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Most large mammalian carnivores are in global decline, largely due to their involvement in livestock depredation. Research that advances our understanding of predator-livestock interactions is crucial to conflict mitigation and carnivore conservation. Here we investigated the influence of environmental and socio-ecological factors on livestock depredation by carnivores in pastoral villages adjacent to the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya during a 14-month period. We attempted to identify factors associated with temporal and spatial variation in depredation rates, incorporating data on a closely monitored spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) population known to be involved in depredation events. Spotted hyenas, leopards (Panthera pardus) and lions (Panthera leo) were responsible for 53%, 32%, and 15% of attacks on livestock, respectively. Monthly depredation frequency was correlated positively with rainfall and negatively with natural prey abundance. Radio-telemetry revealed that hyenas defending a group territory within the Reserve spent more time outside the Reserve during months when hyena attacks on livestock were most frequent. Results of logistic regression models, which indicated spotted hyenas were most likely to attack large villages, were supported by behavioral observations of hyenas near villages. Leopards however, selected villages that were spatially isolated from other villages. Hyenas were more likely to attack livestock enclosures constructed of local bush material than those of more sturdy “pole” timber, but use of pole material more than doubled the probability of leopard attack. Selection of fence type should therefore depend on the size and relative isolation of villages. Overall, improved fences, more watch dogs, and high levels of human activity were not associated with lower livestock losses to predators.  相似文献   

Human–carnivore conflict is considered to be a major conservation and rural livelihood issue because many carnivore species have been heavily persecuted due to elevated conflict levels with communities. To mitigate such conflicts requires a firm understanding of their underlying patterns. This situation is epitomized in Pakistan, where carnivore populations have been greatly reduced, but where no research has investigated the conflict patterns of large carnivore guilds with humans. Focusing in and around Machiara National Park (MNP), Azad Jammu and Kashmir region, we conducted the first such scientific study in Pakistan. From January 2004 to May 2007, 148 people lost their livestock to four carnivore species. Leopard was responsible for the majority (90.6%) of the 363 livestock killed, mainly goats (57.3%) and sheep (27.8%). Information-theoretic evaluation of a candidate set of regression models found that leopard kills inside villages were significantly higher for areas without electricity, while leopard kills outside villages were higher for pastoralists with larger herds that were further from MNP, with no effect from several guarding strategies used. Temporal leopard attacks were significantly and positively related to temperature, but not to rainfall, for goat kills, but not for other livestock kills. While leopard kills caused the greatest overall financial loss (19.8%) amongst carnivores, which negatively affected local tolerance towards leopard, disease caused greater livestock losses (72.7%). To improve both large carnivore and local livelihood prospects around MNP and across rural Pakistan, conservation and development projects should install village electricity supplies and vaccinate livestock, while the cost-effectiveness of different conflict mitigation strategies should be trialed.  相似文献   

Carnivores in Asia and throughout the world face high risk of extinction due to factors such as continued habitat loss and hunting. However, the Asiatic lion of Gir forest, India presents a conservation success story whose history may help to guide the recovery and conservation of other imperiled predators. Protection of core and satellite habitats and the relocation of pastoral communities and their livestock triggered forest recovery and coincident increases in native prey populations. Wild ungulate populations increased by 10-fold between 1970 and 2010, supporting an increase in the lion population from 180 animals in 1974 to 411 animals in 2010. Coincident with this increase, lions shifted their predation preferences from a diet composed of 75% livestock to one composed of just 25% livestock. This example demonstrates the value of native prey populations to sustain imperiled carnivore species, and the use of protected areas and livestock exclusion to maintain healthy prey populations.  相似文献   

Lions (Panthera leo) are in decline throughout most of their range due to human persecution, largely provoked by depredation on livestock, and there is debate as to the usefulness of financial instruments to mitigate this conflict. Intending to reduce local lion-killing, the Mbirikani Predator Compensation Fund compensates members of Mbirikani Group Ranch for livestock depredation at a flat rate (close to average market value), after the kill has been verified and with penalties imposed for poor husbandry. Despite penalizing claimants, 55% of claims arose because livestock were lost in the bush. Between 1st April 2003 and 31st December 2006, 754 cattle, 80 donkeys and 1844 sheep/goats were killed (2.31% of the total livestock herd each year). Forty-three percent of kills were ascribed to spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta); leopards (Panthera pardus) and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) were blamed for 37% of cases, lions 7%, jackals (Canis mesomelas) 7% and buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and elephants (Loxodonta africana) together 6%. Significantly more attacks took place during months of lower rainfall but the rate of attacks was not related to the density of livestock on the ranch, or the ratio of wild herbivores to domestic stock. There was no correlation between local market prices and the number of claims per month. Despite compensation, at least one lion per year was killed in 2004, 2005 and 2006. We describe some features of large carnivore depredation in the study area and suggest that regional recovery of the lion population may require compensation on a wider scale.  相似文献   

We quantified livestock (cattle, shoats, horses and donkeys) losses to lions (Panthera leo) and attitudes to lions, livestock losses and tourism among livestock owners, village residents and tourism workers around Makgadikgadi Pans National Park in Botswana. Losses were not correlated with the size or structure of livestock enclosures, numbers of dogs or herders. Rather losses increased with the amount of livestock owned. Most were stray animals preyed upon at night. Attitudes to wildlife, conservation and lions were also not consistently distributed within the society we studied. Negative attitudes to lions were almost ubiquitous among cattleposts but less widespread among people living in the more urbanized society of villages or among people working in tourism.Although four tourist camps were operating in the area, benefits from these operations were largely limited to employees. Despite considerable sums of money being paid to Botswana by local tourist facilities few respondents viewed tourism as valuable and most felt that the government and not they or their community was the main beneficiary of tourism. Tourism employees made up a small sub-section of the adult population drawn predominately from larger villages while the costs of livestock losses were spread among cattleposts near the park boundary. These same cattlepost respondents were not prepared to improve stock care to protect livestock, but indicated a willingness to kill lions instead. If tourism is to play a role in reducing human–wildlife conflict, communities must not be regarded as homogenous entities into which to distribute benefits evenly. Benefits might usefully be distributed in relation to the costs of coexisting with wildlife or used as incentives to better protect livestock or other human resources.  相似文献   

The general importance of interspecific competition as an ecological factor for carnivores is unknown and its conservation significance may have been inflated by intensive research conducted on a few vulnerable species. We therefore examined the potential for interspecific competition across carnivores on one continent, Africa, by calculating, for each of 70 carnivore species, the number of other carnivore species that overlapped it in geographic range, habitat, and diet, and that could potentially kill the species in question. The average carnivore in Africa shares some of its geographic range and habitat with 26 other species suggesting competition could be pervasive. More specifically, carnivores may have to share food resources with 22 other carnivore species, on average, although the potential for food stealing is far lower. The average African carnivore may be vulnerable to predation by 15 other species although it is unlikely to be eaten by other carnivores. These analyses indicate that exploitative competition and interspecific killing are of potential widespread importance for a large number of carnivores in Africa, rather than being restricted to a few selected carnivores highlighted in the current literature.  相似文献   

In West and Central Africa large carnivores have become increasingly rare as a consequence of rapid habitat destruction and lack of resources for protected area management. The Bénoué Complex (23,394 km2) in northern Cameroon is a regionally critical area for large mammal conservation. In the complex lions (Panthera leo), leopards (Panthera pardus) and spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) are formally protected in three national parks and 28 hunting zones. Over-hunting may be having a strong additive effect precipitating declines in large carnivore numbers across the complex. We used a coarse level track index method to estimate the relative abundance of these three species both in hunting zones and national parks. The results were interpreted with respect to ungulate abundance, and hunting impact. There was no significant difference between the densities of medium to larger species of ungulates in the hunting zones and the national parks, and no difference in leopard and spotted hyena densities in the respective areas. However, lions occurred at significantly lower densities in the hunting zones, and even in the national parks occurred at significantly lower densities than prey biomass would predict.  相似文献   

Carnivore extinctions frequently have cascading impacts through an ecosystem, so effective management of ecological communities requires an understanding of carnivore vulnerability. This has been hindered by the elusive nature of many carnivores, as well as a disproportionate focus on large-bodied species and particular geographic regions. We use multiple survey methods and a hierarchical multi-species occupancy model accounting for imperfect detection to assess extinction risk across the entire carnivore community in Ghana’s Mole National Park, a poorly studied West African savanna ecosystem. Only 9 of 16 historically occurring carnivore species were detected in a camera-trap survey covering 253 stations deployed for 5469 trap days between October 2006 and January 2009, and our occupancy model indicated low overall likelihoods of false absence despite low per-survey probabilities of detection. Concurrent sign, call-in, and village surveys, as well as long-term law enforcement patrol records, provided more equivocal evidence of carnivore occurrence but supported the conclusion that many carnivores have declined and are likely functionally or fully extirpated from the park, including the top predator, lion (Panthera leo). Contrary to expectation, variation in carnivore persistence was not explained by ecological or life-history traits such as body size, home range size or fecundity, thus raising questions about the predictability of carnivore community disassembly. Our results imply an urgent need for new initiatives to better protect and restore West Africa’s embattled carnivore populations, and they highlight a broader need for more empirical study of the response of entire carnivore communities to anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Illegal hunting poses a dual threat to large carnivores through direct removal of individuals and by prey depletion. We conducted a camera-trapping survey in the Namdapha National Park, north-east India, conducted as part of a programme to evaluate carnivore and prey species abundance. Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) was the only large carnivore detected by camera-trapping. Indirect evidences indicated the presence of the wild dog (Cuon alpinus) and leopard (Panthera pardus), however, there was no evidence of tigers (Panthera tigris), suggesting their possible extinction from the lower elevation forests. Of the major ungulate prey species, sambar (Cervus unicolor) and wild pig (Sus scrofa) were the only large prey detected, while the Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) was the only small prey species detected. Relative abundances of all species were appreciably lower than estimates from other tropical forests in south-east Asia. We suspect that illegal hunting may be the cause for the low carnivore and prey species abundance. An ongoing community-based conservation programme presents an opportunity to reduce local people’s dependence on hunting by addressing their socio-economic needs and for using their skills and knowledge of the landscape for wildlife conservation. However, long-term wildlife monitoring is essential to assess the efficacy of the socio-economic interventions in bringing about wildlife recovery.  相似文献   

Conserving large carnivores throughout the world will often require that they share the landscape with livestock. Minimizing depredations and increasing tolerance by livestock producers will be critical for conservation efforts. To investigate factors influencing calf mortality and producer detection rates (i.e., number of livestock killed by predators, found by producers, and correctly classified as to cause of death), we monitored radio-tagged domestic calves at two sites in the Mexican wolf recovery area (East Eagle [EE] and Adobe Ranch [AR]). Study areas differed in grazing practices, density of predators (mountain lions, black bears, coyotes, and Mexican wolves), and amount of effort spent monitoring cattle. We radiotagged 618 calves over 3.5 years, and 312 calves over 2 years on the EE and AR, respectively. The overall proportion of radioed calves that died was higher on the EE (6.5%) than on the AR (1.9%). Predators (especially mountain lions) accounted for 85% of mortality on the EE and 0% on the AR. Calves selected by predators were on average 25 days younger than the surviving cohort. Our results indicate that year-round calving, especially in areas with high predator densities, are subject to higher losses primarily because calves are exposed to mortality agents for longer periods of time rather than having higher natural rates of mortality. We found a significant difference in producer detection rates between study sites, likely due to differences in the intensity of monitoring cattle between sites. On the EE, the producer detected 77.5% of mortalities and on the AR, the producer detected 33% of mortalities. Our results support changing husbandry practices to limit calving to a seasonal endeavor and that performance payment may be a better compensation strategy than ex post compensation schemes.  相似文献   

Human-carnivore conflict is a serious management issue often causing opposition towards conservation efforts. In a survey of 481 households in seven different villages outside the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, 67.4% of respondents owned livestock and 27.4% of all the households surveyed reported losses of a total of 4.5% of their livestock to wild predators over 12 months. This loss equated to an average annual financial loss of 19.2% (US $26.8) of their cash income. Livestock depredation was reported to be caused most often by spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) (97.7%), leopard (Panthera pardus) (1.6%), baboon (Papio cynocephalus) (0.4%), lion (Panthera leo) (0.1%) and lastly black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) (0.1%). Total reported losses during 2003 amounted to US $12,846 of which spotted hyena kills were reported to account for 98.2%. The mean annual livestock loss per household (of those that reported loss) was 5.3 head of stock, which represents more than two-thirds of the local average annual cash income. Depredation by large felids occurred only in a narrow zone along the protected area (<3 km), whereas spotted hyenas killed livestock even in households located far away (>30 km). Tolerance of livestock depredation among the respondents was low. Logistic regression models indicated that education improved tolerance, while for livestock owners higher depredation rates was linked to approval of lethal retaliation and effective protection measures was associated with a reduced desire of retaliation. We recommend that further research should identify the precise causes of livestock loss and which protection measures that can reduce depredation.  相似文献   

Jaguars (Panthera onca) have been killed by local residents within the boundaries and lands surrounding Iguaçu National Park (INP), Brazil. Both jaguars and pumas (Puma concolor) occur in the region, however, livestock predation by pumas has rarely been reported. Our objective was to assess the local perceptions about jaguars and pumas. We identified two major factors that distinguished the perceptions towards the two species: less people feared the puma than the jaguar; and most people believed that jaguars, but not pumas, were released into INP by local authorities. Interestingly, despite those major differences in these perceptions, feelings towards the two species tended to be the same. Perceptions towards jaguars were not influenced by the predation history of the properties, suggesting that the predation impact was not remarkable enough to influence local perceptions towards carnivores. This is apparently the first study on local perceptions towards large carnivores in Brazil.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) arrived in Zimbabwe ca. 1000 years ago. Numbers of free-ranging dogs have reached unprecedented levels in communal lands (agro-pastoralist rural areas), and interact with large wild carnivores along boundaries with wildlife reserves as predators and prey. This study examined a population of 236 dogs in a 33-km2 section of Gokwe Communal Land (GCL) bordering the Sengwa Wildlife Research Area (SWRA) in north-western Zimbabwe in 1995-1996. Dogs were found up to 6 km within the SWRA, and were the most common carnivore on the GCL-SWRA boundary. Observations of 16 radio-collared dogs showed that they were inefficient predators. Only 20 kills were recorded amongst the remaining dog population, of which three were wild ungulates. Dogs were unsuccessful predators due to their small group size (mean 1.7) and body mass (mean 14.7 kg), and the abundance of alternative food. It is therefore unlikely that they compete with large carnivores for wild prey. However, leopards (Panthera pardus), lions (P. leo) and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) preyed on dogs in GCL, removing ?6% of the dog population in 1993. Such predation provides ideal circumstances for disease transmission. Canid disease was prevalent in the study area; including rabies and probably distemper. The risk of infection is greatest during the dry season (May-October), when peaks in rates of disease, carnivore incursions into GCL, and predation on dogs coincided. The role of jackals (Canis adustus and Canis mesomelas) and spotted hyaena predation of dogs is discussed in relation to disease epidemics within wildlife reserves. With a dog population growth rate of 6.5% per annum, and the prevalence of canid diseases, the conservation threat posed by dogs is escalating on communal land-wildlife reserve boundaries in Zimbabwe. Measures to control dog numbers and improve vaccination coverage of dogs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presented evidence that creates a quandary for conservation management: predation by one threatened species, New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri), threatens the viability of another threatened species, yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes), at Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. Otago Peninsula holds the largest population of yellow-eyed penguins on South Island and the only breeding population of New Zealand sea lions on the New Zealand mainland. New Zealand sea lions here represent the vanguard of re-colonisation within their prehistoric range, with nine females and 50-70 males resident in 2005. The initial indication of a potential problem was an attack on a yellow-eyed penguin by a New Zealand sea lion witnessed in 1996. The majority of 20 records for attacks were at two neighbouring sites, where they coincided with decreases in penguin nest numbers and adult annual survival. In contrast, penguin nest numbers increased at a third site, the main base for male sea lions at Otago Peninsula. Evidence from prey remains indicated that male sea lions did not eat yellow-eyed penguins but that females ate 20-30 annually, with one individual possibly responsible for most kills. Modelling indicated that the penguin population at any one site could not remain viable if it was the sole source of penguins killed. The dilemma is either to do nothing, and risk collapse of the Otago Peninsula population of yellow-eyed penguins, or to take action against known culprits, and risk failure in re-colonisation of the New Zealand mainland by New Zealand sea lions.  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflicts often spur retaliatory killing, which may be a major threat to some wildlife species. Asiatic black bears depredate crops and livestock and also attack humans. We investigated whether human–bear conflicts in Sichuan Province, southwestern China, resulted in increased bear poaching. We conducted semi-structured interviews within 429 15 × 15-km cells across the province, asking villagers about bear occurrence, population trends, attitudes toward bears, human–bear conflicts, responses to bear damage, and bear poaching. Bears raided crops (n = 174 cells), killed livestock (n = 114 cells), and attacked people (n = 49 cells). Fifty percent and 43% of villagers held negative and neutral attitudes toward bears, respectively; attitudes were more negative among people who had previous interactions with bears or lived where bear encounters were more likely. Although killing bears was illegal, villagers in 117 cells (38%) indicated that bear poaching occurred around their villages. However, killing bears was not significantly linked to damage: indeed, killing was more common in areas without human–bear conflicts. Poachers killed bears mainly for trade of their valuable parts (gall bladder and paws, 78.5%). Tibetan people experienced bear damage and also had negative attitudes toward bears, but reported less poaching than Han or Yi people, due to their religious beliefs. Our study indicated that human-wildlife conflicts shaped people’s attitudes toward bears, but strong economic incentives, not attitudes, prompted illegal killing. Whereas mitigation of human–bear conflicts could help foster more positive attitudes toward bears and the nature reserves that protect bears, this strategy will not remove the primary threat against this species.  相似文献   

Successful carnivore conservation depends on public attitudes and acceptance levels of carnivores, and these are likely to change as circumstances change. Attitude studies repeated in time that can demonstrate such change are rare. Our study surveyed Croatian rural inhabitants in 2002 and in 2008 and analyzed their responses to detect a change in attitudes toward brown bears (Ursus arctos) over time. Important developments occurring in Croatia at the time of our research included a more centralized and more clearly defined bear management strategy, and an increase in the bear population. We constructed models to explain respondent’s value orientations, their level of perceived threat and their acceptance capacity for bears. Findings show that while value orientations and the overall level of perceived threat did not change over time, bear acceptance capacity was reduced. This suggests that the increase in the bear population and perhaps the more centralized bear management reduced respondents’ willingness to accept a larger bear population. We conclude that continuous public involvement in bear management is essential in order to maintain a feeling of control over the bear among the local population. Furthermore we argue that hunting is an important form of public involvement in the region, serving to reinforce existence and bequest values of the bear and increase its public acceptance.  相似文献   

Large, wide-ranging carnivores face greater threats and more persistent declines than most other mammal species. An important conservation tool for these carnivores has been range-wide priority-setting exercises that have helped identify critical threats and key populations. However, such exercises often fail to identify functional movement corridors or account for genetic connectivity. We present a new model for jaguar (Panthera onca) conservation that uses a geographic information system (GIS) and expert input to create a dispersal cost surface and identify least-cost corridors connecting the 90 known populations across the jaguar’s range. Results indicate 78% of historic jaguar range, an area of approximately 14.9 million km2, still holds potential for jaguar movement and dispersal. We identified 182 potential corridors between populations, ranging from 3 to 1607 km in length; 44 of these corridors are characterized as being of immediate concern due to their limited width, and thus their high potential for being severed. Resultant maps, displaying priority populations and corridors, are used to direct field-based research and conservation efforts. Field assessment and refinement of the corridors is ongoing. This is the first attempt to create and implement such a holistic model of range-wide conservation for a large carnivore species.  相似文献   

This paper presents the impact of ecotourism on livelihood and natural resource management in the periphery of Amboseli Biosphere Reserve in Kenya. Ecotourism initiatives that have been introduced by Porini Ecotourism, a private investor, are benefiting Eselenkei Group Ranch in terms of income, improved infrastructure, employment opportunities and exposure. Over US$5000 is received annually as land rent, gate fee and bed charges. Twenty‐six Maasai men are employed for the upkeep of project facilities. The community's capacity to facilitate resource‐related conflicts has improved following support from development institutions. An expanding livelihood base is reducing local vulnerability to disaster and people–wildlife conflicts. The numbers of resident wildlife species in the conservation area have increased due to regeneration of woody species and reduced frequency of livestock. Despite the achievements, ecotourism is threatened by cultivation. The latter is jeopardizing conservation efforts, as the area frequented by wildlife is being lost and people–wildlife conflicts intensified. Another dilemma is that the Eselenkei community is not effectively participating in ecotourism a situation that is associated with inadequate management and negotiation skills in the group ranch committee. The latter requires leadership and microenterprise management skills if earnings from ecotourism are to be effectively invested in alternative sources of livelihood, to reduce current and potential conflicts. There is also need to build the community's capacity for the promotion of activities that compliment ecotourism. Frequent breakdown of community boreholes lead to dependence on the conservation area for water during prolonged drought, intensifying conflicts between livestock and wildlife.
  • 1 Referring to low‐impact nature‐based tourism packages that benefit local communities and the national government while helping to conserve the resource base (Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), unpublished report, 2001).
  • Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that distance is an important factor affecting attitudes towards wolves, i.e. people living far from wolf territories have more positive attitudes towards wolf conservation than those living within or close to wolf territories. We used multiple regression (an ordered probit model) with both socio-economic variables and information about the respondents’ distance to the nearest wolf territory. We found that favourable attitudes towards wolf conservation were positively associated with distance to the nearest wolf territory. The variable distance to the nearest wolf territory affected attitudes just as much as the variables of membership of nature conservation organisations, being a hunter, owning livestock, or owning a hunting dog. This was true even on the micro-level, i.e. people living in wolf territories had a more negative attitude towards conservation of wolves than people living just outside. Furthermore, we suggest that attitudes towards wolves are more likely a result of indirect experience than direct experience of wolf presence. Our findings are important when interpreting studies of human attitudes towards conservation of controversial species in general and large carnivores in particular, and should be used when designing future surveys of human attitudes towards conservation and management initiatives.  相似文献   

    Mountain lion depredation in southern Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Mountain lion (Puma concolor) depredation incidents on livestock herds were recorded at 15 ranches in southern Brazil from 1993 to 1995. Maximum losses to mountain lions were 78% for goats, 84% for sheep, and 16% for cattle. Cattle mortality arising from causes other than depredation assumed a greater importance in herd productivity. In contrast, attacks on sheep and goats were more frequent than losses to other causes, but could be reduced to acceptable levels when flocks were corralled at night. Most depredation incidents occurred when weather and light conditions were unfavorable to human activity. We explain these patterns and inter-ranch variation in depredation rates on the basis of a risk-avoidance strategy by the mountain lions. Stock losses can be minimized by understanding these patterns and by applying appropriate herd husbandry, thus reducing the urge to persecute this protected species.  相似文献   

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