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巨型艾美球虫在免疫鸡体内发育的组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
巨型艾美球虫在非免疫鸡体内有3代裂殖生殖、在其第1代和第2代裂殖生殖阶段,虫体寄主的空肠组织发生粘液变性,在裂殖生殖后期和配子生殖阶段,空肠绒毛组织变化明显,包括粘膜上皮细胞大量脱落,固有层淋巴细胞浸润等,有时出现大量上皮间淋巴细胞。试验鸡经巨型艾美球虫攻击后,在其子孢子侵入,移行阶段就受到抑制。随着时间推移,第1代,第2代和第3代殖生殖受到日益加重的抑制,最终使虫体没有进入到有性生殖阶段。  相似文献   

鸡球虫病是一种对养鸡业危害极大的寄生原虫病,病原包括9种艾美耳属球虫,其中以柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)及毒害艾美耳球虫(E.necatrix)致病性最强。集约化的商品肉鸡养殖场是球虫病暴发的最适宜场所。雏鸡感染球虫后,大量肠上皮细胞受损,出血。主要特征是患鸡消瘦、贫血和血痢。病愈的小鸡在长时间内不易复原,严重者死亡,其病死率有时高达40%。1病原及流行病学诊断1.1球虫生活史以柔嫩艾美耳球虫为例。鸡吞食了已孢子化的卵囊,卵囊壁在肌胃内被破坏,孢子囊进入小肠,子孢子逸出。到达盲肠的子孢子首先进入表层上皮细胞,再通过基底膜到达固…  相似文献   

鸡吞食柔嫩艾美耳球虫卵囊后感染,子孢子穿过绒毛上皮和固有层,进入隐窝上皮细胞,经数次无性生殖和有性生殖,形成裂殖子和配子体。大配子被小配子受精后发育成卵囊并脱落到粪便中,鸡感染球虫后,鸡体免疫系统抑制球虫的发育有三个时期:子孢子寻找穿透位点时;子孢在子绒毛上皮时;子孢子穿过固有层时。  相似文献   

鸡吞食柔嫩艾美耳球虫卵囊后感染,子孢子穿过绒毛上皮和固有层,进入隐窝上皮细胞,经数次无性生殖和有性生殖,形成裂殖子和配子体。大配子被小配子受精后发育成卵囊,并脱落到粪便中,鸡感染球虫后,鸡体免疫系统抑制球虫的发育有三个时期:子孢子寻找穿透位点时;子孢子在绒毛上皮时;子孢子穿过固有层时。据此,我们研究了抗球虫免疫中诱导和效应阶段的决定因素。结果表明,子孢子在固有层中的穿透诱导了免疫;子孢子是免疫有关的最重要的发育阶段;细胞毒性T细胞对抑制球虫发育是必需的。  相似文献   

鸡球虫病是一种肠道寄生性原虫病,是艾美耳属的多种球虫寄生在鸡肠粘膜内而引起。其中寄生在盲肠粘膜上皮细胞内的柔嫩艾美耳球虫的致病力最强,称为盲肠球虫;另一种是侵害小肠粘膜的毒害艾美白球虫,又称小肠型球虫。通过球虫卵囊传播,鸡吞食孢子化卵囊而感染,主要危害3月龄以内的幼鸡,特别是15~45日龄的鸡最易发生,暴发时常造成大批死亡。  相似文献   

建立兔斯氏艾美耳球虫感染模型,为研究斯氏艾美耳球虫感染兔的有效防治方法提供适合的动物模型。2月龄普通级新西兰兔16只,分组单笼饲养。从自然感染的肝脏中收集斯氏艾美耳球虫卵囊,培养孢子化,孢子化的卵囊1.0×105个/mL,3mL孢子化卵囊口服感染新西兰兔,建立兔斯氏艾美耳球虫感染模型,并对感染1个月后的新西兰兔的肝脏、十二指肠进行病理学观察比较。结果显示:斯氏艾美耳球虫对新西兰兔部分致病性观察发现,新西兰兔在感染后出现明显的临床症状,严重制约了其生长发育。形态学观察发现肝脏感染严重,表面布满白色结节,胆囊中胆汁浓稠,颜色呈金黄色,而十二指肠虽未感染球虫,却也有较显著的病变。病理学观察发现肝脏中存在大量斯氏艾美耳球虫,十二指肠中不存在球虫,但组织结构亦被破坏,十二指肠绒毛遭到严重破坏。结果表明:本试验成功建立了兔斯氏艾美耳球虫感染模型。  相似文献   

寄生于鸡的艾美球虫,国内已发现的有9种。以往认为危害养鸡业严重的是寄生于鸡盲肠粘膜的柔嫩艾美球虫和寄生于小肠中段的毒害艾美球虫。毒害艾美球虫多发生于龄期较大的鸡,所以对肉仔鸡危害较小。但近几年笔者在技术咨询服务时,经剖检大量病、死鸡发现一种寄生于十二指肠和小肠大部肠管的球虫,查阅有关文献和有关报道认为上述流行于龄期较小肉仔鸡的慢性小肠球虫病是由堆型艾美球虫和巨型艾美球虫感染引起的。该病对肉仔鸡危害极大:一是因该病几乎无死亡率,所以不引起禽主的注意。二是感染天龄小,对肉仔鸡危害大。据剖检发现感染最…  相似文献   

幼隼球虫病是由原生动物门的球虫所引起的一种寄生原虫病,病原为艾美耳属的7种球虫,其中危害最大的有两种:柔嫩艾美耳球虫和毒害艾美耳球虫,前者寄生于盲肠中,后者寄生于小肠黏膜中。在临床上往往是多种球虫混合感染。球虫寄生于肠上皮细胞内,球虫卵囊随病幼隼粪便排出体外,在温暖和潮湿的环境里,卵囊经1~3d发育成具有感染性的孢子化卵囊,内含成熟的子孢子。  相似文献   

球虫病是由孢子虫纲、球虫目、艾美耳科中的各种球虫引起的一种原虫病。球虫主要有2个属———艾美耳属和等孢子属。艾美耳属广泛寄生于家禽和家畜,孢子属常寄生于人、犬和猫及其它肉食兽中。目前公认的侵袭鸡消化道的艾美耳球虫共有9种,而危害较严重的有6种,它们是柔嫩艾美耳球虫、毒害艾美耳球虫、波氏艾美耳球虫、堆型艾美耳球虫、变位艾美耳球虫、巨型艾美耳球虫;另3种分别是哈氏艾美耳球虫、和缓艾美耳球虫和早熟艾美耳球虫。鸡的9种球虫除柔嫩艾美耳球虫寄生于盲肠外,其余均寄生于小肠内。鸡球虫的发育史需经过裂殖生殖、配…  相似文献   

黄艾美耳球虫大配子体发育及卵囊壁形成超微结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄艾美耳球虫大配子的发育在盲肠和结肠腺上皮中的带虫空泡内进行。大配子发育过程中出现两种成囊颗粒(WFBI和WFBⅡ),且WFBⅡ先于WFBⅠ出现。其带虫空泡内有被膜空泡存在。作者观察到了被膜空泡从虫体表面脱落的现象。此外,还发现一例大配子体在宿主细胞核中发育的现象。成熟的大配子受精后,囊被开始形成。卵囊形成的标志是大配子两层膜(m1,m2)松弛,WFBⅠ迁移到两层膜松弛后留下的空隙内,崩解并融合形  相似文献   

肠艾美耳球虫配子生殖与病理变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用单个肠艾美耳球虫Eimeria intestimalis Cheissin 1984卵囊感染无球虫兔,获得纯种进行研究。1.肠艾美耳球虫的配子生殖阶段寄生于空肠和回肠,此时宿主组织有较严重病变。12指肠、结肠和盲肠未见虫体,但在感染后264小时见盲肠的个别绒毛内有1~3个配子体,可能属偶然现象。2.感染后180小时发现极少数早期配子体,感染后192小时出现少量配子体寄生在空肠和回肠的绒毛和腺上皮细胞内,感染后216至264小时,绒毛上皮和腺上皮细胞内多为配子体、合子和卵囊所取代。感染后216小时出现极少量卵囊,264小时则见有大量卵囊。3.感染开始时(感染后61~73小时),回肠、空肠绒毛上皮正常;腺上皮细胞出现少量滋养体和裂殖体。96至192小时后,肠绒毛上皮和腺上皮受侵害程度渐趋严重,肠绒毛变矮,绒毛上皮及腺上皮细胞肿大变空,细胞核消失。许多腺泡塌陷。感染后216~264小时,肠绒毛受侵害最为严重,空肠和回肠绒毛萎缩或消失,变为一层矮柱或立方形上皮细胞或全无上皮细胞覆盖的绒毛。固有层均质红染,或颗粒状。肠腺塌陷,数量减少,大小不一。腺腔内见有配子体、合子或卵囊残留,部分腺泡上皮细胞再生,细胞核增生成堆。12指肠、盲肠和结肠正常。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of immune cells in the endometrium of anoestrous female pigs, five sows in anoestrus by lactation and five pre-pubertal gilts (Swedish Landrace x Swedish Yorkshire). Uterine samples, taken immediately after slaughter, were fixed, embedded in plastic resin and stained with toluidine blue or cryo fixed and stored in a freezer at -70 degrees C until analysed by immunohistochemistry with an avidin-biotin peroxidase method. Immune cells in the surface (luminal) and the glandular epithelium as well as the subepithelial and the glandular connective tissue layers were counted using light microscopy. In the surface (luminal) and the glandular epithelia of gilts and sows, lymphocytes were the predominant immune cells found. There were no significant differences between gilts and sows. Macrophages were detected in the glandular epithelium of sows but not in gilts. In the subepithelial and the glandular connective tissue layers of both gilts and sows, lymphocytes were also the most common immune cells found. The numbers of lymphocytes and macrophages were significantly higher in the sows than in the gilts (p 相似文献   

To clarify the functions of the equine guttural pouch, the distribution of various immunoglobulin isotypes and subisotypes in the guttural pouch mucosa were examined in healthy horses. IgGa was present in the mucosa of guttural pouch, mucosal lymph nodules and submucosal lymph nodules. IgM was scattered in the mucosal lymph nodules and in the germinal centers of the submucosal lymph nodules. IgGc was recognized only in the submucosal lymph nodules. These immunoglobulin isotypes and subisotypes were found in lymphocytes and plasma cells. On the other hand, IgA was detected in glandular epithelial cells and the surface layer of the mucosal epithelium, as well as in free cells. This finding suggests that IgA is secreted through the glandular epithelium. Based on the above findings, we conclude that the guttural pouch has phylactic ability.  相似文献   

The microstructural and ultrastructural features of the equine lingual tonsil were studied in five young horses. Located at the root of the tongue it presented an irregular surface with rounded elevations, numerous folds and crypts. Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium lining its outer surface was modified by heavy infiltration of lymphoid cells to form reticular epithelium within the crypt. The latter implies a role in initiating and maintaining immune responses to incoming infectious agents and antigens. Lamellated structures resembling Hassall's corpuscle were observed towards the outer surface epithelium. Microplicae were visible by scanning electron microscopy on the surface of both the outer and reticular epithelia. No microvillus cells resembling M cells were observed. The stratum superficiale of the reticular epithelium showed strong affinity for Soybean (SBA), Phosphocarpus tetragonolobus 1 (WBA 1), Ulex europaeus (UEA) and Griffonia simplicifolia 1 isolectin-B4 (GS1-B4). The characteristic lectin binding patterns may be useful for embryological and microbiological investigations. Vimentin filaments were not detected consistent with absence of M cells. Mucus glandular acini in the deeper lamina propria mucosae contained glycogen, acidic, neutral and weakly sulphated mucopolysaccharides. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the layers of the outer surface and reticular epithelia shared characteristic features except the stratum superficiale, which had nuclei of varying shapes and an abundance of cell organelles. A few mast cells with electron lucent granules and myelinated nerve fibres were localized in the deeper portion.  相似文献   

The intestinal tracts of twenty inbred SPF rats (LEW, BN, WKY, DA) and six wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout 1769) were investigated for mycoplasmas. Cultivation was in three different media. Mycoplasmas were not isolated from the intestine of the inbred SPF rats but were found in the epithelia and contents of caecum, colon and jejunum as well as in fecal samples of all of the wild Norway rats investigated. The mycoplasmas isolated all belonged to the same species, and were identified as Mycoplasma moatsii, originally isolated from grivit monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) and thought to be specific for this host.  相似文献   

This study describes the distribution of vimentin, desmin, smooth muscle actin (SMA) and laminin in the oviduct of the immature and mature Japanese quail. The cytoskeletal proteins vimentin, desmin and SMA have been shown to be involved in cellular support, differentiation, migration and contractility. Laminin is a major component of basement membranes. Luminal epithelia in the infundibular and magnal regions of immature and mature birds exhibited strong vimentin immunoreactivity. Luminal epithelial cells exhibiting strong vimentin immunoreactivity were present in the isthmus and shell gland regions of only mature quails. Infundibular glandular grooves displayed strong vimentin immunostaining. In contrast, the glandular epithelia of the magnum, isthmus and shell gland were vimentin immunonegative. Fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells in the lamina propria of the oviductal regions studied exhibited strong vimentin immunostaining. Smooth muscle cells forming the tunica muscularis and vascular tunica media displayed strong desmin and SMA immunostaining. Strong laminin immunostaining was demonstrated in the basement membranes associated with smooth muscle cells, as well as in the basement membranes underlying the luminal and glandular epithelia. In conclusion, this study has shown that the immunolocalization of desmin, SMA and laminin in the oviduct of the Japanese quail is similar to that in the domestic fowl. However, differences in the immunoexpression of vimentin in the LE of the two avian species were shown to exist. In addition, the study has shown that the immunolocalization of vimentin in the Japanese quail varies depending on the oviductal region, as well as the developmental stage of the oviduct.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the hydrophobicity of the luminal surface of the equine stomach and to elucidate the ultrastructure of the lining imparting that property. Gastric and duodenal mucosal samples from 5 horses were collected immediately after euthanasia and subjected to surface contact angle measurement using a goniometer. Gastric mucosal samples from 4 horses and a foal were examined by electron microscopy following a fixation procedure known to preserve phospholipids and oligolamellar structures. Contact angles for the equine gastric glandular mucosal surface (mean +/- s.e. 78.0 +/- 11.0 degrees) were greater than for the duodenum (33.4 +/- 8.7 degrees), (P = 0.003). The contact angles for gastric squamous tissue (50.4 +/- 4.5 degrees) tended to be greater than for duodenum (P = 0.15). Electron microscopy revealed the existence of surfactant as abundant osmiophilic phospholipid material within both squamous and glandular gastric mucosae. These results indicate the hydrophobic nature of the equine gastric mucosae. We propose that the water-repellent nature of the stomach contributes to the 'gastric mucosal barrier' and is imparted by surface-active phospholipid adsorbed to the surface. Phospholipids may also be utilised as a physical barrier to back-diffusion of acid by lining intracellular canaliculi and oxyntic ducts where other defence mechanisms are absent.  相似文献   

Mast cells in the equine respiratory mucosa were studied at both light--and transmission electron--microscope levels. Mast cells were identified at all levels of the tract, with the greatest cell density in the nasopharynx. The majority (57 to 94 per cent) of this cell population were located within the connective tissue of the lamina propria. Up to 20 per cent of these cells were associated with the mucosal glandular tissue, whilst small numbers were present within the surface epithelium and in association with nodular lymphoid tissue. In the peripheral lung tissue 20 per cent of the mast cell population was associated with the small airways, 25 per cent with the pleura, and 32 per cent with blood vessels. The fine and ultrastructural features of these mast cells resemble those described in other species, and their granules consist of two types which resemble human mast cells.  相似文献   

双峰驼胃组织学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
双峰驼胃分为前胃和皱胃。前胃分2室,第一室有前、后2个腺囊区,第二室只有1个腺囊区。胃壁由粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜构成。3个腺囊区的结构类似,均由界限明显的有腺部和无腺部组成,有腺部的腺体类似牛、羊的贲门腺。第一室非腺囊区、贲门、第二室食道沟及3个腺囊区的无腺部结构类似,其粘膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,表层细胞角化。皱胃分贲门腺、胃底腺和幽门腺3个腺体区,与牛、羊相应的腺体类似  相似文献   

Growth factors are important in healing and restoration of injured gastrointestinal tissues and, therefore, we characterised temporally the distribution and density of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) in normal and peptic-injured gastric squamous epithelium of horses. Lesions were induced in the equine gastric squamous epithelium using a feed deprivation protocol that results in prolonged increased gastric acidity. Fifteen mature horses, 9 geldings and 6 mares, age 3 to 20 years, were used and divided into 3 groups: Group 1 (n = 5) were subjected to euthanasia for problems unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract and had normal-appearing gastric squamous mucosal epithelium; Groups 2 (n = 5) and 3 (n = 5) had lesions induced in the gastric squamous epithelium by alternating 24 h periods of feed deprivation and ad libitum access to hay, for a total of 48 h and 96 h, respectively. Following lethal injection of a barbiturate, stomachs were removed and fixed by filling with 4- 6 l 10% buffered formalin. Sections were made from normal stomachs and lesions in the gastric squamous epithelium adjacent to the margo plicatus along the right side of the stomach/greater curvature and the lesser curvature. A modified avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique was used to stain the formalin-fixed tissue specimens for EGFr. A computerised image analysis system was used to measure area occupied by EGFr (EGFr area) and mean EGFr density in 4 zones within the epithelium extending from the basal cell layers toward the lumen. Measurements were made of epithelium in an erosion bed, at the margin of an ulcer or erosion, and 10-15 mm distant from the lesion margin. Additionally, EGFr area and density were measured in epithelial cells adjacent to capillaries in the epithelium. Intermittent feed deprivation resulted in erosion and ulceration of the gastric squamous epithelium of each horse. Mean EGFr area and density were greatest (P<0.05) in the basal layer of epithelia from all horses, and EGFr staining diminished progressively toward the lumen. Tissues from Group 3 had significantly greater EGFr area in the lesion margin than epithelia from Group 2. EGFr density was less in the epithelia of erosion beds from Groups 2 and 3 compared to normal epithelium, and EGFr area in Group 2 erosion bed epithelia was significantly less than in normal epithelium and epithelia of Group 3. EGFr area in cells adjacent to epithelial capillaries of Group 3 was significantly greater than that of Group 1. Mitotic cell activity was significantly greater in epithelia associated with ulcers and erosions in Groups 2 and 3 compared to normal tissues from Group 1 horses. Staining for EGFr in the glandular mucosa adjacent to squamous epithelium at the margo plicatus was inconsistent and typically faint when present. EGFr distribution in equine gastric squamous epithelium was greatest in regions of greatest cell proliferation, and these areas were in the basal layers of epithelium and immediately adjacent to capillaries. There was evidence that EGFr is induced in peptic-injured equine gastric squamous epithelium. A receptor ligand, EGF or transforming growth factoralpha, may be a factor in healing of gastric squamous mucosal ulcers in horses. Further research should be directed at identifying this ligand and determining its origin in equine gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

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