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仁用杏分为苦仁杏和甜仁杏两类,是龙王帽、一窝蜂、优一、白玉扁等甜仁杏和优良山杏仁各品种的统称,不是指一个单独的品种。甜仁用杏是西北利亚山杏与普通杏自然  相似文献   

仁用杏品种的引种栽培及适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张掖市寺大隆林场于2001年引进仁用杏良种龙王帽、一窝蜂等品种,通过设点定植观察,4个品种的综合性状都表现出良好的栽培适应性,龙王帽结果性状尤为明显,平均株产2.77 kg,最高株产8 kg。干仁质量从大到小排列:龙王帽、优一、一窝蜂、白玉扁,龙王帽丰产性好且杏仁口感好,香甜无余苦。同时,从其抗旱性、抗寒性、抗病虫能力上对不同仁用杏品种进行研究,逐步摸索出一套适应张掖市特殊气候条件早果丰产栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

李雪梅 《山西林业》2005,(6):21-21,25
1适合大同市栽培的仁用杏品种 目前,适合大同市栽培的仁用杏有“优一”、龙王帽两个品种。这两个品种抗旱抗旱耐瘠薄,而且高产、稳产。  相似文献   

以3个抗晚霜能力强的仁用杏品种(系)中仁一号、B5及龙王帽的花枝为试验材料,经人工霜箱低温处理后取其花瓣、雄蕊、雌蕊。综合对3个仁用杏品种(系)的3个抗寒性生理指标在不同温度处理下过冷却点、电解质渗出率及SOD活性的测定及结果分析。结果表明,3个仁用杏品种(系)的各花器抗寒性花瓣雄蕊雌蕊;中仁一号的抗寒性最强,B5次之,龙王帽最弱。  相似文献   

龙王帽仁用杏品种在太行山西侧山地生长结实研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990~1998年,在太行山西侧旱薄山地进行了仁用杏品种龙王帽的引种与选育,通过对该品种的果实品质、树体生长发育及丰产性能等一系列生物学特性的调查研究,得出龙王帽仁用杏品种可作为太行山西侧山地干旱少雨、水源缺乏、土壤瘠薄、自然环境恶劣地区适宜栽植的仁用杏品种。  相似文献   

垅王帽仁用杏生长与结果习性观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“龙王帽”仁用杏在陕北安塞县川地根系垂直分布主要集中在20-60cm的土层中,水平分布集中在距主干60-180cm的范围内。根系1年有3次生长高峰,其中果实采收后根系生长量最大。花束状结果枝,短果枝占全树枝数的70%,其上完全花比例高,果实发育呈“慢-快-慢-快”的“双S”曲线。果实出核率12.6%,出仁率3.50%-3.77%。  相似文献   

龙王帽仁用杏生长与结果习性观测研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
“龙王帽”仁用杏在陕北安塞县川地根系垂直分布主要集中在20~60cm的土层中,水平分布集中在距主干60~180cm的范围内。根系1年有3次生长高峰,其中果实采收后根系生长量最大。花束状结果枝、短果枝占全树枝数的70%,其上完全花比例高。果实发育呈“慢—快—慢—快”的“双S”曲线。果实出核率12.6%,出仁率3.50%~3.77%。  相似文献   

本文以提高仁用杏旱地栽植成活率为目标,在陕北地区进行了不同栽植时期和不同栽植方法的试验。结果显示:10月中下旬是陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区仁用杏栽植的最佳时期。“浸根蘸浆 树盘覆膜 埋干”是最佳的旱地栽植方法。能使仁用杏旱地栽植成活率达到90%以上。  相似文献   

仁用杏以利用杏仁为主,系普通杏和西伯利亚杏的自然杂交种,又称大扁杏或杏扁,原产于我国河北、辽宁等地。甘肃省自1984年以来,先后从河北、辽宁等地引进“龙王帽”等仁用杏优良品种,并做了大量的引种试验和示范推广工作,结果表明,甘肃省大部分地区,尤其是黄土高原和河西走廊灌区适宜仁用杏生长,其杏仁具有体大饱满、营养成份高的特点。主要优良品种目前,我国有几十个仁用杏栽培品种,引种试验结果表明,适宜甘肃省黄土高原地区栽培的仁用杏品种有6个,见下表。品种花期、采收期特性果实1龙王帽4月中下旬开花7月中下旬成熟树体高大,树冠呈开张的…  相似文献   

由于仁用杏开花早,花果期易遭受因晚霜、寒流而引起的冻害,造成冻花冻果,导致减产,甚至绝收,这严重影响了仁用杏的产量和产业的发展。为了解决仁用杏生产上易受霜冻危害的问题,以仁用杏主栽品种‘龙王帽’为试验材料,研究了在不同试验阶段喷施不同浓度的植物生长调节剂对其花期的影响情况。试验结果表明:喷施植物生长调节剂比久、乙烯利、多效唑、青鲜素、脱落酸等均可推迟仁用杏的花期,尤以比久和乙烯利对其花期推迟的效果最为显著。在8、10、11月的中下旬3次喷施浓度为1.5~3.0 g/L的比久,均可使仁用杏花期推迟5~12 d;10月中下旬喷施浓度为0.1~1.0 m L/L的乙烯利,可使仁用杏花期推迟5~15 d。研究结果表明:利用此种方法推迟花期所花低成本,操作简单,农民容易掌握,易于生产中大范围内推广,能够有效解决果树霜冻问题。  相似文献   

由落叶松15年的引种试验和30余年生产性引种调查结果看出,日本和华北落叶松在陕西引种是成功的。日本落叶松在秦、巴林区速生丰产,每公顷年平均村积生产量达13.5m3左右,对病虫危害抗性强。华北落叶松适应性强,尤其在秦岭以北地域生长更好。  相似文献   

  • ? Genetic variation in freezing resistance was evaluated among and within six populations of Spanish wild chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller). The extent to which frost susceptibility was related to phenology and the relationship between population differentiation and climatic conditions was studied.
  • ? Twigs were collected in March and November from saplings (5-year-old trees) of 41 open-pollinated families from the six populations in a provenance-progeny test, and were subjected to artificial freezing. Damage to each twig was assessed as visible browning of bud and of stem tissues.
  • ? Population differences as regards frost damage traits were highly significant (p < 0.01) in both spring and autumn. Family differences within populations were low, often non-significant, and in all cases smaller than differences among populations. Population means were closely correlated with the parental drought and frost conditions. Populations originating from dry areas or from regions where frost seldom occurs were the least resistant.
  • ? Drought is suggested to be the one of the most important selective agents that shapes population differentiation in Spanish wild chestnut, while frost may be more important in northern Spain. Phenological differences are not always good predictors of the degree of frost damage. Thus, freezing tests should be used to detect frost susceptibility in chestnuts.
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    Ogren E 《Tree physiology》1999,19(11):749-754
    Fast-growing willow clones (six clones of Salix viminalis L. and one clone each of S. viminalis x S. schwerenii E. Wolf and S. dasyclados Wimm.) were compared with respect to growth rhythm and frost hardening in the fall. Frost resistance of stem tissues was assessed by controlled freezing followed by analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence and scoring of visible cambial discoloration. The fluorescence method proved superior to scoring based on visible cambial discoloration because it was more rapid and less subjective, but needed calibration against cambial damage. Frost hardening in mature parts of stems did not start until growth cessation was initiated in the shoot apices, irrespective of whether growth cessation occurred early or late in the fall. Frost resistance varied because of clonal variations in: (1) pre-hardening frost resistance; (2) timing of growth cessation and hence start of frost hardening; and (3) rate of frost hardening. Compared with coastal and southern clones, continental and northern clones started hardening earlier, and a continental clone proceeded through hardening more rapidly at a given temperature. A cross between a continental and coastal clone was intermediate in timing. The pre-hardening frost resistance, however, was unrelated to both growth and frost hardening characteristics.  相似文献   

    针对大庆地区的典型粘土,采用美国路邦EN-1固化剂进行加固。通过室内无侧限抗压强度试验研究加固土的强度变化规律,然后从强度和抗冻性两方面与传统的半刚性基层材料(水泥稳定砂砾)进行对比,确定加固土在该地区道路基层中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

    陕北柠条的种群分类及其与水土保持和固沙的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    对陕北柠条居群的分类、生态、地理特征与造林固沙关系的研究,提出该居群的造林固沙区划。即:长城附近及其以北的沙地,应以小柠条和大柠条相结合;志丹──清涧以北至长城以南的广大黄土区,应以小柠条为主;志丹──清涧以南至整个渭北高原以秦晋锦鸡儿为主。  相似文献   

    华山松抗寒性的地理变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
    本文报道了1980-1988年间26个产地的华山松实生苗和幼树的冻害情况,看到原产云贵高原亚热带山区的华山松,引种到暖温带气候区种植极不抗寒,基本不能越冬,云贵高原区域内种源的抗寒性也有某种程度的差异,尤以西部(云南保山地区)最弱,东部和北部(云南北部、四川西南部和贵州西部)较强,因而不经试验,不宜把云贵高原华山松种子调入暖温带使用。  相似文献   

    Colombo  Stephen J. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):449-467
    Difficulties overwintering container stock in northern Ontario led to the development of the extended greenhouse culture hardening regime for spruce seedlings. Laboratories to measure shoot frost hardiness and evaluate terminal bud development were established to monitor nursery crops being hardened using this regime. Information on frost hardiness and bud development provided by these laboratories has been used by nursery managers to determine readiness of container seedlings for overwintering. Since 1982, over 200 stock lots have been monitored by these operational laboratories. This database can be used to determine the importance of nursery cultural factors and seed source on frost hardening. The database shows large differences between nurseries in approach to hardening seedlings which were reflected in levels of freezing damage, winter desiccation and overwintering success. Rates of frost hardening (i.e., the interval between terminal bud initiation and attainment of a --15°C level of shoot frost hardiness) of crops produced in north central Ontario failed to show significant seed source effects. The rate of frost hardening was faster in crops producing fewer needle primordia in terminal buds.  相似文献   

    Twenty-three Pinus radiata seed orchard clones of the New Zealand 850 series were each control-pollinated with a mix of 10 pollens to produce polycross families. The seed was sown in open nursery beds. Seedlings were potted up at six times of the year and subjected to white advective frosts in controlled-environment rooms, with up to seven frosting runs of variable severities at each time. There were significant differences (p< <0.001) between families in frost injury, such that, although there was statistically significant family × time interaction, some families were consistently more frost resistant (tolerant) than others. No association between frost resistance and growth rate was evident.Individual-tree heritability estimates for frost damage scores were around 0.3 at given times, and 0.20 over all times. Prospective gain in resistance from progeny testing over several seasons of the year, with 2:23 selection, is about 1°C. An additional gain of 0.4°C resistance appears obtainable from 1:90 selection of individuals within pair-crosses in a single frosting run. This additional (within-cross) gain might be increased to around 0.75°C, with the same culling rate but testing one ramet per seedling at each of four times of the year.  相似文献   

    2003年引进了10个鲜食或鲜干兼用枣品种,在府谷县进行栽植,通过对其物候期调查,丰产性及品质进行比较,结果表明:牛奶脆枣、襄汾圆枣和梨枣的综合性状表现好,适宜在陕北地区栽培;冬枣、晋枣和芒果枣生育期太长,在陕北地区不能成熟。  相似文献   

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