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何广田  万发龙  张勇 《湖南农机》2008,(5):24-24,28
本文介绍了玉米粗缩病和玉米矮花叶病的症状及防治4  相似文献   

玉米粗缩病是我国玉米产区的主要病害之一。阐述玉米粗缩病的发病症状、病原、寄主和传播方式,介绍玉米粗缩病常用的防治方法,分析目前玉米粗缩病抗病育种研究取得的进展,并对其今后的研究方向和内容进行展望。  相似文献   

为提高玉米产量和确保玉米优质,提出玉米病虫害防治策略,详细介绍玉米螟、大斑病、小斑病3种玉米常见病虫害的综合防治技术及其要点,通过协调使用农业、生物、物理、化学防治措施,将重大病虫危害控制在经济水平以下。  相似文献   

玉米主要病虫害综合防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高玉米产量和确保玉米优质,提出玉米病虫害防治策略,详细介绍玉米螟、大斑病、小斑病3种玉米常见病虫害的综合防治技术及其要点,通过协调使用农业、生物、物理、化学防治措施,将重大病虫危害控制在经济水平以下。  相似文献   

<正>常见的玉米病害主要有玉米大斑病、玉米粗缩病、玉米青枯病、玉米叶斑病等。认识并有效地防治这些病害,是提高玉米产量的关键。1玉米大斑病玉米大斑病也叫条斑病,各玉米产区都有发生,在该病爆发年份,染病区玉米可减产50%左右。  相似文献   

做好玉米病虫害防治,是保障山西省玉米生产的重要举措,山西省玉米主要虫害有地下害虫、小地老虎、黏虫、蚜虫、红蜘蛛、玉米螟、草地螟等,主要病害有:大、小斑病,茎基腐病,青枯病,粗缩病,矮花叶病,丝黑穗病。  相似文献   

对山西省运城地区玉米常见虫害和病害进行了分类说明,着重分析了引发病虫害的原因,提出了病虫害的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

玉米瘤黑粉病与丝黑稳病是玉米生产中常见的2种病害,一旦发生病害,对玉米的产量影响很大。因此,搞清楚这2种病的发病症状、发病条件,制定出合理而有效的防治措施,对于提高玉米产量意义重大。  相似文献   

玉米是世界上主要粮食作物之一,在农业生产中起着重要作用。目前,我国玉米产量为13亿t左右,紧随美国其后,位居世界第二。玉米的种类较多,但主要有两类:一类为专用玉米,如糯玉米、高直链淀粉型、爆炸型、甜质型、高赖氨酸型、高油型;另一类为普通玉米,它的营养成分者断艮丰富,例如马齿型玉米,每100g干玉米中,含淀粉71.8g,含脂肪4.6g,含灰分1.4g,含可溶性多糖2g,含纤维素2.9g。目前,主要用作提取淀粉的玉米有马齿型和半马齿型黄玉米,我国平均每年产玉米淀粉320万t,占玉米生产的41%,但用作特殊工艺原料的玉米,在我国目前还没有形成规模。  相似文献   

玉米疯顶病是一种突发性病害,是影响玉米生产的潜在危险性病害。病状表现为雄穗或雌穗的花丝变异成簇状叶片,状似扫帚。据调查,玉米受害率轻者为15%~20%,重者可达50%。其发病症状和防治措施如下:  相似文献   

笔者通过近几年来对南方水稻黑条矮缩病在湘潭县危害情况开展调查和研究,吸取外地经验,结合本县实践,提出抓稻飞虱监测、选择合理的栽培方式、选择耐性品种、抓种子处理、抓秧田防控和抓大田健身栽培及药剂防虱治矮等综合防控措施,对控制南方水稻黑条矮缩病在我县危害具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

Summary Response of dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) to three different levels of water stress at three growth stages — seeding to maximum tillering, maximum tillering to flowering and flowering to maturity, was studied under field conditions for two seasons. At each of these three stages, plants were subject to three ratios of irrigation water to cumulative pan evaporation (IW/CPE) –0.45, 0.60 and 0.75. During the remaining stages the plants were irrigated with an IW/CPE ratio of 0.9. Thus mild, moderate and severe stress treatments were compared with a no-stress control. At all stages moderate and severe water stress decreased plant height, leaf area, ear number, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and water-use efficiency. In stage 3 the effect of water stress on straw yield was not marked. Wheat was most sensitive to water stress during stage 1 when the reduction in grain yield was caused by a reduction in numbers of ears and grains per ear. In stage 2, grain yield reduction was due to fewer grains perear and a lower 1000-grain weight. On rewatering, mild stressed plants showed recovery of plant height, tiller number and in consequence, yield. Results indicate that under the conditions of this study the wheat crop should be irrigated at a IW/CPE ratio of 0.75 when water resources are limited. With an unlimited water supply the ratio may be increased to 1.2 in stage 2 to maximise the yield.  相似文献   

Determination of temporal and spatial distribution of water use (WU) within agricultural land is critical for irrigation management and could be achieved by remotely sensed data. The aim of this study was to estimate WU of dwarf green beans under excessive and limited irrigation water application conditions through indicators based on remotely sensed data. For this purpose, field experiments were conducted comprising of six different irrigation water levels. Soil water content, climatic parameters, canopy temperature and spectral reflectance were all monitored. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0), crop coefficient Kc and potential crop evapotraspiration (ETc) were calculated by means of methods described in FAO-56. In addition, WU values were determined by using soil water balance residual and various indexes were calculated. Water use fraction (WUF), which represents both excessive and limited irrigation applications, was defined through WU, ET0 and Kc. Based on the relationships between WUF and remotely sensed indexes, WU of each irrigation treatments were then estimated. According to comparisons between estimated and measured WU, in general crop water stress index (CWSI) can be offered for monitoring of irrigated land. At the same time, under water stress, correlation between measured WU and estimated WU based on CWSI was the highest too. However, canopy-air temperature difference (Tc − Ta) is more reliable than others for excessive water use conditions. Where there is no data related to canopy temperature, some of spectral vegetation indexes could be preferable in the estimation of WU.  相似文献   

This paper describes the processes by which irrigation development may induce waterlogging and salination of land. The harm done by this type of waterlogging and salination is briefly discussed as well as the available remedial measures. Three illustrative cases are also described. Finally, some specific suggestions are made on the coverage of irrigation induced waterlogging and salination in an irrigation performance assessment.  相似文献   

方庆 《农业工程》2019,9(8):69-71
该文以现今较为普及的果蔬贮藏保鲜技术分类为切入点,较为系统地分析了我国果蔬贮藏保鲜技术中存在的优势与劣势、机遇与挑战,并以此为依据提出了以果蔬冰温保鲜技术、鲜切果蔬保鲜技术和果蔬一次性气调保鲜技术等技术为主的研究现状与发展趋势。   相似文献   

高速公路机电系统维护管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋艳丽 《湖南农机》2011,38(7):235-236
机电系统是高速公路现代化管理的支撑系统,主要包括通信、监控和收费三大系统,其工作的特点是分布地域广、稳定性、可靠性要求高.要使该系统处于良好的工作状态,不仅取决于设备本身,更重要的是取决于设备运行中的维护管理,所以人员和环境的维护管理至关重要.  相似文献   

鉴于药品本身的特殊性受环境温度及湿度因素的影响较大,本系统设计一款专门针对基层中小型药房使用的无线温湿度监控系统,具有"实用、小巧、成本低、移动性好"的特点。本系统选用Nrf905无线数据收发模块解决布线成本高及不便移动的问题。  相似文献   

针对"机电传动与控制"课程在教学中遇到的学生学习兴趣不足、学情把握不准导致教材选用不适合学生以及有些高校教学大纲中综合实践性内容学时安排偏少等问题,提出了以工业实践应用为导向的教学思路来激发学生求知欲,同时结合学生现实学情让学生参与教材选定和采用分组主题讨论来解决综合实践性内容学时少的问题,实践证明改革措施实施后提高了学生学习兴趣,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

马丹  骆社周  毋亭 《农业工程》2020,10(10):100-104
为加强大学生的思想政治教育和提高课堂教学质量,以农林类院校专业课《测量学》为例构建专业课程思政体系,实施课程思政目标的有效教学路径,探索育才与育人相统一的教学模式,实现价值塑造、知识传授和能力培养的有机统一,可为其他专业课程思政教学改革与实践提供新思路与借鉴。   相似文献   

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