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2023年在江西省吉水县同江万亩稻渔产业园开展了稻田垄沟稻虾鳖综合种养技术研究,该模式利用稻田+垄沟+虾沟,在虾稻田环沟里耦合养殖鳖,进行种稻、养虾和养鳖共作。结果显示,稻田垄沟稻虾鳖综合种养平均每667 m2产水稻662.5 kg、小龙虾80 kg、鳖105.9 kg;总产值13434.0元,纯利润达到8315.1元。表明垄沟稻虾鳖互利共生效果明显,稻虾鳖产量高,节本增效明显,该模式实现了“一田三用”,是一种适合在南方水源充足的地区大力推广的生态高效综合种养模式。  相似文献   

稻田生态养殖模式是以“稻鱼共生”理论和“稻田轮作”模式为基础,通过加高和固化田埂,提高水位,改善稻田种养生态条件;改水稻密植为适当稀植,扩大鱼类活动空间,并改善水稻通风条件,减少水稻病害发生;选种高分蘖能力的水稻品种,确保大田水稻穗数和稳产高产;改依赖化肥生产为通过加强鱼类投饲增肥增产等措施,以建立稻田良陛循环的生态体系,实现少施化肥农药,提高产品品质,实现稻田养鱼种稻,高产优质促增效,稻谷和鱼双丰收。稻田生态养殖主要有两种模式:一是“稻鱼共生”生态养殖模式;二是稻鱼共生与种养轮作模式,冬闲田养殖龙虾与种植单季稻轮作。  相似文献   

正一、技术名称稻渔综合种养养殖技术二、技术概述稻渔综合种养是指利用稻田水面进行水产品养殖,获得水稻和水产品的一种生态种养模式。稻渔综合种养可充分利用物种间资源互补的循环生态学机理,采用稻鱼共生、稻鱼轮作方式,依托水稻和水产两大资源优势,达到一水两用、一田双收的目的,是一种生态循环、优质高效的模式。稻渔综合种养模式中稻和渔是一个相互依存、循环利用的生物链,养殖的鱼能为秧苗活泥增氧,田间的秸  相似文献   

<正>为提高稻田综合种养效益和农业生产能力,实现"一田多用、渔农获利"的发展目标,2014年,芜湖县水产技术推广站在陶辛镇奚村一养殖基地开展稻田综合种养技术试验示范——"虾、鱼、稻"共生轮作养殖技术模式。根据水稻与水生动物的共生互利关系,在不破坏地块耕作的条件下,通过开挖环沟、加高和夯实田埂,保持水深1.2~1.4米,实施种植一季稻,轮养两季青虾、两季鱼等综合种养模式,即当年2月份投放春虾  相似文献   

稻渔综合种养技术规范(第1部分:通则)解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正稻田水产养殖在我国具有悠久历史,如稻田养鱼形成的稻鱼共生系统,在我国早在2000多年前的陕西汉中、四川成都等地区就有记载,浙江南部的稻田养鱼具有1200年的历史。近10年来,在传统稻田养鱼的基础上,稻田水产养殖出现许多新的模式,稻-鱼、稻-蟹、稻-虾、稻-蛙、稻-鳅等共作或轮作模式。这些模式吸收新的种养技术和管理技术,形成了具有规模化、产业化、品牌化、机械化和信息化特征的稻渔综合种养产业体  相似文献   

<正>天津自2020年起连续3年开展了稻渔综合种养示范基地建设,2022年天津市稻渔综合种养总面积达到54.58万亩,以稻蟹综合种养模式为主。近年来,由于河蟹“牛奶病”病害,导致引入的扣蟹质量和数量都无法保证,且单一的稻蟹综合种养模式无法支撑起天津地区稻渔产业的发展。本试验以天津市旺鑫水稻种植专业合作社为例,基于稻蟹综合种养模式,构建了稻-蟹-鱼、稻-蟹-虾两种多元化养殖模式,并通过种养产量和经济效益来探讨稻田多元化养殖模式的可行性。现将试验情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

为探索福建山区稻田生态种养技术,发展山区生态渔业,2013年将南平的邵武市、武夷山市、松溪县、光泽县及浦城县等五地分别作为稻鱼共作、稻鳖共作、稻鳅共作以及稻虾轮作等4种模式的稻田生态种养技术的示范,示范面积共73.33 hm2.结果表明,各示范点由于充分利用了稻田的生态效应,在不施用农药和渔药、减轻农业面源污染和稻谷产量不减的基础上,均产出了生态、健康的稻米与水产品.水稻单作模式的稻谷产量为495.7 kg/667m2,利润为439元/667 m2;稻田生态种养模式的稻谷平均产量为517.2kg/667 m2,水产品平均产量为60.6 kg/667m2,平均利润2 183元/667 m2,增加了利润1744元/667 m2,是水稻单作模式的5.0倍.稻鳖共作、稻鱼共作、稻虾轮作以及稻鳅共作四种稻田生态种养模式分别是水稻单作模式单位利润的34.7倍、5.0倍、3.4倍和1.7倍.稻鱼共作模式中武夷山示范点稻谷产量比水稻单种模式增加18.7%,平均利润是水稻单种模式的10.2倍.实践证明,新形势下的稻田生态种养模式对于确保粮食安全、发展生态高效的水产养殖业和种植业,有较好的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

为解决传统的稻田稻虾轮作克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)养殖模式中存在的虾苗在规格、数量、质量上参差不齐,苗种间相互残杀死亡率极高,同时成虾上市时间晚、规格小、上市不集中、价格低等问题,通过改造新型田间工程和种养管理方法,提出一种克氏原螯虾稻虾轮作新模式,并与稻虾轮作传统模式比较。试验结果表明:稻虾轮作新模式平均单产小龙虾2 010 kg/hm~2,单位产值106 530元/hm~2;稻虾轮作传统模式平均单产小龙虾约1 605 kg/hm~2,单位产值60 990元/hm~2。稻虾轮作新模式单位产量和单位产值较稻虾轮作传统模式分别提高了25.2%和74.67%,经济效益提高显著。  相似文献   

<正>根据2018年农业农村部发布的《稻渔综合种养技术规范》中的定义,稻渔综合种养是通过对稻田实施工程化改造,构建稻渔共作轮作系统,通过规模开发、产业经营、标准生产、品牌运作,能实现水稻稳产、水产品新增、经济效益提高、农药化肥施用量显著减少的一种生态循环农业发展模式。安徽稻渔综合种养盛于20世纪80年代中期,自2006年起,安徽开始实施小龙虾进稻田工程,大力发展稻虾轮作和稻虾共作。2016年以来,安徽小龙虾养殖可谓是发展迅猛,全省稻虾综合种养面积成倍速式增长(图1),  相似文献   

<正>“芦苇稻-泥鳅-青虾”种养模式,在池塘养殖泥鳅,同时种植芦苇稻,稻收割后养殖青虾,通过渔稻共生轮作,立体种养,实现种养结合、优质高效的目标[1]。在池塘底部种植植株高大、抗倒性强的芦苇型渔稻,利用水稻“吸肥去污”,净化水质,减少病害,提高水产品质量;同时泥鳅可以吃食部分水稻病虫害,水产品养殖过程中残饵、粪便肥水肥底,有效减少水稻种植过程中农药化肥施用量,提高稻米品质,  相似文献   

Rice-fish culture, which means the simultaneous culture of rice and fish, is one of the best options to increase food production from limited land and is practiced in many countries in the world. Although many researchers and farmers believe that the rice yield is increased by fish farming in paddy fields, this hypothesis has never been fully tested. Here, we report ecological processes leading to higher rice yields in the rice-fish culture using crucian carp (Carassius complex), which have adapted to the paddy field ecosystem in Japan. We compare the rice-fish and rice-only plots in the experimental paddy field for biota, water quality, and rice yield. Coverage of duckweed and densities of zooplankton and benthic invertebrates in the rice-fish plots were lower than those in the rice-only plots, indicating that fish utilized them as food. NO3–N concentration in the rice-fish plots was higher than that in the rice-only plots, indicating that the increase in NO3–N concentration results from excretion of unutilized food nutrients by the fish. Consequently, rice yield in the rice-fish plots was 20% higher than that in the rice-only plots. The fertilizing effect of the fish excrement probably increased rice yield.  相似文献   

The results of a socio-economical survey of farming systems practising rice culture with introduced fish, rice culture with indigenous fish and rice monoculture in the semi-deep waters of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, are presented. Rice and fish yields, inputs, and cost-benefits were computed to evaluate the agricultural effects of rice with fish culture. Household size, labour availability and educational level were not significantly different among the three farming systems. Rice-fish farming systems differed mainly from rice monoculture by a higher fertilizer/ water requirement and less pesticide use. The total farm cash and net return did not differ among the farming systems. The main beneficial effects of rice-fish culture are thought to be related to environmental sustainability, system biodiversity, farm diversification and household nutrition.  相似文献   

本研究以长江流域内的池塘养殖和稻渔综合种养2种水产养殖模式为对象,应用生命周期评价方法,分析2种养殖模式对能源消耗(EU)、全球变暖潜势(GWP)、酸化潜势(AP)、富营养化潜势(EP)以及水资源消耗(WU) 5种环境指标的影响,并探究2种主要输入因子(饲料和电力供应)和养殖过程对各环境指标的影响,从而评价2种养殖模式对环境影响的差异。生命周期评价结果标准化处理和加权评估显示,稻渔综合种养模式的WU、EP、GWP、AP和EU值分别为11.650、0.770、0.141、0.096和0.003,总环境影响指数(TEII)为12.660;池塘养殖模式的WU、EP、GWP、AP和EU值分别为31.453、1.187、0.210、0.174和0.007,TEII为33.031。与稻渔综合种养模式相比,池塘养殖模式的各项环境指标均较高。对环境影响的贡献率分析表明,饲料供应对EU、GWP和AP的贡献率最高,EP主要受饲料供应和养殖过程的共同影响,而WU主要集中在养殖过程中,电力供应主要影响EU、GWP和AP。生命周期评价的结果表明,与池塘养殖模式相比,稻渔综合种养模式显示出更友好的环境效益,在我国...  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of supplementary feeds with different crude protein (CP) levels on the growth and economic performances of sex-reversed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in a rain-fed rice–fish ecosystem for a period of 120 days. There were four treatments—namely, traditional feed (21% CP), formulated feed (26% CP), commercial feed (30% CP), and control (no feed was used)—with three replicates per treatment. Fish (30.04 g) were stocked in ditches at a rate of 0.5 fish m?2 considering the total area and fed one of the tested feeds twice daily at the rate of 2%–5% of body weight. Water-quality parameters of the ditches were monitored fortnightly, and these parameters were found suitable for fish farming. Organic matter, total nitrogen, and available phosphorous in soil were increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the feed treatments after fish cultivation. Highly significant weight gain and SGR were observed with fish fed the commercial feed as compared with other treatments. The highest benefit-cost ratio (2.15) was found in the control, followed by formulated feed (1.90), but in the case of numerical net return, it was the opposite. However, commercial feed showed the lowest benefit-cost ratio (1.67) due to higher feed cost than other supplementary feeds. Therefore, this study suggests that fish fed with a formulated feed (26% CP) produced significantly higher net economic return in the rice–fish farming system.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,稻田综合养殖的概念开始被提出.随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的稻田综合养殖模式在实践中被探索出来,而稻蟹养殖就是属于稻渔综合种养模式的一种创新与探索.稻蟹养殖模式在国内外均有分布,我国养殖面积和养殖产量均为世界第一,技术处于领先地位.该文对生产中稻蟹养殖的技术要点进行了回顾,对一些地方模式进行了探讨,通...  相似文献   

净化养殖水体疫源生态模式及经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
张世萍 《水产学报》2001,25(4):342-347
叙述了青蛙、克氏原螯虾、乌龟、河蟹、黄鳝和泥鳅对钉螺和蚊幼的摄食对比实验,结果表明,它们每天摄食多少顺序为:对钉螺、克氏原螯虾>乌龟>河蟹>青蛙;对蚊纹,乌龟>克氏原螯虾>泥鳅>黄鳝或青蛙>河蟹,在疫区对金钱蟹和克氏原螯虾进行摄食钉螺的定性观察发现:在放养了实验动物的生态小区内,钉螺种群数量明显减少,通过本实验和近8的年来的研究工作,形成了四种水生动植物净化疫水的生态经济模式;1)芋、蛙、鳝、鳅、蚓、菜;2)莲、菜、龟或鳖、鳝、鳅;3)莲藉、河蟹、泥鳅;4)芦伟或荻、克氏原螯虾或沼虾、泥鳅。  相似文献   

为了研究养殖沙塘鳢(Odontobutis obscurus)对稻田水体及底泥的微生物群落结构及多样性的影响,2015年于浙江海盐江南四阡现代农业公司进行了沙塘鳢的稻田养殖实验,利用DGGE(Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis)技术对养殖过程中的稻田水体及底泥中细菌的16S r DNA片段进行指纹图谱分析。DGGE条带测序分析结果显示:稻田水体及底泥共检测到包括α-变形菌亚门(Alphaproteobacteria)、β-变形菌亚门(Betaproteobacteria)、γ-变形菌亚门(Gammaproteobacteria)、δ-变形菌亚门(Deltaproteobacteria)、ε-变形菌亚门(Epsilonproteobacteria)、绿菌门(Chlorobi)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)等细菌门类。多样性分析结果显示,养殖沙塘鳢的稻田底泥微生物DGGE条带数多于常规养殖稻田,养殖稻田的底泥Shannon多样性指数2.86,显著高于常规稻田的2.27,同时养殖稻田养殖沟底泥的Shannon多样性指数随养殖时间由2.56变化到2.16。PCA(Principal Component Analysis)及DGGE聚类分析结果显示,养殖稻田的水体及底泥微生物群落结构与常规稻田存在较大差异。结果表明,稻田养殖环境的微生态条件可能优于常规稻田。  相似文献   

Adoption of rice-fish culture by farmers in the rainfed areas of northeast Thailand is examined with reference to recent field research and extension in the region. The practice is placed in perspective with the development of aquaculture per se and the human and agricultural ecology of this heterogeneous region. Rice-fish culture is a recent activity in the region and has been promoted by government and non-government agencies with variable success among small-scale farmers. The widespread availability of private hatchery-produced fish seed and perceived decline in wild fish have been important stimuli. Rainfed rice fields are marginal agricultural environments and lack of water constrains both rice and fish production. Wild swamp fish are tolerant of these conditions and traditional systems for their management and capture have expanded greatly in recent years. In much of the region ‘trap’ ponds are used more for catching wild fish than as refuge sumps or ponds for fish culture per se; wild fish typically constitute between 20 and 80% of the total yields in stocked systems. Widespread availability of fish seed allows more farmers to try rice-fish culture but the small size of seed at purchase is still a problem particularly where carnivorous, wild fish are prevalent. Appropriate on-farm nursery techniques may improve success and adoption of hapa nursing has been high in some parts of the region. Species ratio and density of fish stocked depends mainly on their availability from fry traders; the major species stocked in rice fields are the silver barb (Puntius gonionotus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

Farmers adapt rice fields for fish culture as part of their whole farm strategy; benefits to rice, vegetable and fruit and livestock may be considered more important than fish yields. The high value attached to even small quantities of fresh fish is a major incentive for rice-fish culture, but women who are decision makers in terms of changes to rice fields and household consumption have often not been fully considered during promotion of rice-fish.

The relatively small areas of riceland that farmers can stock and harvest fish, low yields per unit area and high consumption of fish reduces the importance of rice-fish culture in many rural households. The analysis suggests that stocking fish in rice fields in areas with poor access to wild fish supplies from community water bodies would have most impact.

Although rice-fish culture can contribute to subsistence requirements, the high labour demand often means that intensified capture of wild fish or pond-based culture of fish are more attractive for poorer and better off farmers, respectively.  相似文献   

In spite of its potential, the adoption of rice-fish farming among smallholders in Bangladesh is low. This paper seeks to explain this low adoption by evaluating the rice-fish technology as one element of the household farming system. The adoption of the technology is associated with a range of technical, human, and institutional constraints. Rice-fish technology is not structured to address the food security goal of smallholders and, therefore, is adopted by only those who are better placed to assume the risks. This paper concludes that the adoption of the technology among this group of smallholders would accelerate when policymakers acknowledge its constraints and structure extension services accordingly.  相似文献   

不同水稻栽培密度下青田稻—鱼共生系统的土壤肥力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为联合国粮农组织的首个全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)试点保护项目,青田稻—鱼共生系统以其独特的优势受到越来越多的关注。为了更好地保护这一亚洲首个GIAHS项目,实验观察了青田稻—鱼共生系统在不同水稻栽培密度下的土壤肥力情况。结果显示,调查区域稻田土壤的pH值为5.50~6.13,呈弱酸性;土壤养分(全氮、有机质、有效磷和速效钾)含量随水稻生长均呈先减少后增加趋势,且在拔节期—抽穗期达到最低值,但在水稻收割前的成熟期均能恢复至不低于初始的较高水平,表明青田田鱼的活动有助于维持土壤肥力。根据水稻产量与土壤养分的关联度分析结果,发现与水稻产量关系最密切的因子是土壤pH和速效钾;相比于含量丰富的全氮、有效磷和有机质,轻度缺乏的速效钾和较低的pH值限制了水稻的生长和最终产量。研究表明,在本季种养过程中,水稻栽插密度对稻田土壤肥力的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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