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本文通过对西乌珠穆沁旗养马基本情况、马匹利用方式、马文化协会功能和政策与资金支持等方面进行调研,对该地区的马业发展态势做出分析,发现当地马业发展存在存栏显著波动、利用方式原始且收益低、政策和资金支持力度不足、产业链不完善等问题。本文从保种、品系培育、赛事和旅游市场的开拓等方面提出相关建议,为实现西乌珠穆沁旗现代民族马业跨越式发展和我国现代马业可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文叙述了面对新世纪,我们必须充分发挥中国马业主产区的地区特点、民族特色,从国际视角出发对马产业进行多层面、多方位的研究,制定出中国马业主产区马产业综合开发与利用的中、长期发展规划、马业科技人才队伍的建设规划、培养教育、马业科研项目的申请立项和成果的取得等。在此基础上本文提出了中国马业主产区马业发展需要转型升级"六个转变"的新设想,转变观念。为中国马业主产区畜牧业产业调结构、转方式献计献策,努力使马产业综合开发像我国的奶牛业、肉牛业及肉羊业一样,成为中国畜牧业经济发展的新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

养马业是一个古老的产业,经历了漫长的过程。马的用途广泛,它既是生产资料,又是生活资料,在交通运输、农牧业生产、军事战争、畜牧产品、竞技运动方面担当重要角色。随着现代社会的不断发展,机械化的普及和提高,马作为动力的功用逐渐减少,传统马业逐步形成了以娱乐休闲为主导的现代马业,即非役用马业,它综合文化、体育、竞技、旅游、制药、饲料、休闲于一体,是一种新型的第三产业。其内容包括马术运动、赛马、马车赛、马术表演、育马及服务行业等。现代马业的发展带动了马科学研究的不断深入,不仅满足了人们物质、精神生活的需要,而且有利于社会文化建设和人民身体健康的需求,从而使整个行业纳入良性循环轨道,  相似文献   

中国马业,随所处年代历史、经济、文化诸因素变化显著,出现过辉煌及低谷,也有过竞争和适应。每一阶段工作内容及目标不同。因此,总结过去,认识任务和目标,引导马业发展,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

本文总结了内蒙古鄂尔多斯市民族马业的发展现状与特点,分析了民族马业萎缩原因以及发展升级的必要性,系统论述了民族马业发展升级的利弊因素和发展升级思路,最后提出鄂尔多斯市民族马业发展升级的建议,以期为我国民族马业发展提供一定参考。  相似文献   

现代马业分为种马业、役马业、运动用马业、产品用马业和游乐伴侣用马业5种类型,其中运动用马和游乐伴侣用马均属于骑乘马范畴。骑乘马与役马及产品用马相比,在饲养管理、疾病防治等方面要求更加严格,例如:夏季疮黄肿毒等热毒症状较多,需清热解毒;种马缺乏运动、体重超标的马较普遍,均需要强化运动等。笔者提出的综合保健措施包括夏季需服用清热解毒保健剂和对种马强制运动2种方法。通过对比试验,证明此方法可使马匹体质强健,精子活力、密度等相关精液质量指标和母马生产性能显著提高。其中夏季马匹发病率下降到3%以下,比传统养马发病率下降10个百分点,镜检下直线运动的精子数提高25%、密度提高28%。母马一次情期受胎率提高36%。种马匹均增加经济效益0.98万元,且抗逆性强、易于驯化。  相似文献   

传统马业与现代马业   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
马业,有传统马业与现代马业之分.从第2次世界大战到现在,是传统马业向现代马业的转变时期.  相似文献   

马是人类社会发展的重要组成部分,人类种草养马历史悠久,但人们对马用饲草的认识和研究还不足,致使现代马业和草业科学发展存在严重脱节现象,影响了两者的可持续发展。因此,结合现代马业发展趋势及其对饲草的利用特点,综述了草地放牧、青干草、青贮及半干青贮饲草等在现代马业发展中的研究与实践现状,并提出了现代马业发展中草业科学存在的问题及建议,以期为保障现代马业的可持续发展提供理论指导,为拓展我国现代草业科学与技术发展空间提供参考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,马业已从传统马业转变成集赛马、休闲骑乘、马术等于一体的第三产业.发达国家已基本完成马产业的转型,我国还处于转型初期.马匹质量差、育种水平低、资金不足、关注度不够成为阻碍我国马业发展的主要因素.充分利用我国马业优势,积极借鉴发达国家经验,发展具有中国特色的马产业,是我国马业由传统马业转变成现代马业的重中之重.  相似文献   

正随着现代马业的出现和发展,我国马业呈现蓬勃发展趋势,形成以马繁育为主的育马业,以马饲料研究、开发、生产为主的饲料业,以骑乘为主的竞技体育和休闲娱乐业(第三产业),以产品开发为主的马奶、马肉、雌性激素、GMS生化制品等马产品加工业~([1-2])。优良马的需求量随之增加,国内不断引入国外优良品种马,满足我国现代马业的发展~([2-3])。目前,良种公马资源稀缺成为制约发展的决定因素,而且落后的繁育技术阻碍了优良马的繁育与国内  相似文献   

中国马业正处在由传统向现代转型的初级阶段,科学的饲料配方对现代马业发展具有重要意义。作者通过对马每日的营养需求和饲料配方模型要素的分析和研究,构建了基于目标规划的马饲料配方模型。该配方模型对马需要的各项营养物质,包括干物质、消化能、粗蛋白质、钙、磷等进行优化,保证马每日对营养物质的数量、质量及其相互比例的需要,同时兼顾饲料成本;作者以速度赛用马和休闲骑乘马两种类型马为例说明基于不同饲养标准的马饲料配方的设计过程,进一步验证了该饲料配方模型的有效性。本研究对马饲料配方模型的研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Chinese horse industry is in the early stage of transition from traditional horse industry to modern horse industry. Scientific feed formula is of great practical significance to the development of modern horse industry. In this paper, the horse feed formula model based on the goal programming was constructed by analyzing and researching the horse's daily nutrition demand and the component elements of feed formula model. The formula optimized the horse's various nutrients, including dry matter, digestible energy, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus, ensured that the number of nutrients, quality and the proportion of their daily needs, and took into account the cost of feed also. Two different types of horses, race horse and riding horse were used to describe the design process for horse feed formulations based on different feed standards, and the effectiveness of the feed formula model was verified at the same time. The study would provide some reference value for the study of horse feed formula model.  相似文献   

本文针对天祝县岔口驿马产业发展的现状,分析了岔口驿马产业发展的潜在优势,通过政府扶持和政策引导,为岔口驿马产业的健康、快速发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

Progesterone is in constant fluctuation throughout the lifespan of the horse. As a key regulator of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, progesterone is involved in numerous aspects of reproduction. Synthetic analogs of progesterone, deemed progestins, are widely available to industry to act as progestogenic within the reproductive tract, although few are bioactive in the horse. Utilised to suppress oestrous, delay ovulation, maintain pregnancy, and for behavioural modifications, progestins are a commonly administered class of pharmaceuticals in veterinary medicine. In this review, we discuss the progestins available to equine industry, in addition to assessing efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and potential side effects following administration of each.  相似文献   

Successful placement of an i.v. catheter in horses is a core competency required by the AVMA COE accreditation policy (section 7.11, #2,#3,#5). Therefore, we determined whether the use of a novel intravenous (i.v.) catheter placement training tool would improve confidence, time to successful placement and accuracy with which third- and fourth-year veterinary students acquire competence regarding this skill in adult horses. Students lacking earlier experience with i.v. catheter placement in horses were randomly assigned to either Group 1 (n = 15) or 2 (n = 10). Students with prior experience with the technique were assigned to Group 3 (n = 14). Group 1 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using the model and then assessed using a live horse. Group 2 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using a live horse and then assessed using a live horse. Group 3 students were assessed using a live horse. Assessments included number of placement attempts, number of redirects and time needed to achieve correct intraluminal placement. Student perceptions regarding the use of this model for the purpose of learning i.v. catheter placement in horses were evaluated using a questionnaire. Results of this study demonstrated that students receiving initial instruction with the model achieved better scores in terms of both time to accomplish the task and accuracy for catheter placement in a live horse when compared with students that received their first instruction on a live horse. The use of this i.v. catheter placement training tool therefore served to lessen the cost of training and to minimise animal discomfort during this component of veterinary student training.  相似文献   

The unwanted horse is one of the most significant welfare issues facing the U.S. horse industry. This paper discussed the causes of the problem, the types of horses affected, options, pending legislation and efforts by the industry to solve it.  相似文献   

以运动型马为需求的马品种改良工作推进了现代马品种的培育与发展。在现代马训练中,驯马师和骑手与马的和谐配合至关重要,是马术精彩表演和取得优异成绩的技术保障。对马性格行为测试方法及候选基因研究进展进行综述,旨在为现代马业蓬勃发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Respiratory disease is an important cause of wastage in the Thoroughbred industry and is a cause of welfare problems in all types of horse. This review concerns developments in our understanding of equine respiratory disease since 1998 and illustrates how strategic funding from the Horserace Betting Levy Board has contributed to this understanding.  相似文献   

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