective of setting up an integrated pest management system aimed at controlling the main insect pests attacking Mediterranean olive orchards. The study of the factors controlling populations of both olive pests and their natural parasites and predators has therefore taken a great share of that cooperative effort. This paper reviews the work developed so far, while describing the computerized pest management programme now in use in Spain. This is directed by the national and some regional Plant Protection Services and based on the cooperation of olive growers' associations named Agrupaciones para Tratamientos Integrados (ATRIAs). Each ATRIA provides the meteorological and insect population data needed for plant protection researchers to take decisions about where and when to treat each pest.  相似文献   

    为了让农户能够直观了解及掌握常见病虫害的防治信息,帮助农户通过智能手机在农田、果园和茶园等现场方便快捷地获取作物病虫害图文识别要点与科学防治方法,为农户提供在线植保技术服务,本研究采用RESTful Web 服务架构设计,运用HTML5移动Web开发技术,借助微信平台作为用户访问入口,开发了一款跨平台 (android/iOS) 的农药速查软件系统,实现了农药信息查询、病虫害图谱查询及后台数据管理等功能。通过建立农药与病虫害间的关联关系,实现了从农药名称和病虫害名称两个途径查询农药信息;所构建的数据库涵盖了蔬菜、果树、水稻、茶叶及烟草等共30种福建省常规种植作物上的重要病虫害农药防治技术。初步运用验证结果表明,该系统整体实用性和稳定性较好,适合在农村基层推广应用。基于微信平台的农药速查系统能够满足植保新技术普及和应用的需求,可为农户提供简单便捷、对症下药的在线植保科技服务,对提高用户安全施药和科学防控能力、推进农药的增效减量均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

    The Plant Pest Risk Information System (PPRIS) is a computerized decision-support system for plant pest risk assessment in the USA, being developed for use by personnel of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Plant Protection and Quarantine, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). PPRIS is being designed to retrieve information from such diverse sources as: EPPO PQ database, USDA-Agricultural Research Service's (ARS) Fungi on Plants and Plant Products database, bibliographic databases on compact disc media, on-line INTERNET databases and risk assessment documents. PPRIS will offer access to a wide variety of risk assessment processes. A PPRIS evaluation prototype was created in Visual Basic ver. 3.0 operating in a Windows 3.1 environment. EPPO-PQ and ARS-Fungi databases were imported and stored in ORACLE ver. 6.0. Query functionality of the prototype was tested by retrieving information from the two internal ORACLE databases. The PPRIS evaluation prototype provides interfaces to the CABPEST bibliographic compact disc and to communication software for on-line database searches. Three risk assessment processes were incorporated into the evaluation prototype: the decision sheet, generic risk assessment and enhanced hazard identification. The evaluation prototype also includes access to Wordperfect for Windows through the Windows Program Manager for storage and retrieval of risk assessment documents.  相似文献   

    One of the programs utilized by PPQ-APHIS-USDA2) to prevent the introduction of hazardous pests and pathogens is known as preclearance. Preclearance relies more on inspection at origin than it does on inspection upon arrival or entry into the United States. Two such programs have been developed by PPQ for plant materials. One, established in 1951, is for bulbs, while the other, established in 1975, is for a few ornamental crops. The USDA, in co-operation with the Plant Protection Services of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Israel and South Africa, has been performing preclearance for bulbous plant propagative materials. Flower bulbs are being precleared in all of the above countries at the request of the exporter's groups of the respective countries. The objective of this clearance is to facilitate the entry of this material, reduce the chances of introducing plant pests and diseases into the United States, and save APHIS manpower at US ports of entry. This is achieved by having USDA personnel working cooperatively with foreign plant protection services in the inspection of material in the field and packing houses in the country of origin. Detection and elimination of plant pests and diseases is a co-operative effort for mutual benefit of both parties.  相似文献   

    为提高病虫害防治的准确性和科学性,依据植保知识、专家经验,采用人工智能、自行开发的具地理信息系统基本功能及决策支持系统(DSS)的相关技术,研制了基于Internet网络传输的全国主要粮食作物病虫害实时监测预警系统。本系统能够对小麦、玉米、水稻、马铃薯、高粱和谷子6种主要粮食作物的60余种病虫害进行实时监测、预警、诊断、提供植保知识,能够对年度间同期病情、虫情做出图形比较,可将抽象的预警数据转化成清晰简明的点图式电子地图,直观明了地显示病虫害发生点数及地域分布,可根据品种的抗病虫性、病虫害发生基数和未来天气预报等信息对小麦白粉病、赤霉病、纹枯病、稻瘟病、稻曲病、马铃薯晚疫病、麦蚜、小麦吸浆虫和玉米螟9种重要病虫害做出短期防治决策,系统的运行有助于提高人们对主要粮食作物病虫害管理的科学水平。  相似文献   

    For the last 10 years, the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) has run a European Panel on diagnostics, which has developed regional standards on diagnostic protocols. Nearly 80 such standards have now been approved, and are in active use in EPPO countries. In 2003, the Commission for Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) of FAO, in reviewing global needs for International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), recognized that there is a strong interest in developing diagnostic protocols for all contracting parties to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). Such protocols would support the harmonization of detection and identification procedures worldwide, contribute to greater transparency and comparability in the diagnostics for regulated pests, and assist in the resolution of disputes between trading partners. In addition, such protocols would be very useful in technical assistance programmes. In 2004, the CPM adopted a mechanism for rapid development of ISPMs in specific areas, particularly suitable for diagnostic protocols. A Technical Panel was accordingly established to develop protocols for specific pests and meets on an annual basis. A format for international diagnostic protocols was adopted in 2006 and a list of priority pests was established. In 2003, EPPO initiated a new programme on quality management and accreditation for plant pest laboratories and Standards are now also being developed in this area. In 2006, a survey of existing diagnostic capacities in EPPO member countries was undertaken and a database on diagnostic expertise was created.  相似文献   

    植物保护是保障粮食安全、生态安全与社会安全的关键。中国是一个农业古国与农业大国,其原始农业有着近万年的悠久历史;中国的植物保护有着古代的辉煌、近代的衰落与现代的崛起。新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,中国的植物保护事业取得了辉煌成就,建立健全了高效的植物保护教学、科研与推广体系,消灭了千年的蝗灾,成功地控制了黏虫Mythimna seperata、棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera、水稻螟虫、小麦黑穗病和条锈病等重大农作物病虫害的暴发,保障了我国的粮食安全与农业安全;并在农作物重大病虫害的智能监测、成灾机理及可持续控制原理与防控技术集成等方面取得了一批国际先进水平的成果。2022年是《植物保护学报》创刊60周年,为回顾过去、展望未来而筹划了本辑,由中外147位作者从不同方向综述了植物保护主要领域的研究进展与展望。希望本辑的出版能够促进我国植物保护知识的传播、推动我国植物保护学科的发展,为我国农业可持续发展和实现乡村振兴做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

    Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Microbial pathogens and insect pests frequently share the same host plant, and both can cause severe damage. When surviving on the same host, the fungal...  相似文献   

    In many European countries, factors important for decision‐making in plant protection, such as biology, weather and environmental conditions, crop management level and their relationships, have been incorporated into decision‐support systems (DSSs). In 1996, a project was jointly elaborated, and research was started by the Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and the Lithuanian and Danish Agricultural Advisory Services. This research was focused on the testing, development and adaptation of a Danish computer‐based decision‐support and information system (PC‐Plant Protection) for plant protection under Lithuanian conditions. Trials were carried out by the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture in 1996/1998 to investigate the potential for reducing fungicide inputs in cereal production in different regions of Lithuania representing typical local agrometeorological conditions. On the basis of the trials, the following conclusions were drawn: the reduced doses and fungicide combinations recommended by the DSS gave rather good control of diseases; spraying according to the recommendations of the DSS increased yield significantly in all experiments and allowed saving in fungicides; some models, e.g. for Leptosphaeria nodorum, were not fully suitable for Lithuanian conditions and need to be developed further.  相似文献   

    北京市农作物重大病虫害远程预警信息系统的构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    从北京市植保站病虫害监测预警体系内各区(县)的数据采集人员、市里的数据分析人员和数据发布人员的业务流和信息流出发,用Asp+Oracle研制开发了北京市农作物重大病虫害预警信息系统。系统以预警预测为目标,数据采集为基础,根据建立的预测模型及用户提交的病虫害情况和气象预报信息,实时监测预报北京市重大病虫害发生为害情况,预报结果以5级预警色地图和文字信息提供给用户。最终实现测报资料采集规范化、信息传递网络化和预报结果可视化。  相似文献   

    P. J. LIMA 《EPPO Bulletin》1992,22(3):475-478
    Today, as managers of plant pest control programs seek more and more alternatives to chemical pesticides, the demand for biological control organisms in the USA has increased significantly in volume and variety. There is a corresponding increase in the numbers of permit requests for biological control agents from foreign sources. Environmentalists, Federal and State plant regulatory agencies in the USA are concerned over the long-term effects of these ‘beneficials’ on the target hosts, non-target organisms, codependency of flora and fauna, and on the general environment. Within the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of USDA, Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) protects US agriculture from the introduction and dispersal of harmful plant pests. It does this with the help of a network of Plant Quarantine Officers. PPQ strongly supports biological control strategies and the importation of more effective agents by accommodating the needs of agribusiness under appropriate safeguards. Although most biological control organisms are not plant pests, certain precautions are in order prior to release since shipments may contain unwanted pests, other contaminants and prohibited plant material.  相似文献   

    基于中文Windows平台和Acces2.0关系型数据库建立的“进出境热带作物病毒检疫咨询系统(CSQVTPVer1.0),采用了面向对象的编程技术。系统数据库包含了6个基本数据表和4个关联表,收录了86种植物病毒特征信息、129个国家和地区有关植物病毒的进境检疫要求以及2100余种热带作物的中文和拉丁文名称信息。  相似文献   

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