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从坚持统筹协调以强化现代农业规划引领、坚持开放兼容以推进一二三产业融合、坚持绿色安全以加快农业供给侧改革、坚持改革创新以保障农业可持续发展、坚持合作共享以提升农业产业化经营水平5个方面阐述加快推进江门市的农业现代化建设,旨在将江门市建设成产出高效、产品安全、资源节约、环境友好的现代农业强市。  相似文献   

根据广西沿海地区豇豆生长发育气候环境条件和病虫发生为害特点,提出通过创造有利于豇豆正常生长发育而不利于病虫发生为害的栽培环境条件,有效地改善豇豆生育状况,使植株健壮生长,增强自身抗逆性,减少、控制病虫滋生、蔓延和为害,控制豇豆产品农药残留不超标,实现豇豆健身栽培。  相似文献   

为掌握陕西省科企联合体小麦区试品种抗病性水平,对2019—2023年度连续5年参加联合体区试的114份品种,采用大田人工接种的方法进行小麦条锈病、白粉病、赤霉病、叶锈病和纹枯病等5种病害的抗性鉴定与评价。结果表明,供试的114份品种对鉴定的5种病害抗性程度差异较大,表现为对条锈病抗性水平较高,对白粉病和赤霉病抗性水平最差。供试品种中,对条锈病表现免疫-中抗的品种61份,占供试品种的53.51%;对白粉病表现免疫-中抗的品种27份,占供试品种的23.68%;对赤霉病表现抗-中抗的品种21份,占供试品种的18.42%;同时鉴定出2份对5种病害均表现抗病的品种,分别为西农968和金麦207。对21份高感条锈病的品种均按陕西省区试品种试验要求终止了试验。  相似文献   

为研究甘蔗梢腐病不同病原菌的致病力差异,利用4份野生菌株(2份Fusarium sacchari、1份F.proliferatum和1份F.andiyazi)与2份诱变菌株(F.sacchari和F.andiyazi的EMS诱变菌株),采用室内离体接种方法对9份甘蔗种质材料进行梢腐病病原菌致病力测定及甘蔗抗性鉴定,根据...  相似文献   

贵州主栽杧果品种果实品质及香气成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解贵州主栽杧果品种的果实品质特性,分析了‘金煌杧’‘贵妃杧’‘玉文杧’‘桂七杧’‘红玉杧’5个主栽杧果品种果实的12个品质指标和香气成分。结果表明:5个杧果品种的平均单果重在380~898 g,果形指数在1.60~2.14,可食率72.10%~77.74%,水分含量82.06%~85.10%,总灰分含量1.30%~1.70%,粗纤维含量在0.90%~1.10%,可溶性糖含量在7.75~13.90 g/100 g,可溶性固形物含量在11.05%~17.10%,总酸含量在0.120~0.233 g/100 g,维生素C含量在0.0018~0.0073 g/100 g,糖酸比在40.26~123.88,固酸比在61.30~153.39;5个杧果品种共检测出50种香气成分,以萜烯类化合物为主;‘金煌杧’‘贵妃杧’‘玉文杧’‘桂七杧’‘红玉杧’分别检测出香气组分14种、14种、21种、21种、16种,其中萜烯类化合物的含量分别达56.34%、73.95%、82.47%、97.32%、64.16%。5个杧果品种的香味均以松木香味为主,略带青香、苹果香和柠檬香等香味。  相似文献   

152个黄淮地区小麦主要品种(系)的多抗性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给小麦抗病抗虫育种提供依据,于2004~2006年在山东济南对152份来自黄淮地区的小麦主栽品种(系)进行了抗小麦条锈病、叶锈病、白粉病及蚜虫鉴定.结果表明,在供试品种(系)中表现高抗条锈病的品种(系)占46.71%,中抗品种占25.66%;高抗叶锈病的品种占23.68%,中抗品种占24.34%;高抗白粉病的品种占28.29%,中抗品种占55.92%;高抗蚜虫的品种(系)占5.26%,中抗品种占13.16%.综合来看,对小麦条锈病、叶锈病和白粉病表现中抗以上的品种(系)47个,占30.92%;兼抗(中抗以上)小麦条锈病、叶锈病、白粉病和麦蚜的有5个品种(系),占3.29%.  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,研究叶面喷施锰肥对大豆产量性状、产量及品质的影响.结果表明:叶面喷施锰肥对大豆株高、单株荚数、单株粒数、百粒重等产量性状都有显著地提高,蛋白质含量上升,脂肪含量微有下降,但蛋白质和脂肪公顷总量总体是上升的.  相似文献   

为给陕西旱地及关中灌区小麦高效灌溉提供技术支撑,在陕西秦岭北麓的蓝田县进行了小麦不同生育时期喷灌小区试验和生产示范试验,研究了喷灌对小麦产量及品质的影响。结果表明,在越冬期和拔节期喷灌可显著提高小麦产量、效益和水分利用效率,产量、收入和水分利用效率相对于无灌溉处理的增加幅度分别为22.0%~95.7%、16.5%~83.6%和9.3%~82.7%。喷灌后籽粒容重、吸水率和最大拉伸阻力分别增加1.8%~2.6%、0.5%~1.4%和0.6%~1.9%,其他品质指标降低,磨粉品质和加工品质明显变差。其中籽粒蛋白质含量和硬度分别降低5.2%~8.1%和6.0%~9.4%,最大拉伸面积、沉降值、湿面筋含量和稳定时间分别降低5.2%~7.8%、13.1%~17.3%、3.7%~7.8%和31.3%~42.4%。  相似文献   

Modern potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) require high rates of fertilizer nitrogen (N). This practice is costly and can pose a serious threat to surface and groundwater. Previous evaluation of wild potato germplasm demonstrated the existence of species capable of producing high total biomass under low N conditions, with the ability to make maximum use of added N. Therefore, a two-year field experiment was conducted in 1994 and 1995 to investigate the response of selected wild potato accessions and their hybrids with the haploid USW551 (USW) to low and high N environments. The haploid USW and cultivars Russet Burbank, Red Norland, and Russet Norkotah were also included in the study. Uniform propagules and seedlings from the variousSolanum species were transplanted to a Hubbard loamy sand (Udic Haploboroll) at Becker, Minn. and were subjected to two N treatments: 0 and 225 kg N ha-1. At harvest, total dry biomass of wild and hybrid potato germplasm was equal to or higher than that of the cultivars. However, cultivar biomass partitioning was 1% to roots, 15% to shoots, 0% to fruits, and 84% to tubers, whereas wild potato species partitioned 18% to roots plus nontuberized stolons, 52% to shoots, 23% to fruits, and only 7% to tubers. Hybrids were intermediate, allocating 9% of their biomass to roots plus nontuberized stolons, 39% to shoots, 14% to fruits, and 38% to tubers. Nitrogen use efficiencies for many of the species and crosses were comparable to that for Russet Burbank and greater than those for Red Norland and Russet Norkotah. Of the wild species tested,S. chacoense accessions had the highest biomass accumulation and N uptake efficiencies and may be the best source of germplasm for improving NUE in a potato breeding program.  相似文献   

以45个玉米杂交组合为材料,利用20% PEG-6000溶液分别在萌发期和苗期模拟干旱胁迫,萌发期主要考察发芽率、发芽势等7个指标,苗期考察株高、根冠比等9个指标.利用主成分分析和隶属函数法分析萌发期和苗期的抗旱性表现,探讨2个时期的综合抗旱性.结果 表明,根据萌发期抗旱性可将供试组合分为4类,瑞玉617等2个组合属于...  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1987,6(2):123-129
The synthesis and use of two series of tracers is described. One, for field use, comprises a series of chlorinated esters and the other, for glasshouse use, is a series of substituted benzoic acids. Compounds belonging to the same series were identically formulated for spraying, and were extracted and separated from each other using identical procedures. With a different tracer in each sprayer, all applications were made to the same plots, thus removing the error due to variations in plant number, height, leaf position and angle, in addition to errors due to sampling procedures. As opposed to a randomized block trial in which individual treatments are applied to separate plots, the tracer techniques described allow more information to be obtained from a set number of samples which, coupled with a different statistical treatment of the data, improves the precision of the comparisons.  相似文献   

从国际市场演变探讨华茶的发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
50年代以来世界茶业稳步发展,茶园面积和产量分别以2.39%和3.6%的速度递增、特别是1970—1987年产量增长更快;世界茶叶消费量虽也成倍增长、但生产国的消费增长速度超过纯消费国,致使茶叶出口商品率下降,茶价滑坡,成本上升,市场竞争激热。根据世界茶叶市场的变化和发展趋势,认为中国茶业的发展在战略上应致力于主攻质量,提高效益;巩固传统市场,主攻东欧市场,积极开拓新小市场;提高传统茶类品质,保持名牌产品信誉,发展深加工,开发新产品;讲究市场策略,试行公开拍卖交易;依靠科技进步,提高市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

大豆对食叶性害虫田间抗性的相对稳定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在已有的7年工作基础上,以叶面积损失百分率为指标,继续于2000年和2001年对51份大豆材料开展了对食叶性害虫综合虫种抗性的鉴定工作.综合分析1993-2001年历年各次田间抗性鉴定结果,发现虽然每年抗性鉴定的结果并不完全一致,但各品种的抗性水平还是保持了一定的相对稳定性.通过对各年抗性鉴定分级结果的综合分析,结合9年综合抗性分级结果,确立了10个较为稳定、并具一定代表性的抗感材料,作为大豆对食叶性害虫田间综合虫种抗性鉴定的标准品种.分别是,抗性材料:吴江青豆3、PI227687、沔阳白毛豆、通山薄皮黄豆甲、赶泰-2-2;感性材料:山东大豆、大青瓤黑豆、矮杆黄、商丘7602和皖82-178.  相似文献   

为适应无公害农业的要求,发展保护地无公害草莓产业,必须从现代无公害农业的基本理念出发。针对保护地无公害草莓生产实际和无公害生产技术标准,从草莓育苗、栽培管理等方面,重点研究制定保护地草莓无公害高产栽培关键技术,为提高保护地无公害草莓产业综合经济效益提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The recycling of sewage sludge or biosolids to grassland is strategically important in the European Union (EU) and its use is tightly regulated to control the risk of pathogen transfer to animals and the food chain. Sewage sludges not only contain valuable concentrations of beneficial nutrients, but also elevated concentrations of potentially toxic metals (PTM) compared with average background concentrations in the soil. The EC and UK regulations refer to six PTM, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni and Hg, with provisional regulations for Cr, that have to be controlled to prevent detrimental effects on soil and animal health. Despite these regulations, there is still a danger that grazing animals may ingest elevated concentrations of PTM. Biosolids may adhere to herbage after the surface application of sewage sludge to grassland. The repeated surface application of sewage sludge to grassland can lead to elevated concentrations of PTM at the soil surface that may be ingested, together with soil and herbage, by grazing ruminants. This may lead to accumulation of Cd or Pb in liver or kidney. The risk to the human food chain is considered to be low, but the impact on the environment is still unknown. There is little information, for example, on the amount of soil and PTMs that may become incorporated into conserved grass. At present EU and UK legislation and voluntary codes of practice have been developed to protect animal from pathogens in sewage sludge and to minimize any potential risks from accumulation of PTM. The background and implementation of the legislation are examined in this review, and the source and mechanisms of accumulation of PTM by the grazing animal are evaluated.  相似文献   

为适应我国茶产业发展新常态,积极融入产业转型升级和创新驱动发展战略,湖南农业大学茶学专业按照国家教育方针,遵循教育规律,坚持以立德树人为根本,打造湖南茶学专业办学特色,制定了专业"十三五"发展规划与设想,旨在全面推进专业的内涵建设和综合改革,提升教学质量,促进专业发展。  相似文献   

Progenies from a group of tetraploid parental clones from the USDA potato breeding program were used to investigate variation in resistance to the potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris), and the potato flea beetle,Epitrix cucumeris (Harris). The study utilized two mating designs: i) selfing and testing both the parents and the S1 progeny; and ii) nine clones, used as males, were each crossed to three different clones, and progenies from the resulting families were tested. Statistically significant differences between families were measured in each test for both insects. Non-additive genetic variance was larger than additive genetic variance in progeny reaction to leafhopper infestation and hopperburin, but was smaller in progeny reaction to flea beetles. Environmental variation contributed heavily to the total variation of plant reaction to both insect species. Selecting individuals was indicated to be slightly more effective than selecting males on half-sib progeny performance but not as effective as selecting clones on S1 progeny performance. Because of the large environmental variance and small additive variance for both the leafhopper and flea beetle, slow progress in increasing the level of resistance to these two species in this sample population was predicted. Resistance to leafhopper infestation was genetically quite highly correlated (positive) with resistance to hopperburn, but phenotypically the correlation was considerably smaller. Negative genotypic, phenotypic, and environmental correlations between leafhopper infestation and flea beetle infestation suggest that selecting for resistance to one of these species, in the population sampled for these tests, would tend to increase susceptibility to the other.  相似文献   

The yield and phosphorus uptake of grasses and clovers from Welsh soils were studied in 6-inch flower pots. Attempts were made to relate the phosphorus that the plants had been able to absorb to various measurements of the labile phosphorus in the soil. It is shown that in these'phosphate fixing' soils, absorption is not related to the exchangeable phosphorus as measured by equilibration. The values obtained for the latter are very high compared with the small amounts of phosphorus that the plants have been able to absorb, giving support to the view that the conversion of phosphorus to insoluble forms is not the main feature of'fixation' in these soils. Absorption of phosphorus by the grass was, however, related to the Larsen (L) values. In previously unfertilized soils, the fact that the L values were also related to the acetic-soluble phosphorus content confirmed the belief that acetic extraction is a suitable means for assessing the abilities of such soils to provide the necessary phosphorus for plant growth. In soils containing reserves of residual phosphorus, however, much of the phosphorus that contributed to the L values was not extracted by acetic acid, and this method of extraction is unsuitable for use with such soils. Placement of the applied phosphorus near the root zone led to a decrease in L values.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种钾素营养特性的差异   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
选用27个小麦品种为材料,通过盆栽试验的方法,研究了各品种的施钾响应度,以明确不同小麦品种间钾素营养特性的差异。结果表明,供试小麦品种钾效率及其对施钾响应度存在显著的基因型差异,27个品种可分为低效低响应型、低效高响应型、高效低响应型、高效高响应型4种类型。其中,豫麦25号、郑州9023、豫麦9号和豫麦34为第一种类型,豫麦41号、丰优7号、济麦2号、郑麦9405、新麦11、郑农16和豫麦68为第二种类型,豫麦18、温麦8号、豫麦69、豫麦60、新矮早958、郑州9689、周麦16、高优503、豫展1号、新麦9号、兰考3号、兰考6号、豫麦49、兰考4号、偃师4110为第三种类型,太空6为第四种类型。在钾胁迫奈件下小麦成熟期生物学产量及其施钾响应度与小麦籽粒产量及其施钾响应度之间均呈极显著的正相关关系,可作为评价不同小麦品种钾效率高低和对施钾效应大小的参考指标。在供试土壤条件下。不同小麦品种钾效率与其钾利用效率呈显著的正相关。  相似文献   

以覆盖黑龙江省三个积温带的123个水稻品种(品系)为试材,将6月30日-7月29日每10天为1段分3个时段对水稻进行低温处理,以研究冷害发生规律。结果发现,水稻在6月30日-7月19日受低温易发生延迟型冷害,7月10日-7月19日受低温易发生障碍型冷害,证实了低温对水稻冷害的时段效应;第一积温带水稻在7月10日-7月19日受低温易发生延迟型冷害,第一积温带水稻在6月30日-7月9日受低温易发生障碍型冷害,第二、三积温带水稻在6月30日-7月19日受低温易发生延迟型冷害,第二、三积温带水稻在7月10日-7月19日受低温易发生障碍型冷害,体现了水稻应对低温的生态区效应。这对黑龙江省抗寒水稻品种的选育以及抗寒措施的提出具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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