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"未来十年,将会是水产行业的黄金十年。"在2013年海纳川水产技术交流会上,广州海因特生物技术有限公司张松博士在指出水产养殖行业现状与存在的问题后,对未来十年水产行业的发展前景说出自己的看法。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻农业部新疆会议精神,进一步谋划特色渔业发展,推进我省水产养殖业规范化管理和渔业结构调整,省水产局于2005年11月29日-12月1日在石家庄市召开了全省水产养殖规范化管理暨特色渔业发展研讨会。省水产局王进局长及领导班子有关成员、省渔政处、省水产技术推广站、省水产研究所、省水产开发总公司主要负责人、省水产局机关有关处室负责同志、各设区市水产主管局长及生产科(处)长、各设区市养殖证制度试点县主管局负责人共计70余人参加了会议。  相似文献   

上市公司是各行业内的代表性企业,各行业都十分重视对本行业上市公司经营效果的研究。特别是资产运营效果的研究。而针对水产类上市公司的相关研究却很少,本文正是基于此,利用DEA数据包络分析模型,对当前以水产为主业的六家上市公司的资产运营效果进行了有效性分析和规模效益分析,其中,三家DEA无效,两家具有较大的规模增加潜力,并提出相应的改进方法。  相似文献   

今秋蟹市行情变.去年8月的蟹市“主力”洪泽湖蟹风光不再.乘飞机抢早赴沪“赶场子”的湖北黄蟹如今成了小种蟹中售价最高的“贵族”。上海水产行业协会秘书长范守霖说,本周起上海各水产市场大蟹数量将迅速增加.小种蟹售价可能明显回落。  相似文献   

在渔业发展过程中,各级水产行业协会应运而生。作为水产生产的中间环节,它既要为养殖户提供产前、产中、产后服务,又要组织有序生产,参与市场竞争,起到桥梁和纽带作用。近年来,这些水产行业协会在行业服务,维护行业利益,促进行业管理等方面发挥了积极作用。一、杭州市水产行业协会发展现状我市最早挂牌成立的水产行业协会是建德县牛蛙协会,成立于90年代初,这可以说是水产行业协会的萌芽。运作时间不长,由于客观条件和社会大环境的限制,难成气候,自行消失。随着甲鱼人工养殖技术的成功,群众养殖积极性高涨,大建温室开展人工…  相似文献   

水产江湖,自古以来不管是在电影里,还是小说中,一直都是男人的天下。从事这个行业,注定要风吹、日晒、雨淋,没有白领族的朝九晚五,没有大都市的窗明几净,没有下班就能看电影逛街的小资情调,也没有周末就能双休的那份悠闲。水产行业辛苦,从事水产行业的女性们更是辛苦。  相似文献   

21世纪的竞争是人才的竞争,所以一个产业的繁荣发展,离不开人,水产行业也不例外。每年的水产行业会议汇聚了来自全国各地的精荚,他们都是产业的推动者,是行业一颗颗璀璨之星。  相似文献   

水产养殖是人为控制繁殖、培育和收获水生动植物的生产活动。一般包括在人工饲养管理下从苗种养成水产品的全过程。近些年来,水产养殖业的规模急剧扩大,随之而来的规模化养殖问题也日益显露出来。根据现存以及今后可能出现的问题和水产养殖行业的现状提出一些意见及建议,以期为我国水产养殖行业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>中国水产门户网报道:"农业中,种植业都已经发展到‘测土施肥’,我们水产行业还停留在比较落后的水平。"2014年6月24日,在广州番禺举行的2014年渔业院士专家广东行活动中,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所院士雷霁霖指出,在未来5年内,中国人口激增给水产品带来巨大的市场需求,但水产行业的现状却存在不少隐忧,面临12项难题挑战。他说,要突破困难完成中国人的养殖水  相似文献   

上半年.我省水产行业认真贯彻省政府水产工作会议精神.积极落实惠渔政策,转变渔业增长方式.加大产品结构调整力度.继续推广先进适用养殖技术.加强水产品质量安全和生产管理.加之雨水较丰及市场行情走好,渔业呈现持续、快速发展态势。全省水产行业总产值60.3亿元.[第一段]  相似文献   

Norway leads the world aquaculture production of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon is currently consumed around the globe. However, sea lice infestation is a major problem faced by the salmon aquaculture industry in Norway and elsewhere. The use of wild-caught cleaner fish, mainly wrasses, has been recommended over the other available methods as the most economical and environmentally friendly option to control sea lice infestation in salmon farming. Here, we review the development of the Norwegian wrasse fishery and the use of wrasses as cleaner fish. In this document, we address the sea lice problem and introduce the main wrasse species employed as cleaner fish, document the cleaning behaviour of wrasses, present the development of a new wrasse fishery associated with the salmon aquaculture industry, and finally, we identify the main challenges associated with the intensive use of wild-caught cleaner wrasses and provide some insight for future directions of the wrasse fishery and further development of aquaculture techniques to supply salmon facilities with domesticated cleaner fish.  相似文献   

海参加工业是我国北方重要的水产品加工行业之一。近年来,随着市场需求的不断增大,海参加工产品产量逐年增加,海参加工业面临的环境问题日益凸显。为了促进我国海参加工业的清洁生产,保证产业的可持续发展,本研究基于我国清洁生产技术体系及海参加工行业的特点,构建了由生产工艺及装备等6个一级指标和加工工艺等24个二级指标组成的海参加工业清洁生产评价指标体系,并选择两家案例企业进行清洁生产水平的评价。研究结果表明,案例企业的清洁生产水平均为Ⅱ级:国内清洁生产先进水平;通过案例分析结果与企业生产现状的对比,证明本指标体系具有一定的科学性、可操作性和适用性。根据评价结果对两家案例企业提出了改变能源类型、提高废弃物资源利用率的清洁生产改进措施,为我国水产品加工行业的清洁生产提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Cleaning symbiosis has been documented extensively in the marine environment over the past 50 years. We estimate global cleaner diversity comprises 208 fish species from 106 genera representing 36 families and 51 shrimp species from 11 genera representing six families. Cleaning symbiosis as originally defined is amended to highlight communication between client and cleaner as the catalyst for cooperation and to separate cleaning symbiosis from incidental cleaning, which is a separate mutualism preceded by no communication. Moreover, we propose the term ‘dedicated’ to replace ‘obligate’ to describe a committed cleaning lifestyle. Marine cleaner fishes have dominated the cleaning symbiosis literature, with comparatively little focus given to shrimp. The engagement of shrimp in cleaning activities has been considered contentious because there is little empirical evidence. Plasticity exists in the use of ‘cleaner shrimp’ in the current literature, with the potential to cause significant confusion. Indeed, this term has been used incorrectly for the shrimp Infraorder Stenopodidea, involving three families, Stenopodidae, Palaemonidae and Hippolytidae, and to represent all members of Lysmata and Stenopus. Caution is expressed in the use of grey literature and anecdotal observations to generate data on cleaning interactions, due to the presence of species complexes. Interest in cleaning organisms as biological controls in aquaculture is increasing due to their value as an alternative to various chemical ectoparasite controls. Reports of the importance of cleaner organisms in maintaining a healthy reef ecosystem has also been increasing and we review the current biological knowledge on cleaner organisms, highlighting areas that are understudied.  相似文献   

中国水产养殖污染物排放总量控制框架构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年来,中国水产养殖业快速发展,产量大幅增加,随着绿色养殖概念的提出和总量控制制度的不断完善,水产养殖污染物排放强度明显下降,水产养殖污染物排放总量控制工作已见成效.本研究分析了水产养殖环境污染的产生与排放情况;总结了中国近年来为实现水产养殖污染物排放总量控制目标,在优化养殖布局、控制养殖环境污染、发展健康养殖和开...  相似文献   

王施龙  胡红浪  熊雪梅  高泽霞 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019603-019603
随着全球水产品养殖产量快速增长,水产养殖业在近二十年间正快速替代捕捞业,成为满足人类对优质蛋白需求极具潜力的生产活动。世界水产品消费量近几十年来快速增长,水产品在人类食物系统中具有越来越重要的地位。遗传改良作为发展水产养殖业的关键环节而备受关注,长期以来,以选择育种和杂交育种为主要的育种方法,以生长速度、成活率等经济性状为主要改良的目标性状,对世界水产养殖业的发展发挥了基础性、先导性和战略性作用。随着人们对优质蛋白需求的不断增加以及“大食物观”概念的广泛普及,将水产品打造为更加高效的食物生产系统是大势所趋。但纵观全球,水产养殖业存在遗传改良种类不多、覆盖面不广、改良性状滞后于产业发展需求等问题,需要加强水产育种技术创新和品种培育,培育更多的遗传改良种,推进水产养殖业高质量发展。本文基于已有研究结果,结合渔业各类统计数据,对世界水产养殖业发展概况、重要养殖种遗传改良情况、水产育种技术应用、目标性状改良以及部分主要人工改良种产量数据进行整理概述,总结发展状况,分析存在问题,以期为水产种业研究以及产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Strategies for further development of aquatic feeds   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
ABSTRACT: To date, aquatic feeds have depended heavily on fishmeal and fish oil as their source of protein and lipid. However, the feed industry is encountering shortfalls in the availability of these ingredients because of a decline in the number of fish captured in the wild and the increased human demand for some of the species currently being used for fishmeal and oil production. Therefore, efforts are now being directed in different parts of the world to finding alternative quality ingredients, which ideally are less expensive and readily available for use in practical diets. The data accrued have shown that a large proportion of both fishmeal and fish oil can be replaced by other protein and lipid sources. However, it is emphasized that an optimal essential amino acid balance be maintained and that the n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid requirement be satisfied when combining economical protein and lipid ingredients. Newly developed feeds should aim at being nutrient-dense in order to reduce the output of solid, P and N waste. This can be done through improving nutrient availability, optimizing the digestible protein to energy balance of the diet, and replacing dietary fishmeal with alternate ingredients. These diets should also be effective for maintaining good health and improving disease resistance in fish through enhancement of immune responses. A wholesome approach to culturing fish would be to use appropriate feeding standards that are aimed not only at improving economic returns but also at developing a lasting cohabitation of sustainable aquaculture and a cleaner environment. Furthermore, in the 2lst century aquaculture would still retain its place as a prominent source of food protein, signifying that fish feed research remains a forceful area in discovering better feeds for the industry.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is a multifaceted, dynamic food production sector in Europe. The average annual growth rate of aquaculture production in Western Europe was 5.5% between 1988 and 1998, while in Eastern Europe production declined by 56% during the same period. The main growth in aquaculture production has taken place in the marine environment, particularly in the expanding salmon, Salmo salar L., industry of Northern Europe. Inland aquaculture only contributed 19% of the total aquaculture production in 1998. Trout in Western Europe, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., in Eastern Europe are the dominant species in inland aquaculture. Inland fisheries production has been stagnant in Western Europe and has declined considerably in Eastern Europe. The importance of recreational fisheries is increasing all over Europe, although no reliable data are available on angler catches. The major interactions between aquaculture and fisheries are pollution by untreated effluents from farms and impacts on indigenous fish stocks. The conflict is decreasing as more advanced systems are used in inland aquaculture, including water recirculation and effluent treatment. The positive benefit of aquaculture is that the sector supports extensive stocking programmes in commercial and recreational fisheries all over Europe.  相似文献   

为了更好地提高水产养殖信息化与可视化管理水平,加强对水产养殖区域的动态监测,以国产高分一号遥感影像为数据源进行全国范围内养殖水域的提取,并结合WebGIS技术建立了一个集生产、经营、管理于一体的全国性、综合性水产养殖信息管理平台。该平台主要面向水产养殖从业人员及渔业行政管理部门,综合使用OpenLayers、JavaScript、Geoserver以及PostgreSQL数据库进行系统设计与开发,采用目前主流的B/S(浏览器/服务器)的3层分布式框架结构,主要实现了水体资源管理、养殖生产管理以及市场信息管理等功能。该系统在一定程度上满足了水产养殖从业人员及渔业行政管理部门对养殖过程进行动态与可视化管理、准确掌握水产养殖数据的需要,提高了水产养殖的信息化水平,并可扩展到对大范围的水产养殖区域进行实时动态监测。  相似文献   

This study was motivated by the need to estimate the quantitative impacts of current regulatory constraints on the economic performance of reservoir aquaculture in Vietnam. Using survey data and a specially adapted bioeconomic model, we show that performance of reservoir aquaculture varies widely. The three performance criteria were fish yields, net production revenue and income generated for the local population. Results suggest that current policies regarding extension effort on fingerling survival rates and on feeding strategies, as well as regulations involving taxation of cooperatives and authorities collecting leasing fees, do constrain the economic potential of reservoir aquaculture. The forgone production revenues limit the potential for aquaculture to alleviate local poverty. This study is a first step in identifying those government regulations that have a critical role in the development of reservoir aquaculture in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is a globally important industry that provides essential food to a growing world population, with a major role in the supply of cheap animal protein. Very rapid developments have been occurred in aquaculture sector of Egypt in recent years and exhibited the strongest growth of any fisheries-related activity in the country. As a result, aquaculture is considered as the only viable option for reducing the current gap between production and consumption of fish in Egypt. The rapid expansion in support activities such as local feed mills and hatcheries made the sector more sophisticated and diverse. Globally, Egypt ranks 9th in fish farming production and 1st among African countries. The aquaculture is practiced in different production systems including semi-intensive, intensive culture in ponds, tanks, intensive production in cages and traditional extensive production systems, but has yet to be adequately documented. Despite the fact that the aquaculture sector in Egypt has witnessed a spectacular development, it has also created challenges with respect to environmental issues and sustainability. This review provides an overview of the status and the perspectives of Egyptian aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

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