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<正>5月8日,翠湖湿地公园鸟类环志工作站春季鸟类环志工作顺利结束。环志工作于3月26日开始,共环志到鸟类425只,其中公园一期79只、公园二期346只。环志到的鸟类中,红胁蓝尾鸲、北红尾鸲、棕头鸦雀、树麻雀、黄喉鹀、小鹀、红喉姬鹟、褐柳莺等数量较多,普通翠鸟、树鷚、白眉鹀、灰头鹀、黄眉柳莺、黄腰柳莺、冕柳莺、红喉歌鸲、蓝喉歌鸲、东方角鸮、灰头绿啄木鸟、星头啄木鸟、  相似文献   

2011年:发现繁殖种群黑喉歌鸲,一种自发现后100多年少有信息的珍稀鸣禽。2011年夏天,一个比较稳定的黑喉歌鸲繁殖种群在秦岭被发现。那是2011年6月,由中国和瑞典科研人员组成的研究小组在秦岭进行鸟类资源考察,我有幸参与其中。我们在陕西长青国家级自然保护区和陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区发现了正处于繁殖期的黑喉歌鸲。专家们共记录到7只雄性的黑喉歌鸲个体,并采集到了它们的鸣唱。发现的黑喉歌鸲个体大多分布在秦岭海拔2400~2500米的山坡上,生境类型主要为  相似文献   

2016年4-6月,采用鸣音样点法和固定带宽样线法对秦岭长青自然保护区黑喉歌鸲种群数量进行了调查,并以样线法得出的种群密度作为统计下限,样点法得出的种群密度作为统计上限,计算得出长青自然保护区黑喉歌鸲种群密度为36~48只·km-2;采用鸣音刺激调查分布范围,GPS标注定位,现场勾绘分布图,求积仪求得分布面积5.25km2;利用所得数据推算秦岭长青自然保护区黑喉歌鸲种群数量在189~252只。目前,黑喉歌鸲属于狭域分布,繁衍状况良好,应继续加强保护。  相似文献   

陕西秦岭地区黑喉歌鸲繁殖行为监测简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年4—7月,采用固定样线法,初步监测和研究了在陕西长青国家级自然保护区最近发现的黑喉歌鸲育雏习性和巢穴特征。  相似文献   

<正>红尾水鸲在陕南为留鸟,分布广,数量多,为该区低山灌丛及河溪留鸟中的主要品种。笔者在宁陕县蒲河区(海拔760m)对红尾水鸲的繁殖习性做了系统的观察研究,并对本县江口区(海拔900m)、太山区(海拔540m)红尾水鸲的繁殖做了相应的考证。报告如下:一、发情。红尾水鸲发情在2月上中旬,历时一月左右。初期通常几只成  相似文献   

关于鸟类生物学的研究,国内学者对我国的繁殖鸟已经做了大量的工作。但还有一部分种类缺小这方面的资料。为此,现将我们1984年在大兴安岭地区对红喉(姬)鹟、燕雀、鸲(姬)鹟、栗鹀繁殖习性的初步观察简报如下。一、红喉(姬)鹟(Ficedula parva albicilla) 5月中旬迁来(10—20日),9月中旬迁走,居留期为120天。迁来时成3—5只的小群,迁到以后单独活动,尚不会呜唱。主要分布在山地落叶松林和白桦落叶松混交林中,遇  相似文献   

北红尾鸲(灰顶红尾鸲)Phoenicuru sauroreus(Pallas)是一种食虫鸟类。笔者从1985~1986年4~6月,于北红尾鸲育雏期,在徂徕山林场光华寺营林区,对该鸟育雏习性和雏鸟发育过程进行了观察。根据雏鸟食性、食量,可推知一窝北红尾鸲在育雏期消灭害虫的个体数量,对农林生产有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

<正>歌鸲,就是在以鸟类丰富著称的西南山地的野外,人们也难得一见,但在紧靠西南山地的繁华都市——成都市中心,却发现8种歌鸲。成都市区有8种歌鸲歌鸲,取自谐音"歌曲",是一类把鸣声和体型结合在一起命名的鹟亚科鸟类。古文中提到过"歌者善唱,鸲",根据汉语释义为鸟类的一属,体小,尾巴长,嘴短而尖,羽毛美丽。而中国古代把"鸲"定义为一类广泛的鸟类,八哥、鸺鹠在不同的书作  相似文献   

正2021年4月9日,省林业和草原局、石家庄市林业局和石家庄市公安局森林警察支队联合主办的"爱鸟周"活动在石家庄市水源街小学举行。本次活动主题是"爱鸟护鸟,万物和谐"。本次省会爱鸟周活动通过设立鸟类科普宣传板、横幅和现场讲解互动等多种方式进行爱鸟护鸟宣传,因疫情防控要求,为防止人群聚集,活动组织同学们分班级轮流参加各项活动。小朋友们观看了宣传板与红喉歌鸲、画眉、煤山雀等动物实物展示,在工作人员的讲解中上了一堂生动的鸟类保护课。  相似文献   

最近网上微博流传一帧题为《真-玛丽莲梦露》的图片——红蓝两色相间的蕾丝低胸镶边,雪白绉纱的芭蕾短裙翩然散开——夺魂的一瞬,你明白,身着如此艳装的是一只鸟!真正的鸟,蓝点颏,也叫蓝喉歌鸲。  相似文献   

Avian use of even-aged timber harvests is likely affected by stand attributes such as size, amount of edge, and retained basal area, all characteristics that can easily be manipulated in timber harvesting plans. However, few studies have examined their effects during the post-breeding period. We studied the impacts of clearcut, low-leave two-age, and high-leave two-age harvesting on post-breeding birds using transect sampling and mist-netting in north-central West Virginia. In our approach, we studied the effects of these harvest types as well as stand size and edge on species characteristic of both early-successional and mature forest habitats. In 2005-2006, 13 stands ranging from 4 to 10 years post-harvest and 4-21 ha in size were sampled from late June through mid-August. Capture rates and relative abundance were similar among treatments for generalist birds. Early-successional birds had the lowest capture rates and fewer species (∼30% lower), and late-successional birds reached their highest abundance and species totals (double the other treatments) in high-leave two-age stands. Area sensitivity was evident for all breeding habitat groups. Both generalist and late-successional bird captures were negatively related to stand size, but these groups showed no clear edge effects. Mean relative abundance decreased to nearly zero for the latter group in the largest stands. In contrast, early-successional species tended to use stand interiors more often and responded positively to stand size. Capture rates for this group tripled as stand size increased from 4 to 21 ha. Few birds in the forest periphery responded to harvest edge types despite within-stand edge effects evident for several species. To create suitable habitat for early-successional birds, large, non-linear openings with a low retained basal area are ideal, while smaller harvests and increased residual tree retention would provide habitat for more late-successional birds post-breeding. Although our study has identified habitat use patterns for different species in timber harvests, understanding habitat-specific bird survival is needed to help determine the quality of silvicultural harvests for post-breeding birds.  相似文献   

2019年至2021年对云南省昆明市呈贡回回营社区混合集群的鹭鸟开展调研,分别于2019年10月, 2021年4、5、6月对鹭群进行4次访问。2019年10月,鹭鸟繁殖栖息地主要由竹子和少量桉树构成,地面覆盖大量落叶;其间污水流淌,形成数条小河和一个池塘。2021年统计每棵竹子和桉树上鹭巢数量及营巢鹭鸟种类,并测量巢距离地面的垂直高度。该地发现有小白鹭、黑顶夜鹭和牛背鹭筑巢繁殖,其中小白鹭和黑顶夜鹭构成群落数量主体。2021年4月记录21个鹭巢(小白鹭与黑顶夜鹭),5月记录41个鹭巢(小白鹭、黑顶夜鹭和牛背鹭;此月为繁殖高峰),6月记录8个鹭巢。鹭巢距离地面平均距离为8.78 m。目前,该鹭群由于回回营面临拆迁而受到威胁,为此提议保留鹭群所在的繁殖地,并改善研究地点及周边地区水质情况。  相似文献   

Conversion of natural forests to other land use results not only in a decrease of forest area but also in the degradation of remnant forests as a habitat for forest animals. Although such degradation due to an increase of forest edges has been studied most intensively, other factors such as forest shape may also contribute to the degradation. In this study, we compared bird abundance and species richness between irregular-shaped and relatively continuous forests in the breeding and migratory seasons. Since the forests were surrounded by tree plantations rather than open lands, the edge effect may have been weak at the study site. Our results suggested that the irregular forest shape negatively affected forest bird abundance and species richness in the breeding season, but not in the migratory season. The response of birds varied with bird traits: migrants avoided the irregular-shaped forest, but residents did not. Among the residents, small ones preferred or tolerate the irregular-shaped forest whereas large ones avoided it. This study indicates that careful consideration of various factors such as seasonality and bird traits is needed to understand the consequences of land use changes on forest birds.  相似文献   

Many shrubland bird species are declining in eastern North America and as a result forest managers have used a variety of techniques to provide breeding habitat for these species. The maintenance of permanent “wildlife openings” using prescribed burns or mechanical treatments is a widely used approach for providing habitat for these species, but there have been no studies of the effects of treatment regime on bird abundance and nest survival in managed wildlife openings. We studied shrubland birds in wildlife openings on the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) in New Hampshire and Maine, USA, during 2003 and 2004. We analyzed bird abundance and nest survival in relation to treatment type (burned versus mowed), treatment frequency, time since treatment, and patch area. We found that wildlife openings provided habitat for shrubland birds that are not present in mature forest. There was relatively modest support for models of focal bird species abundance as a function of treatment regime variables, despite pronounced effects of treatment on habitat conditions. This probably was attributable to the combined effects of complex site histories and bird site fidelity. Overall nest success (52%) was comparable to other types of early-successional habitats in the region, but there were few supported relationships between nest survival and treatment variables. We conclude that wildlife openings provide quality habitat for shrubland birds of high conservation interest as long as managers ensure treatment intervals are long enough to permit the development of woody vegetation characteristic of the later stages of this sere. Also, wildlife openings should be large enough to accommodate the territory sizes of all target species, which was ≥1.2 ha in this study.  相似文献   

Some introduced frugivorous birds disperse introduced plants and are thus a substitute for extinct native birds. Introduced birds have negative and/or infrequently positive effects on local ecosystems. It is important for management of the ecosystems to understand the relationships between native and introduced frugivorous and plant species. In this study, we elucidated these relationships in Mukojima Island, the Bonin Islands, where was anthropologically deforested and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonicus and some plants were already introduced. We examined the habitat selection of frugivorous birds, actual dispersed seeds in bird feces, and the distribution of the potentially dispersed plant species. The Japanese White-eye and the native, Blue Rockthrush Monticola solitarius, were dominant on this island. The former mainly used the forest area and dispersed only small seeds and frequently introduced plant seeds. The latter mainly used the open area and dispersed both small and large seeds. Some small-seed plants occurred not only in the forest but also in the open area. Their seedlings were distributed farther from their adult trees than the large-seed species. These indicate that small-seed plants would be more spread than the large-seed plants because the two bird species disperse their seeds in different environments. This introduced bird species may be important in vegetation recovery, although it may contribute to the distribution of introduced plants on this island.  相似文献   

本研究在弄清韩国桂坊山(374030N,128301E)天然落叶阔叶林斜坡和山谷中鸟类群落间的特征差异。调查结果表明:两地鸟类群落的种类组成、丰富度、鸟种多样性及群落结构都有不同。森林的垂直结构特别是林下覆被度及胸高直径分布多显不同。两地生境结构的不同必然影响着鸟类对可利用生境的选择。表6图2参19。  相似文献   

Spatial scale is an important consideration when managing forest wildlife habitat, and models can be used to improve our understanding of these habitats at relevant scales. Our objectives were to determine whether stand- or microhabitat-scale variables better predicted bird metrics (diversity, species presence, and abundance) and to examine breeding bird response to clearcut size and age in a highly forested landscape. In 2004-2007, vegetation data were collected from 62 even-aged stands that were 3.6-34.6 ha in size and harvested in 1963-1990 on the Monongahela National Forest, WV, USA. In 2005-2007, we also surveyed birds at vegetation plots. We used classification and regression trees to model breeding bird habitat use with a suite of stand and microhabitat variables. Among stand variables, elevation, stand age, and stand size were most commonly retained as important variables in guild and species models. Among microhabitat variables, medium-sized tree density and tree species diversity most commonly predicted bird presence or abundance. Early successional and generalist bird presence, abundance, and diversity were better predicted by microhabitat variables than stand variables. Thus, more intensive field sampling may be required to predict habitat use for these species, and management may be needed at a finer scale. Conversely, stand-level variables had greater utility in predicting late-successional species occurrence and abundance; thus management decisions and modeling at this scale may be suitable in areas with a uniform landscape, such as our study area. Our study suggests that late-successional breeding bird diversity can be maximized long-term by including harvests >10 ha in size into our study area and by increasing tree diversity. Some harvesting will need to be incorporated regularly, because after 15 years, the study stands did not provide habitat for most early successional breeding specialists.  相似文献   

In Fennoscandinan forestry, retention of forest strips as a buffer adjacent to water and bogs has long been recommended, but their biological value is poorly known and practice varies greatly. This study explored the value for breeding birds of retaining buffer strips of different width and structure, after clear-cutting in coniferous forest. The presence of birds during their nesting season was inventoried in 370 strips in south-eastern Norway. The species number per 100 m strip length increased with increasing strip width up to about 30 m width, and then remained constant up to 70–100 m width. Generalist species dominated all width categories. Important habitat factors other than strip width were basal area of spruce, short visibility and tree height. Although 11–20 m wide strips had the highest density of species and individuals per hectare, buffer strips of about 30 m width may be recommended, as narrower strips had fewer species per unit length of edge.  相似文献   

为掌握雷公山国家级自然保护区野生鸟类资源状况,采用公里网格随机布设60个红外相机监测位点,对雷公山重点区域地面活动鸟类进行调查。2020年1月至2021年12月,100台红外相机野外累计正常工作18 074个相机日,累计获得独立有效鸟类照片(视频)2 883份。调查监测记录到鸟类7目、17科、48种,其中栗苇鳽、红点颏、蓝歌鸲、斑胸钩嘴鹛、灰头绿啄木鸟、灰翅噪鹛、褐翅鸦鹃等7种为雷公山保护区鸟类新纪录。分析结果表明:鸟类相对多度最高为白鹇,其次为灰胸竹鸡和棕头鸦雀;鸟类网格占有率最高为白鹇(42.05%),棕头鸦雀(35.23%)和灰胸竹鸡(25.00%)次之。  相似文献   

采用样带法和定点观察法调查黑龙江龙凤湿地自然保护区的鸟类得知:该地区有鸟类142种,隶属于16目33科77属,其中国家一级保护鸟类5种,二级保护鸟类19种;分析鸟类种数和多样性指数的季节变化,以及繁殖期鸟类的组成可知,保护区以迁徙的候鸟为主,繁殖鸟类对湿地生境有高度适应性。  相似文献   

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