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在温度、营养、酸碱度等不同培养条件下,通过观测羊肚菌M6613菌株的菌丝生长和菌核形成情况,探讨该菌株的生物学特性。试验结果表明:7种复合培养基中梯棱羊肚菌M6613菌株的菌丝均能正常生长且都能形成菌核,最适菌丝生长的复合培养基为PDA综合培养基和PDA土壤培养基,最适菌核形成的复合培养基为PDA麸皮培养基;M6613菌株菌丝生长和菌核形成的最适温度20 ℃,最适酸碱度为pH值6.5;最适菌丝生长和菌核形成的碳源为蔗糖和葡萄糖,尿素对菌丝的生长有抑制作用,(NH_4)_2SO_4和NaNO_4等铵盐存在时,菌丝生长缓慢;最适菌丝生长的氮源为KNO_3,最适菌核形成的氮源为KNO_3和蛋白胨,氮源为(NH_4)_2SO_4和NaNO_3等铵盐时,不形成菌核。  相似文献   

红树林内生真菌1893是从中国南海秋茄(Kandelia candel)上分离的一株内生真菌,在液体发酵条件下能够产生包括1893A和1893B在内的多种新物质。为了正确的鉴定该菌株并为进一步的工业应用做准备,本文结合形态学和分子学两方面对它进行了鉴定,首先,在纯培养条件下,将它和具有以下形态特征的相似菌株进行比较:产生受精丝或像受精丝一样的菌丝,这些菌丝又和像雄器一样的菌丝发生明显的融合现象;环状产囊体与大量菌丝缠绕形成菌核前体。进一步通过该菌株在寄主秋茄和非寄主芒果叶子上的培养性状与其它相似真菌比较,结果将该菌株归于拟茎点霉属(Phomopsis)。其次,在ITS序列水平上,将它和具有形态学或生态学相似性的拟茎点霉进行系统发育分析。最后,综合形态学和分子学,红树林内生真菌1893被定为Diaporthe phaseolorum var.sojae,本文是首次报道Diaporthe phaseolorum var.sojae做为内生真菌寄生于秋茄。图5参43。  相似文献   

山楂扦播苗白绢病的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山楂白绢病是山楂扦插苗上常见的病害。病原菌为齐整小核菌(SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc.)。菌丝生长及菌核萌发的最适温度为25~30℃;在pH值2~13范围内,菌丝均能扩展并形成菌核;河北地区该病从6月底开始发生,一直持续到9月上旬,其中7月上旬至8月中下旬为发病高峰期,高温高湿有利于病害发生。药剂试验表明:50%退菌特、50%克腐特、36%甲醛、70%代森锰锌对菌核萌发有明显抑制作用。木霉菌株T-88能有效地抑制病菌的菌丝生长和菌核的形成,也能抑制菌核的萌发。  相似文献   

现介绍一种松茯苓种植的新方法。此法与传统法相比,最主要的优点是利用采伐后的松树头,变废为宝,节约原材料,降低成本,加速伐根腐烂分解,加快土壤养分回归,有利土壤疏松及提高林地肥力。一、栽培技术(一)生长条件要求1.营养。茯苓在生长过程中,需要大量的养分,所以人工栽培茯苓时,应选用新鲜全干的松树蔸、松根、松尾、松枝作培养料。2.温度。茯苓是一种中高温型真菌,菌丝在10℃ ̄35℃都能生长,22℃ ̄28℃最适宜,菌核在15℃ ̄35℃能形成,22℃ ̄32℃生长最快,5℃以下菌丝、菌核停止生长,高于35℃易衰老,38℃以上死亡。3.水分。一般茯苓菌丝生长发育时,各种材料的含水量应保持在55% ̄60%,菌核生长时土壤中的含水量应增加到60% ̄65%左右。4.空气。茯苓是一种好气性真菌,所以栽培茯苓时,场地要选在通风透气性好,土壤疏松的地方,下种后菌丝生长时期,土不能盖得太厚,使菌丝经常与大气中的新鲜空气进行交换,菌丝才能正常生长发育。5.阳光。茯苓菌丝在完全黑暗条件下可以正常生长,但菌核形成时,没有阳光照射,会加重土壤和材料中的水分,就会抑制菌丝、菌核的正常生长,所以选择场地以向阳的地方为好。6.酸碱度。茯苓喜欢在较酸的环...  相似文献   

通过观察多个广寄生Taxillus chinensis危害园林树木的实例细节,发现几种不同的寄生状态,初步将其分为分枝型、平行型和缠绕型。分枝型指广寄生枝条从寄主枝条上长出,类似寄主枝条的分枝。平行型指广寄生枝条与寄主枝条平行生长,但会长出吸根插入寄主枝条。缠绕型指广寄生枝条围绕寄主枝条生长。对这3种状态的细节进行了描述,并提供了近距离的图片资料。  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同寄主树种对新渡户树蜂共生真菌的种类影响,及寄主樟子松体内死亡新渡户树蜂幼虫体表的优势内生真菌对新渡户树蜂共生真菌的拮抗作用,从微观角度探索寄主内新渡户树蜂幼虫死亡的原因,为新渡户树蜂的生物防治提供新的思路和依据。【方法】根据形态特征和ITS序列鉴定不同寄主树种内新渡户树蜂的共生真菌种类,通过平板对峙和发酵液试验及显微观察判定优势内生真菌大伏革菌Phlebiopsis gigantea和绿色木霉Trichoderma viride对新渡户树蜂共生真菌Amylostereum chailletii和A.areolatum的拮抗能力。【结果】不同寄主树种中均能分离到新渡户树蜂的共生真菌A.chailletii和A.areolatum,但2种共生真菌的检出率差异显著。在樟子松中新渡户树蜂更易携带A.chailletii,而在油松中则更易携带A.areolatum。2种内生真菌的生长速率均快于共生真菌,其中绿色木霉的生长速率最快,共生真菌A.areolatum的生长速率最慢。绿色木霉和大伏革菌均能抑制共生真菌菌丝生长,并缠绕、寄生或穿插生长在共生真菌菌丝上,使得共生真菌菌丝扭曲、...  相似文献   

采用菌丝生长速率法测定了马尾松针叶二萜酸对番茄灰霉病菌、油菜菌核病菌、小麦赤霉病菌等3种植物病原菌菌丝生长的影响,并采用盆栽幼苗法测定了马尾松针叶二萜酸对黄瓜白粉病菌的防治效果.结果表明:马尾松针叶二萜酸对番茄灰霉病菌、油菜菌核病菌、小麦赤霉病菌3种植物病原菌菌丝生长都有明显的抑制作用,半数有效浓度(EC50)分别为9...  相似文献   

通过对3种配方栽培桦褐孔菌进行比较试验,发现配方2桦木屑+杂木屑培养基接种后菌丝长势最快,菌丝长满袋时间最短为27 d,在接种后55 d最先形成菌核,形成菌核数量最多为215个,菌核大而坚实,成熟菌核呈圆形,结瘤厚且最大,菌核直径为5.6 cm,最大菌核干重最重为0.72 g,每袋干重产量为65.2 g,每袋湿重产量为247.8 g,干湿比为1∶3.8,生物学转化率为33.0%,菌核颜色为黄褐色。配方1桦木屑培养基和配方3杂木屑培养基在接种后满袋时间、形成菌核时间、菌核大小和产量等差异较小。综合各种因素在日后桦褐孔菌栽培中可选用配方2桦木屑+杂木屑培养基,杂木屑资源丰富,可以部分替代桦木屑,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

研究丁座草在永平县北斗乡境内的寄生环境及与寄主马缨杜鹃的寄生关系。结果表明:丁座草为多年生根寄生植物,其寄主为马缨杜鹃。寄生在阴坡面海拔2 795 m以上的天然常绿阔叶林下,郁闭度0.4~0.8,山脊附近居多。寄生深度平均为2.7 cm,主要寄生在0.5~9 mm粗的根上,平均为3.4 mm。同一时期存在不同世代的个体,大部分寄生在主根上,少部分寄生在侧根上。丁座草及寄主分布区域狭窄,由于生境遭破坏,空间格局被迫逐步缩小。  相似文献   

[目的]松材线虫病是我国对森林危害和威胁最严重的病害,控制其传播媒介昆虫松褐天牛是防治松材线虫病的主要手段。作者发现的松褐天牛深沟茧蜂(Iphiaulax monochamusi Yang)是寄生松褐天牛中老龄幼虫的重要天敌。为明确松褐天牛深沟茧蜂的寄生率与寄主树木、寄主和环境因子的关系,开展了本研究。[方法]通过解剖46株松褐天牛危害致死的马尾松,调查了松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率与马尾松、松褐天牛和环境因子之间的关系。[结果]调查研究表明:寄主树木的高度、胸径和树龄对松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率没有显著影响,松褐天牛的数量对松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率亦没有显著影响,而松褐天牛幼虫龄期和松褐天牛幼虫在树干上的位置显著影响松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率。松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率与松褐天牛龄期呈显著正相关,其偏好寄生3~5龄幼虫;就天牛在其危害寄主树木上的位置而言,松褐天牛深沟茧蜂偏好寄生马尾松主干上部和在韧皮部危害的松褐天牛幼虫,其对位于马尾松树干上部的寄主幼虫寄生率最高,达27.38%,对在韧皮部生活、危害的寄主幼虫寄生率为20.18%,显著高于位于木质部生活的寄主幼虫寄生率(5.46%)。逐步回归分析表明:影响松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率的关键环境因子是寄主树木的坡位和其它天敌寄生率,其中,坡位与松褐天牛深沟茧蜂呈显著正相关,其它天敌寄生率与松褐天牛深沟茧蜂寄生率呈显著负相关。[结论]以上研究初步明确了松褐天牛深沟茧蜂的寄生率与寄主树木、寄主害虫和天敌之间的关系,为今后利用该重要天敌控制松褐天牛打下了基础。  相似文献   

管氏肿腿蜂是多种林木钻蛀性害虫的抑性寄生蜂,雌蜂通过蜇刺抑制寄主氧化反应。为明确肿腿蜂寄生后寄主体内营养物质含量的变化,运用考马斯亮蓝法、蒽酮比色法和残余法,对蜇刺后第0日(初始组)、第2日(寄主初麻痹时)、第14日(子代幼蜂初孵时)处理组和对照组的松墨天牛幼虫体质量、蛋白质、总糖和脂质含量进行测定。结果表明:管氏肿腿蜂寄生后,寄主体质量持续下降;体内蛋白质含量在寄主麻痹初期极显著升高,而在幼蜂初孵时则极显著下降;脂质含量在寄主初麻痹时未见显著变化,而幼蜂孵化前升高显著;但寄主体内的总糖含量变化不显著。研究结果说明,管氏肿腿蜂雌蜂寄生寄主,对寄主体内蛋白质、糖类、脂质代谢产生了影响。  相似文献   

Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval-pupal endoparasitoid of many Tephritidae of economic importance. Little has been reported on the ability of females to discriminate between healthy and parasitized hosts, as well as parasitized versus superparasitized larvae. Two-choice bioassays were conducted to evaluate the preferences of P. concolor naïve females for healthy or single-parasitized/superparasitized C. capitata larvae, as well as the host discrimination ability among medfly larvae which had been superparasitized by the same wasp or by a conspecific one. Psyttalia concolor preferred to oviposit in a unparasitized C. capitata larva than in a self-parasitized one. Females also showed an innate ability to discriminate between larvae parasitized twice or only once, preferring the latter. This ability helps the female to optimise its oviposition decisions by deliberately avoiding superparasitized hosts, since it is known that they give a lower return in offspring number and quality than do singly parasitized hosts. Our findings contribute to a better knowledge of the P. concolor host location behaviour and also to improve its mass-rearing technique through a rational management of the host/parasitoid ratio and the host exposure time. Indeed, the proper setting of these parameters allows to reduce the fraction of single-parasitized and heavily superparasitized larvae and to enhance P. concolor rearing in terms of parasitoid offspring.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to assess several life-history characteristics of three Trichogramma species—T. cacoeciae, T. evanescens, and T. principium—reared on potato tuber moth eggs. The effects of host age, parasitoid age, and different temperatures on the mean number of parasitized eggs and the percentage of emerged progeny were determined. The age of both Trichogramma and host eggs significantly affected the number of eggs parasitized by the wasps, but did not affect the percentage of parasitoids emerging from parasitized eggs. No intraspecific differences for potato tuber moth eggs were found among the tested Trichogramma species. However, T. principium proved to be more effective than T. cacoeciae and T. evanescens in parasitizing host eggs at high temperatures (>33 °C). Trichogramma significantly decreased the number of potato tuber moth F1 emerged progeny when they were released with moths in small cages either over potatoes or potato seedlings.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the effects of Trioxys angelicae Haliday (Hym.: Braconidae) age and host density (Aphis fabae Scopoli) (Hem.: Aphididae) on selected attributes of parasitoid reproductive biology. The number of hosts parasitized per day was used as an estimate of wasp fecundity. Parasitoid longevity was not affected by host density and at host densities of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 or 60 aphids per day; the parasitoids lived an average of 8.96 ± 0.82 days at 21°C. At host densities of ≤20 aphids per day, lifetime fecundity of a single Trioxys angelicae female was limited by the number of hosts available. Lifetime fecundity was highest with an average of 158.14 ± 20.33 at a density of 30 aphids per day; the maximum number of aphids parasitized by any female was 235. Daily fecundity and sex ratio were affected by parasitoid age and host density. Age-specific fecundity at different host densities fitted well to a nonlinear model. In conclusion, the fecundity and female progeny production of Trioxys angelicae as an important biological control agent of A. fabae is influenced by host availability.  相似文献   

Non-choice laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of host acceptance, previous rearing host, host age and the contact time between parasitoids and host on the efficacy of Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal and T. principum Sug. et Sor. against the codling moth Cydia pomonella. The tendency of T. cacoeciae and T. principum females to attack the codling moth was similar to E. kuehniella, and it was not affected by the previous rearing host. T. cacoeciae showed a greater preference for codling moth eggs than T. principum. A high mean number of emerged F1 progeny was observed when both parasitoids were sequentially reared on codling moths. Codling moth acceptance, the number of parasitized eggs and the number of emerged progeny were higher when younger codling moth eggs were offered. The tendency of female parasitoids to oviposit remained unchanged when the contact time with the host was prolonged. When the contact time was increased, the number of parasitized eggs and emerged offspring was higher. The results showed that the codling moth fertility (egg hatch) was reduced when younger eggs were offered and when the contact time with the parasitoids was increased. T. cacoeciae was more efficient in reducing codling moth fertility. The current study provided essential information necessary to increase the efficiency of T. cacoeciae and T. principum against the codling moth.  相似文献   

Colonization of Carya cordiformis sapwood by Ceratocystis smalleyi and subsequent host defence responses following artificial inoculation were investigated using anatomical and histological techniques. Hyphae of C. smalleyi were observed in all sapwood xylem features confirming the ability of the pathogen to invade and colonize the xylem tissues of the host species. The fungus was isolated from within and at the margins of discoloured sapwood areas at 2 and 12 months after inoculation. General host defence responses that included vessel occlusion with gels or tyloses, lipid accumulation, and production of phenolic compounds were observed in xylem tissues of inoculated C. cordiformis stems. Pectic substances, lipids, and to a rare extent, phenolic compounds were detected in vascular gels. The lipid‐rich barriers observed likely prevent lateral expansion of the fungus in the sapwood. Furthermore, lack of fungus sporulation within vessels may restrict axial spread of the fungus. C. smalleyi appears to be a limited vascular wilt pathogen of bitternut hickory based on these observations and previously reported sap flow reduction correlated with multiple infections in artificially inoculated trees.  相似文献   

白蜡吉丁啮小蜂生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过林间调查与室内饲养相结合的方法,对白蜡吉丁啮小蜂(Tetrastichus planipennisiYang)的生物学特性进行了初步研究。结果表明,该寄生蜂在吉林省长春市年发生3-4代,以老熟幼虫在寄主幼虫的蛀道内越冬;不同时期的成蜂性比(♀∶♂)为2.39∶1-5.06∶1,平均为3.04∶1;补充20%蜂蜜水的雌雄成蜂平均寿命分别为16.2±1.24 d和7.00±1.19 d,比取食清水的雌雄成虫分别长6.90 d和1.33 d。平均自然寄生率为35.72%,最高可达76.92%。  相似文献   

毛白杨内生菌优势种毛壳ND35室内拮抗作用的研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
对毛白杨内生真菌区系种群分析 ,筛选出优势种毛壳ND35 ,并测试了它对 6种常见林果病害病原真菌的拮抗作用。结果表明 ,毛壳ND35是一种广谱性拮抗菌 ,对供试的 6种病菌存在不同程度的抑制作用。可降低病菌菌丝的生长率和孢子的萌发率 ,并对小核菌的菌核进行重寄生 ,从而抑制其萌发。毛壳ND35的菌丝还产生吸器、附着枝等结构对立枯丝核菌 (Rhizoctoniasolani)等病菌的菌丝进行重寄生 ,在显微镜下可观察到病菌的菌丝被缠绕、穿透、断裂等现象。抑菌带和抑菌圈的产生证明抗生活动是毛壳ND35的主要拮抗作用机制之一。对活体毛白杨组培苗进行人工接种试验 ,结果用毛壳ND35预先接种的苗木发病率为零 ,明显低于只接烂皮病菌的对照发病率 5 3 33%,进一步证实了毛壳ND35对植物病害的生物防治潜能。  相似文献   

L. Vajna 《Forest Pathology》2003,33(6):375-382
An unknown fungus, Stagonospora sp., has been found on and in stromata of Botryosphaeria stevensii Shoemaker anamorph (Diplodia mutila Fr. & Mont.) and Diatrypella quercina (Persoon) Nitschke. Microscopic investigations indicated that the fungus might be a hyperparasite of some ascomycetous fungi, necrotrophs or weak parasites on sessile oak [Quercus petraea] and turkey oak (Quercus cerris). Dual culture studies carried out with monoconidial isolates of Stagonospora sp. and B. stevensii have demonstrated that Stagonospora sp. is a necrotrophic mycoparasite which might suppress, to some extent, the natural population of B. stevensii. Botryosphaeria stevensii is one of the biotic factors causing oak decline. Morphology of the fungus and symptoms of mycoparasitic interaction are described. Stagonospora sp. found in Hungary is assumed to be identical with hyperparasitic Stagonospora sp. reported from Germany and Austria as parasite of Ascodichaena rugosa and Ascodichaena mexicana in Mexico. This is the first record of hyperparasitic Stagonospora sp. of B. stevensii and D. quercina.  相似文献   

A typically mediterranean forest of Pinus halepensis wass tudied. During two years following fruiting fungal species, the number of sclerotia in soil, and the percentages and types of mycorrhizas present were determined. In burned stands ascomycetes were typical carbonicolous while basidiomycetes were strongly reduced. The sclerotia extracted from soils were mainly Cenococcum. The number of sclerotia in burned stands was greater than in unburned stands. Seven types of mycorrhizas were recognized in Pinus halepensis root systems from bioassays: Cenococcum, E-strain, Rhizopogon, Suillus, Tuber, Xerocomus, and one non-identified. Nearly 100% of the roots were colonized by mycorrhizal fungi. Ectendomycorrhizas represented 50–90% of the total number. The predominant type is ectendomycorrhizas formed by ascomycetes included in the E-strain group.  相似文献   

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