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北京西山可燃物特点及潜在火行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以北京西山魏家村林场为研究区域,通过样地调查和森林清查数据将可燃物划分为针叶林、阔叶林、混交林和疏林地。根据样地调查和树木生物量模型计算不同类型和不同层次的可燃物载量、厚度和高度。根据2000—2006年当地气象数据,确定历史平均最大风速的平均值和主风向,在此背景下对风场进行模拟,进而对地表火和树冠火进行模拟计算,计算出不同类型火发生时火蔓延速度、火强度和火焰高度的分布图。地表火的蔓延速度为0.01~0.22m.s-1,树冠火的蔓延速度为0.12~2.25m.s-1;地表火的火线强度为144~6595kW.m-1,树冠火的火线强度为3214~189002kW.m-1;地表火的火焰高度为0.37~2.50m,树冠火的火焰高度为1.75~13.4m。通过对可燃物和火行为指标的计算,可以为防火林带规划和防火林管理提供依据,也可为可燃物管理、扑火安全防范等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】模拟研究不同强度的可燃物处理对大兴安岭地区典型森林的火行为影响,为开展可燃物管理提供科学依据。【方法】在2019年火险期,分别对大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松林、白桦林、兴安落叶松白桦混交林等天然林和兴安落叶松与樟子松人工林进行可燃物调查和清理。每种林型分别设置3块样地(20 m×20 m),每块样地再分别设置4块小样地(10 m×10 m)。对每块样地进行林分结构调查,然后对4块小样地分别进行可燃物处理,包括割除枯死灌木和草本、清理枯枝和地表凋落物等。按可燃物处理程度分为未处理、低、中和高强度处理4个等级。低强度处理后林内无易燃及枯死灌草、地表无大型可燃物(10 h),可燃物梯最小高度为3 m,中强度处理后倒木、灌木及小乔木全部清除,高强度处理后地表存留可燃物不会支持火的持续燃烧和蔓延。调查可燃物处理后的可燃物空间分布。利用可燃物特征分类系统(FCCS)分别模拟各林分在火险期内一般天气情景和干旱情景下的火行为。一般天气情景下,模型输出的指数包括地表火蔓延速度、火焰高度和火强度指标;干旱情景下,模型输出指数为潜在地表火(火强度、火焰高度和蔓延速度)及潜在树冠火行为(树冠火发生指数、蔓延指数和蔓延速度指数)。【结果】模拟结果显示,低强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松天然林和人工林地表火蔓延速度分别降低51.6%和42.8%,火焰高度分别降低33.6%和39.4%,平均火强度分别降低22.8%和34%;而兴安落叶松白桦天然混交林、白桦林和樟子松人工林的火行为变化不明显。中强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松白桦混交林、白桦林、兴安落叶松天然林、兴安落叶松人工林和樟子松人工林的地表火蔓延速度分别降低29.4%、37.1%、79.1%、83.3%和19.7%,火焰高度分别降低33.3%、29.8%、67.2%、69.7%和38.1%。高强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松天然林、兴安落叶松人工林、兴安落叶松白桦天然混交林、白桦林和樟子松人工林平均蔓延速度分别降低95.3%、97.6%、85.7%、88.9%和77.6%,平均火焰高度分别降低93.1%、93.9%、92.6%、87.6%和87.3%。干旱情景下,5种林型地表火行为指标随着可燃物处理强度的增大而明显降低(P0.01),白桦林无树冠火发生,其他4种林型树冠火发生可能性及蔓延速度随可燃物处理强度的增大而明显降低(P0.01)。【结论】在一般天气情景和干旱情景下,中强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松白桦混交林、白桦林、兴安落叶松天然林和樟子松人工林的地表火蔓延速度均低于1 m·min~(-1),火焰高度低于1 m,兴安落叶松人工林的地表火蔓延速度和火焰高度分别低于人工0.1 m·min~(-1)和0.1m;各林型地表火焰高度低,蔓延速度慢,易于直接扑灭;兴安落叶松白桦混交林和樟子松人工的树冠火发生降幅超过20%,兴安落叶松天然林和人工林地表火蔓延速度减少40%以上,树冠火发生可能降低30%。而高强度可燃物处理后,会影响森林结构及其功能,因此,针对当前主要林型进行中强度的可燃物清理,清理地表未分解的枯落物和易燃灌木草本以及树冠下空间易燃可燃物,就可以有效降低地表火蔓延速度和避免树冠火发生。  相似文献   

广西三门江森林公园的松栎异龄林有着大量的地表可燃物和梯状可燃物,树冠呈连续分布,易发生树冠火。设计了5种方案来处理该区域5个样地的可燃物。处理Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ主要是砍除灌木和修剪小树,提升冠基高;处理Ⅳ除砍灌之外,去除了2/3的1、10h时滞可燃物;处理Ⅴ为处理Ⅰ+处理Ⅳ。针对桂中地区的气候和物候特点,设置了低、中、高3种燃烧条件。利用FCCS计算各种处理的火行为参数,参照Van Wagner树冠火模型,分析可燃物处理前后可能发生的林火的类型、强度,比较了几种可燃物处理方案在减少树冠火风险上的有效性。结果表明,就减少树冠火发生的有效性而言,处理Ⅴ处理Ⅳ处理Ⅲ处理Ⅱ处理Ⅰ。在低燃烧条件下,4种可燃物处理方案都可以将火行为降减为地表火。随着燃烧条件的提高,可燃物处理有效性下降。在高燃烧条件下,虽然可燃物处理可以降低火强度,但是,5种可燃物处理方案都不能避免树冠火的发生。  相似文献   

马尾松Pinus massoniana是我国南方大面积的主要造林树种,耐贫瘠,生长迅速,但抗火能力弱,发生火灾后极易造成重大损失。本研究基于广义Rothermel模型,对不同林龄马尾松人工林在不同风速下点燃概率和火类型进行了评估,模拟了火线强度,地表火、树冠火蔓延速度、火焰高度,树冠火的发生率和转化率等参数;并与室内点烧试验观测结果进行了比较。结果表明:广义Rothermel模型对于林火蔓延速度的拟合对最好,对于火线强度的模拟值偏高,而对于火焰高度的模拟值随林龄增大逐渐降低;20 a马尾松林地表火的蔓延速度和火线强度均最高,且发生树冠火的概率也最大;10 a和20 a马尾松林树冠火转化率较高,50 a马尾松林的各项火行为参数均较低。可燃物床含水量对于地表火行为影响较大,而冠基高和林下灌木生长情况对于树冠火的发生起决定性作用,尤其在干旱季节,需要周期性地清除林下灌木和地表可燃物,减少可燃物床载量,另外,在对不同林龄马尾松人工林进行林火管理时,可针对不同林分的火行为参数有区别地采取不同的经营措施。  相似文献   

应用37块标准地、185个样方的调查资料,在地表总易燃可燃物载量、枯落物含水率为10%时的易燃可燃物总含水量2个因子上,对秦岭南坡华山松林的5个林型进行了潜在火险性排序;以山坡下部华山松林型为代表,结合测定树冠层易燃可燃物密度,研究了林龄、针阀混交比对地表火和树冠火潜在火险性的影响,对此并进行了数量化趋势描述;文中同时也探讨了林分潜在火险性的研究方法.  相似文献   

通过对2001-2007年黑龙江省夏季森林火灾调查研究发现,该地区夏季林火种类有地表火、地下火、树冠火3种,这3种蔓延方式之间相互演变,多数为地表火与地下火同时存在。夏季林火蔓延速度普遍较慢,地表火蔓延速度大多在0.05m/s以下;浅层地下火在有林地的燃烧速度为2-4m/h、草甸为1-3m/h,深层地下火在有林地的燃烧速度为0.2m/h以下、草甸为0.05m/h以下;树冠火蔓延速度一般为180-600m/h。  相似文献   

滇东北地区云南松地表可燃物载量及火强度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在滇东北地区云南松纯林中设置样地、样方,并将地表凋落物划分为枯枝、地表凋落物上层和地表凋落物下层3个层级,按照比例分别选取各层部分凋落物经实验室烘干测定可燃物载量,其余部分均置于实验室燃烧床燃烧测定其火行为参数。在实验室燃烧床上分别以下坡点火、中间点火和上坡点火的方式,模拟实际森林样地坡度的上坡火、随机点火以及下坡火的燃烧状况,再分别测定其不同点火方式的火行为参数。结果表明,在云南松林地表凋落物中,枯枝、地表凋落物上层和地表凋落物下层可燃物载量分别为0.09kg/m~2、0.50kg/m~2、0.59kg/m~2,上坡火、中间点火和下坡火的火强度分别为97.21kW/m、80.76kW/m和49.99kW/m,上坡火、中间点火和下坡火的热辐射分别为7.22±1.51kW/m~2、6.88±1.66kW/m~2和6.47±1.37kW/m~2,燃除率分别为52.71%、64.5%、40.09%。可见,滇东北地区地表凋落物中枯枝的载量小,且上层和下层可燃物载量差异不大;与滇中地区的云南松计划烧除实验结果比较,可燃物载量及火强度均偏低。  相似文献   

林地可燃物火行为的研究是林火管理、林火预报、火灾扑救的理论基础,森林可燃物类型及特性对可燃物的火行为具有非常重要的影响。通过室内点烧试验,分析油松辽东栎凋落叶可燃物载量对火行为的影响。结果表明:载量对蔓延速度有显著影响,载量越大,蔓延速度越快;可燃物载量对蔓延速度、火线强度、火面强度、火焰高度都有显著影响,均呈正相关,对火线强度、火面强度、火焰高度有极显著影响。降低地表可燃物载量能够有效降低发生地表火的潜在危险性。  相似文献   

华山松林燃烧性的数量分类   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
选具有代表性的10块华山松林标准地,采用数量化分类方法,取空中易燃可燃物最大密度,地表总易燃可燃物载量及地表易燃可燃物贮水量三个指标,对秦岭火地塘林区华山松林进行燃烧性分类。结果表明,该林区凡含有华山松的林分,其燃烧性最多可划分为9种类型,所选的10个林公类型归属其中的5类;相异性分析方法对森林燃烧性划分具有极好的分类效果。  相似文献   

应用线性方程确定林火强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林火灾作为燃烧系统,和森林可燃物的数量,含水量以及分布状态有关,也和当时的蔓延速度和可燃物的燃烧速率有关。按照不同的要素,包括初始燃烧速率,蔓延速度和地表杂草枯枝落叶层单位面积上的负荷量,以确定林火强度。火爬坡时,蔓延速度增加,火强度相应地增加;相反,下坡火的蔓延速度减缓,火强度也相应地变小。根据计算结果,林火强度不超过1×10~3千瓦/米~2是低强度,这时1立方米内的可燃物被烧掉的数量不超过3公斤,地表杂草枯枝落叶层的可燃物数量(W_0)不超过2.5公斤。即便地表可燃物保持在2.5公斤以下,蔓延速度大于3米/分时,火强度均将超过1×10~3千瓦/米~2。地被物数量大,火蔓延速度也大的林型中将产生最大的火强度,这和过去的经验是完全符合的。  相似文献   

Canopy fuel characteristics that influence the initiation and spread of crown fires were measured in representative Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) stands in Greece. Vertical distribution profiles of canopy fuel load, canopy base height and canopy bulk density are presented. Aleppo pine canopy fuels are characterized by low canopy base height (3.0–6.5 m), while available canopy fuel load (0.96–1.80 kg/m2) and canopy bulk density (0.09–0.22 kg/m3) values are similar to other conifers worldwide. Crown fire behavior (probability of crown fire initiation, crown fire type, rate of spread, fireline intensity and flame length) in Aleppo pine stands with various understory fuel types was simulated with the most updated crown fire models. The probability of crown fire initiation was high even under moderate burning conditions, mainly due to the low canopy base height and the heavy surface fuel load. Passive crown fires resulted mostly in uneven aged stands, while even aged stands gave high intensity active crown fires. Assessment of canopy fuel characteristics and potential crown fire behavior can be useful in fuel management and fire suppression planning.  相似文献   

落叶栎林对森林火灾的影响分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据落叶栎林的特点,着重分析了落叶栎林与森林火灾的关系,结果表明,落叶栎林不仅存在着较强的潜在地表火,而且存在着潜在树冠火危险,是栎林火灾的最大隐患之一。同时还简要分析了栎类由于长期的自然适应而对森林火灾产生的抗火机制。  相似文献   

森林火灾中的树冠火研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
森林火灾按其燃烧物和燃烧部位的不同, 通常可分为地表火、树冠火和地下火3种。树冠火是指在林冠层燃烧和蔓延的火, 通常与地表火同时发生。树冠火发生数量不多, 但其燃烧温度高、火强度大、蔓延速度快, 对森林的破坏性极大。从树冠火的发生机制、蔓延模型、扑救方法、预防和减弱树冠火发生及蔓延危险性的措施几方面对当前国内外树冠火的研究进展进行了综述, 并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Schima superba is a pioneer species for forestation inwildland in tropical and subtropical zones. It can growwell in arid and barren sites and has a strong power ofsprouting from stools. The species has been widelyused for fuelbreak in southern China. In China thefuelbreak is often created by planting broadleaf treesalong the ridge, which is different from the conceptdiscussed in some papers (Agee, et al, 2000; Green,1977; Omi, 1996). In these studies, the shaded fuelbreakwas created by alte…  相似文献   

森林地表枯死可燃物是森林燃烧的基础物质之一,直接影响着地表火行为发生的强度.承德县境内分布着大面积的人工针叶林,林下积蓄的枯枝落叶较多,发生地表火的危险性极高,因此,对影响潜在地表火行为的因子,即地表枯死可燃物的各类载量及含水率进行调查研究(Shan et al.,2002),从而实时掌握不同林分的潜在地表火行为状况,显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

Crown fire occurrence and subsequent crown fire behaviour are strongly dependent on canopy fuel characteristics, especially canopy fuel load (CFL), canopy bulk density (CBD) and canopy base height (CBH). Therefore, quantification of such variables is required for the appropriate selection of silvicultural treatments aimed at reducing susceptibility to crown fire. Data from the IV Spanish National Forest Inventory and individual tree biomass dry weight equations were used to estimate the canopy fuel characteristics of four representative types of pine stands in north-western Spain. Probability of crown fire initiation and crown fire rate of spread were simulated by using the mean surface fuel load observed for each type of pine in this area and assuming different burning conditions. The results indicate that a 22.13 % of the sample plots analysed showed a rather high potential for active crown fire spread under moderate burning conditions, and this value increases to 69.27 % under extreme burning conditions. Equations relating the canopy fuel characteristics to common stand variables (stand density, basal area and dominant height) were fitted simultaneously for each pine, and weighting factors for heteroscedasticity were included. The models explained more than 93.90, 74.70 and 69.42 % of the observed variability in CFL, CBD and CBH, respectively. Basal area was the most important variable for estimating CFL and CBD while dominant height explained most of the observed variability in CBH. The use of the fitted equations together with existing dynamic growth models and fire management decision support systems will enable assessment of the crown fire potential associated with different silvicultural alternatives used in these types of pine stands.  相似文献   


Forest thinning, using cut-to-length and whole-tree harvesting systems with subsequent underburning were assessed for their influence on stand structure, health, and fire resilience in uneven-aged Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf). Stand attributes, derived from measuring trees ≥ 10.2 cm diameter at breast height (DBH), were collected from permanent plots. Trees were divided into three size classes that generally corresponded to dominant/codominant, intermediate, and suppressed crown classes. Comparisons of post- to pre-burning mortality revealed significant thinning and fire main treatment effects as well as significant interaction between these two treatments in the two larger size classes. Mortality increased by 250% in the intermediate crown class within the burned stand portion of the whole-tree treatment, whereas among dominant/codominant trees mortality rose by 160% in the burned cut-to-length treatment combination. Pre- to post-burning shifts in live crown, expressed as a percentage of total tree height, were significantly influenced by both thinning and fire main treatments in the two larger size classes, while the interaction of these treatments was also significant among the largest trees. Within both of these size classes, decreases in live crown percentage were greatest in the burned portion of the unthinned treatment, where intermediate crown class trees lost over 20% of their crowns, while reductions in dominant/codominant trees averaged nearly 25%. The second highest losses for both size classes occurred within the burned cut-to-length treatment. In the smallest trees, mortality rose sharply and live crown decreased substantially after burning in both thinning treatments and in the unthinned control. Within the two larger size classes, preburn live crown size was negatively correlated with changes in crown size subsequent to underburning while DBH was negatively correlated with postburning changes in mortality, but only in intermediate crown class trees. These results present land managers with outcomes of differing management practices presently being evaluated for their potential to enhance forest health and reduce wildfire risk in the Sierra Nevada and similar dry forest regions.  相似文献   



Density management diagrams (DMDs) are useful for designing, displaying and evaluating alternative density management regimes for a given stand-level management objective. The inclusion of variables related to crown fire potential within DMDs has not previously been considered.


The aim of this study was to include isolines of variables related to crown fire initiation and spread in DMDs to enable identification of stand structures associated with different types of wildfire.


Biometric and fuel data from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands in NW Spain were used to construct DMDs. Different surface and crown fire behaviour models were used together to estimate crown fire potential.


The crown fire potential varied greatly throughout development of the maritime pine stands. Low stands were more prone to crowning. The type of crown fire was mainly determined by stand density.


The DMDs developed can be used to identify relationships between stand structure and crown fire potential, thus enabling the design of thinning schedules aimed at reducing the likelihood of crowning.  相似文献   



The current fire regime threatens black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) persistence in the Mediterranean Basin, which recommends larger-scale fuel treatments. Prescribed burning is an option for stand protection but its use in young stands (which are particularly at risk) is hindered by the scarce knowledge on post-fire tree survival.


The objectives were to characterize bark thickness as a fire-resistance trait in P. nigra and to describe how post-fire tree survival responds to tree size and fire effects in a 16-year-old plantation.


Bark thickness was related to diameter at breast height and height in the stem. Metrics describing tree size and stem and crown damage were measured 1?year after prescribed burning in 259 trees. Tree survival was modeled with logistic regression and Classification and Regression Tree analysis.


Bark thickness increased linearly with diameter at breast height (dbh) and decreased with height in the stem. Tree survival was primarily a function of crown injury. Stem damage was an influent factor in small trees.


Due to thinner bark and lower tolerance to crown damage, young P. nigra trees are less fire-resistant than other Mediterranean pines, e.g., Pinus pinaster. Prescribed fire should not be attempted if dbh <10?cm. Mechanical clearing is the treatment of choice in young stands with a significant shrub layer.  相似文献   

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