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鲤鱼脑垂体是鱼类人工繁殖中广泛使用的一种催产剂,其活体具有分秘促性腺激素的功能,主要为促卵泡激素和促黄体激素。利用其激素物质注射到亲鱼体内,可促使亲鱼产卵,达到繁殖的目的。  相似文献   

近七年来,农村经济体制改革推动了淡水养殖业的发展,全国使用各类鱼用催产剂(如绒膜激素,促黄体素释放激素类似物,鱼垂体等)对经济鱼类进行催产,据初步调查,各地在催产亲鱼时,因操作不当和机械损伤引起的炎症、产后体弱、未产雌亲鱼卵子膨胀、雄亲鱼流精过多、激素用量不当等原因,使亲鱼产后死亡率不断增高,一般为10-30%,有的竟高达80%以上,  相似文献   

作者采用自然海区的海捕亲鱼,进行室内水泥池、虾塘及海上网箱等强化培育并进行产卵、孵化等初步试验。结果表明,海上网箱培育的亲鱼体质健壮。经催产能自然产卵,孵化率高达82.5%。室内水泥池培育的亲鱼能产卵但体质差,易发病,孵化率低,仅为35.8%,虾塘培育的亲鱼成活率低。成活的性腺发育不好,经催产不能产卵。  相似文献   

外源激素对大黄鱼的催产效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
严正凛 《水产学报》1999,23(2):202-205
大黄鱼(PseudosciaenacroceaRichardson)人工苗种生产中,所使用的一般是经过人工养殖、强化促熟的亲鱼。这种亲鱼需要用外源激素进行人工催产才能产卵。然而,经催产的成熟亲鱼经常出现有时产卵率高,有时产卵率低,有时甚至因滞产而死亡的情况,其产卵效果很不稳定,因而不利于生产。有关外源激素对大黄鱼催产效果的研究,目前尚未见报道。笔者在大黄鱼育苗生产实践中发现,人工催产的成熟亲鱼出现上述情况,除了环境条件,主要与外源激素的种类及剂量等因素有关。本文主要介绍这一试验结果,并就激素对卵巢的成熟、排…  相似文献   

亲鱼难产的主要原因:①亲鱼培育池水中含氧量低,尤其是催产前15-20天,含氧量应不低于3毫克/升。②催产亲鱼选择不当,催产不适时,产卵生态环境不适宜。③催产激素剂量过大,超过常规用量几倍。④催产亲鱼受伤严重。⑤催产水温偏高,超过30℃以上。  相似文献   

叶素兰 《内陆水产》2002,27(8):16-17
青鱼,俗名螺丝春、黑鲩、青鲩,系中下层鱼类,以底栖软体动物为主要食物,为四大家鱼之一。青鱼的人繁难度远大于其它家鱼。鲢鱼、鳙鱼、草鱼经人工催产能自然产卵、自然受精,且催产率可达96%以上。而青鱼自然产卵的概率很低,自然受精率在50%~60%。笔者多年从事青鱼人工繁殖,根据多年经验认为青鱼的人繁须重视以下几个关键环节。1重视亲鱼的种质青鱼为四大家鱼之一,其主要分布在长江、珠江及黑龙江流域,5龄左右性成熟。人工繁殖青亲鱼最好选长江中下游3~4龄的成鱼,以避免近亲繁殖;没有条件的繁育场也可根据自身条件…  相似文献   

余丰 《水利渔业》2006,26(3):72-72
在生产实践中发现引起催产亲鱼死亡的主要原因有2个方面:一是亲鱼在产卵生殖过程中体力消耗大,加上催产药物的副作用,使亲鱼机体抵抗能力下降。如果鱼体受伤严重.各种病原体会趁机侵染鱼体,引发疾病,导致亲鱼死亡;二是亲鱼的体质差。性腺发育状况欠佳。或是催产时水温变化幅度较大,以及催产药物的使用剂量不当(剂量过高或过低),亲鱼不能正常产卵或发生难产.并由此引起自身生理活动失调而死亡。  相似文献   

要做好草鲢鱼人工繁殖工作,首先要把亲鱼培育搞好。有了精心培育的性成熟良好的亲鱼,还必须进行人工催产,才能使亲鱼产卵、排精,而后孵化出鱼苗。在催产过程中需要注意两个问题,即抓住催产时间和正确使用催产剂的种类和剂量。我省一般在6月下旬至7月上旬这段时间内催产为宜,在这个时间内,  相似文献   

大黄鱼人工繁殖和育苗技术要点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
游岚 《水产科技情报》1997,24(6):263-264
大黄鱼是我国东、黄海及南海的主要经济鱼类,因资源严重衰退,福建省闽东水产研究所和宁德地区水产技术推广站于1985年承担了《大黄鱼人工繁殖及育苗技术研究》课题,目前已取得较为成熟的工厂化育苗经验。其技术要点亲鱼选择2龄以上,体重超过500g,先在海水网箱中培育,12月份移入室内水泥池越冬,采取控光、升温、注微微量激素促熟等措施,可使产卵季节提前;催产剂用LRH-A,剂量为50-100μg/kg;苗种  相似文献   

唐文联 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(2):12-12
减少催产亲鱼的死亡,是鱼苗生产者一项重要的技术工作。在生产实践中笔者发现,引起催产亲鱼死亡的主要因素有两个方面,一是亲鱼在产卵生殖过程中体能消耗很大,加上催产药物的副作用,使亲鱼肌体抵抗能力下降,如果亲鱼受伤严重,各种病原体会趁机侵染鱼体,引发疾病,导致亲鱼死亡;二是亲鱼的体质差,或  相似文献   

The effects of intraperitoneal injections of [D-Ala6, Pro9-N-ethylaminde]-luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH-A) and pimozide (PIM), a dopamine receptor antagonist, on ovulation in loach were investigated. LHRH-A and PIM administered separately were ineffective in inducing ovulation. However, injections of PIM and LHRH-A simultaneously or the injection of PIM 2.5–3 h prior to LHRH-A were highly effective means of inducing ovulation. The simultaneous injection of PIM (1.0 μg/g body wt) and LHRH-A (0.05 μg/g body wt) resulted in a greater ovulatory response than injection of carp pituitary extract (1 pituitary/fish).  相似文献   

温海深 《水产学报》2001,25(5):393-397
以珠江流域鲇为研究对象,分别在性腺发育早期、性腺发育晚期、性腺发育成熟与产卵前期、性腺退化期注射促黄体素释放激素类似物和多巴胺D2受体拮抗物,处理后6h、12h、24h测定血液中的促性腺激素水平变化。结果表明,在性腺发育的各个时期,促黄体素释放激素类似物和多巴胺D2受体拮抗物联合注射能显著剂激鲇促性腺激素分泌;鲇脑垂体促性腺激素的分泌受下丘脑释放的促性腺素释放激素和多巴胺的双重调节,多巴胺只能抑制促性腺素释放激素诱导的促性腺激素分泌。在建立鲇人工繁殖技术时,可采用促黄体素释放激素类似物和多巴胺D2受体拮抗物联合注射方法。  相似文献   

为了探讨在古老的软骨硬鳞鱼中促性腺激素(GtH)的双重内分泌调节作用,本实验设计用离体灌流的方法研究促黄体素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A)和多巴胺(DA)对施氏鲟脑垂体碎片分泌GtH的影响。引入10、100和1 000 nmol/L 3个浓度的LHRH-A对施氏鲟脑垂体碎片3次脉冲式刺激实验;每次间隔1 h,持续5 min,研究不同剂量LHRH-A对鲟鱼脑垂体释放GtH的作用;用200 nmol/L DA对施氏鲟脑垂体碎片持续2 h灌流后引入5 min的1 000nmol/L LHRH-A刺激实验,研究DA如何抑制鲟鱼脑垂体释放GtH。每5 min收集一管灌流液,用放射免疫测定法(RIA)检测灌流液中GtH的含量。结果显示,低剂量LHRH-A随着刺激引入脑垂体释放GtH出现波浪式的增加,中、高剂量出现释放延后现象。LHRH-A在10nmol/L到1 000 nmol/L范围内对刺激脑垂体释放GtH没有剂量依存关系。DA对施氏鲟脑垂体碎片GtH的分泌没有显著影响,但是可以抑制LHRH-A引起的GtH分泌,即DA不能抑制施氏鲟GtH的基础分泌,而只能抑制LHRH-A诱导的GtH分泌。研究结果证明,在高等硬骨鱼类中存在的双重神经内分泌调节在古老的鲟鱼中也存在。  相似文献   

Artificial propagation of Monopterus albus (Zuiew) was conducted during their spawning season in the present study. Different doses of luteinizing-hormone-releasing-hormone analogue (LHRH-A) were tested for inducing the ovulation of brood females. No significant difference was found in the degree-hours and fertilization rates between three different doses (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 μg LHRH-A g-1 fish). A fertilization solution of 0.3% NaCl produced significantly higher fertilization rates than the other three solutions (0.5% NaCl, 0.65% NaCl and water). Fertilization times ranging from 5 to 2 0 min gave no significant difference in the fertilization rates. The embryonic and larval development of M. albus was observed and illustrated. The hatching time of eggs of M. albus was about 140 h in the 28-3 0oC water temperature range. Using Tubifex spp. for the first food for the larval nursery gave higher growth rate than two other foods, zooplankton and artificial food.  相似文献   

The effects of a single injection of mammalian superactive analogue [d ‐Ser(tBu)6,Pro9‐NEt]‐LHRHa (20 μg/ kg?1) combined with the dopamine antagonist, haloperidol (HAL, 0.5 mg kg?1), for induction of ovulation in the koi carp broodstocks were determined under routine hatchery conditions. The results were compared with classic carp pituitary extract (CPE, double injection) application (water temperature 22 °C). Physiological saline (0.7% NaCl)‐injected fish were used as a control group and no ovulation occurred in this group. The spawning ratio was high in the LHRHa+HAL treatment group and in the CPE treatment group (6/7 and 5/7 respectively). The latency period was 14–16 h in the LHRHa+HAL treatment group and 12–14 h in the CPE treatment group (after the second injection). There was no difference between the two ovulating groups with respect to the spawning index (the weight of eggs as a percentage of female body weight) and fertilization rate of eggs (P>0.05). As a result, ovulation can be induced successfully in koi carp broodstocks with 20 μg kg?1 [d ‐Ser(tBu)6,Pro9‐NEt]‐LHRHa+0.5 mg kg?1 HAL treatment in a single injection without decreasing the egg quality. Application of this combination can be useful for hatchery and broodstock management in koi carp culture.  相似文献   

草鱼、鲢鱼催产前后血液中促性腺激素含量的变动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用放射免疫测定法,研究了草鱼、鲢鱼催产前后血液中GTH含量的变化。催产后草鱼、鲢鱼血液中GTH的含量增加到“排卵阈值”水平,也就是比产卵前增加30-40倍,产卵活动才能实现。由此阐述了鱼类也象其他脊椎动物一样,存在着丘脑下部——垂体——性腺系统的调节机制。  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀生殖洄游期性腺发育特点及人工繁殖的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1996~1998年,作者从长江下游扬中段采捕暗纹东方鱼屯亲鱼,经暂养促熟处理(微流水刺激、投喂鲜活饵料、不定期注射适量的LHRH-A2),雌鱼的性腺可发育到Ⅳ期末,对外源激素能引起正常的排卵反应。同时观察了Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期性腺发育的特点。催产药物为LHRH-A2和PG,三针注射,雌鱼剂量为35mgPG+60μgLHRH-A2/kg,雄鱼剂量减半。在水温18~22℃的条件下,效应时间为10~36小时;在21~22℃时,胚胎发育时间为139~210小时。1997~1998年的平均受精率为834%,平均孵化率为780%。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼人工繁殖及鱼苗培育试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以鲜鱼虾肉、自制配合料为饵料,在室内和室外水泥池内进行黄颡鱼亲鱼培育;采用DOM、PG、LHRH-A2、HCG不同剂量组合进行人工催产;采用静水和微流水两种方法进行孵化。在孵化网箱内进行鱼苗培育。结果表明:黄颡鱼亲鱼喜食新鲜饵料,也易驯食配合饲料,室内和室外人工条件下均能获得成熟亲鱼;用DOM+HGG+LHRH-A2或PG+HCG+LHRH-A2的混合剂人工催产,微流水孵化效果较好,催产率为50%-1005,受精率为60%-90%,孵化率达70%-90%;小网箱培育鱼苗,成活率高,规格整齐。  相似文献   

The study encompasses three reproduction seasons. Tench spawners caught during the spawning season originated from carp ponds (domestic stock) and a lake (wild stock). Fish were reproduced under controlled conditions after hormonal stimulation with GnRHa-containing pellets combined with metoclopramide (Ovopel) or carp pituitary homogenate (CPH). As a result of hormonal stimulation, eggs were obtained from a larger number of females originating from the lake (71.7%) than those originating from the pond (58.3%), although no other statistical differences were found. A similar relationship was recorded for the spermatozoa motilities (range from 72 to 76%). The obtained results indicate that both investigated reservoirs are suitable for tench broodstock management due to the fact that synchronization of ovulation among different stocks is easy to achieve. For this purpose, among the tested spawning agents, Ovopel could be recommended as being slightly more effective.  相似文献   

The results of reproduction of females from Lithuanian strain B carp after ovulation stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH; 0.3+2.7 mg kg?1; group I), Ovopel (1/5+1 pellet kg?1; group II) or [d ‐Tle6, ProNHEt9] GnRH‐a (Lecirelin) with metoclopramide (15 μg kg?1+10 mg kg?1 respectively; group III) were investigated. The lowest percentage of spawning females (71%) was recorded in the group treated with CPH. In case of Ovopel or Lecirelin induced ovulation, 86% of females spawned. No statistically significant effect of the ovulation stimulator (group) on the weight of eggs was found; however, the highest mean weight of eggs (expressed both in grams and in the percentage of female body weight) was recorded for the group treated with Ovopel (1400 g and 13%). After the treatment with CPH or Lecirelin, the weight of eggs was 1140 g (11%) and 1100 g (10%) respectively. The ovulation stimulator significantly affected the percentage of live embryos after 36 and 48 h incubation of eggs (P≤0.05; P≤0.01). After treatment with [d ‐Tle6, ProNHEt9] GnRH‐a, eggs of the best quality were obtained and after 36 and 48 h incubation the mean percentages of live embryos were significantly higher than the means calculated for the remaining two groups. No statistically significant differences were found between the percentage of living embryos after 36 and 48 h incubation of groups I and II.  相似文献   

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