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Eighty-six cow-calf operations involved in the Colorado National Animal Health Monitoring System were monitored for a 12-month period, and data were collected on the incidence, prevention, and costs of disease. The costs of veterinary services and vaccines/drugs used in the treatment and prevention of disease conditions in these beef herds were determined and expressed on a per cow basis. Beef producers in this study spent an average of $2.04 ($0 to $29.88) per cow annually on veterinary services for treatment of disease conditions. The cost of veterinary services was a relatively small percentage (5.4%) of the total mean cost of disease incidence. The reproductive tract disease class was the most costly class in terms of veterinary services for disease treatment ($0.99/cow). Dystocia was the disease condition with the largest veterinary treatment cost. The total mean annual cost of drugs used in the treatment of disease conditions was $1.22/cow. The enteric, miscellaneous, and respiratory tract disease classes had similar mean drug costs for disease treatment and ranged from $0.31 to $0.39/cow. The total mean annual cost of veterinary services for administration of preventive measures in these herds was $1.85/cow ($0 to $12.03). Pregnancy examination, breeding soundness examination in bulls, brucellosis vaccination, pulmonary arterial pressure test, and campylobacteriosis vaccination accounted for over 90% of the money spent for preventive veterinary services. Approximately 60% of the total mean annual disease prevention cost was attributed to the purchase of vaccines/drugs ($6.59/cow).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thirty-nine and 47 randomly selected Colorado cow-calf operations participated in the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) during rounds 2 (October 1986 to September 1987) and 3 (October 1987 to September 1988), respectively. Data on the incidence of disease conditions within each herd were collected by federal and state Veterinary Medical Officers and university veterinarians through monthly visits to the ranches. Annual disease incidence for disease classes and the most frequently reported individual disease conditions were determined and expressed on a per 100 cow basis. The mean annual disease incidences for all diseases in these herds were 48.8 and 47.7 new cases per 100 cows for rounds 2 and 3, respectively. The ranges for herd annual disease incidence were wide in both study years. The enteric disease class had the highest mean annual disease incidence in both years of the study, and this was primarily because of diarrhea of unknown cause in calves. Diarrhea of unknown cause accounted for approximately 25% of all new disease cases in both rounds of the study. The mean annual disease incidences were not different for any disease class between the two rounds. The data indicate that, on the average, diarrhea of unknown cause, pneumonia, dystocia, foot rot (interdigital necrobacillosis), pinkeye (infectious keratoconjunctivitis), respiratory tract infection, death of unknown cause, and nonpregnancy had the highest incidences in these Colorado beef herds during the study period. However, because of the wide variation of the predominant disease problems between herds, a herd's disease history as well as the common disease problems in the geographic area of a herd must be considered in designing a herd health program.  相似文献   

Nine dairy herds (mean size, 149 cows) with bulk-tank milk somatic cell counts of less than 300,000 cells/ml and greater than 80% of cows with Dairy Herd Improvement Association linear somatic cell counts less than or equal to 4 were selected for study. Each herd was monitored for 12 consecutive months. Duplicate quarter-milk specimens were collected from each cow for bacteriologic culturing at beginning of lactation, cessation of lactation, and at the time of each clinical episode of mastitis. Streptococcus agalactiae was never isolated and Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from less than 1% of all quarters. There were 554 episodes of clinical mastitis. During the year of study, the incidence rate of clinical mastitis varied from 15.6 to 63.7% of cows among the 9 herds. Mean costs per cow per year in herd for mastitis prevention were: $10 for paper towels, $3 for nonlactating cow treatment, and $10 for teat disinfectants. Mean cost associated with clinical mastitis was $107/episode. Approximately 84% ($90) of the costs attributed to a clinical episode were associated with decreased milk production and nonsalable milk. Costs of medication and professional veterinary fees per clinical episode varied significantly among the 9 herds. Three of the herds did not have a veterinarian treat a clinical episode of mastitis during the year of study even though 2 of these herds had the first and third highest incidence rates of clinical mastitis. When calculated on a per cow in herd basis, mean costs of $40/cow/year were attributed to clinical mastitis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data on costs associated with episodes of disease and disease prevention, including expenditures for veterinary services, were collected from 57 California beef cow-calf herds during 1988-1989 as part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System. Mean cost associated with episodes of disease was $33.90/cow-year, with $0.78 and $1.37/cow-year being spent for veterinary services and drugs, respectively. The highest cost for veterinary services related to episodes of disease were for dystocia, lameness, and ocular carcinoma. For disease prevention, mean expenditures for veterinary services were $1.67/cow-year, nearly all of which was spent on prevention of reproductive tract conditions. Preventive expenditures for veterinary services related to female infertility (pregnancy examination), vaccination against brucellosis and male infertility (breeding soundness examination) were $0.72, $0.39, and $0.22/cow-year, respectively. Many costs associated with episodes of disease and disease prevention were similar to those reported from Colorado National Animal Health Monitoring System beef herds.  相似文献   

Johne's disease (‘paratuberculosis') is a chronic, infectious, wasting disease that affects dairy cattle. Estimation of its impact on herd productivity and corresponding economic loss on US dairy operations was part of the USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System's (NAHMS) 1996 national dairy study. Johne's-positive herds experience an economic loss of almost US$ 100 per cow when compared to Johne's-negative herds due to reduced milk production and increased cow-replacement costs. For Johne's-positive herds that reported at least 10% of their cull cows as having clinical signs consistent with Johne's disease, economic losses were over US$ 200 per cow. These high-prevalence herds experienced reduced milk production of over 700 kg per cow, culled more cows but had lower cull-cow revenues, and had greater cow mortality than Johne's-negative herds. Averaged across all herds, Johne's disease costs the US dairy industry, in reduced productivity, US$ 22 to US$ 27 per cow or US$ 200 to US$ 250 million annually.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine California dairy herds were studied over a 12-month period from 1988 to 1989 as part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System. Monthly interviews administered to dairy producers were used to measure the costs of all health-related expenditures and disease incidence in these herds. Of the total $1,523,558 reported, $1,355,467 (89%) was attributed to cost of disease events and $168,091 (11%) to cost of disease prevention. Most (78%) of the cost of disease events was attributable to death and culling losses. Veterinary services accounted for only $54,099 (4%) of total costs, 64% of which was used for disease prevention, compared with 36% for disease treatment. Udder disease was the most costly category of diseases reported at an average of $49.85/head at risk annually, followed by reproductive problems at $38.05. Through the use of sampling strategies less biased than those used in other surveys, the National Animal Health Monitoring System is designed to provide statistically-valid estimates of disease incidence and costs across broad geographic areas, potentially benefiting all those interested in the economics of livestock diseases in the United States.  相似文献   

Four percent of the total cost of disease in 60 Tennessee cow-calf herds in 1987 to 1988 was attributable to veterinary services, and 2.3% was attributable to the purchase of drugs to treat sick animals. When producers spent money on therapeutic veterinary services, it was most often attributable to diseases of the reproductive system ($0.69/cow annually), especially dystocia ($0.51/cow annually). When drugs were used therapeutically, the most was spent on products to treat respiratory tract disease ($0.37/cow annually). The cost of preventive veterinary services accounted for 8.8% of the total cost of preventive actions. Pregnancy examinations (considered here as a preventive action) was the most costly preventive service ($0.62/cow annually). The cost of drugs and biologicals used to prevent disease accounted for 69.4% of the total cost of preventive actions, with drugs to prevent intestinal and external parasites being the most costly ($7.79/cow annually). These figures are based on cow-calf herds randomly selected by use of a 2-stage, stratified plan. Herds were visited once a month for 1 year. Results of this study support other work that showed that beef producers perceive veterinarians as primary sources of information on diagnosis and treatment of sick animals and on reproduction/breeding, but less knowledgeable or cost effective in the areas of animal/herd management, feed nutrition, and agribusiness/economics.  相似文献   

A survey of 73 dairy farms in south-western Victoria was conducted to assess the cost and mean herd incidence of foot lameness for the period from calving to the end of November, 1985, and to identify the herd, management and environmental factors associated with foot lameness. The mean herd size was 125 cows (range 82 to 220). Lameness occurred in 64 (88%) herds, and the mean herd incidence was 7.0% (range 0.0 to 30.9%). The main clinical signs associated with lameness were the presence of overworn and/or bruised soles, or stones lodged in the interdigital cleft. Factors associated with lameness were: property and herd size, age of cow, bail feeding, voluntary entry into the bails, and features of the farm track including its length, the presence of steep slopes, the type of surface material, presence and treatment of broken sections and maintenance including rolling history. The association of these factors with specific clinical signs was examined. The mean cost was estimated to be $42.90 per lame cow due to loss of production, treatment, the culling or death of lame cows, and extra man hours spent managing lame cows. It was concluded that the site, construction, maintenance and use of the farm track were of major importance to the incidence of lameness in herds in this area and recommendations for reducing lameness are made.  相似文献   

Johne's disease (JD) is an incurable, chronic infectious disease prevalent in dairy herds throughout the US and the world. The substantial economic losses caused by JD have been well documented. However, information on the costs of controlling the disease is limited, yet necessary, if producers are to make sound decisions regarding JD management. The purpose of this paper is to describe a method for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of management changes to control JD on infected dairy farms. A 5-year longitudinal study of six dairy herds infected with JD was performed. Each herd implemented a JD control program upon study enrollment. Prevalence of JD within each herd was monitored with annual testing of all adult cows using fecal culture and/or serum ELISA. Individual cow production and culling information was collected to estimate the annual economic losses caused by JD. An economic questionnaire was developed and administered to each herd annually to estimate costs directly attributable to the JD control program. Based on the costs of the control program, and using the losses to estimate the potential benefits of the control program, the net present value (NPV) of the control program was calculated for each herd during the study and projected into the future for a total of 20 years. The NPV was calculated for four different scenarios: (1) assuming a linear decline in losses beyond the observed period of the study with JD eradication by year 20 of the control program; (2) assuming losses and JD prevalence remain constant at the rate equal to that of the last observed year while continuing the control program; (3) assuming linear increase in losses at rate equal to that in scenario 1 with no control program; and (4) assuming losses remain constant at same level as the beginning of the study with no control plan implemented. The NPV varied greatly across the herds. For scenario 1, only three herds had a positive NPV; and only two herds had a positive NPV under scenario two. In the absence of a control program, the NPV's were always negative. The costs of the JD control programs implemented on these herds averaged $30/cow/year with a median of $24/cow/year. The annual losses due to JD averaged $79/cow/year with a median of $66/cow/year. Investing in a JD control program can be cost-effective.  相似文献   

A stratified-random sample of 48 Ohio dairy herds participated in a 1-year disease monitoring survey to study herd management and environmental conditions affecting udder infection and clinical mastitis incidence. The mean monthly bulk-tank somatic cell count was used as an indicator of overall udder infection. Clinical incidence was determined by monthly on-farm interviews with the dairy producers. Management and environmental conditions were assessed by direct observation as well as by personal interview of dairy managers. The final multivariable analysis-of-variance model of log bulk-tank somatic cell count had an R2 value of 0.43. Lower log bulk-tank somatic cell count was found in herds with hired milkers, a clean and dry cow exercise area, clean teats following milking and fewer milking cows. The number of months spent on pasture was also significant. The final model for clinical mastitis incidence had an R2 value of 0.38. Less clinical mastitis was found on farms where straw bedding was used, pre-dip was not used, where there were fewer cows, fewer person-hours per cow were spent milking cows, a greater percentage of calvings occurred in the designated calving facility, and cows spent fewer months per year on pasture. Other potentially important disease determinants could not be included in the final models because of limited sample size relative to the model degrees of freedom (six each).  相似文献   

Bovine-leukosis virus (BLV; also termed ‘bovine-leukemia virus’) is a retrovirus that primarily affects lymphoid tissue of dairy and beef cattle. Our objective was to investigate the association between BLV infection and annual value of production (AVP) on dairy herds within the United States, as part of the USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System’s 1996 dairy study. 1006 herds (in 20 states) with at least 30 dairy cows were interviewed during 1996. The agar-gel immunodiffusion test was used to detect serum antibodies to BLV. 10–40 cows from each herd were tested and each tested cow was classified as negative or positive based on results of a single test.

A multivariable regression model was used with the 976 herds with complete data for analysis. When compared to herds with no test-positive cows, herds with test-positive cows produced 218 kg per cow (i.e. 3%) less milk. The average reduction in AVP was $ 59 per cow for test-positive herds relative to test-negative herds. For the dairy industry as a whole, BLV seropositivity was associated with loss to producers of $ 285 million and $ 240 million for consumers. Most of this $ 525 million industry loss was due to reduced milk production in test-positive herds.  相似文献   

Economic loss from transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) was estimated at $0.18 per hog marketed for the average Missouri Mail-in-Record swine panel producer in 1978. This cost was $0.19 per hog marketed in 1979. These estimates were averaged for all producers in the record system, those with TGE in their herds as well as TGE-free herds. Estimates were also prepared for those herds with TGE outbreaks. In 1978, the average loss due to TGE for producers who had the disease on their farms was estimated at $1.74 per hog marketed, or 18% of the average return earned above total production costs. In 1979, this cost was $1.25 per hog marketed, or 13% of the average return earned above total production costs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of bulk-tank somatic cell counts (BTSCC) and the value of herd productivity (milk produced, calves born, and net costs for cow replacements) in US dairy herds in 1996. DESIGN: Randomized stratified national survey of dairy producers. SAMPLE POPULATION: Records from 1,219 dairy herds in the top 20 dairy states. PROCEDURE: Responses for 1,178 herds had complete information for economic analysis. Per-cow value of production was determined for each herd. Data for herds with high (> or = 400,000 cells/ml) and medium (200,000 to 399,999 cells/ml) BTSCC were compared with values for herds with low BTSCC (< 200,000 cells/ml), using a multivariable regression model. RESULTS: In 1996, milk was priced at $0.287/kg ($13/cwt). Herds with low BTSCC annually generated $103.90/cow more in herd productivity than herds with medium BTSCC and $292.39/cow more than herds with high BTSCC. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased BTSCC (> 200,000 cells/ml) were associated with a reduced value of productivity per cow. Thus, dairy producers have a financial incentive to seek out and implement cost-effective management practices that will enable them to decrease their BTSCC to < 200,000 cells/ml and maximize herd productivity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To perform a herd-level analysis of economic losses associated with paratuberculosis in dairy herds. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SAMPLE POPULATION: A multistage stratified random sample of 121 dairy herds in Michigan. PROCEDURE: A 2-part questionnaire was used to gather data on management practices, herd productivity, labor use, and expenditures. Blood samples were collected from a random sample of cows > or = 2 years old in each herd and tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. A herd was considered negative for paratuberculosis if results for all cows tested were negative. Multivariable linear regression was used to evaluate the data. RESULTS: A 10% increase in proportion of cows positive for paratuberculosis was associated with a 33.4 kg (73.5 lb) decrease in mean weight of culled cows. Mortality rate among herds positive for paratuberculosis was 3% higher than rate among herds negative for paratuberculosis. Herds positive for paratuberculosis did not have a significantly higher annual number of hours of labor per cow than did herds negative for paratuberculosis. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: For a herd of average size and cull rate, the reduction in mean weight of culled cows attributable to paratuberculosis represented a loss of approximately $1,150 annually for each 10% increase in herd prevalence of paratuberculosis. The increased mortality rate attributable to paratuberculosis represented a loss of between $1,607 and $4,400 on the basis of lost slaughter value and cost of replacement heifers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the baseline costs of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection, including costs of clinical disease and subclinical infection, in a dairy herd representative of the mid-Atlantic region and compare these costs with the cost of a test-and-manage BLV control program. DESIGN: Stochastic spreadsheet model. SAMPLE POPULATION: A commercial Holstein dairy herd with 100 milking cows. PROCEDURES: A spreadsheet model was developed. The overall cost of infection included the cost of clinical disease (ie, lymphosarcoma [LS]) and the effects of subclinical infection on milk production and premature culling. Model input values and distributions were designed to reflect economic conditions in the mid-Atlantic region. Relative costs of infection and control were calculated for infection prevalences of 20, 50, and 80%. RESULTS: Estimated mean cost to the producer per case of LS was 412 dollars; for a herd with a 50% prevalence of BLV infection, annual incidence of LS was 0.66. Mean annual cost of subclinical infection at a 50% prevalence of infection was 6,406 dollars. Mean annual cost of a test-and-manage control program was 1,765 dollars. The cost of clinical disease and subclinical infection varied substantially with the prevalence of infection, whereas the cost of control varied with herd size. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that a basic BLV control program may be economically beneficial in herds in which the prevalence of BLV infection is > or = 12.5%. Farm-specific considerations may factor prominently when weighing the costs and benefits of an individual BLV control program.  相似文献   

Incidence of lameness in dairy cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey of the number of treatments for lameness in 21,000 dairy cows from 185 herds in the University of Edinburgh/Dalgety Spillers dairy herd health and productivity service in England and Wales showed an average incidence of cases of 25 per cent. Veterinary surgeons treated 6.3 per cent and farmers 18.7 per cent and 1.4 per cent of cows were culled because of lameness. Monthly and regional variations were recorded. An assessment of the economic effects suggested that the average annual cost in a 100 cow herd was 1175 pounds with an overall cost to British farmers of more than 35 million pounds. The economic importance is such that research into specific factors affecting foot health should be carried out. Meanwhile, a broad approach to prevention and control of lameness on farms is recommended under the general headings of management/environment, nutrition and breeding.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to determine direct production losses (milk loss, premature voluntary culling and reduced slaughter value, mortaliy loss, and abortion and reproductive loss) and treatmetn costs (veterinary services, medication cost, and extra farm labour cost) due to four infectious diseases in the maritime provinces of Canada: bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD), enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL), Johne's Disease (JD), and neosporosis. We used a partial-budget model, and incorporated risk and sensitivity analyses to identify the effects of uncertainty on costs. Total annual costs for an average, infected, 50 cow herd were: JD$ 2472; BVD$ 2421; neosporosis $ 2304; EBL$ 806. The stochastic nature of the proportion of infected herds and prevalence of infection within a herd were used to estimate probability distributions for these ex post costs. For all diseases, these distributions were right skewed. A sensitivity analysis showed the largest effect on costs was due to milk yield effects. For example, changing milk production loss from 0 to 5% for BVD increased the costs for the disease by 266%.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether beef herds could increase profitability by reducing production cost per 100 lb (hundredweight [CWTI; ie, 45.4 kg) of calf through implementation of advice from teams of veterinarians and county extension agents supported by university specialists. DESIGN: Longitudinal study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 6 commercial cow-calf herds comprising 1,927 cows. PROCEDURE: Teams of veterinarians and county extension agents provided advice on 25 profitable ranch management practices to herd owners for 3 years. Use of each practice in herds was measured on a scale of 1 to 5 for baseline year 1999. Similar measurements were made at the end of each year for comparison with baseline values. Outcomes were measured by standardized performance analysis. RESULTS: Mean weaning weight of calves per exposed cow of the 6 herds increased significantly from 1999 (2000, 26.8 kg [59 lb; 17%]; 2001, 49.1 kg [108 lb; 31%]; and 2002, 43.2 kg [95 lb; 27%]). Mean cost per CWT of calf decreased significantly from the 1999 value (2000, -$20.04 [-18%]; 2001, -$33.40 [-29%]; and 2002, -$22.52 [-20%]). Additional profits for the 6 herds were $54,407 in 2000, $135,695 in 2001, and $116,089 in 2002 (3-year total of $306,191). Mean increase in management score of herds was positively correlated with increase in net income and accounted for > 60% of increased profits. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Profitability of beef cow-calf operations can be substantially increased through a team approach by identifying opportunities for improvements in management and helping ranch managers implement profitable practices.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the risk factors for development of postpartum ovarian cysts by evaluating several reproductive factors in individual cows, and to determine the economic impact of ovarian cysts on subsequent reproductive performance in dairy herds in Korea. The data, including cow parity, abnormal puerperium, endometritis, body condition score (BCS), and breeding status were collected from 634 cows in 9 dairy herds. We used logistic regression to evaluate the effects of these factors on ovarian cysts. A stepwise procedure, used to obtain the appropriate model with alpha=0.05, revealed that cow parity was the most important risk factor for ovarian cyst development within 8 weeks postpartum, while development of endometritis and BCS loss>or=1 from the dry period to 8 weeks postpartum were the most important risk factors for ovarian cyst development beyond 8 weeks postpartum. The occurrence of ovarian cysts beyond 8 weeks postpartum prolonged (P<0.01) the mean intervals from calving to first service (27 days) and conception (77 days), and increased (P<0.05) the culling rate (7.8%), while ovarian cyst development within 8 weeks postpartum did not affect (P>0.05) the mean intervals from calving to first service and conception or the culling rate. The economic loss resulting from the occurrence of ovarian cysts was estimated at approximately 823,996 won ($687) due to effects on the cost of nutrition, average growth of calves, labor and medical costs, and culling. These results suggest that cow parity is correlated with the development of ovarian cysts within 8 weeks postpartum, and endometritis and BCS loss>or=1 from the dry period to 8 weeks postpartum are correlated with the development of ovarian cysts after 8 weeks postpartum, which decreases reproductive performance and results in economic loss in dairy herds in Korea.  相似文献   

The financial impact and clinical expression of vesicular stomatitis in Colorado dairy herds was studied during the 1982 epidemic. A non-random sample of 15 dairy herds was surveyed, 13 of which had clinical cases in lactating cows. These 13 herds represented 2404 cows among which were 378 clinical cases. The dairymen reported a distribution of lesions among the cases as follows: 262 (69.3%) oral only; 87 (23.0%) teat only; 22 (5.8%) both oral and teat and 7 (1.9%) with foot lesions. Herds experiencing primarily oral lesions had an attack rate of 19.8% with an average clinical course of 23.8 days. The attack rate in 2 of the 4 herds with teat lesions was 55.8% and 1.6% in the other 2 herds. Mastitis complicated 72% of the cases with teat lesions.The direct costs resulting from 378 cases of vesticular stomatitis reported by 13 dairymen totaled $95 752, which is an average cost of $253.31 per clinical case. The average cost per case with oral lesions is estimated to be $174.06 in contrast to $568.22 average for cases with teat lesions. The greatest loss was due to cows culled, 36.6% of the total direct costs. Decreased milk production was second with 30.3% of the total.The average decrease in milk production per clinical case was 261.3 kg (576 lbs). Deaths accounted for 11.3% of the loss and the combined costs of drugs, extra labour, veterinary service, weight loss and extra ectoparasite control accounted for 11.9% of the $95 752 total.  相似文献   

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