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指出了大理海东新城在建设过程中形成大量裸露高陡岩石边坡,传统工程护坡确实虽可达到加固及稳定边坡的作用,但是不能满足海东城市绿化美化的需求。结合海东新城片区边坡绿化生态修复存在的问题,探索出了以鱼鳞坑客土生态修复技术模式为基础,辅以高次团粒喷播和三联边坡生态防护的技术模式,以三个技术模式支撑海东边坡绿化,实现了绿色海东的建设。  相似文献   

通过对已建或在建的高等级公路的高边坡情况分析高陡路堑边坡变形失稳特征与边坡岩体结构类型之间的关系,并总结影响变形失稳形态和引起高陡路堑边坡破坏的主导因素。  相似文献   

锚杆框架梁+浆砌片石作为一种路堑高边坡防护加固技术,主要适用于高陡岩石、地质条件复杂地段边坡,特别是针对岩石极易风化、崩解、滑动的特征边坡,能有效地保证边坡的稳定性,且结构布置合理。  相似文献   

针对复杂环境下石灰石露天矿山高陡边坡较难开采的问题,基于某露天石灰石矿山工程地质概况,提出了采用分区开采的边坡开采方案,通过对各种不同角度的边坡进行分区,研究它们各自的安全开采措施,最终该石灰石露天矿山实现了安全高效的开采高陡边坡,取得了较好的开采效果,可为类似工况下的露天矿山高陡边坡的开采提供参考。  相似文献   

该文以丹锡高速(锦州—朝阳段)部分坚岩、次坚岩高陡边坡生态植被恢复项目为例,详细介绍高速公路边坡植被恢复技术,并对现有绿化技术方法提出改进建议,以期为高速公路两侧坚岩、次坚岩高陡边坡植被恢复项目提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以徐州五山公园内的广山边坡修复工程为例,探讨了以地形改造、砼筑围堰、筑造种植槽为基础建设的高陡边坡复绿施工方法,经观察,该项边坡绿化工程后期边坡稳定性佳,植被生长良好且逐渐覆盖整个边坡,边坡复绿效果好,为高陡岩质边坡生态复绿提供技术参考。  相似文献   

植被地境是植被生存的物质基础,植被根系是联系植被生长与植被地境条件的纽带。植被在岩体内部的根系分布、形态特征可以反映植被对地境条件的利用情况。在调查实验植被根系发育特征的基础上,依据生态地质学理论,通过分析岩体裂隙内根系生长空间及地境条件(温度、水分、土壤肥分等),结果表明:在高陡岩质边坡条件下,植被根群范围浅,植被根系深入岩体裂隙呈扁平状发育;植被生长的地境条件(温度、水分、土壤肥分等)能满足植被在不同季节的生长发育需求;地境再造技术充分利用岩体裂隙人工再造植物地境条件,为高陡岩质边坡覆绿提供了新思路。  相似文献   

结合工作经验,在保持既有的高速公路高填方路堤边坡的稳定性的基础上,对高路堤边坡失稳问题提出了一系列的加固方案,以确保路面结构的加固。  相似文献   

基于主动防护网的喷混植生技术将植生条工艺和主动防护网工艺引入到传统的喷混植生技术中,由内向外形成“镀锌铁丝网+植生条+主动防护网”的支撑加固组件,能够提高生长基材的稳定性以及与岩石的粘附性,达到快速、持久的复绿效果。扦插类芦的复绿方法具有植物生长快速、适应力强、边坡复绿效果好等优点,将扦插类芦以及藤本植物点栽的施工工艺与基于主动防护网的喷混植生技术相结合使用在高陡岩质边坡的绿化应用中具有良好的实践意义与推广价值。深圳深云车辆段边坡绿化项目应用此项施工方法,获得良好的复绿效果。  相似文献   

以湖南麓谷信息港北侧边坡为例,边坡稳定性分析结果,边坡稳定性系数0.82~0.95,边坡处于不稳定状态,必须进行加固支护设计.采用锚杆网络梁分3段进行边坡加固支护设计,经验算,加固后的边坡稳定性安全系数1.35—1.68,半年时间后,边坡支护体系处于良好的工作状态,对边坡加固支护的经验进行了总结.  相似文献   

在旧路加宽改造过程中,新旧路基结合部容易产生较大的差异变形,导致路面结构的破坏,并降低路堤的稳定性。为了减小结合部的工后差异沉降,运用PLAXIS有限元软件对旧路加宽施工过程中台阶的开挖方案进行数值模拟分析,计算各种开挖方案下新旧路基的差异沉降,提出合理的施工方案。计算结果表明:卸载及加载量越大,新、旧路基在结合部的横向和竖向差异变形也越大,旧路加宽改造时优先选用方式2和方式4这两种台阶开挖方式。  相似文献   

山地城市拥有大量的坡地、堡坎、崖壁,在拓展公共立体绿化空间应用方面具有潜力,形成具有山地景观特点的立体绿化形式。以山城重庆为例,依据主城区坡地、堡坎、崖壁绿化美化的建设实施,归纳出山体生态屏障防护型陡坡绿化、江河生态护岸型陡坡绿化、道路沿线生态廊道型陡坡绿化、桥头立交节点型陡坡绿化、堡坎隧道口型陡坡绿化五类公共立体绿化。通过实地走访和典型案例评析,提炼出五类公共立体绿化的应用场景、设计模式、植物配置建议及其主要附加效益,总结重庆公共立体绿化的建设模式。  相似文献   

水库库区是城市中水环境保护的重要生态敏感区域,水源保护管理要求对库区岩质边坡植被恢复提出了新的要求和挑战。针对深圳清林径水库库区岩质边坡黄土裸露治理工程存在的边坡坡度和高程大、地质结构不稳定、水库管理对外源客土和灌溉水限制等难点,采取了配置适宜的客土营养基质,应用FS(Fence-Stripe)客土喷播技术,优化植物种类、配比和养护管理技术等措施。施工完成12个月后开展生态修复效果跟踪调查,结果显示:高陡边坡植被生长状况良好,草本植物覆盖率达95%以上,周边自然生长的乔灌木开始向坡面溢生,裸露的高陡岩质边坡进入植被自然演替,取得了良好的社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Road spacing on slpes depends on the underlying off-road transportation technology. One major decision in road network planning is to determine under what terrain conditions ground- or cable based extraction systems should be applied. The present investigation aims to develop a road spacing model for steep slope conditions and to implement a total cost model for skidder and cableyarder based road network concepts. The study analyzes transportation and road geometry to specify the relationship between road density, slope gradient, and road spacing. Production functions for skidder and yarder-systems make it possible to derive transportation cost as a function of road density and slope gradient. A total cost function integrates road building cost, harvesting strategy, and production economics to derive optimal road density for the two network concepts. The difference between the cost levels at optimum road density is an indicator for differentiating cable and skidder-based extraction systems. The model was implemented as a Visual Basic add-in for Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software. This flexible approach makes future adaptations and changes very easy due to the modular concept. The validity of the model is limited to the production functions of the underlying off-road transportation technologies. Future work needs to develop production functions for the state-of-the-art technologies and to improve the road building cost model.  相似文献   

坐标测量-坐标换算在高等级公路工程中放样中线,路基边坡及构造物的轴线与传统方法相比较,具有灵活、方便、准确的特点,不仅节省了工作量,而且施工和放样可以同时进行,也适用监理部门对施工单位的中线,构造物的检测。  相似文献   

Cost estimation is probably the most decisive factor in the process of computer-aided, preliminary planning for low-volume road networks. However, the cost of construction is normally assumed to be route-independent for a specific project area, resulting in sub-optimal layouts. This is especially true for mountainous terrain and in areas with unstable subsoil. Here, we present a model for more accurately estimating spatial variability in road life-cycle costs, based on terrain surface properties as well as geological properties of the subsoil. This parametric model incorporates four structural components: embankment, retaining structures, pavement, and drainage and stream-crossing structures. It is linked to a geo-database that allows users to derive location-specific parameter values as input. In applying this model, we have demonstrated that variability in costs ranges widely for mountainous areas, with the most expensive construction being approximately five times greater there than on more favorable sites. This variability strongly affects the optimal layout of a road network. First, when location-specific slope gradients are considered, costs are reduced by about 17% from those calculated via currently available engineering practices; when both slope gradient and geotechnical formations are included, those costs are decreased by about 20%. Second, the length of the road network is increased by about 4% and 10% respectively, compared with current practices.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市南岗区地质条件良好,16m—18m为第四纪上更新统粘性土,含水量较低,浅基坑(6m以内)均采用人工放坡,自然坡稳定。老城区改造时,上部1.5—3.5m杂填土松散,遇雨水冲刷,易坍塌。本文针对该种情况对深基坑(8.5m以上)支护结果进行分析。  相似文献   

刘巍巍  任东锋 《绿色科技》2019,(12):172-173,176
指出了大连市光明路延伸工程的实施,对完善大连市核心区城市路网中的内环,提高路网的整体通行能力与质量具有积极的意义,其能够打通大连老甘井子区域的南北向交通,改善周边居民的居住环境。工程的实施,在很大程度上促进了大连市全域城市化进程,推进了甘井子老城区改造建设。但公路建设及营运过程也带来了一系列的社会环境影响,基于此,分析了该公路建设对社会环境产生的影响,并提出了相应的防护措施。  相似文献   

Timber production is an important ecosystem service of European mountain forests. This paper aimed to assess the current practices in logging operations and to identify the efficiency gaps in timber production. The study was located in 7 case study areas from representative European mountain ranges, where 632 logging operations were analysed. The focus was on road infrastructure, transport systems, harvesting methods and extraction technologies. Often inappropriate technology was used in steep terrain; there was no correlation between the average slope and the selection of harvesting systems (HS). Skidding was the most common extraction method (75%), while cable yarding and forwarding had shares of 15% and 8%. The mean road density was 18.5?m?ha?1. The mean extraction distance was 501?m. The mean harvesting and extraction productivity were 9.0 and 10.2?m³?h?1; the mean costs were 11.1 and 11.7?€?m?³, respectively. Non-mechanized and obsolete HS reported the lowest efficiency and the highest environmental footprint, while fully mechanized systems reported the highest efficiency, the lowest number of accidents and the lowest stand damage. Cable yarders are the appropriate extraction technology in steep terrain, but they require a well-developed road network. Higher mechanization degree, improved quality of the road networks, knowledge transfer to practice and training of forest workers are some of the necessary measures to overcome the efficiency gaps in timber production in European mountain forests.  相似文献   

行道树作为城市道路景观和绿地系统的重要组成部分,在改善城市生态环境、美化城市形象等方面发挥着重要的作用。本文以苏州市平江区的行道树为研究对象,对其种类、数量、生长状况以及绿化和种植方式展开调查和分析。结果表明平江区行道树主要由9种木本植物组成,共计6091棵,其中香樟和二球悬铃木数量最多,分别占总数的43.47%和29.88%。二球悬铃木的胸径和冠幅均明显大于其它树种。平江区主、次干道行道树树种丰富,搭配多样;而支干路和快速路的行道树树种单一。平江区主要道路行道树的绿化形式多为多板多带式,而绿化方式则多为树带式和树池式组合。本文为今后苏州市平江区原有道路绿化养护管理和新建道路绿化建设提供依据。  相似文献   

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