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“迦姆丰收”高效复合液肥是印尼生产的植物增产调节剂。本试验旨在观察“迦姆丰收”对脐橙生长和结果的影响 ,探讨迦姆丰收对增强脐橙抗逆性 ,提高产量 ,改进品质的作用。1 试验条件本试验在红壤项目区脐橙园进行 ,该园为红壤缓坡地 ,行株距 4m× 3m ,供试品种为枳砧纽荷尔脐橙 ,树龄 1 0年生 ,土壤改良 ,肥力较好。2 试验材料供试品种为迦姆丰收 (印尼生产 )、美力王 (台湾生产 )、速得补 (市售 )。3 试验设计迦姆丰收 1 0 0 0倍液喷雾 ,6 0 0倍液浇根 ;美力王 1 0 0 0倍喷雾 ,30 0倍液浇根 ;速得补1 2 0 0倍液喷雾 ,1 0 0 0倍液浇根…  相似文献   

迦姆丰收是“迦姆 丰收牌植物增产调节剂”的简称 ,它是一种液态复合肥料 ,能促进或调节各种作物生长、发育、开花和结果 ,大幅度提高单位面积产量 ,改善、提高作物品质 ,且能改良土壤、培肥地力 ,促进土壤微生物的繁殖 ,提高土壤通透性。鉴于目前迦姆丰收在果树上应用报道较少 ,而九二○在果树上应用得较多 ,故以九二○为对比药剂 ,进行了本试验 ,现将结果报道如下。1 材料与方法  试验于 2 0 0 0年在沙坪坝区寨山坪柑桔园进行 ,试材为 8年生酸柚砧沙田柚 ,树势一致 ,花量及环境条件基本一致 ,管理水平一般。土壤为红棕紫泥土 ,pH 7.…  相似文献   

本场自 1998年以来 ,一直使用迦姆丰收高效有机复合肥液 (全年使用 5~ 6次 )。迦姆丰收的使用大大节省了我场的生产成本 ,且生产出了高品质的无公害脐橙果品 ,取得了显著的经济效益和生态效益。1 迦姆丰收可提高脐橙的着果率 ,促使果实膨大 ,大幅提高脐橙产量脐橙花期喷施 1~ 2次迦姆丰收 ,脐橙着果率可提高 2~ 3%。畸形花、果减少 ,具有保花保果作用。果实膨大期喷 1~ 2次迦姆丰收可促使果实膨大 ,果大均匀 ,果形呈高桩形。秋梢抽发整齐、壮实。确保来年脐橙丰产 ,克服了大小年现象 ,比常规栽培增产2 3%~ 2 5%。2 迦姆丰收可大大提…  相似文献   

“迦姆丰收”液肥为印尼原装进口 ,是由特有植物群及海洋生物类等多种有机物为基础原料 ,并配以植物生长所必需的多种微量元素 ,采用现代生物化学工程技术 ,经提炼、浓缩而成 ,是一种全营养型高效有机复合肥 ,既是肥 ,又当药。该产品无毒、无害、无污染 ,是发展“高产、高效、优质”生态农业的一种理想农药和肥料。1 999年 ,我们在多种农作物上试用了“迦姆丰收”液肥 ,均取得了明显的成效。2 0 0 0年 ,我们又在本县岳口乡、万坊乡、沙州镇、徐家乡、里塔镇等西瓜种植重点区普遍推广了“迦姆丰收”液肥 ,推广面积 94 6hm2 ,取得了明显的效…  相似文献   

迦姆丰收植物增产调节剂是印度尼西亚吉那威实业股份有限公司和北京盛丰农业生物技术有限公司联合开发研制的一种新型高效液体肥料。中华全国供销合作总社也把它视为“两新一特”推广首推产品,1998年中国农学会向全国种植业推荐使用。为了验证其在农作物上的使用效果,我们于1999年春在多种蔬菜上进行试验,现将试验情况小结如下:1 试验材料和方法试验在弋阳县甘家山农场蔬菜地进行,试验菜地土壤条件基本一致,各种蔬菜田间管理水平相同。选择蕃茄、茄子、辣椒、西葫芦、丝瓜、苦瓜、毛豆、菜豆、长豆角等9种蔬菜进行试验,试…  相似文献   

秦皇岛市北戴河海滨园艺场于 1998年引入波兰的 Polana和 Beskid等 2个树莓新品种进行栽培试验。该地属暖温带湿润季风气候 ,海拔 10 m,年均温 9.1℃ ,降水量 710~ 770 mm,相对湿度 6 0 % ,无霜期 16 8~ 188天 ,最冷月均温 - 8.9~ - 5.4℃ ,最热月均温 2 4 .1~ 2 5.2℃ ,极端低温 - 2 4 .5℃ ,极端高温39.8℃。土壤表层为沙壤土 ,土层厚 2 5cm,以下为粘土 ,土层厚 50 cm,土壤 PH值中性 ,含盐量 0 .35%。苗木于 1998年春定植 ,共栽 370株 ,株行距 1m×3m。现将引种观察结果报告如下。1 栽植成活情况  1998年春调查定植 1个月的苗木成…  相似文献   

"迦姆液"是从印尼特产的植物迦姆中提取的天然生物制剂--迦姆素和海洋生物中提取的氨基酸,配以作物营养必需的氮、磷、钾等大量元素和十几种微量元素,采用国际先进配方和现代生物化学工程技术螯合而成的一种广谱型植物生产调节剂.在美国、加拿大、法国、日本、东南亚等国家和台湾地区已普遍应用,成为植物叶面螯合肥料的上选品种之一.  相似文献   

海南省野生及栽培果树资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南省地处热带,位于东经108°37′,北纬18°10′,年平均气温23~25 ℃,最冷月均温16~20 ℃,最热月均温25~29 ℃,年均降水量1 500 mm,长夏无冬,年日照时数1 750~2 650小时,光照率为50%~60%.  相似文献   

为了促进小枣树营养生长、提高坐果及产量 ,采用复合液肥———万果宝喷施 ,经过对金丝小枣树应用试验 ,取得了明显效应 ,试验结果报告如下。1 试材与方法 试验药剂为广西桂灵实业开发总公司提供的“万果宝”复合液肥 ,试验处理为 30 0 0倍稀释液。对照药剂为天威复合液肥 10 0 0倍 ;迦姆丰收复合液肥 10 0 0倍 ;清水为对照。试验小区随机排列 ,以单枝为小区 ,枝龄 3~ 4年生 ,每小区固定 5 0个枣股为调查枝 ;重复 5次 ,同株上重复 1次。于 5月15日、6月 5日、6月 2 5日、8月 2 5日 ,各处理均喷药4次。枣吊长度、叶片数、叶面积于 6月 2 4…  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂和微肥在草莓上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确通微一号等 5种植物生长调节剂和微肥对草莓的增产效果 ,近年笔者进行了如下试验。1 材料与方法1.1供试草莓品种丰香 ,采用大棚设施栽培 ,9月 10日草莓假植苗定植 ,株行距 2 0× 30cm(厘米 ) ,肥水管理与大田栽培相同 ,11月 5日盖地膜 ,11月15日盖大棚膜保温。1.2 供试植物生长剂调节和微肥 ;通微一号(北京市通县微生物厂生产 )、螯合态多元复合微肥(陕西省宁陕多元复合微肥厂生产 )、迦姆丰收 (印度尼西亚吉那威公司制造 )、高效氨基酸微肥 (浙江省浦江金山氨基酸厂生产 )、速效氨基酸微肥 (四川省广汉市农丰化工厂生产 )。1.3…  相似文献   

With the purpose of obtaining apple plants with reduced vigour but deep and expanded root apparatus, more adapted for establishment of apple orchards in dry, windy areas and higher altitudes, different interstem/rootstock combinations were compared, using seedling as rootstock and, alternatively, two weak interstocks (M.9 and M.27). For all treatments the plants were grafted at two height from soil (10 and 20 cm), interposing interstock 10 or 20 cm long. Plants with interstock showed lower vegetative growth in comparison with control plants with a reduction of 80% (M.27) and of 50% (M.9) of canopy growth. Moreover, use of interstock determined, as compared with the control plants, an increase of fruit production and average fruit weight. It was noted that increasing the interstock length, caused reduction of plants vigour and fruit production. The results showed that, the combination “Annurca Rossa del Sud”/M.9 (10 cm long)/seedling rootstock (20 cm high) was the most efficient for productivity, early maturing and plant vigour control.  相似文献   

An in vitro plant regeneration protocol for pansy (Viola wittrockiana) cultivar ‘Caidie’ from petioles was established as following: callus induction on a half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.45 μmol l−1 2,4-d plus 8.9 μmol l−1 BA, callus subculture on medium F (1/2MS with 4.5 μmol l−1 2,4-d, 2.7 μmol l−1 NAA and 0.44 μmol l−1 BA) and then on medium T (1/2MS with 4.5 μmol l−1 2,4-d, 2.7 μmol l−1 NAA and 2.2 μmol l−1 BA), shoot regeneration on medium D3 (MS media supplemented with 2.9 μmol l−1GA3, 23.6 μmol l−1 AgNO3, 0.02% active charcoal and 4.5 μmol l−1 TDZ), shoot multiplication on medium M (half-strength MS medium containing NAA 1.1 μmol l−1, TDZ 9.1 μmol l−1 and GA3 8.7 μmol l−1), and then shoot elongation and rooting on medium R (MS medium supplemented with 1.1 μmol l−1 NAA and 1.1 μmol l−1 BA). Subculture on appropriate medium was found to be important for successful shoot regeneration.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,104(3):325-337
The influence of 24 h mean air temperature (18.3, 20.6, 23.9 and 25.8 °C) and photosynthetic photon flux (PPF; 0.6, 2.1, 3.7 and 4.7 mol m−2 d−1) on the growth cycles of vegetative growth in Ilex × meserveae (‘Blue Princess’ S.Y. Hu) was investigated. Plants propagated from top cuttings were grown in greenhouse compartments. The number of unfolded leaves was recorded continuously throughout the experiment. A modified sine function was fitted to collected data and the values for the amplitude and frequency of the growth curves were analysed. The sine function was tested as a method to evaluate the influence of climate on periodically flushing species. Both amplitude and frequency were significantly influenced by air temperature and PPF. The highest frequency of flushing was found at 23.9 °C and 3.7 mol m−2 d−1. The function resulted generally in a good fit to collected data with R2 values above 0.9. Growth curves of all individual plants were categorised with respect to their growth pattern as poor synchronisation within the treatments did not allow analysis of the mean values of the growth curves.  相似文献   

A mutant of Musa spp. ‘Williams’ was isolated by screening the plants from tissue culture and rapid propagation. We studied the morphological characteristics of the fruit epidermis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the pericarp of mutant was covered with trichomes. These trichomes were pointless and the length of the trichomes ranges from 0.02 to 0.37 mm. However, this kind of trichome was not observed on the pericarp of the wild type.  相似文献   

AIM: To clone human β-globin gene carrying a thalassemic mutation IVS II654(C→T) and establish a eukaryotic expression system for high-level expression of human β IVS II654 gene in mouse erythroleukaemia(MEL) cells. METHODS: The fragments of human β 654 gene isolated from the β thalassemia patients homozygous for the β 654 mutation were amplified by PCR, and cloned to plasmid pBGT51. Then, the human β LCR and β 654 gene were subcloned from plasmid pBGT51 to the stable mammalian expression vector pcDNA3. 1+ together, and the MEL cells were transfected with this vector using commercially available cationic lipid FuGENE6. The MEL cells were induced for further maturation by DMSO and the expression of human β 654 gene in the MEL cells was identified by RT-PCR. RESULTS: A mammalian expression system of human β thalassemic mutation βIVS II654(C→T) was established. CONCLUSION: The level and the reliability of expression of human β 654 gene in the MEL cells in vitro are similar to that in vivo in human body. This may be a valuable gene therapy model for human β thalassemic mutation βIVS II654(C→T).  相似文献   



In a global context of erosion of biodiversity, the current environmental policy in Europe is oriented towards the creation and the preservation of ecological networks for wildlife. However, most of the management guidelines arose from a structural landscape diagnostic without truly taking into consideration species’ needs.


We tested whether and how landscape elements influence the functional connectivity of landscapes for a forest specialist species, the European pine marten (Martes martes), in Northeastern France.


We collected pine marten scats and tissues from 13 evenly distributed study sites across the whole study area in order to test several types of barriers such as highways, waterways, and open agricultural fields. We crossed the results of several methods: spatial autocorrelation analysis, causal modelling framework, and clustering methods.


The study indicates significant genetic differentiation among the sampling sites. A signal of isolation by distance was detected but disappeared after partialling out landscape or barrier resistance. The only model that was fully supported by causal modelling was the one identifying waterways as the main driver of genetic differentiation. Moreover, clustering analyses indicated the presence of genetic clusters, suggesting that pine marten spatial genetic pattern could be explained by the presence of waterways but also by their reluctance to cross open fields.


The current ecological network could thus be improved by increasing permeability of waterways, in particular navigation canals, and by maintaining and restoring forested corridors in agricultural plains.

ISSR molecular marker was used to investigate genetic diversity of ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes of Mashhad Esteghlal orchard and its relationship with other commercial and native cultivars of pear. Among ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes of Mashhad Esteghlal orchard 23 genotypes were selected base on difference in tree vigor, leaf color, shape and color of fruit and also 33 other commercial and native pear cultivars from Esteghlal orchard and other Mashhad commercial orchards were studied. A total number of 230 DNA fragments were obtained using 11 primers of which 225 were polymorphic. On average, each primer produced 20.9 bands. Dice similarity coefficient ranged from 0.27 (between ‘Dom Kaj’ and Asian pear) to 1 (between ‘Dare Gazi’ 1 and 2 genotypes). Sample cluster dendrogram indicated that 56 genotypes were divided into 12 distinct clusters. The dendogram generated on the principle of Unweight Pair Wise Method using Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) was constructed by Dice coefficient and the genotypes were grouped into 12 clusters. ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes did not show 100% similarity due to seed propagation or mutation, as ‘Dare Gazi’ 3 and 18 genotypes had the lowest similarity coefficient (0.64). Asian pears were placed in a separate group from European pears. And ‘Dare Gazi’ genotypes from different orchards were grouped separately, but all of them are called as ‘Dare Gazi’ pear for convenience. ISSR molecular marker can well identify the genetic variability among genotypes and cultivars and found suitable for grouping them.  相似文献   

Invasive alien species can pose a severe threat to biodiversity and stability of the ecosystems they invade. Predicting distribution patterns of invasive species in regions outside their native range is a fundamental component of early warning systems. Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.) was first discovered in the Yunnan Province of China around the 1940s. The well-documented invasion history of this plant species provided the opportunity for us to examine the spatiotemporal patterns of biological invasion by crofton weed. Using the datasets documenting 441 known localities invaded by crofton weed in China over the past 50 years and 23 environmental variables generated by the genetic algorithm for rule-set production (GARP) model, we tested the predictability of crofton weed distribution with a high degree of accuracy. Both the Kappa statistics and the receiver–operator characteristic (ROC) analysis indicated that it is possible to predict the geographical spread of crofton weed in China. Precipitation in the coldest quarter of the year, extremely low air temperature, and maximum annual air temperature strongly influenced the predictions. Our results indicate that crofton weed may break out in Yungui Plateau, Sichuan Basin, southeastern Coastlands, Hainan Island, and Taiwan although currently it is either absent or has only recently been recorded in these regions. Redundancy analysis (RDA) ordination results demonstrated that temperature and precipitation play an important role in confining the spread of crofton weed. Over the past 20 years, crofton weed has spread from subtropical areas with higher annual mean temperature and lower climatic fluctuations to much cooler and dryer areas at higher altitudes. The distribution of crofton weed was restricted mainly to regions with mean annual air temperature ranging from 10 to 22°C and annual precipitation from 800 to 2000 mm. Our results could help in developing and implementing early detection measures to minimize the ecological impacts of crofton weed invasion in China.  相似文献   

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