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永泰涂柿栽培技术与脱涩工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永泰涂柿为落叶乔木,耐寒、耐旱、耐湿、喜温、喜光,怕积水、不耐荫。果近卵形,果皮光滑油亮,单果、质量60~90g。雌花单性结实力强,成为无核或少核果实,萼片紧贴果面,果肩平,脐部稍尖突,果皮成熟前呈墨绿色,成熟后呈橙黄色。9月下旬成熟。经脱涩处理后,果肉呈淡黄色,去皮后的果肉有晶莹透明的糖状物析出,入口有粉沙状感觉,香味浓郁,果肉清脆甘甜,并有大小不一的红褐色斑。  相似文献   

5月中旬开始,上海果市在郊区甜瓜一个接一个上市高峰的簇拥下,再加之丰亡果、樱桃番茄、桑葚、枇杷、樱桃、油桃、荔枝等时令鲜果争先上市的氛围中,喜气洋洋,销售一派火热,成交量有一定增长,销售额上升明显。5月受上海郊区地产甜瓜上市的拉动,果市销量逐渐增加。最典型的上海山华果品市场、上海农产品中心批发市场等地受益于甜瓜销售,销量比上月增长2%。上海果品配送有限公司、上海果王食品有限公司等配送企业也是生意兴隆。加之海南、云南、山东等地西瓜,福建、浙江、江苏、四川等地枇杷,海南荔枝,以及福建、浙江等地杨梅,山东樱桃,新疆哈密瓜等放量上市,活跃了果市气氛,  相似文献   

原料:桑椹10克,猪肝250克,鸡蛋清2个,熟地、杞子、桑椹酒、炒女贞子、姜片各10克,熟鸡肉8克,车前子、菟丝子、肉苁蓉各6克,胡椒粉、鸡精各1克,葱节15克,上汤700毫升。制作:熟地、桑椹、女贞子、肉苁蓉、菟丝子、车前子烘干研成细末,枸杞子温水泡发;猪肝去白筋,洗净,用刀背捶成茸,盛入碗中,加清水150毫升调匀,  相似文献   

本中心新育成的中熟白菜一代杂种,生长期75天,比北京新三号提前上市5-7天,整齐度高,叶面稍皱,开展度较小,叶球中桩叠抱,后期壮心速度陕,紧实,单球净重4kg左右。抗三大病害,口感佳,品质优,耐贮运,667m^2(1亩)产净菜7000-8000kg。适于北京、河北、天津、辽宁、吉林、内蒙古、山东、新疆等地种植。华北地区立秋前后3—4天播种,行距60cm,株距40cm,667m^2(1亩)种植2600株左右。  相似文献   

丰源3号 中早熟长尖椒,具有5大优势:果长、味辣、抗病、前后期挂果均多、高抗病毒病及疫病等。商品性好,市场售价高。苗高68cm左右,开展度65cm左右,分枝强,结果密,果长20-27cm,粗1.7cm左右,绿色,顺直、光亮、美观,味强辣浓香,在嗜辣地区卖相好,可鲜食和加工制酱等,具有早熟又丰产、结果早、挂果多、  相似文献   

罗芒生 《花卉》2010,(5):8-9
有些花木到达开花期但只长叶不开花或开花很少。 一、施肥不当。营养比例失调。如氮肥过多,营养生长优势强,枝叶徒长,生殖生长受到抑制,花器官难以形成,或发育不良,所以,不开花或少开花,花质差。必须及时调整施肥比例,控制氮肥用量,增施磷、钾肥。用速效磷、钾肥浇施,施草木灰、过磷酸钙。  相似文献   

王松花 《中国园艺文摘》2009,25(10):102-102
洋扁豆是江苏省启海地区著名的具有地方特色的豆类蔬菜作物,鲜籽粒皮薄粒大,肉质细腻,酥糯爽口,营养丰富,吃法多样,炒、煮、煨汤均可,风味极佳,深受消费者的青睐。还可速冻保鲜,在元旦、春节等节假日投放市场,销售前景十分广阔。近年来,通过对洋扁豆的生产特点、生产环境、种植模式、肥料运筹、病虫防治等进行试验研究,总结出高产栽培技术,  相似文献   

6月气温不高.光照不足,水果甜度降低,制约了销售,销量不多,但价格高于往年。由于上海世博会,6月樱桃、蓝莓、丰亡果等高价水果上市数量虽增多,但价格未降。枇杷、荔枝、杨梅、杏、番木瓜、李等果品情况也如此。本应5月起进入上市高峰的甜瓜和6月初起进入旺市期的西瓜,因天气原因,上市推迟,6月西甜瓜集中上市。  相似文献   

兑宝峰 《花卉》2008,(7):28-28
一、遍地黄金,植株低矮,株型紧凑,茎、叶均为黄色,犹如金黄色的地毯铺在地上。习性强健,管理粗放,除做地被植物外,也可用于屋顶花园的绿化,具有良好的隔音、隔热效果,还可盆栽布置会场、花坛和园林景观的镶边。  相似文献   

蕨菜为蕨科多年生草本植物,是长白山区主要山野菜之一。可炒食、蘸酱、拌凉菜、淹制朝鲜族成菜,也可保鲜、晒干和盐渍常年食用。脆嫩甘甜、清香浓郁、风味独特、营养丰富。据测定每100g鲜蕨菜中含水分86.23g,蛋白质1.6g,脂肪0.4g,碳水化合物10g,粗纤维1.3g,钙24mg,磷29mg,铁6.7mg,胡萝卜素1.7mg,热量209340J。  相似文献   

The endocarp of pecan is hard to split before the seed germinates. Little is known about the tissue involved in splitting and if seed germination and dormancy affect the process. The endocarp usually splits along the suture when the seed germinates, but may split in other places when dry seeds are pressured. Regardless of the loading direction and the strength, the endocarp does not crack along the suture. We investigated the structure of the suture region of the endocarp using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and evaluated whether water in the endocarp affects the bonding force of the suture and germination. Six main types of cells were identified. The endocarp consists of isodiametric sclereids, flat sclereids and crenated oblatoid cork cells. Vascular bundles, ellipsoidal sclereids and dumbbell- or kidney-shaped sclereids are found close to the suture. Ellipsoidal sclereids arranged alternately strengthen the region adjacent to the suture, and ensure that the endocarp cracks precisely along the suture when the seed germinates. The two edges of carpels are bonded together by secondary metabolites and this bond is broken by water necessary for germination. Identification of the metabolites, which can be affected by the moisture content, may reduce natural cracking before or after harvest in commercial orchards.  相似文献   

为研究核桃内果皮硬化主要涉及的生物过程及生长素在硬化过程中的作用,以'新露'核桃为研究试材,形态学观察及木质素沉积分析表明,内果皮硬化与其表面维管束分布具有密切关系,靠近维管组织附近的内果皮硬化先于远离维管的区域.IAA含量在内果皮硬化过程中呈V字形变化;IAA在5个时期平均含量最高(16.467 ng·g-1),约为...  相似文献   


Changes in cellulose content and the accumulation of PpCesA1 mRNA, putatively encoding the catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase (CesA), were analysed in endocarp and mesocarp during endocarp hardening in peach fruit. The cellulose content of the endocarp was undetectable or very low [< 0.1 mg g–1 fresh weight (FW) of endocarp] until 48 d after full bloom (DAFB), but began to increase rapidly at 55 DAFB, when the endocarp had attained its maximum size, and reached 4.4 mg g–1 FW of endocarp at 85 DAFB. In contrast, the cellulose content of the mesocarp reached a detectable level (1.5 mg g–1 FW of mesocarp) at 34 DAFB, stayed at this level until 85 DAFB, but then was lower at 107 DAFB. PpCesA1 mRNA was detected in the endocarp throughout the hardening, but was undetectable in the mesocarp. It is suggested that PpCesA1 has a role in the rapid synthesis of cellulose in the secondary cell walls of endocarp tissue during hardening.  相似文献   

桃果实维管束的分布及解剖研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 为了解桃果实输导组织分布及结构特征, 以‘大久保’桃果实为试材, 观察了维管束系统的分支体系和分布状况, 并用石蜡切片技术对维管束组织的解剖结构进行了系统观察。结果表明, 桃果实中的维管束分为骨干、分支和毛细3级, 其中骨干维管束又分为种胚维管束、内果皮维管束和中果皮维管束(腹维管束、背维管束及分布在内果皮两侧着生于果柄的维管束) , 分别为种仁、内果皮、中果皮的物质运输通道。种胚维管束韧皮部极其发达, 并伴有三生结构; 内果皮中分布的维管束韧皮部发达; 腹维管束、背维管束粗大且分支较多, 兼具发达的韧皮部及木质部。分支维管束和毛细微管束主要分布在中果皮中。毛细维管束的特点是韧皮部处有腔, 腔体随着果实的发育不断扩大。形态和结构上的不同是与其功能相适应的, 由此推测种仁和内果皮发育需要的营养物质以有机营养为主, 中果皮发育需要的营养物质则涵括有机物、无机物、水分。  相似文献   

龙眼果皮发育解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以储良龙眼品种为试材,观察了果皮的解剖结构发育特点。果皮发育早期(花后10d前),细胞体积小,排列紧密,细胞分裂活跃,外果皮有凸起的皱褶结构,有大量的表皮毛分化。果皮发育中期(花后10~52d),细胞体积变大,表皮毛开始脱落,外果皮逐渐平滑,中果皮处有石细胞群和海绵状组织的分化。果实发育后期(花后52d后,假种皮快速膨大阶段),有木栓形成层出现,形成周皮代替表皮起保护作用,随着果实生长,木栓层出现局部破裂。龙眼果皮可划分为外、中、内3层。中外果皮在发生次生木栓化前,由外表皮细胞及其附属物和角质层组成;在形成木栓形成层产生次生结构后,外果皮则由周皮组成。内果皮来源于子房内壁的几层细胞,由一层内表皮细胞和与之紧密相连的几层薄壁细胞组成。中果皮根据其组织特点可进一步分为上中果皮和下中果皮,上中果皮包括石细胞群、外层维管束和外果皮之内的薄壁细胞;下中果皮则主要包括海绵组织和其中的维管束。  相似文献   

In drupe fruits, in addition to fruit size, the proportions of mesocarp and endocarp tissues are critical objectives for fruit quality, crop production and management. The olive fruit is a typical drupe, with cultivars which show a wide range in both fruit size and the proportions of mesocarp and endocarp. Characterizing the roles of tissue and cellular processes in producing genetically based fruit size variability is necessary for crop improvement, as well as deepening our understanding of fruit developmental physiology. This study used microscope image analysis to evaluate cell number and size, the growth of mesocarp and endocarp tissues, and their developmental timing in producing fruit size among six olive cultivars with a large range of fruit size. We found that cultivar mesocarp and endocarp size increased linearly with fruit size, with larger sizes favoring an increasingly greater mesocarp/endocarp ratio. Within the mesocarp, cultivar-based fruit size related directly to cell number and was established soon after bloom by cell division rate. In spite of different cell division rates, all cultivars showed similar timing of cell division activity, with the majority of cells produced in the two months after bloom but, surprisingly, a substantial number of cells formed during the following 6 months. Cell expansion was high throughout fruit growth and an important factor in achieving final fruit size, but cell size did not differ among cultivars at any time. We can conclude that fruit size differences among olive cultivars are due at the tissue level to both mesocarp and endocarp sizes and at the cellular level to cell division throughout fruit growth. Furthermore, since cell size is consistent among cultivars in spite of variable cell division, it is likely that cultivar differences in cell expansion accompany those in cell division.  相似文献   

影响野生杏种子萌发的相关因素研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验以新疆野生杏的单株种子为材料,通过低温层积、机械去壳、去种皮及赤霉素处理等方法,研究不同处理对野生杏种子休眠及萌发的影响.结果表明:野生杏种子经过低温层积处理后,在一定时间内,随着层积时间的延长,发芽率也随之提高;低温层积处理40 d后野生杏种子开始萌发,100 d后发芽率可达90%;野生杏种子的种壳和种皮不同程度的抑制了种子萌发,去除种壳可使种子萌发提前,同时提高其发芽率;未层积的种子在去除种皮后用清水处理24 h,在25℃条件下,种子的萌发率达到80%以上,说明去除种皮能基本解除种子的休眠;一定浓度的GA3对野生杏种子的萌发具有促进作用.6号带壳种子与去壳种子的最适GA3浓度均为100mg/L,发芽率分别为86.7%、100%.而7号带壳种子的最适GA3浓度为300 mg/L,发芽率为70%.  相似文献   

Fruit development was investigated in field and changes in pericarp structure were comparatively studied in over-winter off-season and on-season longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour. cv. Chuliang). The results showed developmental problems including small fruit size, severe fruit cracking and heavy fruit drop in the off-season fruit, although their seed size was not significantly affected compared to the on-season fruit. Anatomical studies showed that off-season longan fruit had a poorly developed pericarp, which was reflected by smaller fresh weight as well as thinner pericarp thickness, thinner spongy tissue, fewer cell layers in the periderm, smaller cell size and fewer cell numbers in the parenchyma tissue at the upper mesocarp, and fewer cell layers in the endocarp. In contrast, the recovery of the sclereids in the mesocarp was higher in the pericarp of the off-season fruit. The poor development of the pericarp in off-season fruit probably caused the small fruit size and severe fruit cracking. It was suggested that the adverse climatic conditions encountered by fruit development in the over-winter off-season longan suppressed cell division and expansion in the pericarp but did not affect sclereid formation.  相似文献   

桃果实缝合线软化过程中内源激素的变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
张雪  刘志民  陈华君  马焕普 《果树学报》2008,25(2):172-177,F0004
为了明确桃果实缝合线过早软化的原因,以大久保桃为试材,利用气质联用和高效液相色谱的方法,对缝合线软化果(障碍果)和正常果的种仁、缝合线处果肉和其它部位果肉中的生长素(IAA)、玉米素(Z)、脱落酸(ABA)、茉莉酸(JA)的浓度进行了测定分析。结果表明,果肉ABA浓度是种仁的8~9倍,并随着果实的发育逐渐增加,接近成熟时达到最高,主要表现出对果肉成熟的调控作用。障碍果中Z的浓度在内果皮硬化初期明显高于正常果,与其缝合线异常生长(凸起)吻合;障碍果种仁的IAA浓度在内果皮硬化初期明显低于正常果,果肉中IAA浓度在内果皮硬化后上升,且障碍果高于正常果,说明IAA对中果皮细胞的扩大与成熟软化起调控作用。JA在种仁中的浓度是果肉的3~6倍,在硬核初期障碍果明显低于正常果,到硬核结束时则高于正常果,推测可能JA与内果皮发育有关。  相似文献   

桃果实内果皮发育过程中糖积累与木质素沉积的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 以中熟桃‘京玉’和‘大久保’果实为材料, 测定桃果实内果皮在细胞分裂和硬核期糖的含量, 分析糖积累的变化情况; 通过间苯三酚—HCl对‘大久保’桃果实内果皮进行染色, 观察木质素沉积的进程; 应用常规戊二醛—锇酸双固定法在透射电镜下观察内果皮细胞壁的发育进程。结果表明, 桃果实内果皮在花后40 d前, 细胞不断分裂增生, 初生细胞壁不断膨大, 糖的积累快速增长, 大约40 d时葡萄糖和果糖的积累量达到最高; 到40 d后, 糖含量及山梨醇代谢迅速下降。此时内果皮开始木质化, 内部逐渐呈现红色, 大约半个月后, 整个内果皮都变红, 木质素从内到外基本沉积完毕, 说明木质素沉积发生在糖积累高峰之后, 糖的大量积累为木质素前体的合成奠定了物质基础, 糖积累量的多少直接影响内果皮发育的好坏。  相似文献   

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