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苹果矮砧集约栽培是发达国家苹果生产的主要模式,也是我国苹果产业的发展方向。化学疏花疏果可以显著提高生产效率,降低生产成本,解决苹果生产的大小年现象,实现苹果产业的省工高效与优质生产。本文综述了矮砧苹果常用的化学疏花剂(ATS、石硫合剂、二硝基化合物)和化学疏果剂(西维因、NAA、6-BA)的作用机理和应用技术,以及影响化学疏除效应的主要因素,以期为矮砧苹果化学疏花疏果技术的推广应用提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

苹果化学疏花疏果技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学疏花疏果是常用的方法,根据国内外苹果疏花疏果方面的试验研究,新型化学试剂在苹果上的应用是目前研究的重点。近些年来,研究者一直在新型无害化学疏花疏果剂方面进行试验研究,以期寻找出适合当地种植品种的疏花疏果剂,为农业生产增加效益。新型无公害化学疏花疏果剂主要有植物油、含钙化合物、植物生长调节剂等,将取代石硫合剂、西维因、二硝基化合物等效果不稳定或对环境有害的疏除剂。论述几种常见化学疏花疏果剂的作用机理、应用技术及影响因素,为化学疏花疏果技术的推广应用提供理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

<正> 疏花疏果是苹果周年管理中的一个重要环节,是克服大小年、提高果品质量、保证树体健壮的一个关键措施.人工疏花疏果效果好,但较费工,因此化学疏花疏果长期以来成为国内外果树研究的一个重要课题。常用的化学疏花疏果剂有西维因、萘乙酸、乙烯利、石硫合剂等,近年又有报道苄基腺嘌吟(BA)、赤霉素(GA)、多效唑(PP333)等药剂对疏花疏果的效果。为此于1992年用BA、GA、PP333、萘乙酸(NAA)等药剂对金冠苹果进行了疏果试验,取得了明显效果。  相似文献   

以七年生苹果品种“夏红”“华硕”“富士”为试验材料,选用45%石硫合剂晶体、有机钙制剂、西维因3种药剂进行疏花疏果,研究不同化学药剂的疏除效果,以期为苹果化学疏花疏果提供参考依据。结果表明:3种化学药剂对“夏红”“华硕”“富士”苹果品种均有不同程度的花果疏除作用。从单果比例、坐果率、空台率、果实品质指标等几方面综合比较,疏花疏果效果较好的为45%石硫合剂晶体150倍,有机钙制剂200倍,西维因2.5 g·L-1。  相似文献   

苹果化学疏花疏果剂应用技术规范(试行)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正本项技术规范规定了苹果化学疏花疏果剂的有效种类、适宜浓度,施用时期和次数,施用方法和技术以及注意事项。1适宜范围适于渤海湾、黄土高原、黄河故道等苹果产区应用,适用于生产上主栽品种,但品种间略有差异。2疏除剂种类(1)化学疏花剂:石硫合剂、有机钙制剂、橄榄油等;(2)化学疏果剂:萘乙酸、西维因、萘乙酸钠等。  相似文献   

施易乐对红富士苹果疏花试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工疏花疏果费工费时,化学疏花疏果又有一些副作用,如石硫合剂对蜜蜂有杀伤作用,NAA等生长素对果实有抑制作用等。为寻求无公害又安全的疏花剂,我们用施易乐钙制剂做疏花剂进行了红富士苹果的疏花试验。1 试材与方法1.1 试材 试验于 2004 年在沁水县郑庄乡南郎村果园进行,供试品种为10年生红富士苹果树,供试药剂为施易乐(山西农业生物技术研究中心研制)。1.2 方法 试验共设9个处理,分别为①、②在顶花芽中心花盛开后第 2 天和第 3 天各喷 1 次施易乐 50 倍液;③、④在顶花芽中心花盛开后第 2 天、第 3 天各喷 1次施易乐100倍液;⑤在…  相似文献   

三种药剂对鸭梨花果疏除效应的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨不同药剂对鸭梨疏花疏果的效应,自1986年开始,分别用西维因、萘乙酸钠、石硫合剂三种药剂进行了剂量、时间、效应等方面的研究,现将结果简报如下。  相似文献   

今年《山西果树》第一期发表“石硫合剂对国光苹果的疏花效果”一文后,收到一些读者来信,问到其中一些有关的问题;也听到一些反映,有的说国光花期喷1—1.5度石硫合剂效果不显著,有的甚至认为石硫合剂对国光苹果疏花无效。为此,有必要把我们这几年来应用石硫合剂疏花试验研究中总  相似文献   

红富士苹果化学疏花疏果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008-2009连续2年进行了红富士苹果疏花疏果试验,结果表明,在红富士苹果中心花盛开后3d喷10g/L蚁酸钙制剂(CFA)或1°Be石硫合剂具有同人工疏花疏果相近似的效果。  相似文献   

苹果树化学疏花疏果技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高果品质量是增强果品市场竞争力的关键。疏花疏果是提高果品质量的有力措施。 苹果树疏花疏果有人工和化学两种方法。化学方法具有高效灵敏的特点,而且节省人工和费用,是生产上较为先进的管理方法。 1 常用化学疏除剂的使用方法 (1)西维因:目前是苹果上使用最多、效果较为稳定的疏除剂。使用时,一般用1000毫克/千克在苹果盛花期进行喷雾疏花,也可在花后两周用1500  相似文献   

A trial, at the Grove Research Station in southern Tasmania, studied the thinning effect of benzyladenine (BA) on five year old red ‘Fuji’ apple trees. Untreated control trees were compared with trees treated at four timings, from full bloom (FB) to 30 d after full bloom (AFB), with four concentrations of BA (50, 100, 200 or 400 mg I-1). The most effective time of thinning was 20 d AFB, when increasing concentration also increased thinning. Further advantages of this successful thinning were reflected in better fruit size and weight. At 30 d AFB high concentrations of BA depressed fruit weight. Return bloom was improved significantly by both 20 and 30 d. AFB sprays with a concentration effect at 20 d AFB. Timing of sprays had no effect on the incidence of russet which was increased only by applications of 400 mg l-1. Both the higher concentrations and later timings resulted in an increase in shoot numbers and total growth. Reduction in mean shoot length was related more to the concentration of BA used than to differences in the timing of sprays. BA has shown potential as a thinner for red ‘Fuji’ apple at 20 d AFB.  相似文献   

Frank Maas 《Erwerbs-Obstbau》2007,49(3):101-105
‘Elstar’, the most widely grown apple variety in the Netherlands, requires adequate fruit thinning to obtain regular bearing and the commercially desired fruit size and fruit quality. During several years studies have been carried out to look for alternative thinning methods to replace carbaryl, an insectide which also induced thinning when applied to young fruitlets, but that is no longer registered in the Netherlands. During recent years research on apple thinning has focused on the use of ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) as a flower thinner combined with 6-benzyladenine (BA) as a fruitlet thinner. This paper reports on a trial in which the fruit thinning efficacy of this combined treatment with ATS and that of BA on its own were evaluated. In addition, the use of slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) to cover the leaves and reduce leaf photosynthesis at three different times during fruitlet development was tested, alone or in combination with an application of BA. The best chemical thinning treatment of this trial was the combination of 3 applications of ATS during flowering followed by BA at a fruit size of 13.8?mm. This treatment gave 82% of the thinning necessary to obtain the target fruit load. This treatment also effectively improved fruit size distributions, fruit colour and internal fruit quality. Slaked lime did not thin ‘Elstar’ effectively, most probably because it did not cause sufficient reduction of light interception by the canopy.  相似文献   


A series of trials in Tasmania examined the thinning effects of ethephon and NAA on ‘Red Fuji’ apple. In the ethephon trials, concentrations from 25 to 600 ppm were applied at full bloom (FB) or 14 days after full bloom (AFB) to trees on either seedling or M.M.106 rootstocks. The NAA trial involved spraying concentrations of 5, 10 or 15 ppm at FB or 14 days AFB to trees on seedling rootstocks. Ethephon thinning of ‘Red Fuji’ was similar at FB and 14 days AFB. The dependence of fruit thinning on ethephon concentration was described by fitting non-linear response curves. These relationships were stronger and less variable for M.M.106 than seedling trees. Ethephon proved a satisfactory thinner for trees on both rootstocks. At the high spray volume used, the preferred concentrations at both FB and 14 days AFB would be 25 or 50 ppm for seedling and 100 or 200 ppm for M.M.106 rootstocks. NAA under-thinned at 5 ppm and over-thinned at 10 and 15 ppm at both FB and 14 days AFB. No firm recommendation can be given for NAA as a thinner of ‘Fuji’ at this stage.  相似文献   


Shade and chemical thinning treatments were applied to mature ‘Royal Gala’/M.26 apple trees either alone or in combination to study their effects on the pattern of abscission and growth of spur fruit. Natural fruit drop occurred in two distinct waves in both years; the first wave peaked 20 d after bloom (DAB) at a weekly abscission rate of c 15% in both years. The second wave of fruit drop in 2001 occurred earlier and was more intense than in the previous season. Application of NAA as a bloom thinner increased the maximum weekly abscission rate during the first wave of fruit drop in both years. Chemical fruit thinning treatments (Carbaryl in 2000, BA or delayed lime sulphur in 2001) had no effect on abscission or growth of spur fruit. Covering trees with 80% shade cloth for 3 d (2000) or 5 d (2001) stimulated a wave of fruit abscission that peaked c 10–15 d after removal of the cloth. Shade during the period from 20–25 DAB stimulated more fruit drop than earlier shade treatments, resulting in weekly abscission rates as high as 70%.There were no additive effects of combining thinning chemicals and shade treatments on abscission of fruit from spurs. However, additive effects of shade and thinning treatments were observed when measured as whole-tree crop density values, indicating that abscission of fruit from one-year wood was stimulated when low light conditions preceded application of (fruit) thinning chemicals. Shading trees from 34–39 DAB in 2000 resulted in a transient reduction and subsequent increase in the rate of dry-matter accumulation in fruit that were retained. Considerable challenges lie ahead in developing models of fruit growth that can account for the inter-dependent effects of light and crop load on fruit abscission and development that exist within an orchard environment.  相似文献   


Fruit mineral concentrations measured at harvest can have major effects on apple fruit quality on the tree or during storage. Orchard practices must therefore seek to optimize fruit mineral composition. The purpose of this study was to describe and elucidate the effects of hand thinning on whole trees and individual spurs on apple fruit mineral composition. Two methods of flower and fruitlet thinning were compared with no thinning on `Braeburn' and `Fiesta' apple trees. Alternate whole flower/fruitlet clusters or all but one flower/fruitlet within every cluster were removed at full bloom or 14±21 d after full bloom. Alternate-cluster thinning reduced final fruit numbers per tree and fruit Ca concentrations by up to 22%, while increasing final fruit size by up to 21%, compared with no thinning. These effects on fruit Ca concentrations were also measured across a range of fruit size classes. Within-cluster thinning at full bloom or up to 21 d after full bloom also reduced fruit numbers per tree but increased fruit size substantially, by up to 65% compared with no thinning, this effect being less for later thinning. However, fruit mineral concentrations were not influenced by this treatment. Some fruiting spurs were singled to one fruit 14 d after full bloom on alternately flower cluster thinned trees and on trees that had not been thinned at bloom, and compared with unthinned spurs on the same trees. Fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit were greater for spurs bearing a single fruit (achieved by thinning manually or through natural abscission) than for multi-fruited spurs on the same trees. Spurs bearing one fruit on unthinned trees had greater fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit, but lower fruit weight than the same spurs on alternate-cluster thinned trees. However, spurs on unthinned and alternate-cluster thinned trees with the same primary leaf areas per fruit had similar final Ca concentrations. Fruit size and crop loads were found not to be important in explaining fruit Ca concentration differences between thinning methods. However our results suggest that thinning method may affect Ca accumulation in apple fruit by altering the relationship between fruit numbers and leaf areas on individual spurs.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators such as α?naphthylacetic acid (NAA) or 6?benzyladenine (BA) are commonly used for thinning apple fruits. NAs exhibits an auxin- and gibberellin-type biological activity, stimulate the uptake and translocation of auxins in plant tissue, as well as IAA synthesis and act as surfactants. It was assumed that NAs applied at the stadium of early fruit growth might cause fruit abscission in apple, similarly to NAA. The goal of the research was to test the presumed thinning effect of naphthenic acids on apple cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red Delicious’. Three treatments were applied on both apple cultivars including 16.5?μL L?1 NAA, 200?μL L?1?BA and 2.63?mg L?1?potassium salts of NAs. Cortical cell size and the number of cell layers were measured in order to determine the contribution of cell size and cell division in early fruit growth, as affected by chemical thinning treatments. The effects of plant growth regulators NAA, BA and NAs on fruit set, fruit size and the anatomy of the fruit cortex highly depend on varietal differences. In ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit set reduction by chemical thinning increases both the number of cell layers and cell size of apple fruit, while in ‘Red Delicious’ NAA inhibits fruit growth, while BA is ineffective. Cell growth promoting activity of NAA and NAs, accompanied by the decrease in fruit set and reduced competition among fruits within the canopy, results in a significant fruit weight increase at harvest. The research confirms the auxinic properties of NAs, and their assumed thinning activity.  相似文献   

Spur ‘Red Delicious’ apple Malus domestica (Bork.) trees on MM 111 and seedlings that had been blown over by high winds had greater depth to first root and had thinner trunks than adjacent undamaged trees.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(1-2):65-76
Four days of 90% shading at the time of fruit setting (1–5 days after petal fall, DAPF) of mature ‘Jonagold’/M.9 apple trees was combined with the application of thinning agents to establish the possible interaction of both main treatments on fruit retention, and the effects of the main treatments on fruitlets CO2 exchange and their carbohydrate concentration. Shading alone reduced yield by up to 35%. When shading was followed by the application of 15 ppm 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) or 50 ppm 6-benzyladenine (BA), the interaction between shading and chemical thinners was on the border of significance. Following the assumption that abscission was induced by shading before the application of chemical thinning agents, the same process of diminished dark respiration rate (Rd) was found on fruitlets sampled 3 days after the end of shading and 7 days after NAA and BA spraying, i.e. in the fruitlets that were considered prone to drop. A week after the end of shading the abscission of fruitlets due to shading was completed and on the remaining fruitlets that were not prone to abscission any more, larger negative net CO2 assimilation rates (A) and enhanced Rd were recorded. Fruitlets prone to abscission sampled 2 days after the end of shading showed a lower concentration of glucose and ascorbic acid and a higher concentration of starch. Eight days after the end of shading, the fruitlets from shaded trees that were not prone to abscission any more contained less fructose while the fruitlets from NAA and BA sprayed trees had a higher concentration of fructose a week after application. The results do not support the hypothesis that a good assimilate supply is needed for the retention of apple fruitlets, because the fruitlets retained on trees expressed even stronger CO2 loss and because the concentration of non-structural carbohydrates did not decrease in fruitlets prone to drop with the exception of glucose.  相似文献   

Chemical thinning agents for stone fruits are scarce. Hence, the objective of the present work was to improve fruit quality,viz size in plum, using mechanical and chemical thinning or combinations thereof; untreated, i.e., un-thinned plum trees of the same rows served as control. Plum trees of the medium-sized cv. ‘Ortenauer’ on dwarfing St. Julien GF 655/2 rootstock, with maximum flower intensity in 2009, were grown near Bonn, Germany. Trees were mechanically thinned in April 2009 with the blossom thinner developed by the University of Bonn with 300, 400 or 500?rpm at a tractor speed of 5?km/h. Half of the trees were additionally chemically thinned with both ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) (15?l/ha) at full bloom and an ethylene releasing compound (0.375?l/ha) 35 days after full bloom. The objective of 1/3 flower i.e. fruitlet removal was successfully achieved even with the slowest rotor speed of 300?rpm. The number of fruit per metre fruiting spur was reduced from 46 to 18–27, equivalent to a (source: sink) leaf: fruit ratio of 5:1. Mechanical thinning significantly enlarged fruit mass from 28?g in the un-thinned control to 30–32?g with rotor speeds of 400 or 500?rpm. Additional chemical thinning with ATS and an ethylene-releasing compound resulted in no further increase in fruit mass. Inner fruit quality (sugar) of the plums appeared unaffected by either mechanical or chemical thinning, except for fruit firmness. Plums thinned with an ethylene releasing compound were softer and ripened earlier than respective control fruit, possibly due to the ethylene release. The lesser fruit density per tree after thinning reduced the potential for fungal infections such asMonilia due to faster drying of the fruits after precipitation. Mechanical thinning reduced thinning by manual labour from 31?min. per tree in the un-thinned control to 24?min. by ca 25%, i.e., by 7?min. per tree; this is equivalent to a net financial gain of 400–500?€/ha, after expenditure (120?€/ha; 1.5?h/ha), for thinning. Overall, both efficacy of blossom removal and fruit mass enlargement scored best after mechanical thinning around 400?rpm, indicating that mechanical blossom thinning provides a suitable alternative for chemical and/or manual thinning or can be combined with either of those options. An additional advantage of mechanical blossom thinning is to overcome or avoid alternate/biennial bearing due to its early application at bloom time; a similar effect was observed with the ethylene-releasing compound applied 35 days after full bloom.  相似文献   

MCPB-ethyl疏花对富士苹果授粉受精及胚珠发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过在花期用MCPB-ethyl处理,对富士苹果花粉的发芽、花粉管的伸长以及胚珠的发育等进行了形态方面的观察和探讨,以阐明MCPB-ethyl的疏花机制。结果表明,MCPB-ethyl对花粉的发芽及花粉管的伸长没有影响,整个受精过程与对照相同,没有发现异常。但受精后胚乳核只进行了数次分裂便停止生长,此后珠皮、珠心细胞迅速解体。根据以上结果,认为MCPB-ethyl的疏花效果不是通过影响花粉的发芽或花粉管的伸长阻碍受精所致,而是使胚和胚珠的发育停止,形成离层导致了落花。  相似文献   

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