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<正>犊牛呼吸道疾病属于传染病,其危害相对较大,容易导致犊牛的存活率不断下降,因此应对犊牛呼吸道疾病的流行学进行深入分析,对犊牛呼吸道疾病的发病原因展开全面调查。1基本症状犊牛在出现呼吸道疾病时通常会表现出不同症状,养殖人员通过对具体症状的观察可做出准确判断。其一,呼吸道疾病发生时,通常呈现急性状态,犊牛的体温会达到40℃左右,发病期间温度不断升高,所呈现的精神状态相对较差,  相似文献   

随着养牛业的快速发展,养殖人员对犊牛的重视程度不断提高,犊牛在养牛殖市场业中占有相当的比例,对养牛业发展具有重要作用.犊牛疾病是影响犊牛饲养发展的重要因素.冬季犊牛腹泻是一种较为常见的犊牛疾病,会严重影响犊牛的生长发育,甚至会造成犊牛死亡,给养殖场户造成严重的经济损失,不利于养牛业的发展.  相似文献   

在我国养牛业不断发展的情况下,流行性疾病的种类也在此过程中不断增加,其中,犊牛腹泻是经常发生的疾病类型,在本文中,将就犊牛腹泻的发病原因及防治措施进行一定的研究.  相似文献   

中草药是用于预防及治疗疾病的关键药物,除了可以用于人类疾病预防及治疗外,在畜牧业的应用也得到不断发展,且运用越来越广泛。将中草药运用到犊牛饲养中,不仅可以增强犊牛抵抗力及消化能力,还能预防及治疗牛犊常见疫病,如犊牛腹泻疾病(细菌性腹泻、病毒性腹泻等),犊牛呼吸系统疾病(传染性鼻气管炎及支气管炎等),犊牛脐带炎等疾病。与西药相比,中草药的优势更为显著,更加安全,副作用较少,且不会产生耐药性。基于此,主要分析中草药在新生犊牛疾病防控中的具有应用。  相似文献   

<正>犊牛腹泻是世界范围内犊牛常见的疾病,出生后2周的哺乳期小牛最容易感染此病,感染后病牛生长缓慢,且易于感染其他疾病,特别是呼吸道疾病。近年来犊牛腹泻发病率和死亡率在不断的增高,治疗费用也在不断增加。本病一年四季均可发生,尤其以春初、夏末、秋初为多发期,特征是排稀便、呕吐、脱水和体重减轻。如临床诊治不当,不仅  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济水平的不断提高,人们对牛肉的需求量也不断增加,促使养牛业得到了迅速发展。在养牛业中,提高犊牛养殖成活率对养牛业的发展具有重要意义。为此,本文简述了导致犊牛养殖成活率低的主要原因:先天发育不良,母牛分娩难产,犊牛护理不当,犊牛饲养管理不当;提出了提高犊牛养殖成活率的技术措施:加强妊娠母牛后期的饲养管理,加强初生犊牛的护理,加强牛舍管理,加强犊牛饲养管理,做好犊牛的疾病防控工作。  相似文献   

1流行特点 随着人们对牛肉需求量和使用量的不断增加,在国内,肉牛的饲养工作显得尤为重要,其中最困难的当属犊牛饲养工作。因为犊牛初生时期是疾病的高发期,常导致犊牛生产性能下降,给养殖户带来较大的损失。初生犊牛比较容易发生的疾病主要是腹泻、便秘、窒息、脐部疾病等,上述任何一种疾病发生都能导致出生犊牛的死亡。初生犊牛抵抗力较弱,所以犊牛感染少许病毒就会出现发病的情况,不良环境对于犊牛的生长和发育十分不利。若饲养者饲养技术较好,能明显的降低犊牛的死亡率,饲养效果也会得到最大化。  相似文献   

犊牛的呼吸道疾病(Bovine respiratory diseasex, BRD)严重影响和威胁着犊牛健康,也是大型集约化牧场导致犊牛死亡的首要疾病。近几年来随着对犊牛饲养管理的不断认识,对犊牛发生BRD的了解也越来越深刻,BRD的发生往往和某种病毒性病原有联系而继发细菌的一种混合感染。本文结合某大型安格斯肉牛繁育场由于环境因素的改变而导致犊牛大面积普遍发生以咳嗽、高热、呼吸困难、食欲废绝,病理解剖呈急性败血型肺炎为主要特征的呼吸道疾病。主要介绍犊牛呼吸道混合感染疾病的诊断及其防治。  相似文献   

在牛养殖行业的发展过程中,随着养殖规模的不断扩大,各类疾病对牛的身体健康的影响也不断增加,严重影响牛养殖经济效益。在众多的牛疾病中,犊牛腹泻会对犊牛的生长发育造成严重的影响,因此,养殖工作人员必须对犊牛腹泻进行积极的防治,降低其对犊牛生长发育的影响,保证牛养殖经济效益。本文将对犊牛腹泻的发病原因进行分析,探讨犊牛腹泻的防治方法,为牛养殖过程中犊牛腹泻的防治工作提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展和科技的进步,国家对新生犊牛疾病预防和治疗提出了新的要求和目标,需要大力宣传犊牛疫病的危害并进行预防和免疫,进一步减少疫病发生的机会,保证新生犊牛的生存率,提高产量。1新生犊牛疾病防治存在的问题1.1防治人员缺乏创新思维防治新生犊牛疾病的人员缺乏创新的工作思维将严重降低犊牛的成活率,不能有效保证畜牧业的正常发展,无法为畜牧业创造可观的经济效益和社会效益,从而减少犊牛的生态规模。因为一些新生犊牛疾病的防治人员只是按传统的方法进行治疗,而忽视了创新思维对抑制新生犊牛疾病的重要意义,盲目的认为防治工作只要保持原来的工作思想和工作方法,就能保证新生犊牛的生存率。甚至还有人认为创新思维和方法会增加防治人员的负担和工作量,浪费财力和物力,阻碍畜牧业的良好发展。随着环境和养殖规模的变化,新生犊牛发生疾病的概率不断增加,且疾病种类也出现上升趋势,如果继续以传统方法预防和治疗新生犊牛疾病,不能获得良好的治疗效果,甚至会使疾病进一步恶化而导致死亡。  相似文献   

畜牧业的发展在提高我国区域经济发展水平以及个人收入水平上发挥重要的作用,其中牛肉因其肉质鲜美而受到消费者的青睐,养牛业的发展势头也越来越好,不少乡镇地区的农户们开始发展养牛业,越来越多适度规模的养殖场开始崛起。但是养殖中的疫病流行问题比较常见,严重影响养殖户的经济效益获得。该文主要论述适度规模养殖中牛疫病种类及防治。  相似文献   

随着近年来规模化肉牛养殖的兴起,内蒙古作为我国和世界重要的高品质牛肉输出基地,其肉牛产量持续增加,但由于运输环节福利理念的欠缺以及操作不规范,肉牛在运输后出现了瘀伤、血斑、DFD肉、胴体重量减轻、运输应激等问题,导致部分牛肉色泽不佳、风味劣化、肉品等级降低,严重影响着牛肉的营养和安全性、肉牛产业以及农牧民的经济效益。因此,肉牛运输过程中的动物福利日益成为生产者和消费者关注的热点。综述了内蒙古肉牛运输中的动物福利问题及国内外研究现状,并提出了改善肉牛运输中动物福利的措施,以期为改善肉牛运输福利提高牛肉品质提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A case control study was conducted between October 2004 and April 2005 to determine the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in cattle in central Ethiopia relative to the tuberculosis status of their owners. A total of 174 farmers (87 with active tuberculosis and 87 with no active tuberculosis), and 1041 cattle (506 owned by farmers with active tuberculosis and 535 by farmers without active tuberculosis) were included. The comparative intradermal cervical tuberculin test was used in cattle while clinical symptoms, chest X-ray and Ziehl-Neelsen staining were used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the farmers. In addition, mycobacterial culture, biochemical tests, and drug susceptibility tests were performed for the identification Mycobacterium spp. from both humans and cattle. The prevalence of BTB was threefold higher (odds ratio [OR]=4.2, 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.79-6.2) in cattle owned by farmers with active tuberculosis (24.3%) than in those owned by farmers who did not have active tuberculosis (8.6%). Cattle owned by farmers with active tuberculosis were four times more likely to have tuberculosis than cattle owned by farmers with no active tuberculosis. Furthermore, cattle owners who consumed raw milk were at greater risk (chi2=14.1, P<0.001, OR=3.34) of having active tuberculosis than those who consumed boiled milk. Of the 42 human isolates, 31 (74%) were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, seven (16%) were Mycobacterium bovis while four (10%) were considered a typical mycobacteria on the basis of biochemical and drug sensitivity tests. Of the 11 cattle isolates, two (18%) were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, five (46%) Mycobacterium bovis, and four (36%) were atypical mycobacteria. The prevalence of tuberculosis was higher in cattle owned by farmers with active tuberculosis than in cattle owned by farmers who did not have active tuberculosis, which could suggest possible transmission of Mycobacterium spp. between cattle and their owners.  相似文献   

张掖市百万头肉牛基地建设工程是张掖市确立的十大工程之一,为了使工程建设取得实效,各级畜牧部门就肉牛基地发展和运行模式做了各种尝试,最后确定了"政府抓良种、农户抓繁殖、小区吊架子、大户抓育肥、协会抓流通、企业抓加工、站所抓防疫"运行模式并广泛推广,取得了显著经济和社会效益.  相似文献   

The ability of smallholder farmers and animal health workers to estimate live bodyweight can critically affect the likelihood of under- or over-dosing of veterinary compounds in decentralised systems where farmers administer a significant proportion of the veterinary treatments. A survey of 324 cattle owned by 170 farmers was conducted in Busia District, Kenya. Cattle were weighed on a standard calibrated scale and owners were asked to estimate the live weight of their animals. Weights were also estimated by a weigh-band and by local animal health workers.Cattle owners consistently underestimated the weights of their cattle; 85.7% of the cattle had their bodyweights underestimated by an average of 46.9% of their true weight. Furthermore, very few cattle (19.0%) had their weights estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight by these farmers, an accuracy range important for drug dosing. This finding raises concerns of widespread under-dosing of cattle with trypanocidal and other veterinary drugs. Animal health workers were better at estimating live bodyweight of cattle; 76.6% of cattle were estimated accurately to within ±20% of their true weight.It is possible to improve farmers’ and animal health workers’ ability to estimate accurately live bodyweight of cattle with appropriate training. Evidence of this was provided by animal health workers whose estimates improved over time as they received feedback of the true weights of different sizes of cattle from the standard scale.  相似文献   

Mortalities in cattle can have severe financial implications for small scale and communal farmers in South Africa. They could also be a measurable indicator for surveillance of animal diseases, such as those listed by the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), or diseases included in the regulations of the South African Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act 35 of 1984). In order to prevent further mortalities and for accurate surveillance and monitoring of diseases, it is important that farmers participate in the determination of causes of mortality in their cattle. This paper reports on constraints of the reporting diseases to the state veterinary services, the study area being Odi district, in the North West Province. The method that was followed was based on participatory rural appraisal. The selected cattle owners participated in every phase. They were the ones who first spoke to veterinary services about ways to decrease the diseases and mortalities of their cattle. A questionnaire to verify the facts complemented the survey. A total number of 60 farmers were randomly selected from 12 villages. One farmer withdrew, leaving 59 farmers. Most of the farmers in the study were men ( n = 55). The area of study was communal and the farming system traditional and extensive. It was suspected that there was a communication problem and this was proven by the results of the research, as 23 farmers were not even aware that mortalities have to be reported by law. The real problem was that causes of death were not being diagnosed because farmers were not aware that a necropsy could give information on the causes of death. Farmers were keen to receive training in elementary necropsy techniques so as to be able to discuss the cause of death of cattle with the state veterinarian.  相似文献   


A thorough knowledge of cattle herding systems is very important for planning sustainable genetic improvement and conservation strategies. This paper is initiated to characterize Benin native Borgou cattle farming systems in its department of origin by mean of survey including 180 cattle farmers owning at least one phenotype of that breed. Using multiple correspondence analysis and hierarchical ascending classification, four groups of Borgou cattle farms have been identified. The first group qualified as “semi-intensive purebred Borgou cattle farming” own high numbers (87.2 ± 3.95 heads) purchased and reared with the view to promote its genetic improvement, its production, and its conservation as Benin animal genetic resource. The second group (sedentary purebred Borgou cattle farming) is represented by Bariba ethnic group with small numbers (22.18 ± 0.71 heads) of purebred Borgou cattle used mainly for draught. Cattle farmers of the third group are “large transhumant of Zebu and Borgou crossbred cattle farmers” represented by Fulani and Gando ethnic groups whose herds are generally composed of high numbers (75.20 ± 3.43 heads) of cattle acquired by purchasing, inheriting, and fostering. The last one is the “small transhumant of Zebu and Borgou crossbred cattle farming” with an average herd size of 31.98 ± 0.72 heads. Cattle farming is their main activity and animals are used for the production of milk and cheese. These distinctions between Borgou cattle farmers can be an anchorage point for designing sustainable community-based in situ conservation strategies for safeguarding this local breed in its original cradle.


华亭县自古以来就是黄牛的主产区之一,又是秦川牛、早胜牛的边缘产区,养牛已成了当地农户发展致富的主导产业。本文在调查研究的基础上,对华亭县肉牛养殖业发展中存在的问题进行了综合分析,基础母牛保护力度不大、资金短缺、技术匮乏、基础设施落后,产业加工链短是制约华亭县肉牛养殖业发展壮大的主要瓶颈,针对以上问题,提出了一些可行的对策建议,以促进该县进一步加快肉牛改良、扩繁和规模化发展,降低养殖户养殖成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

R Kyle 《The Veterinary record》1990,127(19):465-467
Farm work for the cattle veterinary practitioner has declined in recent years, and further decline seems inevitable. With fewer dairy farms, and cattle farmers calling upon the veterinary surgeon less frequently, mixed practices are able to compensate by spending ever more time on small animal and horse work. But as cattle farmers know full well that younger veterinary surgeons are getting ever less experience with cattle, they are even less inclined to consult them. Here, I review the reasons for the downward spiral, and look for some solutions.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the management practices followed by the farmers for draught cattle in Tamil Nadu state, India. Methods of procurement of animals, use of female animals, breeds preferred, housing, health, disposal of animals, feeding, shoeing, purchase of animal-drawn implements and their maintenance were all assessed with 210 farmers from seven districts across different agro-climatic zones in Tamil Nadu. The results revealed that 86 % of the respondents purchased the draught cattle from the livestock markets, most were bullocks but 20 small farmers and 5 medium farmers used female animals for ploughing. Among the indigenous breeds, Kangeyam (33 %) and Hallikar (30 %) breeds were the most popular for work. Most farmers (69 %) provided a mixed type of housing (provision of housing only during the night time and the rainy season) for their draught cattle. The major health problem reported by 63 % of respondents was pyrexia. Almost all farmers sold their animals at the age of 8–10 years. The feeding practices for draught cattle were poor especially with the small farmers. The cattle were fed with mainly paddy straw and rice bran. Oilcakes and cotton seeds were given to the animals which work throughout the year mainly for ploughing and carting. The draught cattle were first shod at around 2.5 years of age. The majority of the farmers (71 %) used the traditional animal-drawn implements made by local artisans, and the farmers were not aware of the new implements to reduce the drudgery of work cattle, designed by the Agricultural Machinery Research Centre and Agricultural Engineering Departments located in India.  相似文献   

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