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本文通过对6个油葵品种和8个食葵品种共14个向日葵品种进行田间抗列当鉴定,旨在明确该14个向日葵品种对列当的抗性,为向日葵抗列当育种提供抗源,并为直接利用向日葵抗列当品种提供依据。  相似文献   

<正>我国食用向日葵杂交种选育起步较晚,进入本世纪各育种单位才陆续开展食葵杂交种选育。食用向日葵生产效益好,商品价格比较稳定。近年,各向日葵育种单位都加大了食葵杂交种的选育力度,同时得到了国家向日葵产业技术体系的支持,育成了一批生产上应用的食葵杂交种,育种的速度十分迅速。吉林向日葵产区向日葵列当危害比较严重,2010年调查,通榆县的八面、乌兰花等乡镇列当发生严重的地块减产60%以上,并严重地影响了向日葵品质。育成抗列当的向日葵品种是防治向日葵列当的最佳途径,抗列当食用型向日葵杂交种JK106的育成、推广将获  相似文献   

雷伟  杨芬  丁变红  李广信 《种子》2021,(1):124-127,F0002
近年来,我国食用向日葵产业发展迅速,种植面积不断扩大,然而土地面积有限,轮作倒茬受到限制,加之品种抗病性差,导致各种向日葵病虫害不同程度加重,已经严重威胁我国向日葵产业的发展。太食868是山西省农业科学院作物科学研究所和新疆生产建设兵团第六师农业科学研究所共同选育的抗病、丰产食葵三系杂交种,2019年9月通过国家农业农村部品种登记,登记编号:GPD向日葵(2019)140141。太食868母本是不育系163 A,父本是恢复系871 R,生育期110 d,株高190~220 cm,平均产量可达3774 kg·hm-2,中抗黑茎病、黑斑病、黄萎病、列当(G小种),适宜在山西中部、北部地区及新疆北部地区种植。  相似文献   

向日葵是世界四大油料作物之一,列当是对向日葵生长危害极为严重的一类寄生植物,且在全球范围内的发生面积逐年增加,对向日葵产业发展造成严重危害。培育抗列当品种是防治向日葵列当最为有效的途径,也是目前育种家的首要目标。育种家们通过传统的育种方法鉴定抗性基因,培育了一系列向日葵抗列当品种,并在世界范围内向日葵主栽区广泛种植,有效缓解了向日葵列当对该产业的冲击。然而,随着毒力更强的列当生理小种的出现与传播,亟待培育新的、抗性更强的品种。本文综述了新的、毒性强的列当生理小种的结构与分布,对如何利用分子标记辅助选择(MAS)策略提高向日葵的抗性分析,对向日葵抗列当基因序列信息做了归纳总结,对向日葵抗列当育种研究发展前景进行了分析与展望。  相似文献   

油葵和食葵在浙江主要农艺性状差异和遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)是世界四大油料作物之一,按用途分为食葵(食用向日葵)、油葵(油用向日葵)和观赏向日葵。由于当前实际生产需求,提高油葵、食葵的产量和商品性是当前品种选育的主要目标。本研究利用来源于国内外不同地区的77份油葵材料和59份食葵材料,在浙江省海宁市和湖州试验点对参试向日葵的12个主要农艺性状进行遗传分析,试验结果发现,油葵和食葵的株高、总粒数、百粒重、子实长度、子实宽度在两点均表现差异显著;油葵和食葵的主要农艺性状在单点的偏度和峰度在-6.62~44.15之间,且遗传力在0.31~0.96之间,表明部分农艺性状是由数量性状控制,如株高、总粒数等,其它可能存在主效+微效多基因模型的遗传方式;此外,油葵和食葵在两点的遗传力在0.00~0.99之间,表明其中一些性状受环境因素影响较大,由于两点气象因素相近,分析推测最可能是土壤因素。进一步对油葵和食葵主要农艺性状间的相关性进行分析,结果显示,在油葵和食葵中,12个性状之间互相影响互相制约,其中株高在两种类型向日葵中都对花盘大小存在显著性相关,同时影响结实率、总粒数和百粒重等性状。本研究为油葵和食葵的遗传改良和品种选育提供理论支撑,为高产向日葵培育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我公司在1994年(赤峰种子联营公司)时,与澳大利亚太平洋种子公司签定协议书,从1995~2008年引进油用向日葵品种590多个,从1999~2008年引进食葵杂交种36个,在公司试验地进行筛选试验。我公司有固定的试验地14.7hm^2,其中向日葵试验占地3.3hm^2。2002年开始承担国家东北组油葵杂交种、食葵杂交种的区域试验和生产试验;同时还承担内蒙古自治区油葵杂交种早熟组、中熟组、晚熟组的区域试验和生产试验,食葵杂交种的普通组、长粒组的区域试验和生产试验,食葵常规种的区域试验和生产试验。田间管理的好与坏,是决定试验结果准确性的重要环节。  相似文献   

为了获得向日葵列当生防菌株,以田间采集的具有褐色枯斑的列当植株为样本,利用柯赫氏法则对采自内蒙古、河北和新疆共11个不同地点的29份列当枯斑病的样本进行了分离和鉴定.结果表明,新疆北屯农十师183团和188团地块及呼和浩特市武川县西海子村地块中采集的病样上分离得到尖孢镰刀菌和茄病镰刀菌;巴彦淖尔市乌拉特前旗西小召镇、五...  相似文献   

在新疆南部地区开展麦收后复播食用型向日葵试验,采用二因素随机区组设计,以3个食葵品种(SH363、JK601和XF3939)为材料,分析5个种植密度对不同食葵品种植株形态特征及产量性状的影响。结果表明,品种和密度均对产量、茎粗、花盘直径、单盘粒重和千粒重的影响显著;产量随种植密度的增大呈先增大后减小的趋势,在3.00万株/hm2种植密度下的产量均达到最高;株高和籽仁率均随种植密度的增大有所增高;粒宽、单盘粒重和千粒重均随种植密度的增大而减小,在低种植密度下(2.50万株/hm2)最大。综合来看,SH363由于植株较高,后期容易出现倒伏,因此不宜在漫灌地块上复播种植;JK601和XF3939均可作为南疆地区冬麦收获后复播的食葵品种,JK601和XF3939的适宜种植密度范围分别是2.75万~3.25万株/hm2和3.00万~3.25万株/hm2。  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜塔额垦区大面积推广的食葵品种,对选育和引种的7个食葵品种以‘双星5号’为对照进行大田比较试验。通过对比分析不同品种之间农艺性状、生育时期及产量等指标之间的差异,分析探讨具有推广潜力的价值指标,从中筛选优势品种。相关及通径分析表明,参试品种株高、茎粗和籽粒数与产量之间存在显著正相关关系;对食葵产量直接通径系数最大的性状是株高和茎粗;回归分析进一步明确株高、茎粗及盘径与产量的直接关系。‘飞天1号’、‘乐丰30’、‘JK518E’、‘同庆5号’茎粗高于对照处理,差异显著(P<0.05);‘双星44’籽粒大小及百粒重高于对照处理,显著差异(P<0.05);‘飞天1号’、‘双星44’和‘JK518E’与对照产量差异不大,‘同庆5号’产量较对照增产8.41%。综上所述,‘双星44’籽粒饱满、百粒重及盘径较大,具有商品性好的优点;‘同庆5号’具有植株生长健壮、盘粒数高、籽粒大小适中且产量高的优点,更具有大面积推广价值。  相似文献   

为明确不同基因型烤烟对烟草镰刀菌根腐病的抗性,利用10个烟草品种(系),采用粗毒素幼芽接种、带菌菌谷接种、孢子悬浮液培养等方法进行抗性鉴定。结果表明,供试品种对尖孢镰刀菌抗性表现出显著差异;对尖孢镰刀菌表现出抗的品种(系)有4个,分别是‘Y2001’、‘Y2002’、‘长脖黄’、‘664-01’;对尖孢镰刀菌表现出感的品种(系)有6个,分别是‘7710’‘、7713’‘、Y2007’‘、Y2008’‘、中烟100’、‘小黄金1025’。3种接种方法鉴定结果基本一致,共筛选出4个抗性品种(系)。  相似文献   

Genetic resistance to broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) race F in sunflower line J1, derived from the wild perennial species Helianthusgrosseserratus Martens and Helianthus divaricatus L., has been reported to be controlled by dominant alleles at a single locus, Or6. However, deviations from this monogenic inheritance have been observed. The objective of the present study was to gain insight into the inheritance of resistance to broomrape race F in the sunflower line J1. F1, F2, F3 and BC generations from crosses between J1 and three susceptible lines, P21, NR5 and HA821 were evaluated. F1 hybrids showed both resistant (R) and moderately resistant (MR) plants, the latter having a maximum of five broomrape stalks per plant compared with >10 in the susceptible parents. This indicated incomplete dominance of the Or6 alleles. F2 plants were classified as R, MR or susceptible (more than five broomrape stalks per plant). Three different segregation ratios were observed: 3 : 1, 13 : 3 and 15 : 1 (R + MR : S), suggesting the presence of a second gene, Or7, whose expression was influenced by the environment. A digenic model was confirmed, based on the evaluation of F2:3 families.  相似文献   

Broomrape (Orobanche cernua Loelf.) is a sunflower parasite which has become a potential threat to this crop in Spam with an increasing incidence in recent last years. In order to investigate the racial situation of the parasite in Spam and to evaluate the resistance of differentials and inbred lines currently used in breeding programmes, two experiments were carried out. In the first, two sets of European sunflower differentials were inoculated with three broomrape populations from different geographical origin. The second experiment studied the reaction to the parasite of 38 inbred lines in comparison with resistant and susceptible checks. Reactions of differential lines resistant to known European broomrape races ranged from complete immunity of lines P-1380-2A and ‘Jdanovski 8281’ to complete susceptibility of ‘Record’ and the universal suscepts. These results confirmed the existence of several physiological races of broomrape in Spain and a different racial composition from that of Eastern Europe. Results from the second experiment showed good resistance of half the restorer lines tested and 36 % of the maintainers and cms lines. This material together with the resistant differential lines constitutes good starting material to be used in developing cultivars resistant to broomrape populations in Spain.  相似文献   

邸娜  郑娜  韩海军  王靖  崔超  郑喜清 《作物杂志》2020,36(6):197-60

Racial evolution of sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cernua) has been very rapid in Spain during recent years, in which resistance has been overcome several times and there has been an important increase in areas infested with this parasitic angiosperm. In order to find resistance to a highly virulent population of sunflower broomrape that could be used directly in breeding programmes, three different sets of cultivated plant material composed of 429 entries were tested by artificial inoculation. All evaluated inbred lines from Moden, Canada, were fully susceptible. Out of the 240 P.I. accessions tested, only 10 segregated for resistance to broomrape, the rest being susceptible. From the 160 USDA breeding lines evaluated, 5% were resistant and 19% segregated for resistance to O. cernua. These lines traced back mainly to crosses of RHA 274 and RHA 801 with Russian, Turkish and Romanian hybrids. The origin of P.I. accessions that segregated for resistance were primarily derived from the former USSR and from Romania.  相似文献   

J. Domínguez 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(3):203-204
The inheritance of resistance to a highly virulent population of sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cernua) has been studied in R-41, a Spanish sunflower restorer inbred line. Using the cytoplasmic male-sterile inbred line HA-89 (cms; very susceptible to this population of broomrape) as a female parent, progenies of the cross with R-41, i.e. Fl, F2 and BC1 to both parents, as well as the parental lines, were analysed for their reaction to the broomrape population EC-94. The goodness of fit of the observed vs expected segregation ratios indicated that the inheritance of resistance to broomrape in line R-41 is conferred by two independent dominant genes.  相似文献   

本文概述了向日葵种植历史,我国食用向日葵比油用向日葵有更大更稳定的市场,分析了食葵品种改良的过程,及近年内蒙古自治区审定推广的食葵杂交种和国家区域试验中表现较好的品种。  相似文献   

向日葵列当对向日葵生产带来严重危害,目前向日葵生产中主要通过化学除草、选择抗性品种进行防除。通过合理轮作是减轻列当危害的有效手段,但是如何选择轮作作物、其防除效果如何并不清晰。采用向日葵连作重茬土壤进行盆栽试验,并进行田间调查,研究结果表明:向日葵与燕麦、小麦和马铃薯轮作均可不同程度地降低向日葵列当寄生率,其中向日葵—燕麦—向日葵轮作对列当耗减最多,与对照组(向日葵连作)相比列当寄生率降低30%。向日葵—燕麦—向日葵—燕麦—向日葵、向日葵—小麦—向日葵—小麦—向日葵轮作列当寄生率均低于50%,两者差异不显著,而显著低于向日葵—马铃薯—向日葵—马铃薯—向日葵轮作处理。田间调查结果显示向日葵的花盘直径与列当寄生数呈负相关,地膜覆盖对向日葵列当寄生影响不大。综合得出,燕麦是一种良好的向日葵列当诱捕作物,适合在内蒙古等食用向日葵主产区推广应用。  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids and backcross generations between the wild perennial species Helianthus resinosus, Helianthus paucifiorus, Helianthus laevigatus, Helianthus nuttallii ssp. nuttallii T. & G. and Helianthus giganteus, resistant to broomrape (Orobanche cernua) and susceptible inbred lines were obtained to study crossability to cultivated sunflower and the transmission and expression of resistance to this parasitic weed. Conventional crosses with all the species tested were successful except for the crosses with diploid H. giganteus, for which embryo rescue techniques were needed to overcome hybrid incompatibility. Pollen viability and seed set were highest for F1 hybrids with hexaploid species and lowest for those with the diploid H. giganteus. We evaluated F1, BC1F1, some BC2F1 plants and the wild and cultivated parents. The wild species and interspecific hybrids were resistant to broomrape infection except for H. nuttallii, which showed segregation, indicating that the resistance is dominant. The crossability and resistance of F1, and back-cross generations of species with different ploidy levels indicate that the transfer of broomrape resistance to cultivated sunflower is feasible.  相似文献   

A new race F of broomrape overcomes all known resistance genes in cultivated sunflower, but recently, sources of resistance against race F have been developed. The objective of the present research was to study the inheritance of resistance to race F in crosses between 12 resistant sunflower breeding lines, derived from three different sources of resistance, and the susceptible male‐sterile line P‐21. Parental lines and F1, F2, F3 and BC1 generations were evaluated for broomrape resistance. Segregations in the F2 and BC1 to resistant parent approached resistant to susceptible ratios of 1: 15 and 1: 3, respectively, in most of the crosses, suggesting a double dominant epistasis. However, segregations of 3: 13 and 1: 1 for F2 and BC1, respectively, indicating a dominant‐recessive epistasis, were also found. The F3 data confirmed these results. Owing to the recessive nature of this resistance, it must be incorporated into both parental lines for developing resistant hybrid cultivars.  相似文献   

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