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近几年来,笔者开展了柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化出土观察,结果表明:宜昌市柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化出土盛期在5月中下旬;在成虫羽化出土盛期,成虫以上午(12点以前)时段羽化出土为主,占全天羽化出土数量的85.8%;羽化出土历期22d~26d,羽化盛期历期7d~12d;羽化出土率40.5%~82.5%;雌雄比1.037~1.119:1。以上监测值在不同监测地点和年度间有一定差异。  相似文献   

为掌握柑橘大实蝇成虫发生动态、明确防治适期,于2012-2020年在湖南泸溪开展了柑橘大实蝇羽化进度和成虫诱捕监测.结果 表明,泸溪柑橘大实蝇羽化始盛期和成虫诱捕始盛期分别在5月中旬和5月下旬,二者平均期距为(12.4±1.1)d.3月1日至4月30日逐日平均气温积温值与成虫诱捕始盛期、田间羽化始盛期间均存在显著线性回...  相似文献   

2011年~2012年,笔者开展了柑橘大实蝇羽化出土观测.结果表明:宜昌市柑橘大实蝇羽化出土盛期在5月中下旬,羽化历期24d ~ 28d左右,羽化盛期历期7d~15d;羽化出土率40%~90%;同一地区随着海拔升高,羽化出土发生期相应推迟,不同海拔高度羽化率(或蛹死亡率)则差异不明显.  相似文献   

不同预埋方式对柑橘大实蝇越冬蛹羽化出土时间的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察圃置蛆柑法和观察圃埋蛹法获得的大实蝇越冬蛹羽化出土始见日、始盛期、高峰期、盛末期、终见日有明显差异,埋蛹法不同深度处理的结果也有一定差别。置蛆柑法整个羽化出土期为21 d,时间最长。深度3 cm埋蛹法始见日比置蛆柑法早5 d,深度5 cm以下埋蛹法与置蛆柑法始见日相近,深度10 cm埋蛹法与置蛆柑法发生期基本吻合。置蛆柑法羽化盛期内,每日不同时间段的羽化出土数量差异较大。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇〔Tetradacuscitri(Chen)〕分布在秭归县部分柑橘产区,受害严重果园的虫果率可达20%以上。柑橘大实蝇幼虫蛀食果实瓤瓣,完全丧失经济价值。为比,1994~1998年对其田间发生规律和防治技术进行了观察试验,为柑橘大实蝇的防除探索了一条途径。1 生活史观察柑橘大实蝇在秭归县1a发生1代,以蛹在土中越冬。当地温达15℃以上时开始羽化为成虫,5月下旬为羽化盛期,6月上旬羽化末期。根据观察分析,成虫交尾始期在5月下旬,盛期为6月上、中旬,末期在6月下旬。成虫产卵于6月上旬开始,…  相似文献   

柑桔大实蝇Bactrocera minax是柑桔类植物果实的重要害虫,以往对该虫的发生监测仅局限于通过果园诱集和室内外养蛹监测成虫的发生期。本研究综合应用室外养蛹、桔园系统调查、成虫诱集和蛆果解剖等技术手段,以期了解柑桔大实蝇的产卵进度、幼虫发育进度、蛆果落地进度、幼虫化蛹进度以及蛹的羽化进度。研究结果表明,重庆地区柑桔大实蝇产卵盛期为6月下旬-7月上旬,高峰期为6月下旬末-7月初;一龄、二龄和三龄幼虫的发生盛期分别为9月中旬-10月初、10月上旬-下旬和10月中旬-11月初;受害蛆果落地盛期为10月上旬-下旬,与二龄和三龄幼虫的发生盛期吻合;室外养蛹的成虫羽化盛期为5月上旬-中旬末,但果园成虫诱集的盛期为6月中旬-下旬,较室外养蛹的成虫发生盛期推迟30 d左右,对出现此种情况的原因作者做了初步分析。研究结果还表明,各虫态的累计发生进度均可用逻辑斯缔方程拟合,从而可计算出各虫态发生进度为16%、50%和84%的始盛期、高峰期和盛末期。研究结果对于柑桔大实蝇的发生期预测和防治具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇发生为害规律与防治对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨永政  张富国  何涛 《湖北植保》2008,(1):18-18,22
柑橘大实蝇属双翅目、实蝇科,俗称柑橘果实蝇或柑蛆,是国内外植物检疫对象,主要为害柑橘类,次为柚子、酸橙、红桔等。成虫产卵桔果内皮层,卵孵化后,幼虫随即由内向外在瓤内蛀食,使果实内部腐烂,形成蛆柑,未熟先黄而脱落,完全丧失食用和经济价值。1柑橘大实蝇发生为害规律柑橘大实蝇1年发生1代,以蛹在土中越冬。成虫于4月下旬开始羽化出土,5月为盛期。5月下旬至7月下旬为交尾产卵时期,盛期为6月中旬至7月上旬。幼虫最早在7月下旬出现,8月中旬至9月初为盛期。10月上中旬幼虫逐渐老熟,被害果开始陆续脱落,落果1~3d,老熟幼虫出果入土化蛹。1.1柑…  相似文献   

温度、土壤含水量和埋蛹深度对柑橘大实蝇羽化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为揭示环境因子对柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化的影响,采用三元一次正交组合设计分析,分别建立了成虫羽化出土率、存活率、始见日以及羽化历期与温度、土壤含水量和埋蛹深度及其互作关系的回归方程。在4个方程中温度的偏回归系数最高,分别为19.37、22.14、15.88和9.63,且均为负相关;土壤含水量主要影响成虫的羽化出土率和存活率,其偏回归系数分别为6.92和12.02,呈负相关关系;埋蛹深度对成虫羽化出土率和存活率有一定影响,其偏回归系数分别为2.86和1.39,呈正相关关系;因子间互作主要影响成虫的存活率,其中温度×土壤含水量互作是其单因子作用的叠加,而温度×埋蛹深度以及土壤含水量×埋蛹深度的互作在一定程度上抵消了温度和土壤含水量对成虫存活率的影响。  相似文献   

重庆市云阳县柑橘大实蝇发生规律和防控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010—2016年,通过羽化观察、成虫诱集、落果解剖等方法调查重庆市云阳县柑橘大实蝇发生情况。结果表明,该害虫羽化高峰期5月上旬,田间成虫活动盛期为6月中旬至7中旬,蛆果落地高峰期10月中旬至11月中旬,蛆果落地到幼虫开始入土间隔期2~8 d。大面积田间成虫诱杀适期为5月下旬至7月中旬,落果捡拾适期10月上旬至11月下旬。结合橘园蚧类等害虫防治,6月上旬至7月中旬可选用菊酯类农药防治柑橘大实蝇成虫。  相似文献   

短时低温对柑橘大实蝇1~4级蛹恒温代价的弥补效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax(Enderlein)为我国重要的柑橘类害虫。为了解短时低温对柑橘大实蝇1~4级蛹恒高温代价的弥补效应,以25℃恒高温为基础,研究了相对低温10、15、20℃短时(2、4、8h)变温处理柑橘大实蝇1~4级蛹后其成虫羽化情况。相对于恒温25℃,经15℃和20℃短时(2~8h)变温处理1级蛹后成虫羽化增长率为14%~47%,经10℃和15℃短时(2、4、8h)变温和20℃短时(4h)变温处理2~3级蛹后成虫羽化增长率为2%~45%,经10、15℃和20℃短时(2、4、8h)变温处理4级蛹后成虫羽化增长率为28%~46%,均表现为正增长,产生了恒温代价弥补正效应。4级蛹经10、15、20℃变温处理2h和8h,对其恒温代价弥补正效应均较2~3级蛹的大。总之,特定时长低温对特定蛹级产生恒温弥补正效应,不同蛹级间效应有差异。本研究结果为室内柑橘大实蝇保存,及春季快速回暖或田间倒春寒情况下柑橘大实蝇种群动态的预测预报提供依据。  相似文献   

自2009年起柑橘黑点病逐渐成为上海地区影响柑橘果实商品价值的最主要病害,严重制约上海市柑橘产业的效益。为了解该病的田间流行动态以及病害发生与降雨量的关系,2010年—2018年连续9年进行了病害发生动态调查和分析。结果表明,上海地区6月上旬至8月下旬是果实感病期,其中,6月中旬至7月中旬为发病高峰期;雨水是黑点病发生的必要条件,果实生长期不同阶段的降雨参数,尤其是6月下旬的降雨量与病情指数密切相关。本文以病情发展的3个时间节点(7月15日、8月15日和9月10日)的病情指数为因变量,以这3个时间点之前各旬的降雨量、降雨日为自变量筛选变量建立了多元线性回归方程,根据分析结果,采用6月下旬的降雨量等气象因子建立的多元线性回归方程,可以比较准确地预测7、8月中旬和9月10日即病害发展稳定期的田间病情。  相似文献   

From January 2010 to December 2011, samples of leaves from citrus varieties Kinnow, Musambi and Feutral were taken from the five tehsils (administrative subdivisions) of Sargodha District in Pakistan including Sargodha, Bahalwal, Silanwalli, Sahiwal and Kotmomin, to study the population trends in citrus leaf miner (CLM), Phyllocnistis citrella (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), and its correlation with various environmental factors: (temperature, humidity and rainfall); plant morphological factors: moisture contents of leaves, leaf thickness, surface area (cm 2 ), and biochemical percentage of calcium, potassium and magnesium in leaves. The maximum population of CLM was observed on Kinnow and Feutral, followed by Musambi. The effect of these factors on the larval population was 8.39- 2.30(Mg)+2.73(K)-0.398(Ca)-0.100(Temp)0.038(Humidity)+0.567(Rain)+0.07(Moist) 1.01 (Thickness)-0.022(Surface area). This equation revealed that magnesium, calcium, temperature, humidity, leaf thickness and leaf surface area are negatively correlated with larvae population, whereas potassium, rainfall and moisture are positively correlated with larvae population.  相似文献   

园林绿地中桔小实蝇种群消长与环境因子的相关性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为掌握桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)种群在上海园林绿地中的消长与环境因子的相关性,采用成虫诱捕法监测10个园林绿地内的桔小实蝇种群发生量;采用人工调查法调查绿地内桔小实蝇寄主植物的种类和数量、种群发生点到餐饮场所、垃圾站及水果市场距离、绿地内日平均气温和日平均相对湿度等环境因子。调查分析结果显示,桔小实蝇的种群发生量与寄主植物数量的相关系数为0.938,呈极显著正相关,表明寄主植物数量是影响桔小实蝇种群发生量的最重要因子;桔小实蝇种群发生量与该种群发生点到水果市场距离的相关系数为-0.996,呈极显著负相关,表明水果市场与寄主植物距离越远,种群发生量越小。聚类分析结果显示,桔小实蝇种群发生量与该种群发生点至垃圾站的距离聚为一类,两者又与种群发生点至水果市场的距离聚为一类,桔小实蝇种群发生量与水果市场、垃圾站的距离具有相关性。  相似文献   

不同环境因子对桔小实蝇生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹颖  王波  袁梦 《江西植保》2007,30(4):166-170
桔小实蝇是一种危害250多种热带、亚热带水果和蔬菜的重要检疫性害虫,已经给农业生产造成了巨大的损失,影响其种群变化的因子很多。本文综述了温度、光照、湿度等环境因子对桔小实蝇生长发育影响的研究进展和现状,以期对温度、光照、湿度等环境因子对桔小实蝇生长发育的影响有个较为全面的认识,为进一步防治桔小实蝇的危害提供帮助。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Development of attract‐and‐kill bait stations for pest fruit flies has been limited by the water solubility of sugar needed as a feeding stimulant and by the volatility of chemical attractants. A wax‐based matrix was developed that provides the longevity needed for field use and is biodegradable. RESULTS: Laboratory bioassays with the Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), confirmed the efficacy of bait stations containing avermectin, methomyl, spinosad and phloxine B. Field cage studies demonstrated that significant mortality occurred with either 1% (w/v) spinosad or 1% (w/v) methomyl bait stations versus pesticide‐free bait stations. Bait stations were exposed to environmental conditions by placing them in trees at the ARS station in Miami, Florida, between tests. There was no loss in efficacy, in spite of exposure to over 360 mm of rainfall over the 56 days of the study, indicating that the bait stations could provide population suppression for at least 1–2 months when used in subtropical environments. CONCLUSION: A long‐lasting, female‐targeted fruit fly bait station, such as the one developed herein, could provide a cost‐effective option for fruit fly population suppression that would be an important tool in tephritid pest management and control. Additional studies are needed to demonstrate efficacy against wild fruit fly populations and determine deployment strategies. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The chemosterilisation technique has been demonstrated to reduce the population and fruit damage of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in citrus orchards. Field trials showed efficacy by reducing the fruit fly population, which was progressively achieved by continuous application of lufenuron to several generations. Different authors have suggested that field trials should be carried out in isolated or wide areas in order to reduce fruit fly intrusion and obtain best results. To this end, a wide‐area trial over 3600 hectares has been under investigation in Valencia (Spain) since 2002 to validate the chemosterilisation technique against the fruit fly. The whole area was treated with 24 traps ha?1, using more than 86 000 traps in the field trial. RESULTS: A continuous decrease in fruit fly population was observed over the 4 years under trial. Moreover, results showed a significant reduction in persimmon damage in the chemosterilant treatment area compared with a malathion aerial treatment area. In the case of citrus damage, no significant differences were obtained between malathion and chemosterilant treatments. CONCLUSION: The chemosterilant method reduces Mediterranean fruit fly populations, and therefore it is a candidate treatment to replace aerial treatments with insecticides in order to suppress this pest. In addition, the efficacy of chemosterilant treatment is increasing year after year. The possibility of using this technique combined with other control methods is discussed. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In Cameroon and most countries of tropical Africa where Phaeoramularia leaf and fruit spot disease of citrus is reported, a total yield loss of 50–100% is common. For effective control of this disease, it is imperative to understand how it originates, and which factors contribute to its development. To this end, the environmental and biological characteristics of each tree from 39 sites located in 13 citrus production basins in the humid zones of Cameroon were collected by means of a survey. Information was collected by interviewing heads of households, and by visual inspection of trees and their environment. The independent variable was severity of the disease while the dependent variables were environmental and biological characteristics. Climatic characteristics varied from one basin to another. The 13 citrus production basins were regrouped in five categories based on disease severity. Altitude, tree species and soil type were the main factors influencing the disease severity. Thus the higher is the altitude, the more important is the disease severity. Also, disease severity increased with increasing number of grape fruit, orange and pummelo trees. However, disease severity was lower on trees growing on volcanic soils as compared with the other soil types. Further analysis of these factors could lead to the development of a risk assessment model for Phaeoramularia leaf and fruit spot of citrus.  相似文献   

云南桔小寡鬃实蝇种群动态研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
经过水平和垂直地带的性诱观测与室内外调查试验,发现云南桔小寡鬃实蝇年发生4-5代。第二代为主害代,主要为害芒果、桃、番石榴等。成虫诱集高蜂期除柑桔点(高峰期为9-10月)、甜橙点(高峰期为10-12月)外,蓁各点均在6-7月间。各年高峰期早晚和诱集量不同。同年各点成虫高峰期出现的时间也有差异,主要表现为从南到北高峰期推迟。冬季除昆明外,其它各点均可诱到成虫。以高温高湿的西双版纳数量最多。同一地区随  相似文献   

Biology of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) was studied on five orchids and one rose species under laboratory conditions. The duration of developmental stages of this mite was the shortest on rose (7.17 ± 0.20 days) followed by Cymbidium (10.49 ± 1.50 days), Oncidium (11.60 ± 1.32 days), Dendrobium (12.67 ± 0.21 days), Phalaenopsis (14.47 ± 1.21 days) and Coelogyne (17.10 ± 1.29 days). The number of eggs/female laid was maximum on rose, whereas the minimum was on Phalaenopsis under the most suitable temperature (26 ± 2°C) and relative humidity (65 ± 5%) conditions. The five orchid farms (three conventionally sprayed and two unsprayed) in the northeastern region of India were surveyed during 2009 and 2010 for mite incidence. Twenty-three species and 11 hybrids of orchids were encountered as the most preferred host, 12 species as moderately preferred, and 28 species and one hybrid were found to be the least preferred orchid host for T. urticae. The mite’s incidence was recorded on orchids all year round, indicative of overlapping generations; however, two distinct population peaks were recorded during April and May. Subsequently its population declined at the start of the rainy season and remained at extremely low levels in the winter. Maximum and minimum temperatures had a significant positive correlation with mite incidence; daylight had a non-significant positive correlation; and rainfall and relative humidity had non-significant negative correlations with mite incidence. The results are discussed in relation to the most susceptible stage on orchids and suitable management practices for the two-spotted spider mite in India.  相似文献   

寒地水稻主栽品种稻瘟病流行规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻瘟病是危害我国水稻生产的四大主要病害之一。在自然发病条件下,研究了黑龙江省抗、感不同和熟期不同的6个生产主栽品种稻瘟病的流行规律,分析空气温度、相对湿度、降雨量、雨日数以及初始发病率等多种流行因素对发病率的影响。结果表明,不同熟期品种,感病品种叶瘟及穗颈瘟发病时间早、发展速度快、发病程度高,发病时间比抗病品种早7~10 d,供试品种田间稻瘟病的流行规律可用Logistic模型描述。分别建立了不同抗、感品种的稻瘟病叶瘟和穗颈瘟的预测模型,其中在黑龙江省水稻生产季节雨日和相对湿度对田间稻瘟病的流行速度影响最大,是稻瘟病流行的限制因子。  相似文献   

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