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蓝狐,又称北极狐。其嘴短粗,耳小而圆,体较胖,行动敏捷。成年狐体长50~70厘米,体高35~45厘米,尾长占体长的1/2。公狐体重5.5~7公斤,母派体重45~6公斤。其占地面积小,吃食量少,适应性强,皮、肉、骨、油、内脏均有很高的经济价值。一、生活习性。抓的生活区域极为广泛,海岛、森林、草原、荒地等有河流、溪谷、湖泊的地方,常以树洞、土穴、墓地等自然洞穴为巢。可食物广,虫、鱼、鼠及畜禽肉类是它如主要食物,有时也吃植物的根茎叶和果实。狐性温和,嗅觉、听觉灵敏,喜昼伏夜出,机警诡秘,行动谨慎,进出洞口前都要仔细观…  相似文献   

刘国华 《警犬》2002,(5):49-49
日前,到南京市夫子庙小商品市场逛逛,只觉得宠物热的浪潮扑面而来:宠物交易中心、爱犬屋、宠物用品商店如雨后春笋般地冒了出来。走进一家爱犬屋,京巴狗、沙皮狗、西施狗、斑点狗、荷兰香猪,应有尽有;再到一家宠物用品商店看看,琳琅满目,五花八门:狗床、狗食、狗玩具、狗服装、狗美容用品。就说狗服装吧,有吊带裤、卫生裤、小背心、狗裙,各种面料、式样的都有,已经时装化了。至于用于美容的狗香波,更是品种繁多,灭虱浴波、灭蚤浴波,清爽护毛的,增白润毛的,已经功能化了。别看这些东西是给宠物用的,价格不菲,一副人造革的狗鞋,15元,比地摊上  相似文献   

竹鼠,又名芒狸,在我国有一属3种,是我国特有的食植、食水性啮齿类动物。在上海人工驯养成功,现可推广养殖。竹鼠体型粗壮,体重1~3公斤。头部钝圆,吻大,眼小,耳短,隐于毛内,尾短,其上光裸无毛或被以稀疏短毛。四肢短小,爪短而略扁,几呈指甲状。体被厚毛、密而柔软,毛色为棕灰色或褐灰色或浅灰褐色。善掘土挖穴,营地下生活,昼伏夜出,以竹、芒草的地下茎、根、嫩枝和部分地上茎等为食。竹鼠肉质细嫩,营养价值高,富含磷、钙、维生素E及氨基酸,属低脂肪、低胆固醇的野味上品。竹鼠肉已成为广东、海南、广西、贵州、上海…  相似文献   

动物生长过程中,有许多元素是必须的,缺少某些元素会引起机体的不良结果。例如,硒在动物体内的含量极少,但缺少它,动物生长发育迟缓,繁殖能力减退,造成骨骼肌营养不良,发生变性,坏死。随着养殖业的发展,对饲料产品的要求越来越高,近几年来对微量元素饲料添加剂的重视,饲料添加剂行业正在兴起,不同类别的添加剂日益增多,并渐趋普及。在两种或多种饲料添加剂同时应用时,应注意它们之间的相互影响,提高它们的利用率。畜禽必需的常量元素包括钙、磷、钾、钠、氯、硫、镁等,微量元素包括铁、碘、铜、锰、锌、钻、铂、硒、铬、氟…  相似文献   

一、蜱的危害1直接损伤。蜱侵袭人畜并附着吸血,造成宿主皮肤损伤,引起皮肤炎症、溃疡,甚至继发感染,导致久治不愈。2传播疾病。蜱能传播森林脑炎,回归热,莱姆病;斑疹伤寒,土拉伦斯病,布氏杆菌病,炭疽病;焦虫病等多种人畜共患病。3夺取营养。蜱大量寄生人畜体表吸血,可造成宿主营养不良,出现贫血、消瘦、发育不良等症。同时,被侵袭的动物极度不安,出现抓、舐、奔跑、擦壁等狂燥症状,严重的可致死亡。二、防制措施根据蜱的生长、繁殖特点,进行综合防制。1人员防护。疫区工作人员应穿特制衣裤并扎紧袖口、裤腿,…  相似文献   

山区牧草资源丰富,农村劳动力多。饲养肉兔投资小,见效快,易管理,效益高,是山区农民脱贫致富的一个很好途径。我们采用“公司+农户”或“协会+农户”的形式,把引种育种,饲料供应,饲养管理,防疫治病,产品加工销售有机结合起来,形成产、供、销一条龙,走现代化、集约化的基地路子,提高了农民收入,振兴了农村经济,使养兔成为当地新的经济增长点。   一、兔的饲料来源   兔属小型草食动物,可以吃多种草,各种树叶,如桐树叶、杨树叶、槐树叶等均可喂兔。田间地头、丘陵、荒坡、荒滩的一切杂草都可用。冬季除采集树叶、干草…  相似文献   

木藤蓼[Follopia aubertii (L. Henry.) Holub.]属蓼科何首乌属植物,原产内蒙古、山西、陕西、甘肃、宁夏等地,1998年引进北京。木藤蓼是木质藤本灌木。北京地区现有的木质藤本植物有地锦、常春藤、扶芳藤等,但这些植物都以绿色调为主,虽然地锦在秋季叶色变红,但总体上看存在色调单调的问题,而木藤蓼开白花、结红果,增强了色调的变化。而且木藤蓼生长量大,成型快,抗性强,在华北地区生长良好,是室外地面、空中垂直绿化和造型栽培的优良材料。随着经济的发展,我国城市绿化正由原来以绿为多、为好,转向色调、造型的多样化。木藤蓼凭借其绿叶、白花、红果、生长快、抗性强等特点,将会是现有木质藤本的替代植物,发展前景很大。木藤蓼在北京地区4月5日开始展叶,从9月2日开始开花,9月15日转入盛花期,10月10日左右花期基本结束。果期从9月28日开始,以后渐变成粉红色,最后成褐色,至下霜叶脱落,果实宿存至12月。木藤蓼抗性强,在北京种植3年来,未发现有病虫害,耐寒、耐旱、耐盐碱,喜阳光充足的环境,也耐阴,盆栽的年生长量可达4m。木藤蓼在北京地区能正常结果,可用种子或扦插、压条等方法进行繁殖。12月收集种子,晾干...  相似文献   

绿壳蛋鸡是特禽新品种,福建省永定县一养殖户在养殖野鸡基础上,引进绿蛋鸡养殖取得成功,产生了良好的经济和社会效益。绿壳蛋鸡,其蛋绿色,属纯天然,蛋白浓厚,蛋黄呈枯黄色,含有大量的卵磷脂、维生素A、B、C微量元素碘、锌、硒,属于高维生素、高微量元素、高氨基酸、低胆固醇、低脂肪的理想天然保健食品。另外,它还可以增强儿童智力,对婴儿发育不良、儿童厌食,提高孕妇和病员的营养,有极高的营养价值。绿壳蛋鸡性温和喜群居,抗病力强,适应性广,全国各地均可饲养,养殖与土鸡一样,主食五谷杂粮喜食青草、青菜、嫩树叶,母…  相似文献   

冬天,长期在寒冷潮湿的环境中饲养的家畜,如果保温不善,常会导致尾巴、四肢、耳朵、乳房、阴囊、包皮等末梢部位发生冻伤,尤以老、瘦、弱、贫血的家畜最易发生。一般按其程度可分为三类:轻者,皮肤及皮下组织充血、水肿、疼痛,如护理得当,10天左右可恢复正常;一般,皮肤除红肿痛外,出现大小不等的水疱,破后变干,表皮脱落,有的引起感染,有的局部发生麻痹;重者,冻伤深达皮下肌肉,甚至达韧带部和骨骼,皮肤呈紫色、紫褐色,局部感觉消失。如冻伤感染后还会出现干性坏死,脱落后露出肉芽组织。当波及到关节、骨骼等组织时,患畜表现运动功能障碍。  相似文献   

1兔肾炎 常由于细菌性或病毒性感染,临近器官的炎症蔓延,如膀胱炎、尿路感染等;毒物中毒,如松节油、砷、汞等;环境潮湿、寒冷、温差过大等因素;过敏性反应等均可致病。急性炎症时精神沉郁,体温升高,食欲减退,常蹲伏,背腰活动受阻。压迫肾区时表现不安,躲避或抗拒检查。排尿次数增加,每次排尿量减少,甚至无尿。病情严重的可呈现尿毒症,如体质衰弱无力,全身呈阵性痉挛,呼吸困难,甚至出现昏迷状态。慢性肾炎多由急性转化而来。全身症状不明显,排尿量减少,体重逐渐下降,眼睑、胸腹或四肢末端水肿。病理学检查,尿中蛋白质量增加,尿沉渣检查可发现红细胞、白细胞、肾上皮细胞和各种管型。  相似文献   

Abortion and preterm birth of foals are major reasons for reproductive losses in the horse. Risk pregnancies require close supervision so that adequate treatment can be initiated in time. The aim of this study was to determine normal values in heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) of the pregnant mare compared to her foetus and to detect physiological changes during ongoing gestation. In mares, the RR interval decreased from 1480±29 ms on day 270 of pregnancy to 1190±58 ms on day 330 of pregnancy (p<0.05). In contrast, foetal RR interval increased during the same time period from 611±23 ms on day 270 of gestation to 756±25 ms on day 330 of gestation (p<0.05). Concomitantly, maternal HR increased and foetal HR decreased. No further changes in RR interval occurred during the last 10 days before foaling, neither in the mare nor the foetus. In the last hours preceding parturition, maternal RR interval was lower than at all times earlier in pregnancy (average of 1037±13 ms) but did not change during this time. Maternal HRV did not change during gestation. Marked changes in HRV occurred only during the last minutes of foaling. Then, all HRV variables increased significantly (standard deviation of beat-to-beat interval: p=0.01, root mean square of successive beat-to-beat differences: p<0.01). The cardiovascular system of pregnant mares adapted to the demands of ongoing pregnancy with an increase in HR. We have no evidence that in healthy mares, pregnancy is a major stressor.  相似文献   

生长率假说(GRH)是研究生物生长率与化学计量特征之间关系的理论。为了验证生长率假说,以北方草原重要建群种羊草(Leymus chinensis)为材料,将取自内蒙古和吉林省4个地点的羊草在相同的光照、水肥条件下盆栽土培,用称重法测定了羊草的生长率,用PCR的方法分析了羊草核糖体DNA基因间隔区(IGS)长度,研究了羊草生长率与羊草磷含量、氮磷比、IGS长度及取样地土壤中氮、磷含量之间的关系。结果表明,羊草生长率与羊草全磷含量存在正相关关系,与羊草氮磷比存在负相关关系,生长率较高的羊草具有较长的IGS,符合生长率假说的预测。不同来源的羊草种植在相同环境下,来自氮、磷含量较高土壤的羊草具有较高的生长率,这可能是羊草对特定地域生境条件长期适应的结果。高的生长率和长的IGS可能是植物对较高氮、磷含量环境的适应。  相似文献   

Observations on growth rates and diurnal changes in colonic temperatures were made on seven groups of 30 to 50 White Plymouth Rock x Cornish chicks aged between 6 and 8 weeks. Ambient air temperature ranged from 22 °C to 35 °C.

Colonic temperatures in the morning (08.00 to 09.00 h) and growth rates were within the normal range. A slight hyperthermia was evident from 13.00 to 14.00 h.

Morning colonic temperatures were not correlated with the later increments in body temperatures. This suggests that the set‐point temperature for thermo‐regulatory control differs between individuals.

Growth rates were not correlated with the morning colonic temperature, except in one group; they were, however, significantly correlated with the diurnal fluctuation in colonic temperature in all groups. These results suggest that the maintenance of a constant body temperature is essential for a normal growth rate.

The variation in thermoregulatory ability accounted for 31 to 71% of the total variation in growth rate.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to determine the genetic control of conception rate, or pregnancy percentage in Angus beef heifers. Producers from 6 herds in 5 states provided 3,144 heifer records that included breeding dates, breeding contemporary groups, service sires, and pregnancy check information. Two hundred fourteen sires of the heifers were represented; with 104 sires having less than 5 progeny, and 14 sires having greater than 50 progeny. These data were combined with performance and pedigree information, including actual and adjusted birth weights, weaning weights, and yearling weights, from the American Angus Association database. Heifer pregnancy rate varied from 75 to 95% between herds, and from 65 to 100% between sires, with an overall pregnancy rate of 93%, measured as the percentage of heifers pregnant at pregnancy check after the breeding season. Pregnancy was analyzed as a threshold trait with an underlying continuous distribution. A generalized linear animal model, using a relationship matrix, was fitted. This model included the fixed effects of contemporary group, age of dam, and first AI service sire, and the covariates of heifer age at the beginning of breeding, adjusted birth weight, adjusted weaning weight, and adjusted yearling weight. The relationship matrix included 4 generations of pedigree. The heritability of pregnancy and first-service conception rates on the underlying scale was 0.13 +/- 0.07 and 0.03 +/- 0.03, respectively. Estimated breeding values for pregnancy rate on the observed scale ranged from -0.02 to 0.05 for sires of heifers. Including growth traits with pregnancy rate as 2-trait analyses did not change the heritability of pregnancy rate. As expected for a reproductive trait, the heritability of pregnancy rate was low. Because of its low heritability, genetic improvement in fertility by selection on heifer pregnancy rate would be expected to be slow.  相似文献   

提高非洲鸵鸟孵化率和健雏率的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸵鸟 (非洲鸵鸟 )是世界上现存的最大禽类 ,具有很高的饲养价值。但是由于非洲鸵鸟的蛋大而重 ,蛋壳厚而结实 ,再加上饲养时间短 ,缺乏经验 ,使得鸵鸟人工孵化的孵化率、健雏率都很低 ,严重影响了其经济效益的发挥。本文就提高非洲鸵鸟人工孵化率和健雏率的措施进行讨论 ,供鸵鸟饲养者参考。1 种鸟的饲养管理1 1 场址鸵鸟场应建在远离公路、机场、居民闹市区、背风向阳、地势较高且平坦的地方 ,土质以沙土或沙壤土为好。1 2 饲养面积鸵鸟的体型较大 ,人工驯化饲养时间短 ,野性尚存。为了适应这种生活习性 ,成年鸵鸟特别是种鸟的饲养面…  相似文献   

When unanaesthetised fowls were hung upside down on shackles the heart‐rate immediately rose by about 30 per cent; on re‐inverting them after 2, 4 or 6 min it returned rapidly to normal. It behaved similarly in anaesthetised birds save that the response to inversion was somewhat smaller and slower, depending on the depth of anaesthesia, and there was some over‐compensation before return to normal. It is concluded that the effect was probably a response to changes in the activity of baroreceptors in the cardiovascular system and that the data do not disclose evidence of serious distress.  相似文献   

Repeated measures of ovulation rate on puberal heifers should be an effective way to select for increased twinning rate. A reliable estimate of the genetic correlation between ovulation and twinning rates is needed to implement such selection and to predict its efficiency. Restricted maximum likelihood was used to estimate genetic correlations from subsets of data collected from the twinning project at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. The animal model included numerator relationships among the animals and fixed effects of year-season of measurement, age at measurement, and birth group. Genetic correlations between averages of ovulation rates for three, four, five, six, seven, and eight estrous cycles and the occurrence of twins were, respectively, .62, .76, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, and .98 based on observations on 200 to 325 puberal heifers. Corresponding phenotypic correlations ranged from .06 to .26. Genetic correlations between ovulation rate in a single estrous cycle and occurrence of twins were .38, .98, and .98, respectively, for 323, 430, and 283 cows with ovulation rate measured after measurement of twinning, in the same season as measurement of twinning, and more than 1 yr before measurement of twinning. Phenotypic correlations were .00, .07, and .00. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among ovulation rates at six consecutive estrous cycles averaged, respectively, .66 and .12 for 610 heifers. Heritabilities for ovulation rates in individual cycles averaged .16. No evidence of negative environmental covariance between ovulation rates in adjacent cycles was found. These results support the approach of indirectly selecting for twinning rate by measuring ovulation rates in estrous cycles of puberal heifers.  相似文献   

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