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The mouse vomeronasal organ (VNO) is thought to mediate social behaviors and neuroendocrine changes elicited by pheromonal cues. The molecular mechanisms underlying the sensory response to pheromones and the behavioral repertoire induced through the VNO are not fully characterized. Using the tools of mouse genetics and multielectrode recording, we demonstrate that the sensory activation of VNO neurons requires TRP2, a putative ion channel of the transient receptor potential family that is expressed exclusively in these neurons. Moreover, we show that male mice deficient in TRP2 expression fail to display male-male aggression, and they initiate sexual and courtship behaviors toward both males and females. Our study suggests that, in the mouse, sensory activation of the VNO is essential for sex discrimination of conspecifics and thus ensures gender-specific behavior.  相似文献   

Social relationships and social cognition in nonhuman primates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Complex social relationships among nonhuman primates appear to contribute to individual reproductive success. Experiments with and behavioral observations of natural populations suggest that sophisticated cognitive mechanisms may underlie primate social relationships. Similar capacities are usually less apparent in the nonsocial realm, supporting the view that at least some aspects of primate intelligence evolved to solve the challenges of interacting with conspecifics.  相似文献   

He J  Ma L  Kim S  Nakai J  Yu CR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,320(5875):535-538
The mammalian vomeronasal organ detects complex chemical signals that convey information about gender, strain, and the social and reproductive status of an individual. How these signals are encoded is poorly understood. We developed transgenic mice expressing the calcium indicator G-CaMP2 and analyzed population responses of vomeronasal neurons to urine from individual animals. A substantial portion of cells was activated by either male or female urine, but only a small population of cells responded exclusively to gender-specific cues shared across strains and individuals. Female cues activated more cells and were subject to more complex hormonal regulations than male cues. In contrast to gender, strain and individual information was encoded by the combinatorial activation of neurons such that urine from different individuals activated distinctive cell populations.  相似文献   

The removal of a single dominant individual has been shown to trigger a sex change in some coral-reeffish. In the saddleback wrasse (Thalassoma duperrey), however, female-to-male sex change requires visual stimulation from smaller conspecifics. This change is not dependent on the sex or color of the stimulus fish and can be inhibited by larger conspecifics. On the reef, a female probably changes sex when the relative numbers of larger and smaller conspecifics change within her home range.  相似文献   

A century ago, W. G. MacCallum identified distinct male and female forms in malaria parasites of both birds and humans. Since then, scientists have been puzzled by the high female-to-male ratios of parasites in Plasmodium infections and by the mechanism of sex determination. The sex ratio of malaria parasites was shown to become progressively more male as conditions that allow motility and subsequent fertilization by the male parasites become adverse. This resulted from an increased immune response against male gametes, which coincides with intense host erythropoietic activity. Natural and artificial induction of erythropoiesis in vertebrate hosts provoked a shift toward male parasite production. This change in parasite sex ratio led to reduced reproductive success in the parasite, which suggests that sex determination is adaptive and is regulated by the hematologic state of the host.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop formulas for contrasting genetic interests of workers and queens in social Hymenoptera are complicated by many factors, including multiple matings by queens, oviposition by unmated females, and mating rivalry among genetic relatives (Hamilton's "local mate competition"). Because of haplodiploid sex determination in Hymenoptera, when such influences are absent, queens benefit from 1:1 sex ratios of investment (male: female) in reproductive offspring, workers from 1:3 ratios among reproductive siblings. Reports of variable ratios, including many well above 1:3, and female biases in nonsocial Hymenoptera and diplodiploid termites, implicate local mate competition and raises questions about previous interpretations that workers have their way.  相似文献   

对中国浙江杭州和台湾梨山2地的颈双缘姬蜂,以小菜蛾蛹作寄主,在室内进行了群体间、个体间杂交、回交试验,测定比较了各组合雌蜂寄生的寄主蛹数、育出的子代蜂数及性比.结果表明,除群体杂交时梨山种群子代雌性比显著较杭州种群为低、回交时(梨♀×杭♂)F1♀与杭♂回交的子代性比显著较杭♀与(杭♀×梨♂)F1♂回交的低外,其余所测定的各项生物学特性在各组合间均无显著差异.表明杭州和梨山两地的颈双缘姬蜂在生殖上完全亲和,不存在生殖隔离,为同一物种.  相似文献   

为提高麦蛾茧蜂种群的室内扩繁效率,采用人为控制种蜂婚配条件,研究麦蛾茧蜂交配经历和种蜂性比对交配行为及子代性别分化的影响。结果表明:麦蛾茧蜂种蜂交配经历对雌雄交配行为具有显著影响。交配经历较少的雄蜂再行配对时,求偶次数和交配次数较多、求偶强度较强且单次交配时间较长。没有交配经历的雄蜂比有5~6次交配经历的雄蜂交配时间显著要长。麦蛾茧蜂雄蜂交配经历对子代雌雄性比具有一定影响,但对子代总蜂数量的影响不明显。较少交配经历的雄蜂与处女雌蜂交配繁育所获子代雌蜂数量较多,雌雄性比较高。室内人工繁殖时,适当提高麦蛾茧蜂种蜂中雄蜂的比例有助于提高子代雌蜂数,当种蜂性比为1雌3雄,益害比为2(雌蜂数)10时繁殖效率最佳。  相似文献   

Male fertility and sex ratio at birth in red deer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efforts to test sex ratio theory have focused mostly on females. However, when males possess traits that could enhance the reproductive success of sons, males would also benefit from the manipulation of the offspring sex ratio. We tested the prediction that more-fertile red deer males produce more sons. Our findings reveal that male fertility is positively related to the proportion of male offspring. We also show that there is a positive correlation between the percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa (a main determinant of male fertility) and the proportion of male offspring. Thus, males may contribute significantly to biases in sex ratio at birth among mammals, creating the potential for conflicts of interest between males and females.  相似文献   

为了探讨胸腺肽对幼龄雄性小鼠生殖器官指数及性激素水平的影响,将100只幼龄雄性小鼠随机分为5组,第1组为正常饲养对照组,不做任何处理;第2组为生理盐水对照组,注射生理盐水;其余3组为试验组,每日分别背部皮下注射低剂量胸腺肽(0.30mg.mL-1)、中剂量胸腺肽(0.60mg.mL-1)和高剂量胸腺肽(1.20mg.mL-1),连续30d后测定睾丸指数、附睾指数、精囊腺指数和血清中促黄体生成素(LH)、睾酮(T)水平。试验结果表明:与生理盐水对照组相比,高剂量胸腺肽小鼠睾丸指数、附睾指数、精囊腺指数及LH水平均显著性升高(p<0.05);低胸腺肽组精囊腺指数显著性升高(p<0.05)。与正常饲养对照组比较,高剂量胸腺肽组小鼠T水平显著性升高(p<0.05)。可见,胸腺肽能提高雄性小鼠生殖器官指数和性激素水平,从而调节雄性小鼠生殖内分泌系统。  相似文献   

Wang F  Zhu J  Zhu H  Zhang Q  Lin Z  Hu H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,334(6056):693-697
Dominance hierarchy has a profound impact on animals' survival, health, and reproductive success, but its neural circuit mechanism is virtually unknown. We found that dominance ranking in mice is transitive, relatively stable, and highly correlates among multiple behavior measures. Recording from layer V pyramidal neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) showed higher strength of excitatory synaptic inputs in mice with higher ranking, as compared with their subordinate cage mates. Furthermore, molecular manipulations that resulted in an increase and decrease in the synaptic efficacy in dorsal mPFC neurons caused an upward and downward movement in the social rank, respectively. These results provide direct evidence for mPFC's involvement in social hierarchy and suggest that social rank is plastic and can be tuned by altering synaptic strength in mPFC pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

Males of Labroides dimidiatus control the process of sex reversal within social groups. Each group consists of a male with a harem of females, among which larger individuals dominate smaller ones. The male in each harem suppresses the tendency of the females to change sex by actively dominating them. Death of the male releases this suppression and the dominant female of the harem changes sex immediately. Possible genetic advantages of the system are considered.  相似文献   

Learning by rats was facilitated when response-relevant cues were provided by other rats; learning increased as a function of number of cues provided. These results suggest that rats can learn by imitation. Learning by rats that observed conspecifics not emitting response-relevant cues was retarded compared to learning by rats that did not observe conspecifics. This indicates that a conspecific's presence can also inhibit learning, a result consistent with social facilitation theory.  相似文献   

为进一步探讨黑线姬鼠不同年龄组种群繁殖参数的变动规律,采用夹夜法调查,收集鼠类标本。对贵州省余庆县2006~2010年捕获的701只黑线姬鼠(雌鼠327只,雄鼠374只)分析表明:黑线姬鼠种群总性比为0.87,不同年龄组种群性比存在一定差异。亚成年组、成年Ⅰ组、成年Ⅱ组、老年组均可参与繁殖,不同年龄组种群繁殖力存在显著差异,随着种群年龄的增长,怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数、睾丸下降率不断增加,成年Ⅰ组、成年Ⅱ组、老年组是黑线姬鼠种群繁殖的主体,平均怀孕率为43.01%,平均胎仔数为5.11只,平均繁殖指数为0.9298,平均睾丸下降率为95.44%,均显著高于总体平均值。  相似文献   

目的植物将大部分资源用于繁殖活动时必将导致其对生长发育等其他功能的资源投入下降,生活史理论把这种现象称为繁殖代价。植物繁殖代价主要体现为当年繁殖资源投入与当年营养生长资源投入之间的权衡,以及当年繁殖资源投入与未来生长发育资源投入之间的权衡,这意味着植物的繁殖代价可能存在着一定的延迟效应。本文利用雌雄异株植物雌雄功能分离的属性,验证吉林蛟河针阔混交林中簇毛槭是否存在繁殖代价的延迟效应。方法2012年选取簇毛槭雌雄各90株,将不同性别植株分成3个处理组(A为对照组,B为摘除花朵即开花不结实组,C为摘除花蕾组)进行试验操作。2013年和2017年跟踪调查不同处理组中簇毛槭繁殖及生长状况。利用双因素方差分析检验不同处理方式下雌雄植株的1年生枝条长度和叶片生物量的差异显著性。结果2013年花期,在1年生枝条水平和2级侧枝水平上1年生枝条长度顺序为C组 > B组 > A组。其中雌株的B组和C组显著大于A组,雄株的处理组间差异显著。2013年花期,在1年生枝条水平和2级侧枝水平上雌株的叶片生物量顺序为C组 > B组 > A组;其中B组和C组显著大于A组。2017年花期,在1年生枝条水平雄株的叶片生物量顺序为C组 > B组 > A组,其中C组显著大于A组。结论构件水平影响着繁殖代价延迟效应的检测结果;雌雄异株树种簇毛槭的繁殖代价的延迟效应在营养器官上的表现具有性别和养分分配差异;繁殖代价延迟效应持续表现时间也具有性别差异。   相似文献   

Alarm pheromones (APs) are widely used throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. Species such as fish, insects, and mammals signal danger to conspecifics by releasing volatile alarm molecules. Thus far, neither the chemicals, their bodily source, nor the sensory system involved in their detection have been isolated or identified in mammals. We found that APs are recognized by the Grueneberg ganglion (GG), a recently discovered olfactory subsystem. We showed with electron microscopy that GG neurons bear primary cilia, with cell bodies ensheathed by glial cells. APs evoked calcium responses in GG neurons in vitro and induced freezing behavior in vivo, which completely disappeared when the GG degenerated after axotomy. We conclude that mice detect APs through the activation of olfactory GG neurons.  相似文献   

We show that reproductively mature male sea lampreys release a bile acid that acts as a potent sex pheromone, inducing preference and searching behavior in ovulated female lampreys. The secreted bile acid 7alpha,12alpha,24-trihydroxy-5alpha-cholan-3-one 24-sulfate was released in much higher amounts relative to known vertebrate steroid pheromones and may be secreted through the gills. Hence, the male of this fish species signals both its reproductive status and location to females by secreting a pheromone that can act over long distances.  相似文献   

Like other tropical birds, African stonechats breeding at the equator reproduce once a year during the main rainy season and subsequently carry out a complete molt. These two activities are controlled by endogenous circannual mechanisms: in stonechats held in constant conditions of photoperiod and temperature, a rhythm of gonadal size and molt persisted for up to 7.5 years, which would be a lifetime for free-living conspecifics. The fact that the period of these rhythms deviated from 12 months demonstrates their true endogenous nature. The results represent the longest circannual reproductive rhythm yet documented and suggest that circannual mechanisms may be of particular importance for reproductive timing in tropical organisms.  相似文献   

为了对山杨的幼苗进行早期的性别鉴定,通过寻找与杨属性别染色体相关的分子标记,试着鉴定山杨的雌雄。采用SSR结合BSA技术对96个山杨个体(雌性各48个)进行性别差异标记的筛选,发现1对引物(BPCA90)在雄基因池扩增出差异条带。利用引物BPCA90检测待测样品的微卫星标记基因型,若检测得到长度约550 bp的单一片段为雄性,未检测到长度约550 bp的单一片段为雌性,从而完成对山杨的雌雄性别的鉴别。整个鉴定过程操作简单,方法鉴别率为100%,且得到条带结果清晰、鉴定过程特异性高、重复性好、稳定性强。  相似文献   

王茁  谢树春 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(27):16775-16778
[目的]寻找甘肃鼢鼠繁殖率偏低的原因。[方法]通过生殖后期甘肃鼢鼠对尿液气味的选择,探求雄性甘肃鼢鼠繁殖规律。[结果]繁殖后期甘肃鼢鼠对陌生同性和异性个体尿液气味的行为反应试验表明,雄性对其他同性和异性尿液气味反应明显,其他个体尿液气味对雄性甘肃鼢鼠有抑制效果;而雌性甘肃鼢鼠对其他个体尿液气味无明显反应。在繁殖期包括繁殖后期雌性甘肃鼢鼠对同性和异性气味忌避作用下降,攻击性减弱;而雄性仍对其他气味有敏锐反应。这可能与雄性是繁殖期社会关系的主要维持者和繁殖后期的主要扩散者有关。[结论]该研究为阐明甘肃鼢鼠繁殖率偏低的原因和社会行为适应策略奠定基础。  相似文献   

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