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H. De Haan 《Euphytica》1956,5(1):8-12
Summary Various Dutch breeders have devoted themselves to winter barley breeding; the local variety Groningen Winter Barley used always to be the foundation material for breeding work. In the course of years 8 new varieties have been derived from it by line selection which demonstrates clearly the degree of variation.The varietal range (fig. 1) shows the peculiarity that the leading variety Vindicat has almost completely been superseded by Urania within some years. If ever, the slogan the Dutch farmer readily accepts new varieties applies here.Its sister variety Vinesco makes a favourable impression.The varieties of winter barley are now for 97 percent based on homebred material.  相似文献   

Summary A 7-variety diallel of synthetic varieties that have not had selection for yield improvement and a 10-variety diallel of synthetic varieties that either resulted from recurrent selection for yield improvement or from the introgression of exotic germ plasm into adapted varieties were evaluated in six environments for yield and five other agronomic traits. The specific objective was to determine the relative potential of the synthetic varieties as germ plasm sources for breeding programs.Recurrent selection improved population yield in BSSS CO, BSK CO, and Alph CO in the varieties and also in crosses with other varieties. BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7 yielded 11.4% and 16.1% more than BSSS CO, and the variety crosses of BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7 yielded 21.6% and 22.0% more than the variety crosses of BSSS CO. Recurrent selection also improved stalk-lodging resistance for BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7, but root lodging for BSSS(HT)C7 was significantly higher. BS15 had 61.0% higher yields than Alph CO, with 9.3% less stalk lodging. Average heterosis of the 10-variety diallel was 1120 kg/ha (19.6%) and ranged from 800 kg/ha (13.7%) for BSK(S)C5 to 1770 kg/ha (39.4%) for BS12(HI)C5. The heterosis expressed among individual variety crosses ranged from 4.3% for BSK(S)C5 x BSTE(FR)C1 to 37.6% for BSSS(R)C6 x BS12(HI)C5, which approached the yield of the two highest yielding single-cross checks.In the 7-variety diallel of unselected varieties, BSTE CO and Late Rootworm Synthetic were superior as varieties and in crosses for yield and stalk quality. Average heterosis for the 7-variety diallel was 950 kg/ha (18.5%). Stalk lodging was important in the performance of varieties with poor stalk quality.Although recurrent selection improved yield, development of superior breeding populations also will require selection for general agronomic performance. The performance of BS16 and the yields of BSTL and Teozea and their crosses suggest that exotic germ plasm should receive greater attention.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Journal Paper No. J-8096 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50010. Project No. 1897.  相似文献   

Ten snap beans (Barrier, Brio, Carson, Cornell 502, CT 70, HB 1880, Hystyle, Labrador, Opus and Venture) were selected for differential temperature tolerance and used as parents in a complete diallel mating design. The 45 F1 hybrid lines (with reciprocals) and parents were screened at 32 C day/28 C night, and in a separate experiment, 16 C day/10 C night, during reproductive development in replicated controlled environments. Variation for yield under temperature treatments was observed among parents and hybrids, with certain hybrids exceeding parental performance. Significant (P 0.0001) general combining ability (GCA), and significant (P 0.05) specific combining ability (SCA) were observed for yield components including pod number, seed number, and seeds per pod. There was evidence that pod number and seeds per pod under temperature stress are under separate genetic control. Reciprocal effects and heterosis were not significant. GCA could not be predicted from parental performance. The breeding line Cornell 502 had the highest GCA under high temperature, and the cultivar Brio had the highest GCA under low temperature. The cross Brio × Venture was high yielding in both temperature treatments. Heat tolerance and chilling tolerance were associated in certain parents and hybrids. However, performance under high and low temperature treatments was not generally correlated in the parents and hybrids, indicating that these traits should be selected separately.  相似文献   

Summary The 21 intervarietal chromosome substitution lines of the cultivar Hope in Chinese Spring were used to analyse the genetic differences between the two cultivars Hope and Chinese Spring in grain protein content and grain weight.Only one chromosome of Hope, 5D, significantly influenced grain protein content of Chinese Spring. Its influence was of only minor effect and was to decrease protein content expression of Chinese Spring. It has been postulated that the genetic control of protein content, in this instance, is most likely due to many genes each of small effect.Five chromosomes of Hope influenced the 1000 grain weight value of normal Chinese Spring, all increasing its expression. Chromosomes 1A, 4A and 5B were of major effect and 3A and 6A of comparatively minor effect. A minimal estimate of five genes determines the difference in grain size between these cultivars. The possible evolutionary significance of the contribution of the A genome of bread wheat to grain size determination is discussed. On the basis of certain findings of this study, proposals are made for breeding for increased grain size in hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

Summary The determinate Phaseolus vulgaris L. cvs Dark Red Kidney Charlevoix, and near-isogenic Great Northern Nebraska 1 were grown in blends with the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 in white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) disease field nurseries. A critical difference between Charlevoix and indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 is that the latter has a greater leaf area closer to the soil surface, and this is associated with increased numbers of apothecia beneath the canopy and higher disease severity. White mold infection and apothecia number/m2 beneath the canopy of the blends containing Charlevoix were significantly reduced in comparison with the severely infected, homogeneous, indeterminate GN Nebraska 1. A reduction of white mold infection for the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 was not observed in blends grown under severe or moderate white mold incidence, but did occur under slight incidence in blends containing 65% and 75% Charlevoix.No significant difference for seed yield occurred between the blends and homogeneous cultivars planted in four experiments under severe, moderate, slight and zero white mold incidence, respectively, except in Experiment 1 under moderate white mold incidence, the blend of 50% indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 and 50% Charlevoix exceeded the yield of the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1. Mean weight of white (GN Nebraska 1) and red seed (Charlevoix) increased and decreased, respectively, in some blends due to the more vigorous growth of the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1.Published as Paper No. 5341, Journal Series, Nebraska Agric. Exp.t Station. Research was conducted un under Project 20–3.  相似文献   

Summary Aluminium tolerance of Macedonian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. conv. durum (Desf.) MacKey) germplasm was evaluated in nutrient solutions containing 0, 74 or 148 M of total Al. Relative root length (148 M Al/0 Al) of various genotypes ranged from 41 to 72% (from moderately sensitive to moderately tolerant to Al). No genotype with Al tolerance close to that of very tolerant T. aestivum cultivar Atlas-66 was found. Seed Ca concentration was positively (r=0.64, P0.05) and seed Fe concentration negatively (r=–0.71, P0.05) related to the relative root growth. Such a significant correlation was not obtained for seed concentrations of other nutrients or seed protein content.Abbreviations HSD Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference - RRL-2 relative root length, in % (74 M total Al/0 M Al) - RRL-4 relative root length, in % (148 M total Al0 M Al)  相似文献   

H. De Haan 《Euphytica》1954,3(3):188-194
Summary The varietal assortment of Dutch round blue pea varieties has changed considerably. At the beginning of this century their cultivation was based entirely on the varieties bred by Dr R. J. Mansholt at Westpolder (Gr.). Since 1937 the Unica pea produced by P. J. Hijlkema, Mensingeweer (Gr.), has gained ground. Mansholt's G.E.K. and Unica were dominant for many years, and were also used abroad.A remarkable change in the varietal assortment of the round blue peas occurred since the appearance of varieties less susceptible to the Fusarium solani foot disease. Particularly the Rondo C.B. pea of the Plant Breeding Station C.B. (Dir.: Ir C. Koopman) at Hoofddorp has become widely grown (Fig. 2).In addition, it was this same station that succeeded in breeding a variety entirely resistant to fusarium wilt.It is clear that, in the course of the past few years, new varieties have been bred by the breeders. The new varieties excelled the established ones in one or more respects.Some varieties were widely distributed, others were discarded by the breeders after a couple of years, or (since 1924, the year when the first List of Varieties appeared) written off the List.Widely cultivated varieties had to retire in their turn when better ones came on the market.Even at present time Dutch plant breeders are working hard to improve the yield, quality and reliability of peas.  相似文献   

F. P. Ferwerda 《Euphytica》1962,11(3):221-228
A sufficiently variable rye population was subjected to one cycle of recurrent selection for combining ability in order to ascertain whether this complex property can be repatterned.Some hundreds of clones derived from this population were toperossed to an other unrelated variety used as tester. Through visual selection, more than half of these clones were rejected. The topcross progenies of the remaining clones were subjected to a comparative test whereby, as was to be expected, a considerable degree of variability was demonstrated. From the best 10% and the poorest 10% that is from those which surpassed the general average by at least 1.5 standard deviation units or remained below that average by at least 1.5 , narrowed populations were built up. This was done with the aid of reserve seed which in the year in which the top cross was made had been obtained from these clones, either through compulsory selfpollination or by allowing the clones to fertilize each other in isolation. The two subpopulations obtained through selection in opposite directions further indicated as high and low were crossed en masse with the same tester variety as the first time. In addition a large number of randomly taken individuals from the high synthetic were cloned and toperossed to this common tester. On testing the top crosses carried out en masse, the high synthetics clearly yielded more than the low ones. In one trial it was even found that the high synthetic surpassed our standard variety Petkus by approximately 20%. It is possible, therefore, to segregate a population into two fractions of different combining ability.The optimistie pieture to be derived from the foregoing trials unfortunately is shaded by the results of the individual test crosses pointing to a shift of the frequency distribution in a negative sense in regard to the original population. The influence of the year may be mentioned as a possible cause of this contrast and also the fact that in the original population a close visual selection had been practised while those obtained from the synthetic resulting after one cycle were derived from individuals which had been taken entirely at random.
Samenvatting Een voldoende variabele roggepopulatic werd onderworpen aan één ronde van cyclisch herhaalde selectic op combinatie-geschiktheid ten einde na te gaan of deze complexe eigenschap kan worden vervormd.Enige honderden klonen voortgekomen uit deze populatie werden onderworpen aan een top-cross door een als tester gebruikt ander, onverwant, ras. Op grond van visuele selectie werd meer dan de helft van deze klonen afgekeurd. De proefkruisings-nakomelingschappen van de overblijvende klonen werden aan een vergelijkende toets onderworpen waarbij zoals viel te verwachten een aanzienlijke variabiliteit in opbrengstvermogen aan het licht trad. Uit de beste 10% en de slechtste 10%, d.w.z. die welke het algemeen gemiddelde met minstens 1,5 overschreden resp. daar minstens 1,5 beneden bleven, werden vernauwde populaties opgebouwd. Dit geschiedde met behulp van reservezaad dat in het jaar waarin de top-cross werd verricht van deze klonen was gewonnen, hetzij door gedwongen zelfbestuiving, hetzij door de klonen in isolatie aan onderlinge bestuiving over te laten. De op deze wijze verkregen twee in tegenovergestelde richting geselecteerde sub-populaties-aangeduid als high en low-werden en masse gekruist met hetzelfde tester ras als de eerste keer. Bovendien werd een groot aantal willekeurig uit het high syntheticum genomen individuen tot klonen gemaakt en onderworpen aan een top-cross door het zoëven genoemde tester ras. Bij de toetsing van en masse uitgevoerde proefkruisingen bleek de combinatie high x tester duidelijk meer op te brengen dan low tester. In een proef werd zelfs gevonden dat high x tester ons standaardras Petkus met ongeveer 20% overtrof. Het blijkt dus mogelijk een populatie te splitsen in 2 fracties van uiteenlopende combinatie-geschiktheid.Het optimistische beeld dat men uit de zo juist vermelde proeven krijgt wordt helaas verduisterd door de resultaten van de individuele proefkruisingen welke wijzen op een verschuiving van de frequentieverdeling in negatieve zin ten opzichte van de oorspronkelijke populatie. Als mogelijke oorzaken van deze tegenstelling kunnen worden aangewezen jaarinvloeden en tevens het feit dat onder de klonen uit de oorspronkelijke populatie een scherpe selectie op het oog werd toegepast terwijl die uit het na één cyclus verkregen syntheticum werden afgeleid van volkomen willekeurig genomen individuen.

J. Salinas  C. Benito 《Euphytica》1983,32(3):783-790
Summary The 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) zymogram phenotypes of wheat, rye and their aneuploid derivates were determined. At least three genes involved in the production of 6-PGD isozymes were located on chromosome arms 4RL, 6RL and 2RL of Imperial rye, King II rye and Dakold rye. Evidence was obtained that at least one gene located on chromosome arm 5RS controls G-6-PD isozyme activities in these varieties of rye and one gene involved in the production of GDH isozymes was located on chromosome arm 2RS of Imperial, King II and Dakold rye. The results indicate that the 6-PGD isozymes exist as dimers and monomers. No possible structure of the G-6-PD and GDH could be determined.  相似文献   

M. E. Aken'ova 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):161-165
Summary The occurrence of three male-sterile plants is reported. One in a population of ex-Bormu, an improved recommended variety of day-length neutral gero bulrush millet and the two others in the selfed progeny of a population of maiwa bulrush millet, a short-day photoperiod-sensitive type. Tests confirmed the cytoplasmic-genic nature of the male-sterility in the gero population. No tests could be conducted for maiwa.The transfer of male-sterility from the male-sterile Tift 23A bulrush millet, obtained from the United States, into a maiwa population is also reported. After six backcrosses the maiwa genotype appeared to have been reconstituted against the background of a male-sterility inducing cytoplasm. Maiwa male-sterility maintainer plants have also been identified.  相似文献   

W. Scheijgrond  H. Vos 《Euphytica》1954,3(2):125-139
Summary Club root (Plasmodiophora brassicae) is a destructive disease of several cruciferous crops in practically all countries. The cultivation of resistant varieties offers the best possibility for control.This disease causes in some areas of the Netherlands considerable damage to turnips which are frequently grown as a catch crop in many regions; other cruciferous crops are generally grown on a much smaller scale.On badly infested plots we found a yield reduction ranging from 35–80%, depending on the method of calculation. In foreign literature (Findley, Van Slijcken andLindfors) figures ranging between 15–100% are reported.Crops and varieties with an abundant foliage give with an equal infection a smaller yield reduction than crops and varieties with a smaller amount of leaves.The affected part has a somewhat higher dry matter content and a higher N-content in the dry matter. The content of sugar is considerably lower.Resistance of some crops and of many turnip and swede varieties has been investigated by means of field experiments, carried out in several years. The infection by club root fluctuates, so that a great many replications are required.Table 1 gives a summary of the susceptibility of some fodder crops. Contrary toKarling and others we found that Chinese radish is not immune.As to the turnip types we refer to Table 2. The varieties belonging to the types Halflong green top yellow, Halflong purple top white, Flat round yellow turnip, and Round yellow-fleshed turnip are less susceptible than varieties belonging to the other types. Within the type Halflong purple top white to which the principal varieties of the Netherlands can be ranged, there appears to exist the greatest variation in susceptibility. Several foreign varieties stated as resistant were more or less badly affected (Table 3).The percentage of destroyed plants correlates with the percentage of affected plants.Resistance may correlate with sweet taste. Some resistant varieties are now being investigated in the Netherlands.The results of some of our trials suggested the existence of physiological strains of club root within the crop turnips. Several examples of such physiological races in various crops have been mentioned in literature.In breeding work we consider it advisable to allow for the existence of physiological strains of club root within the crop turnips.
Samenvatting Knolvoet (Plasmodiophora brassicae) is in praktisch alle landen een belangrijke ziekte voor verschillende kruisbloemige gewassen. De verbouw van resistente rassen biedt nog de beste perspectieven voor de bestrijding, omdat andere maatregelen vaak op practische bezwaren stuiten.Deze ziekte veroor zaakt in sommige streken van Nederland nogal schade bij het gewas stoppelknollen, dat in tal van streken veelvuldig wordt verbouwd; andere kruisbloemige gewassen worden gewoonlijk minder intensief verbouwd.Op zwaar besmette percelen constateerden wij een opbrengstderving van 35–80 %, afhangende van de wijze van berekening. In de buitenlandse literatuur (Findley, van Slijcken enLindfords) vindt men opgaven van 15 %– 100 %, verband houdende met vatbaarheid der rassen en zwaarte van besmetting. Schade kan veroorzaakt worden door wegvallen van zeer jonge planten, groeiremming, aantasting van het te oogsten deel of door snelle rotting.Bladrijke gewassen en bladrijke rassen geven bij gelijke aantasting een geringere oogstderving dan minder bladrijke gewassen en rassen.Het aangetaste deel heeft een wat hoger drogestofgehalte en een hoger N-gehalte in de drogestof. Het suikergehalte is belangrijk lager.Door middel van veldonderzoek op een achttal percelen, uitgevoerd in verschillende jaren, is de resistentie van enkele gewassen en bij stoppelknollen en koolrepen van vele rassen nagegaan. De besmetting door knolvoet is per perceel wisselvallig, zodat zeer veel herhalingen gewenst zijn.Tabel 1 geeft een indruk van de vatdaarheid van enkele voedergewassen.In tegenstelling metscKarling en anderen voden wij, dat Chinese zomeramenas niet immuun is. Bij koolrapen waren de ,,Gele groenkoppen enigszins resistent in vergelijking met andere rassen.Voor de stoppelknollentypen zij verwezen naar tabel 2. De rassen behorend rot de typen ,,Halflange gele groenkop, ,,Halflange witte blauwkop, ,,Platronde gele, Platronde gele en Ronde gele (Gele boterknollen) zijn minder vatbaar dan ressen behorende tot de overige typen. Binnen het type Halflange witte blauwkop, waaronder de belangrijkste rassen in Nederland gerangschikt kunnen worden, blijkt de grootste variatie in vatbaarheid te bestaan. Verschillende buitenlandse, als resistent beoordeelde rassen werden meer of minder zwaar aangetast (tabel 3).Het percentage weggevallen planten correleert met het percentage aangetaste planten.Resistentie lijkt wel verenigbaar met zachte smaak. In Nederland zijn thans enige resistente rassen in onderzoek.Op enkele proefvelden gaven de uitkomsten ons aaleiding tot de veronderstelling, dat er physio's bestaan binnen het gewas stoppelknollen.Er zijn verschillende voorbeelden in de literatuur vermeld van physio's bij verschillende gewassen.Er is verder nog een voorbeeld gegeven, waaruit blijkt, dat men voorzichtig moet zijn met conclusies hierover.Bij de veredeling lijkt het ons gewenst met de mogelijkheid van het bestaan van verschillende physio's binnen het gewas stoppelknollen rekening en houden.

The electrophoretic banding patterns ofgliadin in common wheat lines derived fromJapan were determined byacid-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. For the 107 wheat lines used in our study,27 different patterns were identified, 13corresponding to the -gliadin, 8 tothe , -gliadin and 6 to the-gliadin. The gliadin patterns ofJapanese wheat cultivars and landracesgreatly differed from the patterns of wheatlines from other countries, and thevariation seen in wheat lines from Japanwas limited to 46 patterns. Sevencollection or breeding areas in Japanshowed different frequencies in theirgliadin patterns. Combining the gliadinpatterns with high molecular weightglutenin subunit compositions, 67combinations were observed. One gliadinpattern consisting of -gliadinpattern F, , -gliadinpattern H and -gliadin pattern Dwas frequently found in many Japanese wheatlines, though the other patterns werelimited to only one or two wheat lines.  相似文献   

J. E. Parlevliet 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):267-272
Summary Cebada Capa, carrying four to six minor genes for a longer latent period (LP), was crossed to L94 and Vada, carrying no and five to six minor genes for a longer LP respectively. Of each of 68 F3-lines the infection frequency (IF) and the LP of ten just-heading plants were assessed. There appeared to be a strong association between IF and LP, whereby the relationship between IF and LP of both crosses could be described by a single linear regression equation. The data strongly suggest that the genes for increased LP pleiotropically decrease the IF. The possibility of a close linkage between genes for reduced IF and genes for increased LP, although unlikely, could not be excluded.  相似文献   

Genes for resistance to stripe rust in four spring wheat varieties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The stripe rust resistant spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties Anza, Glennson 81, Ollanta, and Yecora Rojo gave 1,2,2, and 2-gene segregations, respectively, in hybrids with susceptible Jupateco 73 when inoculated in field conditions at Davis, California USA with Puccinia striiformis West. pathotype CDL-6 and rated at post-heading stage. Intercrosses of these varieties, Anza/Yecora Rojo was not studied, permitted the following conclusions about the genes expressed in adult plants: Anza, one recessive gene; Glennson 81, two dominant genes; Ollanta, two genes, at least one is dominant; and Yecora Rojo; one dominant and one recessive gene, one of which is common with Ollanta. The resistance genes in these varieties, which expressed resistance in the seedling stage, were believed to be effective at the adult stage. Thus, seven resistance genes were identified in the four varieties. The genotypes were designated for the purposes of this study as follows: Anza, YrA YrH; Glennson 81, Yr9, YrJ, Ollanta YrL YrD; and Yecora Rojo, YrC YrD. It was recommended that these and other Yr genes be used as multiple gene complexes to increase durability of resistance to P. striiformis, an organism known to evolve virulence rapidly in field conditions. The demonstrated durability of Anza in California may be a result of its combination of resistance alleles at two loci.  相似文献   

Summary A morphological study was carried out to determine the relationships among Portuguese cole landraces using 58 accessions belonging to: (i) Portuguese Tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. tronchuda Bailey syn. var. costata De Candolle, Couve Tronchuda); (ii) Portuguese Galega kale (B. oleracea var. acephala De Candolle, Couve Galega); and (iii) other economically less important coles such as Algarve cabbages (B. oleracea var. capitata L., Couve do Algarve or B. oleracea var. sabauda L., Couve Repolho-lombarda do Algarve). The cole accessions were collected from the growers, studied under field conditions during two consecutive years, and characterized using 46 morphological characters from seedling stage to ripe silique. Morphological data were analysed by numerical taxonomy techniques using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method Using Arithmetic Averages) and by principal component analysis (PCA). Phenograms based on correlation and distance coefficients showed the existence of 8 main groups (A-H). Five of these groups correspond to Tronchuda cabbage landraces: (A) Couves de Trás-os-Montes; (B) Couves do Minho; (C) Couves from Central Portugal; (D) Couve Portuguesa; (E) Couves from Southern inland Portugal. The three other groups correspond to: (F) cabbages; (G) miscellaneous coles; and (H) Galega kales. Landrace groups are primarily associated with morphological differences among accessions and secondly with accession geographical origin. The interannual character variation did not affect the clustering patterns of the accessions and therefore the stability of landrace classification. PCA was congruent with the landrace groups defined by the phenograms and gave supplementary information on the usefulness of the characters for the definition of the various groups.  相似文献   

Correlations among some statistical measures of phenotypic stability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. C. Becker 《Euphytica》1981,30(3):835-840
Summary Two basic concepts of phenotypic stability are distinguished: (i) a stable genotype should have a minimal variance under different environmental conditions (biological concept), or (ii) a stable genotype should show minimal interactions with environments as measured by the ecovalence (agronomic concept). In a study using field trial data of various crops it is shown that the widely used method of regressing the yield of a given genotype in the various environments on the respective means of all genotypes under test may be regarded as a combination of these two concepts, for coefficients of regression are almost perfectly correlated with variances, and mean squares for deviations from regression are almost perfectly correlated with ecovalences.  相似文献   

Summary Three staining methods (acetocarmine, fuchsin and oxidation of benzidine) and germination in vitro and in vivo were applied to estimate pollen fertility in Solanum species and dihaploids. Pollen was divided into six classes based on shape and contents of the grains. With acetocarmine, fuchsin, peroxidase and germination in vitro 4, 3, 2 and 1 classes, respectively, are supposed to be included in the percentage of good pollen as measured by these methods. This percentage therefore, in more than 96% of the cases studied, shows a decrease in the order indicated. Neither aging of pollen at room conditions nor collecting pollen from flowers on 1–9 days after anthesis does influence the percentage of good pollen with acetocarmine and fuchsin, whereas this percentage drops sharply to zero with peroxidase and germination in vitro. The latter two methods apparently measure as good pollen only the grains with living cytoplasm. When pollen is collected at three successive dates from the same flowers the percentage of good pollen drops sharply with all methods used. There is a relation between quantity of pollen per flower and pollen quality (% good), low-quantity pollen containing significantly lower percentages of good pollen than medium- and high-quantity pollen. The latter two are not significantly different in this respect.From calculations of correlation coefficients it is concluded that only germination of pollen in vitro is significantly correlated with berry and seed set and thus gives a reliable estimate of male fertility. This does not hold true for the two staining methods without due reserve. The peroxidase method is not useful for the Solanum material studied.After standardized pollination the average number of haploid pollen grains on diploid stigmata was found to be 1625±127, that of diploid pollen on tetraploid stigmata 2863±98.A. W. B. Janssen 1975.  相似文献   

Yoshio Yoshida 《Euphytica》1962,11(1):95-111
Radiation breeding for the introduction of additional desirable characters into improved varieties in autogamous plants, especially in cereals, would be much more feasible if more efficient screening methods could be found. Such methods are proposed in this report. From the standpoint of the theory of probability, it is intended to establish effective screening methods by which a desirable X2 mutant can be detected in a minimum total of X2-plants, and/or X1- and X2-plants in the aggregate.The relative efficiencies of four new methods and the standard method are compared, the improved ear-to-row method (method B), the one-plant-one-grain method (method C), the one-plant-two-grain method (method D) and one-plant-three-grain method (method E) all of which are more effective than the conventional ear-to-row method (method A). In method B, the total number of X2-plants required to recover at least one desirable X2-plant is obtained when the probability of detecting at least one X2-line with one or more desirable mutants among X2-lines is equal to the probability of detecting at least one desirable mutant among plants in that X2-line. In methods C, D and E, one, two or three grains respectively, taken from each of the X1-plants of the number required to detect at least one desirable X2-plant, are sown to obtain corresponding X2-plants.The number of X1-plants, total X2-plants, and X1- and X2-plants in the aggregate required to obtain at least one desirable mutant (m, mn and m+mn respectively) shows the following relations: method C>D>A>E>B for m, ABED>D>C for mn and ABC>D>E (the last two being very close to each other) for m+mn.Each of the new methods B, C, D and E will be applicable in radiation breeding. When the discrimination of a mutant is difficult method B will be useful. On the contrary, when a mutant is easily distinguishable, method C, with dense planting in X1, will frequently be much better. In some cases methods D and E, especially D, will be more useful in the practice of radiation breeding than method C. Method A should not be used in any case.  相似文献   

P. Spiegel-Roy 《Euphytica》1979,28(2):361-365
Summary Evidence that Shamouti orange is a periclinal chimera has been obtained as all nucellar seedlings from two Shamouti trees, yielded only Beledi type fruit. All nucellars from another Shamouti tree bore only Shamouti type fruit, thus indicating a homohistont condition in another tree source.  相似文献   

J. W. van Ooijen 《Euphytica》1989,44(1-2):81-94
Summary Quantitative genetic theory for autogamous crops enables the estimation of the parameters m (F-mean) and D (F-variance) in the F3-generation. With these estimated m and D a prediction can be made of the probability of finding superior inbred lines in the F-offspring of the cross. The accuracy of this procedure is influenced by the correctness of the genetic model, by the magnitude of the error variance, and by the bias caused by intergenotypic competition, which is present in the environment in which the F3 is grown and absent in the monoculture environment at which the selection is aimed, especially in a cereal crop like wheat. The influence of the intergenotypic competition was investigated by a special method of simulating segregating populations. In this method genotypes in the offspring of a cross are represented by varieties and segregating populations are composed by mixing the appropriate varieties according to the proper segregation frequencies. Growing the simulated population enables the estimation of m and D in the normal selection environment, while simultaneously growing the varieties in a large monoculture trial enables the calculation of true values of m and D in the monoculture environment. Hence, a comparison is possible.The first of this set of two papers presents the investigations on the influence of intergenotypic competition on the estimation of the parameter m. The correlation coefficient of the estimates from the selection environment with the calculated true values from the monoculture environment was small. Sometimes the selection environment estimation significantly underestimated the (true) monoculture value of m, sometimes it significantly overestimated the monoculture value. On the average the smaller true values of m were underestimated and the larger ones overestimated.  相似文献   

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