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Direct observations of the dynamic balance between time-dependent winds and deep ocean currents are described for the eastern North Pacific Ocean at 42 degrees N, 152 degrees W. Currents from 150 to 4000 meters below the surface at frequencies from 0.01 to 0.1 cycle per day are significantly correlated with the wind stress curl derived from U.S. Navy operational wind fields. The horizontal currents are depth-independent below 300 meters, and they flow parallel to the potential vorticity gradient derived from the earth's rotation and the large-scale bottom topography. These characteristics are expected for such periodic motions with horizontal scales larger than 500 kilometers and represent a generalized Sverdrup balance between the atmospheric forcing and the oceanic response.  相似文献   

Several observations of Jupiter's atmosphere made by instruments on the New Horizons spacecraft have implications for the stability and dynamics of Jupiter's weather layer. Mesoscale waves, first seen by Voyager, have been observed at a spatial resolution of 11 to 45 kilometers. These waves have a 300-kilometer wavelength and phase velocities greater than the local zonal flow by 100 meters per second, much higher than predicted by models. Additionally, infrared spectral measurements over five successive Jupiter rotations at spatial resolutions of 200 to 140 kilometers have shown the development of transient ammonia ice clouds (lifetimes of 40 hours or less) in regions of strong atmospheric upwelling. Both of these phenomena serve as probes of atmospheric dynamics below the visible cloud tops.  相似文献   

Podney W  Sager R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1979,205(4413):1381-1382
Fluctuating magnetic gradients over oceans come from electric currents flowing in seawater arising from its motions across the earth's magnetic field. Gradients of 0.3 to 0.6 picoteslas per meter for each meter of internal wave displacement have been measured at frequencies of 2 to 5 millihertz with a superconductive magnetic gradiometer supported 7 meters above the surface of water 18 meters deep about 1.5 kilometers offshore from San Diego, California.  相似文献   

Winds in the lower atmosphere of Venus, inferred from three-dimensional radio interferometric tracking of the descents of the Pioneer day and north probes, are predominantly easterly with speeds of about 1 meter per second near the surface, 50 meters per second at the bottom of the clouds, and more than 200 meters per second within the densest, middle cloud layer. Between about 25 and 55 kilometers altitude the average flow was slanted equatorward, with superimposed wavelike motions and alternating layers of high and low shear.  相似文献   

Speeds as high as 44 centimeters per second were observed 200 meters above the ocean bottom under the Gulf Stream at 70 degrees W longitude and were associated with time-dependent motion that had a speed range of 40 centimeters per second and a time scale of about 30 days. These deep current fluctuations appear to be coupled with fluctuations in the surface position of the Stream and with surface and bottom current fluctuations 200 kilometers to the north.  相似文献   

Baited traps and a camera lowered through the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, at a point 475 kilometers from the open Ross Sea and to 597 meters below sea level revealed the presence of fish, many amphipods, and one isopod. Biological or current markings were not evident on a soft bottom littered with subangular lumps. A fish was caught through a crevasse 80 kilometers from the shelf edge.  相似文献   

Thermogenic gas hydrates were recovered from the upper few meters of bottom sediments in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The hydrates were associated with oil-stained cores at a water depth of 530 meters. The hydrates apparently occur sporadically in seismic "wipeout" zones of sediments in a region of the Gulf continental slope at least several hundred square kilometers in area.  相似文献   

A global array of 20 radio observatories was used to measure the three-dimensional position and velocity of the two meteorological balloons that were injected into the equatorial region of the Venus atmosphere near Venus midnight by the VEGA spacecraft on 11 and 15 June 1985. Initial analysis of only radial velocities indicates that each balloon was blown westward about 11,500 kilometers (8,000 kilometers on the night side) by zonal winds with a mean speed of about 70 meters per second. Excursions of the data from a model of constant zonal velocity were generally less than 3 meters per second; however, a much larger variation was evident near the end of the flight of the second balloon. Consistent systematic trends in the residuals for both balloons indicate the possibility of a solar-fixed atmospheric feature. Rapid variations in balloon velocity were often detected within a single transmission (330 seconds); however, they may represent not only atmospheric motions but also self-induced aerodynamic motions of the balloon.  相似文献   

On 24 January 1968, a transient deep-circulation event was recorded by a triangular array of autonomous current recorders installed 3 meters above the bottom at two of the three positions and at intervals of 3 to 1000 meters above the bottom at the third position in a depth of 3950 meters above the relatively smooth floor of the eastern North Pacific. The event interrupted a 24-hour record of relatively steady but peculiar conditions, lasted for about 1(1/2) hours, and was followed by current directions and speeds that greatly differed from those of the initial period. The event occurred over a volume of the sea of at least 2 kilometers in horizontal dimensions and 1 kilometer thick. Associated with the event were many small clockwise-rotating features extending from 3 to at least 1000 meters above the bottom and a rapidly increasing current velocity at 1000 meters. The event was probably local and may have involved convective motion, internal waves, and the passage of front. Some of the changes in horizontal velocity may have resulted from the combined effects of upwelling and the earth's rotation.  相似文献   

After the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami, field data on the extent of the inundation in Banda Aceh, Sumatra, were combined with satellite imagery to quantify the tsunami effects. Flow depths along the shores of Banda Aceh exceeded 9 meters, with inundation reaching 3 to 4 kilometers inland. To the southwest, at Lhoknga, flow depths were more than 15 meters at the shoreline and runup exceeded 25 meters. Erosion and subsidence moved the shoreline of Banda Aceh inland up to 1.5 kilometers, and 65 square kilometers of land between Banda Aceh and Lhoknga were flooded.  相似文献   

The spatial organization and time dependence of Jupiter's stratospheric temperatures have been measured by observing thermal emission from the 7.8-micrometer CH(4) band. These temperatures, observed through the greater part of a Jovian year, exhibit the influence of seasonal radiative forcing. Distinct bands of high temperature are located at the poles and mid-latitudes, while the equator alternates between warm and cold with a period of approximately 4 years. Substantial longitudinal variability is often observed within the warm mid-latitude bands, and occasionally elsewhere on the planet. This variability includes small, localized structures, as well as large-scale waves with wavelengths longer than approximately 30,000 kilometers. The amplitudes of the waves vary on a time scale of approximately 1 month; structures on a smaller scale may have lifetimes of only days. Waves observed in 1985, 1987, and 1988 propagated with group velocities less than +/-30 meters per second.  相似文献   

The Shuttle Experiment conducted between Hawaii and Tahiti from January 1979 to June 1980 was designed to observe the changing equatorial ocean structure and circulation, to study the variations and interactions of the four major equatorial ocean currents, and to develop a scientific basis for their monitoring by simple observations of thermal structure and sea level. Preliminary analyses of the results show that the equatorial thermal structure remains intact during a normal year and that only the positions and intensities of the currents are subject to change. The water transport of the equatorial undercurrent varied from 25 x 10(6) cubic meters per second in January to 51 x 10(6) cubic meters per second in July, but also exhibited strong short-term pulsations. The equatorial surface flow responded strongly to the winds at periods of 1 month and longer. An array of drifter buoys in the equatoral countercurrent was subject to very little dispersion while traveling over 4500 kilometers in 4 months. Low-frequency fluctuations in the North Equatorial Countercurrent can be monitored by means of the difference in sea level between Fanning and Majuro.  相似文献   

Massive blocks of freshwater ice and frozen sediments protrude from shallow, saline lakes in the Andes of southwestern Bolivia and northeastern Chile. These ice islands range up to 1.5 kilometers long, stand up to 7 meters above the water surface, and may extend out tens of meters and more beneath the unfrozen lake sediments. The upper surfaces of the islands are covered with dry white sediments, mostly aragonite or calcite. The ice blocks may have formed by freezing of the fresh pore water of lake sediments during the "little ice age." The largest blocks are melting rapidly because of possibly recent increases in geothermal heat flux through the lake bottom and undercutting by warm saline lake water during the summer.  相似文献   

Unusually long reverberations were recorded from two lunar impacts by a seismic station installed on the lunar surface by the Apollo 12 astronauts. Seismic data from these impacts suggest that the lunar mare in the region of the Apollo 12 landing site consists of material with very low seismic velocities near the surface, with velocity increasing with depth to 5 to 6 kilometers per second (for compressional waves) at a depth of 20 kilometers. Absorption of seismic waves in this structure is extremely low relative to typical continental crustal materials on earth. It is unlikely that a major boundary similar to the crustmantle interface on earth exists in the outer 20 kilometers of the moon. A combination of dispersion and scattering of surface waves probably explains the lunar seismic reverberation. Scattering of these waves implies the presence of heterogeneity within the outer zone of the mare on a scale of from several hundred meters (or less) to several kilometers. Seismic signals from 160 events of natural origin have been recorded during the first 7 months of operation of the Apollo 12 seismic station. At least 26 of the natural events are small moonquakes. Many of the natural events are thought to be meteoroid impacts.  相似文献   

The altitude profiles of temperature and pressure measured during the descent of the four Pioneer Venus probes show small contrast below the clouds but significant differences within the clouds at altitudes from 45 to 61 kilometers. At 60 kilometers, the probe which entered at 59.3 degrees north latitude sensed temperatures 25 K below those of the lower latitude probes, and a sizable difference persisted down to and slightly below the cloud base. It also sensed pressure below those of the other probes by as much as 49 millibars at a mean pressure of 200 millibars. The measured pressure differences are consistent with cyclostrophic balance of zonal winds ranging from 130 +/- 20 meters per second at 60 kilometers to 60 +/- 17 meters per second at 40 kilometers, with evidence in addition of a nonaxisymmetric component of the winds. The clouds were found to be 10 to 20 K warmer than the extended profiles of the lower atmosphere, and the middle cloud is convectively unstable. Both phenomena are attributed to the absorption of thermal radiation from below. Above the clouds, in the lower stratosphere, the lapse rate decreases abruptly to 3.5 K per kilometer, and a superimposed wave is evident. At 100 kilometers, the temperature is minimum, with a mean value of about 170 K.  相似文献   

Eros is a very elongated (34 kilometers by 11 kilometers by 11 kilometers) asteroid, most of the surface of which is saturated with craters smaller than 1 kilometer in diameter. The largest crater is 5.5 kilometers across, but there is a 10-kilometer saddle-like depression with attributes of a large degraded crater. Surface lineations, both grooves and ridges, are prominent on Eros; some probably exploit planes of weakness produced by collisions on Eros and/or its parent body. Ejecta blocks (30 to 100 meters across) are abundant but not uniformly distributed over the surface. Albedo variations are restricted to the inner walls of certain craters and may be related to downslope movement of regolith. On scales of 200 meters to 1 kilometer, Eros is more bland in terms of color variations than Gaspra or Ida. Spectra (800 to 2500 nanometers) are consistent with an ordinary chondrite composition for which the measured mean density of 2.67 +/- 0.1 grams per cubic centimeter implies internal porosities ranging from about 10 to 30 percent.  相似文献   

Profiles of repetitive seismnic reflections reveal that the Bering con tinental slope, outer shelf, and rise overlay an acoustically reflective "basement" which extends at least 750 kilometers parallel to the trend of the slope. This acoustic basement is usually covered by several hundred meters of stratified sediments at the top and bottom of the slope; however, it is exposed in sub marine canyons and flanking spurs along the main part of the slope for a distance of at least 550 kilometers northwest of the Pribilof Islands. The lithologic composition and the age of the rocks of the acoustic basement are not known. However, its probable seismic velocity of 3.1 to 3.7 kilometers per second suggests that it is composed of volcanic rocks or lithified sedimentary rocks or both. The regional geology suggests that the acoustic basement is the upper surface of folded late Mesozoic rocks which were locally intruded by granite and serpentine. The structure of the Bering slope, as deduced from the acoustic profiles, suggests that the surface of the basement has been monoclinically flexed and faulted between the shelf edge and the deep Aleutian Basin.  相似文献   

Radar observations of comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) made at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California have detected echoes from the nucleus and from large grains in the inner coma. The nucleus of this bright comet was estimated to be only 2 to 3 kilometers in diameter. Models of the coma echo indicate backscatter from porous, centimeter-size grains ejected anisotropically at velocities of tens of meters per second. The radar observations suggest that a comet's activity may be a poor indicator of its size and provide evidence that large grains constitute an important component of the mass loss from a typical active comet.  相似文献   

Binzel RP  Xu S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1993,260(5105):186-191
For more than two decades, asteroid 4 Vesta has been debated as the source for the eucrite, diogenite, and howardite classes of basaltic achondrite meteorites. Its basaltic achondrite spectral properties are unlike those of other large main-belt asteroids. Telescopic measurements have revealed 20 small (diameters 相似文献   

The phase velocities of Rayleigh waves increase more rapidly with distance from the East Pacific Rise (EPR) axis than is predicted by models of conductive cooling of the lithosphere. Low velocities near the axis are probably caused by partial melt at depths of 20 to 70 kilometers in a zone several hundred kilometers wide. The lowest velocities are offset to the west of the EPR. Wave propagation is anisotropic; the fast direction is approximately perpendicular to the ridge, parallel to the spreading direction. Anisotropy increases from a minimum near the axis to 3 percent or more on the flanks.  相似文献   

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