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Feed intake and efficiency of growth are economically important traits of beef cattle. This study determined the relationships of daily DMI, feed:gain ratio [F:G, which is the reciprocal of the efficiency of gain (G:F) and therefore increases as the efficiency of gain decreases and vice versa, residual feed intake (RFI), and partial efficiency of growth (efficiency of ADG, PEG) with growth and carcass merit of beef cattle. Residual feed intake was calculated from phenotypic regression (RFIp) or genetic regression (RFIg) of ADG and metabolic BW on DMI. An F1 half-sib pedigree file containing 28 sires, 321 dams, and 464 progeny produced from crosses between Alberta Hybrid cows and Angus, Charolais, or Alberta Hybrid bulls was used. Families averaged 20 progeny per sire (range = 3 to 56). Performance, ultrasound, and DMI data was available on all progeny, of which 381 had carcass data. Phenotypic and genetic parameters were obtained using SAS and ASREML software, respectively. Differences in RFIp and RFIg, respectively, between the most and least efficient steers (i.e., steers with the lowest PEG) were 5.59 and 6.84 kg of DM/d. Heritabilities for DMI, F:G, PEG, RFIp, and RFIg were 0.54 +/- 0.15, 0.41 +/- 0.15, 0.56 +/- 0.16, 0.21 +/- 0.12, and 0.42 +/- 0.15, respectively. The genetic (r = 0.92) and phenotypic (r = 0.97) correlations between RFIp and RFIg indicated that the 2 indices are very similar. Both indices of RFI were favorably correlated phenotypically (P < 0.001) and genetically with DMI, F:G, and PEG. Residual feed intake was tendentiously genetically correlated with ADG (r = 0.46 +/- 0.45) and metabolic BW (r = 0.27 +/- 0.33), albeit with high SE. Genetically, RFIg was independent of ADG and BW but showed a phenotypic correlation with ADG (r = -0.21; P < 0.05). Daily DMI was correlated genetically (r = 0.28) and phenotypically (r = 0.30) with F:G. Both DMI and F:G were strongly correlated with ADG (r > 0.50), but only DMI had strong genetic (r = 0.87 +/- 0.10) and phenotypic (r = 0.65) correlations with metabolic BW. Generally, the phenotypic and genetic correlations of RFI with carcass merit were not different from zero, except genetic correlations of RFI with ultrasound and carcass LM area and carcass lean yield and phenotypic correlations of RFI with backfat thickness (P < 0.01). Daily DMI had moderate to high phenotypic (P < 0.01) and genetic correlations with all the ultrasound and carcass traits. Depending on how RFI technology is applied, adjustment for body composition in addition to growth may be required to minimize the potential for correlated responses to selection in cattle.  相似文献   

Feed intake and feed efficiency of beef cattle are economically relevant traits. The study was conducted to identify QTL for feed intake and feed efficiency of beef cattle by using genotype information from 100 microsatellite markers and 355 SNP genotyped across 400 progeny of 20 Angus, Charolais, or Alberta Hybrid bulls. Traits analyzed include feedlot ADG, daily DMI, feed-to-gain ratio [F:G, which is the reciprocal of the efficiency of gain (G:F)], and residual feed intake (RFI). A mixed model with sire as random and QTL effects as fixed was used to generate an F-statistic profile across and within families for each trait along each chromosome, followed by empirical permutation tests to determine significance thresholds for QTL detection. Putative QTL for ADG (chromosome-wise P < 0.05) were detected across families on chromosomes 5 (130 cM), 6 (42 cM), 7 (84 cM), 11 (20 cM), 14 (74 cM), 16 (22 cM), 17 (9 cM), 18 (46 cM), 19 (53 cM), and 28 (23 cM). For DMI, putative QTL that exceeded the chromosome-wise P < 0.05 threshold were detected on chromosomes 1 (93 cM), 3 (123 cM), 15 (31 cM), 17 (81 cM), 18 (49 cM), 20 (56 cM), and 26 (69 cM) in the across-family analyses. Putative across-family QTL influencing F:G that exceeded the chromosome-wise P < 0.05 threshold were detected on chromosomes 3 (62 cM), 5 (129 cM), 7 (27 cM), 11 (16 cM), 16 (30 cM), 17 (81 cM), 22 (72 cM), 24 (55 cM), and 28 (24 cM). Putative QTL influencing RFI that exceeded the chromosome-wise P < 0.05 threshold were detected on chromosomes 1 (90 cM), 5 (129 cM), 7 (22 cM), 8 (80 cM), 12 (89 cM), 16 (41 cM), 17 (19 cM), and 26 (48 cM) in the across-family analyses. In addition, a total of 4, 6, 1, and 8 chromosomes showed suggestive evidence (chromosome-wise, P < 0.10) for putative ADG, DMI, F:G, and RFI QTL, respectively. Most of the QTL detected across families were also detected within families, although the locations across families were not necessarily the locations within families, which is likely because of differences among families in marker informativeness for the different linkage groups. The locations and direction of some of the QTL effects reported in this study suggest potentially favorable pleiotropic effects for the underlying genes. Further studies will be required to confirm these QTL in other populations so that they can be fine-mapped for potential applications in marker-assisted selection and management of beef cattle.  相似文献   

Growth, feed intake, and temperament indicator data, collected over 5 yr on a total of 1,141 to 1,183 mixed-breed steers, were used to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters. All steers had a portion of Hereford, Angus, or both as well as varying percentages of Simmental, Charolais, Limousin, Gelbvieh, Red Angus, and MARC III composite. Because the steers were slaughtered on various dates each year and the animals thus varied in days on feed, BW and feed data were adjusted to a 140-d feeding period basis. Adjustment of measures of feed efficiency [G:F or residual feed intake (RFI), intake adjusted for metabolic body size, and BW gain] for body fatness recorded at slaughter had little effect on the results of analyses. Average daily gain was less heritable (0.26) than was midtest BW (MBW; 0.35). Measures of feed intake had greater estimates of heritability, with 140-d DMI at 0.40 and RFI at 0.52; the heritability estimate for G:F was 0.27. Flight speed (FS), as an indicator of temperament, had an estimated heritability of 0.34 and a repeatability of 0.63. As expected, a strong genetic (0.86) correlation was estimated between ADG and MBW; genetic correlations were less strong between DMI and ADG or MBW (0.56 and 0.71). Residual feed intake and DMI had a genetic correlation of 0.66. Indexes for phenotypic RFI and genotypically restricted RFI (no correlation with BW gain) were compared with simple economic indexes incorporating feed intake and growth to elucidate expected selection responses under different criteria. In general, few breed differences were detected across the various measurements. Heterosis contributed to greater DMI, RFI, and MBW, but it did not significantly affect ADG, G:F, or FS. Balancing output (growth) with input costs (feed) is needed in practicing selection, and FS would not be recommended as an indicator trait for selection to change feed efficiency. An index including BW gain and RFI produced the best economic outcome.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine whether residual feed intake (RFI) reranking exists between 2 consecutive periods in replacement heifers fed the same diet. The study collected feed intake and BW data from 190 crossbred heifers over a 3-yr period (61 in 2007, 68 in 2008, and 61 in 2009) during the winter-spring season. The heifers were fed a roughage-based diet (90% barley silage and 10% rolled barley grain) throughout the feeding trial, which was broken down into 2 feeding periods with ADG of 0.94 and 0.90 kg?d(-1) in the first and second periods, respectively. The RFI was calculated for the entire period using different models, which included ADG, mid-metabolic BW, body composition, and feeding activity. Gain:feed ratio and Kleiber ratio were also calculated. Rank correlations among the RFI calculated from different models were obtained, as well as rank correlations between the 2 feeding periods for the feed efficiency measures. Including body composition and feeding activity only improved the R(2) by 1 to 5%. The rank correlations among the different models were high (90 to 95%) for RFI calculated for the entire feeding period. However, the RFI calculated within the second feeding period had greater rank correlation than the RFI calculated from the entire feeding period. Compared with G:F and Kleiber ratio, RFI gave lesser reranking between periods 1 and 2. About 49% of the heifers maintained their RFI class, whereas 51% of the heifers had a different RFI class in period 2. Furthermore, 41% of the heifers changed their RFI in period 2 by <0.5 SD, whereas the rest of the heifers changed by ≥0.5 SD. These results indicate that reranking exists in heifers despite receiving the same diet in the 2 feeding periods and that the reranking may be more serious in heifers (28%) with extreme RFI performances in each period.  相似文献   

Carcass traits have been successfully used to determine body composition of steers. Body composition, in turn, has been used to predict energy content of ADG to compute feed requirements of individual animals fed in groups. This information is used in the Cornell value discovery system (CVDS) to predict DM required (DMR) for the observed animal performance. In this experiment, the prediction of individual DMR for the observed performance of group-fed yearling bulls was evaluated using energy content of gain, which was based on ultrasound measurements to estimate carcass traits and energy content of ADG. One hundred eighteen spring-born purebred and crossbred bulls (BW = 288 +/- 4.3 kg) were sorted visually into 3 marketing groups based on estimated days to reach USDA low Choice quality grade. The bulls were fed a common high-concentrate diet in 12 slatted-floor pens (9 to 10 head/pen). Ultrasound measurements including back-fat (uBF), rump fat, LM area (uLMA), and intramuscular fat were taken at approximately 1 yr of age. Carcass measurements including HCW, backfat over the 12th to 13th rib (BF), marbling score (MRB), and LM area (LMA) were collected for comparison with ultrasound data for predicting carcass composition. The 9th to 11th-rib section was removed and dissected into soft tissue and bone for determination of chemical composition, which was used to predict carcass fat and empty body fat (EBF). The predicted EBF averaged 23.7 +/- 4.0%. Multiple regression analysis indicated that carcass traits explained 72% of the variation in predicted EBF (EBF = 16.0583 + 5.6352 x BF + 0.01781 x HCW + 1.0486 x MRB - 0.1239 x LMA). Because carcass traits are not available on bulls intended for use as herd sires, another equation using predicted HCW (pHCW) and ultrasound measurements was developed (EBF = 39.9535 x uBF - 0.1384 x uLMA + 0.0867 x pHCW - 0.0897 x uBF x pHCW - 1.3690). This equation accounted for 62% of the variation in EBF. The use of an equation to predict EBF developed with steer composition data overpredicted the EBF predicted in these experiments (28.7 vs. 23.7%, respectively). In a validation study with 37 individually fed bulls, the use of the ultrasound-based equation in the CVDS to predict energy content of gain accounted for 60% of the variation in the observed efficiency of gain, with 1.5% bias, and identified 3 of the 4 most efficient bulls.  相似文献   

Interest in improving feed efficiency in cattle is intensifying. Residual feed intake (RFI), which is the difference between expected intake and that predicted based on energy demands, is now the most commonly used measure of feed efficiency over a given time period. However, RFI, as commonly defined, is independent of growth rate, which may affect its acceptance by industry. Residual BW gain (RG) has also been proposed as a measure of feed efficiency and is represented as the residuals from a multiple regression model regressing ADG on both DMI and BW. In this study, we propose a new trait, residual intake and BW gain (RIG), which retains the favorable characteristic of both RFI and RG being independent of BW, but animals superior for RIG have, on average, both greater ADG and reduced DMI. Phenotypic and genetic analyses were undertaken on up to 2,605 purebred performance-tested bulls. Clear phenotypic differences in DMI and ADG existed between animals divergent for RIG. The heritability of RIG was 0.36 ± 0.06, which is consistent with the heritability estimates of RFI and other feed efficiency traits measured in the study. The RIG trait was both phenotypically and genetically negatively correlated with DMI and positively correlated with ADG; no correlation existed between RIG and BW. The advantages of both reduced daily DMI and greater ADG in animals superior for RIG are demonstrated compared with animals superior for either RFI or RG.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) has been proposed as an index for determining beef cattle energetic efficiency. Although the relationship of RFI with feed conversion ratio (FCR) is well established, little is known about how RFI compares to other measures of efficiency. This study examined the phenotypic relationships among different measures of energetic efficiency with growth, feed intake, and ultrasound and carcass merit of hybrid cattle (n = 150). Dry matter intake, ME intake (MEI), ADG, metabolic weight (MWT), and FCR during the test averaged 10.29 kg/d (SD = 1.62), 1,185.45 kJ/(kg0.75 x d) (SD = 114.69), 1.42 kg/d (SD = 0.25), 86.67 kg0.75 (SD = 10.21), and 7.27 kg of DM/kg of gain (SD = 1.00), respectively. Residual feed intake averaged 0.00 kg/d and ranged from -2.25 kg/d (most efficient) to 2.61 kg/d (least efficient). Dry matter intake (r = 0.75), MEI (r = 0.83), and FCR (r = 0.62) were correlated with RFI (P < 0.001) and were higher for animals with high (>0.5 SD) RFI vs. those with medium (+/-0.5 SD) or low (<0.5 SD) RFI (P < 0.001). Partial efficiency of growth (PEG; energetic efficiency for ADG) was correlated with RFI (r = -0.89, P < 0.001) and was lower (P < 0.001) for high- vs. medium- or low-RFI animals. However, RFI was not related to ADG (r = -0.03), MWT (r = -0.02), relative growth rate (RGR; growth relative to instantaneous body size; r = -0.04), or Kleiber ratio (KR; ADG per unit of MWT; r = -0.004). Also, DMI was correlated (P < 0.01) with ADG (r = 0.66), MWT (r = 0.49), FCR (r = 0.49), PEG (r = -0.52), RGR (r = 0.18), and KR (r = 0.36). Additionally, FCR was correlated (P < 0.001) with ADG (r = -0.63), PEG (r = -0.83), RGR (r = -0.75), and KR (r = -0.73), but not with MWT (r = 0.07). Correlations of measures of efficiency with ultrasound or carcass traits generally were not different from zero except for correlations of RFI, FCR, and PEG, respectively, with backfat gain (r = 0.30, 0.20, and -0.30), ultrasound backfat (r = 0.19, 0.21, and -0.25), grade fat (r = 0.25, 0.19, and -0.27), lean meat yield (r = -0.22, -0.18, and 0.24), and yield grade (r = 0.28, 0.24, and -0.25). These phenotypic relationships indicate that, compared with other measures of energetic efficiency, RFI should have a greater potential to improve overall production efficiency and PEG above maintenance, and lead to minimal correlated changes in carcass merit without altering the growth and body size of different animals.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the accuracy of the Decision Evaluator for the Cattle Industry (DECI) and the Cornell Value Discovery System (CVDS) in predicting individual DMI and to assess the feasibility of using predicted DMI data in genetic evaluations of cattle. Observed individual animal data on the average daily DMI (OFI), ADG, and carcass measurements were obtained from postweaning records of 504 steers from 52 sires (502 with complete data). The experimental data and daily temperature and wind speed data were used as inputs to predict average daily feed DMI (kg) required (feed required; FR) for maintenance, cold stress, and ADG; maintenance and cold stress; ADG; maintenance and ADG; and maintenance alone, with CVDS (CFRmcg, CFRmc, CFRg, CFRmg, and CFRm, respectively) and DECI (DFRmcg, DFRmc, DFRg, DFRmg, and DFRm, respectively). Genetic parameters were estimated by REML using an animal model with age on test as a covariate and with genotype, age of dam, and year as fixed effects. Regression equations for observed on predicted DMI were OFI = 1.27 (SE = 0.27) + 0.83 (SE = 0.04) x CFRmcg [R2 = 0.44, residual SD (s(y.x)) = 0.669 kg/d] and OFI = 1.32 (SE = 0.22) + 0.8 (SE = 0.03) x DFRmcg (R2 = 0.53, s(y.x) = 0.612 kg/d). Heritability of OFI was 0.27 +/- 0.12, and heritabilities ranged from 0.33 +/- 0.12 to 0.41 +/- 0.13 for predicted measures of DMI. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between OFI and CFRmcg, CFRmc, CFRg, CFRmg, CFRm, DFRmcg, DFRmc, DFRg, DFRmg, and DFRm were 0.67, 0.73, 0.41, 0.63, 0.78, 0.73, 0.82, 0.45, 0.77, and 0.86 (P < 0.001 for all phenotypic correlations); and 0.95 +/- 0.07, 0.82 +/- 0.13, 0.89 +/- 0.09, 0.95 +/- 0.07, 0.91 +/- 0.09, 0.96 +/- 0.07, 0.89 +/- 0.09, 0.88 +/- 0.09, 0.96 +/- 0.06, and 0.96 +/- 0.07, respectively. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between CFRmcg and DFRmcg, CFRmc and DFRmc, CFRg and DFRg, CFRmg and DFRmg, and CFRm and DFRm were 0.98, 0.94, 0.99, 0.98, and 0.95 (P < 0.001 for all phenotypic correlations), and 0.99 +/- 0.004, 0.98 +/- 0.017, 0.99 +/- 0.004, 0.99 +/- 0.005, and 0.97 +/- 0.021, respectively. The strong genetic relationships between OFI and CFRmcg, CFRmg, DFRmcg, and DFRmg indicate that these predicted measures of DMI may be used in genetic evaluations and that DM requirements for cold stress may not be needed, thus reducing model complexity. However, high genetic correlations for final weight with OFI, CFRmcg, and DFRmcg suggest that the technology needs to be further evaluated in populations with genetic variance in feed efficiency.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the genetic parameters and genetic correlations of feed efficiency traits in steers (n = 490) fed grower or finisher diets in 2 feeding periods. A bivariate model was used to estimate phenotypic and genetic parameters using steers that received the grower and finisher diets in successive feeding periods, whereas a repeated animal model was used to estimate the permanent environmental effects. Genetic correlations between the grower-fed and finisher-fed regimens were 0.50 ± 0.48 and 0.78 ± 0.43 for residual feed intake (RFI) and G:F, respectively. The moderate genetic correlation between the 2 feeding regimens may indicate the presence of a genotype × environment interaction for RFI. Permanent environmental effects (expressed in percentage of phenotypic variance) were detected in the grower-fed steers for ADG (38%), DMI (30%), RFI (18%), and G:F (40%) and also in the finisher-fed steers for ADG (28%), DMI (35%), metabolic mid-weight (23%), and RFI (10%). Heritability estimates were 0.08 ± 0.10 and 0.14 ± 0.15 for the grower-fed steers and 0.42 ± 0.16 and 0.40 ± 17 for the finisher-fed steers for RFI and G:F, respectively. The dependency of the RFI on the feeding regimen may have serious implications when selecting animals in the beef industry. Because of the higher cost of grains, feed efficiency in the feedlot might be overemphasized, whereas efficiency in the cow herd and the backgrounding segments may have less emphasis. These results may also favor the retention (for subsequent breeding) of cows whose steers were efficient in the feedlot sector. Therefore, comprehensive feeding trials may be necessary to provide more insight into the mechanisms surrounding genotype × environment interaction in steers.  相似文献   

Angus bulls and heifers from lines divergently selected for serum IGF-I concentration were used to evaluate the effects of IGF-I selection line on growth performance and feed efficiency in 2 studies. In study 1, bulls (low line, n = 9; high line, n = 8; initial BW = 367.1 +/- 22.9 kg) and heifers (low line, n = 9; high line, n = 13; initial BW = 286.4 +/- 28.6 kg) were adapted to a roughage-based diet (ME = 1.95 Mcal/kg of DM) for 24 d and fed individually for 77 d by using Calan gate feeders. In study 2, bulls (low line, n = 15; high line, n = 12; initial BW = 297.5 +/- 34.4 kg) and heifers (low line, n = 9; high line, n = 20; initial BW = 256.0 +/- 25.1 kg) were adapted to a grain-based diet (ME = 2.85 Mcal/kg of DM) for 32 d and fed individually for 70 d by using Calan gate feeders. Blood samples were collected at weaning and at the start and end of each study, and serum IGF-I concentration was determined. Residual feed intake (RFI) was calculated, within study, as the residual from the linear regression of DMI on midtest BW(0.75), ADG, sex, sex by midtest BW(0.75) and sex by ADG. In study 1, calves from the low IGF-I selection line had similar initial and final BW and ADG, compared with calves from the high IGF-I selection line. In addition, DMI and feed conversion ratio were similar between IGF-I selection lines; however, calves from the low IGF-I selection line tended (P < 0.10) to have lesser RFI than calves from the high IGF-I selection line (-0.26 vs. 0.24 +/- 0.31 kg/d). In study 2, IGF-I selection line had no influence on performance or feed efficiency traits. However, there was a tendency (P = 0.15) for an IGF-I selection line x sex interaction for RFI. Bulls from the low IGF-I selection line had numerically lesser RFI than those from the high IGF-I selection line, whereas in heifers, the IGF-I selection line had no effect on RFI. In studies 1 and 2, weaning and initial IGF-I concentrations were not correlated with either feed conversion ratio or RFI. However, regression analysis revealed a sex x IGF-I concentration interaction for initial IGF-I concentration in study 1 and weaning IGF-I concentration in study 2 such that the regression coefficient was positive for bulls and negative for heifers. These data suggest that genetic selection for postweaning serum IGF-I concentration had a minimal effect on RFI in beef cattle.  相似文献   

A feeding trial evaluated the hypothesis that wet corn gluten feed would improve growth performance of cattle fed steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets and supply required degradable intake protein (DIP). The trial used 360 steer calves (initial BW = 288 +/- 11 kg) housed in 36 pens for 166 d in an incomplete 4 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. Pens of steers were assigned to treatments according to a completely randomized design (four replicates per treatment combination). Treatments were wet corn gluten feed (0, 20, 30, or 40% of dietary DM) and CP (13.0, 13.7, or 14.4% of dietary DM) via supplemental urea as DIP. The 0% wet corn gluten feed treatment included only the 13.7% CP diet, and the 40% wet corn gluten feed treatment included only the 13.7 and 14.4% CP diets. Final dietary DIP concentration was 9.0% for 0% wet corn gluten feed; 8.7, 9.5, and 10.2% for 20% wet corn gluten feed; 9.0, 9.7, and 10.3% DIP for 30% wet corn gluten feed; and 10.0 and 10.6% for 40% wet corn gluten feed. Hot carcass weight, ADG, DMI, and G:F responded quadratically (P < or = 0.05) to wet corn gluten feed. The 20, 30, and 40% wet corn gluten feed treatments increased ADG by 7, 6, and 3% and increased DMI by 4, 5, and 5%, respectively, relative to the 0% wet corn gluten feed treatment. Feed efficiency was 102, 101, and 98% of the 0% wet corn gluten feed treatment for 20, 30, and 40% wet corn gluten feed, respectively. Hot carcass weight, ADG, and G:F increased linearly (P < or = 0.05) in response to increased DIP. Nonlinear analysis for DIP over the combined 20 and 30% wet corn gluten feed treatments indicated a DIP requirement of 9.6% of DM for ADG and 9.2% of DM for G:F, corresponding to 14.6 and 14.3% CP for 20% wet corn gluten feed and 14.8 and 14.5% CP for 30% wet corn gluten feed, respectively. Fat thickness, marbling, LM area, and USDA yield grade were not affected (P = 0.12 to 0.99) by wet corn gluten feed or CP. These results show that the inclusion rate of wet corn gluten feed for maximizing ADG and G:F in steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets is approximately 20% of DM. The DIP requirement determined in this trial averaged 9.4% of DM.  相似文献   

Refinements and additions were made to the growing cattle portion of the model of Fox et al. (1988) for predicting growth of Holstein steers. Based on observations of animal weight, DM intake (DMI), ADG, feed per gain (FPG) and diet ME, the modified model was tested on a database that included 299 feeding periods with Holstein steers fed in research trials over a period of 15 yr at Cornell University, the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin. The modified model accounted for 93, 56 and 68% of the variation in DM intake, daily gain and feed required per unit gain, respectively. Averaged over all 299 periods in the database, the error in predicting DM intake, daily gain and feed required per unit gain was 1%, 4% and 2%, respectively. Analysis of residuals indicated that ME level did not influence the difference between predicted and observed values for DMI, ADG and FPG. Residuals analysis indicated that BW did not influence the difference between predicted and observed values for ADG and FPG but DMI of heavier cattle was overpredicted (P less than .01). These results indicated that the 8% increase in DMI for cattle over 318 kg was not warranted for the Holstein steers in this database, which were predominantly less than 15 mo at slaughter. The results of the validation indicate that this model accurately predicted performance of Holstein steers.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate dried full-fat corn germ (GERM) as a supplemental fat source in cattle finishing diets. In Exp. 1, 24 pens totaling 358 crossbred beef steers with an initial BW of 319 kg were allowed ad libitum access to diets containing dry-rolled corn, 35% wet corn gluten feed, and 0, 5, 10, or 15% GERM on a DM basis. Increasing GERM decreased (linear; P < 0.02) DMI and increased (quadratic; P < 0.02) ADG. Steers fed 10% GERM had the greatest ADG (quadratic; P < 0.02) and G:F (quadratic; P < 0.05). The addition of GERM increased (linear; P < 0.05) fat thickness, KPH, and the percentage of USDA Yield Grade 4 carcasses (quadratic; P < 0.03), with steers fed 15% GERM having the greatest percentage of USDA Yield Grade 4 carcasses. In Exp. 2, 48 pens totaling 888 crossbred beef heifers with an initial BW of 380 kg were allowed ad libitum access to diets containing steam-flaked corn, 35% wet corn gluten feed, and either no added fat (control), 4% tallow (TALLOW), or 10 or 15% GERM on a DM basis, with or without 224 IU of added vitamin E/kg of diet DM. No fat x vitamin E (P > or = 0.08) interactions were detected. Fat addition, regardless of source, decreased (P < 0.01) DMI, marbling score, and the number of carcasses grading USDA Choice. Among heifers fed finishing diets containing TALLOW or 10% GERM, supplemental fat source did not affect DMI (P = 0.76), ADG (P = 0.54), G:F (P = 0.62), or carcass characteristics (P > or = 0.06). Increasing GERM decreased DMI (linear; P < 0.01) and ADG (quadratic; P < 0.02), with ADG by heifers fed 10% GERM slightly greater than those fed control but least for heifers fed 15% GERM. Increasing GERM improved (quadratic; P < 0.03) G:F of heifers, with heifers fed 10% GERM having the greatest G:F. Increasing GERM decreased HCW (linear; P < 0.02), marbling score (linear; P < 0.01), and the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Choice (linear; P < 0.01). The addition of vitamin E increased (P < 0.04) the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Select and decreased (P < 0.01) the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Standard. These data suggest that GERM can serve as a supplemental fat source in cattle finishing diets, and that the effect of vitamin E did not depend on source or concentration of supplemental fat.  相似文献   

Improvement in the utilization of feed in livestock is an important target of breeding and nutritional programs. Recent evidence indicates a potential association between feed efficiency and fecal cortisol metabolites, which could eventually be used as an indirect assessment of this trait. This evidence is more comprehensively evaluated in here with samples for plasma cortisol (PC; ng/ml) and fecal cortisol metabolites (FCM; ng/ml) collected more often during the entire finishing phase in beef steers. Individual daily feed intake of 112 steers fed a high-moisture corn-based and haylage diet was measured over 168 d. Body weight, blood and fecal samples were collected every 14 d and ultrasound measures of backfat thickness and longissimus muscle area were taken every 28 d. Four productive performance traits were calculated: daily dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed to gain ratio (F:G) and residual feed intake (RFI). At the end of the feedlot phase, steers were ranked according to RFI and samples were analyzed for PC and FCM from the 32 steers with greatest and 32 steers with lowest feed efficiency. In addition, a sub-group of 12 steers from each of these two groups with divergent feed efficiency were subjected to hourly blood sampling for 24 h. Less efficient steers had greater DMI, F:G and consumed 1.5 kg/d more DMI (P<0.05) than steers with improved feed efficiency. No differences (P>0.10) in PC over the 12 biweekly sampling periods between steers with divergent feed efficiency were observed. However, a trend toward significance between 19:00 and 02:00 h over the hourly sampling evaluation was noticed, with the sub-group of more feed efficient steers presenting higher levels of PC in this period of the day (P=0.08). On the other hand, FCM levels displayed a distinct pattern between RFI groups over the biweekly sampling period, with more efficient cattle presenting greater levels of these metabolites (P<0.05). This study reinforces the positive association between improved feed efficiency and FCM levels over the finishing phase; and the lack of association between feed efficiency and PC when single samples are collected every two weeks through a single jugular venipuncture performed after handling the cattle for sampling. Further studies to develop sampling protocols for assessing FCM as an indicator trait for feed efficiency are warranted, as well as, studies to understand the role of endogenous glucocorticoids in the performance of the bovine.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to quantify the phenotypic variation in residual feed intake (RFI) in pregnant beef heifers offered a grass silage diet and to characterize their productivity. Seventy-three pregnant (mean gestation d 198, SD = 27 d) Simmental and Simmental × Holstein-Friesian heifers (mean initial BW 548, SD = 47.5 kg) were offered grass silage ad libitum. Heifer DMI, BW, BCS, skeletal measurements, ultrasonic fat and muscle depth, visual muscularity score, rumen fermentation, total tract digestibility, blood metabolite and hematology variables, feeding, and activity behavior were measured during an 84-d feed intake study. After parturition calf birth weight, calving difficulty, cow serum IgG, hematology variables, and calf humoral immune status were measured. In a subset of cows (n = 28), DMI, milk yield and various body composition variables were also measured approximately 3 wk postpartum. Phenotypic RFI was calculated for each animal as the difference between actual DMI and expected DMI. Expected DMI was computed for each animal by regressing average daily DMI on conceptus-adjusted mean BW(0.75) and conceptus-adjusted ADG over an 84-d period. Within breed, heifers were ranked by RFI into low (efficient), medium, and high (inefficient) groups by dividing them into thirds. Heifers with high RFI had 8.8 and 17.1% greater (P < 0.001) DMI than medium and low RFI groups, respectively. The RFI groups did not differ in ADG or BW (P > 0.05). Residual feed intake was positively correlated with DMI (r = 0.85) but not with feed conversion ratio, ADG, or BW. The RFI groups did not differ (P > 0.05) in skeletal size, BCS, ultrasonic fat depth, total tract digestibility, calf birth weight, calving difficulty, serum IgG concentrations, or milk yield. Visual muscularity scores, initial test and postpartum ultrasonic muscle depth were negatively correlated with RFI (P < 0.05). Including mean ultrasonic muscle depth into the base RFI regression model increased its R(2) (0.29 to 0.38). Pearson rank correlation between RFI and muscle-adjusted RFI was 0.93. The results show that efficient RFI heifers consumed less feed without any compromise in growth, body composition, or maternal traits measured.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between easily measured, potential physiological and physical indicators of feed efficiency including metabolic hormones, metabolites, ultrasonic muscle and fat measures with performance and efficiency traits in performance tested pedigree beef bulls (n = 302; initial bodyweight 493 (SD = 64) kg). Animals were offered a high energy concentrate ad libitum plus 1.5 kg fresh weight grass hay daily and individual feed intake was measured for 70 days. Blood samples were collected by coccygeal venipuncture at the start and end of the performance test period and analysed for plasma concentrations of IGF-I, insulin, leptin and various metabolites. Similarly, ultrasonic muscle and fat depths were measured at the start and end of the test period. Residual feed intake (RFI) was computed for each animal as the residuals from a multiple regression model regressing dry matter intake (DMI) on average daily gain (ADG) and mid-test BW0.75 (MWT). Overall ADG, DMI, feed:gain (F:G) and RFI were 1.91 (SD = 0.29), 10.10 (SD = 1.31), 5.37 (SD = 0.84) and 0.00 (SD = 0.78), respectively. Residual feed intake was strongly correlated with DMI (r = 0.67) and moderately correlated with F:G (r = 0.40). Moderate positive correlations ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 were estimated between ultrasonic measures of final fat and muscle depth and their respective gains over the test period with DMI, ADG and RFI. There was no evidence of a strong association between any of the plasma analytes measured and RFI at either sampling times. However, end of test insulin was negatively correlated (r = − 0.14) with RFI. Final IGF-I concentration was negatively associated with DMI (r = − 0.14) and F:G (r = − 0.15). End of test circulating leptin concentration was positively correlated with DMI (r = 0.14) and F:G (r = 0.15). Plasma glucose concentration at the end of test was negatively related to DMI (r = − 0.21) and F:G (r = − 0.21). A positive relationship was observed between end of test plasma urea concentration and DMI (r = 0.30). Overall, the correlation coefficient estimates between the potential blood markers and measures of intake, performance and efficiency were weak and generally not different from zero. This suggests that it is unlikely that measurement of these metabolic indicators, per se, will be useful in the early identification of feed efficient animals.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to determine whether fluctuations in the amount of feed delivered and timing of feeding affect ruminal pH and growth of feedlot cattle. In Exp. 1, the effects of constant (C) vs. fluctuating (F) daily feed delivery on ruminal pH were assessed in a crossover experiment (two 28-d periods) involving six mature, ruminally cannulated steers. The diet consisted of 86.8% barley grain, 4.9% supplement, and 8.3% barley silage (DM basis) and was offered ad libitum for 2 wk to estimate DMI by individual steers. Steers in group C were offered a constant amount of feed daily equal to their predetermined DMI, whereas steers in group F were offered 10% more or less than their predetermined DMI on a rotating 3-d schedule. Ruminal pH of each steer was measured continuously via an indwelling electrode placed in the rumen during the last 6 d of each period. Mean pH tended to be lower (0.10 units) for F than C (5.63 vs. 5.73; P = 0.15), and ruminal pH of steers in group F tended to remain below 5.8 (P = 0.03) or 5.5 (P = 0.14) for greater proportions of the day than steers in group C. Inconsistent delivery of feed lowered ruminal pH, suggesting increased risk of subclinical acidosis. In Exp. 2, a 2 x 2 factorial was used to study the effects of pattern (C vs. F) and feeding time (morning [0900] vs. evening [2100]) on the feeding behavior and performance of 234 (310 +/- 23 kg) Charolais x Hereford beef steers during backgrounding and finishing phases over 209 d. One pen per treatment was equipped with a radio frequency identification (GrowSafe Systems Ltd., Airdrie, Canada) system that monitored bunk attendance by each steer throughout the trial. Pattern of feed delivery did not affect (P = 0.16) DMI (7.36 kg/d), ADG (1.23 kg/d), G:F (0.17), or time spent at the bunk (141 min/d), nor were pattern of feed delivery x time of feeding interactions observed (P = 0.18). Late feeding increased (P < 0.05) daily DMI (7.48 vs. 7.26 kg), ADG (1.28 vs. 1.00 kg/d), and G:F (0.21 vs. 0.15). These studies indicate that the risk of subclinical acidosis was increased with fluctuating delivery of feed, but the greater risk of acidosis did not impair growth performance by feedlot cattle. Consequently, daily intake fluctuations of 10% DMI or less that do not alter overall intake by feedlot cattle are unlikely to have any negative consequences on growth performance.  相似文献   

Traits used for identification of replacement beef heifers and feeding levels provided during postweaning development may have major financial implications due to effects on maintenance requirements and level of lifetime production. The current study evaluated the effects of 2 levels of feeding during the postweaning period on growth, G:F, and ultrasound carcass measurements of heifers, and the associations among these traits. Heifers (1/2 Red Angus, 1/4 Charolais, and 1/4 Tarentaise) born in 3 yr were randomly assigned to a control (fed to appetite; n = 205) or restricted (fed at 80% of that consumed by controls adjusted to a common BW basis; n = 192) feeding during a 140-d postweaning period. Heifers were individually fed a diet of 68% corn silage, 18% alfalfa, and protein-mineral supplement (DM basis) in pens equipped with Calan gates. Ultrasound measurements of LM area, intramuscular fat, and subcutaneous fat thickness over the LM were made on d 140 (382 +/- 0.8 d of age). Average daily DMI was 4.1 and 5.6 kg/d for restricted and control heifers, respectively (P < 0.001). Feed restriction decreased (P < 0.001) BW (292 vs. 314 kg), ADG (0.52 vs. 0.65 kg/d), LM area (55 vs. 59 cm2), intramuscular fat (3.2 vs. 3.5%), and subcutaneous fat thickness over the LM (3.2 vs. 3.9 mm), but increased G:F (0.12 vs. 0.11) when compared with control at the end of the 140-d study. The magnitude of the associations of DMI with ADG (r = 0.32 vs. 0.21), 140-d BW (r = 0.78 vs. 0.36), hip height (r = 0.57 vs. 0.17), LMA (r = 0.30 vs. 0.18), and BCS (r = 0.17 vs. 0.11) was greater in restricted- than control-fed heifers. Variance of residual feed intake, calculated within each treatment, was greater (P < 0.01) in control (0.088) than restricted (0.004) heifers, and magnitude of association between residual feed intake and average DMI was greater in control (r = 0.88) than restricted (r = 0.41) heifers. Pregnancy rate tended (P = 0.11) to be reduced in heifers that had been developed on restricted feeding (86.3 +/- 2.3 vs. 91.5 +/- 2.3%). However, ADG was greater (P < 0.001) in restricted than control heifers (0.51 vs. 0.46 kg/d) while grazing native range in the 7 mo after restriction. In summary, restricted heifers consumed 22% less feed on a per-pregnant-heifer basis during the development period and had a greater magnitude of association between DMI and several growth-related traits at the end of the 140-d postweaning feeding period, which is indicative of improved efficiency.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the utilisation of the residual feed intake (RFI ) as a feed efficiency selection tool and its relationship with methane emissions. Eighteen Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis ) heifers were fed ad libitum with total mixed ration (TMR ) for 120 days. Based on linear regression models involving dry matter intake (DMI ), average daily gain (ADG ) and mid‐test metabolic body size (MBW 0.75), heifers were assigned into low and high RFI groups. The RFI varied from ?0.09 to +0.12 kg DM /day with average RFI of ?0.05 and 0.05 kg DM /day in low and high RFI heifers respectively. Low RFI heifers ate 11.6% less DM each day, yet average daily gain (ADG ) and feed utilisation were comparable among low and high RFI groups. Low RFI heifers required significantly (< .05) less metabolizable energy for maintenance (ME m) compared to high RFI heifers. Apparent nutrient digestibility showed non‐significant difference (p >  .05) among low and high RFI groups. Although the nitrogen balance was similar among heifers of low and high RFI groups, nitrogen metabolism was significantly higher (> .05) in high RFI heifers. Comparison of data from heifers exhibiting the low (n  = 9) and high (n  = 9) RFI showed that the low RFI heifers have lower enteric methane production and methane losses than high RFI heifers. In conclusion, results of this study revealed that selection of more efficient buffalo heifers has multiple benefits, such as decreased feed intake and less emission of methane.  相似文献   

A published model designed to predict individual feed required for the observed shrunk BW and ADG of growing cattle when fed in groups was modified and evaluated to improve its accuracy. This model is needed to accurately bill feed and compute cost of gain in marketing programs based on individual animal management. Because of its importance in predicting energy required for growth, a database of 401 steers was used to develop an equation to predict percentage of empty-body fat (EBF) from carcass measurements (12th rib fat thickness, hot carcass weight, USDA quality grade, and longissimus muscle area), which accounted for 61% of the variation in EBF with no bias (P > 0.1). When tested with an independent data set of 951 steers, the equation accounted for 51% of the variation with 1% proportional bias. The large variation in the carcass measurements at a particular EBF observed in this study indicates further improvement is limited by the inability of carcass measurements to account for variation in fat distribution in the various carcass components. Because of its importance in setting the target end point, a database of 1,355 steers and heifers was used to determine the relationship between EBF and USDA quality grade. These data indicate growing and finishing cattle reach Select and low-Choice quality grades at an EBF of 26.15 +/- 0.19 and 28.61 +/- 0.20%, respectively (P < 0.05). A data set of 228 steers from different breeds from two serial slaughter studies indicated 14.26 +/- 1.52 kg of empty BW change are required to increase EBF one percentage unit for cattle fed high-energy diets; this adjustment is needed to adjust final shrunk BW to the target EBF end point. The model to predict DM required with modifications developed in this study was evaluated with data from 365 individually fed cattle and it accounted for 74% of the variation in observed DM consumed with no bias (P > 0.1). When the revised model was applied to a commercial feedlot data set containing 12,105 steers and heifers, the total observed DM consumed was predicted with a bias of less than 1%. The model presented in this study accounts for differences known to affect animal requirements (breed type, BW and ADG, and weight at the target EBF end point) and can be used to fairly allocate feed to individuals fed in a group under commercial feedlot conditions.  相似文献   

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