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城镇化是当今社会发展的必然趋势,针对城镇化进程中可能出现的环境问题开展景观设计具有较好的现实理论指导意义。城镇化是一个正在进行中的实践活动,我国广大农村有的已经开展新型农村社区建设,有的还保持着传统的风貌。分析城镇化进程中景观设计的缺失及其现状,提出景观设计在推进城镇化进程中可以发挥作用的方面。  相似文献   

Quantifying the spatiotemporal pattern of urbanization is necessary to understand urban morphology and its impacts on biodiversity and ecological processes, and thus can provide essential information for improving landscape and urban planning. Recent studies have suggested that, as cities evolve, certain general patterns emerge along the urban–rural gradient although individual cities always differ in details. To help better understand these generalities and idiosyncrasies in urbanization patterns, we analyzed the spatiotemporal dynamics of the Shanghai metropolitan area from 1989 to 2005, based on landscape metrics and remote sensing data. Specifically, the main objectives of our study were to quantitatively characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization in Shanghai in recent decades, identify possible spatial signatures of different land use types, and test the diffusion coalescence hypotheses of urban growth. We found that, similar to numerous cities around the world reported in previous studies, urbanization increased the diversity, fragmentation, and configurational complexity of the urban landscape of Shanghai. In the same time, however, the urban–rural patterns of several land use types in Shanghai seem unique—quite different from previously reported patterns. For most land use types, each showed a distinctive spatial pattern along a rural–urban transect, as indicated by landscape metrics. Furthermore, the urban expansion of Shanghai exhibited an outward wave-like pattern. Our results suggest that the urbanization of Shanghai followed a complex diffusion–coalescence pattern along the rural–urban transect and in time.  相似文献   

Although many forested landscapes are used for both wood production and outdoor recreation, intensive forest management can negatively impact the recreational value of forests, including in Sweden, a country with rich forest resources and a strong forest industry. In Sweden, urbanization has increased the importance of, and demand for, urban and peri-urban recreational green areas such as forests. It is the responsibility of the local government – i.e., the municipalities – to provide a good living environment for its inhabitants, including recreational areas. However, most of the forest areas in Sweden are owned by private individuals and companies, which have a large degree of freedom in their forest management decisions. Municipalities can make formal agreements with forest owners to protect forests with high recreational values, but this requires financial resources, which are often scarce. Thus, tools are needed to identify the forest areas that should be prioritized for the use of forest management strategies that maintain or increase the recreational value of forests. In this study, we elaborate an approach that balances economic and recreational forest values within a forest decision support system (DSS) and test the approach for a case study area in southern Sweden. The recreation model included in the forest DSS links locational aspects, such as population density and proximity to water, with forest structure aspects, which are simulated over time under different management strategies. Our results suggest that the model could be useful for more efficient planning of the recreational potential of forests at the landscape level. The results from the case study indicate that substantial increases in the recreational value of a forest landscape can be achieved with relatively small overall economic losses, for example, by extending rotation periods in forests close to densely populated areas.  相似文献   

This study analyzes forest change in an area of Nepal that signifies a delicate balance between sustaining the needs and livelihood of a sizable human population dependent on forest products, and an effort to protect important wildlife and other natural resources. The study area, a portion of the Chitwan valley district of Nepal, represents what may be becoming a common institutional mosaic in many countries of the world who have a population reliant on forest products for their livelihood: (1) a national park; (2) a designated park buffer involving participatory forest management programs; (3) scattered patches of designated community forest; and (4) large areas of adjacent landscape made up of mostly private landholdings under agricultural practices. Utilizing Landsat images from 1989 and 2000, we analyze land cover change in each of these management zones using landscape ecology metrics and quantifying proportional distributions of land cover categories. Our results show significant differences in terms of land cover dynamics and landscape spatial pattern between these land ownership classes. These findings indicate that community-based institutions (participatory management programs in the park buffer and the designated community forests) are capable of halting or even reversing trends in deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Wetland and pond hydric vegetation is impacted across the rural, peri-urban, and urban zones by anthropogenic activities such as agricultural production, industrial manufacturing, and urban development. Previous studies have assessed urban and rural wetland vegetation, but have rarely explored the peri-urban zone of development. Therefore, to investigate the impacts of urbanization on hydric vegetation, thirty pond sites (10 rural, 10 peri-urban, and 10 urban) were randomly selected within each of the three zones. The vegetation community at each site was assessed using a quadrat method to compare the vegetation composition. In addition, floristic quality based on the conservatism value of each plant species was used to assess wetland vegetation. Results show plant communities of rural sites differed from both urban and peri-urban sites due partly to urbanization reducing the cover of obligate wetland species. Peri-urban sites contained the highest species richness, due to the increase in introduced plants associated with urbanization. Urban sites contained the lowest species richness, some of which is due to the use of rock riprap surrounding the edges of most sites. The plant conservatism values of vegetation were not different for rural and peri-urban sites, but were significantly lower in urban sites. Information from this study is useful to wetland professionals, environmental managers, and urban planners to predict hydric vegetation responses within peri-urban areas in the Prairie Pothole Region.  相似文献   

The quantification of urban–rural gradients using urbanization measures has become standard practice in many urban ecological studies. Nonetheless, the choice of urbanization measures for a specific urban gradient still remains problematic. Increasing numbers of papers stress the importance of comparative urban ecological research, in an attempt to contribute to an understanding of the ecology ‘of’ cities. This implies that research in diverse urban areas globally should be comparable. This study follows an approach to quantify the urban–rural gradient in Klerksdorp previously followed in Melbourne, Australia with the goal to help elucidate the viability of creating a standard set of urbanization measures that is useful across continents. Satellite imagery and spatial analysis were used to calculate the values of 12 urbanization measures across a 900 km2 landscape grid. Principal components analysis is commonly used to identify smaller subsets of measures to quantify urban–rural gradients. The results of this study indicate that factor analysis is more suitable than principal components analysis and ideal in identifying these independent measures of urbanization. The factor analysis revealed that landscape structure and demographic attributes are both essential characteristics of a city that needs to be accounted for in the choice of urbanization measures. Additionally, we identified seven aspects influencing the direct comparison of cities, namely: scale of analysis, spatial resolution, classification typology, accuracy of input data, specific measure equations, the type of statistical analysis and the habitat context. These aspects must be taken into consideration and resolved before effective comparative gradient research between cities can be achieved.  相似文献   

A proximity-based approach to assessing habitat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Planning for either a single species, multiple species, or ecosystems is greatly dependent on spatial interactions in the landscape. Problems exist for evaluating wildlife habitat changes over large ranges of space and time. This paper illustrates the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to evaluate habitat for a single species, ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus), following a time series of forest harvests. A habitat suitability model for ruffed grouse is utilized on a two-township study area in north-central Minnesota to assess the habitat suitability changes over time using an even-aged area-control harvesting plan. The results are presented as a habitat quality change map and a contingency table, representing the movement of habitat class areas between time periods resulting from the proposed harvesting. We developed a neighborhood definition to allow for spatially varying habitat values. This work illustrates the ability to look ahead and around in estimating the impact on wildlife habitat resulting from alternative future management activities.Now with the U.S. Forest Service, Sitka, AK 99835.  相似文献   

Urbanization has been greatly accelerated by the economic growth in China, while its possible effects on woody plants, bird species and their associations are not well defined yet. Here, we analyzed urban-rural gradients (landscape level: urban-farmland-forest-natural reserves; city level: ring road and urban build-up history) and temporal data (1955–1980–2014 for woody plants; 1980s–2010 s for birds) in Harbin city, China, to investigate the changes in the composition and diversity of woody plants and birds during urbanization. Both landscape gradient and temporal data confirmed that urbanization had the function of species conservations with sharp increases of alien species and tropical type plants. In the case woody species, 60-yr urbanization in Harbin had induced increases of 9 families and 17 genera, and there were 7–20 more families, 12–35 more genera, 1.6–2.6 higher Margalef richness in urban areas than those in nature reserves and local forest farms; Increases in alien species (4-fold in 60-yr urbanization; 21% in urban area vs <2% for non-urban region) and tropical type plants (1.6-fold in 60-yr urbanization; temperate/tropical ratio at 1.2 in urban area vs >1.6 in non-urban area) were mainly responsible for these compositional changes, which can be proved by their significant correlations. Moreover, moderate disturbance had peak values in alien species, tropical type plants, Shannon-wiener diversity, Margalef richness index and Pielou evenness index, and both ring road- and buildup history gradients showed the similar tendency. Compared with those in 1980s, forest- and eurytopic-habitats birds increased 9–11 species (23–39%), and omnivorous, insect-eating, and phytophagous bird increased 5–9 species (14.1–29.4%) in those in 2010s, indicating that bird temporal changes were closely related with the changes in urban forests owing to food supply and habitat provision. Our findings could provide data for biodiversity evaluation of urbanization effects, and is also useful for ecological re-construction of local cities in China.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) has called for a broad anchoring in all sorts of landscape issues in local society. The connoisseur approach aims to improve communication in decision making processes by ensuring that personal and local knowledge on people, and their knowledge and feelings of everyday landscape is considered in projects on landscape development. The approach described here was tested in three Swedish case studies. Two were part of the European NeighbourWoods research project: the Skrylle Recreation Forest in south-west Sweden and the Ronneby Brunn area in south-east Sweden. Two areas that are heavily used for recreation by groups unrelated to the management of the forests. The Tinnerö area near Linköping was included as a third case. Our approach involved identifying and testing methods for introductory phase of management planning and countryside development.The methods developed in the connoisseur approach included in-depth interviews during field walks, walk-and-talk encounters, designating favourite places and routes on maps and management meetings between connoisseurs (local people, planners, and experts). Such concrete methods, which benefit from being mainly conducted outdoors, sought to empower local people, nurture a sense of belonging to a place and the management process, raise awareness of the local landscape and its potential, and identify shared values. The connoisseur approach proved to be a useful tool in the introductory phase, by clarifying the varying interests of local user groups, and was successful in creating links between the user groups, manager team, local politicians and administrators. Although unfamiliar to many people, the connoisseur method may effectively complement standardized, expert-dominated, top-down concepts of planning.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic landscape changes in Central Europe occurred in several stages. Characteristic features include an acceleration in the sequence of changes, a continual increase in the scope and complexity of ecologic problems, growing destabilization of the natural household and a rising proportion of irreversible changes.Various bioindication techniques are excellently suited for detecting and evaluating landscape changes, as reflected in a large number of case studies. Of these, a number are classified by the authors according to the following criteria: landscape features/components, structure of the test area, and time framework for the studies.Thorough changes must be brought about in man's relation with nature to remedy the aggrevated environmental situation, with these priorities: making human thinking and action compatible with the environment, transforming material production along ecological lines, and applying ecological principles to landscape management, for example in the form of landscape planning.  相似文献   

Deep time: the emerging role of archaeology in landscape ecology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Given the goals of landscape ecology, information from archaeological sites provides a useful source of evidence regarding cultural practices, anthropogenic change, local conditions, and distributions of organisms at a variety of scales across both space and time. Due to the time depth available from the archaeological record, long-term processes can be studied and issues of land use legacies, human influence on landscape heterogeneity, and system histories can be addressed. Archaeological data can produce a diachronic record of past population size, population structure, biogeography, age-at-death, and migration patterns, useful for making ecosystem and wildlife management decisions. Researchers can use archaeological knowledge to differentiate between native and alien taxa, inform restoration plans, identify sustainable harvesting practices, account for modern distributions of taxa, predict future biogeographic changes, and elucidate the interplay of long- and short-term ecological processes.  相似文献   

In eastern North America, large forest patches have been the primary target of biodiversity conservation. This conservation strategy ignores land units that combine to form the complex emergent rural landscapes typical of this region. In addition, many studies have focussed on one wildlife group at a single spatial scale. In this paper, studies of avian and anuran populations at regional and landscape scales have been integrated to assess the ecological value of agricultural mosaics in southern Ontario on the basis of the maintenance of faunal biodiversity. Field surveys of avian and anuran populations were conducted between 2001 and 2004 at the watershed and sub-watershed levels. The ecological values of land units were based on a combination of several components including species richness, species of conservation concern (rarity), abundance, and landscape parameters (patch size and connectivity). It was determined that habitats such as thicket swamps, coniferous plantations and cultural savannas can play an important role in the overall biodiversity and ecological value of the agricultural landscape. Thicket swamps at the edge of agricultural fields or roads provided excellent breeding habitat for anurans. Coniferous plantations and cultural savannas attracted many birds of conservation concern. In many cases, the land units that provided high ecological value for birds did not score well for frogs. Higher scores for avian and anuran populations were recorded along the Niagara Escarpment and other protected areas as expected. However, some private land areas scored high, some spatially connected to the protected areas and therefore providing an opportunity for private land owners to enter into a management arrangement with the local agencies.  相似文献   

Community gardens are very popular in developed countries, providing multiple benefits to inhabitants. In developing China, residents in many emerging urban communities of China have been appropriating and reclaiming public open spaces intentionally as a leisure opportunity and transforming their entertainment functions into vegetable plots, which has caused a series of conflicts and disputes. However, this issue of informal community gardening has rarely been discussed formally at community level. Therefore, this study aims to learn and better understand what factors motivate residents to reclaim existing public open spaces for gardening and cultivating plants. The approach was to select and study informal community gardens in three urbanizing communities in Hangzhou, China. These emerging communities consist, to a significant extent, of people with farming experience, who have relocated here from previously rural areas during the urban expansion from the year 2000 to the current day. The informal community gardening takes place in the context of lack of community management, neglected public infrastructure and a disregard for resident’s living needs such as their personal sentiment, social activity, food quality and saving expenses. While most people are willing to participate in community gardening and those who do not want to contribute are not substantially against the activity. In the conclusions, suggestions are made about how to fulfil resident’s requirements and are presented at both community and city levels so that they may inform to the growth of emerging communities in other cities and countries undergoing rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

Natural parks are comprised of preserved forested natural areas that are undergoing natural ecological processes. These areas can offer a refuge for local biodiversity and contribute substantially to ecosystem services in both rural areas with relatively low population densities, as well as high-density urban areas. Forested natural parks located in urban areas should experience more stressful environmental conditions than nearby rural areas, yet we know relatively little about how urbanization impacts tree communities within these important natural habitats. To better understand the impact of urbanization on forests, we investigated the species composition, abundance, and diversity of midstory and canopy trees as well as tree seedlings in urban and rural natural parks in and around Cleveland, Ohio. We found that both urban and rural natural parks have similar tree abundance, but midstory and canopy trees as well as tree seedling communities in the urban natural parks included higher abundances of stress-tolerant species compared to rural parks. In addition, this pattern was driven by changes in native tree species, as we observed low abundance of invasive species. More stress-resistant native species in urban areas include Quercus rubra and Prunus serotina, in contrast to rural natural parks which are dominated by Acer spp. and Fagus grandifolia. Lastly, we show that urban and rural natural parks have similar species diversity within plots, but we found higher variation in community composition among urban natural parks compared to among rural parks. Furthermore, Q. rubra and P. serotina were significantly larger in rural natural parks, indicating that both environmental stress and successional stage could drive compositional differences. Thus, we show that urbanization can have unexpected effects on plant community composition and diversity. Our study refutes the idea that these are degraded habitats, highlights the need to conserve them, and suggests that characterization of local variation in self-assembled urban tree communities will provide the most accurate picture of their management needs and potential ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The challenge of incorporating the concept of ecosystem services in landscape planning has been widely acknowledged, yet values of ecosystem services are not well considered in current landscape planning and environmental governance. This is particularly the case when local stakeholders are strongly involved in decision making about adapting the landscape to future demands and challenges. Engagement of stakeholders introduces a variety of interests and motives that result in diverging value interpretations. Moreover, participative planning approaches are based on learning processes, implying that the perceptions of value evolve during the planning process. Current valuation approaches are not able to support such process. Therefore we argue that there is a need for a novel view on the mechanism of integrating valuation in the different stages of community-based landscape planning, as well as for tools based on this mechanism. By revisiting the original conception of ecosystem services and redefining the value of an ecosystem service as its comparative importance to human wellbeing, we develop a conceptual framework for incorporating ecosystem service valuation that captures the full spectrum of value and value changes. We acknowledge that in the social interactions during the planning process values are redefined, negotiated and reframed in the context of the local landscape. Therefore, we propose a valuation mechanism that evolves through the phases of the cyclic planning process. We illustrate the use of this mechanism by proposing a tool that supports stakeholder groups in building a value-based vision on landscape adaptation that contributes to all wellbeing dimensions.  相似文献   

A combination of rapid population growth and an accelerating demographic shift from rural to urbanized habitats has resulted in urbanization becoming an increasingly global phenomenon. Two alternate hypotheses describing urban landscape trajectories suggest urbanization is either leading to more homogeneous global patterns or urbanization has dichotomous trajectories of increasing dispersal or coalescence. To better understand the global variation in urban land-cover patterns and trajectories we described the variation in urban landscape structure for 120 cities distributed throughout the world assessed at circa 1990 and 2000. We coupled these data to a low-dimensional neighborhood based model of urban growth using a data-model fusion approach. Trajectories of urban growth were assessed using both the original data and model projections to 2030. The patterns of landscape change were related to both the rate of growth and income. The historical patterns of change showed a trend of increasing landscape complexity and this trend was projected to continue. Urban rate of growth was closely related to the change in several landscape metrics. Income was associated with landscape dynamics and this effect interacted with city size. Large cities were less sensitive to the income effect than small cities. Along with changes to the magnitude of each metric, the overall variation in metrics between years generally exhibited a decrease in variability and this variability was projected to continue decreasing. These findings supported the hypothesis that urban landscapes are becoming more homogeneous and that the dispersal-coalescing dichotomy represent endpoints rather than alternate states of urban growth.  相似文献   

The matrix is an important element of landscape mosaics that influences wildlife indirectly through its influence on habitat, and directly, if they live in or move through it. Therefore, to quantify and manage habitat quality for wildlife in modified landscapes, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of both patch and matrix elements of the whole landscape mosaic. To isolate matrix effects from the often simultaneous and confounding influence of patch and landscape characteristics, we identified nineteen 500 m radius landscapes in southeast Queensland, Australia with similar remnant forest patch attributes, habitat loss, and fragmentation, but exhibiting a marked gradient from rural through high-density suburban development of the matrix, quantified by a weighted road-length metric. We measured habitat disturbance, structure, and floristics in patch core, patch edge and matrix landscape elements to characterise how landscape habitat quality changes for small mammals. Correlation analyses identified that with increased matrix development intensity, human disturbance of core sites increased, predators and exotic plant species richness in matrix sites increased, and structural complexity (e.g. logs and stumps) in the matrix decreased. Ordination analyses showed landscape elements were most similar in habitat structure and floristics at low to moderate levels of matrix development, suggesting enhanced landscape habitat quality. Matrix development intensity was not, however, the greatest source of overall variation of habitat throughout landscapes. Many variables, such as landholder behaviour, complicate the relationship. For enhanced conservation outcomes the matrix needs to be managed to control disturbances and strategically plan for matrix habitat retention and restoration.  相似文献   

The conflict between conservation and timber production is shifting in regions such as Biscay (Basque Country, northern Spain) where planted forests are no longer profitable without public subsidies and environmentalist claim that public subsidies should be reoriented to the regeneration of natural forest. This paper develops an approach that integrates scientific knowledge and stakeholders’ demands to provide decision-making guidelines for the development of new landscape planning strategies while considering ecosystem services. First, a participatory process was conducted to develop a community vision for the region’s sustainable future considering the opportunities and constrains provided by the landscape and its ecosystems. In the participatory process forest management was considered an important driver for the region`s landscape development and forest multi-functionality was envisioned as a feasible attractive alternative. The participatory process identified a knowledge gap on the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and how these depend on different forest types. Second, to study the existing synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and disentangle the identified knowledge gap, a GIS-based research was conducted based on spatially explicit indicators. Our spatial analysis results showed that natural forests’ contribution to biodiversity and carbon storage is higher than that of the plantations with exotic species in the region. The results from the spatial analysis converged with those from the participatory process in the suitability of promoting, where possible and appropriate, natural forest ecosystems restoration. This iterative learning and decision making process is already showing its effectiveness for decision making, with concrete examples of how the results obtained with the applied approach are being included in planning and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

In coastal southern California, natural riparian corridors occur in a landscape mosaic comprised of human land uses (mainly urban and suburban development) interspersed among undeveloped areas, primarily native shrublands. We asked, does the composition of the landscape surrounding a riparian survey point influence plant species distribution, community composition, or habitat structure? We expected, for example, that invasive non-native species might be more abundant as the amount of surrounding urbanization increased. We surveyed 137 points in riparian vegetation in Orange County, California, along an urbanization gradient. Using logistic regression we analyzed 79 individual plant species’ distributions, finding 20 negatively associated and 12 positively associated with the amount of development within a 1-km radius around the survey points, even after accounting for the effects of elevation. However, after summarizing plant community composition with Detrended Correspondence Analysis we observed that, overall, community composition was not statistically correlated with the amount of development surrounding a survey point once the association between development and elevation was taken into account. Non-native species were not particularly associated with increasing development, but instead were distributed throughout vegetation and urbanization gradients. However, the extent of the tree and herb layers (structural attributes) was associated with development, with the tree layer increasing and the herb layer decreasing as urbanization increased. Thus, although the degree of surrounding urbanization appears to influence the distribution of a number of individual plant species, overall composition of the community in our study system seemed relatively unaffected. Instead, we suggest that community composition reflected larger-scale environmental conditions, such as stream order and other variables associated with elevation, and/or regional-scale disturbances, such as historic grazing or enhanced atmospheric deposition of nitrogen.  相似文献   

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