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山东天神饲料有限公司自行研制开发的生长素I号绿色添加剂,经过多年的试验、筛选和应用,具有对水产动物促生长效果明显、增强免疫力、对环境无污染等优点,深受养殖户的青睐。丰产鲫2004年引种到山东进行试养,生长速度快,个体大,肉味鲜美,推广前景广阔,但生长素I号对丰产鲫的促生长效果尚不清楚,本试验旨在探讨生长素I号对丰产鲫生长的影响。  相似文献   

山东天神饲料有限公司自行研制开发的生长素I号绿色添加剂.经过多年的试验、筛选和应用.具有对水产动物促生长效果明显、增强免疫力、对环境无污染等优点。深受养殖户的青睐。丰产鲫2004年引种到山东进行试养,生长速度快,个体大.肉味鲜美.推广前景广阔。但生长素I号对丰产鲫的促生长效果尚不清楚.本试验旨在探讨生长素I号对丰产鲫生长的影响。  相似文献   

丰产鲫又称异育彭泽鲫,是采用细胞工程的原理和方法对彭泽鲫进行遗传改良而成的优良新品种。该品种外观较似土鲫,卖相好,肉质细嫩鲜美,而且生长速度快。为了探讨池塘主养丰产鲫的可行性,笔者与一养殖户于2002年进行该新品种池塘主养试验,取得了良好的效果。现将养殖试验情况总结如下。  相似文献   

在池塘开展主养丰产鲫试验,取得667m2产量677.6kg,平丰产鲫均规格0.46kg,667m2利润3359.2元.投入产出比1:1.52的较好效果.  相似文献   

温晓红 《内陆水产》2005,30(2):25-25
丰产鲫是华南师范大学生命科学院鱼类研究室采用细胞工程的原理和方法对彭泽鲫进行遗传改良后培育出的鲫鱼养殖良种。该鱼具有生长快、耐低氧、体形好、适应能力强以及全雌性等优点。为了优化鲫鱼品种。提高鲫鱼池塘养殖产量。福建省上杭县水产技术推广站2003年开展了丰产鲫池塘养殖试验。从苗种培育到成鱼养殖都取得了较好的养殖效果,现将试验结果总结如下。.  相似文献   

丰产鲫是从广东省西江水系中选育出来的鲫新品种,具有生长快、耐低氧、体型好、食性杂、适应能力强以及全雌性等优点,深受养殖户的青睐。而目前对于丰产鲫营养需求量的研究相对较少,多是参照鲫的相关数据,为了更好的大力推广丰产鲫养殖,进行丰产鲫营养需求量的研究是非常有必要的。本报道仅对丰产鲫蛋白质需求量进行探索。  相似文献   

合方鲫2号是在国家级水产新品种——合方鲫的基础上,通过多步法育种技术研制的新型优质鲫鱼.2021年,湖南津市农场养殖基地进行了合方鲫2号水花培育试验.在3个月的养殖试验过程中,合方鲫2号平均体重呈现稳步增长态势,4月龄平均规格已达0.12千克/尾,最大个体达0.20千克,充分表现了合方鲫2号生长速度快的特点.养殖试验还...  相似文献   

<正>丰产鲫是利用生物工程技术对彭泽鲫加以改良而获得的工程鲫,基本上是全雄个体,雌性比例仅占2%,其生长速度比彭泽鲫快25%~30%,杂食性,抗病能力强。为了推广这一优良品种,我局于2007-2008年在我市煤炭塌陷区进行了池塘养殖试验,取得了较好的养殖效果,现将结果总结如下:一、池塘主养丰产鲫的池塘面积为3亩,水深1.5~2米,水  相似文献   

为进一步提高池塘养鱼的产品质量和经济效益,改善养殖生态环境,在武汉新洲973项目实验基地的9个陆基鱼池中,对主养草鱼的3种不同混养模式鱼类生长和效益进行了比较研究.模式Ⅰ放养草鱼、鲢、鳙和高背鲫,模式Ⅱ放养草鱼、鲢、鳙、匙吻鲟和高背鲫,模式Ⅲ放养草鱼、鲢、匙吻鲟和高背鲫.通过122 d的养殖试验,模式Ⅱ草鱼的生长不仅显著高于模式Ⅰ和模式Ⅲ(P<0.05);经济效益对比分析发现,模式Ⅱ同样高于模式Ⅰ和模式Ⅲ.  相似文献   

黄霉素对丰产鲫的生长性能与体成分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在丰产鲫饲料中添加50×10~(-6)黄霉素的对照试验,探讨黄霉素对丰产鲫生长性能及体成分的影响。经45天的养殖试验,相对增重率提高15.96%;对鱼体成分检测,结果显示,饲料中添加黄霉素,可以使鱼体中的蛋白质和粗灰份的含量增加,粗脂肪及水分的含量降低,这说明鱼的品质已变得更好,营养价值更高。  相似文献   

The effects of a mammalian growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), PrebGRF(1–78)OH (bGHRH), on growth and serum growth hormone (GH) levels were investigated in tilapias Oreochromis mossambicus and O. niloticus × O. aureus . Fish were injected intramuscularly or implanted intramuscularly (Silastic or cholesterol implants) with distilled water, 0.1 μg/kg bGHRH, 1.0 μg/kg bGHRH, 10.0 μg/kg bGHRH, or 100.0 μg/kg bGHRH and compared to untreated controls, fish implanted with 60 mg/kg 17α-methyltestosterone (MT), or a combination of bGHRH concentrations plus either MT, 0.01 μg/kg of a thyroid hormone (T3), or 0.01 μg/kg of a glucocorticoid (DEX). The bGHRH increased serum GH levels in tilapia maintained at suboptimal temperatures (18 C). Serum GH levels were highest (5.3–0.45 ng/mL) for fish injected with 10.0 μg/kg bGHRH. Fish implanted with a Silastic implant containing 10.0 μg/kg bGHRH had significantly higher (4.35–0.35 ng/mL) serum GH levels than those with an equivalent dosage in a cholesterol implant. The addition of MT, thyroid hormones, and glucocorticoids did not increase serum GH levels above those obtained for fish receiving bGHRH alone. Tilapia reared at suboptimal temperatures and implanted with 10.0 μg/kg and 100.0 μg/kg bGHRH had significantly greater increases in weight and length than control fish. Fish implanted with bGHRH, MT or bGHRH plus MT had significantly higher moisture and protein content, while fat and ash contents were significantly lower than controls or sham-implanted fish. Fish implanted with bGHRH or bGHRH plus MT had significantly higher gonadosomatic indices than fish implanted with MT alone, shams or non-treated controls. This study demonstrates that a mammalian GHRH stimulates release of GH, promotes somatic and gonadal growth and may affect reproductive performance in tilapia.  相似文献   

美国大口胭脂鱼当年苗种生长的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国大口胭脂鱼 [(Ictiobuscyprinellus(Valenci ennes) ],又名巨口牛脂鲤 ,属鲤形目胭脂鱼科 ,原产于北美洲 ,引入我国时间不长。关于它在幼鱼阶段的外部形态特征、某些生理特性及毒性等研究已有一些报道[1- 3] 。笔者对其当年苗种的生长情况进行了观察 ,以期了解在人工饲养条件下 ,该鱼种在苗种阶段的生物学特性 ,为养殖生产提供一些参考。1 方法试验于 1998年 5月至 1998年 11月在湖北农学院实践教学水产基地进行。试验材料鱼购自湖北省水产研究所 ,鱼苗规格 5日龄 ,用尼龙袋充氧运回。1 1 试验方法试…  相似文献   

Growth hormone concentrations in juvenile cocho salmon were determined after intraperitoneal injections (yearlings; age 1+) and oral treatments (yearlings and fry; age 0+) with clonidine. Weights and lengths were also measured in coho juveniles fed diets supplemented with clonidine.
Plasma growth hormone concentration increased significantly (78.2%) 24 h after injection. Yearlings fed clonidine showed a significant increase (136%) in plasma growth hormone after 14 days, and levels remained elevated through 28 days (116%) before dropping to control levels at 42 days. Coho yearlings fed clonidine showed no significant increase in growth compared to controls after 56 days of treatment, but coho fry were significantly heavier (33%) and longer (8%) after 70 days.  相似文献   

本研究通过逐日测量7~24日龄鳜Siniperca chuatsi仔、稚鱼的全长和体高,及100尾24日龄鳜稚鱼的全长、体长、头长、吻长、体高,及体质量,运用相关分析和通径分析研究这5个形态性状对体质量的影响。结果显示:经过18d的养殖,鳜稚鱼全长增长189.55%,体高增长152.23%;全长、体高与日龄的回归关系分别为TL=0.019D~2+0.181D+4.674,BH=-3.227E-5D~3+0.005D~2+0.077D+1.364。相关分析结果表明:各形态性状与体质量间相关系数均达到极显著水平(P0.01)。多元回归分析发现,仅全长对体质量的影响达到显著性水平,其相关系数P_1=0.965,是影响鳜稚鱼体质量的主要性状。  相似文献   

研究了4种植物生长调节剂对雨生红球藻细胞增殖、质量(干)、虾青素含量的影响.单因子试验结果表明,4种植物生长调节剂对雨生红球藻的细胞增殖在生长前期作用不明显,在对数生长期有明显的促进作用,质量(干)和虾青素含量有明显的增加;其中α-奈乙酸(NAA)、6-苄基嘌呤(6-BA)、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)、赤霉素(GA3)的最佳质量浓度分别为:0.5、0.5、0.1、0.5 me/L.正交多因子试验结果表明:培养雨生红球藻添加6-BA、N从和GA3的最佳质量浓度分别为0.5、0.1、0.05 mg/L.  相似文献   

常规文蛤育苗要重视二次催产,采用无底质、泥底质、沙底质进行文蛤幼虫附苗和初期稚贝培育均是可行的,文蛤后期稚贝要逐步转到以沙为主的底质培育较好。  相似文献   

本实验以美国青蛙为材料,采用定期投喂含基因重组生长激素的饲料,研究外源基因重组生长激素对美国青蛙生长、成活、变态以及肌肉蛋白含量的影响。实验分成三组,每组三平行。每十天投喂实验饲料一次,基因重组生长激素的浓度分别为0.00μg/g体重、0.05μg/g体重和0.50μg/g体重。其中0.00μg/g为对照组,0.05μg/g和0.50μg/g为实验组。结果表明,基因重组生长激素能显著提高美国青蛙的生长以及极显著提高蛙体肌肉中的蛋白质含量(p<0.01),对青蛙的变态和饲料系数无显著影响,但是添加0.50μg/g体重的生长激素能使青蛙的成活率降低。因此,基因重组生长激素适宜的投喂浓度为0.05μg/g体重。  相似文献   

浅谈鱼类的补偿生长(Compensatory growth)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了鱼类补偿生长的研究进展,对鱼类补偿生长的定义、类型、特点、影响因素、研究方法、应用、生理机制及补偿生长中的生理生化变化进行了分析。初步探讨了补偿生长研究存在的问题与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and somatolactin (SL) are single chain proteins structurally and functionally related. Fish PRL and GH receptors (PRLR, GHR) have been characterized in several fish species. There is limited evidence of fish PRLR isoforms, but emerging data support the existence of different GHR variants. In gilthead sea bream, black sea bream, turbot and fugu, but not in zebrafish, GHR has retained an exclusive fish intron (10/10A). In gilthead sea bream and turbot, this intron is not alternatively spliced, but the black sea bream intron is either removed or retained during mRNA processing, resulting in a long GHR isoform with a 31 amino acid insertion that does not alter the open reading frame. This or any other GHR variant are not found in gilthead sea bream, but a truncated anchored form has been reported in turbot. The latter GHR isoform comprises extracellular and trans-membrane domains, the first 28 amino acids of the intracellular domain and 21 divergent amino acids before a stop codon. This GHR variant is the result of alternative splicing, being the 3′ UTR and the divergent sequence identical to the sequence of the 5′ end of the 9/10 intron. The physiological significance of different fish GHR isoforms remains unclear, but emerging data provide suitable evidence for season and nutrition related changes in the somatototropic axis activity. The up-regulation of circulating GH together with the decrease of plasma titres of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), an altered pattern of serum IGF binding proteins and a reduced expression of hepatic IGF-I and GHRs represent a mechanism conserved through vertebrate evolution. It secures the preferential utilization of mobilized substrates to maintain energy homeostasis rather than tissue growth. Somatolactin also changes as a function of season, ration size, dietary amino acid profile and dietary protein source creating opposite plasma GH and SL profiles. There is now direct evidence for a lipolytic effect of fish SL, acting at the same time as an inhibitory factor of voluntary food intake. Indeed, long-term feeding restriction results in the enlargement of the summer GH peak, whereas the SL rise coincident with shortened day length is delayed in juvenile fish until late autumn. These findings agree with the idea that SL may act as a marker of energy surplus, priming some particular process such as puberty onset. However, it remains unclear whether SL works through specific receptors and/or dimers or heterodimers of GH and PRL receptors.  相似文献   

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