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为深入推进造林绿化“一大四小”工程建设,推进身边添绿增彩,建设生态宜居城乡,近日,江西省永修县全面启动“森林十创”活动,即创建“森林街道”、“森林社区”、“森林园区”、“森林单位”、“森林小区”、“森林校园”、“森林营区”、“森林乡镇”、“森林村庄”和“森林公园(湿地公园)”。  相似文献   

森林有害生物的生态控制技术与措施   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
从森林生物灾害与森林生态系统功能的关系、森林病虫害防治历史、社会对森林病虫害防治策略的需求出发,论述了森林有害生物控制的新策略一生态控制,定义了森林有害生物生态控制,分析了森林有害生物生态控制的理论基础和特点,对森林有害生物生态控制技术及其措施进行了讨论,包括森林有害生物生态控制技术途径——森林生态系统分析与设计,森林生态系统建立,森林生态系统维护(监测、风险分析、预测、决策、维护方案的编制与实施),森林生态系统更新与重建;生态控制措施一立地调控措施,林分经营管理措施,寄主抗性利用和开发措施,生物控制措施(生物(源)农药、生物肥料、天敌利用包括病原微生物和天敌昆虫),信息素控制措施,应急调控措施(以环境协调性农药控制为主,兼用低毒高效化学农药)等。最后对森林有害生物生态控制及其适用条件进行了评价,认为森林有害生物生态控制是未来森林有害生物控制的主要方向,具有广阔前景。  相似文献   

联合国确定2011国际森林年的主题是“森林为民”,就是基于国际社会对森林造福人民,改善民生的共识。发展森林城市,建设森林城市、低碳城市、宜居城市,推动区域林业发展和绿色增长,完全符合今年国际森林年的主题思想。  相似文献   

为了进一步检验森林消防专业队快速反应能力,充分发挥森林消防队伍主力军和突击队作用,努力打造一支纪律严明、作风过硬、训练有素、反应快速、能征善战的森林消防队伍,2008年11月26日下午,崇左市森林防火指挥部在那达林场举行专业森林消防专业队扑救森林火灾应急演习。  相似文献   

今天,湖南省隆重召开全省森林防火和森林公安工作会议,这充分体现了湖南省委、省政府对林业工作的关心和重视,对森林防火、森林公安工作的关怀和厚爱。借此机会,受贾治邦局长和孙扎根副局长委托,我代表国家森林防火指挥部和国家林业局森林公安局,对会议的胜利召开表示热烈祝贺,向战斗在一线的广大森林公安民警和同志们表示亲切的问候,向所有关心、支持森林防火和森林公安工作的各级领导表示诚挚的谢意!  相似文献   

人类来自森林,人类依靠森林,森林的存在为人类的出现创造了条件,提供了类人猿变成人以及他们生存、生活的环境。人类与森林的关系,是相互依存,相互制约,相互促进,和谐发展,共同繁荣的。没有森林就没有人类,人类与森林的历史,是森林养育了人类-人类破坏了森林-人类有能力恢复森林,再回到森林中去,继续在现代的、舒适而美丽的森林环境中生活的过程。  相似文献   

最佳防护效益森林覆盖率定量探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
张健  陈林武 《林业科学》1996,32(4):317-324
提出了最佳防护效益森林覆盖率的概念,探讨了确定最佳防护效益森林覆盖率的理论和方法。在一定森林面积的基础上,增强森林内涵质量、优化空间分布格局,将给森林生态系统带来显著的防护增益。森林面积、质量和分布的最佳组合,使森林防护能力达到极大值时的森林覆盖率即为最佳防护效益森林覆盖率,其值的大小与特定的自然地理背景条件高度相关。以四川盆地低山丘陵区为研究对象,森林生态系统防护能力为依据,计算出中低山区、低山区、深丘区、浅丘区和平原区最佳防护效益森林覆盖率分别为:57%、46%、44%、31%及13%。  相似文献   

王国宏 《绿化与生活》2005,(3):i004-i004
市森林公安局严格各项森林防火措施,确保春季不发生重大森林火灾、不伤人、不死人,努力减少一般性森林火警、火灾,保护了首都的森林安全.使全市春季森林防火工作取得了了可喜成绩。前不久,牛有成副市长在首都绿化办主任、市林业局长宋希友、市林业局副局长、巾森林防火办公室主任李树旺等同志的陪同下检查了昌平区和怀柔区深山地区的森林防火工作,  相似文献   

森林火灾是一种发生面广、危害程度大、处置救助十分困难的自然灾害,往往会对森林资源甚至人类文明造成极大的损害。据统计,从1950年到2010年问,我国发生的森林火灾数量、受灾森林面积以及伤亡人员数量等都比较大。在这些火灾中,由自然因素引发的森林火灾约占我国森林火灾总数的5%,而人为因素引发的森林火灾却高达95%,这就决定了森林防火工作具有很强的社会性、群众性特点,因此,预防人为火灾是防治森林火灾的基础性工作,  相似文献   

森林康养资源是森林康养产业发展重要的基础和依托,准确掌握杭州市森林康养资源空间分布特征及影响因素,对优化产业资源要素空间配置和地域治理具有重要意义。本文以森林康养基地、森林人家、森林氧吧等森林康养资源为对象,采用Arc GIS、SPSS等工具进行最邻近指数、核密度分析,探讨森林康养资源空间分布及影响因素。结果显示:杭州市现有9类227处森林康养资源,去除重复入选地,共计179处;杭州市森林康养资源整体呈聚集式分布(R<1),表现为“一群、多核、两带”的分布特征;杭州市森林康养资源分布的影响因素主要有自然资源和社会经济两方面,其中森林蓄积量、森林覆盖率、针叶林面积等自然因素和公路里程数与森林康养资源分布呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),公路密度与森林康养资源分布呈负相关关系(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

福建省上杭县是个典型的"八山一水一分田"的山区县,是我国南方重点林业县,森林覆盖率达77.38%,位居福建省乃至全国前列。根据杭县编制的(2016~2025年)的森林经营规划前期外业调查和后期内业资料数据整理,对该县的森林资源现状进行概述,并从林地面积、森林蓄积量、林种、树种结构等方面进行切合实际的分析,以便为科学制订上杭县在提高森林资源质量效益和林业可持续发展规划上提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The most common scientific approach to numerical landscape-level forest management planning is combinatorial optimization aimed at finding the optimal combination of the treatment alternatives of stands. The selected combination of treatments depends on the conditions of the forest, and the objectives of the forest landowners. A two-step procedure is commonly used to derive the plan. First, treatment alternatives are generated for the stands using an automated simulation tool. Second,the optimal combination of the simulated treatment schedules is found by using mathematical programming or various heuristics. Simulation of treatment schedules requires models for stand dynamics and volume for all important tree species and stand types present in the forest.A forest planning system was described for Northeast China. The necessary models for stand dynamics and tree volume were presented for the main tree species of the region. The developed models were integrated into the simulation tool of the planning system. The simulation and the optimization tools of the planning system were described. The optimization tool was used with heuristic methods, making it possible to easily solve also spatial forest planning problems, for instance aggregate cuttings.Finally, the use of the system is illustrated with a case study, in which nonspatial and spatial management plans are developed for the Mengjiagang Forest District.  相似文献   

根据市场需求,对昆明市西山区团结乡街道办事处经济林品种结构进行分析,筛选出15个经济林品种作为多目标规划初选品种,采用多目标规划方法对经济林品种结构进行规划调整。通过多目标规划模型的确定和求解,得到各经济林树种(品种)优化发展面积,最终确定团结街道办事处经济林发展的极值目标为:产值目标33 221.25万元;产量目标2 469.35万kg;成本目标1 158.77万元。  相似文献   

城市森林的成分及其类型   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:47       下载免费PDF全文
城市森林是城市范围内及与城市关系密切的、以树木为主体的生物群落。为便于分类型进行研究、规划设计和建设以及经营,将其按主要功能、所处的位置、经营管理的一致性及与城市规划和习惯接轨等因素,区分成防护林、公用林地、风景林、生产用森林和绿地、企事业单位林地、居民区林地、道路林地和其它林地、绿地等子系统。  相似文献   

The loss of connectivity of forest landscapes is seriously hindering dispersal of many forest-dwelling species, which may be critical for their viability and conservation. In this context, explicitly incorporating connectivity considerations is an important challenge in current forest planning and management, but as yet there is a lack of operative methods for appropriate decision making in this respect. We describe a new methodology based on graph structures and a habitat availability index (integral index of connectivity) that integrates forest attributes (like habitat quality) and network connectivity in a single measure. We apply this methodology to examine the connectivity of the highly fragmented habitat of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in Catalonia (NE Spain), where the threatened status of this forest bird species calls for landscape-level forest planning solutions. We analyse data on the distribution of capercaillie forest habitat at 1 km spatial resolution obtained from the recent Catalan Breeding Bird Atlas. We determine the functionally connected regions existing within its habitat distribution and identify the forest habitat areas that are more important for the maintenance of overall landscape connectivity for this species. Based on these results, we provide recommendations on certain critical public forests where management oriented to the conservation of capercaillie habitat is more necessary. These results highlight the potential and practical interest of the proposed methodology for successfully integrating landscape connectivity in broad scale forest planning.  相似文献   

通过浙江省森林资源动态与发展趋势的研究分析,进行了全省林种、树种结构分布现状调查、评价及规划,特别是对浙江省名特优经济林生产现状进行了调查、评价,完成了全省林种结构的合理调整与配置,并对今后发展目标进行规划。本文为合理调整林种树种结构,大力发展高产、优质、高效林业提供依据。  相似文献   

劳荣 《绿色科技》2020,(6):71-74,79
基于云南省普洱市镇沅县2016年第四轮森林资源规划设计调查数据,从不同森林类型、不同起源、不同龄组、优势树种、乡镇等方面,通过生物量扩展因子法,估算了镇沅县森林资源生物量、碳密度及碳储量。结果表明:第四轮森林资源规划设计调查中,镇沅县森林植被碳储量总量为1511.38×104 tC;不同森林类型中,阔叶林碳储量较针叶林高,占主导地位;不同起源中,天然林在森林植被碳储量中起到更大的作用;不同龄组中碳储量由高到低为中龄林、近熟林、成熟林、幼龄林、过熟林;优势树种(组)中,思茅松和栎类碳储量所占比例最大;各乡镇中,勐大镇碳储量最大,和平镇最小。  相似文献   


Efficient conservation planning in managed forest landscapes requires knowledge about the location of functional habitat for specialised species. We explored the importance of different variables to predict habitat suitability for the white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos Bechstein), a proposed umbrella species in deciduous forest. Specifically, we tested whether biophysical proxy variables indicating management intensity and the occurrence of natural processes constituted a useful complement to traditional remotely sensed data on tree species composition and forest stand age for modelling the woodpecker's habitat. Presence–absence of the woodpecker during the study period (1986–2006) in southwestern Sweden was explained by the area of edge habitats (forest bordering water or farmland) and wetland forest, and location relative to the historical marine limit. The number of years with occurrence of the woodpecker in a territory was explained by the area of forest bordering water and wetland forest. Among traditional forest variables, the area of deciduous forest had a strong positive effect on both woodpecker presence–absence and the number of years with occurrence. The results support the hypothesis that edge habitats and forest types subject to natural processes favouring deciduous trees and dead wood creation are valuable to the woodpecker and should be prioritised in conservation planning.  相似文献   

以森林生态原则为基础,遵循现代林业理论,根据树种的生态特性,从森林美学的角度对广东东莞常平旗岭森林公园进行植物配置与植物景观规划。对坡度大、植物生长环境较差的区位进行封山育林,使其自然生长与更新;对裸露的废弃石场采取复绿措施;对面积较大和林相较单一的桉树林和相思林,选择生长快的乡土树种,并配置少量红叶树种进行改造,以改善林间生态环境,增添景观效果。根据植物花期不同选择开花树种进行改造,打造四季有花的森林公园。根据道路使用功能的不同配置树种,以追求森林公园生态和社会效益的最大化。  相似文献   

The achievement of sustainable forest management requires the incorporation of risk and uncertainty into long-term planning. Climatic change will have significant impacts on natural disturbances, species and ecosystems, particularly on landscapes influenced by forest management. Understanding where vulnerabilities lie is important in managing the risks associated directly or indirectly with climatic change. The vulnerability of landscapes to natural disturbances, the resilience of ecosystems and distribution of species are all important components that need to be considered when undertaking forest planning, but climatic change is rarely factored into such planning. In this study, the vulnerability of fire potential, fire regimes, ecosystems and species to climatic change was modelled for a 145,000 ha landscape in the south-central interior of British Columbia, Canada. The results from these analyses were used to guide forest zoning, using the triad zoning framework, and for the development of a “climate-smart” management framework. The use of climate-smart management is advocated as a decision-making framework for managing forested landscapes based on an understanding of landscape vulnerability to future climatic change. From this understanding, the maintenance of ecosystem health and vitality could be achieved.  相似文献   

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